primepaginequotidiani · 2 months
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PRIMA PAGINA Milano Finanza di Oggi martedì, 30 luglio 2024
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UD!Sans being fed up with one of his creations. Having fun with UnderDale again, while fleshing out UnderQuest more. Since Sans and Papyrus were some of the longer revived cast members, the overall lore will follow those two (plus Alphys) more pre last fallen human. I have more art for this au here, and here.
There’s more about the AU under the cut.
Post genocide route, monster society is in a state of distress, stuck in lockdown until the final human (Frisk) leaves.
Feeling responsible for not taking action, Alphys takes charge and steers monsterkind forward into an age of innovation for the better of everyone.
Now that Flowey is dead and Frisk is gone, Amalgamates are the beings with the largest amount of determination Underground, and multiple save files.
Alphys discovered the link between high amounts of Determination, and time manipulation underground. She reaches out the families of the amalgamates, and offers a job.
With the aid of the Soul Capture Device (or SCD for short), Amalgamates can go to the moment certain monsters died, and seamlessly capture their souls and stabilize before their soul dusts.
Unfortunately, the success rate is only 75%, and the souls will have to be placed in robots for the individual to be revived. A two-year stasis period is also necessary to bring souls back to full health.
Figures like Asgore, Mettaton and Mad Dummy/Mew Mew were unable to be revived, as they had no remaining soul to revive.
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u5an5 · 6 months
Clef this, Gears that. My question is:
What is your favorite obscure character?
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scogito · 10 months
Credi che siamo già arrivati alla frutta?
No. Non ancora.
Tra approcci virtuali e volontari stordimenti psico emotivi, questo è solo l'inizio.
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a7xitalia · 10 months
Concerti virtuali: gli Avenged Sevenfold e il metal-verso
Di recente il Los Angeles Times ha dedicato un articolo alla nuova iniziativa intrapresa dalla band, quella dei concerti virtuali in realtà aumentata. Come verrà girato il live Quella che fino ad oggi sembrava essere solo un progetto lontano è una realtà che lentamente sta prendendo forma, la band infatti si è armata di schermo verde e equipaggiamento virtuale per poter entrare nella storia e dar…
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mangywayway · 7 months
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(Me so completamente dimenticato che oggi fosse Carnevale ripp)
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clacclo · 1 year
Dialoghi virtuali
"Spegni la luce, non voglio che mi guardi: sono brutta!"
"Come può il tuo corpo essere brutto, se dentro ci sei tu?"
"E se poi non ti piaccio?"
"Scusa, ma vieni con il corpo di un'altra? Perché è impossibile che qualcosa di tuo non mi piaccia!"
"Sono piena di difetti, quando mi vedrai scapperai..."
"Pensi che me ne accorgerò? Quando ci baceremo avrò gli occhi chiusi e quando faremo l'amore saranno fissi nei tuoi, come farò a vedere quelli che tu chiami difetti ed io chiamo vita?"
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campadailyblog · 3 months
Passo dopo Passo: La Produzione della Musica Ambient
La musica ambient è un genere affascinante che crea atmosfere sonore rilassanti. Se vuoi entrare in questo mondo, preparati a un viaggio appassionante. Ti insegneremo gli strumenti e le tecniche per creare le tue musiche. Esploreremo i segreti della produzione, dai suoni ambientali al mastering finale. Questo ti aiuterà a sviluppare le tue abilità e a creare composizioni uniche. Punti Chiave La…
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sooyun-ichtama · 6 months
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{ credits } [Bad Unicorn] Hail Monstera Backdrop ERSCH - Yancy Suit | faMESHed [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition LeLUTKA Ceylon Head LOTUS. Birdy Eyes 01 | level Malina - Moon HD eyeliner [monso] Hopa Hair MOVEMENT - Aesthetic girl (Puffer phone - BROWN//Puffer tote - BLACK) MUDSKIN - BONA - CLOUDY -SU!- Traviesa Lipstick #03 V/.VoluptasVirtualis - [Minya]
flickr | instagram
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mrfanweb · 9 months
Come la realtà virtuale sta rivoluzionando il settore dell’istruzione
Come la realtà virtuale sta rivoluzionando il settore dell’istruzione #ambientivirtuali #realtàvirtuale
L’istruzione è un pilastro fondamentale per lo sviluppo individuale e sociale, e l’avvento della realtà virtuale (RV) sta scolpendo una nuova frontiera nell’apprendimento. In un mondo sempre più digitalizzato, dove la tecnologia è al centro della trasformazione, la RV emerge come un catalizzatore rivoluzionario nel settore dell’istruzione. Questo articolo esplorerà il modo in cui la realtà…
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fitnessitaliano · 9 months
Come le Criptovalute Stanno Cambiando le Nostre Finanze
Viviamo in un’era in cui la rapidità del progresso tecnologico si riflette chiaramente nella nostra vita finanziaria. Le criptovalute, con il loro impeto rivoluzionario, stanno emergendo come fulcri essenziali, sconvolgendo le fondamenta stesse del nostro approccio alle finanze. In questo contesto dinamico e in continua evoluzione, questo articolo si propone di sondare le profondità del…
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spacetimeboxinkdrops · 2 months
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Here’s UD Sans (again) along with his bro, Papyrus! (and Doctor Ornaments in the background but you can ignore them)
This took so long, mostly because I kept procrastinating, but here we are! UnderDale is definitely fun to draw.
