truecrimewoo · 4 years
Lori and Chad Daybell Series: Dishing on the Niece
Part 1 of 3
"The Interview"
In May of 2020, Melani Pawlowski made a series of interviews answering questions pertaining to the whereabouts of Melani's young cousins Tylee Ryan, 17 and JJ Vallow, 7. The nationwide search for Tylee and JJ came to a tragic ending on June 9, 2020 when the bodies of Tylee and JJ were found in the backyard of the children's step father Chad Daybell. Both Chad and Lori are currently in jail on charges related to the Tylee and JJ's disappearance.
Melani Pawlowski has been a subject of interest to law enforcement as well as the Social Media True Crime Community. Attached is a video of Melani and Ian Pawlowski's interview with an Arizona news channel. For a recap please click on the following link:
Parts 2 and 3 "Dishing on the Niece" will focus on the Metaphysics explaining Melani Pawlowski, what she may have known and how she is connected to a case that has has the True Crime Cummunity all a buzz over the last few months.
Much love and prayers to the families and friends of Tylee and JJ. RIP Sweet Angels
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yogitarot · 5 years
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Kipper Card number 12 "Rich Girl": A Meditation on Chitra Nakshatra with YouTube Astrologer Clair Nakti
The Kipper Card "Rich Girl" decribes Maya, vision and manifestation. English translations of some lf the ancient texts literally describe Chitra females as a "Rich girl." Updated, more contemporary meanings in the English language by scholars and astrologers are more readily available to the Western world and give us more meaning on Chitra as well as Kipper cards.
Clair Nakti of Cosmetique Astrology describes Chitra in modern culture showing us examples of Chitra natives such as Sacha Baron Cohen, Alister Crowley as well as Kim Kardashian as examples of executing a vision in challenging societal norms and raising consciousness. Ms. Nakti also touches on Chitra female natives as having inherent sexuality that at times arouses attraction from men and jealousy from other females, a theme also involving the Kipper Rich Girl Card.
Chitra is the 12th nakshatra of Vedic astrology and also often seen as the 12th decon/ drekkana for Krittika rising divisional charts in Vedic Astrology.
Chitra is ruled by its deity Tvastar. Chitra is one of three nakshatras described by the ancients to "act like Mars" ( Mrigashira ans Danishta nakshatra are also said to "act like Mars). Chitra is described as the "Celestial Architect" its shakti is "Punya Cayani Shakti" or "the ability to manifest merit" in this life.
Chitra natives are often described as intelligent, hard working and image conscious. The "Rich Girl" Kipper Card #12 embodies Chitra energy and is great for meditation as well as for card reading.
The nakshatras described in Vedic astrology are fundamental to many natural healthcare practices foihnd in Vedic culture. Learning the nakshatras is essential to your natural heath care lifestyle.
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yogitarot · 5 years
5 of Cups: a Vedic Description/ Meditation
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"Vedic", a term popularized to help describe the ancient philosophies/ practices in the English language. Westerners have been influenced by Vedic culture for many years and are enjoying Vedic wisdom and philosophies as enhancing existing western beliefs and customs. It is widely accepted that westerners are without a "perfect knowledge" of these ancient practices and are appreciative of Vedic scholars and Jyotish practitioners, and those of the Hindu faith sharing natural healing practices with the West.
The 5th Bhava ( 5th House). Karakas ( significator) include Jupiter. Jupiter associated Nakshatra Vishakha ( 14th Lunar Mansion / nakshatra according to Vedic astrology. Vishakha' s many symbols include archways. Archways according to Vedic culture are symbols of victory ( Anarudha Nakshatra/ moon mansion the 15th nakshatra also represented by archways amongst many other things according to Vedic astrology).
The spilled substance(s) are indicators of Halahala as described in the Vedas and Puranas in regards to the creation of th e universe and are often incorporated into interpreting the 5 of Cups as a tarot card.
