#Vitiligo India
vitiligoartist · 4 days
Vitiligo: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Recovery
Vitiligo is a skin condition characterized by the loss of pigmentation, leading to white patches on various parts of the body. Understanding vitiligo involves exploring its types, symptoms, causes, treatment options, and recovery processes. This comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights into this condition and the ways to manage it effectively.
Types of Vitiligo
Vitiligo is classified into different types based on the pattern and extent of depigmentation. The main types include:
Generalized Vitiligo: This is the most common type, where depigmented patches appear on various parts of the body. It often follows a symmetrical pattern.
Segmental Vitiligo: This type affects only one side or part of the body. It tends to occur at a younger age and progresses for a few years before stabilizing.
Focal Vitiligo: In this type, the depigmented patches are limited to one or a few areas of the body. It doesn’t spread as widely as generalized vitiligo.
Acrofacial Vitiligo: This affects the face and extremities, such as the hands and feet.
Mucosal Vitiligo: This type affects the mucous membranes of the mouth and/or genitals.
Universal Vitiligo: This is a rare type where more than 80% of the body surface is affected by depigmentation.
Symptoms of Vitiligo
The primary symptom of vitiligo is the appearance of white patches on the skin. Other symptoms may include:
Premature whitening or graying of hair on the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, or beard.
Loss of color in the tissues that line the inside of the mouth and nose (mucous membranes).
Loss of or change in color of the inner layer of the eyeball (retina).
The extent and rate of color loss from vitiligo are unpredictable and can vary from person to person.
Causes of Vitiligo
The exact cause of vitiligo is not known, but several factors may contribute to the development of the condition:
Autoimmune Response: The immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing pigment in the skin.
Genetic Factors: A family history of vitiligo or other autoimmune diseases can increase the risk.
Neurogenic Factors: A problem with the nerve cells in the skin may contribute to vitiligo.
Environmental Triggers: Certain factors like sunburn, stress, or exposure to industrial chemicals might trigger the condition in susceptible individuals.
Treatment Options for Vitiligo
While there is no cure for vitiligo, several treatments can help restore skin color and improve appearance. The effectiveness of these treatments varies from person to person. Madhulika Upadhyay, a renowned expert in vitiligo treatment, provides various options to manage this condition:
Topical Treatments:
Corticosteroids: These medications can help reduce inflammation and stimulate pigment cells.
Immunomodulators: Creams like tacrolimus or pimecrolimus can modify the immune response, aiding repigmentation.
Narrowband UVB Therapy: Exposing the skin to specific wavelengths of ultraviolet light can stimulate melanocytes and promote repigmentation.
PUVA Therapy: Combining psoralen (a drug) with UVA light exposure to treat vitiligo, though it is less commonly used due to potential side effects.
Surgical Options:
Skin Grafting: Transplanting small sections of pigmented skin to vitiligo patches can be effective for stable vitiligo.
Blister Grafting: Creating blisters on pigmented skin and transferring the blister tops to depigmented areas.
Camouflage Techniques:
Cosmetic Cover-ups: Using specially formulated makeup to blend the white patches with the surrounding skin.
Micropigmentation: A form of tattooing that deposits pigment into the skin for a more permanent solution.
Lifestyle and Dietary Changes:
Healthy Diet: Including foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins that support skin health.
Stress Management: Stress can exacerbate vitiligo, so incorporating relaxation techniques can be beneficial.
Recovery and Management
Recovery from vitiligo involves managing the condition to reduce the appearance of white patches and improve skin health. The following tips can help in the recovery process:
Consistent Treatment: Adhering to the treatment plan prescribed by a healthcare provider is crucial.
Regular Monitoring: Regular check-ups with a dermatologist can help monitor the progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.
Healthy Lifestyle: Maintaining a balanced diet, managing stress, and protecting the skin from sun exposure can support overall skin health.
Emotional Support: Joining support groups or seeking counseling can help individuals cope with the emotional impact of vitiligo.
