#Vilcor entrati
satellite-slickers · 8 months
Warframe is a gacha game but for father figures.
Aaaaand post.
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toasty-tealeaf · 8 months
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Tennotober day 16: "Family"
I really wanted to see them healing together and having some quality time. So how about a nice fishing trip?
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midorishinobi5 · 7 months
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Art backlog: commission for @finlaena of their Titania OC and Vilcor Entrati
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melanodis · 2 years
smashes vilcor and corey together
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finlaena · 5 months
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The idea of Faction NPCs wearing Signas wouldn't leave me until I got this one out of my system.
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gillyeowalters · 3 months
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And it is father again...this is just a very quick sketch (and I gave him more butt than he technically has...).
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alteredsilicone · 4 months
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will you still love me if i started drawing euleria entrati
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Warframe fans:
Images of each under cut
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cardinalgoldenbrow · 5 months
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After playing Whispers in the Walls, I wonder if one of the reasons that Euleria Entrati married Father/Vilcor is because she saw that Albrecht and Loid couldn't be together publicly because of caste differences.
She wanted someone who could be her partner in work (the way Loid helped Albrecht every step of the way) and in public. Which is why she's so disappointed in Father when they've systematically failed to find Albrecht...and eventually comes to appreciate Vilcor for what he's really good at once she lets go of her father's ghost.
The whole Entrati family needs therapy. But I guess that's why they adopted a Tenno, right?
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ritasanderson · 5 months
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Vilcor: wonder what mr Entrati is doing with all those necramechs i build for him Albrecht: daaaaamn these skulls are gonna look sick on the walls in the labs hell yeahhh
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xeilon · 10 months
Going insane right now over just a few sentences like how Albrecht raised his daughter alone, (his daughter who has her mothers eyes) Loid carrying Son on his back around the garden, and how Necraloid (the Entrati's most loyal servant) was built to keep Loid from being alone. Aslo that during the Incident(TM) only Euleria and Kalymos were there because everyone else given up on Albrecht.
Like, I love the theory that Albrecht and Loid are Euleria's parents etc. but. BUT. LISTEN.
Albrecht who always tried to do right by his daughter falling apart just a little bit (a lot) after meeting with the Man in The Wall, getting colder and trying to keep distance from everyone.
And then this random twink shows up, who wants to assist Albrecht in his research and "No I don't need help!" but Euleria is just like "You absolutely do, you're a mess." And Albrecht finally coming to see Loid in a new light after years of working together.
The family notices that Albrecht is in a much better place than before and quickly connects the dots between that and how close the two of them seems to be, and just going, "You know what? That's great."
And then Albrecht at the end of his life falls back into bad habits, and decides to do, whatever the hells happening in Whispers in the Walls and asks for Loid's help and secrecy because he can't let his daughter know of this.
He builds Necraloid because even if he's gotten closer to his family than he was after meeting Wally, he never quite understood the dinamics after that. He didn't really understood the rivalry between his grandkids, just why Grandmother is even there, or how much his daughter is worried about him.
Also Loid. He absolutely does not understand where the family stands with Loid. So he believes that he has to build a little robot to keep Loid company after he leaves, because who else is gonna do that, completely missing the fact that the family adores the man.
His grandson constantly in his heels beggin for piggy back rides, his granddaughter seeks him out all the time to show him her new fishes, his daughter has tea with him at least once a week where they just vent to each other about everything and everyone, grandmother rubs off on him like hell and Vilcor is absolutely terrified of the duo that is his wife's non-offical adopted dad and his mother but is too scared to say anything.
So Albrecht leaves, oblivious to the fact that he's the only one who didn't quite notice that there is no need to worry about Loid's company, but really he is an infuriating man who never just listened and Loid does love him for that.
