#vorik x reader
ensignsimp · 5 months
Romantic VOY Vorik w/ Hyper Emotion L/I HCs:
A/N: They did this poor boy dirty!
Prompt: Cute Romantic Vorik
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GIF by vreenak
You were standing in your workstation in Engineering when you noticed Vorik was approaching you. Rather quickly.
You give him a smile and your usual casual greeting.
He seemed to tolerate your company well enough.
So you consider him one of your work friends.
That was until he started to ask you questions of a more personal nature.
"What is your preferred activity during your off hours?"
"I noticed that you keep skipping meals? Is it because you are feeling insecure or are you forgetting to eat?"
"Do you have a preferred term or act of affection?"
It didn't help that he was staring at you all of the time.
He seems to stare at your hands mostly.
As well as getting very close to you when speaking.
It's so hard to tell him that you're uncomfortable.
He would become visibly disappointed and shy away slightly.
His big brown sad puppy dog eye just breaks your heart.
One afternoon while you were working Vorik requested to have you meet him in his quarters later.
When you do you see him kneeling on the floor in front of a bunch of candles. In fact, the entirety of his quarters were illuminated by them.
"You are asking yourself, why I have asked you here?"
You noticed he was wearing traditional Vulcan attire.
"I wish to declare koon-ut so'lik. I desire to become your mate."
He held his hand out to you in a Vulcan kiss, "Please, accept."
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tagthetrekkie · 4 months
Pairing: Ensign Vorik x reader
Warning: injuries, slight gore, death, bad space horror, some plot holes for the sake of the story
Synopsis: As the Voyager's crew explore an planet in search of Dilithium, they stumble upon an abnormal discovery that leaves them startled.
Damn this blogs making me falling in love with pointy ears aliens (@deepspacedukat)
@emotional-fandom-soup asked to be tagged
Beyond the Stars
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I shifted my upper body forward, attempting to regain composure. My mind seemed hazy, impeding my concentration on the world around me.
What the hell were these things?
As I glanced around, my mind raced to come up with a solution, any solution, that could get me from this impasse. The eerie ambiance of the dark forest enveloped me, with only the colossal trees and the swirling mist as my companions. However, there was no trace of my crew members, leaving me feeling isolated and uncertain of what lay ahead.
In an attempt to regain command over my thoughts, I inhaled deeply, only to have my concentration shattered by approaching moans.
Oh shit
Without the luxury of planning, I hastily fled from the noise, scanning my surroundings in hopes of spotting a fellow crew member from the away team.
The mysterious beings, of unknown origin, bear a resemblance to a thin, famished entity with pale, blotchy skin tightly covering its bony structure. With its stretched limbs and razor-sharp claws, it effortlessly navigates the thick forests it calls home. Its eyes are rumored to emit an eerie glow or appear empty, mirroring its unquenchable and abnormal appetite.
As the creatures approached, I struggled to hold back a sob. I had left my phase behind and couldn't risk using my badge to call for help from the Voyager and draw attention to myself.
As soon as a crimson figure appeared, my fear of death vanished completely, diverting its focus away from me and giving me the chance to conceal myself beside a tree.
I glanced in the direction where the noise came from, making sure not to draw any unnecessary attention. Although not particularly smart, those creatures appeared to have sharp hearing abilities.
As my rescuer, a lieutenant from the Voyager’s security team, surveyed the situation, he seemed to be contemplating an escape plan, looking back and forth between me and those things.
It hit me like a ton of bricks - the sudden realization that I couldn't simply bail out and retreat to the safety of the shuttle craft. This wasn't just another routine mission; there were lives at stake and a responsibility that I couldn't ignore. As if sensing my unease, I caught a glimpse of the lieutenant making his way towards me, his actions indicating that he had noticed my inner anxiety.
Similar to myself, the two beings observed the motion coming from my fellow crew member and, driven by their animal instincts, they launched an assault on him. In an attempt to evade the creatures' razor-sharp claws, the man fought back, striving to reach his phaser. In moments that felt like an eternity, blood cascaded freely from deep lacerations as bones snapped audibly under the monster's relentless assault. Agonizing screams pierced the night sky but were swiftly silenced amidst guttural growls of satisfaction. The creature's feral hunger seemed insatiable as it devoured parts of its prey before flinging aside what remained like discarded playthings. A gruesome testament to the desolate horrors that dwell within nature's unforgiving embrace, this chilling encounter left no doubt about the true essence of terror embodied by these things.  It was an ironic turn of events as my colleague's eyes were fixed on me, their gaze reflecting a desperate cry for help.
My eyes were widened in shock, unable to comprehend the cruel reality unfolding before me. As a chilling fear grips my core, I was being consumed by a torrential wave of grief and horror. The weight of impending doom descends upon me like an iron vice, squeezing out every ounce of hope left in my trembling heart. Sweat trickles down my face as I struggle to maintain composure, knowing that I too would soon meet the same grisly fate. My body trembles with adrenaline and anguish while silent screams echo within me, suffocated by the grim reality that engulfs me. Any semblance of safety now dissipates like mist in the wind, leaving behind only a haunting emptiness that embraces them mercilessly.
I need to get out of that place. Suppressing the urge to gulp, I swallowed my saliva and seized the remaining surge of adrenaline within me. Scanning my surroundings, I swiftly determined the path with the fewest obstacles and sprinted towards it.
I could hear the grunts from those things behind me. Their twisted forms stand out in the moonlit darkness as growls burst through the uncanny silence. With each step, their clawed feet strike the muggy soil, and their insatiable hunger drives them closer to me. My senses are heightened and my breath comes in ragged gasps, echoing my fear and determination. I couldn’t die this way, a colleague gave his life for me to survive. Their shadows danced around me, concealing tricky roots and twisted trunks that threaten to send me onto the ground. My heart pounds relentlessly against my chest, as if it knows I need to outpace the lumbering beasts behind me, I couldn’t or risk becoming their morbid banquet. Every piece of strength is summoned within my frame as I leaps over fallen logs and darts past gnawed carcasses dispersed across the path ahead. 
But just as despair threatened to consume me entirely, a glimpse of hope emerged from the shadows. In an electrifying burst of audacity, Vorik boosted fearless into the dispute. A palpable tension filled the air as he faced off against the abominations, his fists clenched tightly with raw resolve. 
I observed the scene, alternating my attention between my lover and the bizarre creatures. His concentrated gaze hinted at his contemplation of a rescue plan to extricate us from this troublesome situation. With each skillful movement and calculated strike, he danced with danger in a desperate bid to protect what mattered most to him. Beads of sweat dripped down their furrowed brows as time seemed to slow down; every breath held its own weight. 
The abrupt understanding that those things would be the cause of his demise deeply affected me. Despite his superior Vulcan physiology compared to mine, he was unable to resist the ferocity of these monstrous beings. It is unnerving to know that he would sacrifice his life to protect me, much like the brave security officer who met a similar fate.
Perhaps it was the surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins or the overwhelming fear of losing Vorik that obligated me to act with such audacity. In a moment of bitter bravery, I swiftly removed my fleet jacket and threw it towards a tree situated across from our location. Without wasting any time, I tightly grasped Vorik's hand, urging him to run alongside me.
The duration of our run was a mystery to me, as I am unable to recall how long it lasted. However, our sprint came to an abrupt break when my legs finally succumbed to exhaustion, leaving me breathless and drained. Overwhelmed by the suffocating sensation that had plagued me throughout our escape, exhaustion consumed my entire being. Vorik, seemingly aware of my weakened state, swiftly embraced me from behind, providing support as he gently guided me to a seated position on the cold and muddy soil. He was holding me with a tenderness that was unusual for him. His hands gently caressed my temples, as if he was attempting to comfort me.
“How did… How did you find me?”“
“Ashayam, I will always find you”
The soothing sound of his voice provided a momentary recess, yet the constant awareness of the hidden danger on this unfamiliar planet kept my nerves on edge. My gaze darted anxiously in every direction, a sense of fear gripping me. It was only a matter of time before those relentless pursuers would track us down. We had to arrange a strategy to safely return to the ship, ensuring that we could take the dilithium to the Voyager.
“It is of utmost importance that we depart from the planet at the earliest opportunity. Are you able to rise from your current position so that we may locate the remaining members of the away team?”
As I had my realization, my eyes widened just a bit. It dawned on me that while I was busy fretting about escaping from these creatures, I had completely overlooked the fact that they were facing the same perils as I was.
“There is no need to be concerned. We are fully aware of the distress that exist on this planet. It is only natural that you have directed your efforts towards ensuring your own survival.”
Am I that transparent?
“How can we find them? I mean, it seems like this planet isn’t small enough for us to find Harry and Tom.”
“It appears that you failed to observe, Ashayam, that those beings lack the ability to see” He removed his badge and pointed it towards the sky, suggesting that we could use its reflection to indicate our location
I couldn't help but chuckle at his condescending tone, which he seemed to deliver in his own vulcan manner. I gestured with my hands, indicating for him to show us the way to our companions. Hopefully, we could find a way out of that place and make our way back to the ship.
Despite the unexpected tranquility, I made a conscious effort to avoid dwelling on the utter fortune of my survival at this moment. While I have embarked on numerous away missions before, this is the first instance where I genuinely felt my life was in danger, added by the horrifying sight of witnessing merciless creatures whose defeat seemed hopeless.
Attempting to dismiss this thought, I avoid grieving his demise or holding myself responsible; I could accomplish both tasks while remaining secure on the ship.
As I became aware of the unsettling sounds coming from a tree in close proximity, an instinctual response compelled me to prepare myself for a sudden escape. The thought of those alien beings sneaking in the area, ready to launch an assault, sent a chilling sensation down my spine.
Vorik seemed to have observed the shift in my demeanor, as he approached me with a genuine intention to offer solace. Recognizing my need for support, he moved closer, his presence gave off a sense of understanding.
“I believe that the commotion we are hearing is simply a result of our teammates' lack of attentiveness to their surroundings.”
“Although it is difficult for me to admit, your boyfriend is correct, ensign. It’s just us”
A sense of relief washed over me as I let out a deep sigh. In the middle of all the chaos and uncertainty, it was comforting to see that my dear friends were alive and well.
"Paris, it makes me really happy to hear your voice," I expressed, offering a warm smile to both him and Harry. 
"I believe we have adequately prepared ourselves for departure, haven't we?” Vorik said, “I assume the dilithium has already been arranged in the shuttle."
"Hold on a moment. What about the lieutenant who came with us?” Harry interrupted, “Where is he?"
As I released a soft whimper, Harry immediately stepped back, displaying a compassionate gesture. He softly muttered words along the lines of 'I apologize' to express his remorse.
"Let's get out of this place, can we?" Tom said, "I really wish I could take a shower and get some sleep."
The possibility of returning to the ship filled me with a glimmer of hope, knowing that we would soon leave this planet behind.
Upon approaching the shuttle, the sound of a familiar grunt resonated in our surroundings. My heart quickened its pace and my senses heightened, leaving me with the task of determining the origin of these noises.
Even though the fear of suffering the same fate as the other officer was overwhelming, I couldn't let panic consume me and expose my friends to such a horrific fate.
"To ensure our escape," Harry murmured, "we need to find a way to get those aliens out of our way, even if only temporarily."
“I noticed that they tend to fight over food” Tom told us “so if there is just one of us to more of one of those things, maybe we could make them kill each other to buy us time to run”
The four of us didn't have enough time to split up and determine who the things would chase after. Vorik appeared to have come to the same understanding, judging by the way he gazed at me.
My heart was pounding so hard that it felt like I couldn't hear my thoughts. The growls were getting closer and we were running out of time.
Moving closer to Vorik, I tenderly touched his cheeks and planted a kiss on his forehead. It dawned on me that this might be our last meeting.
“I love you, darling”
Without wanting to give him much time to think, I swiftly departed, creating as much noise as I could possibly make.
Those things with their stretched limbs and twisted horns moved with an unnatural swiftness. Their eyes burn with a sickly yellow glow, reflecting their insatiable hunger for flesh.
My adrenaline fueled steps faltered for a moment as I glanced over my shoulder, catching a glimpse of those beings closing in. Their mouths drip with saliva, their jagged teeth scintillating in the fading light. 
