#Vivi loved it tho lmfao
cow-tag · 1 year
That one scene from hotel Transylvania but it’s leo throwing Vivi off a roof as “flying lessons”
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vividvivy · 2 months
HELLO VIVY!!!! I WISH THAT YOUR WORK WILL GET THE LOVE IT DESERVES! It's nice to see you here! <3 Congratulations!
I was just gonna ask if you have any headcanons about Fredrinn from mlbb? If you don't know anything about him its no problem you dont need to answer, most of the players are not interested in him 😭
THE HEADCANON CAN BE ABOUT ANYTHING! Anything you have in your mind! (Theres no enough content about him im hungry) HAVE A NICE DAYYY (*´︶`*)ฅ♡
Notes: Aaaah my first MLBB request omggg!! But fr!! Fredrinn is such an amazing character, it's such a pity that most aren't too interested in him :( Also, the layout is so ugly oh my gosh.
Character: Fredrinn Vance
Genre/Type: Headcanons
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Fredrinn Vance
Fredrinn is a man known for being an excellent appraiser. He is capable of determining the worth of something with just a quick glimpse. 
He is also known for his realistic and candid behaviour.
May appear scary to most, but in reality, he's really goofy and impulsive with people he's close to!!
Would call you up saying he has an amazing idea, but it's the stupidest, riskiest, and most unnecessary mission he planned for funsies.. There's actually something to gain in it but he's gonna GATEKEEP THE LIVING SH*T OUT OF IT AND HE'LL BE REALLY CHEAP WHEN COMPENSATING YOU
Actually pretty nice and socialises, but he scares people when he "looks for friends."
By nice, I meant he'd do you lots of favours, but he'd count every single one of them, and you'd end up owing him a lot since he also added an interest that you were also not made aware of.
^ Remember the time he helped you pick up something you dropped? Yeah, that wasn't for free. Yep, no, nuh-uh, you owe him now.
His views and morals are pretty complex.
Is against House Vance's greediness, but at the same time, he also likes having money and property. 
If you actually ask him for something, he's only down if the money's ready.
Sometimes he actually acts decent, though, and will get you something or do something for you without charging you a month's worth of rent. 
^ Kinda rare tho
I don't know about you guys, but I feel like he'd be the type to think he's smart and "act smart," when in reality he's unironically one of the dumbest dumbfucks to roam the world.
His fridge is almost empty and he has weird eating habits.
He thinks he's hot shit when, in reality, he's a goofy hypocrite at times..
Wants to be serious and promotes seriousness, but would dogshow and embarrass you in front of people for his own entertainment. 
He sometimes, unironically, does the strawberry cow skip. LMFAO I'M SORRY FOR THIS ONE
Once tripped while trying to walk cool when he was younger.
His jokes have such bad timing that it makes your head hurt sometimes. 
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
I am so delighted to see we can send platonic ship and that you are insane about it!! (same here i love it so so much, tahat all my life) so what about Nami&Robin or/and Nami&Zoro
there are so many people asking me my opinions i can't believe y'all actually care about what i have to say ilysm <33
nami/robin: i love them and i wish they had more scenes together in canon :(( i love that they share a room and their beds are literally next to each other. i'm sure that they cuddle when they sleep. no doubt about it. robin reads out loud while nami does her nightly routine with makeup and stuff and then they talk for a bit before falling asleep. i love that they're the only girls in the crew but their role isn't just that. they both keep the guys in place but robin has that silly, satiric dark side that scares nami sometimes, and nami has that impulsive, thief side that robin loves too. and kjsdcjksdnjkasd they make me ill. they have girl nights. they go shopping. they talk shit about people together. they eat sanji's food together. nami talks about how much she misses her girlfriend (vivi, i miss you too. come back) and robin comforts her but instantly nami complains about her "not getting it" because she has her husband on the damn ship!!!!! then nami goes and hugs robin back again. i think they're the smartest and brightest girls ever and they deserve all the love. neither of them has ever had real friends and now that they have the chance to live freely, they finally can hang out together. robin is older and tbh i think she sees nami as this cute, young, brilliant girl with so so much potential. and nami sees robin as, like, this older, mature woman that's also her bestie and that's awesome!!! a lot of people ship them romantically but i personally see them as besties or sisters ngl. i think robin is still getting used to having friends like a normal person and nami teaching her how to enjoy life is so,,, so beautiful,,, they also have their own shenanigans and i need them to have wayyy more scenes together c'mon!!!
nami/zoro: i am so not shutting up about them i apologize- i love them. i am obsessed with them. we need to talk more and more about them. "they're overrated" they should be. they deserve it. i fucking love everything about these two. so, so much... the thing that makes me like them it's probably the fact that they're part of the romance dawn trio, and i'm very nostalgic about those three. they're all important to luffy, of course, all of his nakama are. but... there's just something about zoro and nami being the first ones that makes me insane. they're the ones that had to deal with luffy together when they first met, and ever since, they've just been sooo chaotic. i'm happy opla gave them scenes together (uhhh not so much the fact that people see them romantically. it's obvious they wanted to make them romantic. please don't, netflix, i'm watching you) because they mean so much to me! they have this lesbian/gay solidarity and hostility (yes, at the same time) that i LOVE. i'm obsessed with zoro being all edgy-wannabe (he's just quiet lmfao his dramatic gay ass wanting to be a dark swordsman is so funny) and nami like "??? shut up you're just dumb". the fact that they argue and zoro complains about her manipulative behavior but still always helps her and saves her every time,,, that's so,,, i love them. i know we all say zoro is luffy's guard dog, but that's not true. zoro is luffy's cat and nami's guard dog. he stays behind nami protectively with a dark stare and nobody dares to approach her bc they know they'll die if they try to hurt his navigator. he'd never admit it out loud, tho, but he cares for her an insane amount. and she loves him too. thinking about them cuddling when it's too cold and zoro's just the perfect pillow!! zoro braiding nami's hair!!! nami helping him clean his swords!! they look after the other all the time,, and they are the ones that know luffy the best, of course they're going to be the first ones to talk things out together if something's wrong with him. also, my zolu shipper heart needs to say that nami would be the first one to find out about them. in every universe. i love them.
