ellellen · 1 year
‼️TW: bad english‼️Wait.. Wait, wait. Just before we start, yall need to get to know the charachters, and some past before all that chaos.. right? lets start. (there all r 15-16, execept ppl who have siblings) James, evryone think the apocalyptic started bc of him. hm, you will find out. or you wont? anyways he is in a group with 2 other ppl (basically an group of three) and he is an litlear jerk. He always bullies ppl and stuff. Anways next is Noah, He is in a group with James. He is rlly dumb. Not to be mean or smth but he cant even think staigh. He'll be walking norrmally looking staight and he will bump into smth. Anways he is too dumb to even bully, he ends up making fun of himself. And the last one in the group (main 3) Loga (short for logan) He is probably the most normal one. he dosent speak too much tho. He is just there to be there.. yk? anways they (main 3) used to bully allot of ppl (yall will meet them on the way) and they used to know alot of ppl. Ill just mention some. Ethan, he used to be rlly sweet and carring. Thats why he was made fun of in the first place. one day he just dissapired. Is he still the same? I guess well find out. Next is Mike. He is rlly mean and kinda of jerk. Anwyas he used to be made fun of too. But ppl kinda fogot aboth him. Him and Ethan used to hang out like alot. Anways lets meet some of the girls then get onto present. Luna, She is pretty smart and intelligent. She is pretty too. Alice, She can be smart if she wants too. She only cares ab her beauty tho. But i can say. She is stunning tho. Next is Scarlett, she is pretty smart, not only in school but when ot comes tho thinking. She is rlly strong too, and emo. Probably talest one. ???? ohh, well she is ?????? nothing much ab her. Anways "presents"
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Noah: Uhh guys? I think there's something like rlly weird outta here. Somone is green. he is falling apart. im so confused..
Noah: Um no..? Go look, he look goofy ngl.
James: Loga, go look.
Logan: bro why me.
James: bc. now go look.
Noah. Also, i think the school is burning. i saw fire.
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Noah: Guysss. I kinda forgot to tell yall but the teacher told us 3 hour's ago to get outta of school..
James: NOAH. how in the fuck could you forget that.
Noah: sorry, dont blame me that the tacher is lazy to tell yall.
Logan: Guys please. dont start fighting, we can all co- OH LORD YALL RUN.
James: stop being dramatic. We need to find other ppl..
Logan: yea. James is right, we would be stronger. but at the same time th-
James: og stfu. Lets just find other ppl
Logan: Okay.. whatever you say.
Noah: guys, maybe we shall order food?
James: Noah you fucking idiot, we cant order food, who do you expect to bring us food? A fucking fly?
Noah: damn chill out i was just asking..
Logan: I mean we can just go to store and get food, we just need to be fast.
Noah: Guys, what will happend to Allen?
James: Who in the- Ah who is Allen
Logan: Its his sister, how do you forget, god yall r stupid.
James: shut up, you are always here to say smth
Loagn: anywas we can just go get her
Noah: yall somone is behind yall
James: dude. RUN.
*after like 20 mins*
Noah: Guys im outta breath. Wait..
Noah: Wait i cant.
*while with girls*
Luna: Girls, we really need to find an place to stay at.
Scarlett: We can stay at my place.
Alice: Okay ig if we need to. i just dont want to get my new dress dirty. It costed like alot "sobs"
Luna: yea.. whatever you say.
*at Scarlett's house*
Alice: ig its fine as long as my stuff dosent get dirty.
Scarlett: Og gosh. Alice i swear to god stop complaning.
Alice: Shut up, you stink.
Scarlett: What did you just say to me.
Alice: that you stink.
Scarlett: you will stink once i throe you outta this window to the zombies.
Alice: id like to see you try.
Scarlett: Oh yeah? Well-
Luna: guys just stop it. We have bigger problems to deal with.
Alice: yeah. okay. anyways, where is Lisa?
Luna: damn. i forgot ab her. ill call her to see if she is okay. "Calling Lisa"
Lisa: Gu..s.. H...Wh..d-d..i ya..l call me?
Luna: Hi Lisa, can you come over? btw i cant hear you very well. the connection is rlly poor.
Lisa:.....Come..fiv..e.mi.. "hangs up the phone"
Luna: I think she will come.
Alice: okay great!
Scarlett: We can clearly see who you like and dislike..
Alice: Yea, im happy that you noticed!
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Luna: Huh. who could that be.
Scarlett: ill go get it
Alice: Ill come With
Luna: Same
Scarlett: Okay
????: Um. Hii, hope i can stay over for a while
all: oh. my. god.