Their haunting cries reverberated through the trees, a chilling chorus that drove me forward. I can almost feel their icy breath on her neck, the sound of their crooked claws scraping against the trunks of trees.
With a burst of adrenaline, I spotted a small cavern up ahead. Hope blossoms as I push myself to reach my destination. It was small enough for those things don’t reach me
But those things, relentless in their pursuit, gather near that cave. Their cries fill the air, growing louder. They scratch at trunks, their claws carving deep grooves into the trees. My heart pounds in my chest as I brace for the inevitable confrontation.
The first one thrusted forward with a primal snarl. Its movements are a twisted combination of agility and brutality, fueled by its thirst for flesh. The second wendigo, equally ghastly, meets the attack head-on, its skeletal horns ready to strike.
They circle each other, snarling and growling, their yellowed teeth snapping in an unsettling symphony. The scent of decay and desperation hangs heavy in the air as they vie for dominance.
With an explosive burst of strength, the first thing manages to latch onto the second, sinking its pointed teeth into its opponent's arm. The injured one yelped in pain and fury, retaliating with a vicious swipe of its claws. 
The battle rages on, the beings locked in a gruesome dance of violence and survival. They tear at each other's flesh, chunks of meat falling to the blood stained soil. Their movements are frenetic, a blur of twisted limbs as they relentlessly fight for dominance over.
As the struggle intensifies, the inhuman strength becomes evident. They crash against trees, sending splinters flying, and unleash bone-crushing blows upon one another. Blood mingles with the muddy ground, staining the expanse with shades of crimson, a macabre testament to its ferocious confrontation.
After what feels like an eternity of violence, less injured gain the upper hand. With a final, brutal advance, it delivers a crushing blow to its adversary, sending it to the ground. The victorious one stands tall and lets out a triumphant howl that pierces the silence.
Realizing that, apparently, that the thing would come for me, I did my best to not move. The extent of his pain was likely so severe that he had reached a point where my presence held no significance to him. However, given the terrifying spectacle I had just witnessed, the thought of becoming the next victim was the furthest thing from my desires.
The remaining one seems to settle with the body of the loser, tearing into its torn flesh with fury. The sound of bones cracking fills the air as it indulges in the spoils of its victory, satisfying its ravenous hunger, if only temporarily.
As the feast concludes, the victorious retreats into the darkness, leaving behind a haunting representation of carnage.
As I spotted one silhouette navigating in the treacherous terrain, I got out of the cave. My heart leaps with hope as he silently calls out my name, his voice carried away by the wind.
Vorik held me tightly, his voice filled with love and concern as he reassured her of their safety. He wrapped me in his fleet coat, shielding her from the biting cold
“By Surak. Can you fathom the immense danger that was present in this situation? It is truly alarming to think about the potential harm that could have befallen you.”
His expression was filled with an overwhelming surge of emotions, leaving me with no choice but to gently place his hands on my heart. It was my way of reassuring him that I was alive and in good health.
As they prepare to leave the desolate area, Vorik remains vigilant, knowing that the wendigos still lurk in the shadows. Hand in hand, they navigate the landscape, their steps careful and deliberate. He keeps a watchful eye, ready to shield me from any threat that may arise.
Finally, they emerge from the desolate area, leaving the haunting landscape behind. Seeing Tom and Harry with the shuttle ready to launch, all I could do was sob. Returning to Voyager was a long awaited moment for us, as it could give us the opportunity to confront the profound impact that this planet had on our emotions and inner selves.
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deepspacedukat · 11 months
Just A Taste
I had to look this one up before I could decide what to do with it, so for anyone who doesn’t know what this actually is, here’s the link to the definition on Urban dictionary. Anyway, enjoy this short little oneshot.
Also, I realize I’ve been posting a lot of fics. The brain meat has been very active. 😅
Day 16: Snowballing
SoC prompt list here. SoC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Vorik (ST:VOY) x Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Human/Vulcan sex, sexual fantasy, snowballing, kissing, implied oral sex (male receiving).
It started as an inkling...just a trickle of a thought that crept through a crack in the wall of his restraint. His mate must have been able to sense it through their bond. Surely she had? He hadn’t exactly been subtle when the idea sent him blushing while he sat at his desk.
Vorik tried to stop focusing on it so that he could finish his work, but he just couldn’t seem to remove the image from his mind once it had settled there. Pausing in the middle of writing a report, the Vulcan took a steadying breath. Perhaps if he allowed himself to study the thought thoroughly just once, he would be able to move past it.
Yes, that was the logical solution.
Setting his PADD down and leaning back in his desk chair, Vorik steepled his fingers in front of his mouth and closed his eyes. The familiar image of his wife kneeling in front of him with his lok in her mouth flitted through his mind’s eye. They’d spent many hours with their heads between each other’s legs - admittedly, Vorik had never been so utterly undone as he was when he was intimate with his wife.
This time when he thought of the act, however, something was different. Oh, his mate showed the same affection and dedication to his pleasure that she always did. The same spark of love and passion blazed in her eyes, but with a slightly more devious ulterior motive. In his mind, she moaned around his length, swirling her tongue around his tip and massaging what she couldn’t take in her mouth with her hand.
Vorik bit back a whimper at the memory of the previous night. Her hickeys were still dark and sensitive, much to his delight. He wondered what she’d think of this train of thought...
His mate had allowed him significant leeway when it came to their sexual exploration, and he was relieved to find that they shared an affinity for having him release his seed in her mouth. Oh so obediently, she’d show him her tongue before and after she’d swallowed.
Vorik wondered, though, what her reaction would be if he gripped her jaw instead of allowing her to close it and swallow like she normally did. Would she be surprised if he knelt in front of her and kissed her while her mouth was still full of him? What sounds would she make if he kissed her so thoroughly that the liquid was transferred from her mouth to his? Would she take pleasure in the sensation of such a debauched act?
Vorik believed that he would.
The sound of footsteps exiting their bathroom alerted the Ensign that his mate had completed her evening routine. He glanced up, and tried to at least appear to be in control of his lust.
Judging by the mischievous glint in his lover’s eyes, he surmised that he hadn’t succeeded. Wrapped in only a lacy set of lingerie, Vorik’s mate strode slowly over to his desk before sinking to her knees.
“How much did you hear?” His voice came out gritty and low as greedy Human fingers began sliding up his thighs toward the bulge in his uniform.
“Enough to warrant an experiment. After all, you do want to answer at least some of those questions...don’t you?”
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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embassy-of-fiction · 3 months
Vorik NSFW Headcanons
Here's to the Vulcan engineer that got villainized for no good reason. Feel free to request whoever you would like to see next.
Loves to test the limit of who ever he’s with. He has to know just how far he can go
Adores when his partner is able to leave bruises and bitemarks that sting a couple of days later
Is always willing to try some new kink that his s/o wants to try
While he enjoys getting marked up and leaving marks, he does feel bad if it ends up affecting how his partner is able to do their job
Is likely to try and get you to do something if you two happen to be somewhere on the ship together even if it’s during a work shift
Is more than willing to wear lingerie for himself and for you on any given occasion
If he somehow manages to top you, he’s a very thorough lover. He will use everything he’s learned about your body from you topping to his advantage
He has a habit of putting things in his mouth like various styluses or anything else that’s small and inconspicuous
Is far too willing to suck on your strap-on/cock whenever if you’re willing
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kinkyliterotica · 1 year
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(Image above does not belong to me and I do not claim ownership of it)
Part 1
Ensign Vorik x OC Pon Farr Smut
Summary: Ensign Elisha is a security officer on the USS Voyager. She and Vorik have a casual friendship, but when B’Elanna rejects his advances, it is up to Elisha to satisfy his Pon Farr.
Warnings: Smut, Pon Farr, Interspecies Sex, Rough Sex, Sexual Tension, Creampie, Slight Breeding Kink
Vorik spoke quickly and hurriedly, not at all like a Vulcan or like himself, “B’Elanna, you may wish to reconsider. Your choices for a mate are currently limited to 73 male crew members, some of which are already unavailable.”
What was going on? Elisha stayed back in case she needed to duck out quickly. Maybe this was a bad time.
B’Elanna was becoming more incredulous. “I’ll worry about my choices myself, thank you.”
Vorik jogged up the stairs behind her, dead set on being face to face with her while he spoke.
“I should also remind you, that many humanoid species are unable to withstand Klingon mating practices--”
B’Elanna got up in his face, getting absolutely livid now with his insubordination.
“--Okay, that’s enough--”
Vorik continued despite B’Elanna’s warning.
“Whereas my superior Vulcan strength would make me a very suitable partner.”
On the last word he grabbed her face with his hands and held on tightly as she struggled. B’Elanna was no weakling, the fact that he had a grip on her at all was alarming.
Shit. Elisha dropped her coffee on the step and ascended quickly to intervene. She didn’t know what was happening, but it wasn’t consensual.
Before she could reach the two of them, B’Elanna escaped Vorik’s grasp and slammed her heel into his jaw. She heard the distinct pop of a bone out of place and a massive thud as Vorik’s body hit the floor. By some miracle he was still conscious, rubbing his jawbone looking entirely disoriented.
“Lieutenant!” Elisha called out, “Do you need my assistance?”
B’Elanna was out of breath, looking between Vorik and Elisha confused and terribly riled up.
“Yes, get him the hell out of here and down to sickbay. I’ll...I’ll be right behind you.” She quickly straightened her uniform and let out a heavy breath. She looked around as the entire engineering department had turned their heads to see what all the fuss was about. She moved around Vorik a little fearfully and addressed the crowd downstairs.
“I’ll be dismissing myself to sickbay, continue working on the assignments you were given. Ensign Vorik will be joining me as well.”
Elisha approached Vorik unsure of how to proceed. She had come here to do pretty much exactly the opposite of what she was doing now.
She bend down and held out a hand.
“Are you disoriented? Can you stand?”
Vorik looked up at Elisha completely dazed.
Elisha sighed. “Yes, Vorik. I’m...I’m here to escort you to sickbay. You...need to be examined.”
Vorik looked around as if he was seeing somewhat clearly again. An ounce of composure was present on his face. He nodded.
“Yes, yes of course.”
He grabbed Elisha’s arm and allowed her to pull him to an upright position. He stumbled a little and Elisha grabbed the back of his arm to steady him. He wasn’t stumbling like a drunk, but he wasn’t sober either.
B’Elanna went ahead to sickbay on her own, which wasn’t entirely a surprise. However, that did leave Vorik and Elisha alone on an incredibly awkward journey to sickbay. As she walked him to the holodeck she felt strange waves coming off of him.
He was totally out of whack. Not consistent or stable in any sense of the word. It’s almost like he was hanging onto his sanity by a thread. There was a chaotic mix of anger, sadness, shame, guilt, confusion, and hunger. A deep well of hunger that was left woefully unfulfilled.
He was breathing heavily as the holodeck moved swiftly down. He faltered slightly and Elisha moved to grab him, her breasts accidentally rubbing against the back of his arm and shoulder blades.
Vorik made the smallest noise. It could have been a grunt or a heavy breath, but he definitely reacted.
Vorik’s voice came out low and vaguely threatening.
“Be cautious of how you touch me Ensign. I am not right.”
Elisha’s heart leapt in her chest. It took more courage than she thought it would take to speak.
“Vorik, what’s happened to you?”
“You should not be here, you’re not safe.”
Elisha felt a little stab of wounded pride. She gripped Vorik’s arm tighter.
“I do not fear you Vorik, you remember that well.”
Vorik let out a sigh before he straightened himself. He quietly and ashamedly said, “I can stand, Ensign.”
Elisha didn’t want to let go of Vorik. She could feel his shame radiating out of him. There had to be some explanation for this.
“You’re...not well Vorik. Let me help you.”
“No Ensign, you shouldn’t help me. It was not my intention to do this in front of anyone, especially someone whose respect I wish to keep.”
Elisha considered how to respond.
“You’re not acting like yourself, I won’t judge you as yourself.”
Vorik said, “A logical statement, but also a kind one. One I don’t deserve.”
They rode in silence the rest of the way to sickbay. The Doctor and B’Elanna insisted I stand guard outside the door in case Vorik began acting irrationally again.
