#Vigilante Descole Au
multiversal-madness · 2 years
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Behold, Blue Jay! Descole’s number one side kick!
(Cape back design under the cut)
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fincherly · 5 years
PL au where Des and Hershel switch roles, so Des adopts Luke while Hershel runs around in disguise
I’m sorry but the second I think of Hershel trying to be evil I just picture him in a descole outfit laughing maniacally and can’t take it seriously lmao — I can’t imagine him going down the exact same path as Des, as in revenge for revenge’s sake while taking a whole bunch of innocent people down with him,
But like. Maybe after hersh was beat up for trying to get info on Bill Hawks, he decided to take that as incentive to work harder but he has to dissuade attacks on him in general so Hershel could live in peace while his alter ego could be a cool spy vigilante
And maybe Des still has wife and kid? Maybe he travels with them??? But how would Luke come in is the question… I don’t think hersh would have a reason to seek azran stuff
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laytontheories · 7 years
AU where nobody dies, absolutely nobody
Flora lives happily with her parents and her village full of very real non-robotic people.
Bronev makes Targent a better organisation without all the kidnapping and murder. Rachel redesigns the uniforms to looks less threatening.
Anton finally reunites with his beloved Sophia. They have lots of catching up to do.
Oswald Whistler plays the piano at Janice and Melina's wedding.
Descole's daughter grows to become a masked vigilante, protecting the city from crime. She is assisted by her adopted sister, Aurora.
Claire becomes fast friends with Emmy and has been learning fighting skills from her.
Clive has no real reason to destroy London so he doesn't.
Arianna and Tony love spending hours in the garden of healing with their parents and Loosha.
Everyone is happy. The end.
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
I mean, the Vigilante Descole version of Luke I can see going feral. After all, when an unhinged terrorist abducts you, your mom and your butler and uses as leverage against your father and you get rescued by a fashionable vigilante and live with said vigilante, his butler and a group of feral children that run a black market group and wind up becoming a semi-vigilante yourself, you can go at least a little bit feral.
Yup you’re right, vigilante Luke would be pretty feral
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
Multi's Professor Layton Au Masterpost
This post will link to the tags of each Au I've made for Professor Layton. There'll also be a brief description of each au under every link.
Frosthallery Au - X
Misthallery, instead of being a foggy town with canals, it’s an eternally snowy town. Also Aurora's here.
Future's Echoes Au - X
My own take on the various 'Unwound Future time travel is real' and 'Evil/Monocle Layton' Aus.
Golem Layton Au - X
The Professor is an Azran Golem, but he doesn't know that.
Golem Luke Triton Au - X
Luke is an Azran Golem.
How Things Change Au - X (Intro post - X)
After giving their lives to stop the Azran Legacy, Luke gets sent back in time 50 years to when Leon was 10 years old. As he's lost everything, he decides to do everything in his power to make sure the Professor and his family have everything they lost.
Lost and Found Au - X
Dimitri and Clive join the Professor on his investigation into the time machine's explosion. They become closer as a result and found family ensues.
Ma Pa and Dad Au - X
After Rachel dies, Leon escapes Targent and ends up in Stansbury. He's taken in by the Layton and becomes another part of the family.
Pandora's Call Au - X (Intro post - X)
A combination of the games Spectre's Call and Pandora's Box. Luke is Anton's grandson. (Also includes Eternal Village, Mysterious Mask and Lost Legacy).
PL Centaur Au - X
Professor Layton but everyone is a centaur (and centaur variations).
ProfesSwap Au - X
After Randall falls, Hershel and Angela switch places story wise. Hershel stays in Stansbury then with Henry in Monte d'Or to help look for Randall while Angela Moves away to London to become a professor.
PuzzleTale Au - X
Undertale Crossover. After moving to America, Luke grows bored with the lack of mysteries, so he decides to investigate the disappearances on Mount Ebott.
Second Chances Au - X
After giving their lives to stop the Azran Legacy, Hershel wakes up in his room in Stansbury 19 years before the events in Azran Legacy take place. Armed with his foreknowledge, Aurora's pendant and a new scar, he needs to act like his teenage self without raising suspicions.
