#Visual Filmmaking
kevinbparry · 2 years
How I broke myself in half.
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gael-garcia · 7 months
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Mami Wata (2023)
Directed by C.J. Obasi Cinematography by Lílis Soares
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aroanthy · 9 months
the symbolism of revolutionary girl utena is key to understanding what it’s even trying to say narratively and thematically. if you remove the symbolism, if you remove the ways in which the narrative obfuscates itself and abstracts what it’s saying, then what it is saying changes dramatically. if rgu was like ‘yeah lol and did you guys know that incest is bad’ or ‘maybe gay people are good’ or ‘hey did you know that csa victims are Real and Alive and Have Interiority’— like those are all paraphrases of things that it says, but the way that it chooses to say them is so powerful and conveys so much nuance and complexity that those simplistic statements don’t. it provides an incredibly meaningful commentary on the way that systemic violence and abuse are covered up, codified, made part of our culture that supposedly resents those things. it’s examination of incest, the incest taboo and how that impacts incest victims— it’s all so incredibly considered and layered because the show chooses to convey what it’s saying through symbolism, through its metatheatrical framing, through allegory. it retains the reality of these issues; it shows them to us only when we’ve already bought into the system’s lies to make a point about how that operates, how that works to make us all complicit in that violence. nanami. nanami.
dont even get me started on how the movie uses its symbolism to demonstrate how the abuse anthy and touga experienced is simultaneously built into the world and culture they exist in, and always obfuscated and abstracted for the sake of their abusers (also specifically the way that it engenders shame and prevents people from seeking help. rgu is so damn good at understanding how and why people don’t ‘do what they should’ in abusive situations: the systems in place don’t fucking work bc they are an extension of the system built upon that abuse). anthy is the model in all the paintings, the symbol of so many undesirable things, the canvas on which they are painted. her likeness is used as an approximation for all of these awful things, many of which are a part of her in a way, but such that her interiority, her feelings, are never regarded, never seen, never understood. she’s the model. akio is never explicitly named as her painter.
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guillotineman · 1 year
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druc89 · 27 days
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Black Matter / No one is safe.
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soisaidfine · 18 days
Ethel Cain - Film Director, Cinematographer ♡ - 'It's Very Visual Storytelling in My Brain'
Shot & edited by Hayden Anhedönia (Ethel Cain): American Football
Ethel Cain: "My songwriting process is very visual. So usually I have an idea for a movie scene or an interaction between people, whether that's in the Ethel Cain world or not, I have this visual idea and usually I have to ask myself, if I was watching this, and it was a real movie and I was in a theatre, what music would be playing in the background that would best accentuate the scene? That's where all my songs come from. My album started off as a film script, it just became the soundtrack to that, and so it's very visual storytelling in my brain. I'm like, "what would make sense here? What music? What chords? What notes? What instruments? What would really push this scene harder if you're watching it in a movie?" So that's usually where my songs begin from the ground up and then I just build it up in that manner. It's basically like I'm scoring something in my head"
Coup de main magazine
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theartofmany · 10 months
"Visual essay on Ingmar Bergman and Andrei Tarkovsky For criticism, teaching and research purposes Mail: [email protected] Instagram:   / gabrifaut   Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user97326621" From Youtube channel Gabriel Gomez: Ingmar Bergman and Andrei Tarkovsky - Visual Similarities Both master in their craft Enjoy...
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chromatopher · 4 months
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bromcommie · 26 days
just rewatched sunshine (2007) after a good long few years and man...... one of those scifi movies that make me feel like a pressurized cooker of creeped out anxiety and existential dread while somehow simultaneously also melancholy throughout yet also make me want to rewatch them immediately after finishing. @ danny boyle & alex garland pick up the phone i just wanna talk
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maaarine · 1 year
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“I've read a number of dissertations where people take the movie to task for, well if you're making a cautionary tale, then Fincher misses the side of the barn.
Because he doesn't understand that he's made Tyler Durden so attractive. I mean, that's an absurd point.
I'm making a movie where Edward Norton has to find Tyler Durden extremely attractive.
He has to give up everything to move to this miserable part of town, and live in a hovel, and give over his life to his guru.
So the notion that you would draw a frame around it and say, watch out everybody...
It's not a cautionary tale. It's not Requiem for a Dream. It’s not Sarah T. - Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic.
It's about a guy who gets seduced into a way of life. Granted, 90 minutes later it does not work for him in many many many ways, and continues to not work for him in ways he could never have imagined.
So from my standpoint, the idea that you're supposed to provide the audience with some sort of like, look out, don't find this in any way amusing or seductive!
It seems anti the story. It’s stupid and reductive.”
Source: Clique x David Fincher, réalisateur culte de Fight Club et Seven - CANAL+
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of-two-lands · 8 months
40°42'20.3"N 74°00'24.5"W
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kevinbparry · 2 years
Collection of me turning into random objects
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frogshunnedshadows · 4 months
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A "heartfelt thanks" in the form of a full-color, full page trade magazine ad, from cyberpunk author William Gibson to the CGI crews of the film "Johnny Mnemonic."
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desertdaisyvisuals · 4 months
WW1 and WW2 Aviation American History Documentary Film.
Directed by Akeylah Johnson and Dennis Boal.