From this yogis point of view, this card is about self creation/ self realization involving personal growth and creation as described by the fifth house. The fifth house, a Significators of many, many things includes romance, arts, children, the Sun, the planet Jupiter. Nakshatras said to "act like Jupiter" are Punarvasu, Vishakha, and Purvabadrapada. All three Jupiter- like nakshatras often describe themes found in traditional common and most popular "5 of Cups" meanings.
Other nakshatras based in the use of the number 5 are nakshatras considered apa of the natural fifth house and associated with the Sun and with the sign of Leo. Leo nakshatras include Ashlesha ( Ugra/ fierce: associated with serpents and poisoning and said to act like Mercury), Magha ( said to :act like Ketu" also: Western astrologers often correspond Magha to Regulus ), Purvaphalgunie ( associated with/ said to "act like Venus") , and Uttaraphalguni ( associated with yhe Sun). Out of all the nakshatras, Uttaraphalguni especially represents themes pertaining to the Sun, Leo and the 5th House. Themes of Uttaraphalguni are often themes of taki ng charge, responsibility, carrying on, parenting, "husband" energy, masculine, divine masculine, etc. Uttaraphalguni if negatively aspected describes a person staying too long in relationships out of fear, guilt or obligation- therefore 5 of Cups energies often describe codependency, unhappiness, and putting a sense of duty/ responsibility above personal happiness.
This card can be about growth, change ( Jupiter) self creation ( Venus), and getting what you want but having to make sacrifices to gain what is ultimately wanted, authority ( Sun), and responsibility.
This card of loss, but also a card of gain. And of course, the loss can always be felt, even if the loss is for a greater good/ a greater personal purpose/ themes common to "higher self" and personal transformation.
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yogitarot · 5 years
Tarot Meditation: Rider Waite Smith Tarot and Jyeshta Nakshatra
Understanding Jyeshta through the Rider Waite Tarot system.
Finding the Rider Waite Smith through Jyeshta.
Jyeshta according to western sidereal astrologers is the sixteenth nakshatra/ lunar mansion of the zodiac. According to western sidereal astrologers, Jyeshta is found at approximately 10 degrees Sagittarius to 23 Sagitarrius. Eastern Siderealists find Jyeshta in the Scorpio part of the zodiac. To follow the western or eastern sidereal zodiac is in itself an interesting meditation and very useful to mindful practices and especially mindful practices such as tarot.
Vic Dicara is a Vedic scholar who shares his wealth of Vedic knowledge on his YouTube channel. His books such as "27 God, 27 Nakshatras," are a must read for Vedic arts and Science practitioners and of course for yogi and tarot practitioners. Included is a link to his website. His website has links to his books and to his YouTube channel.
I enjoy Vic Dicara's channel very much. For the record, I do not know Vic Dicara. It is in full objectivity that I recommend his channel and his books to any Vedic arts and science practitioner and especially yogi and tarot practitioners.
I am certain tarot practitioners will agree that Mr. Dicara's translations of Sanskrit texts are very useful to tarot practices. I feel many tarot practitioners will recognize this particular video of Jyeshta along with Jyesta's deity Indra as a likely foundation in understanding the Rider Waite Smith as according to Waite.
I encourage tarot practitioners to watch the attached video and consider the Seven of Swords and any other Rider Waite Smith Tarot Card that may or may not come to mind.
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yogitarot · 5 years
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Tarot Meditation: 4th house. The "fours."
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yogitarot · 5 years
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Kipper Card Number 22 ( Military Person): a Meditation on Shatabisha Nakshatra with YouTube Astrologer Kapiel Rajj
Card number 22, "Military person" corresponds to the 22nd drekkana/ nakshatra in a Krittika rising divisional astrology chart. Shatabisha nakshatra is found in the late degrees of Capricorn and early degrees of Aquarius.
Themes of Aquarius individuality can immediately be noticed as the Military Person has removed his hat ( out of uniform) as well as the often speculated number plate placed conspicuously on the left hand of the card ( every other card in the original Kipper deck has the number on the right. And it's NOT a printing mistake, FYI).
