refreshdaemon · 5 months
Vulgus is a traditional endless vertical sci-fi shooter that's amusing enough for a couple plays, but not worth seeking out on its own.
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wherearewedamfino · 2 years
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Christ Stopped at Eboli (Cristo si è fermato a Eboli) Director: Francesco Rosi
This was filmed in 1979 in the village of Craco in the Basilicata area of Italy. The village had suffered from landslides for years, and many houses had fallen away, the major landslide was in 1963. Many people lost their houses and left the village. And then in 1980 after an earthquake the villagers were moved out of the village and since then it has been deserted.
This film is based on the book by Carlo Levi who was a political prisoner in 1930s fascist Italy. Levi was from Turin and was exiled to the south of Italy to the village of Aliano.
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haziranın dördü. ikisinde ahmed arif, üçünde nazım, dördünde sen. hasan hüseyin korkmazgil’den farklı olarak haziranda ölmek hiç bu kadar kolay olmamıştı. sen mesela. sana, “çok büyük bir birikmişlik var sende.” dediğimde; “kendisinden başka hiç kimsesi olmayan adamın birikmişliğini sikeyim.” dedin, bana yalnızlığımı sevdirdin. didem madak bana hep seni hatırlattı. bir lisenin en arka sırasında senin yazılarını okuduğum zamanları unutmadım. bana on altı yaşlarımda avm’lerde of not being a jew’le gezmeme sebep oldun. kadraja sığamadım, bunu unutmadım. bana uyumsuz olmayı, aykırılığı, marjinalliği, odi profanum vulgus et arceo ile mizantropistliği, osman konuk’u, özge dirik’i, mehmet pişkin’i, seyyidhan kömürcü’yü, ayrılık provaları’nı, judia’yı, şiir yazmayı, ait olamamayı öğrettin. nilgün okurken intihar etmeden önce nilgünden bir şeyler yazıp intihar edeceğini düşünemedim. ben şimdi tıpkı senin gibi beş gün küstüğüm bu tanrıya, altıncı gün belki kadere bir rastlaşma yazmıştır diye yine inandım. kitap yazmayı bırakan eller pişman olmasın bu gece. intihar ettin. bana hayatta sadece tek bir gerçeğin olmadığını öğreten adam astı lan kendini dedirttin. maç bitti ama trübünü terk edemeyişim oldun. yani sikeyim moderniteyle arkaik düşünceleri. hayatta... sadece... tek... bir... gerçek... yok! bunu bana öğretendin. ben sana hiçbir şekilde veda edemedim ağabey. saatler, günler, aylar, hatta yıllar geçti ama ben her gün “4 haziran” sabahı oldum. bazı şeyler böyleydi, bazı yerlerde edebiyat acıyı küçültürdü. demiştin ya “çok fenayım tanrım, çok fiil, çok yüklem. boşver içindeki imgeleri koyduğum başlık şiirini sevmedi.” koyduğumuz başlık bizi sevmemekle birlikte, başkasına yazılacaktı ve biz hiçbir zaman biz olamayacaktık. huzurla uyu ağabey ve de hoşça kal. senin kendi deyiminle artık so long and thanks for all the fish.* ve son olarak diyordu ya esrar dede, yine sen öğrettin. ağlatmayacaktın yola baktırmayacaktın, ol va’de-i tekrâr-be-tekrârı unutma.”
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polkadotmotmot · 9 months
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Bis Vika - In Vulgus, 2023
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kyuoki · 5 months
I was tagged by @swannposting to post 5 songs that I like to listen to. ♡
Rob Zombie - The Ballad Of Resurrection Joe And Rosa Whore
KAT - Odi Profanum Vulgus
Plaga - Śmierć Cieplna Wszechświata
Deftones - The Chauffeur (2005 Remaster)
No pressure tags: @youremyfriend-youremymission, @penniesxdimes, @lieutenantselnia, @barbossas-wench , @ellena-asg & anyone else who wants to join!
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The Creatures of Yuletide: The Lost Christmas Goddess
This is my last Creatures of Yuletide of the year, so I decided to finish with something huge, an ancient winter goddess that had her feast day exactly on Christmas day and whose influence can still be felt to this day. This goddess has many names and many forms across the Alpine Region, but for sake of clarity, I will refer to her as Holda.
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Holda is a figure associated with motherhood, winter, and spinning and weaving. Stories and myths about her spread across Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, usually involving her being both an angelic presence and a demonic force, rewarding the good and punishing the wicked. The anthropologist and archaeologist Marija Gimbutas believes she was the Germanic supreme goddess and is older than the Germanic pantheon, including deities like Odin, Thor, and Loki. She also says:
"[Holda] holds dominion over death, the cold darkness of winter, caves, graves and tombs in the earth….but also receives the fertile seed, the light of midwinter, the fertilized egg, which transforms the tomb into a womb for the gestation of new life."
With the Christianization of Europe, myths and stories about her survived in the countryside and as folk stories.