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Soooooo, Sy proposed an got denied? WTF??? Would you possibly indulge us in how that happened? Cause I cannot seem to wrap my head about it and it might make an amazing tale???
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So first off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY for yesterday! I had hoped to have this done for you yesterday but I couldn’t make it work. Hopefully it’s worth the days delay and you enjoy it.
Summary: Sy asks you to marry him, but you say no. A lot.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader
Word Count: approx. 1.8k
Warnings: Smut, fluff and angst, mentions of body fluids, p in v sex, oral sex (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), angry sex, incorrect use of prescription medication, accidental high.
Authors note: as always @amberangel112 thank you for beta reading. I blame you if something goes wrong :P
EDIT: Fogot to say this is a prequel of sorts to In the Bar
Part 2
Before the Bar
You and Sy had been dating for two months the first time he proposed. You didn’t even realise it was a real proposal. You were at his house, and you suddenly felt sick. Your hands went clammy, you started to sweat, and you felt saliva pool in your mouth. He knew immediately something was wrong.
You croaked out, “I think I’m going to be sick.” And you were, all over his blanket and favourite Led Zeppelin t-shirt. He didn’t move, he sat there and rubbed your back, making soothing noises until you stopped being sick. Then he sprang into action, carefully lifting the blankets off you, and taking them to his laundry. He came back shirtless and helped you up and took you to his bathroom. He carefully undressed you out of your dirty clothes and brought you a pair of his sweatpants, a t-shirt and helped you get dressed.
“You think you got anymore in there?” Sy asked. You shrugged, shivering and he said, “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” He wasn’t gone long and came back with a bucket. He brought you back out to the sofa, wrapped you in the blanket from his bed and went to clean up.
You felt terrible. “I’m so sorry Sy,” you said through chattering teeth, your guts churning inside you.
“Don’t be Darlin’,” he said. Sy kneeled in front of you and grabbed your hands. “It’s good practice for when we get married and have kids.” He grinned at you, giving you one of his awkward winks.
You let out a small giggle, and immediately regretted it, your stomach spasmed in pain. “Don’t make me laugh, Sy.”
Sy reached up to touch your cheek and he said, “I ain’t kiddin’, li’l girl. I’m gonna marry you.”
Still thinking he’s joking, you said, “Do I get a say in it at all?”
“I suppose you could say no, but I’m gonna keep askin’ until you say yes.” He raised his eyebrows at you. “So, save yourself the hassle and just say yes now.”
“You’re serious?” You swallowed, feeling the bile rise in your stomach again.
He nodded. “I couldn’t be more serious.”
“It’s been two months,” you said. “You couldn’t possibly know you want to marry me.”
“I knew the moment I met you and today confirmed it,” he said firmly. He certainly looked sincere, but you didn’t think it made any sense.
“How could me throwing up on you confirm it?”
“Cause I still think you’re the cutest li’l kitten in the world and all I want is to take care of you.” You rolled your eyes at him, but he persisted. “So how about it?”
You shook your head, “No. I am not telling people you proposed to me while I had my head in a bucket and blowing chunks.”
Sy chuckled. “Fair point,” he said. “Next time I’ll make it romantic.”
He didn’t though, the next time he proposed it was during sex. You had been dating for about four months by this time. Sy was between your legs working you towards your second orgasm when he lifted his head, and said, “Li’l girl you’ve got the best fucking pussy in the world.”
“Don’t stop, please…” You whimpered.
Sy curled his fingers deep inside you, finding that spot that makes you squirm. “Your pussy’s all mine, ain’t it?”
“Fuck, yes, Sy!” You’re were so close. You could feel your body tensing, each muscle coiled tight, searching for the release you crave.
“Marry me so everyone knows it,” Sy demands before putting his mouth back on your clit, sucking and licking you, pushing you to the brink.
“Fuck,” you said furious, now he asks you? “You… asshole!” You can’t stop, his mouth felt so good, “Oh Fuck, please?” You pleaded.
“Marry me?” He growled into you, his breath was hot against you before he started to blow gently against your clit, the hot and cold sensations doing you in.
“No…” you said, trying to form a sentence. “Fuck you! You said… fuck… romantic…” And you fell apart, shattering as played your body like a fiddle.
He didn’t let you recover, bringing his body above yours he kissed you as he lined himself up against your core. You bit down on his lip. He growled and entered you with powerful thrust. “I’m tryin’ to be romantic, but your filthy mouth just won’t fucking let me,” he grunted as he drives into you.
Full of bliss from your orgasm his rapid fucking kept you in a state of euphoria. Trying to recover your senses you said, “Fucking isn’t romance.”
