arwenkenobi48 · 7 months
So I just watched this beautiful animated movie called Tripura: The Three Cities of Maya and now Vidyunmali is living in my head rent free
Look at this boi 😈
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He just a lil baby 🥰
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That smile tho 🥹
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Smol blanket burrito 😊
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“Bro, you need help, for real” 🫤
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Hey Siri, how do I adopt an Asura king?
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kingoftheironcity · 1 month
My first Vidyun edit ❤️ I am way too sentimental about this man 😊
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👹 Long ago, there were three powerful demon brothers named Tarakaksha, Vidyunmali, and Tarakasura, collectively known as the Tripurasuras. These demons, through their severe penance and devotion to Lord Brahma, obtained immense powers and were granted three impregnable flying cities made of gold, silver, and iron, known as Tripura, as a boon. These cities could only be destroyed simultaneously when they aligned perfectly in a straight line.
🌍 The Tripurasuras wreaked havoc across the universe, causing suffering and distress to both humans and gods. Despite their relentless tyranny, the demons remained protected by the cities, which could align in a perfect row only once in a thousand years.
🔱 The gods, unable to defeat the Tripurasuras, sought the help of Lord Shiva. Pleased with their devotion, Lord Shiva decided to intervene and put an end to the demons' tyranny. He manifested as Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy, a fierce and powerful form of Himself, riding a chariot drawn by His divine bull, Nandi.
🎯 When the opportune moment arrived, with the three cities aligning perfectly, Lord Tripurantaka aimed a powerful arrow at the cities and released it with tremendous force. The arrow pierced through all three cities, destroying them instantly and annihilating the Tripurasuras.
⚖️ The destruction of Tripura marked the end of the demonic reign, bringing relief to all beings and restoring balance to the universe.
🌠 Today, Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy manifests again to bless us all in His Living Manifestation, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy blesses us all to break free from past, present, and future perceived obstacles and achieve leadership consciousness, manifesting our true potential and becoming the most powerful version of ourselves!
🔴 Watch live on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/@SriNithyananda, & YouTube/@NithyanandaTV: 7 PM ET | 5:30 AM IST
💫 Transform your life with Paramashivoham: https://ecitizen.info/psm
#Nithyananda #KAILASA #Paramashivoham #Prayer #Faith #Miracle
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ravikugupta · 2 years
Kartik Purnima
Kartik PurnimaKartik Purnima is a Hindu, Sikh and Jain cultural festival, celebrated on the Purnima (full moon) day or the 15th lunar day of Kartik month.Alao Called As –Tripuri PurnimaTripurari PurnimaDeva-DiwaliDeva-DeepawaliStory –Three demons named Vidyunmali, Tarakaksha and Viryavana had conquered the whole world, defeated the Devatas and were collectively referred to as Tripurasur.…
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hdh-russian · 4 months
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🌠 Преобразите свою жизнь с Парамашивоха�� уровня 3 — 21-дневной БЕСПЛАТНОЙ онлайн-программой, основанной на учениях и посвящениях ВЕРХОВНОГО ПОНТИФИКА ИНДУИЗМА. 🔱 Включает живой Бхагаван Вирабхадра Мурти Даршан и посвящения в Ниттьятву, вечное пространство, вырывающееся из петли времени, и Наваханда Йога Самадхи, путешествующее по вселенной, от ВЕРХОВНОГО ПОНТИФИКА ИНДУИЗМА! 🌌 Медитация на Кальпу, четвертую единицу Времени, связанную с движением планет, высвобождает преобразующие жизнь химические вещества в вашем мозгу, которые исцеляют всю вашу систему и пробуждают весь ваш потенциал! Добавив мощный процесс детоксикации и незабываемый опыт, вы сможете преодолеть все свои ограничения и раскрыть свою силу, чтобы путешествовать по вселенной! Сегодняшние занятия Парамашивахам уровня 3 помогут вам: 🧠 Активируйте весь потенциал своего мозга 🌞 Выйти за пределы времени 🌅 Испытайте вечное пространство 🌟 Повысьте свою частоту и сломайте все ограничения. 🌠 Путешествуйте по вселенной ⏰ Не откладывайте! Присоединяйтесь сейчас: https://ecitizen.info/psm Парамашивахам Уровень-3 — это 21-дневная онлайн-программа йоги и медитации стоимостью 21 000 долларов США, предлагаемая БЕСПЛАТНО из Божественного сострадания ВЕРХОВНЫМ ПОНТИФИКОМ ИНДУИЗМА. #Нитьянанда #КАИЛАСА #Парамашивохам #Духовность #Йога #Медитация #Потенциал #Путешествие во времени #Путешествие в космос #Кундалини