Jacob Grimm, of the Brothers Grimm fame, in his seminal work 'Teutonic Mythology', described her basic characteristics:
“In popular legends and nursery tales, frau Holda (Hulda, Holle, Hulle, frau Holl) appears as a superior being, who manifests a kind and helpful disposition towards men, and is never cross except when she notices disorder in household affairs. […]
From what traditions has still preserved for us, we gather the following characteristics. Frau Holle is represented as a being of the sky, begirdling the earth: when it snows, she is making her bed, and the feathers of it fly. She stirs up snow, as Donar does rain: the Greeks ascribe the production of snow and rain to their Zeus: so that Holda comes before us a goddess of no mean rank. [...]
Another point of resemblance is, that she drives about in a waggon. She has a linchpin put in it by a peasant whom she met; when he picked up the chips, they were gold. Her annual progress, which like those of Herke and Berhta, is made to fall between Christmas and Twelfth-day, when the supernatural has sway, and wild beasts like the wolf are not mentioned by their names, brings fertility to the land. Not otherwise does 'Derk with the boar,' that Freyr of the Netherlands (p. 214), appear to go his rounds and look after the ploughs. At the same time Holda, like Wuotan, can also ride on the winds, clothed in terror, and she, like the god, belongs to the 'wutende heer.''
The Brothers Grimm also collected a tale about her in which she appears as Frau Holle, and it can be found here. Resuming, an abused stepchild loses a spindle in the well and jumps there to get it back, only to find herself in the magical realm of a kind woman named Frau Holle that has the power of making snow in the real world when she shakes her featherbed pillows.
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The girl does the household chores for the old woman and is rewarded by returning to the real world with a shower of gold and the spindle which had fallen into the well.
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Jealous, the stepmother sends her biological daughter to try the same, but the girl is so unhelpful that Frau Holle sends her back with a shower of pitch.
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Basically, Frau Holle is the female version of Morozko.
Holda is associated with many of the evergreen plants that appear during the Yule season, especially mistletoe and holly, and she had her feast day on December 25, Christmas day.
An early-13th-century text listing superstitions states that "In nocte nativitatis Christi ponunt regina celi quam dominam Holdam vulgus appelat, ut eas ipsa adiuvet.” This text, an Aberglaubenverzeichnis (a common late-medieval and early modern genre), was compiled in the years 1236–1250 by Rudolph, a Cistercian monk. Translating, it states the following:
"In the night of Christ's Nativity they set the table for the Queen of Heaven, whom the people call Frau Holda, that she might help them".
Hulda was known as a goddess of women, which eventually tied her to magic and witchcraft, and she is specifically called out in the Canon Episcopi, written around the fourth century. Those who honored her were required, as faithful Catholics, to do penance. The treatise reads, in part:
"Have you believed there is some female, whom the stupid vulgar call Holda ... who is able to do a certain thing, such that those deceived by the devil affirm themselves by necessity and by command to be required to do, that is, with a crowd of demons transformed into the likeness of women, on fixed nights to be required to ride upon certain beasts, and to themselves be numbered in their company? If you have performed participation in this unbelief, you are required to do penance for one year on designated fast-days.”
Holda was widely mentioned in catalogs of superstitions and sermons during the 15th century, and in the 16th, being equated with other female figures like Diana, and Herodias, the princess that asked for John Baptist’s head.
Her motherhood aspect also is used to link her with the Virgin Mary, and she is the goddess to whom children who died as infants go.
Holiday figures like the witch Frau Perchta from the Alpine Region, and the witch La Befana from Italian folklore, both associated with Epiphany, the feast that celebrates the visit of the Three Wise men, are sometimes linked back to her.
This holiday season, I hope this ancient winter goddess blesses you all and brings a reward for all the good you put out to the world this year. Happy holidays my friends.
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@ariel-seagull-wings @thealmightyemprex @tamisdava2 @princesssarisa
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broomsticks · 11 months
what about dumpster diving for perciver? (I ask, predictably. but it's always delightful to hear your take on things!)
off the top of my head, other than you, i'm not sure i've read much perciver so this is a really rare pair for me! interestingly enough, i think i see flintwood around more than perciver.
anyway, i really liked this one -- look at me, i'm burning up by renaissance (4k, T) - The first tentative overtures, as Percy comes to terms with the person he is on the other side of the War. cackling at the author's note, "back on my otp bullshit after forever years away" is always a green flag to me, a good sign i can settle in and i will be well fed! this checked tons of boxes i knew i had (vignettes, beautiful scene setting, the unpacking of postwar trauma and how that's Not That Easy) and a bunch i didn't know i did (penny & percy friendship! the dynamics in that oliver/percy first re-meeting!). love the author's light touch, with the humor and sweet open ending.
also enjoyed the quidditch smut in you had time by mixtapestar (13k E) and After The Game by copperbadge (2k, M), the unrequited pining in Familiar by Mireille (300, G) and the taking-the-relationship-to-the-next-step in be my stone (700, G) - got me with the tags Family Issues, (not on Percy's side), (for once). mobile vulgus by oxymoronic (5k, M) and Can't Get All the Dirt Off of Me by tryslora (200, M) were interesting takes on a dark postwar au & OCD percy respectively.
all the perciver fic gave me scorbus vibes, actually? very grounded in hogwarts, and there is a little bit of conflict -- sometimes it's internal, mostly it's external -- but you know it's going to be a happy ending because the two have each other's backs. on that note, i also really liked the growing-up-together in Hold On by gonergone (5k, G), very classic friends-to-lovers in which both of them are adorable.
thanks for the ask, this was fun!!
never have i ever - fic rec version
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alloalouette · 1 month
Language lesson of the day: the word vulgar, from the Latin vulgus, means ordinary, common, of the people.
