#Vinny mauro fluff
circle-with-me · 3 months
122 with Vinny
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122. "Can I please hold your hand?”
pairing: vinny mauro x gender neutral reader
no warnings here. just fluff 💖
@deathblacksmoke @darksigns-exe @sitkowski @tearfallpixie @cookiesupplier @lacktoesandtoddlerants @miss570 @jilliemiw86 @witchyweeb34 @collapsedglasshouses
It took Vinny forever to ask you out. So long, in fact, that you were convinced that he didn't actually like you and you had made it all up in your head. When you were about to lose hope is when he finally asked you out. He walked you to your car one night after you hung out at his place. He lingered longer than usual, nervously dragging out conversation until he could work up the courage to ask. You barely let him finish his question before you enthusiastically accepted, pecking him on the cheek and telling him to pick you up the next night by 7pm.
Vinny arrives a few minutes late, flustered and apologetic. The bouquet of flowers in his shaking hands is passed to you with a nervous smile. He fumbles out a story about how none of the bouquets at the shop were perfect enough and he was already running late, so he had to pick the best one. He proceeds with his story and you can see he’s getting frustrated again. You lean forward, planting a kiss on the side of his mouth and thank him for the beautiful flowers. The dumb smile on his face and the blush on his cheeks letting you know that he’s forgotten all about the vexing flower shop trip.
He takes you to a nice restaurant—too nice, in fact. Both of you exchange wide eyed glances when you see the menu prices. He’s embarrassed at first but relaxes when you start making jokes about the other guest’s plates as they walk by. You sit for a while drinking water and eating the free bread, laughing and making fun of the tiny portion sizes—wondering who in their right mind would pay so much money for a piece of steak you could eat in one bite.
The staff catches on eventually. You weren’t exactly being quiet. As they headed in your direction, you both ran out of the restaurant and out to his car laughing so hard that you couldn’t breathe. After you caught your breath you decided to go down the street to a local place for burgers and fries.
He drives you to a familiar spot afterward to sit and talk. It isn’t much different than your usual conversation, but there’s something new—something tangible—in the way you interact. He regards you in such a soft manner, like he finally has permission to look at you the way he’s always wanted to. You lean towards him, absentmindedly playing with his necklace as he tells you about the new music he’s been working on.
He stops talking abruptly, antsy fingers drumming on his leg. You ask him what’s wrong, fearing he thought you weren’t listening and was upset.
“Nothing, I—just..” He pauses, laughing nervously. "Can I please hold your hand?”
You nod, and he instantly grabs your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. He pulls your hands in his lap, tracing invisible patterns on the back of your palm. His continues his story as if there had been no interruptions; like he hadn’t just made your heart burst in a million pieces.
When you press your lips against his without warning, you realize you should have asked permission. You pull away from him as quickly as you had invaded his space, blurting out apology after apology. This time, it’s his turn to quiet you, and he’s taking your face in the hand that isn’t intertwined with yours and giving you the tiniest pecks on your lips until your apologies dissolve into giggles.
It isn’t even a question when he drops you off later and asks if you want to go out again the next night.
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beaker1636 · 9 months
Baby It's Cold Outside - Vinny Mauro College AU Smut
A/N: So I know I said no requests posted until Fridays and Saturdays but I am so excited about this one, I absolutely love it. It may be my best smut story to date at almost 6,000 words! So I decided to post it early because I am too excited and can't wait to share it! The request was literally just Vinny Christmas Smut, and while this doesn't touch a lot on Christmas it is where my mind went. Hope you enjoy!!
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God damnit, you groan in your head as you trudge through the cold weather towards the house of your classmate.  Of course Vinny would skip one of the final classes before winter break, making your teacher ask you to take the assignment to him… meaning you had to walk out in the cold, and had to do it this morning before the storm hit.
Truthfully you could have done it last night but you just didn’t want to, preferring to return to your dorm room so that you could sulk about the task you are currently doing in your head.  You’re hoping that the rest of the guys he lives with are gone already, so you only have to deal with him, but who knows.  You honestly were shocked when you found out he hasn’t left to go home for the holiday yet, he is extremely close to his family.  Yet another reason for you to be jealous of him, but you would never admit that.
You finally walk up the sidewalk to the house, knocking on the door.  You don’t expect him to answer right away given it is only 10 in the morning, and any usual college student would still be sleeping in at this point in the day on a day of no classes.  So when the door opens almost immediately you are almost caught off guard, to be met with Vinny standing there, tousled hair from sleep and a smile on his face.
“Hi, I was sent to give you the homework you missed.  Because Prof decided you needed to be miserable over Christmas break.”
Apparently you shouldn’t have said that, because Vinny immediately laughs, his bright grin on his face while you try to dampen the emotions in your chest that it made you feel, reminding yourself that he doesn’t like you in that way. Bringing yourself back down to earth not focusing on how attractive he looks right now.
“Thank you, why don’t you come in for a moment before you get too cold.  Have a cup of coffee in thanks for bringing this all the way here for me,” he offers, stepping aside so that you could step inside the house around him, his voice still rough from sleep.
You slowly step inside, taking in the warmth that your body was craving and letting your eyes wander around the empty and clean house that he shares with his band that they’ve formed.  Last time you were here was for a party where a window was broken by Ryan while playing a dumb game and people were everywhere, a moment that had you too close to Vinny that you are praying he was too drunk to remember.
“Where is everyone else?” You ask curiously, not taking off your coat or boots to give the wrong impression that you were going to get comfortable.
“They all left already for the holidays, I was the last one to get a flight that leaves in a few days unfortunately.”
Oh, so it was just the two of you alone.  You tried your best to look normal, unfazed by this revelation despite the fact that you are currently nervous being in such close proximity, worried that your crush that you have been hiding for years is going to break through.  Though you had to admit it was painful, the fact you have waited for years hoping that he would notice you but he never did.  You were still boring old y/n from highschool, despite the fact you are now in college together.  You have always just been friends, and you accepted that years ago unfortunately.  Nothing has changed through the years except he somehow got hotter than is fair, more than any other guys your age, but that is besides the point.
With you lost in your mind it gave Vin a chance to watch you, trying to figure out what he did wrong.  Ever since that party a few weeks ago things have been different between both of you, you giving him the cold shoulder most of the time, and he can’t even remember what he did. He noticed you looked stiff, but didn’t want to ask what you we’re thinking about and scaring you off like he has always been good at.
“Come on, let's get coffee,” he offered, moving to lead you towards the kitchen but noticing that you hadn’t moved.
Truthfully, you are trying to figure out what your excuse to leave can be, wanting to head out the door and never come back, not able to ignore the clear edge in his voice.  He didn’t seem upset though, in fact something a bit more was in his gaze, even if he seemed friendly, not on guard.
“I’m serious, you have to be freezing, it is damn near below zero and windy because of the storm moving in.  You’re still shivering and have your coat on. I can even loan you a cup to take it in if you want to leave that bad but I would rather you at least come in and warm up some,” he says, giving you a warm smile.  Hoping to coax you into staying for at least a little bit, so he can pick your brain, figure out what he did to upset you so much.  
Damn him, now you can’t leave without looking like a jerk, he is being so friendly it would look bad if you said no.  And truthfully as cold as you are coffee does sound nice right about now.  
“Sure,” you say. “I could use some heat, but I want to get out of here and to my dorm before this storm officially hits.”
The tension in the air disappears as you follow him into the kitchen.  You watch as Vinny pours you a cup when suddenly you hear the wind pick up, the lights flickering in the house and you panic.  This was not good at all.  The weatherman said the snow storm wasn’t going to be here until tomorrow and now it is hitting early, you never would have left your house if you knew it would hit early.
“Should we be worried?” You ask, you hate storms of any kind and the lights flickering makes you anxious, worried that the lights will go out and that you will be stuck here, you don’t want that.  
“The house doesn’t always like wind and storms, especially as windy as it is getting.  Cream and Sugar for your coffee, correct?” He says, deflecting your question, trying to distract you because he remembers how much you hate storms.
“Yes please, so anyways should we be worried?” You ask again, watching him pull some creamer out and pour it into your cup and adding a little sugar before handing it back to you with a smile, hoping that it was correct.  Watching your expression when you take the first sip, hoping that you enjoy it.
“It is good, thank you,” you say with a smile, taking another sip as you close your eyes to take in the warmth from the cup before you glance at him with a stern look. “Okay now stop distracting me please, I want you to answer my question.
You meet his eyes, watching his reaction closely as he goes to answer, but as he does the house goes dark, like something has been pulled over the windows as the power goes out.  You glance out the windows and notice that it is dumping snow, suddenly anxious at the weather change.
“Fuck, that actually just happened.  Thank god you got here before it suddenly hit,” he says, giving you a nervous look before helping you to the couch and pulling his phone out of his pocket to pull the weather up.  “They’re talking about downed wires and power outages, that we need to stay inside.  Guess you are stuck with me for now.  Thank god we have the fireplace and a lot of wood in here, I will get that going.”
Vinny says before scurrying off, getting started at lighting the fireplace so that the two of you have some heat, even if it isn’t a lot it will be enough for you both as you watch him, your nerves growing as you listen to the wind howl.
He gets it going and then walks off, before returning with a thick blanket for you, laying it over your lap before starting to light some candles that he found, bringing a little more light to the room around you.  “I’m going to grab some blankets to insulate the house as much as I can, fill the gaps under the door and windows.  Want to help?” He asks.
You get up and help him do that, to help prevent the cold air from making its way into the house that is already getting cooler, both of you somewhat miserable in the rest of the house and letting out a sigh when you sit on the couch, pulling the blanket over both of you.
It is now that it hits you that you are stuck here with Vinny, sitting closely to him on the couch.  You try to ignore the fact your stomach is in knots, you aren’t sure if it is nerves because of the storm or because you are so close to him right now… or maybe it is both.
