#Virginia Heath
bookclub-reads · 2 months
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When the main couple has already kissed, but you still got 200 pages left….
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songedunenuitdete · 5 months
Un secret explosif de Virginia Heath
Mon avis : Je crois bien que c’est mon premier roman de cette autrice ! Et je ne regrette pas de l’avoir découverte, car sa plume est excellente et ses personnages truculents à souhait. Nos héros sont comme chien et chat, mais comme on dit, les opposés s’attirent ! Diana, une jeune roturière cache (très mal) sa carrière de journaliste et est même plutôt douée pour traquer tous les bons potins de…
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ihatetbrlists · 6 months
Review #34: Never Fall for Your Fiancée
Never Fall for Your Fiancée, by Virginia Heath
From my TBR? Yes. The GoodReads one.
I was halfway through reading this book when I realized that I had already read it sometime last year. I had forgotten to write it down on GoodReads. You can guess it wasn't exactly memorable.
A Lord needs a fake fiancée named Minerva to introduce to her mother. Miraculously, he meets a woman named Minerva who is in need of money. Fake relationship shenanigans kick off and then you get your usual Misunderstandings Fuelled Climax followed by a nice HEA.
Verdict: it's fine. The Perfect Rake is better.
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coffeeatmidnight · 2 years
ARC Review: "Never Rescue a Rogue," by Virginia Heath
ARC Review: “Never Rescue a Rogue,” by Virginia Heath
Hello party readers! I had the great pleasure of being chosen to read the ARC for Never Rescue a Rogue, Virginia Heath’s second book in the Merriwell series (thank you, Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press!) Rogue picks up not too long after the events of Never Fall for your Fiancée, and is even more delightful than the last. So without further ado… From the Publisher: Virginia Heath’s Never Rescue…
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vandaliatraveler · 2 years
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Beautiful fall day many years ago on the heath plains of Dolly Sods.
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ministerforpeas · 1 month
Prat Out of Hell with better quality.
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extinctionstories · 1 year
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Once, there was a bird called a Heath Hen. It lived all along the coast of New England, from Virginia all the way to Maine. More abundant than wild turkeys, these grouse-like birds fed Americans native and colonist alike; some believe that it was actually heath hen that graced the table of the first Thanksgiving.
Yet countries grow, and so does the demand for food. Like the passenger pigeon, the bounty of heath hens seemed inexhaustible…until it wasn’t. By 1870, the heath hen was gone from the mainland, occupying only a tiny oasis on the island of Martha’s Vineyard; by 1900, there were only 70 in the world.
But humans had begun to notice the animals vanishing around us—to realize that there steps we could take to make it stop. Protections were put in place, and the birds began a recovery. In 1915, at least two thousand heath hens called the island home.
During the following nesting season, however, after years of misguided suppression measures, a wildfire ravaged the preserve, devastating the ground-nesting birds. Now lacking shelter, birds that survived the fire were easily picked off by predators. Efforts were made to rebuild yet again, but there just weren’t enough birds left. The final heath hen died in 1932, after having been alone for 4 years.
One of the stories that always sticks in my mind about heath hens comes from the people who went out searching for survivors after the fire. They spoke about finding female birds, burnt or suffocated by smoke, still sitting on their nests—their last act, to shield their young.
Those charred hens had no way of knowing that the eggs they guarded were some of the last the world would ever see—no conception of the ideas of rarity or foresight that might cause a human to go to lengths to protect such a nest. For them, it was enough to be a mother, whose child would always be as precious to her as if it had been the only one in the world, worthy of protecting with her life.
An epitaph of Jane Seymour, third queen of Henry VIII, who died in childbed, went, “Here lies a phoenix/by whose death/another phoenix life gave breath”. My above art was painted in clear acrylic medium blended with ink and the ashes of burnt feathers, and is titled ‘There Were No Phoenixes on Martha’s Vineyard’.
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mercurygray · 8 months
Friends, I have failed you all. I've seen a lot of posts over the last week with a lot of great biographical detail about many of the flyers and aircrew who've been name-dropped so far in Masters of the Air - and I haven't seen a single thing about the one name that is directly in the center of this blog's lane.