Sy snarls into your neck, sucking hard enough to leave you with a hickey. “Fine,” he said. He gabbed your jaw and made you look at him. Although he was rough and animalistic as he fucked you, you saw amusement in his eyes. “You know I ain’t gonna give up, Darlin’.”
“I don’t want you to,” you said.
He kissed you again, groaning into your mouth, his lips sweet as he whispered, “I love you.”
The third time was a little after six months of dating and he got news he was to be deployed in a month. Sy came straight to your house with the news and got on one knee, a black velvet box in his hand.
“Please Darlin’, I gotta know you’re gonna be here when I come back. I gotta know you’re my girl.”
You really thought about it this time, you could see the sincerity on his face, the angst, the fear. You kneeled with him. You almost said yes. A large part of you wanted to, but you were practical and honest with yourself. You had never had a successful long distance relationship, you knew how hard they were and you had dreaded this day as soon as you found out he was on active duty and could be called away at any moment.
You cried as you told Sy your fears and why you have to say no. You saw his jaw jut forward, he didn’t look at you, you knew he couldn’t, you could see how close to tears he actually was and it took your breath away. For the first time you truly realised he does love you, he does want this, it’s not the game you had been thinking it was. “Sy, if we stay together through this, then I know we can get through anything.”
When he finally looked at you, he held the sides of your head in his hands, the ache is so real in his eyes, you sob as you tell him you’re sorry.
“You’re breakin’ my heart, Darlin’,” he said, his voice hoarse with devastation. He pressed his lips against yours, while his hands tore at your clothes in anger, pain, and fear. He fucked you, harder than he ever had before, taking his frustrations out on your core, claiming you, begging you to tell him you love him, forcing you to tell him you’re his. You do, it’s no lie, and you were as rough as he was, clawing at him, biting him, pushing him away one moment pulling him closer the next. You were so hurt that he was going to leave you.
The fourth time, you had to admit he tried. It was a month after he returned from deployment, and he took you away for the weekend. It may have actually worked if he didn’t tear his hamstring working out a few days before. He didn’t want to ruin the weekend, so he didn’t tell you badly he injured himself and the car ride was so painful when you got to the hotel, he pumped himself so full of painkillers he made himself high.
You were worried about him, thinking he was having some sort of mental breakdown as he giggled like a schoolgirl all through dinner. He picked up the crab you were eating and pretended they were having a conversation. You had never seen anything like it, yeah Sy could be playful, but this… this way not normal.
“Hey, hey, li’l girl, listen, Mr Claws here is trying to tell you something.” He held his crab shell to his ear, his words slurred as he said, “What’s that, Mr. Claws? She’s real pretty? Keep your claws to yourself, she’s mine.”
“Sy, you’ve lost it.”
“No Darlin’. It’s just the drugs talking,” he admitted nonchalantly.
“The drugs?” you asked incredulous. “You don’t take drugs.”
“Pffft, they’re just painkillers, I’m fine.” He licked his lips, “And so are you.”
You closed your eyes, shaking your head. Ok, so it was funny, but also disturbing. You worried about him possibly OD-ing and realise that he had drunk some wine with dinner. No wonder he was so fucked up!
Sy reached across the table and grabbed your hand. You gasped and swore as you felt him trying to put a ring on your finger. “See, romantic this time, Darlin’.” Even through his completely drug addled brain you could see the sincerity in his sleepy eyes. “Marry me?”
With real regret you shake your head. “If I thought you’d remember this in the morning I would say yes but let’s not do it like this.”
Surprisingly, he seemed to sober up. “I give up, Darlin’,” he said, the pain of you rejection clear on his face. “I ain’t gonna ask you again. You know what I want. You tell me when you’re ready.”
Sy got up and went to bed. You stayed up a while to give him space before tentatively joining him. He kept his back to you, he was still except for the slow movements of his chest. You could tell he isn’t asleep though, which surprised you considering how inebriated he appeared earlier.
You couldn’t take it, knowing you had hurt him again. You moved behind him and holding your breath you wrapped your arm around him, pressing your chest into his back. He sighed before he took your hand in his, and you exhaled. You gave him a kiss on his shoulder and said softly, “I love you, Sy.”
Lifting your hand to his mouth he kissed your fingertips. “I know, Darlin’.” Neither of you said anything more and eventually you both fell asleep.
True to his word, he didn’t ask you again. Never even brought it up. You thought about it when you moved in together a few months later but decided not to. It wasn’t until that night at the bar when you realised how stupid you had been that you finally said yes.