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yharnamopossum · 5 years
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bby neil ft. rpg character cosplay~!! i’ve been wanting to draw him in ralsei’s outfit for ages tbh ahaaa ;w;
the vivi outfit was suggested by @poogle-races!! ;o;💕
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ghost-kitty · 3 years
Do Nami girlfriend, Nami simp and said simp boyfriend 😉
Okay, Nami's girlfriend has to be Vivi and the simp is me Sanji I suppose?? But I don't know who you ship him with... 😅 Is it Zoro??? Idk I'm going with Zoro.
Nefertari Vivi
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
Beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, MARRY MEEEEEE
...she pretty okay..🥺🥺
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
She's so sweet and cares about her people so much and she's a great friend, I love her 🥺❤️
Hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
Either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. She's brave and all about helping others so probably more of a Gryffindor tbh but Hufflepuff Vivi is cute
Roronoa Zoro
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
Of course I would bang, have you seen him?! He's super hot, what more is there to say? Oh yeah, big tiddies lmfao 🤤
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
I love all the straw hats and Zoro is one of my favourites. Sadly, the fandom sometimes kinda makes me like him less :/ I'm trying to not let affect me tho, so I still think he's great!
Hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
He'd be a Gryffindor. Though, with how ambitious he is, I could see Slytherin too ngl
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
Sanji stans are coming for me after this butIjustthinkhesnotthathotsorry 😅 he's a good looking man of course, but would I ever simp? Nah..
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
I think most people in the fandom have a love/hate relationship with him. He's a great character but some of Oda's choices with Sanji's character are...ehhhh not so great. I adore fanon Sanji tho xD
Also Oda, I want mr. Prince back istg!!
Hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
With his chivalrous nature, putting him in Gryffindor is kinda a no brainer. But he's also very intelligent so I can see Ravenclaw for him too!
Thanks for the ask and I hope I did the right characters?? XD
♡send me a character♡
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hi i believe i submitted a ask here before but do you stan loona? sorry for being annoying but can you do what would be class 3-e's bias in loona and loona members as class 3-e (not the whole class tho just the students who match the members personality) ❤
Hello love!! Oh no! :( I’m so sorry, but I haven’t received an ask from you before this. Tumblr must’ve eaten it ugh...please feel free to send me anything again in the future! 💕
And yes!!! I love LOONA!!! My biases are Gowon and ViVi, but I adore ot12 UwU
Gonna put everything under the cut because this might be pretty long lol, and it’s very specific, so anyone who’s not into LOONA won’t have to scroll though.
LOONA Members as 3-E:
Haseul - Hara! They’re both very caring Mom Friends, amazing leaders, super talented, and just have very wise but fun energy.
ViVi - Okuda. They’re both sweethearts who have trouble expressing themselves at times. The cute but mature friends with common sense, but are still lots of fun. I can just SEE Okuda pulling a ViVi and getting fed up with her friends’ messiness and breaking all the dirty dishes lmfao.
Yves - Nakamura. I feel like I don’t have to explain much for this lmao. They both are the girl crush type with a very cool, flirty vibe. Two Miss-Steal-Your-Girls.
Jinsoul - Sugino! Blue color themes! And they both are the sweet “dumb” ones even though they’re totally geniuses. The ones who get lovably made fun of by their friend groups.
Kim Lip - Terasaka. They have low tolerance for bullshit, are pretty much Dads to their respective friends, won’t hesitate to shade you, and are pretty awesome leaders. They’re fun and have their moments of chaos, but they keep things together.
Chuu - Kurahashi ! They’re both adorable cuties with the sweetest smiles, laughs, and similar bubbly personalities. Super popular for their attitudes. Just the kindest souls with lovely voices.
Heejin - Gakushuu. They’re both all-rounded aces who excel at multiple things. They’re good at gaining attention and making themselves known. Also very popular for amazing visuals. Now please imagine Gakushuu covering ViViD.
Hyunjin - Chiba. They both can either be total professionals or complete crackheads. There is no in-between. Has the loudest best laughter. Can be very outgoing. Just a chaotic fun person to have around.
Gowon - Kanzaki. They both have very innocent, tiny, ethereal appearances so they decieve you. But they’re actually like the biggest crackheads. Constantly make random noises and laughs, they’re literally so funny. Looks like a princess, is actually a clown.
Choerry - Kayano. They’re both very bubbly moodmakers, always cheering up the others and maintaining their energy. Has moments of seriousness that surprise everyone.
Olivia Hye - Takebayashi. They’re both a lot more on the awkward side, but they have their own charms. They’re the ones who will subtly roast everyone around them. Very Tired.
Yeojin - Itona. They’re the babies of the group/class. Totally use that privilege to their advantage. Constantly roast everyone lmao. Aren’t super sensitive but still cute. Also they are very Short.
As for the other part of your ask, I’m not sure I can answer that haha. I can’t really tell for sure which characters would love which member, and I’m so indecisive jrhdjdje. I’m sorry 🥺 You can always ask me for anything else! I hope this is ok!
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junhee-moved · 5 years
TBAA in Budapest~
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(((that’s the only photo I took)))
So I guess I promised to make a post of my experience about the a.c.e concert  in Budapest. This is gonna be very~ long so I understand if you don’t wanna read it dfghjkl the rest is under the cut (though I’m not sure if it’ll show on mobile). Highlights, favourite moments, hi-touch, summary of the members will be at the second half of the post so scroll down if you’re only curious about those.
First of all thank you to my two friends who were with me and a huge uwu to @salty-hun whom I’ve been friends with for more than a year and finally we were able to meet :’)))) I love you Vivi!!
Well the organization from the hungarian side was kind of a mess, basically they had no idea about the top10 existing (me and my friends were all in the top10 + 1, like the top10 got two vip tickets for free). So we were waiting about two hours to get information of what we were supposed to do. It was still a mess but in the end we figured it out. The korean staff were angels tbh. Some fans also didn’t know how to behave but oh well (the security were so done with us lmao). But some foreigner fans were giving out photocards which was so sweet :’)))
We were let into the venue around 7pm and I was in a shock. Like, dude I’m in the first!!! row!!! + there were extended parts of the stage both on the left and right side and in the middle. And the extended part of the stage from the left was IN. FRONT. OF. ME. My body was aching by the time the concert started but oh boy it was worth it!