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dhufflebee · 1 year
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mostrevirtuali · 2 years
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Opencall for artists - Bando online Aperte le selezioni per la mostra virtuale online "EXPLORA 2023". La mostra collettiva via web curata dal team di make art gallery Roma/Italia. Il bando è disponibile nel nostro sito: www.makeartgallery.com
Le mostre virtuali vengono organizzate tutti i mesi con artisti provenienti da tutte le parti del mondo.
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rendering3d · 2 years
Ricostruzione di ambienti virtuali
La ricostruzione 3D degli ambienti virtuale è una tecnologia che permette di creare rappresentazioni realistiche e dettagliate di beni culturali, come edifici, siti archeologici e monumenti.
Queste rappresentazioni possono essere utilizzate per la documentazione, la conservazione, la valorizzazione e la fruizione dei beni culturali.
L'uso di tecnologie di realtà virtuale e aumentata permette anche di fruire in modo interattivo delle ricostruzioni 3D.
ricostruzioni 3d beni culturali
ricostruzione 3d archeologia
ricostruzione virtuale sito archeologico
ricostruzioni virtuali siti archeologici
archeologia 3d
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whatistigerbalm · 2 years
Learn about the world of online trading and investment with our online demo!
Introduction: When it comes to making money online, there’s no help like a good demo. With our Trading online demo, you can see how we trade and invest in stocks and real estate. We make it simple so you can get started trading today!
What is an Investment?
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An investment is a financial instrument that provides a return on investment (ROI) over a set period.
An example of an investment would be buying stock in a company, which will provide you with the opportunity to make money as the company does better and earns more profits. To make money from your investment, you'll need to sell the stock at some point in the future.
How to Trade stocks online.
To Investments, it is important to understand the basics of stock trading. In this section, we will be discussing how to trade stocks online.
First and foremost, you will need a stock broker and an account with them. After that, you will need to purchase some stocks either through the web or in a physical store. Once you have your stocks and investment plan set up, it’s time for the fun part!
To start trading stocks online, all you need is an internet connection and a stockbroker account. All you need outside of these things are some basic supplies like paper and pencils, a calculator, and software. The next step is to enter your information into the brokerage account: company name, ticker symbol (for example AAPL), company size (for example 1000 shares), and office location (for example NYSE). You can also include other personal information if needed like contact information for management or advisors should something go wrong during your trade.
After that, all you have to do is wait for orders to come in! Orders come in batches so you must keep track of what’s going on with your shares at all times; just type “info” into a stock search bar on most websites and you will get detailed news about what companies are being traded on that particular day.
Once orders start coming in from buyers and sellers alike, it’s time for the actual Trading! Just follow the instructions provided by your broker(s) on how to go about placing trades. There are many different types of orders which can be placed such as limit orders (which ask for a certain number of shares to be bought at a set price), buy orders (which ask the buyer to buy a specific number of shares at a given price), or sell orders (which ask the seller to sell a certain number of shares at a given price). If everything goes according to plan and there are no problems during your trade(s), then you will receive an email notification telling you so! But remember: always check prices quoted by exchanges before opening any new positions!
How to Invest in the Stock Market.
A stock market is a place where people invest their money to buy and sell stocks. To do this, you need to understand how the stock market works and how to trade stocks.
The stock market is made up of several different markets that are used to buy and sell stocks. These markets include the American Stock Exchange (ASX), the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx), the Shanghai Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SSE), and the India Stock Exchange (ISEX).
Each of these exchanges has its own rules and regulations that must be followed for you to trade stocks. For example, ASX requires companies to list on their exchange with a minimum value of $25 million. In addition, each company must file an annual report with ASX specifying their financial position, business plans, and all other information pertinent to the trading of their securities.
Once you have filed your annual report with ASX, you will be able to begin trading your securities on one of these exchanges. The first step in trading is setting up an account at one of these exchanges. Accounts at these exchanges can be set up for free or for a small fee. After signing up for an account at one of these exchanges, you will need to provide your name, email address, and phone number so that someone can contact you when there are new offers or changes in your securities holdings.
You will also need to provide some basic information about your stock holdings such as the size and type of each security held. You can find more information about this process by reading our article on setting up an account at one of the major stock exchanges or by visiting one of our online demo accounts today!
What Are the Different Types of Markets?
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is a stock market index that reflects the performance of the United States economy. The DJIA averages 1,500 stocks and it has been used to track economic performance since 1896. The S&P 500 is a different type of market, which is made up of large U.S. corporations with a value greater than $1 billion. It was created in 1965 and tracks 500 companies, not just United States companies like the DJIA. The EURO is another type of market that was created in 1999 and consists of European Union stocks.