Shattered Future Au - X
After giving their lives to stop the Azran Legacy, Luke wakes up in his room in Misthallery with all of the memories of what would happen over the next two years. Not everything is as it seems though.
Shifting Gears Au - X
A Laydore Au with a few things altered. Hershel is a mechanic/inventor, both he and Randall fall and Professor Angela are included.
Slinging Puzzles Au - X
Slugterra Crossover.
Vigilante Descole Au - X
Descole, instead of becoming a villain that needs therapy, becomes a vigilante that needs therapy.
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
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Hehe Angy Des
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
Professor Layton - Vigilante Descole Au
An au where instead of becoming a villain that needs therapy, Desmond becomes a vigilante that needs therapy.
In this au, since Descole isn’t a bad guy, various Targent higher ups are the ones causing trouble in the prequel trilogy (and movie).
Kidnapping Brenda and Doland to threaten Clark into obedience? An agent with a talent in mechanics with a particularly cruel streak.
Putting on an elaborate opera front and making a deal with Oswald Whistler? An agent with an understanding of music and a willingness to ‘help’ others to get what they want.
Lying to Randall about his friends and setting up the dark miracles? An agent that fancies ‘magic’ and drama.
And through it all, Descole is there, holding off the worst of Targent’s forces and giving the professor the chance to unravel the rest.
A few more notes under the cut:
Descole is still as (if not more) dramatic than ever and his disguise is mostly the same, but has a bit more of a hero’s vibe to it than a villains (I may draw this at some point)
Descole has major trust issues, which is why he took up the name Descole instead of solving crime under his own name
The Last Spectre villain didn’t wait for Brenda to come close to finding out about him, instead jumping to locking her and Luke in with Doland at the beginning
Descole tried to rescue them, but only managed to get Luke out before having to flee
He takes care of Luke while the Tritons are ‘busy’, even giving Luke his own disguise (like his but smaller and blue) to make him feel a bit better
In Miracle Mask, he also rescues Angela early and she gets a disguise too
Aside from Raymond, Luke and The Professor are the only ones he even remotely trusts
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
For the Vigilante Descole au, how does Layton react when he finds out Descole is actually his brother?
He’s just as surprised as he was in canon, but he’d be a lot more accepting of this since Descole is only a vigilante and not some kind of villain.
The reveal would go differently as well. It’s been a while since I’ve seen/played Azran Legacy so I can’t give an exact time, but instead of waiting until he’s on the verge of death to reveal their relation, he tells the professor earlier.
Maybe sometime during the ‘visit’ to the nest, which would also go differently as Leon is more of a hostage than a member or leader of Targent.
They get a moment (even if not a very long moment) to breathe and Desmond, now revealed to be Descole, ends up telling the truth, just in case he doesn’t get the chance to later.
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
Vigilante Descole au Crow being protective of Luke after what happened sounds adorable! I'm just imagining him giving Luke a tour of the black market, hoping to help him feel safer after what happened, and Luke's innocent curiosity about everything making him smile, him comforting Luke when he has panic attacks, and sneaking Luke any info about his parents, Arianna, and Tony they can get, all to make him feel better! That would be so cute!
Yes, I imagine Crow (and the other market kids) are pretty sympathetic with Luke’s situation.
Crow helps him get information (competing with Toppy and the other mice lol), maybe tweeds would offer him some sweets, scraps takes him out treasure hunting (Luke’s animal friends may also be a big help here) and of course the other Ravens pitch in where they can.
Some may be a bit annoyed at the rich kid getting all this attention, but they end up feeling bad about this as Luke’s family and himself are still in much more danger than the rest of the town.
Though Descole also spends a lot of time around the Ravens too, since he’s currently responsible for Luke’s safety and Luke wants to visit the Ravens often (as they help distract him from the terrible situation he’s in).
Maybe the Ravens start getting closer to Descole too, since they do all wear costumes and act mysterious. Descole could probably give them pointers on how to sneak around or bargain/manipulate better.
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
Ahh...a fellow LuCrow shipper! Glad to meet you, sir/madame! If you're okay with me asking, what dynamics do Crow and Luke have in your Pandora's Call au and your Vigilante Descole au? After all you mentioned that in Pandora's Call, Crow is one of the few people Luke trusts, and in Vigilante Descole, they might have encountered each other before Layton and Emmy showed up, so what are their relationships like? Thank you for your time, and have a lovely day/night!