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kunancientheritageblr · 6 months
🔴LIVE SPH Darshan: Tripurantaka Murthy Bhava Samadhi Darshan.  Day 16 Paramashivoham Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 - this 21-day program is absolutely FREE (previously USD21,000), a gift from The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Join here - https://paramashivoham.org
Register now for exclusive two-way video-conferencing access: https://ecitizen.info/psm
Long ago, there were three powerful demon brothers named Tarakaksha, Vidyunmali, and Tarakasura, collectively known as the Tripurasuras. These demons, through their severe penance and devotion to Lord Brahma, obtained immense powers and were granted three impregnable flying cities made of gold, silver, and iron, known as Tripura, as a boon. These cities could only be destroyed simultaneously when they aligned perfectly in a straight line.
The Tripurasuras wreaked havoc across the universe, causing suffering and distress to both humans and gods. Despite their relentless tyranny, the demons remained protected by the cities, which could align in a perfect row only once in a thousand years.
The gods, unable to defeat the Tripurasuras, sought the help of Lord Shiva. Pleased with their devotion, Lord Shiva decided to intervene and put an end to the demons' tyranny. He manifested as Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy, a fierce and powerful form of Himself, riding a chariot drawn by His divine bull, Nandi.
When the opportune moment arrived, with the three cities aligning perfectly, Lord Tripurantaka aimed a powerful arrow at the cities and released it with tremendous force. The arrow pierced through all three cities, destroying them instantly and annihilating the Tripurasuras. The destruction of Tripura marked the end of the demonic reign, bringing relief to all beings and restoring balance to the universe.
Today, Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy manifests again to bless us all in His Living Manifestation, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy blesses us all to break free from past, present, and future perceived obstacles and achieve leadership consciousness, manifesting our true potential and becoming the most powerful version of ourselves!
#Nithyananda #Kailasa #Hinduism #hindu #shiva
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kailasastrinidad · 6 months
🔴LIVE SPH Darshan: Tripurantaka Murthy Bhava Samadhi Darshan.  Day 16 Paramashivoham Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 - this 21-day program is absolutely FREE (previously USD21,000), a gift from The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Join here - https://paramashivoham.org
Register now for exclusive two-way video-conferencing access: https://ecitizen.info/psm 
Long ago, there were three powerful demon brothers named Tarakaksha, Vidyunmali, and Tarakasura, collectively known as the Tripurasuras. These demons, through their severe penance and devotion to Lord Brahma, obtained immense powers and were granted three impregnable flying cities made of gold, silver, and iron, known as Tripura, as a boon. These cities could only be destroyed simultaneously when they aligned perfectly in a straight line. 
The Tripurasuras wreaked havoc across the universe, causing suffering and distress to both humans and gods. Despite their relentless tyranny, the demons remained protected by the cities, which could align in a perfect row only once in a thousand years. 
The gods, unable to defeat the Tripurasuras, sought the help of Lord Shiva. Pleased with their devotion, Lord Shiva decided to intervene and put an end to the demons' tyranny. He manifested as Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy, a fierce and powerful form of Himself, riding a chariot drawn by His divine bull, Nandi. 