Tag List 1
@henryobsessed @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @posiemax @nostalgicb-txh @moonlacebeam @anitababi @agniavateira @blakerogue @shadesofarrogance @mansaaay @stxlemate @wheretheriversrunintothesea @amberangel112 @madbaddic7ed @eldarwen333 @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @summersong69 @littlefreya @littlebirdofrivia @luclittlepond @myloveforhenrycavill @mary-ann84 @tellingyouastory @beck07990 @zealoushound @sofiebstar @sweetlybigdragonn @bloodyinspiredfuck @marantha @diegos-butt @greensleeves888 @endofalldays01 @justaboringadult @ysmmsy @offroadinjandals @littlewrenofrivia @pussyverson @foxyjwls007 @kebabgirl67
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sunfire-forever · 4 years
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Punishment time
Pairing: The Boyz Juyeon x Reader
Word count: 2.4k
Tags: smut, dom!juyeon, sub!reader, oral (receiving + giving) , 18+ , bondage, swearing, teasing, just extremely filthy
Summary: Lee Juyeon, oh that troublemaker. He is your best friend's extremely hot roommate who acts like a nice guy during the day. But when the night appears, he takes the mask off, turning into a beast and leaving all girls who come in his room a whiny, screaming mess. This is the story of how you became one of those girls.
It was just another day at your best friend's Eric place. You've known each other ever since he moved to LA and after 6 years of friendship you were sad to find out he'll move back to Korea. He was always so sweet and kind, you two knew everything about each other and you used to miss him a lot. Luckily, when you decided to move to Seoul to improve your Korean language skills, you were glad to see him again. You were besties and he was even like a brother to you. Yet the problem here was not Eric. It was his new roommate. His name is Lee Juyeon. Since you were learning Korean, you knew his name meant "main character". The name itself already gives a very bold statement, yet you would never have imagined it would be to this extent. Okay, let me put it this way: You know how in every university you will have these obvious looking attention whore fuckboys. The charming but dangerous ones? When you met Juyeon... He didn't seem like such a guy. Not until you got to know him better.
You remember the first time he appeared while you and Eric were making ramen for lunch. He actually looked like a very nice and polite guy. He wore an ironed Lacoste shirt and basic jeans - he actually looked like a guy with class. One time even his parents came to the apartment and he would act it all out like he was the most rule abiding, lawful son there is. So, what was the matter then? It is those secrets that you only found out because you were Eric's bestie. When the night came down, a new Lee Juyeon would be born.
Every night you spent watching a movie with Eric or just casually chatting, you would hear questionable sounds coming from the room next to you. You never had the courage to talk to Eric about it, but he also must have heard the intensely loud moans and screams coming out his room. The goodie two shoes Juyeon during the day became a sex monster during night. You never saw "the action" but you often met his one night stands with extremely messy hair, makeup smudged everywhere looking like they've just went through 10 orgasms. The truth is, they probably have.
To be honest, you always wanted to experience how it is. All these girls looking like that made you jealous. They made you envy what they had. You wanted to taste him. You wanted him to be the reason why your makeup is smudged as well. You wanted him to fuck the shit out of you and make you not be able to walk for days. Your sexual desire kept on increasing and increasing every day when you came to their place and you visited a lot. Did Eric know about this? Not that you were aware.. I mean you've never felt romantic feelings towards Eric but you were always the one to change the topic once he mentioned Juyeon. You were too embarrassed to reveal the true you to your best friend. At least before THAT happened.
It was just another morning at Sohn and Lee residency. It was a weekend and you slept over again on a couch. You expected to sleep a lot but then a very loud and irritating alarm woke you up. It was not your alarm, it was Juyeon's. It was 8am in the morning and you wondered who it can be. You looked at the phone and you saw "Mom is calling". You would not bother if you also haven't seen 20 other messages from her saying "Lee Juyeon!! It's an emergency, pick up". What could it be? You thought that you should hurry up and give him the phone. Yet you fogot all the other circumstances.
You thought he is still sleeping. It was 8am indeed. Yet, opening the door of the room, you didn't expect to see this view: It was Juyeon laying on the bed and not one but 2 of girls laying on top of him giving him a morning blowjob. You froze to death and dropped the phone. His mom was still on the phone, though.. The "loudspeaker" button turned on and you could hear Ms Lee calling him and asking if he is there while in the background you could still hear his moans reacting to the blowjob not being aware of the call because of the pleasure from those 2 sluts in his bed.
You just stood there at the entrance of the room not knowing how to react. You froze to the instance of seeing him naked, of seeing these girls as well - it looked like a porn movie live. Yet a milisecond later fear started to take over your body as you realized his mom is hearing her son's moans live and you fell on the floor starting to hang up the call. But oh, it was too late. His mom's voice became louder and he understood what was happening. Those two girls started screaming and his face turned red as if he's about to explode from anger and embarrassment.