“Hey, I know storms freak you out.  How are you feeling?” His voice startled you, but you quickly relaxed into the warmth of the blanket.
“Uhh a little cold, but alright I think.  At least I am not stuck weathering the storm alone in the dorm,” you say softly, trying not to let out just how cold or freaked out you actually are at the moment.
“Shit, you are cold,” he says the second his hand rests on yours to comfort you, able to tell it is bothering you more than you are letting on.  “Stand up for a second, I will move the couch closer to the fireplace.”
You do as he asks, watching as he moves it closer to the fireplace before both of you settle on it again.  This time he sits a lot closer to you, pulling you into his side without a word, you know you are blushing at this.
“This will help keep you warm, if you are okay with this,” he says sheepishly, realizing that he probably shouldn’t have just done that, hoping that you aren’t mad.
You nod, not responding as you sigh contently, curling up next to him and taking advantage of his body heat.  Truthfully, he only did this so he could be close to you, wanting to feel your touch, but he wouldn’t admit that out loud.  He adjusted to pull you onto his lap, letting you soak in his body heat that he is sharing while your face is pressed into his neck. 
“Thank you, this is…. Nice,” you say shyly, glad he can’t see the look on your face as you are probably blushing again.  You are gladly going to take advantage of this, it’ll haunt your dreams for months to come.  You move, your hands resting on his arms, making him jump.
“Fuck, you are freezing.  Why are you like this,” he says, shivering slightly at your cold touch, making you giggle.
“I don’t know, I just always have cold hands.  I’m sorry,” you say softly, moving to pull them away but his hands rest on yours, holding them to him.
Neither of you say much for awhile, just basking in the warmth from the fireplace while curled up together under the blankets.  Eventually a hand is in your hair, gently stroking it, letting it run between his fingers for several moments, making you sigh and lean into him more, enjoying the gentle touches.  He hears your quiet sigh in his ear and continues, enjoying the fact that he can tell just how sensitive you are to his touch.
“You’re sensitive there… Where else?” He asks you, you are almost able to hear the smile in voice as you try not to answer, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. You also are not wanting to admit this to him in fear that he will stop touching you, and you are enjoying it, even if it is only your hair too much to let him stop.
He takes your silence as his permission to keep going and slowly slides his hand down the side of your neck before settling close to your collarbone, gently stroking it while trying to gauge your reaction.  Satisfied when you let out a soft moan, letting him know that you are enjoying his touch right now, more than you probably should when he is barely touching you.
“You are a mess huh,” he says lowly, continuing to lightly run his fingers along your collarbone, teasing you, wanting to draw more sounds out of you.  “I can keep touching you if you want, doesn’t have to be anything naughty, just this.”
You want to be alarmed, want to say no and fight him off when his hands move down, roving your covered hips and thighs briefly before returning to rub circles along your neck, happy that you are now leaning into his touch.  He is pretty sure he knows your answer even if you won’t say it out loud.
“I- I mean I guess. It was… it felt good.  But won’t this change things between us?” You ask, embarrassed at everything that is currently taking place.  To be admitting that the man is barely touching you and you are already thoroughly enjoying it.
“I think things changed at the party, don’t you?  Can I ask you a question about that night?” he asks you, hands leaving soothing circles against your lower back.  Trying to keep you relaxed enough that you won’t try to run when he asks what he wants to ask.
You nod, him feeling the movement against his neck where you still have your face nestled, glad he couldn’t see how much you were blushing.
“Would you have actually slept with me that night if Rick didn’t walk into the room?” He asks, his hands moving to your hair again as his nails lightly move across your scalp, the feeling almost distracting you from his question, you trying to think of the best answer you could come up with.  When you don’t answer him in the time frame he feels like waiting he lightly pulls on your hair, making you gasp.
“I asked you a question y/n, don’t be rude and ignore it.”
“I-I don’t know, maybe?” You mumble, embarrassed that he is asking you this.  That he is bringing up that night again.  That you are being forced to think about the night you shamelessly kissed him while drunk and it led to more between the two of you… and the fact that you fled the second you got the chance when Rick accidentally walked in on both of you.
“You don’t have to be so shy, you can admit that you would have. It’s only us here and I think you are just as into me as I have been into you for years at this point,” he says cockily, knowing that you are getting anxious and will want to end this conversation. 
He distracts you by moving his hands down the back of your neck, trailing along the soft skin with light pressure, trying to work the tension out of your body as his hands slowly work on it.  Wanting to relax you, to make you comfortable with him. 
“Okay, so I do have a crush on you.  But I can’t say yes for sure because I-well I’ve never done that before so I don’t know if I would have agreed or not that night,” you admit, somehow feeling safe and comfortable in his arms, with him, to admit to him that you are a virgin despite being in college now and aren’t sure what you want or wanted that night.
“Okay, now it is my turn to be caught off guard.  I didn’t expect that to be what was holding you back.  I shouldn’t have asked, I’m sorry,” he says softly, worried that he embarrassed you too much and made you uncomfortable, if he made you admit to a secret that you weren’t ready to share with anyone.
Neither one of you speaks as he continues to lightly rub your neck, something that you feel like you should not be enjoying but you are. You are enjoying his hands on you much more than you probably should, and the way he gets you to shift every so often on his lap is making him a little harder than he feels like he should be right now.  Worried you will notice it and it will bother you that he is.
“Is this okay,” he asks, reaching for the zipper of your hoodie that you have on, hoping that you will let him remove it.  When it hit you what you were asking you said sure, pulling away from him a little so that he could do so, letting him slide it off your shoulders.  
He slips his hands under your thighs for a moment so he can move you, your back now against his chest as you lean into him, into his touch and warmth as he settles his hands against your now exposed collarbone, running his hand over it gently as he continues to lightly touch you.  His goal now is to make you enjoy his touch, make you crave it and possibly allow him to touch you elsewhere, get you to recognize that you enjoy it.
His fingers brush over your throat as he moves to your other collarbone, making you quite aware of where his hand is.  You breathe in, and hope that he can’t feel it, that you are aware that if he barely moved he would be able to choke you, something that you don’t feel should be such an arousing thought to you but it is.  But he does realize what the barely there touch just did to you and settles his hand at the base of your throat, not applying any pressure but rather lightly stroking it with his thumb as he feels you take a couple shaky breaths.  Praying that he can’t see the more than likely flushed look on your face, the half closed aroused look on your face because you don’t want him to know what he is doing to you right now.
“You still good?” He asks, checking in on you with a low chuckle.  He knows that you are, can tell by how you are shifting and breathing but he wants to hear you say it.
“Great,” you say softly, regretting the word choice that you just used.  You don’t want to come across desperate despite the fact that is how you feel at the moment.  
“I’m glad, tell me if you want me to stop.”
His hands start to slide down, lightly gliding over your breasts, making you gasp slightly but his hands keep going, settling on your stomach while he lets out a chuckle.
“It’s just us, you don’t have to hold anything in.  Please don’t, let me hear what I am doing to you,” he whispers in your ear, his hands settling on your hips.
His fingers lightly digging into the soft flesh there, rubbing circles just barely under your shirt as you continue to try and hide how you are feeling, not wanting him to stop but also still not willing to show just how much you are enjoying this, enjoying him.  When the hell had you gotten so warm, maybe it was a bad idea to let him move the couch up closer to the fireplace.  
Before too long his hands settle on your lower back, between the two of you.  Firming massaging your tight muscles there, trying to work out all your anxiety you are holding, because again, he wants you relaxed, enjoying this.  He wants to enjoy having his hands on you, getting to worship your body as much as you will allow him because he doesn’t know if you will ever give him this chance again, and even if you will he now knows that this is your first time doing anything like this and wants you to enjoy it, not feel used at all.
His hands slowly work there way up as he feels you continue to slowly unwind under his touch, now much closer to your ribcage when they slide back to your front, teasing you right under where your bra sits, trying to gauge if he is allowed to keep going or not.  Judging on how you sighed into his touch and leaned into him he is pretty sure that you are allowing this.
You stiffen slightly when you lean back into him, you are able to feel how hard he is against you, but quickly relax again, and shift yourself against him slightly because while you haven’t done much you have read plenty and are confident that he will hopefully enjoy it.
“Sorry,” he says sheepishly, slightly embarrassed that you noticed, worried that it will make you retreat back into yourself, but it doesn’t.
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” you say softly, playing dumb.  And while you know that he isn’t stupid and that he knows that you know why he’s apologizing, you felt that would be easier.  To ignore it and pretend that you aren’t aware of what is happening with him, because honestly you are too far gone at this point, he could do just about anything he wants to with you and you would let him.
The tension between the two of you finally snapped, him urging you to turn back towards him and the second you do his lips are on yours. Moving against your own urgently, wanting nothing more than to feel you closer to him as you now straddle his lap, your own arms around his neck as you lightly move your hips against his own.  
One of his hands is still under your shirt as he slowly slips it off of you, his hand starting to slowly ease the cup of your bra out of his way before he gives up and unhooks it with his other hand, giving himself more room to touch you.  To lightly squeeze and palm your breast underneath the cup of your bra, holding back his own groan when he hears you lightly moan against his lips.  His fingers move so that they can lightly rub over our nipple, feeling it harden almost immediately from his touch.  He hesitantly slides the straps off his arms, going slowly so that you have time to stop him if you want to, but you don’t.
He pulls his lips away from yours, looking at your face as he continues to toy with your nipple between his fingers, trying to read your face, loving the flushed cheeks and half lidded eyes that he sees.  
“You’re so sensitive.  Has anyone ever touched you like this?” He asks, face moving to your neck as he begins to lightly kiss and suck on the sensitive skin there while he moves his hand to your other breast, giving it the same attention as you continue to move your hips, now seeking that friction between both of you.
