ensign-smith · 5 months
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i've been rotating this dweeb around in my brain. you cant tell me the above scene didn't happen in canon
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unknownfaceless-ds9 · 10 months
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grissomesque · 9 months
We just rewatched Amok Time. You know, for Rosh Hashanah.
"Seven years? Why didn't any of this happen when the other ship was lost in the Whatever Quadrant?" asked my hapless husband, unaware that he had just enrolled himself in his wife's Fuck Or Die Friday seminar.
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ensignsimp · 4 months
Jealous VOY Vorik HCs:
A/N: He's so cute when he's angry. Some inspo taken from this post: POST from @spocks-husband
Prompt: Jealous Vorik
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Vorik is (naturally) a young arrogant and naive Vulcan.
He doesn't understand the complexities of human friendships and relationships.
That's why when he sees you acting so causally with your affections towards your friends, he gets overwhelmingly jealous.
He gives anyone you show affection to a cold icy death stare.
Vulcans are naturally jealous and overprotective of their bondmates.
He comes up behind you and hugs you when he feels jealous.
When you innocently ask him what's wrong he just shakes his head and presses a kiss on the top of your head.
He feels reassured through your bond but that doesn't help him when it comes to comparing himself to others.
He worries that he isn't taking care of your emotional needs, that you find more comfort in the arms of others than in his.
When Paris starts flirting with you it really bruises his ego.
He starts to get more agitated and constantly feels the need to keep you safe.
He secretly fears you'll leave him for someone else.
One day while in the Mess Hall, you are eating when Tom comes up to you.
"Hey, if you ever get bored of hanging out with him," Jabbing his thumb at Vorik. "You should join me and Harry in the holodeck tonight."
Vorik nearly flipped the table as he reached across to grab at Tom's throat.
He was almost feral hissing and spitting like a pissed-off wet cat.
You and B'lanna have to drag the two of them apart.
After you pull Vorik to your quarters you find out why he's been acting so strange.
He's been unable to meditate due to the extra workload in Engineering. This amplifies his already fried nerves.
You'll stroke his hair to calm him down and press little kisses to his temples.
He flips you and pins you to the bed.
He starts to nuzzle your face with his.
His breath tickles your ear and you can hear him whispering things.
"T'nash-veh katelau, ashau, t'nash-veh ritsuri-wuh-set'ko." (*My mate, love, my obsession.)
You decide it's best to just let it get out of his system.
After a while, you can hear him purring.
It takes everything in you not to record it.
You feel him relax his grip and fall into your embrace.
You'll make sure he does his meditation in the morning.
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sojasayu · 6 months
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blorbo of the month: ensign vorik✨
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lillitmali · 11 months
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tolllthedead · 6 months
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astralbondpro · 6 months
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Star Trek: Voyager // S03E16: Blood Fever
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editfandom · 23 days
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Vorik - Star Trek: Voyager, S03E16
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vreenak · 1 year
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↳ Ensign Vorik 🖖🔧😈 [7/?]
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ensign-smith · 7 months
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ensign vorik with the haircut and the eyebrows and the hawaiian shirt triple combo just makes them look like a he/they lesbian from seattle
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stra-tek · 1 year
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I remember watching Voyager for the first time on it's UK premiere on Sky (with spoilerific 10 second clips from later in the episode played at the start and end of commercials because screw the viewers) and going "oh, it's that guy from the Next Gen academy episode!" and maintaining that belief for many years until I rewatched TNG and the fella's name was Nicholas Locarno and not Tom Paris. The real life reason was not to have to pay the writer of "The First Duty" for every subsequent appearance of the character, and the Voyager series bible even had a slightly different version of "The First Duty" backstory made for Paris even though early drafts literally had him listed as Locarno
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I also assumed these were the same guy too, but according to the novels (and one of the Voyager writers) they're actually identical twins Taurik and Vorik.
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In one of the most famous examples, T'Pol from Star Trek: Enterprise was originally going to be T'Pau from "Amok Time", but again not wanting to spend royalties every episode had her morph into a new character. And a young T'Pau would eventually appear in season four.
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unknownfaceless-ds9 · 9 months
I need a fanfic about a Human who is working close with Vulcans or Romulans. I don't care if it's on a ship or an embassy as long as it's with as many of them as possible.
The Human knows enough about vulcan / romulan society and culture to get by and avoid any major embarassements however the finer details are not known to them, which is why they don't understand why everyone around them gets absolutely flabbergasted at the sight of their pierced ears and painted finger nails.
Meanwhile the Romulans /Vulcans try very hard not to blush and to appear as normal as ever because they don't want the Human to know that such things are more than frivolous because the Human would probably die of embarrasments.
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rsclopez · 3 months
When they realize they like a human in a romantic way! Vulcan edition! Fight me on this!!! Lols
@zierzim -like this is straight up their personalities
@ensignsimp -Definitely Soval
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ensignsimp · 4 months
Romantic VOY Vorik w/ Hyper Emotion L/I HCs:
A/N: They did this poor boy dirty!
Prompt: Cute Romantic Vorik
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GIF by vreenak
You were standing in your workstation in Engineering when you noticed Vorik was approaching you. Rather quickly.
You give him a smile and your usual casual greeting.
He seemed to tolerate your company well enough.
So you consider him one of your work friends.
That was until he started to ask you questions of a more personal nature.
"What is your preferred activity during your off hours?"
"I noticed that you keep skipping meals? Is it because you are feeling insecure or are you forgetting to eat?"
"Do you have a preferred term or act of affection?"
It didn't help that he was staring at you all of the time.
He seems to stare at your hands mostly.
As well as getting very close to you when speaking.
It's so hard to tell him that you're uncomfortable.
He would become visibly disappointed and shy away slightly.
His big brown sad puppy dog eye just breaks your heart.
One afternoon while you were working Vorik requested to have you meet him in his quarters later.
When you do you see him kneeling on the floor in front of a bunch of candles. In fact, the entirety of his quarters were illuminated by them.
"You are asking yourself, why I have asked you here?"
You noticed he was wearing traditional Vulcan attire.
"I wish to declare koon-ut so'lik. I desire to become your mate."
He held his hand out to you in a Vulcan kiss, "Please, accept."
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harley-rose25 · 4 months
Vorik is actually traumatized, actually
I think people really underestimate the level of Trauma Vorik sustained being teleported from the alpha quadrant to the far end of the delta quadrant. One might think yea but everyone on voyager suffered the same fate. It's not the same though because Vulcans have psychic telepathic bonds with their family so not only was Vorik thrown like 60k lightyears or whatever across space but those bonds would have all just suddenly broken or been stretched so thin as to make them effectively nonexistent. I think a similar type of thing happens when someone a Vulcan has a telepathic link to dies. So, in a sense, this likely would have felt like like everyone he knew just died suddenly. Vorik is also the only Vulcan on voyager besides Tuvok who he seems to have nothing in common with; where as most if not all other crewmembers have at least a couple other people that share their culture and understandings which lessens the pain of being so far from their home worlds.
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