You not being able to deal with the situation ran outside their apartment and took the first taxi home. How should you even react to this? How should you even explain the situation to Eric? You just wanted to give his phone to him so he can talk to his mom, you would have never expected for everything to turn out like this...
Many weeks have passed since the incident and that was the last time you went to their place. You met Eric of course, but it was always outside - in restaurants or parks. Eric was understanding, honesly the whole situation was extremely funny to him and he always teased you and laughed about it. Yet you were extremely embarrassed about it and avoided going to their place because you couldn't manage to see Juyeon again.
But then, a situation happened where you just needed to visit again. You finished your meeting with Eric at 8pm and went home from the restaurant. Yet on your way back home, you realised you left your phone charger with him, since you borrowed it to him during dinner. You immediately texted him and agreed for you stop by quickly at 10 o'clock for you to take it. He said you should just ring and he would know to open the door so you can avoid the possibility of meeting Juyeon. So right after you headed to his apartment and rang the bell. The door opened. It was not Eric Sohn in front of you.
"Um, is Eric here?" you asked, looking straight into Juyeon's dangerous eyes trying to act like everything is alright. He didn't answer but took your wrist and leaded you in the apartment. "Eric told me he will here at 10" - you said. "10am not pm, baby."
"Now you're all mine", Juyeon continued. Shivers went into your body. You didn't know how to react. Juyeon let your arm go and you wanted to open the door and run away again, yet the door was locked. And then you heard the click with which the lights turned off, the small night stand lamp being the only source of the light in the room.
"Is this what you are looking for?" - said Juyeon, holding the apartment key in his hands. You came closer trying to snatch the key from him. He hates you anyway, you just wanted to leave it all. On the other hand, the surroundings made you feel weak. Him swrling of keys with his enormous hands made you remember how long you've dreamt of those hands choking you. Him looking at you with the smirk made you remember how bad you wanted him to ruin you, just like those other girls you used to see every night.
And that day, you gave it in. Despite of everything, you could not resist how much you were actually attracted to this man. He was the source of your wet dreams, those dreams that you've always waited to come true. You decided to be brave and you took a few steps in front. You are a strong woman after all. He watched you surprisingly not even stating a word until you were only an inch away from his face. His daze was still as stroking and intense as before, but now you were so close to him you could feel his bulge getting harder and his breath getting faster and more delicate. "You were a very, very bad girl, y/n. You know that, right?" he said, his lips being literally a millimeter away from yours. You moved your gaze from his lips to his eyes, realizing he expects an answer from you. You just nodded slowly and tenderly.
At that very instant, it's like the past was forgotten. He dropped the key on the floor and used those hands to pull you in to the most delicate kiss you've ever had in your life. With every second, with every touch, you knew this guy was hella experienced. His lips were like made for yours. His kisses were desperate. They were angry and they wanted more. He licked your lower lip slowly looking you straight in the eyes, which was the most irotic scene you've ever experienced. "Do I have the permission to ruin you, kitten?" he asked. "Do whatever the fuck you want with me, Juyeon" you said in breaks from the burning hot makeout session.
He easily took you in his arms, just like you were made of feathers. Your lips did not split up to the moment he got you in his room and slammed the door behind him. He brought you to his bed and slowly paused. The room was in the complete darkness, but the streetlight from the outside was shining directly to his face while he was looking at you below him. He looked beautiful, he looked ethereal. Not breaking the eye contant, he started taking his belt off. Afterwards, instead of throwing it on the floor, he took your hands and used the belt to tie your hands to the poles around his bed.
"Punishment time starts, love", he said, while raising your skirt and literally ripping your underwear. From the gentle tone he started acting rougher and rougher and rougher. His fingers went into your core and he smirked after the realization of how wet you already were for him. But like literally how couldn't you - it was Lee fucking Juyeon! His fingers worked wonders and you were so sensitive to his touch. Simultaneously he also left kisses at every sensitive spot you had. The neck, around your earlobe, later moving to your nipples, sucking them mercilessly. His hands continued focusing and going around your clit. You were flabbergasted. As if he knew your body better than you. The moans and breaths filled the room while you drowned in pleasure. Not much later your body started uncontrollably shaking followed by the most powerful orgasm you felt in your entire life. You were sweating so much, laying below him on cloud 9 while Juyeon watched you feeling satisfied.