In Part 2, returning from their mission to Trondheim, Cleven and Egan walk into the Interrogation hut and Egan accepts a cup of coffee from a woman he thanks as Tatty. Later on, at the dance, James Douglass remarks that he will be 'coming in hot' on one of the American Red Cross women on the other side of the room, and one of his friends asks "General Spaatz's daughter? Or the other one?"
Katherine "Tatty" Spaatz was a member of the American Red Cross Clubmobile service and the daughter of General Carl "Tooey" Spaatz, who commanded the Eighth Air Force on its move to England. (General Spaatz later moved to overall command of the entire Army Air Forces in the Europe Theatre of Operations, or ETO. He is, as the kids say, rather important.)
But we're not talking about him here. We're talking about her.
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Katherine was 22 years old when she arrived in Europe with the Red Cross. (One of her traveling companions that trip was Kathleen Kennedy, daughter of former U.S. Ambassador Joseph P Kennedy Sr., also coming to serve overseas with the ARC.)
The American Red Cross's mission in Europe had many facets during the Second World War - in addition to activities we might think of today, like collecting blood, providing disaster relief at home and running first aid seminars, they were responsible for collecting and distributing packages for Prisoners of War.
They also operated large canteens like the Rainbow Corner club, a recreational facility in London where soldiers on leave could get a room for the weekend, a bite to eat, and a number of other amenities. Smaller clubs called Donut Dugouts provided a space where a serviceman could always be assured of a cup of hot coffee, a donut, and a pretty girl to talk to, specially recruited for being friendly, fair, approachable, and specially trained to be the girl next door overseas. In addition to these more permanent installations, they also operated the Clubmobile service, a mobile version of their popular Dugouts that moved operations into retooled Green Line Bus Company buses to take donuts and a taste of home to the front line.
Tatty, as she was called, worked on the Clubmobile "North Dakota" along with Julia "Dooley" Townsend, Virginia "Ginny" Sherwood, and Dorothy "Mike" Myrick. Life Magazine did a full article on their clubmobile in February of 1943, which you can read online at the link. There is another lovely blog post with pictures here. She also worked for a time in a more permanent post at the USAAF base at Snetterton Heath, and was later sent to France. You can read a little bit more about her and see more pictures at her bio page at the American Air Museum in Britain website.
If you'd like more information about Tatty, Helen, and women like them, as well as the Clubmobile service, consider reading the following:
Slinging Doughnuts for the Boys by James H. Madison Battlestars & Doughnuts: World War II Clubmobile Experiences of Mary Metcalfe Rexford War through the Hole of a Donut, by Angela Petesch Goodnight, Irene (fiction) - Although this is a novel, it is based on Luis Alberto Urrea's mother's time as a Clubmobile worker and her personal papers.
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meazalykov · 5 months
the golden girl
uswnt x uswnt!reader
summary: what happened in a world where reader played on the USWNT in the 2019 World Cup?
part one (part two here)
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Knowing that the call at eight am could change the pathway of my career, I couldn’t sleep. My mind spins rapidly as I tried to close my eyes and manipulate myself into believing that tomorrow would be an ordinary day, but that didn’t work. 
Hi! My name is Y/n L/n and I am a soccer player who plays for club Olympique Lyon. I am a forward who many people call the “next big thing,” since I am only 19 years old. 
After winning the Champions League final with Lyon, scoring a brace which involved a penalty, my career seemed to go in a great path that was unordinary for a teenager. 
I sat on my bed, criss-crossed, as I stared at the digital alarm clock on my bedside table. 4:38am. Three hours and twenty two minutes until I get the call. 
After traveling to my hometown in the United States, Virginia Beach, I traveled to the last International camp, before the World Cup, in order to “try out” for a World Cup roster spot. My mentality is great, my skills during the camp were phenomenal and I believe I proved that to the coaches, but I am young. 