Vitiligo is a complex condition with varying symptoms and causes. While there is no definitive cure, effective treatments can help manage the condition and improve the appearance of the skin. Madhulika Upadhyay offers a comprehensive approach to vitiligo treatment, providing personalized solutions to meet the unique needs of each patient. By understanding the types, symptoms, causes, and treatment options, individuals with vitiligo can take proactive steps towards managing their condition and enhancing their quality of life.
If you are seeking effective vitiligo treatment, reach out to Madhulika Upadhyay to explore the best options for managing and improving your skin condition. With her expertise, you can take a significant step towards restoring your skin health and confidence.
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romeoeatzgravel · 1 year
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More romantic chaipunk or chaitea as i call it (feat. miles and a badly drawn Miguel)
i think Miles x Pavitr is cute but i dont really like the idea of Hobie and Miles being a romantic couple cause they feel more like siblings to me but the ship/duo name is cute af (its Punkflower btw)
+ Close ups
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glosackmd · 2 months
INDIA4318 by a Psychiatrist's view Via Flickr: Sai Baba an Indian spiritual master and fakir, considered to be a saint In Anjuna Goa Photography’s new conscience linktr.ee/GlennLosack
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psychoxbichano · 15 days
INDIA9364 by a Psychiatrist's view Via Flickr: a quiet serene day in Bhubaneshwar Photography’s new conscience linktr.ee/GlennLosack
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madhulikaupadhyay · 8 months
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There is no cure for vitiligo, but there are treatments that can help to restore some of the lost pigment and improve the appearance of the skin. Contact Madhulika Updhyay.
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laxmivitiligo · 10 months
Homeopathic Doctor For Vitiligo Treatment In India: How Can They Help?
Homeopathic treatments are always chosen over any other treatment for their purity and natural approaches. There would be many people who may not be aware of how beneficial the reliable homeopathic treatment for vitiligo can be. You must connect with the homeopathic doctor for vitiligo treatment in India if you want the best experience.
Are you someone who may be willing to learn more about the impressive and beneficial homeopathic treatment for vitiligo? If Yes. You must continue reading this blog so that you can know how homeopathic treatment can work most effectively for all patients suffering from vitiligo.
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Homeopathic Doctor For Vitiligo Treatment In India
The Effective Homeopathic Treatment For Vitiligo
People need to note the fact that homeopathic treatments are reliable as they are completely natural. You can avoid the use of powerful and reactive medications if you go for homeopathic treatments. Everyone needs to know that homeopathic treatments are the safest option if you have a sensitive body. Many people may have sensitive bodies and may not take powerful medications.
You can go for the homeopathic treatments as they are compatible with anybody due to their non-reactive and natural essence. The best thing about the homeopathic doctor is that they can not only plan the best treatment for you but can help you in overall development.
How Do The Homeopathic Doctor For Vitiligo Treatment Help People?     
The doctors will connect with you in the most welcoming manner so that you can feel comfortable in the best way. The homeopathic treatment will help you manage the symptoms of vitiligo most satisfyingly. Go ahead! And claim the world-class benefits of the unrivaled and amazing homeopathic treatment for vitiligo for the best and most satisfying effects and experience.
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madhulika-upadhyay · 11 months
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Madhulika Upadhyay is a top tattoo artist in India with over 10 years of experience. She is known for her realistic and detailed tattoos, as well as her microblading services. Madhulika is passionate about her work and is dedicated to providing her clients with the best possible experience.
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healthcare021 · 1 year
Vitiligo Treatment in India: Say Bye-Bye to Skin Diseases
Our cells contain a skin-coloring pigment called melanin, produced by melanocytes. When the melanocytes stop producing melanin, our skin starts to lose color in the form of white patches. This condition is known as vitiligo. It is an autoimmune disorder suffered by 1% of the human population. Celebrities like Canadian supermodel Winnie Harlow suffers from this condition. Vitiligo treatment in India is gaining momentum around the world due to its cost-effectiveness and high success rates. Although there is no cure for the condition, medical advancements have made it possible to keep the disorder in check.