Not long after Lieutenant Tuvok approached her, with long urgent strides. They nodded at one another, clearly the both of them knew what was going on inside.
Tuvok addressed Elisha, “Ensign.”
Tuvok looked around unsure what to say.
“I am obligated to ask, were you a witness to the exchange between Lieutenant Torres and Ensign Vorik?”
Elisha straightened up, “Yes Sir.”
“Please describe to me what exactly it was that you saw.”
“Honestly Sir, it was strange. I didn’t see how it started, but I saw how it ended. They were having an argument, and he grabbed the Lieutenant’s face with his hands, tightly enough that she had to break free. She managed to dislodge him and strike him in the face.”
Tuvok nods, “What was the nature of their discussion?”
Elisha looks down at her feet, this was such an uncomfortable conversation, “I can’t make any assumptions, but it sounded like they were talking about the Lieutenant’s mating preferences.”
Tuvok’s eyes belay a hint of apprehension. His lips pull tighter together.
“He was nearly screaming. I’ve never heard a Vulcan sound like that.”
Tuvok’s energy was a mixture of shame and fear. Not nearly as potent as Vorik’s. Tuvok’s emotional control was far superior, developed over decades of careful practice. When he finally spoke he spoke seriously.
“Ensign, I would advise you at this point to return to your duties and put this incident out of your mind.”
He was hiding something. Something about Vorik. She was compelled to dig deeper.
“Sir...what’s going to happen to him?”
“That is not of your concern Ensign, I have given you my suggestion. If you will not respect that then I will make them orders.”
Elisha’s stomach shrunk in her belly. She was much more worried about Vorik than she initially realized. She cared about him, she wanted to make sure he was going to be okay.
Tuvok, as a fellow telepath, could sense how disturbed Elisha was by this order. She cared for him, more than she let on. Perhaps, during this time, this was exactly what Vorik needed.
“Ensign, are you invested in Ensign Vorik’s well being?”
Elisha unsuredly said, “Yes Sir.”
“In this scenario, if Ensign Vorik’s life was in danger, would you do everything in your power to assure that he was kept alive?”
A little more confidently she said, “Of course, Sir.”
Tuvok hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much he should or could reveal to an outsider. Vorik’s options were limited right now, he had little other choice than to resolve his Pon Farr with a member of the crew itself. Elisha was young, consistent, and self-disciplined. She cared for Vorik, and she had the physical and mental fortitude enough to withstand, in his opinion, a potentially dangerous trial for a human body to take on. It was only logical.
“I am not at liberty to discuss something of such a highly personal nature with one of his fellow crew members. However…” He briefly hesitated, “I am quite sure that if you insist with him your readiness to help, he will be receptive.”
Elisha was surprised with Tuvok. He was advocating for his fellow Vulcan, she’s not sure about what. What he said would not have been strange coming from a human, but from a Vulcan this was practically begging her to talk to Vorik and convince him to let her help him. This was serious.
“Thank you, Sir.” She said in disbelief.
“However, you heard nothing of the sort from me.”
“Not a word, Sir.”
The both nodded in understanding. Soon after B’Elanna was escorted out of the sickbay as well as Kae. Lieutenant Tuvok and Torres stepped aside to talk privately while Elisha waited. A few minutes after that, Vorik came through the door as well.
Vorik looked taken aback by Elisha’s presence but composed himself.
“I can escort myself back to my quarters sufficiently.” He ground out.
Elisha shook her head.
“Those aren’t my orders.”
Vorik closes his eyes and tenses his shoulders.
“Very well, lead the way. Though I do insist that you keep your distance.”
“Can I trust you?” Elisha asks sincerely.
“I am not an animal, Elisha” He seemed to be saying that to himself as much ash her, “I am perfectly capable of returning to my quarters without the need for you to get heavy handed.”
Elisha was unconvinced, “All right.”
She walks him to the holodeck in silence. He’s slightly more composed than when she saw him last, and more volatile. His fingers are gripped so tightly that the knuckles are turning pale. She tries to remember that he is sick instead of being incredulous at his rudeness towards her.
He wasn’t giving her an opening, it’s not likely he’s going to share with her what happened in Engineering. She would have to chip away bit by bit before he gave her anything.
“Were you injured when Lieutenant Torres struck you?”
Vorik held his tongue for a moment before speaking, “I suffered from a dislocated jaw, B’Elanna is quite powerful.”
“...Why did you grab her like that?”
“You would not understand.”
“Because I’m not Vulcan? This is a Vulcan thing right?”
“A deeply personal Vulcan matter. One which I do not wish to discuss any further. I would ask that you please respect my wishes and allow me to go back to my quarters to resolve this myself.” He spat.
Elisha knows that it’s now or never as they’re quickly approaching his quarters.
“Is there anything I can do to help, please?”
Vorik turns to look at her, his brows drawn together in conflict. Should he stop her here, or bring her back to his quarters? He knows that once the woman steps through the threshold of his door, all self-control will be gone. Just thinking of Elisha in his arms, in his bed, was driving him mad.
“I know that it’s somewhat illogical,” Elisha continued, “we haven’t known each other for long. But I...need to make sure that I’ve done everything I can.”
She was practically begging for him to take her. Vorik thinks about all the ways that she could help him, on the wall, on the floor, on his bed, in his shower…
Vorik’s arm suddenly shot out and grabbed Elisha by her wrist. His grip was like steel, she couldn’t shake him loose if she wanted to. It wasn’t painful but it was firm.
“Everything? How far are you willing to go Ensign?”
Elisha's eyes opened wide in shock. The sexuality dripping in his voice struck her. She felt herself grow wet. The energy buzzing between them, the desperation of his grip. It thrilled her to her core.
“What do you need, Vorik? Before I agree, I need you to say it.”
Vorik tenses up and releases his hand like her wrist had burned him.
Quietly and reservedly he said, “Leave me.”
“Just tell me!”
“Leave me!”
Elisha grabs his arm and shoves him into his quarters. Being a security officer she was quite strong, manhandling was part of her job description. She hovers her hand over the button that closes it. He stood on the side of darkness, only candles behind him to illuminate him. She stood on the side of the light, the door creating a barrier between them. Whether she would cross it was up to him.
“If you need me, when you need me, call me. I’m not as weak as you think I am.”
Before Vorik can respond she says, “You’re confined to quarters until further notice.”
She presses the button and the door seal shut with a whoosh. She runs her hand through her hair and sighs. She needs to go to the gym to burn off some of this excess energy. As soon as she updates Security of Vorik’s status.
Vorik had spent hours in his quarters diving deep into his mind. He was the beach, and a storm was battering his shore.
His body was alive with electricity. His skin is sensitive to the touch of the air and the fibers in his clothes. He hadn’t eaten or slept in 3 days, he suspected that he did not have more than 4 days before he would no longer be able to maintain his standard bodily functions.
He knew that this was coming, he had felt the first pull of his logic weeks ago. Early signs of discomfort and discontent within him. He became more aware of his female crew members, B’Elanna especially. He knew that Tom Paris shared affection for her as well, being that she had rejected him he had hoped that she would see his own suitability as a mate. He hadn’t planned on proposing such an arrangement to her for some time, but the time came, and he could not control himself.
He had hoped that it would not be this. Of all times for his first Pon Farr to come, it had to be now, while he was trapped, lightyears away from his home, away from his kind. He was already breaking tradition just by initiating a Vulcan practice with an outsider. He did not have strong opinions about the subject of interplanetary relations, when your options are limited you’re forced to overcome potential obstacles.
He noticed that as often as B’Elanna was in his mind, Elisha was there also. He had not spent nearly the amount of time with Elisha as he had with his Lieutenant, but all the same it was true they had a connection. It was subtle but all the same sincere. He...enjoyed the time they spent together on the holodeck. The reality of being a starship crewman prevented them from developing that bond, but he had recalled it quite often. The potential of a connection that could be deeper.
With the use of his logic, he would respect and appreciate Elisha’s concern for his well being. Now that he was without it, his feelings towards her were purely carnal. He wanted her. He wanted every inch of her. On his body, in his mind, all of her swallowed up the great storm that he had become.
He feared himself, he feared that he would scare her, that he would harm her, that he would break her. He wanted her, but he needed B’Elanna. It was only logical. She was half-Klingon. She could safely take on the physically rigorous burden that was ahead of him. That is if he was able to secure a mate at all.
Sweat dripped onto his hands as he meditated. The fever was beginning, he would soon lose his reason completely. He needed to act now while he still could.
He was disrupted from his meditation by the ringing of someone at his door. He had no assumptions of who it was, all he felt was anger at being interrupted.
“Go away.”
The door whoosed open behind him. Great anger rose in him and he spun around to shout with complete rage, “I said...go away!”
When he opened his eyes to see that it was Lieutenant Tuvok standing before him. The backlight behind him hurt Vorik’s eyes.
He felt a wave of nauseating shame, “I’m sorry Sir…”
“No, I must apologize for the intrusion, particularly at this time.” His voice was heavy with implication.
“So you know.”
“The resolution must be that we become mates. It is only logical!”
B’Elanna needed him, and he needed her.
Tuvok gently reminds him, “Lieutenant Torres has never been a great follower of logic.”
Vorik grits his teeth, “You think she’ll reject me again?” He could not suffer a second humiliation at her expense, particularly now.
Tuvok spoke slowly, “It might be wise, to continue your meditative efforts.”
Vorik let out a long heavy breath. Despite their mutual need, he doubted that given the circumstances, he would be able to win back B’Elanna’s affection after his last slight. Despite their bond she was strong willed, and not easily persuaded.
Defeated and tired, he said, “I’ll do my best, Sir.”
Tuvok did not make any indication that he was leaving.
“Was there something else Sir?” He grit out. If meditation was all that he could do he wanted to be left to it.
“It is not my place to involve myself in your personal matters. I too, have been through this exact trial you are faced with, at this point, many times over.”
Tuvok relaxed his posture.
“However, I have observed Ensign Elisha’s concern for you myself. In my personal opinion she is an exemplary crew member aboard this ship, and a trustworthy individual. Given her apparent affection towards you, and her respect for secrecy, I believe that she would make a superior choice to Lieutenant Torres.”
Vorik’s frustration cannot contain itself.
“She is a human Sir. The complications of relations between our races are not lost on me. Though Ensign Elisha is strong willed she lacks the physical strength to withstand--”
“Ensign Elisha is more than capable where her physical strength is concerned.”
“--regardless we do not share a bond, as B’Elanna and I do. She would be the logical choice.”
Tuvok looked towards Vorik paternally.
“I would advise that with your options being as limited as they are, choosing someone willing as opposed to someone who is not, would be the more logical endeavor.”
Tuvok turns to make his leave.
“I will speak no more of this, Ensign. Choose how you will. You do not have much time.”
As Tuvok left, Vorik’s rage took on a new face. He roared and hurled his sofa off of the floor onto its back. He took a decorative statue that held no sentimental value and smashed it into the far wall. He tore his tunic off and placed his head in his hands as he wept.
How had he been so foolish? Why had he forced a bond with B’Elanna? He ruined everything. He would be lucky if he was ever allowed to speak to her again, much less gain her affection.
Elisha...he hadn’t known her long. He knew she was intelligent, clever, capable, but not much else. She was a telepath, like him. They shared common interests. Common friends even.
She had expressed interest in helping him. Despite her naivete, he had capitalized on it quickly. As soon as she submitted herself to him in the smallest way, he needed to touch her. He needed her to know his power, his drive, his fear. He wanted to bond with her.
However she didn’t really know what she was offering. She didn’t know what would be required of her. The sacrifice, the great trial she would have to overcome. There would be blood. It would last for days without end. Things would never be the same again, once that bond is made in body and mind there is no going back.
If she rejected him as well, he didn’t know if he could cope. These women had the power to unknowingly subject him to death. How could he not fear their rejection?
Regardless of that fear, it was logical to pursue all available options until he had none left. A rejection would mean little if he was dead in less than a week. He had to try.
He pulled himself off of the floor and walked towards the comms unit by the door.
“Ensign Vorik for...Ensign Elisha.”
30 seconds passed before she responded, she sounded out of breath.
“Yes Vorik?”
Hearing her voice twisted his stomach. His need for her was a physical pain in his lok.