When the opportune moment arrived, with the three cities aligning perfectly, Lord Tripurantaka aimed a powerful arrow at the cities and released it with tremendous force. The arrow pierced through all three cities, destroying them instantly and annihilating the Tripurasuras. The destruction of Tripura marked the end of the demonic reign, bringing relief to all beings and restoring balance to the universe. 
Today, Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy manifests again to bless us all in His Living Manifestation, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy blesses us all to break free from past, present, and future perceived obstacles and achieve leadership consciousness, manifesting our true potential and becoming the most powerful version of ourselves!
#Nithyananda #Kailasa #Hinduism #hindu #shiva
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ginazmemeoir · 3 years
Asuras - a very brief crash course
this post has been made for @momo-all-the-way  who asked the question
Asuras in Hindu mythology are a group of beings who’re opposed to the Devas. Originally, the Vedas classify them as “anti-gods” - their name literally translating to Not A God, or those who rejected wine. The Vedas also specify their worship. Think of them as somewhat like Norse mythology - the Devas are sky deities, Aesir; Asuras are earth deities - Vanir. Both exist to complement and counter the other and are in fact, necessary.
Born to Kashyap and his wife Diti, Asuras are cousins to the Devas, who were born from Kashyap and Aditi. They are the highest ranking in the order of “demons”, which includes Rakshasas (born from Kashyap and Krodhavashaa - ykw really everyone was just born from him), Daityas (the inferior sons of Diti), Danavas (from Danu), Pishachas (ghosts and zombies) and Nishachar (Nightwalkers).
There is a significant shift in their status in the Puranic period. Puranic period was developed in the Indo-Gangetic plains, and is known for it’s stories and glorification of the Trimurti - Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva - who played a minor role in the Vedic period. The Puranic asuras are inherently evil and greedy - they exist to terrorise humans and gods alike. A good example is the story of the dragon Vritra - Indra had once invited a deva called Vishwaroop to conduct a yajna. Since Vishwaroop was born from an Asura mother, he also gave some offerings to the Asuras. This angered Indra who killed him promptly. Remorseful, Vishwaroop’s father Tvashtra invoked Vritra, the dragon of drought and famine. Indra later defeated him with his fabled Vajra.
This tale brings into focus the shift in thinking. It rejects Vedic thinking to an extent by demeaning Vishwaroop’s birth and his act of offering the Asuras a part of the yajna. Also, deities like him and Tvashtir, who are exalted in the Vedas, are now demonized or merged with other deities in a rapidly developing religion.
Some famous Asuras include :
Ravana - Emperor of Lanka. The first kings of Lanka historically claim to be his descendants.
Kumbhakarna - Ravana’s brother. Cursed to sleep for six months, blessed to be invincible and immortal on the day he wakes up, doomed to die if woke up before.
Indrajit - Ravana’s son, also known as Meghanad. Captured Indra. The fiercest warrior after Ravana in the Lankan army.
Vibheeshana - Ravana’s traitor brother. Had his entire family killed by divulging their secrets to Ram. Later Emperor of Lanka.
Shurpanakha - Also known as Meenakshi. Ravana’s sister.
Banasura - Emperor of Asuras, son of Mahabali and great grandson of Prahlad. Had a hundred arms and was under the eternal protection of Lord Shiva. His daughter Usha married Krishna’s grandson, Aniruddha.
Vrishaparva - An Asura king
Sharmishtha - Vrishaparva’s daughter. Reduced to be a slave of Devayani, Shukracharya’s daughter, preceptor of the Asuras.
Jara - an Asura who joined the two halves of a baby and thus birthed Jarasandha, Krishna’s legendary enemy and Emperor of Magadha.
Bhasmasur - accidentally burnt himself to death
Mahishasur - shape-shifting buffalo demon slain by Durga
Swarbhanu - drank the Amrit duringn Amrit manthan, and was thus killed by Mohini when told by Surya and Chandra. His head became Rahu and body became Ketu, both responsible for eclipses.
Tarakasur - killed by Kartikeya, the god of war, Shiva’s son
Tarakaksh, Kamalaksh and Vidyunmali - Founders of the legendary Tripura. Slain by Shiva.