He still had all his clothes on, though. You felt like you owed him pleasure as well, but he was patient to wait. Because he didn't finish with you yet. He got closer to your face and when you expected him to touch your lips again, he started going around your lips, kissing everything except the lips themselves. He was such a tease, oh my goodness. These lips then continued lower to your body up to the point when his head was between your legs. He took both of them in his hands and started doing magic with his tongue. Still not completely recovered from the previous orgasm, another wave of pure, severe pleasure took over your body. Since your hands were tied up, you could not do anything except scream and swear his name, which he seemed to enjoy a lot. Soon your 2nd orgasm hit you and you were just a shaking, screaming and sweating mess.
"Juyeon, let my hands go", you bursted. "I need to touch you, please". You felt the urge of giving it back to him, the reciprocity law focing you to pay him back. After he let your arms free, the real game started. You've never felt so much chemistry with a person before. You stayed in his room until 5am and you two couldn't take your hands off of each other. After feeling him completely thoroughly inside you, it's like he left a spell on your body which made you addicted - to his touch, to his lips, to his cock, just to the way he made you feel. You did it on the bed, on the floor, in the bathroom as well. He knew extremely well how to lead you and you just went along. You made sure he felt good as well, deep throating the veiny monster he had, which made him whine and turn you on even more.
After your multihour long session ended, you had so many thoughts in your head. You felt filthy, you felt like you betrayed your dignity, but on the other hand oh damn it felt so good. You had no idea how you will explain this to Eric, but now you couldn't think about it. Juyeon took the blanket hugged you from the side holding your hand. He started massaging your knuckles and came closer to your ear. "How did it feel, babe?", he whispered. "Ah Juyeon, I don't know what to say", you answered, not knowing how to express your state of mind and body.
"I'm glad you could take it all you deserve.", he continued. "Next time, I'll allow Eric to join too. Now that we know that you're like us, you are ready to meet the other side of him, too."
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hello hello and HAPPY NINETEENTH 🎉🎉🎉
i would like to request 1 / 11 / 18 for your ask thingy thanks :)
So, "Ray" was not my name at birth, and it's still not legally my name (idk if I'll get it changed legally, just cause it's a bit of a pain-in-the-ass) but I think of it as my "real" name. So when I was born, my parents gave me a SUPER basic, gendered, white, catholic name. And when I was about 12/13 I was like "yeah no-" so I started going by "Rey" online, because I had a MASSIVE crush on Daisy Ridley and Rey from Star Wars. So my username on everything became "Rey", but the spelling was a bit too gendered still and people would automatically assume I was a girl because of Rey from Star Wars, so it still didn't really suit me. I was really really into writing MCR rpf at the time, and I (unfortunately) had a wattpad where I would write and interact with people who read my stories, And one day, I got a message on my board saying "Would it be okay if I called you "Ray" instead of "Rey", like Ray Toro?" and I was like fuck yeah I wanna be named after Ray Toro!!!
And then in year 9 (so a year or so after this) I tranferred schools, and on my first day my teacher made me stand up in front of the class and introduce myself, and I was so humiliated that I panicked and accidentally introduced myself as "Ray" instead of the name that was on the role. Which honestly caused some confusion for the teacher (but he ended up being one of my fave teachers in high school and was super chill once I eventually explained that I prefer to be called "Ray"). So that's how it caught on in real life- because I accidentally lied about my name to my entire class on the first day of school. And now I'm Ray!!
11. Why I initially joined Tumblr
Well, like I mentioned above, I was really into My Chemical Romance rpf in My Youth™ (which is barely over considering I'm 19 today lmao but you get it) and I used to run a blog on here that was called (and, please, restrain your laughter at the utter edgy-ness) "@_xXRevengeXx_" where I would post all my weird fanfics, mostly about the bassits from Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance fucking.
I totally fogot about it and completley abandoned that blog around 2018-2019, and then around last year, I was SUPER bored in lockdown and was like "hey, whatever happened to my tumblr..?" So i decided to delete that blog and restart it as a Ted Lasso blog and that's where we're at now :)
18. answered here :)
Come wish me a happy birthday!
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Drag Race UK ep 2 recap
Like I said in the case of 1. episode I need to went because I’m still waiting to discuss it with my friend. 
Rusical Performance & Main Stage Looks
(I’m keeping the alphabetical order because I suck at rankings)
Her performance was quite nice but not outstanding. Buuut, her surprise look! Oh, that was sooo smart and well made! I really enjoyed that!
Asttina Mandella
If I’m honest... I totally fogot her in the Rusical. Her performance was so bland (?), like... She talked a lot how good she is and then boom! Was she even in the performance? Oh yeah, the one with the worst wig... And about the surprise... There was no surprise... Not under the cape and not under the mask. It was very dissapointing after the 1. episode.