“Would you kindly meet me at my quarters?” He grit out, his jaw tense.
She was silent for a long moment.
“Tell me what’s going to happen when I get there, Vorik. I deserve that much.”
He shut his eyes tight and hung his head. All of his pride was gone and all that was left was to beg for relief from this pain.
He leaned in close to the comms until his forehead touched the wall. He closed his eyes as he let his guard down enough to be honest. If there was a time for honesty, it was now.
“I need you.” He quietly begged.
“My body or my mind?” She inquired.
He gnashed his teeth as he admitted, “Both.”
He heard her sigh over the comms.
“How soon? For how long?”
“Soon, and possibly, for several days.”
Vorik waited anxiously for her to make her decision. The sweat was reaching his brow but he did not open his eyes or wipe it away. She held his life in her hands.
“This is not something to be taken lightly, Ensign. This much I will warn you. However, I will not force you.”
Still she was silent.
“Give me...an hour to get my affairs in order. I’ll meet you there.”
Vorik’s eyes opened wide in shock. She hadn’t rejected him. His heart beat out of his chest and a relief washed over him. He would have his woman, she would soon be his.
“Thank you, Elisha.” His voice trembled but he didn’t care.
His whole body was shaking. He couldn’t believe she had answered his call. She knew no reason and only risk and she agreed anyway.
He would have to prepare. He had one hour. He looked at the disarray he had created in his quarters. He quickly and recklessly righted his furniture. He picked up the broken pieces of his shattered vase and threw them in the receptacle. He moved the furniture against the wall. He wanted to minimize damage to his living space as much as possible.
This was his first Pon Farr but based on how he was feeling now, he knew that his body was capable of great destruction. It was an instinct, he held no hesitation or nervousness about how they would mate. His body knew that it needed it, and soon she would too. She would become a vessel for his need.
His lok ached inside of his trousers. He moaned and grabbed his throbbing member through them and took a deep breath. He wanted to run through these halls, tear down her door, and have her right there on the floor. Like an animal, stalking his prey to its hiding place and taking what he needed from her sopping wet cunt…
He was drenched in sweat. She couldn’t see him like this.
He removed his clothes and put them in the laundry receptacle before stepping into the sonic shower. He cleaned himself roughly and thoroughly. His skin was on fire. He tended to his personal hygiene and changed into a simple but traditional Vulcan piece of clothing. The robe covered his bare feet and would be easy to remove when he needed to.
When he was finished he sat by his meditation shrine and focused for what felt like ages on belaying his need until Elisha arrived. Only then was he struck with the fear that she would change her mind, that she would leave once his waters had just begun to be cooled. How could he reassure her?
The door chimed and he whipped his head around to face it. He got to his feet quickly and composed himself enough to say,
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starmended · 7 months
Masterlist,, Masterpost
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ⓘ a place among the stars (series)
spock x nonhuman!female!reader
summary: on their 1460th day in deep space, the enterprise encounters a strange and mysterious rift in space, unbeknownst to them, the imminent danger that would arise would cause them to leave their galaxy with no way back.
Series coming soon….
ⓘ Bliss
spock x betazoid!female!reader
summary: while the enterprise deals with a potentially dangerous anomaly, spock becomes incapacitated (alongside most of the crew) and begins to relive his past, specifically when he met his dead partner. but as he neared the death he choose to suppress deep inside his memories, he awakens and things become very complicated.
Series coming VERY soon….
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ⓘ my beloved, data
data x human!fem!reader
summary: no summary yet, this is just an idea !!
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ⓘ canon of proportion
vorik x romulan!female!reader
summary: the lost starship voyager discovers a romulan ship with only one life form. the romulan had been sentenced to death but managed to escape. the voyager crew is initially wary of her because of her romulan background, but she assures them that she is no longer affiliated with the romulan empire and wants to join the federation. due to her expertise in science and technology, she is assigned to the engineering department, where she gains the trust of the crew. vorik, however, remains skeptical of her, which would lead to a strong connection between them.……
a request, possibly a two or three part series.
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James T. Kirk
no requests sent just yet, feel free to do so though !!
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ill add more later on…
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The Date (part two)
Part one
Strong hands glided elegantly over computer controls as Vorik returned to his Station. The young Vulcan was on break, and was planning on joining the others in the mess hall as he had not eaten yet, however determined as he was he decided to work out a view details before he ended his shift. Typical Vulcan perfectionism, as some of his co-workers liked to say.
After a view minutes, he put down his tricorder and sighed. Finally satisfied with his work, he gave a quick look around, checking how many people were currently in engineering. And he found himself seeking the face of a certain fellow ensign he saw yesterday.
Ensign (L/n)
You were not very close, in fact Vorik barely knew you. Only really interacting with you while in engineering, and even then you didn't interact much. Not surprising, he thought, given your shy nature. He'd overheard the other crew members talking about it on occasion, mentioning how irritating your nervousness and constant fidgeting was to them, whilst others expressed their concern at your scarce social life. And while Vorik tended not to get involved with the personal life of his fellow crew members, he had to admit- he was curious about your strange behavior as well. Especially your behavior toward him.
For it wasn't uncommon to find you looking at him from across the room, just to immediately avoid your gaze once he took notice. In fact, it seemed like you were trying to avoid him all together. Whenever you had to work together, or he was attempting to discuss something with you, you always kept your answers short, walking away quickly once he released you, so to speak.
And maybe, had you been Vulcan, Vorik wouldn't have batted an eye. But since you were not, he found himself wondering if maybe he had done something to warrant your strange behavior toward him. Perhaps, he thought, he should ask you about it. See if there was any way to make you feel more comfortable working with him.
His thoughts interrupted by the low growl of his empty stomach, the ensign  made his way over to the turbolift, leaving someone else to take his station.
The volume in the mess hall was low today. It had been like this the entire week, as well as the week before. Like most vulcans, Vorik appreciated the quiet, though unfortunately it came with a rather unwelcome side effect.
The lack of laughter and loud chatter made it much harder to forget the growing loneliness that came from being stranded away from home. Perhaps the conversation with you might make the silence a little more bearable, he thought.
Stepping further into the room, Vorik's eyes automatically scanned for your (h/c) hair, finding you almost instantly. You were sitting alone on a table in the far right corner, your gaze fixated on the stars as you held onto the cup in your hands. You looked sad. Perhaps you were lonely as well, he wondered as he made his way over to you.
"Good day, Ensign. May I sit with you?" he asked, noticing how your semi-relaxed body immediately stiffened up once you noticed him.
"I- well, y-yeah. Of course." You nodded, gesturing to the seat across from you. He took it, putting his hands on the table in front of him.
He eyed you for a bit. The other crew members seemed to be correct in saying that you fidgeted a lot. As you immediately started shifting in your seat, hands playing with the fabric of your yellow uniform sleeves. He also noticed that there was no food tray in front of you.
"Are you not hungry?" he tilted his head.
"Wha- oh. Yeah, no, not really." you hesitated for a moment "You?"
"Perhaps later." he nodded, thinking carefully about what he was gonna say next.
"Ensign, may I ask you a personal question?"
"Of course." You said gently, eyes wandering over his features, a look of worry on your face.
"Do you find it difficult to work with me?"
He watched as your eyes widened at the question, a blush now evident on your cheeks. He was not sure how to take your expression.
"Not at all!" you exclaimed, quieting down once you saw other people looking at you "In fact I believe you're amazing at your work, a-and at working with others. You have always been a great help to me, anyways. And I believe if you asked other members of the crew they would tell you the same th-"
"I was referring to you specifically." he gently cut you off. "I have come to notice your growing nervousness whenever I am near you. The way you play with your uniform and how you seem to be avoiding direct eye contact, all indications that you're not comfortable around me."
Vorik watched as you pressed your lips together and stared down at your lap, looking like a scolded child. It was cute, he thought.
"Is...my assumption incorrect?" he quired after he didn't receive an answer.
You looked back at him, contemplating your answer, before you sighed and looked away again.
"Not... entirely"
"I don't have anything against you, I-I actually...quite like you" you coughed, causing Vorik to raise an eyebrow.
"I suppose it's...because of that, that I get so nervous around you. Y-you know, being around someone you look up to and all that" you admitted, looking embarrassed, your face now a darker shade of red "I... apologize if I somehow made working with me difficult for you"
He was quiet for a moment.
Aside from your social struggles, your performance had been short of excellent, never coming too late or missing a shift and volunteering for work that no one else wanted to do. You were almost irreplaceable when it came to engineering. It made him wonder why you of all people would look up to him, considering that you were the same rank and you were easily as good as him, if not better.
"On the contrary. I enjoy working with you and find your precision and your ability to focus on the things at hand to be quite admirable, even refreshing." he watched as your face seemed to light up, a small smile tugging on the corners of your mouth.
"I'm glad to hear that." you gave him a genuine smile, before taking another sip of whatever you were drinking. Vorik watched you, eyes taking in your features like he'd never seen them before. He still had not eaten yet, however food didn't seem to cross his mind in this moment. He cleared his throat as you saw him staring.
"Perhaps, if we had the chance to get to know each other better you would not be as...nervous around me anymore. My quarters, 0600 hours?" he raised his eyebrows, already half expecting you to decline his offer, yet still hopeful that you wouldn't.
You blinked a few times, before looking at him with wide eyes. "I- yes, gladly" you stuttered. Surprised, but pleased by your answer, Vorik nodded and stood up. He left the mess hall, making his way to his quarters, something of a smile dangerously close to appearing on his face.
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reading a Vorik x reader fic because why not. When out of no where they just kill him.
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candy-ship · 3 years
Ok ok so I'm in love with vorik from star Trek rn and this blog is just my absolute outlet soooo skdgisvshs let's get this bread
Imagine vorik being in love with you
Okay so waking up like, a bunch of years in the future can be crazy, but being woken up in the future by ALIENS was even crazier
When they told you you had been in cryosleep for who knows how long, they assigned you to a sort of "buddy" system to have someone informed give you the run down on your new version of the present
This leads us to our favorite Vulcan. He'd volunteered in hopes of studying a human from your time, while feeding you bits and pieces of the new world. He was curious although he wouldn't admit it.
You are. Not meant to be around a group of scientists to say the least.
"What's that? " "please don't touch that. " "okay. But what IS it?? " "I must admire your curiosity, y/n "
You have no idea of Vulcan etiquette.
Would probably grab his hands or brush yours with his without a second thought while your peers look at you flabbergasted but say nothing
"Y/n, please respect my space. " "oh sure, sorry! Just wanted to look at your veins, are they green?? " "Vulcan blood is green, yes. " "Cool! "
If youre like me, you wouldn't pick up on the hand thing and just think he means in general, and probably brush his hands or fingers when handing him what he asks for a few times.
His face would dust green, but this time he might not say anything.
You tell him stories from the past and he listens very well, along with being patient while you share your unimportant, random, illogical thoughts.
Eventually gets use to being called "Vulcan buddy" by you when referencing him to crew members
"I could give you a better haircut you know, I mean, I.... Could PROBABLY give you a better haircut." "I believe my hair is satisfactory. " "hmm... Yeah, you know what, it suits you, you square! Haha just kidding,but I do really think it works for you! Very handsome ,young man" "...... Young man? "
"I'm like, older than everybody right? Since I was asleep for like 1000 years? Reminds me of this game I played once-" "there is no way you are older than me, y/n." "WHAT IF I'M THE OLDEST ON THE SHIP?? " "Seems extremely unlikely"
When you start getting along with other crew members there's a noticable shift in his demeanor. He asks you about your day when he sees you, and asks about what you've learned. You tell him all of it, but express how you miss hanging around with him all the time. He seems pleased but says nothing.
Eventually he tells you of the Vulcans mind melding abilities. Big mistake.
"DO ME DO ME! WHAT FOOD AM I THINKING ABOUT?? " "This isn't exactly how this works, but if youd allow me-"
He puts his hand out in a silent gesture as you close your eyes and try to contain your excitement, smiling happily. Man you loved alien magic.
Man hes close. He smells nice lol
"Spaghetti. A human favorite. And.... Thank you. "
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod that's embarrassing hahahhahah
"Do you want to like, get some? With me I mean. For like, dinner?"