The coaches will prioritize other forwards like Alex Morgan, Tobin Heath, Megan Raphinoe, and Christen Press first. I am aware of that. They’ve won the 2015 World Cup four years ago and have the experience to go up again. However, everyone knows that the USWNT will need to bring on youngsters to set themselves up for future competitions, so I have confidence that I'll be the one they’ll call. 
Three hours and twenty minutes later, I sat at my dining room table in Lyon, preparing for the unexpected. 
My phone’s flashlight goes off a few times and my screen brightens at the sight of my International Coach’s number. 
“Hey.” I spoke first as my finger pressed on the green button. The nervousness in my voice was present, I wanted this decision to go my way. 
“Hi Y/n! How are you feeling right now!?” My United States coach, Jill Ellis, asked. 
“I’m- Um— I’m nervous.” I told the truth. I heard a small chuckle come from the coach which I raised my eyebrows at. The tension on my end could be cut with a sharp knife. The lack of sleep made my nerves worse too. 
“Well I have some news for you.” Jill said. I swallowed on nothing as the next few seconds can predict how my day– sorry— year will go. I know she has to call other players about the decisions for them so our call won’t last long, thankfully. 
“Let me start off by saying that all of the coaching staff, including myself, needed to consider someone who is young and has a lot of quality. We were impressed by the amount of work you've put into our international camps and we’ve kept up on your club experience at Lyon for more reference. So, we’ve chosen you to be on the roster to represent the United States in the 2019 World Cup.” The excitement in Jill’s voice grew when she announced that I would be in the World Cup. 
However, most of what she said sounded muffled through the happy tears that poured down my eyes. I couldn’t believe it! My hard work paid off. 
“Thank you!” I said. 
“No Thank you Y/n! We’ll see you soon, Bye!” Jill ended the call before I jumped in joy. 
A couple of months later, I sat on the bench in France as the USWNT was up against Thailand in the group stage. It was the 64th minute and we were up 7-0. As I sat on the bench, my heart raced faster out of nervousness. Eventually, my head turned when I heard her call my name. I am excited, but my stomach felt like there was a rock in it. The weight of expectations settled squarely on my shoulders as I looked at the ongoing game. 
We are winning the game by seven, but I still wanted to prove my best to the coach, teammates, and the fans. When I stood up, my legs felt like jelly making my way to the touchline. The crowd's roar was deafening, every step closer to the pitch amplifying my nerves. 
“You’re going to go on for Raphinoe. We are up 7-0 but use this as an opportunity to get a feel of the field and experience.” Jill spoke with empathy as she patted on my back, allowing me to do the required warmup on the sideline before standing at the midline. 
I tried to shake off the doubts, reminding myself of the countless hours of practice that had brought me to this moment. The nerves in my legs wouldn’t calm down. Maybe I can use that as a source of adrenaline. 
Running onto the field in replacement for Raphinoe, the enormity of the occasion hit me like a ton of bricks. The stadium seemed to stretch endlessly all around me, filled with thousands of spectators watching my every move. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. The ball was at the other end of the field, giving me a moment to collect myself.
Then, Julie Ertz shot the ball over the left side of the field to gain space. The ball landed on my ivory-colored cleat and I dribbled around a Thailand opponent before passing to Alex Morgan who lightly tapped the ball behind the net. Goal!
My jaw dropped in realization as Alex jogged over to hug me. Some of the girls on the pitch came to congratulate me on the assist as others clapped their hands. I didn’t take it offensively, we are up 8-0 now and there's not much to celebrate now besides the inevitable win. My first touch in the World Cup gave an assist which I later found impressed spectators. 
I glanced at my teammates when the game started again, finding reassurance in their encouraging, yet concentrated, nods and smiles. They had confidence in my abilities, even if I struggled to find it within myself sometimes. With each passing second, my nerves began to settle, now replaced by a fierce determination to prove myself worthy of wearing the US jersey.
Eventually, I found myself caught up in the rhythm of the play. My eyes were on the ball, blocking out the noise of the crowd and the pressure of the moment. With each touch and pass to a teammate, my confidence grew and my movements became more fluid and precise.