In Vigilante Descole Au, Luke and Crow hang out a lot more before the Professor shows up than in canon.
There’s a limited amount of places that are safe for him to go where Targent won’t find him and the Black Market is among them.
When Luke initially disappeared, Crow had assumed he’d just left to avoid the spectre like a spoiled rich kid and abandoned them. Then one night he sees a chase, a masked man running away from people with guns, Luke clutched in his arms.
Crow, having seen the masked man before in the black market and knowing he’s probably more trustworthy than the people with the guns, decides to step in and help, guiding them to the black market for safety.
Crow feels bad for assuming those things about Luke, especially when he finds out Luke’s parents are still trapped, so he tries his best to cheer him up. Crow already feels responsible as the leader of the black ravens, so Luke is now another person he wants to keep safe.
As for Pandora’s Call, Luke saved Crow’s life.
(Under the cut because this is getting long, CW for non-graphic injury to a child)
You see, the Black Ravens are a thing in this au, but they don’t run a black market. They don’t need to in Dropstone.
Instead, they run the Raven’s Guild, the Black Ravens are adventurers. And where is their main point of adventure? Why it’s the ghost town only accessible through the Molentary Express.
In the beginning, most of the Ravens were scared of the spirit, Crow included (not that he’d ever admit it). Then the Spectre attacks started and there was something else to watch out for. Crow became the raven that would most often head to Folsense, the others sticking to safer, less scary adventures.
One night though, Crow got too close.
Folsense’s spectres are different to Misthallery’s one. The canon, single spectre lumbers around, smashing things sure but it moves about as quickly as you’d expect a being of that size. The Folsense spectres though are very fast and their fights very destructive.
Crow went to investigate one, curiosity having gotten the best of him. When the spectres fight started heading towards him, he couldn’t get away quick enough. A piece of rubble sent flying by their destructive trail hit crow in the head, greatly injuring the top left side of his face and eye.
This had also messed with his head in the moment. He could barely stand upright never mind run from the inbound spectres.
Then the spirit appeared, but he didn’t try to scare him. Instead he took his hand and guided him away from the spectres path, taking him somewhere safe before helping with his eye.
It was also when the spirit was helping him that Crow got to see his face for the first time, since he had taken off his mask to get a better look at Crow’s injury. Crow had never expected him to be so young, younger than him even, though only by around a year or two.
From that point on, they started getting closer, Crow claiming that the Black Ravens were loyal to the Spirit and the other kids going along with it because he did save Crow’s life. Luke also stopped scaring the ravens, as long as they spoke to him about where they were planning to go in each visit.
No raven is as close to Luke as Crow though. I can see Crow calling him “M’Lord” as a nickname and maybe even being let into Herzen Castle sometimes (though Crow was still pretty nervous around Anton and Nigel).
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
Is it bad I can see Luke developing claustrophobia in the Vigilante Descole au? I mean, he was kidnapped and trapped in a basement with his mom and butler for who knows how long before Descole rescued him. That's gotta leave some mental scars, especially considering how young he is (the poor cinnamon roll is only 9-10 when this happens! Poor bean😟😟)
Luke definitely could get claustrophobia. Even though Descole did rescue him and he wasn’t in there for as long as Brenda or Doland, it wasn’t exactly a pleasant experience.
Not only that but I can see him getting a bit of separation anxiety as well. When he was rescued, the last he saw of his mother was her getting hit over the head by the Targent agent she was distracting so Descole could flee with Luke. He may feel a bit anxious whenever Clark, Brenda, Descole or the Professor aren’t around.
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
PL Vigilante Descole Au - Last Spectre Pt 1
A look into what’s changed in Last Spectre.