Mayasur - architect of the Asuras. Ravana’s father in law.
Mahabali - the greatest Asura ever. only immortal asura.
Prahlad - Mahabali’s grandfather. Saved from his father by Narasimha, Vishnu’s fierce half man half lion avatar.
Hiranyakashyapu - Prahlad’s father. could not be killed by any single creature, a creature born from a womb, neither in nor out, neither at day nor at night, neither up or down, neither at land nor sea, neither by any weapon nor by any magic.
Hiranyaksha - Hiranyakashyapu’s father. Abducted Bhoodevi, the earth goddess, and hid her under the sea where he raped her. Killed by Vishnu’s boar form, Varaha.
Narakasura - Bhoodevi’s son through Hiranyaksha. Cruel emperor of Asuras and King of Pragjyotish (modern day Assam). Slain by Krishna and his third wife, Satyabhama.
there are so many more but this is all i remember sorry
hope this helps :D
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concupiscience · 3 years
Tripura, meaning three cities, was constructed by the great Asura architect Mayasura. They were great cities of prosperity, power and dominance over the world, but due to their impious nature, Maya's cities were destroyed by god Tripurantaka, an aspect of Shiva. The three cities were made of iron, silver and gold and were located on earth, in the sky and in heaven, respectively.
History of Tripura
Penances of the sons of Taraka
Following the death of Tarakasura, who was killed by Kartikeya, his sons Tarakaksha, Vidyunmali and Veeravana undertook severe penances by which they pleased Lord Brahma. They requested that they may become immortal. Resisting it, Brahma said to them that nothing can be immortal. Then Tarakaksha, Vidyunmali and Veeravana asked to be blessed with impregnable fortresses, which would be everlasting. However, as Brahma told them that nothing could be everlasting, they requested that the destruction of the cities could be brought about by a single arrow only, on the hope that it was impossible for anyone to shoot such an arrow, save Lord Shiva, of whom they were great devotees. Brahma then blessed them that such fortresses would be constructed.
The construction of the three cities
The three cities which comprised Tripura were distributed thus:
The lowest, with walls of Iron, located on earth,
The second, with walls of silver, located in the sky, and
The third, with walls of gold, located in heaven.
The three cities were mobile and moved in such a way that they would never be in a single line, except for a few moments in around a thousand years, when the Nakshatra Pushya would be in conjunction with the moon. Tarakasura's sons were thus reassured that they were safe, as it would be an extremely difficult task to destroy such impregnable cities, which aligned only momentarily, by a single arrow.
Asuras from everywhere began to flock to Tripura to live there.
Forebodings of the fall of Tripura
After several years of joy, the inherent evil tendencies of the Asuras surfaced once again and they began to oppress the good and torment the noble. In the meantime, Mayasura was engaged in the worship of Shiva. The rest of the demons attacked sages and the Devas and shattered the peace of the worlds. Finally, when Indra and the rest of the Devas despondently approached Lord Brahma for respite, Lord Brahma redirected them to Shiva and also informed them of the vulnerability of Tripura to a single arrow. Lord Shiva promised to help them and the Devas returned to combat the Asuras in a mighty war. They were also assisted by Nandi, the leader of Lord Shiva's Ganas. Even though Vidyunmali was slain by Nandi, and several other Asuras were killed in the war, they were revived by water in the pool of Tripura, which had magical powers.
The destruction of Tripura
As the war raged on, Devas continued to struggle to match the Asuras, who used their magical powers to great effect in the war. One day the three cities aligned. Shiva ordered that a chariot be made from which he would battle the three demons.
The war-chariot designed for Shiva was different. The Earth or Prithvi became the chariot with the Sun and Moon its wheels. Brahma was holding the reins. Mount Meru became the bow and the serpent Vasuki was the bow string. Vishnu was the arrow, and Agni was the tip of the arrow. Vayu was inside the feathers on rear of the arrow. All other Devas had their own places and forms in the chariot. Just as the cities aligned, when the Pushya Nakshatra positioned appropriately, Lord Shiva was about to strung the mighty bow, the Pinaka with the arrow, the Devas were overjoyed that Tripura was going to be destroyed because of them (because they were part of the war-chariot, without which Shiva cannot destroy).