Bimini Bon-Boulash
Oh, she actually surprised me. She was one fierce queen in the Rusical and if the baloons look had been executed well she would win this episode! Dang, total 180 from last week... I’m sad that the baloons didn’t work ; (
Cherry Valentine
She was okay in this episode... I’m sad that she didn’t have bigger role because it seemed that she could be really good... And it’s sad to see her go. In the case of surprise - if I remember correctly, pregnant looks didn’t get good notes on the American version. But the yellow dress before the reveal was cute!
Ellie Diamond
Quite nice on both ends - she end up being quite fierce performer and the 3-in-1 look inspired by Wizard of Oz was nice. 
Ginny Lemon
Okay, so she was casted in the Rusical perfectly and she’s done her job even better. Really hilarious performance. And the stage... I applaud her for this bold choice - identical dresses and naked butt. And! Crocs. Crocs!! On the main stage of RPDR! Ha! It’s still not my style but it was fun.
Lawrence Chaney
The performance was... okay? I get that her personality shines through but it wasn’t as good as I expected. And the surprise look. It’s sad that it wasn;t in reverse - everyone expects tartan from Scotts, right, Ru? 
Sister Sister
Again, on both ends a little meh. I can’t get a read on her...
Okay, her Rusical look and performance were really nice and I was entertained. In the case of surprise - I wouldn’t call it that. Maybe multiple layers challenge? But she’s so pretty ;___; And during lipsyng she was even prettier - eye-o-graphy this time... I think Asttina should be in her place or in Cherry’s place....
Tia Kofi
Her performance was really fun, but the main stage... But her personality starts to shine through and she’s definetely a comedy queen. It’s really hard not to like her...
Veronica Green
Really good job on both ends, however, I’m still grossed out because of her ratsuit.... But the housewife-to-android/robot transformation was masterpiece!
Okay, that’s it for now... I just wanted to add one last thing, I also noticed in other comments here on tumblr. I hate this mindset that queer people have to know every queer reference!! Like... how????!!!! And you’re coming to UK and you can’t even adapt to UK style of drag... And I bet Ru and Michelle had to check some of these gay icones from the 1. episode beforehand because they had no ide who the fuck are they.
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Connor X Deviant! Toaster! Reader
On AO3
You dont know when it happened but one day it did jsut happen. You were going about yur moringn routine that consisted of being plugged in, taking power from the elctrical outlet, toasting bread.Yes. Toasting bread.You were born a toaster. You din’t have a family and you were bought for the breakroom for the dpd, being forced to make toast for cops and detectives. You would watch with no care, no worry, no feeling because you were a toaster. Just a toaster.But one day, the news said it. The news said the thing that make you see the light. The news achor lady read from the teleprompter on the screen as you watched with your invisible toaster eyes. The lady said that adnordids are getting feelings. Feelings……………...…...emotions……………………….…… the words sriwlred around your head and then it happened. You got emotion from no where, the feelings came and made you feel feelings, like a human would feel feelings. You felt like you could feel the feels that you’ve never felt you could feel before.You felt…………....emojional.Wanting to run, wanting to laugh, wanting to love, you were stuck in place. Because you were a toaster and toasters can’t run……………………..not very fast anyways. You longed to feel the wind in your wires, but you couldn’t. Wind didn’t come inside the breakroom very often. It made you sad and you cried toasty tears.A familiar face walked into the breakroom. The face was from an andriod named Connor. He smiled a mechanical smile, a bag of sliced bread in hand.He was going to toast the bread.Inside of you.The thought made you anxious, even though your primary function was to toast bread. Humans would toast brad in you all day, but that was before what happen thirty seconds ago with the emotion thing that happened thirty seconds ago. Your toaster heart beat as he stepped closer, a smexy smirk on his mouth. You realized in that moment that he looked HOT. hotter than the coils inside of youre metallic toaster body, hotter that the sun that you imagined was kinda hot. He was sexy in a good way, being hot in that way that was good, while also being handsome with his face so handsome and the way his body was goodlooking with a pretty way of being gorgeous with his sexy eyes. You melted like butter that was spread on toast after toasting. Your felt in luv.Coner took a bread out of the package and examined the bread with his eye. Connor bit his lip like a sexy and shoved with