“N-no,” you whimper, trying hard to keep your composure and failing, it is so hard to focus with his lips in such a sensitive place and his hands teasing you so much.  You never expected to enjoy any of this so much and now that you are, well it’s making it hard to think, all your reservations now slowly slipping.
His hands slowly move, now slipping down your torso towards your waist, leaving more teasing and light touches right above the waistband of your jeans, dipping barely under it before slipping back out while his lips find yours again.
“Can I take your jeans off?” He asks you in between kisses as he slowly moves, laying your back down against the couch while he leans over the top of you, aching to touch you, to feel how wet he has made you.
You tense at his words and he immediately notices, pulling his hand away to settle on your cheek, stroking your jaw lightly as he pulls his lips away from yours, making you look at him.
“We don’t have to keep going, again, this is whatever you are comfortable with.” He says gently, eyes meeting yours as he tries to give you a reassuring smile, one that slightly worked.
“Jeans can come off, but I- I don’t think I am ready to go all the way, so panties are staying on please,” you answer, hoping that he won’t be upset with you.  
“I can work with that,” he says gently, moving so that he can slip his own off, kicking them off his foot while you slowly slip out of your own.  
You watch as he removes his own shirt too before he settles back over you, bringing his lips to yours again, much softer than before, as if he was trying to reassure you that everything is going to be alright, that he isn’t upset that you aren’t willing to completely go there yet.
His hand slowly slips down between both of you while you held your breath, unsure what to think, embarrassed because you know that you are soaked and he is going to feel it, know just how much of an effect his hands are having on you.
His eyes go wide when he finally settles his fingers over your covered slit, moving lightly against it, able to feel how damp your panties are under his touch, incredibly turned on by the fact he has made you this way.  He slowly moves them to the side so that he can actually touch you, feeling your arousal on his skin as he lightly moves his fingers between your folds, coating them before using one to circle your clit, making you suck in a sharp breath.
“Fuck,” he groans softly, pulling away so that he can look at your face, taking note of how you seem to be a permanent shade of red at this point, and enjoying that you are.
His attention returns to his hand where it is down below, now really starting to work his fingers against your clit, giving you more pleasure than you have thought imaginable.  This is definitely much better than when you get yourself off in your bed at night, it feels so much better.  You don’t try to hide your moan when it slips out of your lips, encouraging him more.
Your hands winding into his hair as you pull his lips to your own again, you honestly don’t think you can get enough of them at this point.  Of his lips on yours, swallowing all your sounds as he drags you closer and closer to the edge, making you question why you never let him do this sooner.
When he finally pulls you over the edge your whole body tenses for a moment, your back arching and pressing your chest into his as you come undone at the hands of someone else for the first time.  He pulls his lips away from yours again so he can watch you as you do, the sight more arousing than any of the porn he has ever watched, than any of the other women he has been with before.  
When you relax under his touch he leaves a couple gentle kisses on your lips, wanting you to feel comfortable and able to tell that he cares about how you are doing as you both smile at each other as your chest heaves from your heavy breaths as you come back down.
You don’t say a word as you push on his shoulder, urging him off of you before you glance at him, shy but determined.  Feeling a new sort of confidence as you want to return the favor, want to make him enjoy himself too.
“Lay down Vin, please,” you ask him shyly, hoping that he listens and allows you to do this without questioning you.  He looks at you for a second, reading your face before speaking.
“You don’t have to touch me you know,” he says softly, wanting to make sure you don’t feel forced into anything.  While you appreciate this, and find it incredibly sweet you still want to return the favor.
“I know, but please?” you ask again, watching as he processes your question and lays back, his back against the cushions of the couch as he listens.
You slowly move the band of his boxers down, watching as his length springs free from its confines before you hesitantly wrap your hand around it, barely gripping it as you move your hand up and down, stroking him gently.  You’re assuming that you are doing this right based on the groan that leaves his lips as he watches you, egging you on to continue your touch.
His hand wraps around yours, encouraging you to grip him tighter before letting it go, letting you continue on your own as he throws his head back for a moment, almost unbelieving that this is happening right now, but it is.
He moves to watch you again, seeing you gain confidence as he grows closer and closer from your touch, before he finally finishes his cum decorating your pretty hand while you watch his face for a moment, looking away the second his eyes meet yours, embarrassed.
“Hey, don’t be shy with me now. Let me go grab something to clean your hand up, yeah?” He asks, sitting up and giving you a soft kiss before walking away, returning with a towel and a shirt for you to slip on after you are both cleaned up as you both sit in the awkward silence for a moment, watching the fire.  You can tell he is thinking something, but you aren’t sure what.  
“What’s wrong,” you ask him quietly, turning to look at him.
“Don’t worry about it, it is nothing bad, promise,” he says softly. “Just stupid shit.”
“It’s not stupid if it is bothering you Vin,” you respond, reaching out to lightly rub his arm, wanting him to be open with you as you just were with him.
“I’m worried I fucked up by doing this, because I gladly would do it again but would you? I feel like I pressured you into it,” he admits, refusing to meet your gaze as he continues watching the fire.
“You asked more than once if I wanted you to stop, and I didn’t.  And you were right, things changed at the party a few weeks ago between us and no matter how much I want to deny that I can’t.  You were sweet, making sure that I was alright the entire time, and even if I wanted to I can’t deny I’ve wanted more between us for a while,” you respond, somehow having a new found confidence after everything.  Maybe it is just because you have seeing him unhappy, unsure of himself but you felt the need to reassure him, to let him know just how you feel about him even if you are risking him feeling the same.
“It has always been you y/n, since we were stupid kids in highschool until now.  I guess mauve I should have told you sooner but it’s true,” he says, now turning towards you.  Hoping you can tell that he is telling you the truth, that you are happy with the truth.
“Really?” you ask with a slight smile, unable to help yourself when it spreads across your face.
“Yes, now if you don’t mind I want to kiss you until you ask me to stop, until this blizzard stops and we can’t anymore,” he says with a smile. “How long was this even supposed to go on?”
“A couple days, so we may wind up stuck here for Christmas unfortunately,” you respond softly, a little disappointed that you might not be home for the holiday, it didn’t hit you until just now when you two started talking about the storm again.
“Well, good thing we have enough wood for a few days, and we just may wind up having our first Christmas together in the process.  And that gives me plenty of time to enjoy this” he says, pulling you into him so that he could kiss you again, making you giggle.
“I guess so.”
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ciginatree · 3 months
Scars- Vinny Mauro x gn!reader
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Anon Request: could you write something about Vinny seeing his partner's sh scars for the first time?
Content Warnings: mention of self harm, self harm scars, angst, fluff
Word Count: 1k
Author's Note: I scrapped a lot of different versions of this story. This one was difficult to write due to everyone's sh experiences being different, so I did the best I could with the experiences I've had myself. I hope this reaches whoever needs it right now <3
This story is a complete work of fiction portraying a real person or persons in a fictional setting.
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You shuffle into his bedroom, his foot kicking the door closed as you stumble along the carpet. The heated kiss barely falters as Vinny grabs your waist and pulls you closer, moaning into your mouth. You grab at his hair, chest flush against his. He breaks the kiss to pull off your zip up jacket, reconnecting with you the second it hits the ground. Your arms wrap back around his neck, fingernails lightly scratching at the flesh beneath his hairline.
“Fuck, baby,” Vinny mumbles into your lips. He pecks kisses down your jaw to your neck to suck and bite as you moan. After a minute of him caressing your neck with his lips, he pulls back to look at you. His lips are ticked up and parted, breath heavy as his eyes trail over your face. His gaze flicks down your torso and he freezes.
“Vin?” You follow his eyes and realization hits you like a block of ice. “Shit, I’m sorry, I-” tears start to fill your eyes as you pull away and lunge for your jacket. 
“Hey, no, it’s okay.” His voice is softer than you’ve ever heard it as he gently grabs your wrist to stop you. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for.” He pulls you back to him, wrapping both strong arms around your shoulders. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for,” he whispers again. 
You lean into him, trying to hold back the tears, but the way he gently shushes you tips you over the edge. Tears drip from your eyes in an unbridled flow and you sniff into his chest. Your arms are squished between the two of you, it’s a little uncomfortable, but not unbearable. His arms stay securely around you for a few moments as he ever so slightly rocks you back and forth. You pull away first, wrapping your arms around yourself protectively. You grab your jacket regardless of his reassurance and slip it over your body, sitting on the edge of his bed. He sits next to you, leaving nearly a foot of space. You look at your hands, unsure how to proceed. In all honesty, you feel like running out the doorway and never speaking to him again. You’ve never been good about sharing things like this, preferring to keep it to yourself. People never really know how to react when they see the scars that are obviously self inflicted. They always infuse an air of tension and taboo into the room and everyone opts to ignore it lest they overreact. 
“When was the last time you- uh…you know? I’m sorry I shouldn’t ask-” 
“It’s okay,” you cut in. “It’s been a few weeks, maybe a month and a half; I don’t really remember,” you mumble.
“Do you- do you wanna talk about it?” You shake your head, arms still crossed over your stomach. Vinny looks away from you to the floor. He takes a breath, about to speak, before closing his mouth and swallowing the words. Your eyes start to water again and he looks back to you when a small whimper of a hiccup escapes from your throat. “Hey, shh, it’s okay.” Vinny can see your resolve crumbling and he scoots closer, wrapping a tender arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him once more.
“I’m sorry I ruined the moment,” you sob and his heart aches for you.
“You didn’t ruin anything, baby,” he says sympathetically. “I’d be perfectly happy just sitting in silence with you if that’s what you wanted.” He supports you as you cry for a few short minutes, not bothering to say anything more until you straighten up, eyes itchy and sore. He takes a piece of your sweatshirt between his thumb and index finger. “Can I take this off, sweetheart?”