Lord Shiva, knowing what the Devas were thinking, did not fire the arrow and just smiled. All the three purams were burned immediately. Shocked at this act, Brahma pleaded that Devas thought wrong and that Shiva should forgive and release the arrow, or else the Devas would have a permanent bad name and the reason behind making this chariot would become meaningless. Shiva then fired the arrow on the already burning Cities.
When Lord shiva seated on the chariot before heading to war, chariot was unable to move forward, Lord Vishnu took form as bull and dragged the chariot and then became the bull flag on top of chariot. After destroying three cities Lord Shiva started tandava nritya on debris which is also called as "Tripura Nasha Nartana".
The Devas then understood:
1. Shiva can take the power of anyone/anything because it is his power that is already existing in first place.
2. Even though the boon granted was "one-arrow-one-shot and cities should be destroyed", Shiva has the ultimate power to rule them over.
3. Lord Shiva does not require a huge Chariot with Meru as bow, Vishnu as arrow etc. He could simply destroy/create anything even without moving his eyes.
The "smile and burn" act of Shiva in Tamil is beautifully called as "sirinthuppurameritha peruman" ("சிரித்துப்புரமெரித்த பெருமான்")(God who laughed and burned the three purams)
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arwenkenobi48 · 1 month
*looks around* *sneaks over* *gives Vidyunmali a kebab* *kisses his forehead* *disappears back into the void from whence I came*
Seriously considering making a sideblog entirely about this man bc he has consumed my life and stolen my heart no I’m not kidding he’s literally stolen my heart and is laughing about it pLeAsE hElP mE-
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🏹 Shattering Limits: Tripurantaka Murthy's Blessings for Leadership Consciousness | LIVE SPH Darshan
👹 Long ago, there were three powerful demon brothers named Tarakaksha, Vidyunmali, and Tarakasura, collectively known as the Tripurasuras. These demons, through their severe penance and devotion to Lord Brahma, obtained immense powers and were granted three impregnable flying cities made of gold, silver, and iron, known as Tripura, as a boon. These cities could only be destroyed simultaneously when they aligned perfectly in a straight line.
🌍 The Tripurasuras wreaked havoc across the universe, causing suffering and distress to both humans and gods. Despite their relentless tyranny, the demons remained protected by the cities, which could align in a perfect row only once in a thousand years.
🔱 The gods, unable to defeat the Tripurasuras, sought the help of Lord Shiva. Pleased with their devotion, Lord Shiva decided to intervene and put an end to the demons' tyranny. He manifested as Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy, a fierce and powerful form of Himself, riding a chariot drawn by His divine bull, Nandi.
🎯 When the opportune moment arrived, with the three cities aligning perfectly, Lord Tripurantaka aimed a powerful arrow at the cities and released it with tremendous force. The arrow pierced through all three cities, destroying them instantly and annihilating the Tripurasuras.
⚖️ The destruction of Tripura marked the end of the demonic reign, bringing relief to all beings and restoring balance to the universe.
🌠 Today, Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy manifests again to bless us all in His Living Manifestation, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy blesses us all to break free from past, present, and future perceived obstacles and achieve leadership consciousness, manifesting our true potential and becoming the most powerful version of ourselves!