Only people who don’t know this, or who condescend like the elitist fucks of olde in ruling classes and church hierarchy, use ‘vulgar’ as an insult.
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Tu vois, mon ami, le monde se divise en deux catégories, il y a ceux qui ânonnent le "sellezéceux" (ou le "àtoutezéàtousse") de la novlangue, et ceux qui désirent apprendre à parler français. Apprendre à parler correctement sa propre langue est le premier moment du système immunitaire… Pour eux, il y a la langue, toujours verte, de Victor Hugo:
«Ceux qui vivent, ce sont ceux qui luttent ; ce sont
Ceux dont un dessein ferme emplit l'âme et le front.
Ceux qui d'un haut destin gravissent l'âpre cime.
Ceux qui marchent pensifs, épris d'un but sublime.
Ayant devant les yeux sans cesse, nuit et jour,
Ou quelque saint labeur ou quelque grand amour.
C'est le prophète saint prosterné devant l'arche,
C'est le travailleur, pâtre, ouvrier, patriarche.
Ceux dont le cœur est bon, ceux dont les jours sont pleins.
Ceux-là vivent, Seigneur ! les autres, je les plains.
Car de son vague ennui le néant les enivre,
Car le plus lourd fardeau, c'est d'exister sans vivre.
Inutiles, épars, ils traînent ici-bas
Le sombre accablement d'être en ne pensant pas.
Ils s'appellent vulgus, plebs, la tourbe, la foule.
Ils sont ce qui murmure, applaudit, siffle, coule,
Bat des mains, foule aux pieds, bâille, dit oui, dit non,
N'a jamais de figure et n'a jamais de nom ;
Troupeau qui va, revient, juge, absout, délibère,
Détruit, prêt à Marat comme prêt à Tibère,
Foule triste, joyeuse, habits dorés, bras nus,
Pêle-mêle, et poussée aux gouffres inconnus.
Ils sont les passants froids sans but, sans nœud, sans âge ;
Le bas du genre humain qui s'écroule en nuage ;
Ceux qu'on ne connaît pas, ceux qu'on ne compte pas,
Ceux qui perdent les mots, les volontés, les pas.
L'ombre obscure autour d'eux se prolonge et recule ;
Ils n'ont du plein midi qu'un lointain crépuscule,
Car, jetant au hasard les cris, les voix, le bruit,
Ils errent près du bord sinistre de la nuit.
Quoi ! ne point aimer ! suivre une morne carrière
Sans un songe en avant, sans un deuil en arrière,
Quoi ! marcher devant soi sans savoir où l'on va,
Rire de Jupiter sans croire à Jéhova,
Regarder sans respect l'astre, la fleur, la femme,
Toujours vouloir le corps, ne jamais chercher l'âme,
Pour de vains résultats faire de vains efforts,
N'attendre rien d'en haut ! ciel ! oublier les morts !
Oh non, je ne suis point de ceux-là ! grands, prospères,
Fiers, puissants, ou cachés dans d'immondes repaires,
Je les fuis, et je crains leurs sentiers détestés ;
Et j'aimerais mieux être, ô fourmis des cités,
Tourbe, foule, hommes faux, cœurs morts, races déchues,
Un arbre dans les bois qu'une âme en vos cohues !»
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abr · 11 months
Vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Laggente vuole esser ingannata, quindi inganniamola.
Frase attribuita al cardinal Carlo Carafa (XVI Sec.).
La verità fa male. Descrive perfettamente il rapporto INTERDIPENDENTE tra volgo e potere, tra ignoranti e "intellettuali". Simul stabunt ...
