cuando-fingi-quererte · 5 months
Solo basta con abrir los ojos y descubrir que todos vivimos vidas rotas.
— G'
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desorden-en-letras · 2 years
Entre tantos amores, siempre quise que fueras tú.
Eras mi lugar feliz.
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welele · 2 months
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De los miles de memes de la noticia del día, yo os pongo este.
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viejospellejos · 3 months
¿Cuántas vidas le quedan?
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caostalgia · 1 year
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Nosso bem mais precioso é a nossa vida,acho que todos concordam com isso,mas se usar a sua para fazer maldades e machucar seu semelhante,sua vida não valerá nada no final,será como desvalorizar seu maior patrimônio.
Jonas r Cezar
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he comprendido que nuestras metas en la vida son diferentes. aunque tenemos la misma edad, tú sigues estudiando mientras yo ya estoy trabajando y buscando un lugar para independizarme. estoy en un punto en el que busco algo propio, y sé que no puedes ofrecerme eso en este momento.
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bambinamoon · 2 months
Quitarnos el complejo de salvavidas, salva nuestras vidas.
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un-escritor-diceok · 5 days
¿Cuántas vidas no vivimos por miedo a expresar nuestras emociones?
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tiempos-de-desamor · 1 year
Parte de madurar también es aprender a soltar cosas o personas que por más cariño que les tengas, mantenerlos cerca te producen mas infelicidad qué felicidad.
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en algo real
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petrcigarroa · 4 months
Los mensajes no se responden por orden de llegada sino por orden de interés.
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dreamtydraw · 3 months
you know what ? *pick up the cool character from the game with no fandom and no dev anymore* That my oc now. ( little redesign and re appropiations of the deities from for the love of gods )
starting with my babygurl Jasmine.
Her design hasn't change exept for the fact they now have two gold accesories on her arm and I took off her astrelio's collar on her everyday's design because she doesn't have a main relationship.
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okay onto the redesign.
I really like Astraelio's design but I don't like that in comparaison Aurelia looked so human. So I decided to redesign together as a pair ( since they're the first deities of the pantheon and both are opposites ) and changed some little details.
-Lighter and bluer palette because the moon is pale
-Astraelio's sleeve is moon shape and the cape + opening of Aurelia's dress is suppose to be reminiscent of ray of light.
-Made them less human by giving them black eyes
-Gave them matching elements ( forehead decoration, one sleeve decorated the other not, each other's eye color, black under garment )
-Show your knees whores ! In the og game both have scenes where they take bath fully clothed so having the legs open seemed a better idea.
-Made Aurelia's hair light blond to look like a ball of ligh + matching with Astraelio.
-Since they both walk rather than float I gave them no shoes since that would mean the shoes would get dammaged.
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Now on the other pair !!
The fact they were birth twins made me uncomfortable since they both go after the same deity they fell in love with so I decided to change that and make them sibling but not in the normal way, in the "You were born from his brain and you were born from his heart" type of mythology sibling.
I liked that both their ending featured an area with water so decided to keep that on their design.
Now on the bigger change : Vidas is canonly the weakest physicaly so I thought why not choping their arm off as a sign that they were once armed in the past + bonus cool cape.
Both of them use their clothes to slightly hide themself. Eerie use their scarf to hide their face and Vida use their cape to hide their missing arm.
Took of Eerie's chall because I thought it was too many tissues for nothing.
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Now that all ! I personaly don't like Leonidas enought to give him a redesign and Calista is cute as she is so I don't have any particular redesign for her.
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leregirenga · 7 months
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"Podríamos haber vivido todas las vidas del mundo, en cambio vivimos sólo una: la nuestra.
Nunca codicies los zapatos ajenos, los tuyos llevan tu nombre y, lo creas o no, saben a donde llevarte."
~Gabriela Pannia~
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thisgameisaplateaux · 2 months
posiblemente en el futuro, en vez de una presidencia, habrán por ejemplo, tres o cuatro personas que gobernarán, asimismo consejos de ministros y autoridades con fuerte participación de los llamados ciudadanos. modos eficaces se aplicarán para evitar el engolosinamiento del poder. tal vez en el próximo siglo donde el fracaso de las políticas dependientes de los lobbys corporativos, canalizará transformaciones ineludibles. si acaso el apocalipsis no arrasa con la vida de nuestro planeta
[ya sé, hay quienes depositan toda su fé en la criptovida, una fé diferente a la religiosa, una especie de fanatismo crepuscular]
cuánto tiempo viviremos? aún esa información se pierde en la nebulosa de los tiempos
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Vou lhes contar uma pequena história,
Era uma vez...
...e foram felizes para sempre.
é fácil né,saberem apenas detalhes e definirem como foram as vidas das pessoas.
Jonas r Cezar
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