So he keeps his secret, (whatever happened to him, noone will know) and he mourns alongside his daughter and grandkids and then lives the remaining of his life with them. But he is no orokin, and he still has much to do (the Kalymos sequence) so he has to leave too, and after thinking about it a lot, gives Necraloid a (for a long time) final command, to serve his family just as he served him, to keep them company, and to not let them slip away, as his Albrecht did long ago.
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calystathebear · 4 months
How do you feel about the Entrati family?
Assuming you mean what's left of them on Deimos? My feelings are mixed. I feel for them, I do, however they're very... Orokin, and it shows.
I have a particular fondness for Kaelli, seeing her growing attachment to Kahl and the Garrison tells me she has potential for growth as a person. Though, I have a hard time believing all of her prejudice just evaporated. It's never that clean or simple. I don't dislike Grandmother, or Dagath, either. Her care for her family, the Vent Kids, and disdain for Anyo go a long way. It makes her more distinctly... Human, than Orokin. Her family can stand to learn from her, particularly Gomaitru even if through marriage, who I have nothing but disdain for. Kermerros is dangerous. While his curiosity and care for the wildlife of Deimos is admirable, he is still impulsive. He is the kind of scientist that would open Pandora's Box to see what happens. Vilcor... I feel bad for him, pure and simple. He deserved, and deserves better. I'm happy he at least seems amicable with his children now, but his wife? Gomaitru is everything wrong with the Orokin in one woman. I've spoken enough about Gomaitru. The hag could drop dead for all I care.
And, then we move on to Albrecht. It's hard for me to draw a solid conclusion, as I only know so much about him. There is a very mixed bag from everything I've unearthed so far. Though, he reminds me of Icarus. Just instead of the sun... We have that asshole in the walls.
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sihirbazi · 2 months
if you talk to the Entrati on Deimos for longer than 0.2 seconds you find out that Grandmother is Vilcor's mother, NOT Euleria's, yet people loooove pulling the SHE'S ALBRECHT'S WIFE HOW CAN HE BE INTO LOID card
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I kinda forgot to properly figure out Higgins' backstory beyond "not the canon one"
He doesn't remember most of his past even through building his partnership with North (unlike how Alden and Lanius get to regain not only their identity but some of their memories over time), including his name. He ends up getting the name Higgins off of a research paper he really liked
As a human, he was one of the number of Archimedeans working under the Entrati on Deimos. Void science, of course. He was young and bright and good at what he did, and he also fuckin hated it. Maybe not all of it, he did good work he took pride in and got along well with some of his fellow Archemedians, but his true passion had always been chemistry. But that didn't put food on the table, didn't get you shipped off to one of the leading scientific institutes in the whole solar system, and so he grit his teeth and off to become a void scientist he went
And then something went wrong. I'm not sure what exactly, but studying the void had always been like playing with fire, and sometimes the loss of even genius life was just akin to destroyed equipment
In the end, Higgins' mutilated body and fading, precious mind were offered up to Vilcor (or whatever he had been called back then), with the strong, pointed suggestion: we don't need Cephalons anymore. We need warriors
In the end, Higgins - Lavos - never did end up getting bonded to a Tenno. By the time he was ready to be, the War had progressed too far over his head. The Orokin had sought things bigger and better and bigger and better and- a mastery of the elements, and Vilcor's elegant alternative to energy that seemed to draw from the void itself just wasn't needed anymore
So off into storage he went in the back of some Isolation Vault as yet another project that was both called to life and choked of it by the War. And the rest is history
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searyyn · 2 years
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‘Go commit some warcrimes, child’
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finlaena · 9 months
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Father and Titania!
Based upon a vague recollection of an idea that came to me on the trip home from TennoCon.
At the risk of sounding really emotional (again), I had resolved to stop drawing these two because it could be seen as weird by others & not what people want to see.
So I just... stopped.
When someone told me they loved my Father & Titania works at the con, a part of my soul was freed from a terrible vice grip of anxiety + self-doubt in creativity.
Not sure they'll ever fully know how much their kind words meant to me + how they helped me find love in creating again.
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