Also there was a door behind the stage which was opened and everyone was looking whether a member would appear. And then Sehyoon was there and waved to us and then the staff closed the door :’DDD
I’m not sure whether you’re curios about the performances but I’ll try to say a little about them. They started with a video then an intro, then cactus and callin’ and then they introduced themselves. Jun and Byeongkwan said hello in hungarian with an A+++ accent, I was surprised :o Then they talked a bit about Hungary (Jun said he’d wanted to visit Budapest since he was 16 and none of the members knew about it. And they were really amazed by the hungarian sky lmao and then they said the sight in front of their eyes - the fans were more beautiful. They cringed so hard).
Then we had a screaming contest. Byeongkwan was on the right, Sehyoon in the middle and Junhee on the left (on the extended stage, in front of me. I died). And these parts of the audience had to scream. The middle (Sehyoon) part was the loudest.
Ugh, I’m honestly not sure about the order of the performances asdfghj I’ll say whatever I remember (god this post is a mess already, I’m so sorry).
I think Donghun and Chan performed All of me next and holy shit!!! Their vocals!!! are amazing!!! I might be (probably) biased but I fell in love with Chan’s voice.
Then we had the Taeyang dance covers. They. didn’t. have. to. go. that. hard. They’re all soooo great dancers!! But again, I might be biased but Jun totally caught my eye. Like he has such a strong stage presence and his facial expressions ooooof.
Then the Flashlight cover!!!! I waited for this performance the most. The whole atmosphere of this performance was magical.
I’m lost, I don’t think this was the order of the performances. We’ve also had a short stage of Donghun, Byeongkwan and Chan singing small parts of 3 songs. Chan was singing Miracles of December. them. honey. vocals. holy. cow. I’m not sure about what the other two sang but man, they were awesome!
Also a short stage of Chan singing Dessert, Black and Blue and Take Me Higher! This boyyyy!!!!
Then there was Black and Blue by Jun and Sehyoon. Let me tell you. My soul left my body. I was so not prepared to see this right in front of my eyes.
Then Dessert ot5 version + a little fanservice uwu. They also blessed our eyes with Take Me Higher ot5 version.
There was a short break when they announced a few winners from vip and ga/balcony (the prizes were signed posters and polaroids). We’ve all had our numbers on our wristbands and each member selected 2 winners. My number was 17 (vip) and they said vip 77, 7, balcony 17, so they really liked the number 7 but not me :’DDDD 
I feel so lucky, Youngblood - both slapped us in the face. Again, their voices were so on point!!
Near the end ment - I have to talk about it in the ‘my fave parts’ of this post.
They’ve also performed See you again + Make it nasty + the zombie dance. I kinda went blind during these performances, the lights were very strong. But I’m pretty sure I watched the whole with my mouth open because - again, amazing, wonderful, superb, jaw-dropping!!
BTS covers, Bigbang covers - you should know that Park Junhee is anything but a good boy *cough*
Finally we had the group photo, 5tar and Take me higher as the encore. More about it in ‘my fave parts’.
the way Junhee said ‘szia’
Junhee choking on smoke
Junhee saying he was so looking forward to the tour because Budapest was in there
Chan missing his pocket while trying to put his hand in it and donghun laughing at him
them saying the audience is more beautiful then the sky
Chan being a super-duper-hyper-playful baby and the others loving him to bits
Sehyoon’s overdramatic reaction during the screaming contest
Seyhoon nunchaku-ing(??? lmfao how to say this) with his towel
Donghun coughing in the mic in the middle of singing and the others making fun of him
Donghun starting to sing Do you wanna build a snowman when Chan said he’s gonna sing a winter song
the fans turning on their flashlights during the performance
them pointing out fans who didn’t turn on their flashlights
flashing their abs during Make it nasty like there’s no tomorrow
Junhee’s twerking
Donghun being hype
Donghun high five-ing the crowd during Dessert
Chan’s sulking when Jun said there’s one missing part in Take me higher (aka Chan)
Junhee saying Chan is gonna leave the stage if we’re not energetic enough and Chan protesting
Donghun expecting fans to finish the lyrics of Take me higher then making a face when we didn’t know the lyrics
them telling us to dance if we feel like (insert hyungwon mantis-dance-like moves)
Chan telling the fans not to cry
A.C.E loving their maknae
Junhee being 90% of the time on the left side of the extended stage. in front. of. me.
Just them being constatóntly on the extended parts of the stage.
Junhee being an awesome speaker
Jun high five-ing me in the end of the encore
Donghun taking my banner. He gave it back in the end of 5tar and thanked me.
Sehyoon collecting banners.
Sehyoon taking my friend’s banner and not giving it back to her. rip.
Chan telling us to scream during the group photo but to make a pretty face
Chan telling us to scream during the panorama picture (I can’t explain this, it was funny)
me being barely visible in the group photo
my friends not being visible in the group photo rip
Byeongkwan’s dancing
the ment. Sehyoon talking about how he had to go to the hospital for the first time in a foreign country and how he had trouble communicating and accidentally ended up at the emergency. He told us that he was sent to another hospital where the doctor took him to a pharmacy and bought Sehyoon the medicine he needed. Yeah this was the time I started crying like a baby.
Byeongkwan telling us he wasn’t feeling too good and he will need some of Sehyoon’s medicine.
the translator buffering for a second and Byeongkwan making a what’s-going-on face
the surprise video from us. Jun and Chan got so emotional
Byeongkwan’s new name is BK. Donghun’s is DH. They were calling each other like that lol also Wow introduced himself as King Wow
them loving the banners
the whole 5tar and encore Take me higher performance. They were singing and dancing in front of us, waving, high five-ing and shit. Fanserbice on point.
them mentioning about the special project and filming the fans
them wanting to come back 
them being the most humble human beings ever
the translator was awesome
we could hear the members talking, the fans were very respectful
the fans were also respecting each other during the concert
Junhee - so charismatic!! like I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. His stage presence is no joke! He was really having a fun time. He interacted a lot with the fans. He was rude af. A natural leader. His smile!!!!!! Dimples!!! His hands are indeed smol lol His hyserical laugh is amazing! So are his dimples (again). The concert proved me that black haired Jun is superior!