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daimonclub · 6 months
100 super worthy quotes
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100 super worthy quotes 100 super worthy quotes, another post full of great valuable quotes and aphorisms selected among the best authors ever by our chief editor Carl William Brown It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to seem foolish. Aeschylus If there is meaning in life at all, then there must be meaning in suffering. Viktor Frankl I have never gotten over the trauma of coming into the world, I have never liked the stupidity of the universe, let alone if I will ever be able to accept my mother's death. Carl William Brown The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true. James Branch Cabell God is a comedian playing to an audience that is too afraid to laugh. Voltaire The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master. Ayn Rand There is nothing more awful, insulting, and depressing than banality. Anton Chekhov What people commonly call fate is mostly their own stupidity. Arthur Schopenhauer I feel completely detached from any country, any group. I am a metaphysically displaced person. Emil M. Cioran In order to understand the world, one has to turn away from it on occasion. Albert Camus In such a stupid and cruel world, only imbeciles, selfish and devoid of any empathy, can find themselves at ease, also hoping to live a long time! Carl William Brown He lit a lamp in broad daylight and said, as he went about, "I am looking for a human. Diogenes of Sinope Meaningful silence is better than meaningless words. Pythagoras Man is quite insane. He wouldn't know how to create a maggot, and he creates Gods by the dozen. Michel de Montaigne
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Happy people read quotes Women are the real architects of society. Harriet Beecher Stowe The closer to the truth, the better the lie, and the truth itself, when it can be used, is the best lie. Isaac Asimov Vulgus (Mundus o Populus) vult decipi, ergo decipiatur. (The world wants to be deceived, and so it is.) Latin Saying Without "ethical culture", there is no salvation for humanity. Albert Einstein You can't imagine how stupid the whole world has grown nowadays. Nikolai Gogol The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. Plato One of the greatest problems of our time is that many. are schooled but few are educated. Thomas More Any idiot can face a crisis; it's this day-to-day living that wears you out. Anton Chekhov People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. Carl Jung It is stupidity rather than courage to refuse to recognize danger when it is close upon you. Arthur Conan Doyle Never interrupt your enemy, when he is making a mistake. Napoleon Bonaparte The only real goal that can have a certain value for our stupid and insignificant existence is to lose it forever. Carl William Brown When people talk listen completely. Don’t be thinking what you’re going to say. Most people never listen. Nor do they observe. Ernest Hemingway The tragedy of life is that it gives us wisdom only when it has stolen youth Will Durant Force governs the world (unfortunately!) and not knowing: therefore whoever rules it can and usually is ignorant. Vittorio Alfieri
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100 worthy aphorisms Competition is the law of the jungle, but cooperation is the law of civilization. Peter Kropotkin What if culture itself is nothing but a halt, a break, a respite, in the pursuit of barbarity? Slavoj Žižek The world is full of willing people; some willing to work, the rest willing to let them. Robert Frost Doesn't surprise me that Christ our Lord preferred to live with prostitutes and sinners, seeing I go in for that myself. Johann Wolfgang Friedrich von Goethe Strong thoughts are iron nails driven in the mind, that nothing can draw out. Denis Diderot A man who does not dissent is a seed that will never grow. Bertrand Russell To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering. Friedrich Nietzsche Time and space are the stupidest, most tragic and atrocious things that can concern us. Carl William Brown Man is insatiable for power; he is infantile in his desires and, always discontented with what he has, loves only what he has not. People complain of the despotism of princes; they ought to complain of the despotism of man. Joseph de Maistre I myself must also say I believe it is true that in the end humanitarianism will triumph; only I fear that at the same time the world will be one big hospital and each person will be the other person's humane keeper. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them. Joseph Brodsky The history of the world's great leaders is often the story of human folly. Voltaire The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke Be alone, that is the secret of invention: be alone, that is when ideas are born. Nikola Tesla Bad temper is its own safety valve. He who can bark does not bite. Agatha Christie The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. Marcus Aurelius This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief. Rumi Life not lived is a disease from which one can die. Carl Gustav Jung Some people have no idea what they're doing, and a lot of them are really good at it. George Carlin The poet sees, at the same time and from a single point, what is visible to two, in isolation. Boris Pasternak
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Worthy and valuable quotes Life begins on the other side of despair. Jean-Paul Sartre Wealth is the slave of a wise man. The master of a fool. Seneca A man is the sum of his misfortunes. One day you'd think misfortune would get tired but then time is your misfortune. William Faulkner To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. Anatole France I think the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness. Fyodor Dostoevsky Death smiles at us all; all a man can do is smile back. Marcus Aurelius On the verge of death he remembered his mother who was waiting for him in the reality that does not exist and almost pleased he consoled himself. Carl William Brown Awareness of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom. Socrates Women are meant to be loved, not understood. Oscar Wilde Persons unmask their evilest qualities when they do quarrel. George Herbert A student of Buddhism tries to unlearn something daily. Alan Watts Everyone gets the experience. Some get the lesson. T. S. Eliot To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side. Khalil Gibran We are all born originals and die copies. Carl Gustav Jung I have a theory that the moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself. Henry Miller The high-minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think. Aristotle Bees don’t waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than shit! Anonymous I would rather excel in the knowledge of what is excellent, than in the extent my power and possessions. Plutarch In this super sea of shit, we are all in the same boat, but those who row are always the same. Carl William Brown