You SWEAR you can see a smile under that collected demeanor
"I'd be delighted, y/n"
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Feelings - Vorik X Reader
A/N: For a lovely Anon, this was really fun to write; a character I definitely didn’t expect, but I’m very happy I did! I hope you enjoy, as do I all of you, too! Thanks for reading! Hugs :) x
it’s not very short as I do not know how to shut up, I very much apologise omg
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Life on Voyager, despite being stuck in the Delta quadrant, never was boring. Every day seemed to have some mishap or hostile alien species ready to attack. Truly, never a dull day. Engineering was always full of life, and it was by far the best division to be in. You worked under B'Elanna for most of it, and made some very good friends. Amongst them, you took to a quiet Vulcan, Vorik.
At first, he seemed very standoffish, but you hadn't taken it personally, as you knew that was how Vulcans were. Through steely determination, however, the ensign had begun to talk to you more and more, and eventually, he became someone you could call a friend. Over time, the feelings of friendship began to dwindle, and you felt them being replaced by stronger feelings.
Your attempts to get him to hang out with you were futile in the beginning, and he always denied it. Your determination was the only thing that stopped you getting frustrated; you were adamant you could get him to spend an evening with you, and eventually, you found success.
"Hey, are you busy tonight?" you spoke, voice happy and bright as always. Vorik nodded his head in greeting towards you.
"I am not, no. Why do you ask, Y/N? Do you wish to partake in a meeting tonight?" His voice was flat, though had a tone of curiosity at your question broke through.
"If you would. We could grab some food, or visit the holodeck, anything you would like, really. I just thought it might be nice to relax after this week."
He stared at you for a few moments. Rare it was for him to be invited anywhere, let alone have someone be so persistent with him. It peaked his interest, and so he accepted.
"That would be nice, Y/N. I will see you tonight."
As he walked off, your heart fluttered. Vorik had said yes? Yes? You were now excited for the evening to roll around. When it did, you were ready, and as prompt as you would expect, Vorik had arrived at your quarters. The door opened, and Vorik stood, as handsome as ever, and offered a greeting to you.
"Good evening, Y/N, I trust your day was well."
"It was, thank you. Please, come in."
The evening was filled with conversation, Vorik opening up more and more as the night went on. To your surprise, he was a conversationalist and had a lot of stories to tell, from his time on Vulcan exploring the Osana Caverns to the tales of his time at the academy. You, in turn, shared your own experiences with him. Over the course of the night, you found yourself coming to one stark realisation; you loved Vorik. Your mind wandered.
The first time you saw him, you were drawn to him; he was very handsome. Though, upon speaking to him, it became clear he was a quiet man. Rude he may have seemed to anyone who was unfamiliar with Vulcans and their culture, but not to you. You knew of the Vulcans confined nature, and that was when your goal of having him open up came into play. You remembered the first time you made him smile, a genuine smile, and the first time you heard his laugh. He would deny it, but he had the sweetest laugh. The times you shared in the mess hall, conversing and debating over drinks, and the times you shared on shift, arguing over test results. Each of those moments ran through your head as you confirmed what you had known for a while. Love.
You knew Vorik wouldn't return the feeling, but you decided to tell him anyway, needing to get it off your chest. Even if he rejected you, you could live with it, you just needed to tell him.
"Vorik, I have something I'd like to say." He nodded, a silent gesture to allow you to continue. "I may possibly have developed feelings for you, and uh- well, I.." you trailed off, unsure of how to continue. "Oh, well, it- it's nonsense isn't it, it-"
"It is perfectly logical, Y/N." Vorik cut you off, his expression suggesting you were rambling once again. He'd never admit it, but he found it amusing when you went off on a tangent, often giving himself leeway for a chuckle. Bringing his mind back to the present situation, he continued. "I have been aware of these feelings, as I too have been experiencing them in regards to you. I have for a while, though I was not sure of how to approach you about them. It is an unusual experience, but I am glad I can share this with you."
You sat there and just looked at him. Vorik felt the same connection you did. As a rule, Vulcans didn't tend to stray into emotions, and yet, here he was, expressing his own admiration of you. Your heart did leaps, and you placed a hand on his forearm, which was resting on the table, careful not to overstep the boundary of touching his hand. Vorik moved his own arm, and took your hand in his lightly. You looked at him with love in your eyes, and found the same staring back. The silence that surrounded you both was comfortable, and a wave of happiness and contentment overcame you. Smiling, you mind wandered to the future.
This was the last place you would expect to be, but the only place you ever wanted to be.
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ensignsimp · 4 months
Jealous VOY Vorik HCs:
A/N: He's so cute when he's angry. Some inspo taken from this post: POST from @spocks-husband
Prompt: Jealous Vorik
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Vorik is (naturally) a young arrogant and naive Vulcan.
He doesn't understand the complexities of human friendships and relationships.
That's why when he sees you acting so causally with your affections towards your friends, he gets overwhelmingly jealous.
He gives anyone you show affection to a cold icy death stare.
Vulcans are naturally jealous and overprotective of their bondmates.
He comes up behind you and hugs you when he feels jealous.
When you innocently ask him what's wrong he just shakes his head and presses a kiss on the top of your head.
He feels reassured through your bond but that doesn't help him when it comes to comparing himself to others.
He worries that he isn't taking care of your emotional needs, that you find more comfort in the arms of others than in his.
When Paris starts flirting with you it really bruises his ego.
He starts to get more agitated and constantly feels the need to keep you safe.
He secretly fears you'll leave him for someone else.
One day while in the Mess Hall, you are eating when Tom comes up to you.
"Hey, if you ever get bored of hanging out with him," Jabbing his thumb at Vorik. "You should join me and Harry in the holodeck tonight."
Vorik nearly flipped the table as he reached across to grab at Tom's throat.
He was almost feral hissing and spitting like a pissed-off wet cat.
You and B'lanna have to drag the two of them apart.
After you pull Vorik to your quarters you find out why he's been acting so strange.
He's been unable to meditate due to the extra workload in Engineering. This amplifies his already fried nerves.
You'll stroke his hair to calm him down and press little kisses to his temples.
He flips you and pins you to the bed.
He starts to nuzzle your face with his.
His breath tickles your ear and you can hear him whispering things.
"T'nash-veh katelau, ashau, t'nash-veh ritsuri-wuh-set'ko." (*My mate, love, my obsession.)
You decide it's best to just let it get out of his system.
After a while, you can hear him purring.
It takes everything in you not to record it.
You feel him relax his grip and fall into your embrace.
You'll make sure he does his meditation in the morning.
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tagthetrekkie · 4 months
Guess what is coming?
Vorik x reader + space horror + comfort
No one asked, but I’ll deliver
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deepspacedukat · 2 years
While requests are still open, can I ask for some good boy Vorik fluff? Maybe he's been attempting to make his affections for the reader known for a while, and she's caught on, but someone else flirts with her in front of him? Jelly boy? 👀
Of course you can, Nonny. Gotta love the fluffy Vulcan disaster mans! 💚 I made Ensign Tabor (a Bajoran crew member) the other guy. I hope this is along the lines of what you wanted, Nonny!
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Overt Interest
Vorik (ST:VOY) x Reader
[A/N: This is just fluff, because Vorik.]
Warnings: Jealousy, competitive Vorik, fluff, first kisses, Vulcan kisses, and Vulcan flirting.
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“Ensign?” Looking up from my console, a small smile spread across my lips when I recognized Vorik. “If this is not an inconvenient time, may I speak with you?”
“Of course, Vorik. I always have time for you.” I set down my data PADD and gave him my full attention. “What’s on your mind?”
“I was wondering if you were going to be attending Mister Neelix’s luau tonight?” He looked at me expectantly, and I floundered quietly under the gaze of his beautiful, dark eyes.
“I...well, I haven’t decided yet,” I muttered feeling my cheeks heat up. “What about you? Are you going?”
“Yes. May I ask if there is a specific reason that you are hesitant about making a decision?” Well, I couldn’t tell him that it was because I was scared of making an idiot of myself in front of him in such a public place.
“I don’t really know.” At my quiet excuse, Vorik stepped a little closer and placed his hand lightly on my elbow.
“If you do end up attending, then Neelix’s party will be rendered more pleasant by your presence.” Leaving me stunned, Vorik gave me a small nod and went back to his station. Well...if a handsome, flirtatious Vulcan wanted me to show up, who was I to stay home?
Later that night, I used a few of the replicator rations I’d been saving up to make myself a tasteful dress adorned with Hawaiian flowers. Would Vorik think I was illogical for wearing something so frivolous? I hoped not. After all, he was the only reason I was going in the first place.
When I finally arrived at the holodeck doors, I took a deep breath before stepping inside. People were milling around in leis and tropical attire, sipping fruity beverages and enjoying themselves. I smiled at a few of my crewmates and made my way deeper into the throng of people, hoping to see that familiar combination of pointed ears and dark, fluffy hair that gave me a reason to come here tonight.
Neelix gave me a cheerful little greeting before hurrying off to mingle with more new arrivals. I snagged a drink from a passing waiter and walked over to the edge of the holographic water. Tuning out the tropical music behind me, I took a slow, deep breath and sipped my drink.
There you were. You had come after all! Vorik straightened up and walked over to where you stood sipping a Rekarri starburst.
“It appears my observation in Engineering was accurate,” Vorik called when he was a few feet away from you. As you turned to face him, he noted the confusion on your face and clarified his meaning. “Though you have only just arrived, this gathering is already much more agreeable than it was.”
The shy smile you gave him as you tucked a bit of your hair behind your ear made Vorik’s heart beat faster. He hoped that tonight would be the night that you finally realized how interested he was in you. Vorik had been attempting to make his intentions known for nearly a year. Undoubtedly he’d been too subtle. Tonight he would endeavor to be more overt.
“Well, thank you. That’s very kind of you.” Vorik heard a slight tremble in your voice as you spoke. For a long moment, you paused and let your eyes rove the length of his body. He stood slightly straighter, wanting to present himself in the best light possible. After all, if he wanted you to consider him as a prospective mate, then he needed to make sure he was worthy of a woman like you. “Forgive me for staring. I’ve never seen you in anything but your uniform before.”
“I admit, I have never worn this style of garment before. Given your experience with human apparel, have I chosen the color scheme correctly?” Vorik valued your opinion on the subject - on all subjects if he was being completely honest.
He watched as you took a careful step toward him. As you skimmed your fingertips over the soft fabric covering his chest, his breath hitched in his chest. Did you have any idea what hands meant to Vulcans? Suddenly, his choice not to leave the first couple of buttons on his shirt undone seemed like the worst decision he’d ever made.
“I believe so, Ensign,” you replied looking up into his eyes. Your gaze was decidedly softer than normal...more open. Or was that just an illogical case of wishful thinking on his part? Vorik covered your hand with his where it still rested on his chest, allowing himself a brief pause to mentally acknowledge how much smaller your hand was in comparison to his own. Protectiveness roared in the back of his mind as he took a steadying breath. It was now or never, as Lieutenant Paris had stated that an old Earth saying went.
“Ensign... Ashayam, I–”
“There you are!” An overly exuberant voice called, startling both Vorik and you out of the gentle spell that had previously blanketed you both. With reluctance strong enough for Vorik to feel via his touch telepathy, you tore your eyes from his to see Ensign Tabor bounding over. Vorik felt a stab of irritation that he quickly tamped down. He had observed Tabor trying to flirt with you for approximately three weeks, but the Bajoran couldn’t seem to grasp the idea that you weren’t interested in him. Why had he chosen now to interrupt Vorik’s attempt to make his own feelings known? “I saved you a seat on upper level of the bar. We can see the whole bay from the balcony.”
“I...That’s kind of you, but I, uh–”
“C’mon, gorgeous, you’ll love it,” Tabor said putting his hand on your shoulder and trying to coax you away from Vorik’s side. Jealousy surged through him. Could Tabor not see that your hands were touching his - that the other man was unwelcome during this intimate moment? What right did he have to touch you when you had made it abundantly clear that you had no desire to be the Bajoran’s mate? The respectful thing to do would have been to wait for you to touch him as Vorik had. Instead, he could feel how uncomfortable you were even without the use of touch telepathy.