Reluctantly, you nod, slipping your arms through the sleeves and leaving it discarded on the bed. With your head turned away, you don’t notice Vinny’s hand raise, running the tips of his fingers over the scars. Some are more healed than others, some almost faded completely. He feels the differing texture, mapping it with his hand. With a quick glance to your regretful face, he leans in, pressing his lips across the marks. 
You gasp, head craning to look at him. He trails his right arm to your waist, squeezing it reassuringly. He kissed every scar like he would lose you if he didn’t, as if his wet lips could soothe and heal the wounds until they disappeared completely. His eyes are closed, brows creased together like hands in prayer as his kisses trail along your arm to any blemish he could find. To anything in his reach you might be insecure about. He leaves one last lingering peck on your shoulder before resting his forehead against it. 
“I’m sorry you ever had to feel like this. And I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you when you did,” he says in a penitent whisper. Your hand travels to cradle his head, cheek pressing into his mousy hair. He removes himself from your shoulder to kiss your lips. He kisses you tenderly, pouring all his protection and love into you through it with a soft yielding noise. When he breaks the kiss all he wants to do is hold you. He pulls back the gray comforter adorning his bed and lowers you down onto his chest, arms securely around you. 
“Promise me you’ll let me know if you ever feel like that again, yeah?”
“Good.” He kisses the top of your head. “I love you sweetheart, I don’t want you to feel like you have to go through anything alone. I don’t care how small or insignificant you think it is, I promise I’ll be there for you. And I don’t care if it’s two in the morning or if I’m out with friends. If you need me, I’ll be there, I promise.”
His fingers draw idle swirls on your arms as you lay together. The last trickles of evening sunlight ooze through the slats in the blinds, warming you both as your eyes grow tired. 
“Thank you, Vinny.”
“For what?” “For caring.”
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Tags: @miss570 @rumoured-whispers @abiomens @Shilohrosechicken @joyofbebbanburg @exitwoundsx
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abiomens · 2 months
୨ৎ vinny mauro masterlist ୨ৎ
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celestineveil · 6 months
Needy Theater
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
Author's Note: Hello, Hello! It's me again! This oneshot is Ricky Olson x Original Character
Content Warning: This oneshot contains smut.
Oneshot Summary: This is a Ricky Olson x Original Character ( Ariadne ), and they are at the movies when Ricky got out of hand
Word Count: 590
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
Throughout the duration of the play, a sense of anticipation hung in the air around Ariadne. The theater was dark, but the sensation of Ricky's hand gradually inching up her thigh was unmistakable. She attempted to divert her attention to the stage, yet Silas seemed to possess an intuitive knowledge of how to arouse her. Soon enough, his fingers found their way into the confines of her jeans, teasing her through the fabric of her panties. A sharp intake of breath betrayed Ariadne's attempt to maintain composure, prompting her to glance at him.
"What?" Ricky murmured, his expression feigning innocence as he met her gaze. With narrowed eyes, she gently removed his hand from her pants, guiding it to rest on his own lap. Hastily, she fastened her zipper, endeavoring to focus on the unfolding drama.
Undeterred, Ricky draped an arm around Ariadne's shoulders, slipping her hand beneath the neckline of her blouse to toy with her nipple. Suppressing a whimper, she bit down on her cheek, struggling to keep her attention fixed on the performance. Ricky's caresses persisted, his lips tracing a path along her neck. Overwhelmed by sensation, Ariadne could endure no more. She rose abruptly, seizing Ricky's arm and leading him out into the parking lot, where their unlocked car awaited.
Seated inside, Ariadne turned to face Ricky. "If you desire anything tonight, you'll drive us home immediately," she instructed, her tone firm. Ricky smirked in response, igniting the engine and propelling them toward their shared apartment.
Upon arrival, Ricky hastened indoors, with Ariadne following closely behind. Keys were discarded, and before Ariadne could react, Ricky had her pinned against the door, his hands restraining her. Locking eyes with her, he issued a command.
"You're mine, understood? Not a sound unless I permit it," he growled. Ariadne nodded, the anticipation building within her. Rick hoisted her over his shoulder, carrying her to their bedroom where he undressed with careless abandon.
As Ricky stripped Ariadne of her clothing, his gaze lingered appreciatively on her form. Positioning her over the edge of the bed, he administered a gentle caress to her ass before plunging two fingers inside her. Ariadne gasped, hoping her pleasure wouldn't betray her. But Rcky was attuned to her every reaction.
A resounding smack against her skin accompanied his reprimand. "What did I say about making noise?" he demanded, his voice commanding compliance. Ariadne remained silent, feeling his hardness against her.
"Good girl. Now, tell me what you want," Silas murmured, his breath hot against her ear.
"Please, I want you," Ariadne pleaded eagerly. Without hesitation, Ricky entered her forcefully, eliciting a cry of ecstasy mixed with pain. He silenced her with another slap to her rear.
"Not a word," he growled, setting a punishing rhythm that sent waves of pleasure coursing through Ariadne's body. Despite her struggle to contain her moans, Ricky's words fueled her desire, bringing her ever closer to climax.
As their passion peaked, Silas whispered huskily in Ariadne's ear, expressing his desire to assert their connection. Unable to contain herself any longer, Ariadne moaned loudly, her release imminent. Ricky's thrusts grew more frenzied until he reached his own climax, collapsing beside her in a satisfied heap.
Breathless and spent, Ariadne snuggled into Silas's embrace, feeling utterly content. "That was incredible, Ricky," she murmured, a smile playing at her lips.
"Yeah, it was," he chuckled, pulling her closer. "But I think you'll be sore tomorrow," he added, his laughter echoing in the intimacy of their shared moment. As they drifted off to sleep, Ariadne couldn't help but feel grateful to be exactly where she belonged.
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catharsis-in-darkness · 8 months
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GoF Pt. 5 Tonight!!! (but actually this time lol)
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vanishxcanvas · 1 year
These are also on my wattpad & AO3 accounts, they are under the same handle.
🌹: Fluff
🥀: Angst
⚠️: Smut
Bad Omens
The Guys In Groupchats
No Fucks Given 🌹
Video Games 🌹
Noah Sebastian
Brat ⚠️
Heated Argument 🥀 ⚠️
Upset 🥀🌹
Jealous 🥀 ⚠️🌹
Rain ⚠️🌹
Roommates 🌹
Driving 🌹⚠️
Sleepless 🌹
Recording 🌹
Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson
Off Day 🌹
Mornings ⚠️🌹
Cozy 🌹
Home From Tour ⚠️🌹
Couch 🌹⚠️
Hotel and a Date 🌹
Homework 🌹
Off 🥀🌹
Interesting Evening ⚠️🌹
Adorable 🌹
Nicholas Ruffilo
Interruptions ⚠️🌹
Tattoos 🌹
Bad Day 🥀🌹
Control ⚠️
Tension 🥀🌹
Sick 🌹
What? 🌹
Shivering 🌹
Nick Folio
Calling Off Work 🌹
First Time ⚠️🌹
Tired ⚠️🌹
Talk To Me 🥀🌹
Cuddles and Kisses 🌹⚠️
Laughable 🌹
Ignored 🥀🌹
Still Awake 🌹 ______________________________
Motionless In White
How You Met Them
Unhinged 🌹
Chris Motionless
Argument 🥀🌹
Tease ⚠️🌹
Bottled Up 🥀🌹
Enemies to Lovers 🥀⚠️🌹
Pranks 🌹
Meeting 🌹
No Sleep 🌹
Justin Morrow
Really 🌹
How Dare You 🌹
Ryan Sitkowksi
Fucking Around 🌹
Bored ⚠️🌹
Ricky Olson
Down 🥀🌹
Photoshoot 🌹
Falling In Love 🌹⚠️
Vinny Mauro
Streaming 🌹
Thunderstorms 🌹
Lost (Noah Sebastian / Reader):
Chapter One 🌹
Chapter Two 🥀🌹
Chapter Three 🌹🥀
Chapter Four 🥀🌹
Chapter Five ⚠️🌹
Chapter Six 🌹🥀
Random Stories
The Punishment 🥀
"Lucky Charms Grow" 🥀
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arkiliastuff · 11 months
Welcome to this rabbit hole with me !
Are you lost little one ? Well, here's where you can find my writtings ! :D
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Here you can find my little fanfictions about Bad Omens, Motionless in White, now about Jesse Cash from ERRA and more in coming (just scrool down). Nothing fancy, I'm just sharing my daydreaming thoughts and stories. 👀 (I'm still new to this)
I will update it reguarly so you can check it easily whenever you want. I will write mostly fluffy/angsty/funny stuff, while trying to improve on the romance part (and maybe smut idk so MNDI). Also I might post few drawings about stories in my mind, fanarts and fanfic's fanarts. Just you wait and see 👀
Also, as a reminder English isn't my native language (living in baguette land 🇨🇵🥖). So if it gets clumsy or not, let me know kindly ;-;
About the writting, I like to take my time to make it the greatest as possible, as I pictured the stories in my head in a specific way. I want it to be clear as much as possible, so don't panic if I haven't post anything during several days x'D (Also I'm a busy person 👉👈)
Right now, request are closed, since my fics are taking me so long x.x
Either way, thank you for stopping by and I hope you'll enjoy my content ! Sending y'all some love <3 Take care ~
Masterlist banner and dividers credits to @saradika-graphics <3
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·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ Bad Omens Fanfics ✸
IN A CONCRETE JUNGLE Prologue. Chapter One - The Meeting.