Shattabisha is said to act like Rahu. Other nakshatras said to act like Rahu are Ardra, and Swati Nakshatra. Shattabisha's ruling deity is Varuna. Shattabisha natives are often described as eccentric ( true to Aquarian nature), and are also known to be natural healers. Shattabisha is associated with alcohol. The ancients used alcohol foe medicinal purposes. If badly aspected Shattabisha can indicate drunkenness ( perhaps the true reason for the number on the left side and for the Military Person not in proper uniform ).
Kipper cards are great for meditation as well as a tool for studying the Nakshatras of Vedic astrology. Nakshatras are essential to many of the natural healing practices found in Vedic culture and Vedic philosophies.
Kipper readers/ tarot readers and mindful practitioners can find Kapiel Rajj on the web at www.krsastrology.com and his YouTube channel KRS Astrology. Mr. Rajj currently teaches a certification course in Vedic astrology. Card readers/ yogis and everyone else can greatly benefit from Vedic Astrology Certification courses taught by Mr. Rajj.
I do not know Kapiel Rajj. I am sharing my unbiased and supportive opinion of his YouTube channel.
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yogitarot · 5 years
The Lord: Art Deco and Jyeshta
Finding Jyeshta in the classic Art Deco Gypsy cards published by Piatnik in 1936. Finding ADG through Jyeshta and other nakshatras.
Jyeshta, the lunar mansion/ constellation found in the last part of Scorpio. The "Scorpio Sting." 18th nakshatra ( 16th nakshatra according to the system I follow).
Jyeshta is best understood by studying Mercury as astrologers have said Jyeshta acts like Mercury. Jyeshta's deity id Indra, the King of the Gods in Vedic mythology. Stories of Indra describe Jyeshta and how Jyeshta is seen in everyday lives.
Jyeshta, a fierce nakshatra is about obtaining power to overcome oppression. Natives of Jyeshta are typically person's of power. Many successful politicians have Jyeshta strong in their chart. Jyeshta has a reputation for manipulation, trickery and cunningness. The qualities can be seen as negative. These qualities can also be seen as positive as these are qualilities that can be used for the greater good, to help those disadvantaged overcome oppression amongst many, many other things.
Of course we see Jyeshta in this card: the medals and sash suggest a dignitary of some sort displaying his dominance and power. Typical of Jyeshta, we see someone studying the power of "the Lord." Perhaps this person is simply observing the power. Perhaps the person is questioning the power. If typical of Jyeshta, this person will attempt to challenge, even take away the power of "the Lord."
Jyeshta natives are often politicians, successful spouses, CEOs, and even leaders of organized crime. The Godfather's Miichael Corleone is a perfect example of Jyeshta as seen in western culture.
Jyeshta is useful for many healing practices, one being "black magic" which to me is about destroying poisons, enemies and anything opposed to personal freedom. Jyestha can be used to destroy drug addiction, for one example.
The Art Deco Gypsy deck is a classic beautiful deck for mindfulness as well as many other practices. The ADG is a great way to find nakshatras in daily life.
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yogitarot · 5 years
Bharani Nakshatra: the True Meaning of the Empress Card Rider Waite Smith
The Empress, the tarot's archetype of feminine energy, of motherhood and creativity. Waite himself alluded to the Greater arcana as personifications of the fixed stars while leaving it to the individual to determine what the tarot means to each individual.
As a yogi and Vedic arts and science practitioner, it is easy to recognize Bharani, the constellation found at the mid- Aries section of the zodiac. Bharani, also known as "the Bearer", the "Star of Restraint" is a constellation said to act like Venus and is ruled by Yama, the deity of life and death as per Vedic astrology.
Considering the Major and Minor arcana in the context of the moon mansions/ nakshatras of Vedic astrology has greatly enhanced my tarot practice and it will greatly benefit the tarot practice of yogis and non yogis alike.
