#also I am drawing something for Pandora’s Call Black Ravens
multiversal-madness · 2 years
Ahh...a fellow LuCrow shipper! Glad to meet you, sir/madame! If you're okay with me asking, what dynamics do Crow and Luke have in your Pandora's Call au and your Vigilante Descole au? After all you mentioned that in Pandora's Call, Crow is one of the few people Luke trusts, and in Vigilante Descole, they might have encountered each other before Layton and Emmy showed up, so what are their relationships like? Thank you for your time, and have a lovely day/night!
In Vigilante Descole Au, Luke and Crow hang out a lot more before the Professor shows up than in canon.
There’s a limited amount of places that are safe for him to go where Targent won’t find him and the Black Market is among them.
When Luke initially disappeared, Crow had assumed he’d just left to avoid the spectre like a spoiled rich kid and abandoned them. Then one night he sees a chase, a masked man running away from people with guns, Luke clutched in his arms.
Crow, having seen the masked man before in the black market and knowing he’s probably more trustworthy than the people with the guns, decides to step in and help, guiding them to the black market for safety.
Crow feels bad for assuming those things about Luke, especially when he finds out Luke’s parents are still trapped, so he tries his best to cheer him up. Crow already feels responsible as the leader of the black ravens, so Luke is now another person he wants to keep safe.
As for Pandora’s Call, Luke saved Crow’s life.
(Under the cut because this is getting long, CW for non-graphic injury to a child)
You see, the Black Ravens are a thing in this au, but they don’t run a black market. They don’t need to in Dropstone.
Instead, they run the Raven’s Guild, the Black Ravens are adventurers. And where is their main point of adventure? Why it’s the ghost town only accessible through the Molentary Express.
In the beginning, most of the Ravens were scared of the spirit, Crow included (not that he’d ever admit it). Then the Spectre attacks started and there was something else to watch out for. Crow became the raven that would most often head to Folsense, the others sticking to safer, less scary adventures.
One night though, Crow got too close.
Folsense’s spectres are different to Misthallery’s one. The canon, single spectre lumbers around, smashing things sure but it moves about as quickly as you’d expect a being of that size. The Folsense spectres though are very fast and their fights very destructive.
Crow went to investigate one, curiosity having gotten the best of him. When the spectres fight started heading towards him, he couldn’t get away quick enough. A piece of rubble sent flying by their destructive trail hit crow in the head, greatly injuring the top left side of his face and eye.
This had also messed with his head in the moment. He could barely stand upright never mind run from the inbound spectres.
Then the spirit appeared, but he didn’t try to scare him. Instead he took his hand and guided him away from the spectres path, taking him somewhere safe before helping with his eye.
It was also when the spirit was helping him that Crow got to see his face for the first time, since he had taken off his mask to get a better look at Crow’s injury. Crow had never expected him to be so young, younger than him even, though only by around a year or two.
From that point on, they started getting closer, Crow claiming that the Black Ravens were loyal to the Spirit and the other kids going along with it because he did save Crow’s life. Luke also stopped scaring the ravens, as long as they spoke to him about where they were planning to go in each visit.
No raven is as close to Luke as Crow though. I can see Crow calling him “M’Lord” as a nickname and maybe even being let into Herzen Castle sometimes (though Crow was still pretty nervous around Anton and Nigel).
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jacklyn-flynn · 3 years
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I'm so excited to be posting the first of the three prizes from my mini-giveaway! This one is for @noire-pandora and it features her Warden, Arissa. This was the HDJ she picked:
Alistair starts writing a journal when he realizes he’s falling in love with the Warden. It chronicles both his feelings for them and the events going on during the Blight. He puts in it his fears and aspirations, his dreams of them and their life together. How beautiful they look when they’re sleeping or laughing and how he feels about being intimate with them. Sketches and poems. Whatever comes to mind about them when he opens the journal that day. He gives it to them on their wedding day.