NOAH ONE SHOTS - "Good, Good Job" (Noah Sebastian x Female Reader) (Fluff and Smut) - Remembrance (Noah Sebastian x Female Reader) (Fluff & Smut) - Always You (Noah Sebastian x Female Reader) (Fluff) JOLLY ONE SHOTS - Only Yours (Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x Female Reader) (Fluff and Smut) - Blue Lagoon Pool (Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x Female Reader) (Fluff and Smut)
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·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ Motionless In White Fanfics ✸
RICKY OLSON (LONG FIC ) The Angel of Music - Part One (Ricky Olson x Female Reader) (Fluff and Angst) The Angel of Music - Part Two (Ricky Olson x Female Reader) (Fluff and Angst) The Angel of Music - Part Three (Ricky Olson x Female Reader) (More fluff)
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·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ ERRA/ Ghost Atlas Fanfic ✸
JESSE CASH ONE SHOT Morning Lullaby (Jesse Cash x Female Reader)
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circle-with-me · 10 months
Sweet Boy
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Pairing: Vinny Mauro x fem reader
Content Warning: 18+ MINORS DNI, oral sex (m receiving), edging, unprotected vaginal sex, sub!Vinny, soft dom!Reader, praise kink if you squint, Vinny whimpering and begging gets its own warning. Lil bit of fluff at the end. Idk y'all, this is filthy. I need to be sedated after this one.
Word Count: 2.5k
Taglist: @thesazzb, @tearfallpixie, @concretenoah, @deathblacksmoke, @synthetic-wasp-570, @nerdraging4point0, @beaker1636, @itsjustemily
Author's note: If you'd like to be added to my tag list for future work, please let me know. Also, shout out to @thesazzb again for being the little beta reader that could.
DISCLAIMER: All writings below are works of FICTION. They are about REAL people in FICTIONAL scenarios. They do not reflect real actions/opinions/conversations/etc of said persons and are not meant to.
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Vinny’s grasp on your hips was bruising. His fingers grip and rings pinch into your flesh with every movement you make against him. He writhes underneath you with shuttered breaths and whimpers leaving his mouth. You watch him as you move on top of him, his skin flushed and his mouth wide open. His eyes were shut tight, and his brows knit together. He was so worked up that beads of sweat had begun to appear on his forehead and chest. 
He was beautiful like this.  
He arches his back as you grind your hips a little harder. His head tilts back against the pillow and you take the opportunity to nip at his neck. The gasp that left his mouth was heavenly. You were desperate to hear it again, so you bit down on his neck once more. The same gasp from before fell from his lips followed by a moan. Smiling against his neck you lick and suck at the spot, hoping it bruises anyways. 
One of his hands leaves your hips and tangles in your hair. “B-baby….”
“Yes, sweet boy?”
“I-fuck. I need...” his sentence trails off when you start to pepper his jaw with kisses.
“What do you need? Tell me, baby.” Vinny’s grip on your hair tightens and he wraps his arm around your waist as he presses harder against you, desperate for more contact. Your bare pussy is soaking him just from teasing him all night. You haven’t allowed him to touch your pussy or put his cock inside you and Vinny is sure he’s going to explode if he isn’t inside of you soon. He’s lost track of time, but it feels like the two of you have been at it for hours. 
He’s considered saying “fuck it”, flipping you over and pounding into you until you’re both violently shaking and cumming but he won’t. Even though he knows you would let him. This is what he wants. 
When he arrived home earlier in the evening from rehearsals he was frustrated. Usually, when he felt this way, he wanted to be in control, but this time was different. He felt drained and just wanted to be taken care of. He wanted you to take control this time. 
You knew what he needed the second he walked in the door. 
Now, he’s struggling to string together a coherent thought, much less words. You’ve switched to a torturously slow pace, undoubtedly on purpose, and it feels so good his vision has blurred. He feels your hand on his chest and hears your voice, but he can’t make out what you’re saying. Vinny mumbles something in response but he’s not sure it was comprehendible. Your movements stop altogether, and a pathetic noise falls from his lips.
“Look at me, baby” You grab his face with your hand, flexing your fingers against his jawbone. His eyes narrow and you finally come into focus. He lets out a shaky breath as he takes in your naked form, a sheen of sweat covering you making your skin glow in the moonlight coming through the window. He can tell from the look on your face that you’re as wrecked as he is, but unlike him, you manage to keep your composure.
You smile softly as you observe him taking you in. You lean over and place a soft kiss on his lips. Rolling your hips harshly against his, you both moan at the feeling. 
“I said, what do you want?” You rasp against his lips, still holding his jaw tightly. 
“More” he moans.
“More what?” You move your hand from his jaw down to rest at his throat. 
“More, Princess, please.” His voice comes out strained, tongue darting out to wet his dry lips. 
“What do you want more of, sweet boy?” You run both hands down his chest, scratching at the flesh. Vinny whimpers loudly, the sound going straight to your aching pussy. You knew what he wanted because it was exactly what you wanted. You weren’t going to give it to him that easily though. 
Vinny lies there for a moment, breathing heavily, and kneads at the meat on your thighs. You feel his cock twitch beneath you. Smirking, you grab him by the throat and lean over him, pressing your chest into his. Vinny’s breathing quickens even more as you start to grind hard and fast against him. 
“Is this what you want? Hmm?” 
You squeeze his throat a little tighter.
“Answer me, sweet boy.” 
“God… yes.”
“You like how my pussy feels, baby?”
The only response you receive from the man below you are a string of expletives and moans. His fingernails dig into your thighs, the pain mixing deliciously with the pleasure of feeling his hard cock against your throbbing clit. You wanted to hold off as long as you could, but it felt so fucking good. 
Vinny hears your moans get louder. He’s been with you long enough that he knows when you’re about to cum. His eyes fly open as he watches you using him to reach your climax and he damn near cums at the sight of you. You tilt your head back and grasp at his chest and arms to steady yourself as you convulse. He feels your thighs clench around him as your release soaks him. 
“Holy shit, Princess. I could watch that all day.”
Catching your breath, you lace both of your hands in his and hold them above his head. You kiss him lazily and resume your movements, slower now.
“God baby, that felt so fucking good,” you say between kisses. “You want to cum too, sweet boy?
Vinny nods aggressively, lips still attached to yours.
You quicken your pace, refusing to leave his mouth unattended. You loved the way he tasted but loved swallowing every single whimper and moan even more. You notice his breathing has become shallow and the muscles in his stomach tense up.
“Are you close?”
“S-so close” he moans, sloppily bucking his hips up into you. “Fuck, m’gonna…”
You abruptly let go of his hands and lift yourself from his lap, scooting backward to sit on his thighs. You sit there and watch him as he desperately grabs at you to pull you back onto him, crying out when you resist him.
If looks could kill, you’d be a goner. 
“Y/n, what the fuck?” He said more disappointment in his voice than anger.
“I’m sorry baby…” You bend over and kiss down his chest and stomach stopping just above his leaking cock. You lick the swollen tip, gather the pre-cum, and spread it over the head with your lips. He inhales sharply as you look at him through your lashes.
“… But I’m nowhere near finished with you yet.” 
You take his cock in your hands and lick up his shaft, swirling your tongue around the tip and sucking him into your mouth. His hand instantly goes to your head, grabbing a fistful of your hair. You take what you can’t fit in your mouth in your hand and begin pumping his length. His hips jerk up, forcing his cock further into your mouth and causing you to gag. You slap his thigh, giving him a warning to behave. 
He looks down at you apologetically and rubs your cheek with the pad of his thumb. You squeeze his hip to tell him it’s okay and bob your head up and down his length. He leans his head against the pillow, cursing and moaning, covering his face with his free arm.
The hand that had a hold of your hair was now on your scalp, scratching. He was doing the best he could to behave for you. All he wanted now was to hold you by the hair and fuck into your mouth until he was spilling down your throat. But he can’t. He had to be good.
You had given him one warning already.
He was going to behave.
He wanted to be good for you.
Against his better judgment, Vinny looks down to watch you. To his surprise, you were already watching him. Your beautiful eyes were shining back at him, pupils blown wide with desire. Your cheeks were flushed. You were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. 
He’d be lying, however, if he didn’t admit that his current favorite feature was that your mouth was absolutely stuffed with his cock. 
Your eyelashes flutter with every new inch you take in your mouth. You hollow out your cheeks and relax your throat to take more of him. When Vinny feels his cock hit the back of your throat, he has to bite his finger to keep from cumming immediately. 
“Fuck, Princess, you look so good like this.”
You hum at the praise and Vin shivers. You continue sucking his length, massaging the veins of his cock with your tongue. 
“Oh... oh god.” He breathes. “Please don’t stop.”
You move faster, cupping and massaging his balls. He’s a whimpering mess above you, he arches his back and begs you over and over not to stop. Both of his hands grip at your hair so tight you’re pretty sure he’s going to rip some out. 
You love seeing him like this. You want to let him cum. Give him his release. He’s been so good for you, but you’re not done yet. You don’t think he’s ready. So, as you feel his balls begin to draw up, you remove your mouth from him and sit up. 
The noise that escapes from Vinny this time is damn near a sob.
He sits up on his elbows staring at you, nearly in tears. His body shakes from breathing so hard and overstimulation. You can practically see his heart beating out of his chest. 
“Baby, you’re killing me.” 
You crawl up his body and sit on his lap cradling his face in your hands. You kiss him hard, and he wraps an arm around your waist pulling your hips flush with his. He hisses when your pussy makes contact with his sensitive cock. He presses his face into your neck, leaving open mouth kisses. 
“What do you want, sweet boy?”
He groans into your neck and drops his head onto your shoulder. 
“You know what I want.”
“You have to say it, baby.” 
“I want you.” He trails kisses from your neck down to your breasts. 
You grab his hair and pull his head back, so he’ll meet your gaze.
“If you want to cum you’re going to have to do better than that.”
“God, I want to be inside of you!” He mewls.
“That’s better.” You leave kisses down his jaw. You lift your hips and grab his shaft. He jumps slightly at the contact, and you smirk. You place the tip of his cock at your entrance.  
“Is this what you want, baby?” 
He nods.
“Words, honey.”
You pull him by the hair. “Yes, what?”
“Yes ma’am.” He whines.