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leanderkevin · 2 years
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"God is a Woman" This piece was one of the first completely digital pieces I made, and it was during my early days of reconnecting with my ethnicity as a Tamil person. For as long as I can remember, I have been interested in the Divine Feminine and its artistic interpretations. This piece features influences from Christian, Hindu as well as Islamic iconographic elements, as well deliberate deviations from the beauty standards set by cishet men throughout history. The multi-religious influences in this piece stand for the secular sentiment that I believe to be a primary tenet of the Indian ethos, though lately it seems to be under dire threat under state-sponsored hatred. All I can believe is in the inherent human goodness and the truly human urge to help and protect our neighbours in need. The more we stand up for ourselves and others, the better we build an inclusive and diverse society. One good turn begets another. #leanderscribbles#tamil#தமிழ்#tamilartist#asian#southasian#tamilnadu#india#poc#vitiligo#christianart#islamicart#hindu#hinduart#procreate#digitalart#religiousart#hinduism#repost https://www.instagram.com/p/CkU_HrnBVOP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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upheavalofmemory · 11 months
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Intuitive PAC: What is your next partner's appearance?
Hi guys! Here is a simpler, intuitive pick a card today about what your next partner's appearance may be.
Now go ahead and pick a pile 💖🎻🪿
Disclaimer; remember that people are very vast & unique, meaning that there's a chance that this reading won't resonate. Just make sure you use discernment and let go what doesn't resonate 💖.
Also, the PAC's intentions was to be for your next partner, but it is possible to ask for your future spouse/there is a possibility they may be your future spouse, but take what resonates as it's different for everyone.
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Pile one is the silver & pink tiara, pile two is "baby", pile three is the hello kitty radio, and pile four is a heart.
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Pile One
♡ Brown hair and blue eyes.
♡ Somewhat of a shaggy hairstyle. Their hair may touch slightly below the ears (regardless of gender). Might have a blue or teal streak in their hair or previously had one (or will have one in the future).
♡ Baggy clothes, streetwear. Might also have somewhat of an interest in cyberpunk.
♡ May have a unique facial feature (ex: uniquely placed freckles, moles, or skin dis/coloration). Might also have acne marks or scars that you find to be attractive.
♡ I'm seeing paler skin, although darker skin is a possibility. I'm seeing that you find their skin very attractive regardless. Their skin has somewhat of a natural glow. Vitiligo may be in the picture.
♡ Taller, more lanky (regardless of gender).
♡ This is the shortest pile, spirit/the universe/whoever you believe in may not want you to know specifics about this person.
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Pile Two
♡ Muscle man. Might have somewhat of an appearance of those strong guys from circuses ? (Unsure of the name, but a very stereotypical, burly & muscular man with a full beard/mustache and tattoo combo).
♡ Might have lengthy hair. Their hair may reach past their hips.
♡ I keep seeing/hearing body hair, they have a lot of it (I'm seeing this regardless of gender. Women may feel more comfortable letting their body hair grow OR may constantly be complaining about it/shaving it. She might shave in some areas and not shave in others (ex: regularly shave her legs, but her arms are unshaved)). Might have something characteristic like sideburns or a unibrow (ladies w a unibrow: btw I love you you're so pretty ily genuinely)
♡ Brown hair or darker colored hair.
♡ This particular person might be Asian, specifically hearing Middle Eastern or South Asia (Pakistan? India?). Also possibly Egypt or North African.
♡ They have medium toned skin. Obviously, the countries listed are a lovely spectrum of skintones and there is not one particular skin tone for one region, but they are more than likely brown versus being white or black.
♡ lovely voice I heard, not particularly a physical characteristic but you'll love their voice.
♡ might have very nice...feet? You'll like their feet, something about them is lovely in a foot model way but also sturdy, or they may have a certain gait or way of walking you find to be attractive.
♡ may smell distinctly of roses or some other flower, like jasmine. A very pungent, beautiful flower that you don't forget (I'm being reminded of night-flowering jasmine, which in my household is known as "lady of the night").