Then, in the 73rd minute, it happened. A perfectly timed pass by Samantha Mewis found my feet. At this point I wanted to be the goalscorer, not the assist. With a burst of speed, I raced towards the goal and dribbled around the defenders who were in the way of the goal, the screaming chants of the crowd fading into the background as they saw what I was doing. At that moment, there was only me, the ball, and the goal.
My right foot unleashed a powerful shot, the ball rocketing into the back of the net with a stunning curve. Goal! The stadium erupted into cheers, the sound washing over me like a tidal wave of euphoria as my teammates ran to congratulate me on my first ever goal in the World Cup. For a brief moment, I allowed myself to bask in the glory of my achievement, the weight of my nerves finally lifted off of my shoulders. The game ended in a 13-0 win for us!
Later in the World Cup tournament, I found myself on the bench as my heart pounded at the match in front of me. Thanks to Alex Morgan and Christen Press who scored in the Semifinal against the Lionesses, we were in the World Cup final against the Dutch. 
As the game enters the 79th minute, with the score being 2-0, the coach calls my name. This took me by surprise since I didn’t believe that any substitutes would join the final. When I stood up, my legs felt like lead as I made my way onto the pitch for Tobin Heath, who had an injury earlier in the tournament and couldn't play all 90 minutes. The roar of the crowd washes over me, drowning out the doubts that threatened to consume me since I am on the right wing.
With only minutes remaining, I can’t make a mistake. I have to make every second count. We are up 2-0 but the Netherlands could easily catch up if we make a few errors, they’re EURO champions and have a statement to make for the world.
As I focus on the ball, blocking out the noise of the crowd and the pressure of the moment, the 89th minute comes along. Krieger gets the ball from a Dutch forward and launches the ball in the air towards Rose Lavelle. The girl who scored the second goal in the final headed the ball over the field again before it landed onto my feet— This is my chance. 
My feet take the ball towards the goal. Veenendaal, the Dutch Goalkeeper, sets herself up in a ready position. As I race closer to the goal, my heart pounds in my chest. The defenders close in but I dribble around them effortlessly. An Oranje defender missed her chance to side tackle me as my left foot unleashed a powerful shot. The ball grazed the tip of Veenendaal’s fingers and the ball hit the back of the net with stunning precision. Goal!
The stadium erupts into cheers as I run to the corner of the pitch to celebrate. A typical knee slide that allowed my knees to slide through the soft grass before I stood up and turned to my teammates who rushed to congratulate me. Everyone on the bench got up and ran to me as well to celebrate. At that moment, the voice in my head told me that I’ve done it. My goal gave everyone the reassurance that we secured a World Cup win for the USWNT four times. 
After winning the Bronze Ball, Gold Medal, and being able to take pictures with the World Cup trophy itself, I cried. The tears wouldn’t stop after my bestfriend Mallory Pugh hugged me as she cried as well. We were so happy, I have never felt so proud of myself and my team. 
Hopefully 2023 will secure us a three-peat…. 