You sink onto him, but only enough for the tip to go in. His mouth drops open and closes again. He bucks his hips to push into you further, but you pull off him. 
“Fu-uck, baby.” He cries out. “Please.”
“Please what?” 
“Please let me fuck your pussy.”
“You think you deserve it?” 
“Yes ma’am.” Vinny nods, staring at you intently. 
“You think you’ve been a good boy for me?” You say squeezing his cock.
“God! Fuck... yes, baby. Please. Please.”
For a moment, you take in the sight of the man before you. His eyes are soft and pleading, tears well up in the corners. His mouth doesn’t stop moving for a second, his quiet but urgent pleas for release resounding in your ear. He alternates between rubbing and scratching at your thighs, trying to keep his hands busy. He’s restless and overstimulated. Sweet boy. He’s being so good for you. You suddenly realize just how intimate this moment is.
The pretty noises. The begging. The scratching and clawing. He’s so perfect, and all of it’s for you. He's falling apart for you. He’s begging for you. He trusts you. He loves you. 
The way Vinny makes you feel is overwhelming. You cup the side of his face brushing away a tear that has fallen. You ghost your lips over his and sigh.
“Make me cum first, and then you can sweet boy.”
“Fuck. Fuck. Thank you. Thank you so much, Princess.”
Both of you gasp as you sink down on him completely. The anticipation from the night’s events and the stretch of his thick cock had your orgasm building already. You set a quick pace immediately, knowing neither of you would last long. 
You wrap your arms around Vinny’s neck, and he buries his face in your cleavage. He uses both hands to guide your hips over him faster as he bites at your flesh. You throw your head back, letting him continue his assault on your skin. 
Desperate to be deeper inside of you, Vinny flips you onto your back. He pounds into you relentlessly hitting the spot inside of you he knows will make you see stars. You feel the coil in your belly tighten, threatening to break at any second. You arch your back and Vinny growls. 
Resting both arms next to your head, he towers over you as he slams harder into your pussy. His hair is stuck to his sweat-covered face. You brush it away and take his face in your hands. He leans down and claims your lips in a searing kiss. He breaks away and exhales sharply, his breath hot on your neck. Vinny runs his hand down your chest and stomach to find your swollen bud that was in desperate need of attention.
“Princess, need you to cum. Need you to cum so bad. Please. M’so close.” He massages your clit to match his thrusts and you’re so close you could burst any second. You wanted something from Vinny first.
“Cum with me, baby.” 
“A-are you sure?” Vinny stutters, eyes wide. 
“Yeah, you want to?”
“Please! Please, oh god, yes, please.” He practically screams. 
“Then cum with me. Cum in my pussy, baby. Fill me up.” 
Vinny’s moans were so loud that you would be surprised if the cops didn’t show up later. He slams into you a few more times before spilling into you, his cock twitching inside of you. He says your name over and over, thanking you for letting him cum. He shakes so hard he nearly falls on top of you. You have never seen his orgasm hit him this hard and it makes your second climax of the evening by far the best. Vinny coaxes you through your orgasm, leaving sweet kisses all over your face as he whispers praises in your ear. When you come down from your highs, you lie there together. Your heavy breathing is now the only sound that fills the room. Vinny’s head is on your chest listening to your pounding heart. You’ll get up and draw the two of you a bath eventually or try to at least. Vinny will refuse to let you, insisting aftercare is still his job. 
For now, however, you lie in comfortable silence. You play with Vinny’s hair and hum his favorite song. He grabs your hand and laces his fingers with yours, sighing contentedly. 
“I love you so much, princess.”
“I love you too, sweet boy.”
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beaker1636 · 1 year
F is For Face Sitting - Vinny
a/n: So if you didn't figure it out I kind of hinted that Lottie was a bit insecure about not being the smallest girl out there in the last part and I really played with that in this chapter in a way that I found really sweet and loving between her and Vin. So this one is a really fluffy smut and hopefully you guys like it as I took kind of a different route with this than I originally planned. I love you all and appreciate all the kid words I keep getting with this, I’ve been really putting myself out there and trying new things with this fic so all the kind comments mean a lot to me!
Also probably won’t get much posted until Thursday or Friday so sorry if you don’t get any updates for awhile!
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“Are you trying to get me killed, there is no way Lottie is going to allow me to do that with her tonight,” Vinny groans as he sends the message in the chat back to Chris, wanting to fling his phone across the room.
“Why not? It’s not even that weird or anything, is it like Mia said about how she needs more confidence?” Chris responds quickly, making Vinny want to bury himself in a hole.
“She hates doing anything where she has to be on top because she is worried she’s too big, no matter how much I try to convince her otherwise it never works.  Hell last night she was off because she was embarrassed about being around all the girls in the pool because she is the only “bigger” one and she isn’t even that big.  It’s a rough subject okay,” he hits send, now worried if you found out that he said something if you’d be upset.
“But she isn’t even that big, listen, give her a really nice night with a relaxing dinner, maybe a relaxing bath and then focus on her.  Let her know all you are aiming to do tonight is take care of her and maybe you can slowly coax her out of it, remind her how beautiful she is and that you are lucky.  If you build her up enough you will be able to get her to try and might help build her confidence some… and based off comments on the photo Mia posted of the two of you you may need to do that.  People are being assholes towards her.”  Vin reads the message and immediately panics, pulling up Mia’s instagram and suddenly feeling angered at some of the things that are being said.
“Fuck, how do I fix that? If she has seen it then she’s gonna be a wreck when she gets home from work,” Vinny thinks to himself groaning, “Why do people need to be assholes?”
Rather than saying anything he decides the easiest way to get the point across that he doesn’t give a shit about any of it is to post a photo he has of the two of you that Rick caught a while ago, his favorite photo of the two of you that neither of you have posted before.  He doesn’t remember what the two of you were laughing at but the smile on your face always makes him smile when he sees it. He makes a quick caption about how beautiful you are caught in the moment and left it at that, hoping that people would get the hint and lay off you.
He smiles to himself when he sees you respond to him comment with I love you.
He sends you a quick message telling you he is going to meet you at your place in a  little bit now that he knows you are off work and that he is bringing dinner over so you don’t need to worry about anything.
Vinny opens your front door and smiles when he hears the shower, knowing that you must have just gotten home from work if you are still in the shower.  Setting the food he picked up down on your coffee table he makes his way towards your bathroom, knocking before slipping in.
“Hey baby, just letting you know that I am here,” He says, trailing off when he hears what music you have playing, it is what you listen to when you are in a bad mood. “Are you okay?” he asks softly.
“I will be, give me a few minutes to have my moment and then I’ll be out,” you respond, he can tell by the tone of your voice that you have been crying, his heart falling when he knows what it is about.
“Baby, get out of the shower, we need to talk about this,” He says softly, hoping that you will listen and feeling better when he hears the water turn off, the curtain slowly opens just barely so you can reach your hand out, grabbing your towels to wrap around you and your hair before you open it the rest of the way and step out.
“Come here, let's go to the room. I want to show you everything about you that I find attractive, that others find attractive, baby,” he says quietly, reaching for your hand so he can lead you towards your room.  
He is a little upset that you don’t fight him, normally you put up a huge fight when he drags you somewhere so he knows you really are out of it.  He moves you and has you sit on the edge of the bed, facing your full vanity mirror, giving a kiss before he moves so you can see yourself in the mirror.
“Let’s start with your hands, the hands you use to take care of children all day, that you use to wipe their tears away, clean their faces, cradle them when they need some love, play with them.  The few times I have witnessed you with your class I love seeing the way you use them to take care of the kids, to take care of everyone when you can.” He gives one of your hands a light kiss before setting them on your lap.
“Vin, you don’t have to do this.  I’ll get over it eventually,” you whisper softly, meeting his eyes in the mirror for a moment while blushing.
“I know but I want to Lottie,” he responds, placing a kiss on your bare shoulder. “Your arms, the way they wrap so tightly around me and those you care about, the way you wrap them around your work kids when they run up to you when we go out and one of them sees you.  I would be lying if I said that I don’t sometimes get jealous of the kids that you hold onto all day and love on in your arms, but I am the lucky one that gets to be in them at night, that you pull into your chest while you play with my hair and we just talk or I game for awhile,” he says softly, rubbing his hands along your arms while you continue to watch him.
When his hands reach the top of your towel where it is tucked around you he notices you suck in a breath, the way you tense under his touch so he pauses for a moment. “Hey, it’s just me, you don’t need to be shy for me Lottie.”
When he undoes it he lightly runs his hands along your stomach, one of the places he knows you are really insecure about. “I love that you are soft and cuddly, you are strong.  I love that when we curl up and you envelope me in your arms that I can be comfortable as I lay on your soft belly and chest.  It brings me so much comfort when I use you as a pillow, there is a reason why I try to lay my head on you a lot when we are cuddled up in bed. I couldn’t do that with someone that is smaller, I love being curled up with you and comfortable.  My favorite place to rest my hands is on your waist when you are around me, I don’t know why it just brings me comfort.”
Before you can protest he moves so that he can leave a kiss on your lips, trailing down to make sure he leaves gentle kisses on your love handles and stretch marks, the places that he knows you are the most uncomfortable with, that you usually get annoyed with when he tries to touch them.
He stops when he gets lower to sit up and watch you again in the mirror as he settles back behind you once again, this time his hands resting on your thighs. “We’re at my favorite part, I love your squishy thighs and butt.  They look so good in your jeans when you are walking, they are so comfortable to sit in or lay my head in.  They keep you up on your feet when you chase littles all day, and I know they love getting to sit in your lap with you.  I love the way you wrap them around me when I get you all needy and you want me to just get you past the finish line already.” He ghosts his fingers towards your center when he says this, smiling slightly to himself when he feels you shudder.