“Tabor, listen, that’s... that’s really sweet of you to have gone to all that trouble, but I...” As you trailed off searching for a polite way to turn him down, Vorik refused to watch you suffer through this unpleasant interaction any longer, so he reached up and removed the other man’s hand from your shoulder as he spoke.
“Since you are obviously unaware, she is height averse. Such a vista would undoubtedly be unsettling,” Vorik stated, noting the hard edge that had entered his voice. He would need to meditate more deeply tonight after this interaction, since his emotions were clearly closer to the surface than usual - an increasingly common occurrence when it came to you.
“How do you know that?” Your voice came out small and slightly awed as Vorik’s free hand spread out in the middle of your back. He met your eyes in an attempt to convey how seriously he took all of your interactions with him.
“You mentioned it ten days ago in Engineering at approximately fifteen-thirty hours. We were discussing a new rock climbing program designed by Lieutenant Paris while we realigned the warp field stabilizers,” he explained, and given how stunned you appeared about him remembering a single fact about you, it was obvious that this was not a common occurrence for you.
“You remembered that?” Unable to determine the source of your surprise, he gently allowed his mind to reach out and brush against yours. He sensed how moved you were by the simple fact that he had remembered something you said to him, and the rather alarming thought occurred to him that you may not have had anyone listen to your words so fervently before. That would change. Never again would your words fall on deaf ears. Not if Vorik could help it. Even if nobody else in the universe listened to you, he would.
He could remember every syllable you’d said to him since the day you two met on your first shift together in Engineering. The ship wasn’t stuck in the Delta Quadrant back then, but even at that point, Vorik had been aware enough to realize that you held more attraction for him than the prospective mate who had been promised to him - tied to him - since childhood. She would have moved on by now. Voyager would have long since been proclaimed lost and her crew dead. A small part of him was grateful for that turn of events, because now he was free to do what his heart told him it was logical to do: to pursue your affections.
“Naturally, Ashayam. I always listen to you,” Vorik answered. As if Tabor were no longer there, he looked into your eyes hoping that he conveyed his sincerity properly. “I took the liberty of reserving a table for two on the veranda overlooking the rocky side of the shore.”
“That’s my favorite place in this program.” You still sounded surprised.
“That is precisely why I reserved it,” Vorik explained, and you looked at him as if he’d done something miraculous. At some point, the Bajoran had given up and left, but neither of you noticed.
Removing his hands from you for a brief moment, Vorik lifted one of the two leis he was currently wearing and draped it carefully over your neck. If his research of human culture and customs had been accurate about the significance of flowers and their colors, then the blue of the petals symbolized serenity and peace - two traits that Vulcans held in high regard and which you inspired in Vorik in abundance. With the white flowers in his own lei, he hoped to convey his commitment to you and his fidelity should you choose to indulge in his attentions.
Once the little garland adorned you, Vorik offered you his arm - an unusual gesture for a Vulcan - which you didn’t hesitate to accept. Allowing a completely logical glimmer of pride to show through his habitually icy exterior, he walked you over to the table that he’d obtained for the two of you. Taking your seats, you observed each other in silence attempting to ascertain how the other felt.
“The clothing you have selected for this evening’s festivities complements your beauty to perfection,” Vorik finally stated as a slight green blush colored his cheeks. “I...had not believed that you would come tonight.”
“Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself. If I may ask, though, if you didn’t think I’d be here tonight, then why did you go to all this trouble? Please don’t misunderstand - I’m grateful that you did. It just...doesn’t seem very logical to me.” You were correct of course. Vorik reached quietly across the table and placed his hands over yours.
“It was not a logical decision. I may not have believed that you would attend, but...admittedly, I did hope that you would prove me incorrect. I am pleased to see that I was,” he explained, and a secret bolt of delight filtered through him at the shy smile you gave him. Turning your hands palm up beneath his, you made Vorik’s heart thump faster. “Ashayam, I am aware that human courting can last for quite some time before resulting in marriage, so I had hoped to inquire whether you would be interested in engaging in an activity that I believe humans call ‘dating’ with me? I believe that would allow you sufficient time to get to know one another prior to potential bonding.”
Surprise flitted across your features, and for one brief instant Vorik thought that perhaps he’d come across as too direct. What he didn’t expect was for you to lift one of his hands and trace his first two fingers with your own. His breath hitched in his throat at how slow and intentional your movements were. You knew what you were doing. You knew how to kiss a Vulcan.
“Yes, Vorik. I’d like that,” you murmured, and it occurred to him that you might have known how he felt all along. That possibility became a logical certainty when you brought his hand to your lips and spoke quietly. “I thought you’d never ask.”
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embassy-of-fiction · 3 months
Intro Post
Hello~! The name’s Ace or J. This blog is going to be for my attempts at writing headcanons or other x reader things. My main account is random-anime-freak. You can find all sorts of other types of fics over there that may also be up your alley.
Characters I Write For:
Star Trek:
TOS Spock TOS Sarek TNG/DS9 Worf TNG Data TNG Lore TNG Taurik DS9 Damar DS9 Dukat DS9 Garak DS9 Weyoun DS9 Keevan VOY Tuvok VOY Vorik SNW Christopher Pike SNW Spock SNW Hemmer
Katekyou Hitman Reborn:
20 Year Later Lambo Xanxus Dino Shoichi Squalo
Hazbin Hotel:
Lucifer Alastor Adam
Things I Will Write:
Things I Won’t Write:
Anything with children in a non-sfw setting
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kinkyliterotica · 1 year
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(Image does not belong to me and I don’t claim ownership of it)
Part 2
Ensign Vorik x OC Pon Farr Smut
Summary: Ensign Elisha has come to resolve Vorik’s Pon Farr. With little knowledge of his culture and their practices, she is surprised to see such a logical man reduced to such raw emotion.
Warnings: Smut, Pon Farr, Interspecies Sex, Rough Sex, Begging, Slight Breeding Kink
The doors slid open and Elisha was standing in front of him in her uniform. His robes were dusty gray and hung formally, surprised to see him in traditional garb. This was all so strange, but she was so excited. Her body was a live wire.
She stepped into the room and the door shut behind her. The lights were low, but she could still see Vorik’s face clearly.
“In truth, I’m...surprised you agreed to come.”
Elisha said, “I’m surprised that you called.”
Vorik looked at the floor, “I could not...hold out any longer.”
“From what, Vorik?”
Vorik raised his head and moved steadily closer to her. Observing her posture and mannerisms. She stood quite still, waiting for permission to move. Maybe even a little afraid.
“It is called; Pon Farr. Meaning, ‘The Time’. Once every seven years we males experience an...uncontrollable desire to fulfill our base most instincts. To mate. If it is not done, then we die.”
“You would die from this?”
“Most certainly.”
Elisha moves towards him until there is only 2 feet between them. Vorik’s breath hitches. She’s wearing perfume.
“Have you done this before?”
“Never. Have you?”
Elisha laughs nervously, “Not in this way, but yes, a few times.”
Vorik gulps, “My only desire is that I be a satisfactory mate. You are giving me the gift of life in exchange for your body and mind. Whatever you ask of me will be given, readily.”
Elisha steps slightly closer.
“Tell me what you want to do with me, Vorik. I’m getting impressions, but I want to hear you say it.”
Vorik, his hands shivering from restraint, closes the gap between them and slips his hand onto the base of her neck. He can hear the thrumming of her heartbeat as he leans in close. He puts his lips onto her ears, his breath on her jugular.
“I want to devour you.”
Elisha gasps and allows herself to fall against him. She feels his tongue as he licks hungrily at her neck. Her nerves fire off and pleasure shoots straight to her core. His teeth nip and nibble at her skin like he was a wild animal. She can’t contain her moans, she can’t remember the last time she was this turned on.
She's so vulnerable to him now, so exposed. Teeth on her flesh and blood boiling under his skin.
“You are my mate, forget all those who have come before. You. Are. Mine!”
Vorik sinks his teeth into her right beneath her left ear. She yelps faintly as she collapses even further into his arms. He has her pinned, their body’s connected by this primal act of him marking her.
He releases his mouth from her flesh and speaks into her ear.
“This mark makes you mine, everyone on this ship shall know it.”
Elisha pants as endorphins flood her brain with enormous waves of pleasure and pain. His possessiveness is so raw, so primal. Nothing will keep him from her anymore.
“Let me touch your mind.”
Before he can reply she feels his fingers pressing into her face from jaw to her eyebrow. Nothing can adequately explain the feeling of their minds melding. His powerful desire dominates her every thought, spilling into her mind. Her telepathy has never been so strong. She feels the burning blood, the fever, the ache in his lok. The desire he has for her is barely contained within his body.
Vorik feels Elisha’s fear and excitement. She knows little of what she’s in for, but she wants it so badly. She's been so lonely for so long, she needs to be touched, be held, be possessed. She wants this as badly as he needs it.
They both moan loudly as they share in the pleasure of knowing one another. Their connection was strong for good reason. Their minds are one. They are one.
Vorik slowly opens his eyes and drags his nimble fingers down her face. He gently captures her face in his hands and presses a firm kiss upon her lips. Her lips are softs and warm. She darts her tongue out between them and he jolts a little at the intrusion. He’s never kissed in the way humans do before. The intertwining of tongues somehow escaped him during his research.
“Here, let me show you.”
Elisha grabs Vorik’s face and pulls him down on her lips. She slips her tongue nimbly between them and coaxes him out. He is hesitant at first but quickly falls into a rhythm.
“I need to taste all of you.”
“Give me a moment to--”
“No! Your flesh, your body, I need it now.”
He grabs her uniform by the collar and rips it off. Her rank pips hit the floor with a ping as her top tears straight down the clavicle.
Elisha laughs deliriously as Vorik’s mouth descends on her clavicle. He drags his gnashing teeth and tongue down further and further until he reveals her breast.
“Your skin is delicious. I can taste your need. I can smell your cunt from here.”
“Oh Vorik!”
Vorik grabs her breast in his hand and pinches her nipple painfully.
Vorik jolts and lets go immediately.
“Just, be gentle with them please. They’re sensitive.”
It takes great willpower for Vorik to return to sensibility for even a moment. He grits his teeth and shivers as he holds himself back.
“...I don't wish to harm you.”
“I know.” She reassures him.
Vorik cautiously uses a single digit to roll and tweak her nipple. She grinds against him deliciously and he nearly loses balance supporting them.
“Vorik I can’t stand any longer.”
Vorik sweeps up Elisha in his arms like a fireman and throws her onto the bed. Her head rushes and tries to keep up as he continues to pull her shirt to shreds.
She laughs in surprise. A day ago she never would have pictured this Vulcan pillar of logic hungrily ripping off her clothes. He was a man overcome with need, no logic left in sight.
He slides on top of her, once her chest is exposed and holds himself up on his elbows as he cradles her breasts in his hands, this time more gently.
Vorik practiced his technique on her breasts and alternated rolling the buds in his fingers and licking and sucking on them. She arched into him and mumbled incoherently as he coaxed her into pleasure once again. Just as she had relaxed, he bit one and she yelped again. It wasn’t painful but it did alarm her. His teeth on her flesh were too overwhelming.
“Oh that sound thrills me, make it again.”
He bit gently on her nipple again and she yelped weakly in response. She’d never experienced pleasure like this before. It rolled through her like waves and she never wanted it to end.
While he worked on her breasts she hooked her legs around his thighs and sent his hips crashing into hers. She got some leverage and ground her pelvis into his so deliciously. He had never felt this before, and she knew it. While this wouldn’t excite an experienced man, for a virgin just the idea of their most private parts touching would send him into a frenzy. She was gratified when it did.
Vorik begged, “I need...I need more. I need to be inside of you. Please”
Vorik vaulted himself off of her and removed the rest of her clothing. He stripped her down until the cold air hit her naked body. Next he shed his clothes sloppily until the great weight of them hit the floor. He was suddenly naked. Stocky and muscular and painfully hard.
Elisha instinctually held her legs back and Vorik held his lok to her entrance in an unsure and inexperienced way. He gripped her thigh while he used his other hand to guide his member closer to her entrance. She was soaking wet but he met resistance still. He tried vaulting his hips and failed to enter her. He looked towards her with pleading eyes.
“Permit me entrance.”
Elisha looked at him sympathetically and smiled comfortingly.
“Like this.”