Bharani is a karaka ( Significator) of many, many areas of life addressed by the ancient natural health care found in vedic cultures and Vedic practices. Natives of Bharani nakshatra are described as creative, self controlled and loving. Negatively selected can describe someone of poor self control as per many Vedic scholars and practitioners.
Bharani is also an effective correspondence to the Aces of the RWS tarot system.
Nakshatras are perhaps the original energies of the tarot, perhaps the tarot originated elsewhere. Regardless, Bharani is a cosmic energy seen in every culture in this particular earthly constellation and will definitely complement your tarot practice.
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yogitarot · 5 years
Claire Nakti is a wonderful Vedic astrologer. Her books, articles and especially her YouTube Channel are very informative for yogies, taroists,and astrology practitioners.
Claire Nakti's insights on astrology and nakshatras in particular are most beneficial to any mindful practice and to other life areas.
#yogitarot yogipractitioner
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yogitarot · 5 years
Tarot Meditation: Four of Swords featuring Vedic Astrologer Kapiel Rajj and the Fourth House according to Vedic Astrology
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Common meanings of the four of Swords include resting, unawakened, asleep, taking a breathed amongst many, many other meanings.
Here, in the Rider Waite Smith Tarot, we have a soldier ( mars) in the House of Cancer ( 4th House). Mars is considered debilitated in Cancer according to Vedic astrology. Along with other traditional meanings, this card also describes someone uncomfortable and unable to be himself because if his/ her environment. Repressed masculine energy in the home can lead to all kinds of problems within the home, within relationships and within society.
For more Kapiel Rajj, check out his website www.krsastrology.com and his YouTube channel KRS Astrology. Mr. Rajj also certifies aspiring vedic astrologers through his online astrology school "Magha Academy." Certification as a Vedic astrologer is beneficial for yogis, tarot readers and other mindful practices.
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yogitarot · 5 years
Tarot Meditation: Four of Cups
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Common meanings include rejection, despondency, stomach problems, someone too picky in a relationship amongst many, many other meanings given in traditional tarot readings.
A Vedic Astrology perspective: Masculine energy ( blood red shirt) is Mars energy. Mars in the fourth house, the original house of cancer. Mars is debilatated in Cancer. Mars is uncomfortable in Moon's house. Adding water to the mix right now is just way too much feminine energy for Mars.
Mars debilitation with the tight aspects can actually be beneficial for masculine energy. In the Rider Waite Smith Tarot however, it is clear that this Mars debilitation is not allowing Mars to be his normal warrior self.
Repressed male energy of course leads to all kinds of problems for a Divine Masculine. If not addressed properly, all kinds of issues may occur possible leading to passive aggressive behavior and even a tendency to cheat in a relationship.
Attached is a link to Indaastro.com and an article describing
Bhavas ( houses) are important to Vedic astrology in determining a planet's stregnth/ dignity in a natal chart and in a tarot reading/ meditation.
Attached is a link to Indoastro.com and an article describing the astrological houses ( bhavas) and their karaka (significance) according to the principles of Vedic astrology.
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yogitarot · 5 years
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Planetary Mindfulness with Sibilla: Budha ( Mercury)
Using Sibilla to understand Budha. Using Budha to understand Sibilla.
According to the ancients, Budha is karaka of intelligence, communication, the merchant class amongst many, many other life themes and cosmic energies found in vedic culture/ philosophy, natural healthcare.
Modern Vedic astrologer, natural healthcare practitioners use Budha to signify life themes as described by the ancients, but also use Budha to signify social media, trades, professions, intelligence, thought, ability to analyze amongst many, many other life themes. Budha is associated with the moon mansions/ nakshatras Ashlesha, Jyeshta, and Revati.
Buddha is also considered the natural ruler of the Gemini and Virgo zodiac signs of Vedic astrology practices and practitioners.
The Merchant card found in Sibilla is an example of Mercury ( Budha) in daily life. The Merchant is also a way understand the Merchant class as described by the ancients as well modern day Vedic practioners.