How to Trade stocks in a hurry.
To trade stocks, you need to be able to see the stock market in action. This means being able to see the latest news and information about stocks on the web. To do this, you can use an online demo account with a brokerage firm. A brokerage firm provides access to many different types of accounts, so it’s important to find one that’s perfect for your trading needs.
Trade stocks in real-time.
Many people think that trading stocks are difficult and time-consuming. However, using an online demo account with a brokerage firm can help make it easier and faster for you to trade stocks. When you sign up for an online demo account with a brokerage firm, you will be given access to a set of instructions that will help you get started trading stocks. You can also watch live stock trading from anywhere in the world through this service.
How to find good stocks to trade.
One of the most important things you need when trading stocks is a good understanding of what companies are selling their products and how they might be affected by future events or changes in technology. You can find this information by reading company prospectuses or other materials that are available at least Web-based (i.e., not delivered electronically).
Tips for Trading Stocks.
When it comes to trading stocks, always be aware of the risks involved. By watching your stock prices and placing orders quickly, you can minimize your chances of making a mistake and losing money. Additionally, if you use stop orders, you can place a limit order so that you don’t sell too much at once and risk missing out on the best opportunities.
Place orders quickly.
When it comes to trading stocks, always place your orders as soon as possible – even if it means selling shares before they reach your desired price. This will ensure that you get the best deal on your stock and protect yourself from any potential losses. Finally, be sure to use market tips or indicators to help you make better decisions about where to place your orders.
How to Invest in stocks.
One of the most important steps you can take when investing in stocks is to buy them at a fair price. This means buying shares that are worth more than their current market value. To do this, you need to know what the stock market is doing and what sectors the company might be interested in.
Hold your stocks
When it comes to holding your stocks, it’s important to make sure you are taking care of them and not letting them go too cheaply. You should also make sure you are keeping an eye on your stock prices so you can be sure you are making money off of your investment. 7.3 Sector Invest.
Some companies might be better suited for certain sectors of the economy than others, so it’s important to invest in companies with a specific focus. For example, if you want to invest in tech stocks, then you should look into technology companies that focus on innovation and new technologies.
How to Invest in stocks long term.
One of the best ways to invest in stocks is to buy them over time. This means buying shares of a company, typically for months or years, rather than just buying them one time and selling them. By doing this, you’ll be able to gain an understanding of the company and its prospects, which will help you make better stock choices in the future.
Sector Invest.
If you want to invest in stocks that are specific to a certain sector of the economy, there’s a good chance that you can do so by investing online in stocks within a particular sector. For example, if you want to invest in stocks that are focused on medical technology companies, you could do so by buying medical technology stocks. Similarly, if you want to invest in stocks that focus on the oil industry, you could do so by buying oil industry stocks.
Invest in stocks for the long term.
Another great way to invest in stocks is by investing in them for the long term! This means sticking with a company for a longer period than just day-to-day trading (i.e., not selling and then buying back shares). This allows you to build up your stake in the company and understand its overall financial stability – something that will help you make better stock decisions down the line.
How to Trade stocks on the internet.
There are many different stock trading software programs available today. Some of the most popular options include GOOGL, AAPL, and S&P 500. To use a stock trading software program, you first need to find a broker. Brokers are companies that sell stocks and offer different services such as online trading and investment advice.
Use a broker.
A good broker is reputable and can provide you with the best possible service when it comes to stock trading. You’ll want to make sure the broker has a good range of resources such as customer support and an exchange where you can buy or sell stocks.
Use a website.
You can also trade stocks using websites like Yahoo! Finance or Google Flights. When you use these websites, you’ll need to input your information such as your name, email address, and phone number so that the website can contact you when there’s an issue with your account or when there’s a new product release from the company you’re interested in purchasing shares in.
Tips for trading stocks.
A trading plan is a set of steps you take to make informed and profitable decisions when trading stocks. You’ll need to include information about your company, the stock you’re trading, and the markets in which your company is available. Your Trading Plans should also list any risks you are taking with your investment, such as margin requirements.
Use stop orders.
If you want to buy or sell stock quickly, you can use stop orders—a type of order that sets a limit on how much you can buy or sell at once. When using stop orders, be sure to read the instructions carefully before placing them (it might help to have a trading strategy).
Use technical analysis.
Technical analysis is a way of understanding how stocks move and predicting future trends by watching patterns in financial data. You can use this information to identify specific stocks that are undervalued or overvalued and to predict when market conditions will change so that you can buy or sell them at the right time.
Stock trading can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also be risky. By following some simple tips, you can make sure that your investment is successful. In addition, by using Trading Services software and broker, you can trade stocks in a hurry and make efficient use of your time. Finally, technical analysis can help you identify good stocks to trade. By following these steps, you should be able to achieve profitable results in the stock market.
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