🔴 Watch live on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/@SriNithyananda, & YouTube/@NithyanandaTV: 7 PM ET | 4:30 AM IST
💫 Transform your life with Paramashivoham: https://ecitizen.info/psm
#Prayer #Faith #Miracle #Leadership #Leader
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badulescuradu14 · 4 years
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Tripurantaka – Lord Shiva — naadopaasana Tripurantaka Tarakaksha, Vidyunmali and Kamalaksha were the sons of Tarakasura. When the wicked Tarakasura was killed by Lord Subramanya, these three brothers decided to do penance and acquire powers to seek revenge on the devatas. The three brothers did vigorous penance to please Lord Brahma. They meditated for a hundred years standing on one foot,… Tripurantaka – Lord Shiva — naadopaasana
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pravasavarnana · 7 years
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Lord Shiva destroying Tripura. National Museum New Delhi Vidyunmali and his two brothers, sons of demon Tarkasura got a boon from Brahma, three floating forts one each for the brother. First made of gold, second of silver and third of iron. The forts would align only once in 1000 years. Combined together the fort would be called Tripura. And the brother could be killed only if someone could destroy Tripura with single arrow. Lord Shiva was the one who destroyed Tripura. #hinduism #shiva #lordshiva #tripura #nationalmuseumdelhi #natgeotravel #ngtyourdailyshot #ngtfanphoto #yourshotphotographer #pravasavarnanaamanjul #traveldiary #travelphotography #outlooktraveller #olt #artefactsinnationalmuseumdelhi #lonelyplanetindiaofficial #lpmi #incredibleindia #delhitourism Discovered at National Museum, New Delhi, New Delhi, India. See more at Trover
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kingoftheironcity · 1 month
Animal companion!AUs have always been one of my absolute favourites, so I hereby gift Vidyunmali the humble Harlequin macaw
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He named it Chidiya, which means ‘bird’ in Hindi. Naturally, the parrot is a little embarrassed by its basic name. But his owner gives him plenty of pistachios so there’s not much to complain about.
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2 way link:
Long ago, there were three powerful demon brothers named Tarakaksha, Vidyunmali, and Tarakasura, collectively known as the Tripurasuras. These demons, through their severe penance and devotion to Lord Brahma, obtained immense powers and were granted three impregnable flying cities made of gold, silver, and iron, known as Tripura, as a boon. These cities could only be destroyed simultaneously when they aligned perfectly in a straight line.
The Tripurasuras wreaked havoc across the universe, causing suffering and distress to both humans and gods. Despite their relentless tyranny, the demons remained protected by the cities, which could align in a perfect row only once in a thousand years.
The gods, unable to defeat the Tripurasuras, sought the help of Lord Shiva. Pleased with their devotion, Lord Shiva decided to intervene and put an end to the demons' tyranny. He manifested as Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy, a fierce and powerful form of Himself, riding a chariot drawn by His divine bull, Nandi.
When the opportune moment arrived, with the three cities aligning perfectly, Lord Tripurantaka aimed a powerful arrow at the cities and released it with tremendous force. The arrow pierced through all three cities, destroying them instantly and annihilating the Tripurasuras.
The destruction of Tripura marked the end of the demonic reign, bringing relief to all beings and restoring balance to the universe.
Today, Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy manifests again to bless us all in His Living Manifestation, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Bhagavan Tripurantaka Murthy blesses us all to break free from past, present, and future perceived obstacles and achieve leadership consciousness, manifesting our true potential and becoming the most powerful version of ourselves!
Transform your life with Paramashivoham: https://ecitizen.info/psm
#Nithyananda #KAILASA #Paramashivoham #Prayer #Faith #Miracle
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pravasavarnana · 7 years
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Lord Shiva destroying Tripura. National Museum New Delhi Vidyunmali and his two brothers, sons of demon Tarkasura got a boon from Brahma, three floating forts one each for the brother. First made of gold, second of silver and third of iron. The forts would align only once in 1000 years. Combined together the fort would be called Tripura. And the brother could be killed only if someone could destroy Tripura with single arrow. Lord Shiva was the one who destroyed Tripura. #hinduism #shiva #lordshiva #tripura #nationalmuseumdelhi #natgeotravel #ngtyourdailyshot #ngtfanphoto #yourshotphotographer #pravasavarnanaamanjul #traveldiary #travelphotography #outlooktraveller #olt #artefactsinnationalmuseumdelhi #lonelyplanetindiaofficial #lpmi #incredibleindia #delhitourism
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