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Quote against warfare Artificial intelligence will be Man's most important achievement. Too bad it could be the last. Stephen Hawking Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. Benjamin Franklin If you don't have ideas, read. If you have ideas, but can't articulate them, write. If you have ideas, and have the clarity to execute, build. Dan Koe Knowledge is no guarantee of good behavior, but ignorance is a virtual guarantee of bad behavior. Martha C. Nussbaum. When reading, we don't fall in love with the characters' appearance. We fall in love with their words, their thoughts, and their hearts. We fall in love with their souls. Anonymous The best things can only be achieved with maximum effort. Goethe Nature is busy creating absolutely unique individuals, whereas culture has invented a single mold to which all must conform. It is grotesque. U. G. Krishnamurti The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.. John Milton It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong. Voltaire What is called a reason for living is also an excellent reason for dying. Albert Camus The bad thing of war is, that it makes more evil people than it can take away. Immanuel Kant Reason connot defeat emotion, an emotion can only be displaced or overcome by a stronger emotion. Baruch Spinoza Compassion for our parents is the true sign of maturity. Anais Nin You only know me as you see me, not as I actually am. Immanuel Kant The closer to the truth, the better the lie, and the truth itself, when it can be used, is the best lie. Isaac Asimov The tragedy of life is that it gives us wisdom only when it has stolen youth Will Durant The tragedy of life is that it gives us wisdom only when it has stolen youth Will Durant The enjoyment of power inevitably corrupts the judgment of reason, and perverts its liberty. Immanuel Kant Let us not burden our remembrances With a heaviness that's gone. William Shakespeare Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains. Rousseau
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Read quotes and relax The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum. Noam Chomsky Those who are right do not argue. Those who argue are not right. Lao Tzu We live for books. A sweet mission in this world dominated by disorder and decay. Umberto Eco The stupidity of people comes from having an answer for everything. Milan Kundera When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people. Abraham Joshua Heschel The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. William James Comprehension, inventiveness, direction, and criticism: intelligence is contained in these four words. Alfred Binet Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience. The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. Leo Tolstoy I am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars. E. M. Forster Geniuses are like thunderstorms. They go against the wind, terrify people, cleanse the air. Soren Kierkegaard Books for general reading always smell badly; the odor of common people hangs about them. Friedrich Nietzsche Don’t miss these other similar posts: Wise quotes from the Ancients 100 golden quotes and aphorisms 100 wonderful quotes and aphorisms 100 admirable quotes and aphorisms 100 magnificent quotes and aphorisms 100 brilliant quotes and aphorisms 100 famous quotes and aphorisms 100 memorable quotes and aphorisms 100 excellent quotes and aphorisms 100 top great quotes and aphorisms 100 great quotes on love Great and famous philosophy quotes Quotes by authors Quotes by arguments Thoughts and reflections Essays with quotes Read the full article
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interretialia · 1 year
De Declinatione “Specus” Verbi
The fourth-declension noun specus, “cave,” is usually masculine and sometimes feminine. But it has the neuter, second-declension forms [hoc] specus (like pelagus, virus, vulgus), [haec] speca, and [his] specis.
This means that we do indeed have an example of a neuter, second-declension noun in -us which has Latin plural forms. So, not only do we have perfectly morphological license to infer the plural forms of virus (i.e., vira, virorum, viris), we can even point to an actual example of that inflection.
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endergelisenataklar · 2 years
odi profanum vulgus et arceo. -insanlardan nefret ediyorum ve uzak duruyorum-
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magnetar1 · 2 years
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I felt it, too, in my way.  Like when I told my family goodbye.  Starting in the back of my skull where fear turned to panic followed by unearthly calm.  Nullified by a temptation to wait it out as in-the-moment savagery weighed against us.  Slowing time as it did for them now, hatred coming through.  Stink of dead and future promises much like the Vulgus itself.  It was also where I attached my story to theirs; another buried testimony during the Hour of the Locust.
It was no longer a story distinctly human, or even conscious, but a blackout moment during a heat stroke.  The Red King brought down His hammer onto the anvil of the world and we could feel it too.  It was as if something in those shadowlands, forged out its shivery skin, had drawn the veil back with horror in its eyes.  Devastating imprint at the yawning start of memory when worlds were larvae and the universe a chrysalis.  Nothing as abstract or hidden as the fallacies we are born from.
Artwork by Karel Thole
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bulliedsubmissive · 2 years
Hi, a couple of months ago found your tumblr, and your top 10 story list. Very good list bravo, well done. I would like to ask some help i loved the story by Vulgus, i can't really explain why but it was incredible. Do you know any similar story, where one women destroys another almost or completely ? Thank in advance!
Kind Regards
Hey, thanks for writing to let me know! I’m glad you liked it, the whole reason I made the list was in the hope that people who enjoy that type of erotica might find something there which was new to them. Vulgus is a brilliant writer, though Repercussions is really the only story of his I’ve seen that concentrates mostly on a Woman as the dominant. There are others similar but most of them are already on the list, like The Wedding and Cammi and Enslaved Roommate. There is one story I published at storiesonline website called Confessions of a Beauty Queen that I can’t remember if I listed or not. If I didn’t it was definitely an oversight on my part.