part two here
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ acantha. adela. adley. aetheria. aiden. ainsley. alis. allison. amos. angle. ankova. antler. apollo. apple. arches. arden. argent. ari. aruna. ashworth. aspen. asteria. astralyn. atlas. barberry. bay. bee. belina. bellamy. belle. blair. blake. blossom. bright. brighton. bryn. butter. butterfleigh. butterfly. cadi. cai. calesia. cali. canary. carson. cayana. chai. cherry. chouko. cinnabar. cistus. clancy. clifden. cloud. clover. cosmia. crimson. daisy. dakota. december. dewick. dorian. dot. dusk. dust. eclipse. eilira. eilliot. ellison. elnora. emerald. ermina. ermine. esmerelda. esther. evelyn. evern. falena. fern. finley. fisher. flora. fly. flynn. forest. fox. foxglove. galatea. galium. garnet. ghost. ginny. greta. grey. haden. haven. hawk. haworth. hayden. heath. herald. hesperia. holli. hollis. isabella. ismeria. isola. jael. jayden. jersey. july. june. juniper. juno. kahli. kai. karran. karson. kentish. kimko. kit. kori. lace. lackey. langmaid. lepida. light. luca. lucy. luna. lunar. malam. maple. march. mariposa. marlow. marrow. mars. may. micah. mirza. mocha. molie. monroe. moth. mothra. mothy. nettle. november. oak. ocaria. oleander. opal. palmyra. paru. parvaneh. peach. pearl. pepper. pine. pinion. plume. poppy. psyche. quinn. reed. reid. rekoa. remi. riband. ricki. robin. rose. rosy. rowan. ruby. rufous. sable. saffron. saga. saige. scarlet. scotch. sibylla. silver. skyler. sula. swift. tara. tate. tatum. tawny. tera. thora. tiger. una. vanessa. violet. virginia. weaver. winter. wren. yara. zephyr. zephyra. zion. zoumi.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ admir/admiral. ant/antenna. anten/antenna. antler/antler. apple/apple. blood/blood. blue/blue. bu/butterfly. bug/bug. butter/butterfly. carpet/carpet. chalk/chalk. cherry/cherrie. chrysalis/chrysali. clear/clearwing. cloud/cloud. cocoo/cocoon. cocoon/cocoon. dagger/dagger. dark/dark. dew/dew. dot/dot. dusk/dusk. dust/dust. erm/ermine. eye/eye. flame/flame. flap/flap. flow/flower. flu/fluttflutter. fluff/fluff. fluff/luff. flutter/flutter. fly/fly. forest/forest. fri/fritillary. frit/fritillery. goat/goat. gold/gold. hair/hairstreak. hawk/hawk. hawk/hawkmoth. heart/heart. hide/hide. hook/hook. in/insect. insect/insect. lace/lace. lamp/lamp. leaf/leaf. lepidoptera/lepidoptera. light/light. lu/luna. luna/luna. lunar/lunar. maple/maple. mo/monarch. mo/moth. mocha/mocha. moon/moon. mor/morpho. moth/moth. nec/nectar. night/night. night/night. nocturnal/nocturnal. noct/nocturnal. oak/oak. plume/plume. reed/reed. riph/ripheu. rose/rose. sallow/sallow. shark/shark. sil/silk. silk/silk. small/small. snout/snout. squeak/squeak. squeak/squeaker. stripe/stripe. sul/sulphur. swa/swallow. swa/tail. swall/swallowtail. swift/swift. tiny/tiny. tuss/tussock. wax/waxe. wing/wing. ☁️ . ⭐️ . 🌕 . 💡 . 🦋 .
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bookclub-reads · 2 years
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Currently, I've started this new policy with my reading. With every nonfiction novel I read, I have to read a romance book. Sometimes the non-fiction books can get pretty dark, so I just need something to take the edge off. Now let's get into it!
If you're looking for something quick to read, look no further! How to Woo a Wallflower is here to save the day. I have loved Virginia Heath books for a while now and wanted to see what else she had written before Never Fall for Your Fiancee (aka my comfort book). How to Woo a Wallflower tells the story of a girl named, Hattie Fitzroy, who is pitied by society due to her having an unfortunate accident resulting in her injuring her leg permanently. Jasper, the Earl of Beaufort, is a friend of her brothers who after many years away comes back to town, bringing his scandals along with him. Will Hattie help him save his reputation and ruin hers along the way? Find out!
I really enjoyed this story. I was short and sweet. The only part that I didn't like was the lack of detail at the end. I want to know what happens next! I know that a sequel is probably not going to happen, but still I need to know everything! It also wasn't as steamy as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the little fluffy moments. It's when a novel says it's steamy and it's not, that's what makes me angry sometimes. I don't need all the little details, just don't false advertise what you don't have.
Overall, it was a good book and a nice read if you don't have a lot of time to read. This is probably one of the better historical novels I have read recently (trust me I have read some bad ones). I'm always looking for another regency book to get obsessed with. Let me know what your favorite historical or regency novels are below.
Update: Since I have read this I have discovered them at there are two more books that go along with this story line (like a series) but I currently do not have access to them through my library. 😔 Just thought I would mention that in case anyone would like to read anymore of the books!