She reached down between them and took her lok in her hand. He stiffened at the contact and moaned an almost painful sound. Elisha took the tip of his lok and rubbed it around the wetness in her entrance, spreading her juices on his tip and preparing her for penetration. Vorik’s eyes were crazed, his body was rigid. He moaned loudly and threw his fist into the wall behind them. It dented but did not give way.
“Cease this torture, I can bear it no longer!”
Elisha ignored his frustration and moved her hips forward, “Now.”
Vorik snapped his hips forward and was instantly buried within her. His mouth hung open, and his hands grabbed the headboard affixed to the wall as he processed this sensation for the first time. Her muscles contracted around his throbbing length and they both sighed in contentment. It didn’t take much longer for him to need to move within her.
He moved his hips back and snapped them forward again. She let out a loud moan that was drowned out by Vorik’s. He growled uncontrollably like an animal. He bucked his hips into her wild and frenzied. His movements were sloppy and inconsistent but his vigor was what thrilled Elisha. She was sure that never in her life had a man needed her as much as he did right now.
Their bodies were coated with sweat and pheromones and they grasped onto everything around them to keep from falling. His thrusts were hard and his twin size bed wasn’t able to accommodate them. Ultimately they were unsuccessful, and rolled onto the floor with a heavy thud, falling apart for a moment as they gathered themselves.
“Come back, I’m not finished yet.” Vorik snapped.
Elisha barely processed what he said as she climbed up onto her elbows and knees. A moment later his lok was shoved back into her entrance from behind. Her mouth hung open and her eyes shut tight. He felt so huge inside of her like this. He pounded his hips into hers and she was overwhelmed with sensations. Her muscles tensed and she withdrew into her pleasure as she orgasmed so brightly she couldn’t make a sound.
Her vaginal muscles contracted around him and he was too far into the blood fever to recognize that his mate had just reached her pleasure. Perhaps it could have been his lack of experience, never having seen a woman orgasm before. It wasn’t as if pornography was a part of Vulcan custom. He continued pounding into her as his sweat dropped onto her back.
Elisha tried to speak but her voice was too weak, “Vorik, I can’t…”
Vorik stiffened as his lok was trapped within her contracting pussy. Oh, she was beautiful. Completely undone around him, completely his.
“You’re my mate, you’re mine!” He bellowed.
He scooped his arms around her midsection and pulled her up to bite into her shoulder. She screamed and tried to shove him away. She wanted to enjoy her orgasm in peace. The pain was a distraction, an unwelcome one.
By this point, Vorik’s poor body had nothing left to give. He exploded within her, his seed hitting her soft cervix and leaking hotly down the base where they were joined. He saw stars. His grip on Elisha loosened and he fell onto his side. Not an ounce of strength or seed left in him. Elisha came tumbling down with Vorik, and she was also completely devoid of strength.
They both fell asleep on the messy floor of his quarters, completely naked, and completely free.
Elisha woke from a deep slumber to feel Vorik’s hips grinding against her. There were no clothes to act as a barrier and his rough humping irritated her already sensitive vulva.
Elisha grunted her protest, “Wait, I’m not ready.”
Vorik was still sweating, his arms slick and shivering as he pulled her back against his chest.
“Mate, I have need of you again.” Vorik moaned. His voice was sleepy but his body was quite awake.
He continued his rough thrusting and finally Elisha had had enough. She turned around and jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow to get him off of her. Her strength was not as great as his, so surprising him was the only tool she had to break free.
She stood and moved further away from him, grabbing onto the wall for support and holding her hand out as a warning for him to stay back.
“I told you, Vorik, I’m not ready.”
Vorik’s face was screwed up into a look of anger and indignation. He was more foregone than before. Less logic even then when they last mated.
“You cannot resist me, we are bonded!” He nearly shouted. The deep fear was evident in his voice. He was terrified that she would leave him, when they had only just begun.
Elisha took a deep breath and steadied herself. His emotions were so powerful that it took great concentration for her to right her own mind to its own needs. She relaxed her posture but maintained her distance.
“Vorik, I’m not leaving you. I need to use the lavatory. I need a moment alone.”
Vorik looked at her as if she’d spoken a foreign language. His eyes were still desperate, he moved towards her, reaching for her hand.
“No!” Elisha shouted, ripping her hand away from him. He was more foregone than she thought.
She looked to her left towards the lavatory. The quarters were standard issue, the layout was the same in his room as it was in hers. She knew it would take only a few steps to reach it and create a barrier between them.
“We cannot be parted, it is not the way.” Vorik pleaded.
Elisha looked at him for a moment before darting to the lavatory. She was faster than him and reached the room before he could. She quickly slammed the door and said, “Computer, Ensign Elisha Security Override AL-126, lock this door, accept only my voice for activation.”
The computer chimed back, “Door locked.”
“No!” Vorik roared.
Elisha heard him bang his fist against the door, the heavy metal impenetrable even for a Vulcan. He continued to throw his fists against the door, roaring like a caged animal. She had caged herself, keeping the wild beast at bay.
A sudden fear struck Elisha as she realized that this was far from over. She rushed over to the toilet and relieved herself, wiping her vagina gently with the biodegradable paper. She was already raw from their last session. She had been well prepared, but it likely had only been hours since they last mated.
She saw the familiar white globs of cum that had settled into her while she slept. She could be pregnant. The thought excited her more than it frightened her. She had wanted a child for a long time, but who knew if they could even reproduce successfully?
She held her head in his hands, what had she gotten herself into? When he said days she hadn’t thought it would be ‘every waking moment’. To be honest with herself, she hadn’t thought about it much at all. She had acted impulsively, on instinct. Maybe she had been wrong. Maybe this was too much for her to bear.
She didn’t know what she was doing. She didn’t really know what Pon Farr was. If this was what it was, she understood why he had feared it so. To say that Vorik’s lust was insatiable was an understatement.
She got up and looked at herself in the mirror. Her mascara had smeared on her cheeks, and he had bites and bruises blooming on her chest and body. She looked like she’d been beaten.
There was a medpac in the cabinet. It was clean and well organized, everything in its place. Tasteful candles sat on the counter and the towels were neatly folded. Vorik was not only neat, but he had decorated as well. At least when he was of sound mind.
He seemed so far distant from that person he was now. It was difficult for her to correlate the ill, lust-driven, desperate man begging on her door, with the one that she had known before.
She patched her wounds up with the tools from the pac. She put ointment on her bruises that would disperse the blood flow, injected herself with a hypo for the pain, and started using a dermal regenerator on the bite marks on her shoulder. When she reached the one on her neck, she hesitated. That was where he had marked her, intentionally. Her heart sunk as she thought about erasing the mark from her skin. Maybe, she would keep just this one. She wasn’t sure if it was for herself or for Vorik, but she felt attached to it.
After she dealt with her injuries she drank a few large glasses of water that she desperately needed. She splashed some water on her face and wiped away the smeared makeup. She wouldn’t make that mistake twice.
Vorik had stopped banging on the door by the time she was finished. She approached the door and wondered what he could be feeling right now. She felt some guilt for abandoning him while he was so clearly not in his right mind to understand her. However she wasn’t a sacrifice to be offered up to him. She was a conscious, living, breathing woman, who needed to be treated like one. She was here of her own volition, and she wouldn’t get bullied into mating with him.
“Vorik.” She called out.
She heard Vorik scramble to his feet and approach the door.
“My mate, come to me.” His voice was more seductive, more alluring than it was before. Possibly allowing some space between them convinced him to change his tactics.
“Vorik, I want to help you, but I don’t feel what you feel right now. I need you to be gentle.”
“The fever is upon me. It is impossible to resist. It is not the way.”
Elisha became indignant, “If you don’t find another way then I will leave!”
Vorik was silent for a moment. “Bond with me, I will make it right.”
Elisha remembered how it felt to bond with him, the rush of endorphins and the elation of pleasure. Perhaps if they bonded once again her body would allow her lust enough to make their next inevitable mating less painful.
“You will feel no more pain, my mate.”
Elisha steeled herself for whatever would happen when she opened the door. Hesitantly she said, “Computer, disengage lock.”
“Voice recognition accepted, locks disengaging.”
The door whooshed open and instantly Vorik was in front of her. She braced herself to be swept up into his arms by force, but instead he offered her his hand. Extended were two fingers, index and middle, pressed together. She looked at him confused.
He remained still and looked at her face expectantly. When she didn’t respond he reached for her hand, and slowly pressed her other fingers down until she mimicked his. He held them upright and pressed their fingers together. A jolt went through her fingertips when they touched, the feeling almost as intimate as kissing. He stroked his fingers up and down hers in a way that was seductive and gentle. She had never felt anything like this before.
Elisha stroked her fingers up and down Vorik’s, and watched his face melt into calm as she did it. She wanted to ask if this was helping, but she didn’t want to interrupt their connection with her voice. It was lovely, that’s all it needed to be.
After a few moments of their wordless exchange Vorik reached his free hand towards Elisha’s face, and she allowed it. His fingers pressed gently again from temple to jaw, and their minds melted together.
“My mind, to your mind, my thoughts, to your thoughts.” He recited.
It was entirely different from last time, not a crashing together of two unfamiliar minds, but a gentle joining of two. It washed through her like descending into a warm bath. Enveloping her and covering her, while leaving enough room for her, ‘self’ to still exist.
Soon she felt the oncoming of Vorik’s lust. It was not as untempered and wild, but instead it felt heavy. Like a large burden born on his shoulders alone. She wanted to share it with him, the weight of his lust and need. He shouldn’t have to bear it alone.
When she opened herself up to that act of empathy, she felt the lust seep into her body, into every pore, into every iota of her being. It was hot, boiling, like a great fever. Is this what it felt like? The blood fever he had mentioned? It was like it crawled into her skin. Suddenly her body was aflame. She needed to be touched, to be held, to be bit, to be penetrated. She needed the raw, primal feeling of being filled. She wanted to pounce, she wanted to scream, it hurt, but it hurt so good.
Elisha’s eyes flew open, her skin was sticky with sweat.
“I need.” She said, not knowing why, but saying it because it was true. She needed. She needed him so much.
“I know.”
Elisha lunged forward into Vorik’s arms and wrapped her legs around him. His Vulcan strength was more than sufficient to bear her weight as he hoisted her up on his hips.
Her body acted on its own, knowing only what to do, not knowing why. Her lips sought out his skin. She kissed and licked and grazed his neck with her mouth. Biting down on the same place he had marked her. Biting hard.
He hissed and gripped her thighs tightly, pinning her body against him while she tasted of his skin and something else wet. Had she really bitten him that hard? She was incapable of gauging her own strength right now. She pulled away with her lips green and Vorik growled at this sight.
“You have tasted my blood. Do you burn?”
Elisha whimpered pathetically, “Yes, I burn.”
She clawed at his back and tried to grind against his lok while she was in his arms.
“What do we do?” She pleaded. Her skin was fire, her lips were molten. Her core dripped so eagerly that beads of her desire hit the carpet beneath them.
“What is in our nature.” He said resolutely.
Vorik carried Elisha over to the kitchen island and laid her down on the cool marble. The surface was ice cold against her skin so much that it almost distracted her from her need.
Vorik grabbed her pelvis and dragged her towards the edge of the table and plunged into her. They both let out a pained cry as his lok once again was buried inside of her. The pleasure was indescribable, a great overwhelming bloom through her entire being.
Vorik was more sure of himself this time, he started rocking within her immediately. He gathered her thighs in his arms and held them squarely against his chest, leaving no room for Elisha to escape.
Elisha couldn't control her cries as every emotion in her body came spilling out from deep inside of her. She screamed like a wild animal, clawing at her flesh and moaning at this great relief from the pressure building inside of her.
This was meant to be, this was as close to her primal nature as she ever had been. Connected by mind and body to a man who had seen all of her. She wept, tears spilling from her eyes as she came suddenly and without hardly any clitoral stimulation. It was unlike her but entirely natural.
Her body shook and shivered, and quickly she realized she wasn’t finished, she needed more. Post-orgasm and still needing him to pound into her like she’d been starved for a lifetime of touch.
Vorik held her legs like his arms were made of steel. Her feet were getting numb but she didn’t care. His body was firm and strong.
