#Video Upload
kingofthering · 8 months
Marc : "We can say that today's podium was a very romantic podium, so it was really nice." Pecco : "Bye bye, Honda." Marc : "No, why?" Pecco : "Look it's the— [gesture with his hands] the kiss of Valentino."
(video to be replaced soon)
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okletsgetnuts · 1 year
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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Keigo and Senjirо̄ singing a duet ♥
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v0r73x · 1 year
So apparently I can't upload videos here @support ~ it will constantly restart, even after waiting 30 minutes it will go back to 0% uploaded. I don't like this, it makes no sense.
Edit : Oh, it quit uploading. Why do you guys even have this feature if it doesn't work?
Edit : it's been a few hours and now it restarted to load again.... The video is literally only 3 minutes long, it shouldn't take 2+ hours to upload honestly. Idk
If it choses to upload I'm still keeping this post up because it's been over 2 hours and it still hasn't uploaded and that's ridiculous. @staff it'll be a long night just to upload one 3 minute video.... Not okay.
Edit : it's been 23 hours and it's still loading
Fuck it, I'm just gonna remove it from the loading bar. Fix this. I'm giving you a one star review on Google Play until this is fixed.
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scarefox · 1 year
idk but recently you have to post a video 2-3 times till it lands in the tags -.- tho I have more success when I go in the tag first and post a new post from there, then save it in drafts before I post it. Instead of post it directly, wich would be easier / faster. 
But some videos just don’t go in, no matter what .-.
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mystream4u · 1 year
Where Can I Watch Videos for Free?
If you are looking for a place to watch videos online, there are many options to choose from. Some sites have large audiences and provide a variety of video types and formats. Others cater to specific niches. Depending on your budget and preferences, you can find a site that suits you.
YouTube is one of the most popular video sharing sites. It offers a wide range of entertainment, news, and social networking content. However, some users may be unsatisfied with the site. For these users, it might be a good idea to search for other sites that offer similar features.
Vimeo is another great option for video viewing. The platform offers free trials, video cards, live pay-per-view events, and custom end screens. Videos can also be monetized through ad-generated revenue. Users can also vote on their favorite video creators.
Metacafe is another option to consider when it comes to watching videos online. It is a popular platform for uploading short videos, mostly entertainment. The company's algorithm makes sure that only high quality and unique content is uploaded to the site. They do not allow videos that are violent or illegal. In addition to providing quality content, the site pays its producers $5 for every 1,000 views.
Another option to consider is the Internet Archive. This is the world's largest digital library. There are a wide variety of video files available, from music to movies. You can download them or upload them to the site. You can upload up to 100GB of storage per file.
TED is an organization that posts talks for free. TED talks are typically in the form of podcasts. Viewers often assume that a content creator with a TED talk is a well-respected professional. TED has over 2,300 talks to choose from, making it a great choice for your videos.
PeerTube is a decentralized video hosting platform based on open source software. It provides users with an easy way to upload and store videos. Unlike other video sharing platforms, it does not have censorship and does not require you to pay a membership fee.
LinkedIn is an online social networking site that is especially popular among professionals. This site allows you to create company pages and share any type of file. It is also a great option for you to share your own personal videos.
Facebook is a popular social network with millions of users. The platform provides a wide variety of video content, including current movies and TV shows. It also has a personal profile and the ability to comment on other people's videos.
Using these options, you can watch videos on any device. You can also find out how to get a TEDx license, which is a special license for individuals who want to give a TED talk. While YouTube is the most popular video streaming service, there are other alternatives that you might want to try. These alternatives may not be available in all areas of the world.
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honeybearwrite · 1 year
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I uploaded my first video of Sunday Ramblings, this one is about AI Art and my thoughts on it
[Image ID: A digital drawing, of a humanoid figure with an old TV head, which has on the lft side an antenna that ends in a red glowing ball. It has an aungulkar neon green smiley face, light grey arms and legs and a reddish body, which has a white apron, similar to that of an artist’s, with a big bow in the back over the red middle. It is holding a colour pallet in it’s left hand which has various grey, green & red colous mixed on it and a brush with green colour on the tip in its right hand. Next to the figure on the right is an easel with canvas on it. On the canvas is a human-like face with grey skin, blakc eyes, green long hair and green shirt. The background is black with green zeros (0) and ones (1) falling from the top down, like how in popular movies a hacking sequences would look. On the right of the picture are four lines of text that say from top tp bottom “AI Artist, AI Author, AI Doctor, AI Human“, the picture has a blakc frame surroundign it. End ID]
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moonarcadia · 2 years
Hello everyone. Does any of you know any other video uploading social media expect youtube?
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hell0mega · 5 months
people are drawing Steamboat Willie Mickey doing all this crazy shit and whatnot, but you could always do that. you can do that now, with current Mickey, just fine. it's fanart and it's legally protected. hell you could take Disney-drawn Mickey and put a caption about unions or whatever on it and it would still be protected under free speech and sometimes even parody law.
what is special about public domain is that you can SELL him. you could take a screenshot and sell it on a tshirt. you can use him to advertise your plumbing business. people have already uploaded and monetized the original film.
you could always have Mickey say what you want, but now you can profit off it.
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kingofthering · 2 months
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seefasterdraws · 9 months
“you were a wonderful experience”
“you were… everything”
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sluttypatrickstar · 3 months
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i cannot fucking believe i am wheeling this out again
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nicktoonsunite · 4 months
Animated and put this together like an edit within like a week (it was painful but i enjoyed the process)
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fairuzfan · 6 months
A point of pride for many Palestinians is our food and culinary culture. Here's a journalist making shakshuka and recounting his joy at making it even in the middle of a war.
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boxfullaturtles · 2 months
Rise of the TMNT is a Very Serious Show
I spent all day on this and it's my fifth time trying to upload it. Please look at it.
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beadyeyes · 5 months
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