Until next time! 📚🍷
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jolieeason · 4 months
WWW Wednesday: May 29th, 2024
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme Sam hosts at Taking on a World of Words. The Three Ws are: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you’ll read next? Here is what I am currently reading, recently finished, and plan to read from Thursday to Wednesday. Let me know if you have read or are planning on reading any of these books!! Happy…
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the-forest-library · 10 days
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The Pairing - Casey McQuiston
Slow Dance - Rainbow Rowell
The Break-Up Pact - Emma Lord
Last Seen Online - Lauren James
All's Fair in Love and War - Virginia Heath
A Shore Thing - Joanna Lowell
You Should Be So Lucky - Cat Sebastian
This Spells Love - Kate Robb
Where Are You, Echo Blue? - Hayley Krischer
My Antonia - Willa Cather
The Girl in Question - Tess Sharpe
The Only Light Left Burning - Erik J. Brown
Death at Morning House - Maureen Johnson
Hawkeye: Bishop Takes King - Ashley Poston
Across a Field of Starlight - Blue Delliquanti
Show Up and Vote - Ani DiFranco
A Product of Genetics and Day Drinking - Jess H. Gutierrez
The Hard Parts - Oksana Masters
Rage Becomes Her - Soraya Chemaly
The Genius of Judy - Rachelle Bergstein
Me Vs Brain - Hayley Morris
Forever Barbie - M.G. Lord
It's Not Hysteria - Karen Tang
The New Menopause - Mary Claire Haver
The Nervous System Reset - Jessica Maguire
The Modern Trauma Toolkit - Christy Gibson
Small Talk - Richard Pink
Girls Just Wanna Have Funds - Emma Due Bitz
Please Unsubscribe, Thanks! - Julio Vincent Gambit
Work Won't Love You Back - Sarah Jaffe
The Tree Collectors - Amy Stewart
Cowpuppy - Gregory Berns
Bold = Highly Recommend
Italics = Worth It
Crossed Out = Nope
Thoughts:  Unfortunately this month was marked by some disappointments (eagerly anticipated reads: Slow Dance, Last Seen Online) and (sequels to books I loved: The Girl in Question, The Only Light Left Burning), but The Pairing restored my faith in Casey McQuiston and left me desperate for a European food and wine tour.
Goodreads Goal: 289/300 2017 Reads | 2018 Reads | 2019 Reads | 2020 Reads | 2021 Reads| 2022 Reads | 2023 Reads | 2024 Reads
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lovelytsunoda · 8 months
take my breath away // tom 'iceman' kazansky
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a traffic jam on the interstate and a diamond ring in a glovebox compartment
temporarily stationed in nevada, tom and heather decide to take a weekend in las vegas to see their favourite new wave band. all the while, all tom can think about when to ask heather to be his wife.
part of the heather and tommy universe started in 'tell me something girl'
pairing: tom kazansky x female oc (named heather)
warnings: fluff overload, marriage proposals, traffic jams.
author's note: guys i know that 'kick' didn't come out until 1987, but bear with me on this one, i was trying to make all of the dates work without the wedding feeling rushed (you'll know what i mean if you check the date headings on 'tell me something girl')
October 25th, 1986. Just outside Las Vegas, Nevada.
the weak air conditioning system in her boyfriend's hummer did nothing to block out the nevada heat as they sat idle, listening to the sounds of engines humming and horns honking. heather schneider held a small camcorder in her hands, the viewfinder trained on her boyfriend's face as he raked his hands through is hair, aviator glasses hiding his eyes. duran duran played on the radio, a tree shaped air freshener dangling in front of the windshield.