Donghun - his vocals holy heaven!! He was really energetic and smiley the whole time. His hair was so floofy! He also interacted a lot with the fans. He was kinda in his own world with Chan, like these two together were having fun lol I died a little when he took my banner and then said thank you. Bodyrolls.
Sehyoon - his dancing!! beautiful!! So is his smile! He wasn’t talking a lot, maybe because he wasn’t feeling too well or was just shy. But he was really adorable while communicating with the audience. He collected banners lmao he was so extra at times. Very humble. I loved his hair.
Byeongkwan - he wasn’t too much at the left side of the stage :( and he seemed kinda quiet and tired. I hope he gets well soon. But he’s an awesome performer! Very powerful. He and Sehyoon had fun while collecting and examining the banners. He was trying to include everyone when he was filming the crowd.
Chan - oh! my! god! The cutest person! Like he was having such a great time! He was just randomly dancing around all the time. Him and Donghun tho haha His voice is the most beautiful thing ever. His laugh! A literal sunshine! He got kinda emotional during the surprise video. All the members treasure him.
OT5 - their chemistry!!! They genuinely seemed like they were having the time of their lives. They were so silly and cute and funny, and they loved the audience! Honestly, I don’t think they’re THAT short. They’re average. They were rude at times too. I’ve heard a lot that they’re more beautiful irl but I wasn’t sure how that works but boy!!!! They are stunning!!! Their skin?? Drop your skincare routine pls!! Ethereal beings.
IT’S A BLUR!!! It was too short and the room was pretty dark too. Also they were seated so I couldn’t really tell how tall they are lol + I only had time to say a short thank you to all of them.
Chan was the first. He was so cheerful and loud, like I couldn’t even see him yet but I heard him shouting THANK YOU!! He was all smiley and cute and his hand was quite big and soft :’)))
Donghun was the second, he was also very smiley and sweet :’))
I’m not sure if Byeongkwan or Sehyoon was the next. I think it was Byeongkwan. He looked really tired :(
Sehyoon had that beautiful smile on his face. My heart? Melted.
Jun was the last, he looked super tired :((( Like he didn’t even look at us, he just seemed like he wanted to be done with the hi touch asap
I had an awesome time! I can’t believe I saw them live and they’re actually real people. It all feels like a dream. They’re very kind, humble people who love us so much! I love them too :’))))))) I laughed a lot and cried like a baby. No regrets (Jun said to do everything we want so we wouldn’t have any regrets later). Can’t wait to see them again. Oh yeah, my bias is indeed Jun (or Chan rip)
Okayyyy this is very long and messy and I’m embarassed to post it, I’m so so sorry :(((
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alukaforyou · 6 years
What are your favorite places in NYC to go
i actually dont go out that much but??? (and when i do, u bet its for pics to an aes place..)
under the cut but basically where id wanna take my out of state friends if theyre in nyc:
*these all in manhattan (or have at least 1 location in manhattan) unless otherwise noted
❤ places:🌠glossier - makeup / skincare brand, i like the pink themed interior🌠 kinokuniya - japanese bookstore… stationary in the basement level, english books ground level, animanga stuff & a cafe upstairs!🌠 image anime - sooo much animanga merch. mostly keychains / figures.🌠toy tokyo - jp toys, some anime merch🌠elizabeth center if ur in chinatown, they have misc goods & anime stuff but some of the rly cheap things r bootlegs loool sanrio store is p cute! sweet moment is right next door too🌠american two shot - aes clothes store the actual stuff is kinda $ but they usually? have a cute display in the front.... pics....🌠 koryo books - korean bookstore with cultural goodies (cards, bookmarks, fans, etc) and some kpop stuff too! like albums, photo books, stickers, buttons, and so on. also a korean makeup / skincare place right next door?🌠 strand bookstore (downtown manhattan, not the kiosk) sooo many books?? mostly english books, i believe, but they do have some comics and manga. lots of other goodies too like tote bags, buttons, artsy socks, etc.🌠 the uncommons - board game cafe (with food!!) lots of fun, good place to go w. friends.🌠aland - kr clothing store, a specific aes, but the clothes r $ lol🌠 flying tiger copehnagen - cute knick knacks; from aesthetic cups to towels, stationary, home decor, etc.🌠 muji (the one by times sq is p big) home decor and kitchen stuff, also some clothes, but i mostly go for the stationary. love the .38mm gel pens… mujis all smell and feel so calming, peaceful af. u can chill on the beanbags and they wont even kick u out (usually).🌠 line friends store - cute & very aes, bts merch, a good place to take pics! u can look around times sq too while ur there.
❤ food: 🌠 cafe zaiya - (aka the cafe in kino) has onigiri, pastries, snacks, bento, desserts, etc.🌠 sunrise mart - (theres one actually right near kino, across bryant park!) japanese convenience store basically (can get lots of tasty snacks), with a dining function (at least, in the one near kino). has bentos, dangos, noodles, katsu don, curry, sushi, etc! love going here.🌠 hanamizuki cafe - went here once during their dinner menu, was so good. onigiri, desert, soups, etc.🌠 yaya tea garden - looots of onigiri to chose from, also has noodles, sandwiches, and snacks. bubble tea & other drinks too.🌠 naruto ramen (i’ve been to the one on the upper west side. it has cool ass wall art & played anime songs the last time i was there) probs a lot of good ramen places in nyc but i went to this one cuz… naruto.. it was p good! the bowls r big tho?? (imo) so maybe split one with a friend if u dont eat much..🌠 pietro nolita (aes af pink italian eatery) - sooo pretty, a good spot to take pictures outside! the food was okay, my friend and i both had pasta and it felt kind of.. bland.. maybe the burgers or other foods r better tho! has deserts, and a bar too. (i mostly rec this one if u wanna take some smashing photos lmfao)
❤ desserts:🌠spot dessert bar - cute tiny cakes but its like 10$ for one lol🌠sweet moment - lattes etc, bingsoo!!!! i would put sweet time dessert cafe here its the most aes place i ever went but they closed ;^(🌠taiyaki nyc - icecream but... taiyaki cone... popular place my friend used to work here lol🌠flour shop - cake / cakeballs / cookies etc.. cute store, u can take aes pics🌠 vivi bubble tea - (i went to the one on 205 allen st) bubble tea with a cotton candy cloud on top! so pretty and delicious too. this particular location had sushi??? and fries, chicken, udon, etc.. not sure if other locations also have food besides bubble tea.🌠 prince tea house (theres one in brooklyn, but i’ve been to the one in queens) the rose milk tea is so good! a nice selection of cakes and desserts. some non desert foods too like salads, sandwiches, and appetizers.🌠 10below ice cream - ice cream spread out thinly on a cold metal surface(?) and they roll it up for u? kinda hard to describe but its good and the preparation process is like a performance!🌠 eggloo - pretty ice cream served in a waffle! lots of toppings to choose from.🌠 soft swerve - pretty icecream. i like the ‘strawberry fields’ but the other sound soo good too.🌠 cupcake atm - rly cool u gotta try it! works 24 hrs, also an aesthetic pink spot to take pictures at.🌠 ice & vice - really interesting flavors! dont be afraid to ask for taste samples cuz the flavors r all p unique.🌠 macaron cafe - (the one on 152w 36th) nice interior, good place to chill. the packaging for the macaron sets r so lovely! they have real food too, like sandwiches, pasta, salad, etc so u could go there for brunch or smth too.