♡ People here are more than likely asking for a woman. If you're trying to find out about a dude, they might have a goatee ?? They may appear to have somewhat more feminine traits; his eyelashes are beautiful holy shit !!!!
♡ lovely, lovely eyes. May be very dark but you almost get lost in them, very beautiful. Or they can be a unique shade of brown or green, you love them regardless.
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Pile Three
♡ excellently fashioned. Specifically said. You might really like their fashion taste. Best dressed (being brought to the best dressed game on animal jam, they may model or just have top notch fashion, always on top of trends or may wear things that are classy, chic).
♡ may be genetically French. Not seeing them being from France (obviously if you are in Europe this is more likely, take what resonates), but a similar appearance to Pile One's person.
♡ stronger, square jawline.
♡ I'm being brought to an image of some tiktoker, but his female version for videos? She usually has freckles from the filter & longer brown hair.
♡ might dress in blue a lot or blue is their favorite color.
♡ pale af. Nothing wrong with pale people but they're pale lol. Whatever you consider pale is them.
♡ might be well off, as seen with the first choice, might come from old money OR they might be a tiktoker and making bank (infinite money glitch was the exact phrasing).
♡ might look very good in gold jewelry, they dont think silver isn't really their color BUT I'm seeing that they probably have a cool/green/blue undertone.
♡ very nice nails, regardless of gender they always look very nice.
♡ might be tall, 6'0-6'4
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Pile Four
♡ darker skin, brown locs
♡ might have colorful extensions, you'll find their hair style very beautiful and unique, "fresh"
♡ lemony fresh, might have somewhat of a fresh & clean feel to their essence and appearance
♡ bluish brown vest, might like wearing vests or layering their clothes. Somewhat of an academia look.
♡ might wear glasses or might have contacts, might change out the color occasionally just for fun.
♡ might own a pair of pink contacts
♡ aura is very friendly and "fruitful", they have a really nice aura to them that shines in their physical appearance.
♡ skin, nice skin.
♡ has very nice teeth, they might be eerily perfect. Whatever you consider to be nice or perfect teeth for a partner is what they'll have.
♡ if you've been manifesting or trying to script a perfect partner, they might be the exact replication of your desires.
♡ "fantasia", something important for someone out there.
♡ "ET" (the song), women might somewhat have a similar appearance to Katy Perry, or this person might embody the music video in some way. Fringe & chrome.
♡ high cheekbones with fuller cheeks.
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Thank you so much for reading! As usual, feel free to check out my masterpost with more readings, or you can support me by purchasing a reading by clicking here. Thanks for the support, let me know which pile you picked and if it resonated or not :)!
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ofxbutcher · 2 months
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JACOB BUTCHER ( CORTEON MOORE ) is a TWENTY-EIGHT year-old TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHER in NEW DELHI, INDIA. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only TWENTY-EIGHT years old. They are known as THE CHARMER because they are EASY-GOING but also AVOIDANT.
Full Name: Jacob Anthony Butcher
Nickname(s): Mostly just goes by 'Butcher' but JB and J are not uncommon
Date of Birth: May 15th 1976
Age: 28
Occupation: Travel Photographer (Travel enthusiast in general and extreme sports participator/admirer)
Current Residence: He was in Australia before deciding to make a stop at New Delhi on his way back to Woodrow, however he staid in India longer than he originally planned due to fun and work colliding a little too well.
Hair: Curly, frizzy, untrimmed atm
Eyes: Light brown
Height: 5'9
Notable Features: Vitiligo over his hands, and barely noticeable by his right eye and bottom right of his chin. Scars all over his body acquired through sports and travel, a dashing smile of course...
Strengths: Determined when intrigued, loyal to a fault, charismatic
Weaknesses: Lonely, avoidant and lets his own stubbornness get in the way of things
Quirks: Rubs the back of his neck when nervous, left eyebrow raises and does a little twitch whenever he's lying (only a few of the wards are actually aware of this -- he, himself, is not)
Vices: Will try anything that seems 'exciting' to him, no matter how dangerous. Smokes cigarettes and occasionally does drugs. Rarely drinks.