FAIR WARNING: I cried writing this. Twice. And once when I was planning it out in my head falling asleep one night.
TW: Death
Alistair settled onto the soft grass, leaning back against the cool stone that shaded him from the summer sun. “Good morning, my love.” He untied the bindings of a worn leather journal and opened it to a random page. Smiling fondly, his fingers traced over a drawing. It was a rough sketch of his beautiful Arissa sitting on a log next to a fire, though the upper torso and face had far more detail than the rest.
“Mmm, I like this one,” he said conversationally, bringing his knees up to prop up the journal on them so it could be viewed over his shoulder.
“I caught you staring at me today. I didn’t give away that I knew though because I was afraid you would stop doing it. I love it when I’m the only thing those stormy-sea blue eyes care about.” He sighed softly, running a finger along a jagged edge where a page was missing.
“I tried to draw them once, but I hated it and tore the page out so you wouldn’t laugh at me. Now I wish I’d kept it.” He turned the page and pushed the regret to the back of his mind with all the others.
He laughed aloud when he found the specific entry he was looking for. “Andraste’s toenail clippings, look at how shaky my hand was when I wrote this. I was so nervous. Which was silly I suppose. Maybe I was just worried that you wouldn’t want to sleep with me again.”
“I can’t believe it happened. With you!” he read aloud, “You’re so beautiful and I never dreamed you would pick me. To share our first time together. You were so perfect like I knew you would be. Like you always are. Nothing else mattered. Just you. Darkspawn could have overtaken our camp and I never would have noticed. The only thing I wanted to do was make you happy.”
Alistair shifted positions, crossing his legs in front of him. “All these years later and that’s still the only thing I want in the world. To make you happy, Arissa.” He looked up at her face over his shoulder, smiling at just the sight of her. “To return even a tenth of what you’ve brought me.”
Flipping to another random page, he opened the journal wide. He read the first line on the page silently, skimming the contents of the entry. “I think this one is my favorite,” he declared, cheeks flushing as the memory came rushing back to him. He cleared his throat before reading it aloud.
“My dearest Alistair, I promise I didn’t read anything! I just found the next blank page in your journal. If you want something to write about in your next entry come and find me in that spot you showed me when we got here…”
A shiver ran down his back. It was the exact sensation that he’d gotten the first time he’d read it and every time after that. They’d just arrived at Eamon’s and he’d given her a quick tour of the place where he’d spent his early childhood. At least, those areas he’d been allowed to enter. Before he continued reading what he’d written below her words, he took a moment to admire her handwriting. The only piece of it he knew existed. Her letters were fairly tight together but long and flowing with beautiful curves and flourished angles. Made to be able to fit tight notes in the margins of books.
“I don’t even know what to write, Arissa. Seeing you waiting for me in that beautiful black dress (if it could be called that) with your raven hair free and that nervousness in your glorious green eyes….it was as if all of those missed named days and Satinalia’s had come together in one perfect moment for a single present that I will cherish forever.”
“The best part was watching you relax when I told you how beautiful you were. It made my heart sing to realize that you believed me when I said it. How you went from nervous and shy to that uninhibited and enthusiastic lover I’ve come to know. You are, without a doubt, the best thing to ever happen to me. You had no idea this journal was for you when you wrote in it, but I definitely want you to know exactly what I thought about it…”
Alistair flipped a few pages over, chuckling. “Sweet Andraste’s belly button lint. I went on for three pages? I wonder how long it took me to write it. Probably a lot longer than it felt. I wrote everything that happened that night.” He paused, eyes skimming over a few sentences in the middle. “In great detail, Zevran would be impressed.”
He thumbed through the remaining pages until he was looking at the inside of the back cover. In Denerim he’d sewn in a small leather pocket. He carefully untied the waxed cord and pulled out the delicate ring wrapped in silk from inside the crude pouch.
Alistair’s vision blurred and he crushed his palm against his left eye, wiping away his tears before brushing roughly at the other eye with the sleeve of his tunic.