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stan-and-the-newbie · 6 years
A kpop newbie’s reaction to LOONA
you know i had to do it to ‘em
Alexa: bold
Alex: italic
okay so today you're reacting to Loona!
o, noice
they just debuted like two days ago and everyone is crying
damn. ok but do any of them speak english <<
y es
n  u  t
i believe i already told you, they built this Loonaverse, and released a girl each month
yeh, you told me a few things
right. all of them have an animal and a color. the first five girls have an additional location, then the next three girls have a superpower, and the last four girls have a fruit
...alexa. t-twelve
alright fam hit me up
okay, the first girl that was released, back in 2016, is heejin
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damn she looks like a disney princess
she does;;
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this is aN INSULT
isnT IT
someone arrest her, she's not allowed to be so cute. it is illegal.
how old is she and what does she do
uhh she's 21and she's a singer
she iS BORN IN 2000
ill give you her music video now
the location is hard to guess, so just try to guess her color and animal
i'm not watching this u freak, you know about my arachnophobia
y tho. there are no spiders
there are no spiders, so play the song, its good. no girl has the spider as her animal u coward
the song's aight. i'd listen to it in a cafe. her animal is obviously a bunny and her color is either red or white. asian girls with thick thighs are too powerful alexa. someone needs to do something about them. it's a health hazard.
omf. her color is actually hot pink;; but u got her animal right lol
o damn. well pink is the mix between red and white isn't it >>
she's part of the first subunit, 1/3
ah, so she's a colonel
omG. i mean, y'know, subunits are some of the members that form like a band of their own and put out music
with 12 bloody members, i can imagine
loona has three. anyway, a few things about heejin
hit me
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she’s a whole cutie
o gee i couldn't notice
sdfdsdf she likes dad jokes and randomly breaks into silly and awkward dances but she doesn't care. she's also afraid of pigeons 
the guards would have to restrain me from pinching her cheeks if i was ever in the same room with her. and to be fair those things are chaotic evil. one literally flew into my face once.
they also carry diseases similarly to rats. except they fly. so yeah, i can see why one would be afraid.
she also named a rabbit from the set "heekki". hee from her name, and kki from the korean word for rabbit, tokki. and proceeded to ask if she could adopt it.
that's adorable go away i am stone cold
is there anything else u want to know about her. her location is paris, and the first ever video of her beside her mv was her repeating random french phrases she knew in the airport
the next member is hyunjin
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they’re all so pretty i cry
they are :(
they are like porcelain dolls, but without the creepiness of a doll, just the beauty and cuteness
i KNOW. so, how old is she
hmm 20 and she's a rapper
she is ALSO born in 2000 ;D and she's a singer
here's her music video
after mark's video on that cat game, the thumbnail horrifies me
alight so her animal is a kitteh. so she's the neko of the group, noice... is this a thriller film, geez.
ghjkjhghjk its just a kitten smh
an e v i l kitten
cats cant be evil. her song is very kdrama-ish
her color is... i honestly have no idea
her color appears in the first third of the video
green? blue?
she wears it
yeh, yellow. and yes her animal is cat lol. what about the song? it’s a drastic change from the last one
ok that last part horrified me. idk it's a weird mix between depression and a drug trip
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so, about this baby. her location is tokyo, and she is the savage one
shes the one that kept a blank face on a rollercoaster while the others were screaming. also, she really likes bread and croissants
and she's not a rapper smh. well, she does have a pretty voice.
she does~ and shes really sporty, practiced a lot of sports before becoming an idol
alright, off to my wife. this is haseul.
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and no photo makes her justice
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UGH queen
that jawline fam
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i’m sorry i just. literally have never seen such a beautiful woman
alright by now i'm about 70% convinced that these people are created in underground governmental labs
m e. aight, how old is she
fucc it, she's uhh 18
she's actually born in 1997 dfgfdsdfgh
OF COURSE. sigh. that's just my luck
but i understand u
they all look between 15 and 20 anyway does it really matter- i- she's more pretty than she is cute. respecc.
this is her music video
her color is bleagh. i mean bleuugh. blue
she's a parappa the rapper. but she's also a singer. idk her voice sounds like she can rap. was that plane just there and they used it or did they buy a gigantic plane prop for the video
(i really hoped alex would say this because this video exists)
she’S TRYING. her color is green but her location is iceland so liek,,, i guess the writers clashed ideas
blasphemy. they should have went for turquoise
her animal is a dove. she’s also the leader of the group, and the mom friend #1. she can speak english but she has a cute accent which i Love
aaaand she’s a seal enthusiast
o. that's something
they went to iceland so she was like "omg a seal!!! hi !! that was a seal!!"
pffa whole cutie
she is :( she’s also really funny
anyway, the next one makes me feel worthless. this is yeojin
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another flawless creation of the secret korean labs
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her age?
that tissue-printing chamber in that korean lab from avengers 2? not fiction - they use it to create idols. uhh 19
:D she is 15!!!1
and turns 16 in november !!