Interests: Jacob has had a plethora of interests since childhood. From reading and acting out fantasy novels, to creating his own stories. From riding a bike, to quickly becoming interested in driving a helicopter. Driving, diving, surfing, parachuting, climbing, name a sport or an activity and he has likely tried it. His interests are heavy on the 'outdoors' and learning new things or polishing old skills.
Hobbies: Although he's a very physically active person, and those would certainly include most of his hobbies. Jacob finds that his 'relaxing' time is where his genuine hobbies truly flourish. He writes fantasy a lot, often inspired by his real experiences, and he is a photographer professionally, always pushing himself further to capture beautiful things on camera. He is hoping to collaborate with National Geographic in the future, but he has never told Richard about it out of fear that the old man would try and pull more strings for him. Besides those two hobbies, he also enjoys cooking and pottery a considerable amount.
Special Skills/Talents: He's actually got a lot of these due to his constant participation in weird and extreme sports. Perhaps the biggest skill/talent is staying alive.
Jacob has a very difficult time remembering much of his childhood. There are only few, very few vivid memories he held of his mother. Of a yellow closet with drawings stuck on it. And fire, smell of fire late at night as the screams echoed in the distance. Whenever he would ask Richard about his past, about his parents, about circumstances which led him to Woodrow -- he was met with a dismissive response. "They couldn't take care of you boy, you're better off here." and that was as far as he'd ever get. Over the years, he had tried to pry more information out of the old man, but he was never successful. Even when he tried to take matters into his own hands, and seek answers outside of Richards little safety bubble -- he came up with nothing. There was no records of a 'Jacob Anthony Butcher' to be found. So he assumed his name had been changed. His family was either incapable or unwilling to take care of him, and he was to take life for what it was and live on. Move on. And let the questions of his childhood vanish.
Jacob has always had a knack for people, a longing for life, for opportunities, for adventure. As a child, he would spend hours lost in fantasy worlds, imagining himself riding dragons - or slaying them. Roping other wards into playing soldiers or vampires or whatever his latest obsession would have been. He would go as far as to make his own stories, makeshift his own toys, skate and run and swim around the Woodrow grounds without a care in the world. It is his genuine nature to be easy-going about things in life, and that always made people drawn to him. Everybody likes good company, and Jacob just so happens to like everybody. There was never much others could do to put him off, because above all, Jacob truly believed, as he continues to believe, that people had their reasons. For the good things, the bad things, and everything in-between. And nothing, not a damn thing was ever personal. So he took no offence, and he adapted, he forgave, he did his best to be there for others. His loyalty was always easily acquired, but not quite as easily lost. All that said, Jacob still struggled growing up. Mostly with poor focus and hyperactivity, and he often felt 'dumb' when participating in lectures with other wards, or having to take extra classes even after school to catch up with them. It did take a toll on his confidence at a certain point in life, but he learnt to hide it behind a nice smile and a pretence of 'not caring' which worked out for him in the end. As a young ward he found most joy in simply hanging out with his peers, and even more in getting Mrs. Tristans forehead vein to pump rather visibly. As Jacob grew older, he didn't grow more serious. But he developed a dose of charm inspired by the confidence he gained through surrounding himself with others. He knew that people gravitated towards him, and he found comfort in always having company, in meeting new people, trying out new things. So when the time came to pursue further education, he instead devised a plan to travel. To see the world. To truly live. It may have taken Richard some (a lot of) convincing, but eventually he agreed to let the boy go. Ever since, he has hardly stopped. Always one foot out the door. Always looking for the next rush of adrenaline, next adventure. Although his charm gets him through a lot in life, and allows him to form deeper attachments, he is not the one to settle down. To dream of a house with a picket fence, a family, a single partner for the rest of his life. His spirit runs wild, and he's always in his happiest when he's on the go. Perhaps, a part of him wonders at times if he's truly in a state of constant movement due his deep love for it, or because he is perhaps running. One thing is certain, he is incapable of staying alone, of standing still, only what would he be trying to outrun? At the end of the day, the only thing he actually had, was himself.