"babe, i’m so sorry. i had no idea traffic would be this bad." tom sighed, pushing up his glasses so he could run his hands over his face.
the move to nevada had been sudden. back home in virginia after graduating top gun, tom wasn't expecting to get marching orders so fast after coming back from a mission. the two harrowing weeks in the ocean after the academy had rattled him a little, and he was looking forward to finally spending time with heather again. now, he was scared about what nevada would to do his relationship with heather, until heather dropped a bombshell of her own.
she was quitting her job.
working in a law firm that did work closely with the us military did things to a person. and one day, heather just snapped. she came home in tears and told him that she couldn't do it any more.
and then she quit.
and now she was in nevada with no idea what she was going to do with her life. tom was stationed at the nellis air force base, which was very near to the las vegas motor speedway, a place they spent many a weekend watching stock car racing. tom was easing into his role at nellis quickly, seamlessly and with his trusty backseater ron kerner at his side.
heather was still lost. deployment was only for five months, part of a training program for a plane that most people in the military weren't even aware of yet. and after that five months? would they go back to virginia? stay in nevada? where would she work?
"kaz, stop worrying. the concert isn't until tomorrow night anyways." she soothed, running her thumb over his knuckles. the hummer eased forward, but traffic was still at a crawl.
"nellis is eight fucking miles outside of vegas, why can't we get into the city on a friday?"
"because everybody else is also trying to get into the city on a friday."
in the three months they had already lived in nevada, despite only living eight miles outside sin city, heather had still never been to vegas. never walked down the strip, never seen a show.
until tom surprised her with tickets to watch australian new wave band INXS play at ceasers palace. the band meant so much to heather, and she had been waiting for this weekend for the last six weeks.
tom, on the other hand, knowing the significance of the weekend had something bigger planned. the ring was burning a hole in his glove box, right next to his service weapon.
all that time away had taught him one big thing: he wanted heather in his life, by his side, for the rest of his life.
"hey, heath, do you remember that blue bungalow in miramar? the one that was on the water, with the backyard that walked out onto that small square of beach?"
"yeah, why?" heather hummed, panning the camera over at the traffic in front of her. the pair never went anywhere without their cameras, digital or video. there were envelopes full of negatives in their apartment, shoeboxes bursting at the seams with pictures they'd taken since they started dating in the spring of 1985.
tom tapped his slender fingers against the steering wheel, easing the hummer forward another few feet as traffic picked up, and then promptly slowed. he moved to roll down a window due to the heat, but then reversed his decision after smelling the latent gasoline exhaust in the air and hearing the noise of the jam.
"it's for sale. has been for a while, miramar isn't a hot area for us young people." he stopped to take a breath, looking over at heather. her eyes sparkled as she turned to look at him, popping a small pretzel into her mouth. her large, round prescription sunglasses made her look like an owl.
he adored every part of her.
"i want to put a deposit down. with your permission, of course. i know your life is in virginia, and we can go back if that's what you want. but i see a life for us in that house. kids, a dog. at some point, i want to teach at top gun. that's where maverick is, where slider is going to go. but none of that means anything if you aren't with me, heath."
heather closed the camcorder, dropping it into her lap as she reached for tom's hand, clasping it between both of hers. "tom, i'd love to. let's do it. let's move to california."
tom's heart swelled with love as he brought heather's knuckles up to give her a gentle kiss. everything was finally coming together. they were ready to start their life together.
and he knew he needed to ask. he had planned to wait until they were in the city, planned to get down on one knee underneath the false eiffel tower and present heather with his grandmother's ring.
but, as impulsive as it may be, he knew he needed to ask her. in the middle of stalled traffic on a nevada freeway. his hair had grown out since he'd come home from top gun, bangs curling into his eyes and sticking up in all ways after he pushes his glasses up.
"babe, pass me the camcorder and take a look in the glove box." tom said, putting the hummer in park. he would have turned the engine off to save gas, but who knew if traffic would pick up again and he'd have to drive off the freeway?
after heather passed him the small metal camera, he popped it open, discreetly recording as she opened the glove box. her sunglasses held her long, brunette hair back like a headband as she rooted around the compartment.
"behind the service weapon, sweetheart. it's a small pink box."
"found it." she hummed, her manicured fingers clutching the small cardboard box. (tom had been insistent that she go get her nails done with slider's girlfriend maria before they left nellis, but she had no idea why).
she pulled the lid off the box, a gasp getting caught in her throat when she saw the stunning sterling silver ring, and the large blue stone in the middle, framed by diamonds.