Goodbye. Tty later, i gotta pack my stuff
dfgfdGHJH here is her song. its very cute because, well, shes a child
L O L I C O N    A L E R T. those three dudes are terrifying. is that the joker wearing a frog head
this is weird lmfao. aaand there's the foot fetish
why is the frog dude going all roaring reeo on her only to give her a fucking present
well, its a song about how she doesn’t want the relationship to move too fast, so she doesn’t want to kiss the dude just yet
that ending was just... idk man. this one broke me. her color is red, and her animal is a frog because that's the only animal in the foreground here idfk
her color is orange, close enough. the other members call her "bean" because shes the youngest and rlly smol and chubby.
awh ;;
and everyone treats her like a baby lmao
well, what did u expect. hmm i think i like the first one the best so far
o, alright
so, these past four girls and the fifth one form the subunit 1/3. the fifth one was introduced through the subunit's first song, but i'll give u their second song cuz its Better
*check out “Sonatine it’s superior*
basically, these girls have a very dreamy concept with a lot of piano and strings. the fifth girl is the pink haired one, and baby yeojin isn’t here cuz her grades were dropping lmao
shhhh just listen to the song
this song gives me the sad
u gotta appreciate the animu songs
i do, i was literally gonna say that this one somewhat reminds me of miia's second song
same !!
her color is W H I T E like my teeth. p u r e  w h i t e
she haS HER OWN mv
the fifth member is vivi
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shes chinese and the oldest
from communism to idolization. noice
so she's wot, 21? 22?
yeh, shes turning 22 this year
here’s her song
a break from the animu songs. ps: they dont come back
sad. kinda stalkerish fam
ikr. shes a hooman here. but in the subunit mvs she’s an android
idk fam they go all out and no one knows whats happening
i am gonna get bashed for this but when she smiles her cheeks look kinda weird she kinda looks like a chipmunk? but not in a bad way
ghjkHJ she does;; shes cute though
her color is her haircolor lawl. pastel rose
o, nice
and her animal is deer
so she's basically bambi gotcha
she speaks english, and shes the reaction memes queen. and shes also very smol
awh ;;
alright, we're done with 1/3. is heejin still your favourite?
cuz we're entering girl crush land
o h
the sixth member is kim lip
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she’s cute tho
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of course she is. they're all cute perfect goddesses. i'm noticing a pATTERN HERE
hey, shes mostly a tsundere
well, ngl, she looks like one
she chose charmander tho 10/10
here’s her amazing mv. her animal appears for 1 second here so lmao good luck. her color is very obvious
white, at long last
the other one
that building is aesthetic would hang out there with my weird friends 10/10. the song is odd, but it's nice
i think the song really suits her voice
it does! that's why it works
her animal is an owl
n o i c e
also in one of her vlogs all she does is talk about food. she also keeps the members company while theyre shooting their mvs!! and shes also a reaction meme queen. she sings, but her main strength is dancing
yeah, i can tell
oh right !! she is in the odd eye circle subunit, and these girls have super powers. imma tell you now, the odd eye circle members are in different planes. like, theyre in different dimensions, not the flying planes lol
umm alright..?
anyway, her super power is speed. aaaand i think thats it with kim lip
the next one is a fan favourite. jinsoul
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oof. idk man the blond is weird
oh, is it. i dunno, i feel like it suits her.
hammers in that "created in an underground lab to be flawless" vibe. idk, maybe a darker shade? like a golden blonde?
most people choose her song as their favourite
singing in the rain? is tom holland gonna come in and dance to "umbrella"?
oh my god
if not i'll be disappointed. the song reminds me of minecraft intros lmao. especially that synth part
the dancing is lewd af tho. so 8/10
well, so was eclipse. girl crush land
is she a necromancer? because those hips kill me and bring me back to life
i knOW. she can sing, rap and dance. triple threat. okay you cant possibly be wrong about her color and animal
uhh blue and fish. idk wot fish but a fish
y e s. its a blue betta fish. she said, and i quote "the blue betta fish is one that needs to be kept alone, because it eats the other fish in her tank. so i'm going to take over the group like that"
SDFGHGFDSSDFGH shes very oblivious and confused also idk if i should show you this but its hella funny and falls into the dumb blonde stereotype. she acts cute in a live stream and then she just
*that beautiful face plant video*
and at the enD KIM LIP IS LIKE "yes. whats next?" and looks through the comments
i-is she ok
yeah, she just stays there like ten seconds and then lifts her head while laughing. her superpower is teleportation btw. anyway, shes just very oblivious and awkward
nice man
the next member is choerry
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oof, she qt. her color is purple.
yes. she doesnt like cherries btw
of course. why doesn't she like them? they're gud ;; maybe they remind her of all the bad puns she must have had to endure
i- most likely tbh. she prefers her actual name too sdfgfdsasdf. but choerry is a play on her name. cho yerim.
ah, i see
here's her song that takes a very weird turn and supports further the girl crush concept lawl
i expect lewd dancing. wot’s her animal?
a bat
e d g y. they made her eat a cherry. the monsters
i know, the madmen
o, here comes the lewd dancing. oof, that was short, but it was cool. back to... this??
it happens more than once. hmm, its a really nice song tbh
yeah, it was pretty nice
shes the bright, positive one
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and managed to feed a squirrel out of her hand, so shes a princess confirmed
o damn how tall is she. she looks pretty tall in this pic
oh my god all of them are so small i literally cannot cope
;-; pure babies
hmm i think this is old information but the tallest is 165 sdfsGHJKJHJ
o damn
it says here shes 160. p u r e. her super power is plane travelling, like, shes the only one who can meet both kim lip and jinsoul. thats why i told you about the dimension thing
..alright..? this seems pretty redundant, idk. the whole superpower thing and the different planes thing is just odd. what purpose do they serve
well, its basically a whole universe, i guess it ties to the whole story
there's a story? uhh
yeah, but we won't get into that too much. here's odd eye circle's debut song
oh, this song is... something. i could live without the weird distorted voice. fucc yes more lewd dancing. well, that was trippy.
anyway, the third subunit is called yyxy, and it has "fall from eden" as their concept
the first member from this subunit is yves, pronounced as eve but it gotta be fancy y'know
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oo, noice. please for the love of god tell me her color is white
no one's color is white
well, it’s not a color ;D
ug h. anyway, here’s her song.