Unfortunately now days the best writers of this type of erotica are behind paywalls, like Alecta Shadow, Eggwhites and an older writer that used to post at the old mousepad quite brilliantly called themaneloco. They’re all available with previews on Literotica if anyone wants to search them and if you are happy to pay (a minimal amount admittedly) you will find links to their story pages in their Literotica profiles.
I did have an idea to make a similar list of my top ten authors in that genre rather than stories but at this stage it remains an idea, I don’t have much time to be on line anymore but hopefully one day I will get to it!
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sulan1809 · 10 months
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Capcom 40th Anniversary?! Peraí, a empresa foi fundada em 1983?!
De todas as empresas produtoras de games, uma que se destacou muito em games, principalmente no segmento de lutas, foi a Capcom. Porém, o que mais causa estranheza é a data de inauguração da produtora de Mega Man e Street Fighter. A IRM Corporation foi fundada em 30 de Maio de 1979, nesse caso, a Capcom estaria fazendo 44 anos em 2023; Em 11 de Junho de 1983, foi estabelecida a Capcom Co. Ltd, para assumir o departamento de vendas, com os primeiros sucessos sendo Vulgus(1984), 1942(1984), Ghosts 'n Goblins(魔界村), de 1985. Enfim, a Capcom é uma empresa que tem muita tradição, mas que teve de passar por altos e baixos até o dia em que a empresa decidiu se reinventar. Vamos lembrar de algumas franquias espetaculares elaboradas por esta empresa que é uma das mais tradicionais e mirabolantes do Japão no que diz respeito a jogos.
MEGA MAN(ロックマン)
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Mega Man surgiu em 1987, mas o primeiro game não foi tão popular, tanto devido à capa malfeita da versão americana, quanto pelas péssimas vendas do primeiro game. Mega Man II(1988), por outro lado, fez um grande sucesso, e ajudou a expandir a franquia para novos horizontes, tais como Mega Man "X"(1993), que apresentou mecânicas inovadoras no SNES, até que no fatídico ano de 2011, em razão da saída de Keiji Inafune da Capcom, Mega Man Legends 3 foi cancelado, o que causou o furor de muitos fãs do personagem. Para compensar a situação relacionada ao Mega Man, e talvez apaziguar os ânimos exaltados dos fãs do Blue Bomber, em 2014, a Nintendo pelo menos lembrou o quão relevante é o personagem para o mundo dos games e o incluiu na lista de lutadores de Super Smash Bros. 4. Para simplificar, Mega Man permaneceu ignorado pela Capcom por sete anos, até que em 2018, de maneira meio atrasada, a Capcom anunciou Mega Man 11, para comemorar os 30 anos de Mega Man.
Final Fight
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Você deve estar se perguntando: Qual foi o primeiro Beat 'em up de todos os tempos?! Kung Fu Master, de 1984, é considerado o primeiro beat 'em up da história, no entanto foi Renegade, de 1986, que popularizou o gênero, apresentando temáticas de briga de rua urbana. Em 1989, a Capcom trouxe Final Fight aos arcades e foi estabelecida uma mecânica de gameplay que foi seguida por outros games dentro do mesmo estilo: um personagem é o mais rápido, mas o menos poderoso(Guy), um deles é o mais forte, mas o mais lento(Haggar), e por fim, o terceiro personagem é o mais equilibrado(Cody). Mike Haggar se retirou do mundo dos Wrestlings para se candidatar à prefeitura de Metro City. Quando ele se elegeu como prefeito, teve de lidar com um pequeno inconveniente: Os membros da Mad Gear sequestram Jessica, a filha de Haggar, subornando-o com uma boa quantia em dinheiro para deixá-los fazer o que bem entendam. Haggar se recusou, e ao lado dos dois companheiros dele, Guy e Cody, o recém-eleito prefeito parte para as ruas de Metro City com a missão ousada de descer o sarrafo nos valentões e resgatar a filha dele. Durante a jornada, eles enfrentam Damnd Thrasher, um punk jamaicano, Edi E., um policial corrupto, Os temidos Irmãos Andore, Sodom, um japanófilo(renomeado Katana quando Final Fight foi portado para o SNES), Rolento, um utopista fanático, Abigail, um valentão musculoso, e por fim, o líder deles, Belger. Depois que a Mad Gear foi esmagada com sucesso, Hagar retomou as atividades dele como prefeito em Metro City, Cody e Jessica foram tirar férias, e Guy, por outro lado partiu para treinar e ficar muito mais forte.