Vorik suddenly threw her legs aside and scooped her up into his arms again, whisking her away to the floor where his robes and blanket had fallen.
“My mate, I need all of you.” He was full of affection.
“I’m here, I’m here,” She reassured him.
Vorik’s eyes were shut tight as he laid his length on top of her. He buried his face into her neck and wrapped her arms around her shoulders. He was shivering and groaning as he entered her again.
Despite the roughness of their coupling, the affection between them was potent. Arms wrapped around one another, both with their mind touching, bodies joined in pleasure.
Elisha felt wetness on her neck. Though at first she thought it was her tears, she realized it was Vorik’s. This withdrawn Vulcan man was weeping. From what she knew of Vulcan’s this was not common practice even among children. This was perhaps the first time in Vorik’s life that he had let go of all inhibitions and just wept. Like he was freshly born, new life exploding out into the world.
Elisha was lost in the delirium of pleasure and finally said something out loud she’d never have done without the fever.
“I want your child, Vorik. Put a child inside me.”
Vorik growled from deep within his chest. Almost like he was incapable of speech. He had awoken to a completely carnal state. He grunted and groaned like an animal, no words were exchanged, but they both knew his answer.
Fuck yes.
He bucked his hips, once, twice, and released inside of her, violently. She felt his warm seed in her belly. She reached down and pressed on top of her uterus, putting her cervix is the optimal position for conception. He looked down and saw her feeling her womb and subsequently, the outline of his lok inside of her. He shivered fully, quivering with desire. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His woman accepted his seed into her womb so she could bare his child.
His eyes rolled into his head, his lok painfully overstimulated. He didn’t lose his strength like he had last time. In fact he felt invigorated. He tightened his arms around her, and whispered Vulcan words of affection into her ears.
“Tishau Elisha.” (I care for thee Elisha.)
“Lesek. Lesek. Lesek.” (Thank you, thank you, thank you.)
They stayed like that for some time, consumed by their own bliss. They spoke little, and when they did it was kind.
Vorik’s lok remained inside of her, his refractory period was ending and need crept up in him once again. He had regained little of his logic back, he was still deep in the fever. He lifted his head to look at Elisha’s face. His eyes betrayed his unspoken question. Elisha nodded.
He moved within her once again, more steadily this time. Rocking his hips gently back and forth. His lok hurt, his body ached, but it was nothing in comparison to the pleasure he felt from being inside of her.
He carried on steadily for what must have been hours. Elisha had experienced the Pon Farr for herself, and though the immediate effects had passed, she had great compassion for his needs. Though she was overstimulated, though she was hot and tired, she persisted. For that was the affection she had for him. She was his mate, and she would see this through with him, until the end.
Neither of them knew when they fell asleep. It was not a conscious act, but a result of their exhaustive physical activity.
“Ensign Vorik, please respond.”
The Doctor’s voice through the comms pulled the couple out of their slumber. They were not still joined, but their bodies laid spread across each other. Their eyes met, both blurry and confused.
“Ensign Vorik, please respond!” The overworked Doctor pleaded.
Vorik cleared his throat, but before he could speak Elisha smiled brightly at a brilliant idea.
“Ensign Vorik is quite...indisposed at the moment Doctor.”
Vorik’s eyebrows hit the ceiling. Surprise and flattery clearly written across his features.
“Ah, I see well...I’ll make a note of that for my records.”
Elisha chuckled quietly to herself.
“I’d like the both of you to report directly to me after you’re...finished.”
Vorik chimed in, sounding more like himself than he had in days, “Very well Doctor, now if you will please excuse us.”
The Doctor happily ended his transmission. Vorik rolled over onto his stomach and buried his face in his hands. That was when Elisha noticed something surprising on Vorik’s neck.
“Oh wow.”
Elisha reached her hand out and stroked the outline of the bite she’d given Vorik. He didn’t react in surprise or pain to her touch, instead he tilted his head back and leaned into her touch. She made the softest sound of approval at the physical contact.
“Do you remember leaving that mark?” Vorik asked casually.
“I didn’t realize I’d bitten you so hard.”
Vorik reached out an arm towards her face and touched the same mark he’d left on her.
“The placement is identical.”
“That wasn’t intentional.”
Vorik removed his hand from her neck and placed it on her arm. He drew her hand into his for the same ‘Vulcan kiss’ that they had shared before.
“It is called the Ozh’esta, the ‘Finger Embrace’. It is an act of romantic affection between our people. Quite like a ‘Vulcan Kiss’.”
Elisha looked at him curiously.
“You can read my mind.”
“I always could, I simply have your permission to do so now that we are bonded.”
Elisha observed Vorik’s condition. His hand was warm but not hot and sweaty like it had been before. His demeanor was calm and respectful. He was acting like himself again.
“It looks like your fever has passed.”
“It would appear so. However, my Time has not yet passed.”
Elisha raised her own brow, “How many more times we need to…?”
Vorik deliberated, “Twice more should be sufficient.”
Elisha laughs and says, “I can’t believe you still have the stamina.”
“This Time brings forth a supernatural response on our bodily systems. Some have withstood trials much longer than ours.”
Elisha shakes her head in disbelief, “That’s good to know for next time.”
Vorik was thoughtful for a moment.
“That is assuming that you would be willing again, in seven years.”
Elisha realized what she had implied. She considered how to phrase her next sentence.
“While I can’t predict--”
Vorik reaches out and grabs her wrist possessively.
“You need not say another word. You are my mate, for as long as you wish.”
Vorik lowered his head down to her wrist, to kiss the sensitive bit of skin. His mouth climbed up her forearm to her shoulder and eventually back to her neck.
Elisha remembered that they may be together for a lot longer than seven years if she did conceive the last time they mated. It seemed that she had thought about the commitment before the relationship in their case. In the moment it felt right, but in the light of day it seemed frightening, and impulsive.
“Are you ashamed of your desire for a child?”
“Yes.” She answered honestly.
Vorik spoke into her ear directly, his voice soothing and calm, but with a small fire still behind it.
“It is only natural for a woman to desire a child. Therefore is it only natural for a man to want his woman to carry it.”
Elisha’s heart lights up at the idea of carrying Vorik’s child. She wondered if right now there was an egg being fertilized in her womb. They hardly knew each other and they were talking about having a child together, this was madness!
“That is no longer the case, we are bonded.” Vorik protested, seeming offended.
Elisha felt her heart sink. Her mind and her body were at war with each other. On the one hand, she cared for Vorik, and believed that they did share a strong connection. On the other, they had only met each other a handful of times before they entered into this big commitment together. She wanted a child, both logically and illogically. It was too late to back out now.
“You’re afraid. You feel...regret.”
“Possibly, it's hard to tell right now with you, doing what you’re doing to me.”
“Do you wish me to stop?” Vorik sounded disillusioned, he was of sound mind enough to cease his foreplay.
Elisha looked down at him, and considered this for a moment. She finally concluded, “No,” Her voice got quiet and husky, “I want you to taste me.”
Vorik eyes glazed over with affection and possibly amusement. He headed south to her rapidly wettening cunt and placed himself between her legs.
“It’s possible you will have to...make me aware of your preferences.”
“I will.”
Vorik gently settled himself between her legs. He used his fingers to separate her lips and looked at her anatomy as if he was dissecting it.
“It would be beneficial for you to vocalize your preferences.”
“Oh I will.” Elisha giggled.
Her laughter died down immediately when Vorik lowered his face down to her cunt and began licking at her clit like a dog in a water bowl.
It sent jolts up her spine to feel his clever Vulcan tongue flicking away at her most private parts. Elisha’s clit became swollen as Vorik worked it with his mouth. First he used just the tip of his tongue, unsure how to move and at what pressure.
“Ugh! A little, a little higher! Aaaah!” Elisha pleaded.
He flicked his tongue higher up.
“More, more of your tongue, flatten it.”
He flattened his tongue.
He moved faster, his jaw starting to ache from the effort. But Vorik didn’t care. He would endure any amount of discomfort as long as it guaranteed her pleasure.
Elisha’s voice raised in pitch and octave. She was on the edge of intense release.
Elisha couldn’t hold on any longer, the dam broke and wave after wave of uniquely singular pleasure rippled through her. She felt the tingling in her fingers and toe and the warmth spread until she couldn’t make a sound.
“Shall I assume that you were satisfied?” Vorik asked, not in any way cocky. This was the first time he’d tasted a woman there, he wanted to make sure it was pleasurable for her.
“Very much so.”
Vorik waited until Elisha had come down from her orgasm before placing his hand over her womb. She noticed, and she didn’t wish to speak. She just wanted to feel right now. She reached out her hand and placed it on top of his. Their eyes met for a moment of understanding.
Elisha nodded.
Vorik slowly removed his hand and sat on his haunches, bringing Elisha with him. He lowered her onto himself with impressive ease. They fell into one another’s arms to what felt like home to the both of them. This was not a rough or ready coupling, but gently, like lovers. They were silent except for their steady breaths.
Eventually, Vorik spent himself inside of her again, and neither was the first to let go.
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starmended · 7 months
My Rules…. My Guidelines
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‧₊˚⊹ please be respectful in my inbox,, do not send me hateful messages anywhere…. anywhere
‧₊˚⊹ my requests are open until i have at least 10 or 12… after that im closing it until i finish all 10-12 requests.
‧₊˚⊹ if you are a minor.. DO NOT request smut.
‧₊˚⊹ please note that this is a blog that contains nsfw content, they are labeled so if you are under the age of 16 avoid interacting with that content please…
‧₊˚⊹ please don't constantly bombard me with messages to publish or write anything, because sometimes I do have a tight schedule and may not be ready to publish anything at that time…
‧₊˚⊹ i would very much appreciate it if you had an age indicator !! anything works really! #teen #ies, 20's, adult, 18+
‧₊˚⊹ i will not follow back if you lack a pfp, have the classic "untitled", & have no posts whatsoever— really anything that makes it seem like you’re a bot. i go through my following regularly, so if you don’t fit these, you will get hard-blocked.
‧₊˚⊹ please do leave feedback,, just not mean criticism,, it makes me feel better if i have feedback in my stories and stuff
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my request rules + what i don’t write (&& why!)
i will not write this…
‧₊˚⊹ male x male, woman x woman ,, it is not that i’m opposed to doing anything platonic— however, i am a straight woman and i will NOT fetishize LGBTQ+ there are plenty of writers who will gladly write those though !! please support them.
‧₊˚⊹ —— any incest, piss kinks, r*pe, ddlg, scat, extreme bdsm, beastiality, character x character, real people like celebrities, male!reader, anything for characters that are minors.
i will write this…
‧₊˚⊹ smut, fluff, angst, hurt, comfort
‧₊˚⊹ sfw/platonic one—shots, drabbles,
‧₊˚⊹ smut with plot, smut with no plot,
‧₊˚⊹ siblings or child reader,, platonic always
‧₊˚⊹ two- three parts, series
‧₊˚⊹ betazoid! reader,,, vulcan! reader,, human! reader, even a romulan!reader for all i care… it doesn’t always have to be human… you can even make your own species (just give me the details babe lol)
‧₊˚⊹ pregnancy stories,,, i don’t mind them.
‧₊˚⊹ —— my default is femalebodied readers,,,
‧₊˚⊹ to compensate my LGBTQ+ readers, i am completely open to doing gender-neutral readers. i won’t be specific when it comes to details regarding the reader like hair colour or eye colour, etc. unless you request it of course.
When you request… please include,,
‧₊˚⊹ which character you want me to write for (obviously the ones i list.)
‧₊˚⊹ give me a summary. if you want a certain story, be much detailed in the summary, enough for me for work with.
‧₊˚⊹ indicate the vibe of it, is it dark, romantic, suggestive, even a combined vibe.
‧₊˚⊹ is the reader a human or not… if she’s not, what is she. be detailed.
‧₊˚⊹ you want me to include certain looks? details please, is she black? or from a certain background, does she have straight hair? curly hair? colored hair? you tell me please.
really anything that can help me out will be appreciated <3
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I write for….
mainly spock. doesn’t matter which version, you tell me !!!
you can request for chris pike, hemmer, data, picard, riker, sulu, mccoy, kirk, Q, worf, elnor, tom paris, vorik, taurik, brad… even sam
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