hecc yes more lewd dancing
:( her apple is burgundy
what. is that- is that her color
...i quit.
well, that was something
her name is eve, so people speculate the song and mv are about her living a normal life after falling from eden y'know. anyway, shes the mom friend #2
o, interesting pFF
she was very awkward at the beginning, when she first was introduced
awh ;;
and her animal is a swan
fgfdsdfg shes also pretty savage now that she isnt as shy, but she takes care of the members, since shes one of the older membersGHJKJHGHJK
shes very cute i like her uwu
the next one is an actual animu waifu. her name is chuu
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and she is the full of cuteness member
yeah i can teLL. the second image scraped my stone heart
yes, she softens everyone. here’s her mv, and the other girl is yves. and chuu is more or less in love with her. lesbian icon
alexa ur doing the thing, but reverse
ASDFGFDSDFGHJ but yves just shot a heart at her
it's a music video smh
hey, im not saying shes gay for yves in real life, just in, like, the universe theyre building
ah, i see. the choreography is gud. and the whole music video is nice. and the song is nice too. alright, what's her color
do these people only know red and blue variations. THERE ARE OTHER COLORS OUT THERE
her animal is penguin, hence her posing with a penguin plushie in that photo
awh ;;
and her fruit is strawberry. she also sang a kids show ost before she became an idol :( and the other members make her act cute sometimes in front of the camera because everyone loves her. take dis
when she does the winking thing she stops and asks "why am i doing this..." and the others are just "because its cutE"
anyway, yes, we all love chuu
we have two members left, keep your head in the game
i'm in it to win it
the second to last member is go won
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speaking of winning, apparently she already did
she is a real life doll- oh my god alex
yet another qt what is new. cute dolls. cute talented dolls e v e r y w h e r e
i remember her song just because of the way she sings "baby" there
*check out “One&Only” yall*
ah, i see. some nice cinematography here. she has an interesting voice
shes mostly a rapper
yeah, i can picture that. that was a pretty nice song
her color is eden green :3
n o i c e
her animal is butterfly and her fruit is pineapple
but does she like it on pizza tho >> that is the question
she's kinda cold, but shes pretty oblivious, the staff messed with her saying that "adam" is her stage name (adam translates to "small" in korean) and she actually believed them and she didnt get the joke either affdsdfg
;-; god bless
shes pretty savage tho, we have three so far
she is olivia hye
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and she does not appreciate olive jokes
she's pretty 0^0
she is~
wot's her personality
shes very blunt and she seems like someone that might succeed at being a famous blogger
o damn
she always speaks her mind. i haven’t really seen her play around, but that doesn’t mean i don’t find her funny sdfgfsdfg
pff the mom friend
hmm, she doesnt really take care of the others, shes the second youngest
o rlly
but she does boast about how shes the only one without a fear of heights jasdfjks
pfff alright, hmu with her song
her song is my favourite
*”Egoist” ftw*
s m o o t h. yeah, this is a nice song
ikr !!
aaand more lewd dancing the world is kind to me today
they never give it up
wot's her color and animal
her color is gray, her animal is wolf and her fruit is plum
o damn
here’s their song~
this is hype af. this song is nice too but it has odd parts
i feel like the quality of their music increased with time. the first songs are also nice but you can tell these ones are better put together
well, it makes sense
it has been two years yes asdfdsdfg
o o f
here's a predebut song. the first ever with all of them, but not their debut the intro and the chorus are the best parts ngl
that's a lot of idols fam
eh, 12 isnt that rare. BRRRRRRRRRAH
where the esketit at. that was a pretty good predebut song, all things considered. they fit a bit of everything in there
yep, here’s their debut song
this one's trippy. ah, that's why it's called "hi high" they're saying hi to me, and i'm high after watching it. UOUOUOUAAAHH
do you remember any of them as your favourite or did everything already vanish
i like chuu and the last one but i think the first is still my fave
oo alright, i see. any last thoughts?
well-managed for a 12 idol group, nice choreographies (& lots of lewd dancing >>), plenty of good songs, gud stuff overall, 10/10. 11/10 for the UOUOUOUOOAAAHHH
alexa here!! oof, this took so long to put together;; also if haseul sees this please marry me goddess ily
i hope you enjoy this post, even though its a little messy!! pop a little message in our ask box too, it’ll make our day~ i hope everyone has a nice day or evening!!
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sehunsgirl · 7 years
EXORDIUM in Newark pt.2
04/25/2017 // ACTUAL CONCERT ( pt.1 )
so, i want to start off by saying that even though the concert was supposed to start at 7:30PM, it didn’t start until 8:30PM. i was, at first, in the middle pit. i was VERY close, about 2nd/3rd row from the barrier. had a pretty okay view i was content at first. remember the line jumpers i told you about last post? ya a group of four of them and TWO of them were IN FRONT OF US, even though i DID NOT SEE THEM when i went to line up at 2:30AM. not only that but i NEVER SEEN THEM UNTIL RIGHT BEFORE LINING UP. 
the other two of them got separated from them i guess and they came and tried getting in front of me and my friend that was with me. we refused to let them. they already line jumped what else do they want you know? they got mad okay. THIS IS ALSO IMPORTANT. they were mad and were steadily pushing up against us as people were filing in. finally the lights went off and the VCR started, i was happy, i was content even tho i was being pushed up against because the two other girls were trying to get in front of me and my friend. 
( this will also be pretty long you are warned ! )
after about the mid point of the opening vcr is when their pushing got really really  bad and i was being SHOVED for no reason. JUST ME??? my friend is a bit stronger than me and she was able to hold her stand there but she was being pushed up against too and we were blocking them. when EXO comes out and they’re performing MAMA, they pushed me to the point i was standing s i d e w a y s . i was NOT facing the stage at this point.
i was having trouble moving, these two girls were still pushing at me and trying to get past me. i couldn’t even MOVE MY FEET. that’s when i started feeling very weird. my stomach was lurching, i couldn’t see exo cause i was forced sideways. listen, i’ve never been claustrophobic but i think it was spurred on. my friend looked at me and asked if i was okay all i could do was shake my head. couldnt move my arms my feet or anything the girls are still SHOVING at me.