“Now arguably one of my favorite parts of you, I would be lying if I tried to pretend that it wasn’t,” he smiles slightly when he hears you giggle at his words. “I love it when you get all wet and needy for me, when you draw my fingers and my cock in as you get closer and closer to falling over the edge, I love the way you taste when you let me taste you and get you going.” 
He runs a finger along your opening towards your clit, making you squirm in your spot as he begins to tease you slightly, knowing that he is getting you worked up and also raising your mood and confidence slightly. He uses his other hand to let your hair loose, brushing it away from one of your ears before leaning in to whisper, “Let me worship you baby, please ride my face tonight, take the pleasure you need from me.”
He notices you freeze up but continues to tease you, the one hand still barely grazing your clit while the other reaches around you to lightly toy with one of your nipples, trying to get you to the point you won’t think about it, that you will just let him do what he wants to do.
“Vin,” you start to say with a sigh.
“You’re not going to hurt me, if I need you to move I will let you know. Please, let me pleasure you, show you how much I love you and your body,” he asks, moving to lay down on the bed behind you.
Hesitantly you move, leaning yourself over him but not sitting down like he wants you to, nervous to be trying something new, especially when you’d be putting your weight on him.
Getting impatient Vinny grabs your thighs, pulling you down on top of him so that he can begin to tease your folds with his tongue.  Running it from your entrance to your clit several times knowing that motion drives you nuts before finally sucking harshly on your clit for a second, making you arch your back and moan at the feeling.
“There you go, rock yourself on me, take what you want,” Vinny encourages, moving his hands to your hips as he urges you to rock them as he continues to tease you with his tongue, knowing he is bring you close when you now are moving yourself, starting to take it into your own hands as you moan on top of him. 
 He moves a hand so he can slip two of his fingers inside of you, knowing that the added sensations of them working inside of you as you work yourself on top of him will set you off, and he is correct.  With a couple more swivels of your hips, with his tongue working at your clit you come undone on top of him.  
He lays his head back so he can watch you as your face tightens and you throw your head back as you ride out and slowly come back down from the orgasm he just gave you.  You slipping your legs over his head so that you can move and lay down next to him on the bed, chest rising and falling rapidly as you come down from everything that just happened.
“I told you that I would be fine, just because you aren’t the smallest wouldn’t mean you would hurt me.  I love your body baby, you do such amazing things with it and I wish you could see that… but I’ll keep worshiping you and telling you until you believe me,” he says softly, giving you a kiss and trying not to laugh when you grimace at the taste of yourself on his lips.
“I’m going to go brush my teeth and then reheat our dinner, go get dressed baby,”  he says softly, making his way back to the bathroom that you both left about a half an hour earlier so he can do that. 
When you slip into the kitchen where he is warming dinner back up for the two of you you sneak behind him, wrapping your arms around his back as you rest your face on his now shirtless frame.
“Thank you Vin, I love you,” you hum softly, feeling a lot better after all his praise and kind words. “I know I should ignore it, but it never gets easier having those comments directed at me, being the bigger one of all our group of friends.”
“I know, but you aren’t even that big babe.  And all that matters is that you and I love it and are happy, and I am.  I love you just how you are.  Now why don’t we take our food and go watch (your favorite movie)?” He asks, turning around to wrap his arms around you as well, your head now resting on his chest.
“That sounds wonderful, thank you Vin,” you say softly, following him towards your couch to go and do just that, curling up next to him the second the two of you are done with dinner so you can enjoy the rest of your night together.
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ciginatree · 4 months
Perfect for Me- Vinny Mauro x Gn!reader
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Request: I enjoy your chubby hc so much. Gives me so much confidence, so if you don’t mind could u write something about chubby reader meeting the band for the first time and being scared of embarrassing Vinny (like for being chubby). And Vinny just comforting them and being reassuring. I‘d love that :)
Content Warning: none really; just body image insecurity/negativity, and fluff
Word Count: 686
Author's Note: Sorry it took so long to get this out; hope this does your request justice :)
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You look in the floor length mirror of your apartment, turning and observing yourself from different angles. Your eyebrows furrow and your heart starts to sink the longer you look. Crossing your arms over your chest, you grip your arms and hunch in on yourself as tears start to fill your eyes. 
“Are you ready to go?” Vinny enters the room cheerfully, pulling a sweatshirt over his head, but the second he sees you he can tell something’s up. “Hey, what’s going on?” he asks softly, taking slow steps until he’s behind you. You look at him in the mirror, his eyebrows knit together and mouth turned down. Your chest tightens, not wanting to ruin his mood.
“I just-” you start, flexing your fingers, “-I don’t know.” Eyes flicking to the floor as you pick apart the carpet with your gaze. 
“You do know; I can tell. Talk to me,” his voice wafts tenderly to your ears, and the warm weight of his hand settles on your arm. The warmth spreads as he glides his thumb over your bare skin. Your gaze flits back to the mirror, and your body comes into view. Your favorite pair of shorts starts to look like a vice and the tank top draped on your torso feels like a flashing sign; illuminating the parts of you that you no longer want to see. 
“I don’t know, I’m just not feeling this outfit anymore. I might change into sweats or something,” your voice is distracted, trained on the pouch contained by your waistband. 
“What, why? I thought you loved this outfit?” He follows your line of sight to where your eyes are resting. Squeezing your arm he takes a step to the side and turns to look at you. He slots his fingers between your hand where it’s pinned to your bicep before speaking again. “C’mon, what’s really going on? It’s not the outfit is it.” It was a statement; he knew what your answer would be.
Tears threaten the rim of your eyes and you look towards the ceiling, lip trembling. “I don’t want to embarrass you,” voice breaking, you avoid his gaze. “I know I’m bigger than your previous partners–” you wipe frantically and your fallen tears, “--I don’t want you to feel ashamed of me or anything, I know what people think when they look at me. I can see the look on their face, and I don’t want to see that same look on your friends’ faces.”
Vinny’s heart breaks at your confession and he wraps his arms around you quickly, burying his head into your neck. “No no no no no, baby, I could never be ashamed of you,” he speaks into your hair, stroking it with one hand. “I’m so proud of you; I’m so proud to call you mine. I don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks about you, because you’re mine.” He pulls away enough to look at you, wiping the tear soaked strands of hair from your cheeks. 
“No buts. I love every single fucking thing about you. Nothing could change that. Not what you look like, not how much you weigh, and definitely not what my friends think about you. Ok?”
You nod, sniffling and blowing out a breath. “Ok.”
He smiles softly at you, rubbing your arm. “Ok. C’mere.” He pulls you back into an embrace, pressing his cheek into the top of your head as his arms hold you close. “And you have nothing to worry about, the band isn’t like that. They’re gonna absolutely love you.” He finalizes his statement with a kiss to the crown of your head before pulling away from the embrace to grab your hand.
“Thank you, Vin. I needed that,” you say quieter, squeezing his hand. Your heart feels lighter; the grip of your shirt not quite as tight.
“Of course. I love you,” he pecks another kiss to your cheek. “We should go now, we’re gonna be late. And don’t you dare change, you look fucking amazing.”
You laugh and he wraps an arm around your shoulder, leading you both out the door.
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Tags: @shilohrosechicken @alastriaa @rumoured-whispers @abiomens
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daddyhausen · 28 days
If it's okay i wanted to request a platonic hc of being the only female member in MIW and her relationships with band and what that would be like please?
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 「 PLATONIC HEADCANNONS 」 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
「 SUMMARY 」 —platonic headcannons w/ miw
「 WARNINGS 」 — none
「 WORD COUNT 」 — 205
「 PAIRING 」 — fem!reader x motionless in white
「 GENRE 」 — platonic/fluff
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
「 TAGLIST 」 — @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @mjfass @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @janetreader @bonehead-playz @legit9thlunaticwarrior @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @harmshake @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie @seeingstarks @kennysbadkitten @darkangelchronicles @selena-tyler-564 @alyyaanna @nightmare-freakin-viper @nev-danielgarciawife @teenagedramaqueenlisa @them4lice
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
being the only woman in the band felt strange
you acted more as a mother to them rather than a bandmate with the exception of chris
your role was minimal yet important
you provided the synths and keyboards leaving you mostly secluded at the back of the stage behind ricky and beside vinny
in turn it made you feel unimportant
you were simply there
ricky and vinny acted like your younger brothers, vinny especially
the two of you have the most in common
being the youngest members is one of those reasons
ricky was more silent, you allow yourself to have more philosophical conversations with him, about books, the universe, human nature etc
justin and ryan are more of the stereotypical older brother archetype
they pick on you playfully, ryan more so but is more endearing than malicious
chris is the one you go to when you’re feeling upset or stressed
he’s the one that always provides you reassurance
especially when having to deal with antics and threats from fans who see you as competition rather than apart of the band
chris is the most mature one, he’s super protective of you when it comes to the fans, as are the rest of the boys
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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twxstedmxxn · 1 year
Currently working on a few things;
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Vinny Mauro | Things to look forward too
Requested smut
If wanting to request please read the pinned post ( I’ve breaker )
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jaidasstuff · 2 years
Motionless in White Masterlist
Smut - ✎
Fluff - ღ
Angst - ✿
Request- ☼
Chris Motionless
Ricky Olson
Vinny Mauro
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catharsis-in-darkness · 5 months
Family Affairs: Chapter 2
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Authors Note: Things are looking up y'all! Unbeta'd per usual.
Pairing: Vinny Mauro x Reader
CW: Fluff, Implied smut, smut?? 18+ (kinda??), Pregnancy, slight angst
Word count: 1,224
Divider: @cafekitsune
Tags: @tearfallpixie @jilliemiw86 @vinyardmauro @malerieee
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged!
“Holy shit.” Vinny muttered next to me, out of breath. I rolled over looking at his disheveled figure. A light sheen of sweat covered his body as his chest rose and fell rapidly. His neck and cheeks were blotched with red. My own body was shaking slightly, still coming down from my high. Vinny moved closer, throwing an arm over me. 