Butcher is mostly dressed casual and somehow always covered in dirt. This is why he rarely invests in any expensive or formal clothes, they are certain to get ruined. Comfort is the key, whereas aesthetics are more of an after-thought. Still, he is often seen wearing a silver necklace, whose story of acquirement always changes when asked about. And he also tends to wear a braided bracelet one of his fellow wards had gifted him shortly after his arrival at Woodrow. It's the sentiment, of course, more than genuine liking for the bracelet itself. He owns two black suits, one for weddings and the other for funerals. And a few neat black shirts and tops to match a pair of his 'clean' jeans whenever he needs to dress up. Butcher's also particularly fond of his leather jacket which went through hell and back with him and somehow still holds up pretty well.
Jacob chose to attend a public school after his primary education, but Richard wouldn't allow him to go private as he needed more effort and guidance with education then other kids due to his hyperactivity and lack of focus. This was also the first and the only time Jacob and Richard had a real argument. Following this, Butcher spent the next couple of weeks moping around the house and giving an unusual dose of attitude to anyone he came to contact with, but then got over it when Mrs. Tristan properly explained why it was all for the best in the end and how he will soon be done with school and off to pursue his dreams. Of course, she was right, and his focus was soon somewhere else. But once that the school truly ended, and it was time to head off to University, he used his lack of choice on the matter to further convince Richard to let him travel instead of continuing further education. Ever the academic, it was tough to convince Richard that this was the right path for him, so they agreed on somewhat of a 'gap year' at first, which eventually became full-time travelling and working on the go.
Jacob participated in any extracurricular he could get his hands on. Even the ones he wasn't particularly interested in. He just enjoyed spending time with other wards, so if they had an interest of their own and wanted someone to tag along -- he would happily do it.
He has been travelling, mostly. The longest he ever staid in one place was a year before moving on to his next adventure. Most recently, he had climbed Mt Everest, his lifelong dream, and after that he moved on to a semi-professional surfing competitions in Australia where he did quite well. He considered staying in Australia for a while, but decided to head back to Woodrow instead as it has been months since he last visited. On the way though, he stopped in India where the Krishna Janmashtami festival was just around the corner and decided to stay for a while as well. He was still in New Delhi when he heard of Richard's passing.
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peony-flowerking7 · 2 days
Hi it's the anon from a loooong time ago who asked if Duzhe is Desi (my dumbass should've specified. Desi is a term mostly used to describe folks from South Asia, mostly Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh)
What's Duzhe's ethnicity?
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Hello again! It's nice to see you here. As for Duzhe. I did clarify that Duzhe did not have an ethnicity, as I wanted her to be like their name. Which is reader. Readers are anything and everywhere there's no clarification on who the reader would be. Yeah I gave her a physical appearance but some of their features that they have could be identifiable to well some reader. Like her plump body, her personality, her nose or even their vitiligo. I never intended to give them an ethnicity.
I wouldn't mind people head cannoning her though. Like Desi could be one, you know as long as you respect the culture and do research about said culture. I wouldn't mind. Just don't do anything weird or racist, you know keep it respectful. If you think she's Desi go right ahead.
I hope this clarifies your question or concern.
Heck I wanted to give her a Scottish accent. Or an Irish one but eh.
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glosackmd · 17 days
INDIA10850 by a Psychiatrist's view Via Flickr: Delhi Photography’s new conscience linktr.ee/GlennLosack
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skincare-bie · 2 months
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madhulikaupadhyay · 9 months
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Eyelash extensions are highly attractive and give volume to your appearance.Madhulika Upadhyay Clinic has developed the Top Eyelash Extensions Services in Delhi. So, are you ready for the most vivid outfit you’ve ever seen? Vist our Studio today!
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