Exo started performing monster, and now i cannot BREATHE. i needed water. my friends were trying to help me get water. the girls in front of me noticed, and tried to get the two girls in front of us’ attention to get the security guard that was RIGHT THERE. again, they ignored and pretended not to know.
Thankfully, the security ended up seeing me because now i was in tears you guys. i couldn’t breathe and it triggered an anxiety attack. he gave me a look that i understood was “ are you okay ? “ and i shook my head and made the motion for water and he IMMEDIATELY sprint off and came back seconds later with an already open water bottle and it was handed to me by the girls in front of me ( who were really REALLY sweet ). 
the water didn’t help and i ended up having to push myself OUT of the middle pit and at this point i was HEAVING for air, i was shaking, and i was crying.  the guy selling water seen me and was asking me if i was okay and he moved me to the one of the ladies working there. when i told her what was wrong ( somehow i got it out ), she motioned for this male EMT who literally RAN down the isle to me and took my arm and asked me what was wrong too. 
He then passed me to this really sweet female EMT who held my hand and took me back to the medical bay. for reference of when this is all happening it’s now the 3rd/4th song and they’re performing White Noise. so she sits me down, gives me more water, takes my info and is just really really nice to me. explained to me another girl had the SAME problem. 
she was talking to me to help me calm down. guys, this was the worst anxiety attack i’ve had in FOUR. YEARS. it took me a whole 10 minutes to calm down. by the time i was able to breathe, Artificial Love started playing. the EMT told me she had no idea who they were when she was back there and they were changing. then she found out they were who were performing and she laughed and then she asked me like who my favorite was , how long i’ve been a fan, etc. once i was okay, she told me i could stay at the back of the pit and if i wanted to i could try getting back in but to come back to her if something happened.
i did stay at the back of the pit the entirety of Artificial love. I watched it through the screens and i was okay at least. i was sad i missed White Noise but i was just happy i saw them again so i got over it pretty fast. now i tried to get BACK into the pit with my friend. they would not let me pass even tho they knew who i was so i left and went to the right side of the stage to try and weasel in there and then move left to get to her. i WAS able to get past a few people by telling them you know i just want to get to my friend. and i think they realized i really wasnt trying to push past them and i was getting their attention not trying to shove them so they let me pass. that’s when i met another girl who was pushed OUT of the pit away from her friend and was trying to get back to them too. so me and her stuck together and started helping each other get to the front to see them to try and get there.
that’s when i ended up on the right side of the stage in the pit i was the 3rd row back. we paused a lot to watch exo and enjoy the show every now and then so it took us 2? songs? to get there. ( we didn’t miss as much as it sounds like!! no worries! LMFAO ). after that we agreed to just enjoy the concert together and stay there. and i had a reallly really nice time after that. i made friends with this girl and the people i was around were WAY nicer!
a lot of people were making finger hearts and i wanted mine to get noticed because im ugly like that so when someone came to where they would be standing RIGHT in my line of vision ( honestly... i realized i was in a VERY good spot next to behind right by the barrier. i’ll be honest. ), i would IMMEDIATELY put my finger heart up like before anyone else hIFDJKSDSF. the third time i did it, kyungsoo saw it and literally beamed a smile at me and i was like ;3; .
listen, i probably looked a wreck at that point :( not only was i drying from being DRENCHED all day but i had an anxiety attack and was crying.... rip. so anyway during one of the ments, baekhyun was on the right end and i was right behind this really short girl so i could see right over here and was right in his line of sight.
i started putting my rilakkuma plush to the bottom of my face and making faces at him and he ended up looking over and went :) 
jongin noticed me about twice? kyungsoo twice and baek looked at me quite a number of times. be aware i didn’t film these because this time at the concert, i REALLY wanted to just watch them this time cause last time at EXOluxion i was at the barrier and i spent a lot of time filming. i didnt want to this time. and it was SO worth it. ( i did get some footage tho that i will post! ).
during the encore, the girls in front of me let me move next to the barrier to throw my plushes up there and the girl next to me threw my rilakkuma for me cause i was having trouble holding my fan, the lightstick and both my plushes.
sehun DID NOT pick up my vivi plush because he had two already and a mic so he wasn’t able to, but he DID see him and smiled so he is aware of it and im sure he prolly went back for it. and that’s all that matters to me i don’t need to see him pick up vivi 2.0 with my own eyes. him acknowledging it was enough.
so to be honest... despite the horrid line up and the small hiccup at the beginning for me, i had SO much fun and im so happy i got to see them again!! ♥
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willorcs · 7 years
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better
I was tagged by my wonderful tumblr brother @leviossah <333 thank you
Name: violeta
Nicknames: vi, vivi????, vio, space queen (oh thank you @lixana ^^)
Zodiac Sign: sagittarius
Height: i have no idea lmfao
Orientation: straight but i’m like 5% gay for jenna coleman and natalie portman lol
Ethnicity: caucasian
Favorite Fruit: nectarine, raspberries
Favorite Season: autumn and winter
Favorite Book: i cant pick only one, but 100 years of solitude by gabriel garcía márquez is just one of my faves and any shakespeare tragedy is also a must!
Favorite Flower:  lily, gardenias, orchids
Favorite Scent:  fresh scents like lemon or orange
Favorite Colour: black and purple
Favorite Animal: wolves??? idk hahaha
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: tea, especially green tea and peppermint tea. tbh i dont like hot cocoa v much xXD
Average Sleep Hours: 5-6 h??. oh i should sleep more
Cat or dog person?: neither....idk tbh i dont like pets v much. cats are funny tho
Favorite Fictional Character: luke skywalker, mara jade, 12th doctor, clara oswald, petyr baelish, oberyn martell and many more!
Number of blankets you sleep with: 1....my apartment is too hot xD
Dream Trip: come to visit me marce!!! :DD. we could have so much fun hahaha. omg that would be truly amazing <3. well i'd also love to do a trip around the highlands in scotland *___*
Blog Created: i’ve been on tumblr since 2010, but i think i created this blog in 2012 since i accidentally deleted my oldest blog lol
Number of Followers: something between 6k. nah i dont even care about the number of followers
I tag whoever wants to do it :P
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