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Em Final Fight 2, com a morte de Belger, a Mad Gear Gang iria ruir e presumidamente colapsar, no entanto, sem que Haggar soubesse, o grupo criminoso estava secretamente reagrupando-se, em bases estrategicamente localizadas em outros lugares. Para se vingar de Haggar, eles sequestraram Rena, noiva de Guy, e o pai dela, o mestre John Genryusai. Maki estava desesperada, e como Guy não estava em nenhum lugar para ser encontrado, ela teve de recorrer ao apoio do prefeito Mike Haggar, informando-o sobre uma base estratégica da Mad Gear em Hong Kong. Querendo ajudar na missão, Carlos Miyamoto se junta ao prefeito clamando que ele tem uma dívida com Haggar e Guy por um débito desconhecido do passado entre eles. Haggar, Junto de Maki e Carlos, enfrenta Won Won em Hong Kong, Freddie na França, Bratken na Holanda, Phillipe na Inglaterra, Rolento na Itália, até que eles chegam ao Japão para o acerto de contas contra Retu, o novo líder da Mad Gear Gang. Curiosamente Retu cai para o destino fatal dele, assim como acontece com Belger no primeiro game. Maki reúne-se com o pai e a irmã dela, enquanto Haggar comenta com Carlos que no passado, Guy ajudou a resgatar Jessica, e que ele retribuiu o favor destruindo a Mad Gear por completo.
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Em Final Fight 3, com a destruição da Mad Gear Gang, os cidadãos de Metro City pensavam que o pesadelo deles havia terminado. No entanto, o vácuo de poder deixado pela Mad Gear Gang após à sua queda levou a uma guerra entre gangues em Metro City, batalhando entre si pela dominância suprema. No fim, a Skull Cross Gang, um grupo subordinado da Mad Gear Gang, sobressaiu-se sobre os demais grupos criminosos como a mais nova organização suprema do crime em Metro City. Tempos mais tarde, Mike Haggar recebe a visita de um velho amigo, Guy, que havia retornado de uma longa agenda de treinamentos, quando de repente, aconteceu uma explosão em Metro City, então entra em cena a detetive Lucia Morgan, para relatar sobre um grande tumulto no centro da cidade. Antes que Guy, Haggar e Lucia pudessem lidar com a nova situação que se desenrolava, um estranho desconhecido aparece para oferecer ajuda. Haggar, sem muita escolha, decide aceitar a ajuda do estranho, mas avisou que se ele estivesse atraindo-os para uma armadilha, ele o esfregaria a cara no asfalto. Depois que Dave, o policial corrupto, é derrotado, o estranho se revela como Dean, ele diz que era só um lutador de rua, e que quando ele se recusou a fazer parte da Skull Cross Gang, os maníacos massacraram a família dele, e que Dean iria caçar até o último deles, para fazê-los pagar pelo que eles fizeram. Depois que a Skull Cross Gang foi destruída, Dean, que havia vingado os familiares dele, afastou-se, mas não antes de agradecer Haggar, Guy e Lucia. De todos os games da trilogia, Final Fight 3 é considerado o melhor, pois houve uma melhoria significativa na jogabilidade, com mais fluidez para o movimento e os ataques dos personagens, bem como a adição da barra de SUPER, que permite a cada um dos personagens efetuar golpes especiais que causam danos extremos nos oponentes. Final Fight inspirou Streets of Rage, que no cenário mais recente teve um revival decente e bem elaborado na forma de Streets of Rage 4.
Street Fighter
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Você sabe qual foi o primeiro game de lutas?! Para resumir, em um aspecto geral, o primeiro de todos foi Heavyweight Champ, de 1976, produzido pela SEGA, no entanto, foi Karate Champ(1984), que popularizou o gênero, adicionando elementos de artes marciais, seguido por Yie Ar Kung-Fu, produzido pela Konami. Street Fighter, por outro lado, foi lançado em 1987, no entanto, não causou muito impacto, mas a jogabilidade era inovadora. Os jogadores dispunham de dois botões hidráulicos, que dependendo da força, davam mais intensidade aos golpes, no entanto, como geralmente se aplicava muita força, a Capcom então substituiu esse sistema pelos seis botões que seriam tradição na franquia. O verdadeiro sucesso de Street Fighter veio com Street Fighter II(1991), que refinou e popularizou diversas mecânicas de gameplay, como por exemplo, combos, teve diversas atualizações, como Street Fighter II: Champion Edition(1992) e mods não-autorizados como por Exemplo, Street Fighter II: Rainbow Edition, o que fez a Capcom elaborar Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting, como resposta aos pirateiros que criaram versões não-oficiais de Street Fighter II: Champion Edition. Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers(1993) adicionou personagens novos, tais como Cammy, Dee Jay, Fei Long e Thunder Hawk, enquanto que Super Street Fighter II Turbo implementou a barra de SUPER, e a novidade ficou por conta do estreante Akuma. Se não fosse por Street Fighter, jamais surgiriam franchises icônicas como The King of Fighters, Guilty Gear e BlazBlue, por exemplo...