As said in the first post, a Targent agent kidnapped and locked Luke, Brenda and Doland away in the basement, threatening their safety to keep Clark under their thumb as they worked to uncover the golden garden
And as also said in the first post, Descole broke into the basement in an attempt to rescue the three of them, but things went wrong when the Targent agent found out and tried to stop them
Brenda and Doland managed to distract them for long enough so Descole could escape with Luke, but as a result they remain trapped
Descole can’t attempt another rescue due to the agent now being aware of his presence in Misthallery, so Descole is now stuck looking after a traumatised child while trying to save Misthallery
In the beginning, Luke is practically inconsolable. He knows his family is in danger, he saw his mother get knocked unconscious (when she tried to buy them time to escape) and he doesn’t know what to do
Then he starts speaking to Toppy and the other mice and discovers the pattern of the water level falling where the spectre attacks next
Once he tells Descole, he helps to spread the word around town and Luke starts being known as the oracle (though these are spread anonymously, so no one knows it’s actually Luke)
Now that Luke figured this little tidbit out, he becomes determined and wants to help Descole save Misthallery
Descole is hesitant because of the danger, but ends up giving in when Raymond makes Luke his own disguise that looks exactly like his but smaller, bluer and with a bird-like mask
Luke picks the name Blue Jay and it’s not long before Misthallery starts associating his oracle status with his ‘alter ego’
Luckily, because the Black Ravens are already pretty established, no one has any clue that Blue Jay is the mayor’s missing son, assuming that he’s just tied to the shifty market (which is half true)
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
Please tell me in the Vigilante Descole au that Luke looks up to Des just as much as he does the Professor, that would be so cute! Also, Des trusting Layton and Luke is cute as well, I mean, of course he does! Luke's absolutely precious and Layton's not only his little brother, he's naturally friend-shaped!
Yup! Luke is Descole’s number 1 sidekick (Descole let’s him call himself that because it made him feel better while his parents were still trapped). Luke’s ‘disguised’ form is known as ‘Blue Jay’, which is a nickname Descole often calls him.
Emmy often teases him about whether he’s the Professor’s apprentice or Descole’s sidekick and he just protests that he can be both.
And yes, him trusting the Professor and Luke is cute, come to think of it, I can imagine him somewhat trusting the rest of the Triton family after the whole spectre thing. He doesn’t tell them who he is or any of his secrets, but he knows they aren’t and won’t become Targent.
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
Me: >Staring at my ceiling half an hour after midnight< My brain: How did Descole find out the Targent agent was holding Luke, Brenda and Doland hostage in the Vigilante Descole au? Me:>Screams into pillow because I don't know the answer< No offense, but your au has consumed my life.
No offence taken, I’m glad to hear how much you enjoy my au :3
Descole first came to Misthallery when the news of the Golden Garden being thought to be there came out. This was not only because of his own interest in the Azran, but because he knew Targent would be sniffing around somewhere in town.
Through the gossip of the townspeople, he learns that things aren’t quite right with the Triton family. The recently deceased Evan Barde left everything to the now mayor Clark Triton, who apparently hasn’t been acting himself since his wife and son left town to deal with ‘family matters’.
Descole finds this suspicious and decides to investigate further, which is how he learns of Targent’s involvement and how Brenda, Luke and Doland are being kept in a room under the cellar.
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
Pfft, Emmy giving Luke a necklace with a blue jay feather on it as a joke, but he loves it and wears it everywhere, proudly showing it off to Descole, Raymond, and Layton. This thought makes my heart all Doki Doki😭😍😭😍😭😍😭😍
Aw, that’d be cute. It also has a connection to his name since ‘Luke’ means light-giving and one of the meanings of Blue Jay feathers is light.
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
If you're alright with me asking, how does Layton find out Luke's identity(in both Specter's Call(as both the Spirit and Brenda and Clark's son) and Vigilante Descole(as Blue Jay))?
Well for Pandora’s Call, you can find the answer here.
For Vigilante Descole Au, I can’t quite remember everything that happens in that game (I still need to rewatch that game) so I can’t give you an exact time, but I can tell you how it goes down.
Fairly early on in the investigation, the Professor catches wind of the Oracle, also known as Blue Jay, and the masked man that’s been seen around town.
When the Professor and Emmy first encounter Descole, he gives him a puzzle to confirm his identity and when he solves it, Descole lifts his cape to reveal Blue Jay hiding beneath it.
The Professor connects the dots fairly quickly that the Blue Jay is Luke Triton, but is unable to ‘unmask’ Descole. Even so, they do end up working together to stop the spectre.
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