“The only thing that I regret was not asking you. I told myself I wanted to until it was all over but really I was afraid you’d say no. Maker, that was so stupid! Sometimes I wish I had been the one to do it, to become the Hero of Ferelden. How selfish is that? Not for the title, but so that you’d be alive. And yet, I am relieved I didn’t. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. This…emptiness. I would rather have you than a martyr but I would also rather carry this burden so that you can rest in the peace you deserve.”
“I almost didn’t come here to leave these for you. I feel like they’re all I have left of you but they were always for you. One to ask you to marry me, the other for the day you did. So you could see how I felt about you from the moment I knew I would marry you. I just never got the chance to give either of them to you.” Closing the journal and clutching the ring tightly in his palm, he stood and looked up at the white granite monument of the Hero of Ferelden.
“I wished they’d made a statue of you smiling. It was so rare that you did it and I’m afraid the world will forget how beautiful it was. But, Leliana said that your smile was a gift to the people you loved most and that all of us who were graced with it will keep that memory. I guess she was right. Every time I close my eyes and think of you, which is every time I close them, I see that smile.”
He knelt in front of the epitaph at the base of her monument and set down the journal, placing the ring on top. He pulled a cord from around his neck over his head and slipped the key into a hidden slot in the “I” of Arissa. Once it was turned, he pressed the “O” in Hero. With a small click, a lip popped out of the base. He slid his fingers into the gap and gave it a quick tug to pull out the small hidden drawer.
Placing the journal into it next to a dried rose, he laid the ring on top after a few moments of hesitation. With a sigh, he pushed the hidden drawer closed until it locked into place and the “O” popped back out. He withdrew the key and slipped the cord over his neck again before tucking it under his shirt.
Stepping down, he backed up to get a good look at her. “I’ll see you again,” he promised, struggling to talk past the lump in his throat, “should the Maker allow me to get close enough to your hallowed countenance at your place by His side.”
“Until then, I’ll see you in my dreams at night and do my best to make you proud when I am awake. To do as much as I can with the life your sacrifice has granted me and the people of Ferelden. I lo-” his voice caught and he had to take a moment to compose himself.
“I love you, Arissa.” He got the words out on his second try though they were barely more than a whisper. “I’ll see you soon enough.”
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azazelsexile · 7 years
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@fade-steppin I can't believe you caught me Unusual Asks Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify. Premium bitches is your room messy or clean? Messy. If it's clean, something is very wrong. what color are your eyes? Blue!! They're the best part about me do you like your name? why? I hate my birth name, but I adore my chosen name, Maison what is your relationship status? I'm dating a beautiful genderfluid person and I'm in love describe your personality in 3 words or less: hyperfixiating on fandom what color hair do you have? Right now it's kinda blonde with a green tint because of blue hair dye that wasn't ready to leave what kind of car do you drive? color? I actually just sold my car because it wasn't running, but it was a blue Ford Tarus where do you shop? Walmart, Target, Forever 21, Hot Topic. & anywhere my mom drags me how would you describe your style? flower child hobo favorite social media account: twitter, I have to say what size bed do you have? Uhhhh I'm not sure? It's not huge but it's bigger than a twin size any siblings? unfortunately,,,, i have two younger brothers if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Somewhere rural, with lots of space and lots of cats favorite snapchat filter? I love the dog filter. I don't care if it's the ho filter favorite makeup brand(s): none applicable how many times a week do you shower? 4 or 5, more if I'm sad favorite tv show? right now probably losh shoe size? 7 mens I think? USA sizing? how tall are you? 5'4" sandals or sneakers? Sneakers!!! I have to wear socks do you go to the gym? hahaha I don't even go to the Pokemon gyms anymore describe your dream date: We go out to dinner, probably Steak and Shake. After dinner, we go to the park. It's a bit chilly, but not too cold. We sit on the grass in the dark and spend hours talking. After that, we go home and fall asleep together, cuddling and still talking about life. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? $6 and a ton of pennies what color socks are you wearing? Light blue with little snowmen how many pillows do you sleep with? One, but it's very flat and I need a new one do you have a job? what do you do? Yes! I work after school care at a grade school how many friends do you have? Lots, but only about 8-10 are people I hang out with on the regular whats the worst thing you have ever done? I made Nessa answer all 100 questions and she got me back whats your favorite candle scent? Mountain Lodge Yankee Candle 3 favorite boy names: Archer, Grayson, Lyle 3 favorite girl names: Nora, Zoe, Grace favorite actor? Can I say @wilwheaton and not have it be weird? Good. favorite actress? Can I say Auli'i Cravalho? Because she's rad who is your celebrity crush? @markiplier I'm sorry I'm a ho favorite movie? 101 Dalmatians do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I used to read lots!!! Currently it's The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater money or brains? Money, probably do you have a nickname? what is it? Abbles, Mais/Mace, Mai. Or Rose how many times have you been to the hospital? Like 3 top 10 favorite songs; Rock n Roll Thugs- Icon for Hire American Boy- Estelle (feat Kanye West) What You Own- RENT Kids Again- Artist vs Poet Halo- Starset This Too Shall Pass- Danny Schmidt Pretty Little Head- Eliza Rickman Thunder- Boys Like Girls Vanilla Twilight- Owl City I Really Like You- Carly Rae Jepsen I also have a public Spotify playlist if any of y'all are actually interested in my music tbh do you take any medications daily? Yeah, but just my bc what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc): I'll go with oily what is your biggest fear? Being forgotten how many kids do you want? The dream is four, but there's some stuff going on that might mean less whats your go to hair style? Chop It Off what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc): it's average sized who is your role model? I don't really have just one, I look up to Finknor from wtnv tho what was the last compliment you received? Something about how great I am, from a coworker what was the last text you sent? "I love you" to my partner how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Like 13 or 14 lol what is your dream car? A white VW bug with black Dalmatian spots opinion on smoking? No to tobacco, u do u on weed do you go to college? I dropped out after last semester but might go back what is your dream job? Professional Hermit. Also, bigwig book series author would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Rural do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Duh. Not more than they give me do you have freckles? When I actually go outside, the answer is apparently yes do you smile for pictures? Yes. I cheese it hard. how many pictures do you have on your phone? 155 have you ever peed in the woods? Yes do you still watch cartoons? Yes!! do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? I haven't tried them from Wendy's yet Favorite dipping sauce? Ranch and bbq what do you wear to bed? Sweats/yoga pants and a t-shirt have you ever won a spelling bee? Nope what are your hobbies? Singing, reading, writing, disassociating can you draw? Yes do you play an instrument? Slight piano what was the last concert you saw? WinterJam lol tea or coffee? No Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Starbucks, for their cake pops do you want to get married? I do, I have wedding fever right now what is your crush’s first and last initial? E.R. and M.F. are you going to change your last name when you get married? Probably. what color looks best on you? Red. do you miss anyone right now? Yes, my partner!!! do you sleep with your door open or closed? Cloooooosed do you believe in ghosts? I do what is your biggest pet peeve? When people don't use their turn signal last person you called: my mom, to tell her my brother is a dumbass favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate chip cookie dough, or just chocolate regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow! what shirt are you wearing? A Madrigals concert shirt what is your phone background? A TAZ art are you outgoing or shy? Shy with extrovert tendencies do you like it when people play with your hair? YES I DO do you like your neighbors? Yes I do do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Nope lol have you ever been high? No have you ever been drunk? No last thing you ate? Pizza roll bosco sticks favorite lyrics right now: We're all so fake happy, and I know fake happy summer or winter? Winter day or night? Night dark, milk, or white chocolate? Dark! favorite month? October what is your zodiac sign: Gemini who was the last person you cried in front of? Jupiter
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