Resident Evil
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Em um passado distante, a Capcom desenvolveu Sweet Home(1989) para o NES, com base em um filme de terror japonês de mesmo nome. Shinji Mikami e Tokuro Fujiwara queriam fazer um remake de Sweet Home, no entanto, como a Capcom perdeu a licença para fazer qualquer game relacionado a essa obra, eles mudaram o projeto, mas mantiveram os mesmos esquemas horripilantes apresentados em Sweet Home. Em um certo momento, Shinji Mikami estava experimentando um game chamado Alone in the Dark, e com isso veio a ideia de utilizar uma câmera estática em primeira pessoa. Em 1996, a Capcom lançou Biohazard(バイオハザード) para o PlayStation no Japão, e internacionalmente o game foi renomeado como Resident Evil, inaugurando o gênero Survival Horror, e rapidamente se transformou em um sucesso. A premissa básica de Resident Evil é abater zumbis, e se possível, correr deles. O sucesso de Resident Evil levou à produção de Resident Evil 2 em 1998, sendo o único da trilogia inicial a ser portado para o Nintendo 64, enquanto a versão de PlayStation tinha dois CDs, um com a imagem de Leon, outro com a imagem de Claire, a diferença de gameplay estava no personagem que o jogador escolhia. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, de 1999, trouxe Jill como protagonista, no entanto, com um pequeno problema: ela tem de correr de um gigante irritante chamado Nemesis, que a persegue implacavelmente enquanto ele proclama o famoso bordão STARS.
Monster Hunter
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Em 2004, a Capcom lançou Monster Hunter para PlayStation 2. A premissa básica de Monster Hunter consiste em colocar o jogador no comando de um caçador, que vai atrás de monstros, em um ambiente medieval. Monster Hunter basicamente é um precursor de Dark Souls, o famoso Hack 'n Slash estilo gótico feita pela From Software. Depois do primeiro game, houve diversas continuações, tais como Monster Hunter 2(2006), que não teve um lançamento fora do Japão, no entanto, Monster Hunter Freedom 2(2007), que era baseado em Monster Hunter 2, foi lançado nos EUA para PSP. Depois veio Monster Hunter 3(2009), e a versão melhorada, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate(2013), Monster Hunter 4(2013) foi lançado ao Nintendo 3DS, no entanto, permaneceu apenas no Japão, dois anos mais tarde, em 2015, o Nintendo 3DS recebeu uma versão melhorada, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate(モンスターハンター 4G). Pode-se dizer que Monster Hunter é uma das franquias mais rentáveis da Capcom, e a arrecadação atual chegou a 95 milhões de unidades vendidas, isso contando os 63 títulos da franquia, sendo que maior parte deles ficou apenas no Japão. O atual título da série é Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak(2022). Monster Hunter Stories(2016) é um spin-off mais family-friendly, que apresenta elementos típicos de JRPG.
Ghosts N Goblins
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No ano de 1985, a Capcom trouxe ao público japonês um game chamado Makaimura(魔界村), que é um primo distante de Resident Evil. Na premissa básica do game, Arthur, um cavaleiro doidão, deve percorrer os mais diversos ambientes matando monstros numa tentativa de resgatar a Princesa Prin Prin. à primeira vista, Arthur chega a ser imponente usando armadura, mas basta ele levar um esbarrão que ela é esmigalhada, e o cavaleiro descarado fica trajado apenas de boxers, e no segundo hit, ele se transforma em uma pilha de ossos, o que representa as mortes no game. Na ocasião do lançamento ocidental, Makaimura teve o nome mudado para Ghosts 'n Goblins, ou seja, sofreu uma leve censura nos EUA em relação a temas cristãos, por exemplo, a cruz, a única arma capaz de ferir Astaroth, foi mudada para um escudo. Ghosts 'n Goblins também é muito punitivo, forçando os jogadores a jogar uma segunda campanha com jogabilidade mais desafiadora do que na primeira, para só assim Arthur derrotar Astaroth, então os jogadores podem ver o final verdadeiro. Ghouls n Ghosts foi lançado em 1988 e a novidade da vez permitiu Arthur lançar os ataques pra cima e pra baixo, e uma armadura dourada que permitia carregar as habilidades especiais das armas, enquanto que Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts(1991), deu ao cavaleiro Arthur a possibilidade de efetuar um salto duplo, com o segundo salto impossível de ser controlado, no entanto, a Capcom removeu a possibilidade de atirar pra cima, alegando veementemente que os jogadores já estavam acostumados com a jogabilidade presente em Mega Man, o que definitivamente não faz nenhum sentido.
Devil May Cry
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Devil May Cry estreou em 2001 no PlayStation 2, reinventando a fórmula clássica dos beat 'em ups no estilo Hack 'n Slash. A obra de Hideki Kamiya, que seria o hipotético Resident Evil 4 que nunca saiu do papel, tem como protagonista principal um caçador de demônios, Dante, que estranhamente é um demônio, mas que tem que enfrentar um exército de demônios que quer invadir a Terra. Um dos atributos de Devil May Cry é o sistema de combos, derivado de Onimusha, cujo glitch permitia aos jogadores efetuar uma sessão de combos nos inimigos. O sucesso de Devil May Cry levou a franquia para novos horizontes, com a única ovelha negra da franquia sendo DMC: Devil May Cry(2013), que era para ser um reboot da série, mas que no fim das contas acabou por causar desânimo e frustração em muitas pessoas. Depois de seis anos de espera, em 2019, a Capcom trouxe Devil May Cry 5, que acabou atraindo um grande interesse do público, e tornando-se o game de melhores vendas da franquia...
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