Filmed on location in Eureka Springs, Northwest Arkansas.
Professional video services by @desertdaisyvisuals and The Lab Fx.
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picklepie888 · 1 year
I recently watched a movie on Netflix titled 'Missing' in which the entirety of the film is shown on a teen girl's electronics as she tries to investigate her own mother's disappearance. A similar film came out a few years ago by the same studio 'Searching' that follows a similar approach. According to Wikipedia, this genre is called 'screenlife' and I think it would be perfect for a modern-day Dracula adaptation. Having the story told through Jonathan's video recordings on his phone until he inevitably loses power in Dracula's castle and no one hears from him again for weeks. Seeing Mina and Lucy facetiming eachother. Listening to Dr. Seward's audio records of Renfield. Having the Crew of Light document their vampire hunt on their phones, tablets, and electronics. I can't think of a more perfect way to adapt the story to the 21st century!
Here's a clip from 'Missing' so y'all can get the idea of this genre:
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7grandmel · 8 months
Todays rip: 04/02/2024
[SFM] The Voice's Day Off
Season 3 No Album Release (Read More) Idle - Garry's Mod
Ripped by NBGMusic
Requested by @undertale-vs-fortnite-who-wins!
Look - To tell you that I was DELIGHTED to see this request come into my askbox would be an absolute understatement. In my coverage of SiIvaGunner through this blog, I want to try and touch on as many different parts of its history as possible, to introduce and remind fans new and old of just how many things have been put on the channel in its life. Yet somehow in doing that, I'd forgotten entirely about the Garry's Mod rips, which given their quality is a damn crime.
For that specific generation of internet users who have only recently turned into adults, it's a universal truth that Source Filmmaker (SFM, for short) fucking rules. Released by Valve onto Steam back in 2012, its the software that the company themselves used to animate cinematics within and to promote their own games from around that time - only now being distributed for free to anyone using Steam to use. This opened the floodgates for a whole new wave of amateur animators to fuck around with all sorts of film-making, either by using Valve's own characters such as the cast of Team Fortress 2 or by using models shared on the Workshop. Not too dissimilar to the chaotic and openly unrefined world of YouTube Poop, the resulting wave of SFM animation would be defined by its imperfections - ragdolling characters, distorted facial animations, and generally crazy over-exaggerated animation placed upon environments that looked noticeably stock and standard by comparison.
On SiIvaGunner, the rips of Garry's Mod (a sandbox game that was often used before SFM to make faux-animations/Machinima) are all made to pay tribute to this specific part of internet culture, with SFM animations made within SiIvaGunner's set of inside jokes. And god, man, [SFM] The Voice's Day Off in particular just brings me back to such a fun time on the channel in general. I'll still likely forever say that Season 2 was my favorite time to be invested in the channel due to just how much constant lore development seemed to be occurring at every moment, but...for as engrossing-yet-absurd as those Christmas Comeback Crisis episodes were, there was something refreshing about Season 3 scaling back on things a bit - yet still letting us keep tabs on it all with side episodes and the Haltmann Archives data logs. And yeah, the channel was still definitely going down a sillier, more chaotic path over the course of the Season, and by the start of Season 4 the lore had effectively been put on hold entirely to focus more on the core of the channel. But the result of that shift in focus has left Season 3 as feeling like a sort of crossroads in my mind: as that period of time where the entire community was still aware of and hotly anticipating any and all lore developments and updates on our favorite CCC characters, while still being fully aware that we probably weren't going to see a new main episode any time soon. We were all just lore aware enough to begin having communal fun with all forms of SiIvaGunner lore-shitposting.
Look, what I'm getting at is: [SFM] The Voice's Day Off is an immensely silly animation, yet what its parodying is the SiIvaGunner lore itself. It's an animation where the entire joke is built on the characterization of SiIvaGunner-original character, more than it is about the pop culture that otherwise influences the channel so much more frequently. I am of course immensely happy with how The Voice was portrayed in his grand return in Season 7's Christmas Comeback Crisis episode, yet in those years of time off between Episode 10 and 11 it was the rips like [SFM] The Voice's Day Off that reminded us in the community that The Voice still existed, and that he still very much mattered. Silly of a video as it may be, it is still just a genuinely funny concept and execution for a parody video, given the genuinely evil characterization he has in the storyline. There's just something so fun about seeing the guy sing and boast about his perfectly normal sunday afternoon, althewhile it consists of just as much murderous rampage as he seeks to indulge in during his time in the canon material. Silly parody content or not, even through the often intentionally crude animation, it really was rips like this that helped inform my understanding on The Voice as a character, in particular his love for the theatrical and the borderline flamboyancy he exudes.
...I feel like this post is delving ever closer into character-overanalysis territory akin to Vote Responsibly!!, but I can't help it - I fucking love SiIvaGunner and its lore, and I find The Voice in particular to still be one of the channel's most compelling pieces. And though it's definitely true that he was turned into more of an in-joke within the community during his years off the clock after Season 2, no doubt in part thanks to rips just like [SFM] The Voice's Day Off...I'm still glad silly shit like it was able to exist at all before his grand return. Because for as often-disconnected as I've felt from SiIvaGunner as a community, it felt damn good to be laughing together over the characterization of our favorite pyramid-headed bastard.
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