Cartomancers associate the Merchant card with the King of Diamonds. In Vedic Culture, the King of Diamonds has long been a personification of the masculine element if earth.
Buddha is essential to Vedic thought and philosophy.
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truecrimewoo · 4 years
Dishing on the Niece: Part 2
After Lori Daybell's niece Melanie P. made her rounds of interviews, social media waa buzzing as it seemed obvious by MP's body language and conflicting stories, MP was lying.
For information of what was said about MP, her interviews and speculation involving her case, a link to a video from "It's a Crime" can be found below. "It's a Crime" creator Linda is known for her accuracy as well as her uncanny Deep Dives.
TCW threw this 2 card spread to see if Metaphysics would confirm MP was telling the truth or not. This spread was thrown on May 21st, 2020 while TCW waa watching the East Idaho News Interview of MP and her husband Ian Pawlowski.
Date: 04/21/20
Question Arising: already suspecting MP is not telling the truth the question becomes
" What is MP Lying About ?"
Spread Name: Lie Detector
Spread Type: 2 Card Draw
Deck: Morgan RWS style based Morgan Greer Tarot
Card 1: "What is being shown ? "
9 of Pentacles
Interpretation: based on MP's constant deflection, sticking up for her Aunt Lori and asserting "Tylee and JJ are Ok" not much more than the cards face value needs to be analyzed.
What is being shown by MP or what MP is saying and want a us to believe is that everything is perfect, more than fine even and that viewers have nothing to worry about.
Card 2: "What is Hidden".
What MP is hiding and does not want us to know.
10 of Swords:
Interpretation: the 10 of Swords in this position needs to be investigated a bit further. Based on Chaldean Numerology, the number 10 means luck in getting what you want. Apparently, MP or someone near the case is getting what they want? Perhaps MP does not want us to know that she actually has her husband Ian defeated/ by the balls as implied by the illustration of the 10 of Swords?
How the 10 of Swords fits here had me wondering for a long time.
Finally on June 9th, 2020 I has my answer. Unfortunately, it waa not a happy answer. On 06/09/2020, Chad Daybell was arrested after the bodies of Tylee and JJ were found buried in the ground on t he Daybell property.
The true answer to "what is Hidden?" was not a difficult card to interpret at all. Just like the 9 of Pentacles answering the first question based on the "face value alone" the 10 of Swords answers "What is being Hidden?" is found by simply looking at the card and It's illustration.
When it comes to metaphysics, the answer is always there. We just have to know how to interpret the answer.
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yogitarot · 5 years
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In addition to already popular tarot meanings as described by Arthur E. Waite:
Six of Wands: honoring Vulcan. Vulcan's mother may not have appreciated him, but the ancients fixed that in honoring him at festivals held in the 6th month ( V1) sixth both also corresponding to the sixth house= being honored in such a way would certainly help any illnesses pertaining to "mother issues" and enemies ( Venus, Vulcan's wife had a hard time being faithful to him).
Vulcania, the festival honoring the 6th month, August named for Augusta is held historically on Aug. 26th according to ancient Roman tradition. Associated fire rituals have been recorded as disastrous as historians have stated that the ancient's desire to honor Vulcan during the hottest month of the year literally "added fuel" to Roman's honoring Vulcan. On many occasions, it has been recorderd that the bonfires of the ceremonies caused disaster and destruction for ancient Rome and it's citizens.
A six of wands is often described as a "small victory" and a "victory without the faith of sevants/ countryman." Vulcan, mistreated by his mother as well as his wife was a God that at times was mocked and ridiculed by the other Gods in the Roman ( and Greek) pantheons.
The six of cards in a reading often means a lack of faith in leadership for the current or for someone / something else situation in regards to the queation/ questions asked of the tarot reader.
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yogitarot · 5 years
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Tarot Meditation: Aces. First House. Vedic astrology. KRS Channel. KRS Astrology.
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yogitarot · 5 years
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Tarot Meditation: Second House. Rider Waite Smith Tarot. The "two's."
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