"this is your grandmother's ring."
tom's parents were polish immigrants. when his parents left poland with nothing, they brought his father's mother with them (his mother's parents would follow later). angela kazanzky was classically trained ballerina with the warsaw ballet corps, but had left poland with almost nothing after her husband was killed. all she brought with her was a suitcase of clothes, and that sapphire engagement ring.
"heather, the time i spent at top gun taught me a lot of things. how to be a better man, a better soldier and a better pilot. but it also taught me that i hate being away from you. i hate waking up at the crack of dawn and you aren't there next to me." tom began, reaching for heather's hand. she turned to look at him, eyes wide and hands shaky as the gravity what this was set in. "i hate coming home at the end of the day to an empty dorm without you there. yeah, i love the guys, and i love this job. but none of that holds a candle to the way that i love you, heather anne schneider. i was going to wait until we actually got to vegas to do this, but now's as good a time as any."
he smiled nervously, a shock of giddy, pure love shooting through her veins when she looked at him, an equally wide smile breaking out across her face.
"heather, will you marry me?"
"yes! yes, tom, of course i'm gonna marry you. is this what that house talk was all about? yes, of course i'll do it!"
"thank you." tom exhaled, speaking so softly that she almost didn't hear it. he extended his open palm, waiting for her to press the ring into his palm. she was a giggling mess, trying to hold her hand steady while tom slid the cold metal band onto her ring finger. "i'm so in love with you, and i hope we stay this happy forever."
god, she loved that man.
"i love you more, lieutenant."
stretching as far as her seatbelt would allow, heather leaned over the hummer's center console, kissing her fiancé with an intensity that was out of place on the freeway. she couldn't stop staring at the rock on her finger, and thinking about the promise that it represented.
they were forehead to forehead, full of giddy smiles, the camcorder resting on tom's lap still recording as the pickup truck behind them began to honk.
traffic was flowing normally, and they hadn't even noticed.
they broke apart, laughing as they stowed away the camcorder and the now-empty ring box. tom put the car in drive, throwing his middle finger up at the driver behind them.
they were both still smiling, daydreaming about what their new life together would bring them. heather reached for the radio, turning up the volume as they began to play INXS' 'never tear us apart'.
tom smiled fondly, looking over at her as she began to sing.
"this is going to be our wedding song." she smiled to herself.
the following year, they would get married in monterrey, and they would have their first dance to that same song, heather in a simple white dress, and tom in his navy dress whites. and two years after that, they would welcome their first of three children.
and when mitchell kazansky got married? he used that same sapphire ring to propose to his now-wife amelia.
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@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @sidcrosbyspuck @diorleclerc @lorarri @cartierre @userlando @thatsdemko
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sgiandubh · 6 months
Something different
I can't recommend enough Virginia Heath's documentary From Scotland With Love (2022), chaperoned by BBC Scotland and Creative Scotland and released to universal critical acclaim:
Entirely based on archive footage material from the  National Library of Scotland and Scottish Screen Archive, it manages to convey a spot-on view of daily life, from about 1910 to 1980, with a deep and empathic focus on working class (because this is about the real Scotland, with 0 tourist clichés). No voiceover, for a completely immersive experience I really hope you'll enjoy as much as I did.
And King Creosote's music is just brilliant.
On Amazon Prime and very easy to find. You're welcome.
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vandaliatraveler · 1 year
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A few mementos from a short hike on the Virgin Hemlock Tail this morning. Cold, damp weather has settled into NC West Virginia, but any rain is welcome following an unusually dry winter and spring (opposite of the West Coast). From top: the ever balletic but stinky red trillium (Trillium erectum); long-spurred violet (Viola rostrata); wood anemone (Anemone quinquefolia), longing for a burst of sun to open its flowers; trailing arbutus (Epigaea repens), a ground-hugging shrub in the heath family; early meadow-rue (Thalictrum dioicum); and an Eastern red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus), a terrestrial salamander of rich, damp mountain woods.
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