“You okay, my love?” He murmured. Our legs entangled as I ran my hand up and down his arm. “Besides the fact that I feel like I just got my soul sucked out of my body, I’m doing amazing, baby.” I chuckled, slowly feeling his orgasm leaking out of me. I shuddered in discomfort. 
“Let me go get a towel.” He slowly made his way into our en suite bathroom, wetting a rag for me. He rolled me over before spreading my legs gently. I felt a finger trail down my thigh, getting closer and closer to my mound. I let out a hiss at the sensitivity as his finger scooped some of his release up and pushed it back into me. His head snapped up to meet mine.
“Can’t let any of this go to waste can we?” Vin gave me the toothiest grin he could muster. 
“Oh my god! Don’t make it nasty, Vin!” Grabbing a pillow from behind me, I hit him hard enough to feel it. 
“You didn’t think it was nasty when I-” I hit him again. 
“STOP!!” My eyes were now watering with laughter. 
“Don’t be embarrassed mama, it’s just us here.” Vinny cooed at me. I glared at him before nudging him to finally clean me up.
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“When are the guys getting here?” I asked as we finally divulged into our now cold breakfast. 
“They should be here in like 30, I think.” Vin stated, swallowing his food. After our rendezvous this morning we showered and got dressed, but not before we went for round 2 in the shower. 
“Let me put pants on then.” I put my plate into the sink then washed my hands. Vinny came up behind me, yet again. One of his hands circled my waist, before pulling his shirt up that I was wearing. His finger slipped into the band of my panties slowly. 
“Round 3?” He asked me. Even though I couldn’t see him, I could hear the smirk evident in his voice. I turned around palming his bulge. I looked into his eyes as I bit my lip. Leaning in towards his ear, I whispered to him. 
“You’re not even packed yet doofus.” I pulled my hand away quickly, bursting into laughter. He glared at me, while I fell to the floor laughing. 
“You’re so mean.” He feigned sadness. He turned away from me with a pout on his face. I got up, giving him a peck on the cheek, walking out the kitchen past him. 
“If you finish packing before the guys get here, we can.” I taunted him, running into our bedroom. I heard his hurried footsteps after me soon after. 
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“I’m going to miss you so much baby.” I sighed; my arms wrapped around Vinny tightly. My eyes started watering. I buried my head into his chest so he wouldn’t see me cry. 
“Hey, look at me mama.” I sniffled as he pulled my face up to look at him. 
“I’ll be back before you know it, and then we can have all the time in the world to make mini Vincenzos.” He lit up at the mention of his mini me’s. I nodded, my vision still blurry from my tears. He wiped them away for me, kissing both of my cheeks. 
I hated how lonely I felt, and he wasn’t even gone yet. I’ve never been an out-going person, so when Vin left I never really had much to do. It was stupid, I try not to over bear him when he’s gone, but sometimes I can’t help it. After 3 years of dealing with this, I have gotten better at it. Regardless of that though, I still feel alone at times. 
“Make sure you go and visit Logan while I’m gone.” I nodded yet again. Finally mustering the courage I kissed him. 
“I love you so so so much baby, be safe, have fun, no drugs or hookers please!” I added in the last line knowing Vinny would never do that to me. My spirit lifted a little higher when we opened the door to see the boys waiting for him. Rick let out a whistle.
“Rick! Leave my wife alone!” Vinny yelled, flipping him off. 
“Hey! She’s not Mrs. Mauro just yet.” Rick shrugged. 
I gave everyone hugs and told them all to have fun. Giving Vinny one last kiss, I made my way back to the porch.
“Keep my Vincenzo safe!” I called before they all got in the car. 
“Anything for you Mrs. Mauro!” Rick winked at me, getting a slap to the back of the head from Vinny. I laughed at their antics as they pulled away. My smile faded, and I went back into our now empty house. I sighed, starting to clean up the breakfast we never put away. 
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1 Month Later
“I miss you so much, mama” Vin told me over the phone while I made dinner. 
“Me too my love, only 2 months left though!” I remained happy. 
“What’s got you in such a good mood today, love?” He was surprised at my tone. I bit my lip to suppress myself from telling him.
“I don't know, I’m just in a good mood. I went and saw Logan today, I talked to him about how I’ve been feeling, and I think things are starting to look up!” I rambled. It was true, I went to Logan’s gravesite and told him the news. 
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“Okay it’s just a pregnancy test, nothing scary right?” I whispered to myself. “You wanted this, remember?” I stared at the test on the sink. From the kitchen, I heard my timer of 3 minutes going off on my phone. 
“Here goes nothing.” I slowly grabbed the test and flipped it to face me. I looked at myself in the mirror, taking a deep breath. 
I let out a gasp of excitement, the tears flooding my eyes before I could stop them. I need to tell Vin! I ran to my phone, but stopped before I pressed on Vinny’s contact button. I instead called Chris. He answered after a few rings. 
“Hey bean, what’s up?” He asked, sounding concerned. 
“Can you help me surprise Vin?” I asked excitedly. Chris helped me set up a flight and promised to keep it a secret from everyone. I was leaving tomorrow at noon and Chris said he’d pick me up from the airport. I was beyond ecstatic. I couldn’t believe after one try; we were pregnant!
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“Baby we just got called for soundcheck, I’ll call you later, okay?” Vinny told me, snapping me back to reality. 
“Okay my love, I have a doctor's appointment in the morning so I’ll be asleep early tonight.” I shrugged, forgetting he can’t see me. 
“Doctor’s appointment?? For what??” He asked, his tone laced with worry. 
“It’s just my yearly checkup baby, nothing bad.” I calmed him. We said our goodbyes and with that I ate my dinner and went to bed. 
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vanishxcanvas · 1 year
Vinny Mauro x F!Reader
Oneshot / Imagine
Content Warning: 18+ only. Fluff and smut are included. Unprotected p/v sex.
Background - You're at work, and you get a text from Vinny. He says he has a surprise when you get home. Later that night, you thank him.
You're at work, currently on your last break before the rest of your shift. You get a text from your boyfriend, Vinny.
It reads, "Hey baby. I know you're at work right now, but I have a surprise for you when you get home. I love you, I'll see you tonight."
Your eyes water a bit but you wipe them. You reply back telling him that you love him more, and that you can't wait to see him tonight.
You put your phone away as your break has ended, and you continue on with your shift.
A few hours later
Your shift ended, as you just got in your car. You text Vinny to let him know that you are on your way back home.
After you text him, you start your car and exit the parking lot. As you continue driving, your phone dings but assume that it is just Vinny.
You eventually get home, pulling your car in the driveway. You then get out of the car, and lock it.
A few moments later, you're inside the house. You walk in the kitchen to put your things down, when you see the dining table set up and lit. Vinny was still setting it up.
"Babe.." You say.
He turns around and sees you, immediately running up to you so he can hug you. You hug him back, then he kisses you.
"You probably already noticed, but this was the surprise I mentioned earlier.." He says.
"I love it." You say.
You both smile at each other, and sit at the dining table to have dinner. You and Vinny talk for a bit after, him asking you how your day was.
After that, he insists on cleaning up but you offer to help him. He's stubborn, and says it's okay. You raise and eyebrow, but accept his answer.
You go upstairs to change, but you find lingerie that you bought months ago, that you forgot about. You smirk, wondering if it still fits you.
You grab it, and go in the restroom that is connected to your shared bedroom to try it on.
After you put it on, you look in the mirror. You decide to sneak downstairs to surprise Vinny, so you slip on a pair of heels.
You quietly but carefully walk downstairs, and see Vinny in front of the sink.
"Hey baby," You say seductively. He hears you, so he stops what he's doing and turns around after drying his hands.
"Holy fuck." He groans. You walk towards him, and as you get closer, and he pulls you towards him to kiss you.
He pulls away, and you start kissing his neck.
"I need you, now." He says.
"Then what are you waiting for?" You ask. He raises an eyebrow, and you smirk, dragging him into the living room. You push him on the couch, and sit on his lap to straddle him.
You feel his hands take off your heels, and put them somewhere.
"You're so hot babe." He says.
"Hmm, why thank you." You say.
You start to kiss his neck again, slowly putting your hands under his shirt. He groans, then takes it off.
You then give him hickeys, and start to grind on him.
"Baby, I need you now." He says.
"As you wish, babe." You say. You get up, and tease him, taking off your lingerie very slowly. He groans as you do this.
After you get done, you take off Vinny's pants and underwear, him obviously being hard.
You get back on his lap, then sink down onto him. A soft moan escapes your lips, and you start to move.
You slam back down onto him, and a groan escapes his lips.
"Fuck baby, you're doing so good for me." He says breathlessly.
This makes you whimper, and you continue moving. He throws his head back, letting out uncontrollable sounds.
A while later, you feel yourself getting close. You reach down and rub your clit before letting go.
He follows shortly after, releasing inside of you. You stay there for a while, cuddling into him. After you high, you kiss him on the cheek.
He opens his eyes, and smiles down at you. He kisses you on your forehead.
"Well that was amazing." He says.
"It sure was." You say, leaning your head against his shoulder.
"After we stay here for a few more minutes, we need to take a shower so we can go to sleep. I'm getting exhausted." He says.
"Yeah me too, especially from work today. I needed that though." You say.
He smiles, and after you stay there for a while he carries you to the nearest restroom so you both can shower.
After you both shower, you go upstairs since that's where your clothes are. You change into something comfortable to sleep in, which is just a t-shirt and a pair of underwear.
Then you get in bed, cuddling into the blankets while Vinny is doing something.
A few moments later, he joins you in bed after turning off the lights.
"You're probably asleep, but tonight was amazing. I'll see you in the morning." He says, before holding you.
You were half asleep when he said that, but chose to pretend to be asleep. You both end up falling asleep soon after.
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