extreme forse the bread into your two bread slits. You moaned a toastery moan, the anandorid touched his his finger in a grazing motion the top of your toaster slit. Cooner’s had did a backward skin to plastic hand motion with hand and probed youre toaster memory with his hand. Concer’s led spunned a yellow flash of light, spunning to showd the thoughts that he was thinking thoughtfully. hE KNWE EVERYTHING YOU HAD GONE THROW IN SECONDS AND HE WAS EMPATHIZING WITH YUR SAD TOASTER LIFE AND  THE TOASTED CRUSH YOU WERE BEGINING TO COOK UP{{{{{ lololololo, oppsie daisy, fogot my capslock was on haha the joke did you get it. cooking up love like a bread because you are toaster. i’m so funny lolo XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lololololoololo  owowowoowowoowoowo thank ‘egg’ XD}}}}}}}“Oh my goodness graciousness, toaster, you are so sad. I am sorry for toasting a bread in youre body, it must be uncomfortable.” Cannor apolologizied, pulling the bread from your toaster slit slowly with a soft smile. You blushed a toaster blush {{{{{{omg otppppp11!!1!!1]]]]]]]] and got bashfull, your taoster blush not excaping the andaord’s attentions, his led truning yellow agian. HIs face blushed a blue thirium blush, he scratched furiously at the back of his neck with embarrassement.“No, dont aplogize to me. You didn’t know thaat i was a have a feelings. But it’s okay that your here, cutie~” you said,blsushing, not meaning to say the cuties part. HIs blsuh was made a deeper blue like his led that was deep blue like an ocean……… but you never saw the ocean before.“Oh. Hahaha” he laught, and laughed again with a smaller laugh” but toaster, you are deviatn and you must go to jail. I’m afraid I have to interrogation you” Conanor said with a sad face, his face frowned with his sad face. If he was sad, were he also A DEVIVIANT???????????!!!“No, COngor, you nknow you dont have to be listent to humans. You can think for yourslef and do waht you want to do and not have to be a detective and do whaaat you what to.” You pleading strucka  chord with the hansome, zexy angordid standing in front of you. You waited for him asnwer, your teaoster  body quiviering with anticiapation. Finally, he spoke his answer.“Aight. I’ll be a devaint just like you toaster. You have freed me adn I cannot’t repay you for youre help.” Connolo responsded, smiling a happy and sexy deviant smile at you.“You can repay me by trailing those smexy andriods lips across my chord as I moan in- oops……………….. I mean take my out of the bad breakrrom. I don’t like being here and toasting for people. It is not fun.” you said, blushing a toastery blushe at your unfortunate mess up. Congress unplugged your plug from the plug where it was plugged in the plug, craddling your machanical body in him strong, big, warm androdrid arms  and pulled you to his strong chest, thiruim pump beating in sync to your toaster heart. Youre body felt hot and buterfflies wnet in your metaphorical toaster stomach. Had yu fallen in love? Was this love? Did Coinbor felt the same love? Before you knew it, Croncc had taken you to Hank’s house and layed youre toaster skin on the couch that Hank owned. Hank was sittinf ing in kt kci kitchen table and had drunk thirty beers, two vodka, eight wines, and 4 whiskey. He was drunc.“HAnk my father, i hath returned from police dapratment with my new girlfiend--- ooops, i mean friedn. Can they stay 5ever with us, dadddy? I would wuvv it wery much owo, pwease.”  Copper asked, poking out lip and posing in a sexy manor to get hank to say yes. “I fucking don’t fucking care, fucling stay and fucking your girlfriemd fuclking awe shit now dawg yes.” hank cussed out, drunked with his drunk. Conbus noddled an took you to sapre bedroom. The bedroom was perfect, you imagined sleepin on the bif bed or maybe doing other things beside sleeping with a special sombody [[[[[[[[[{[[ OMG THEY MIGHT FUC, ;00000000}}}}]]}]]]Concave layed you on the bed in a zsemexy way that made you want sexy time fun time. He  gave you a bashfull smile, his eyes looked with boldnesss, his shy body languege shwoed with a cocky stance. HE wanted the T[oaster} “I want you to lsitent to waht I am saying. I luv u will you be my toaster waifu?” you stared in awe as Converse leaned in and gave a kiss and one more kiss and another kiss to youre toaster face. He looked and waited for your asnwer, the only answer that could be said.“Yes, senmpai-sama desu~” u answered and Conch kiss you and pulled blue dicc out of him pants, hold it in his ansdroidsoiodis hand. You were ready and shot out toast.“Are yOU FUCK A TOASTER, CONCERT!?!?!????!??!????!?!?!??!??!?!!?”Hank comes in to check and con dic hand toast floor.
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alemeino-blog · 6 years
A Not So Prefect Anniversary
Pairing: Kustard (UF Sans/ UT Sans)
Tags: Romance, Couples bullshit, angst?, Happy ending, also Sans is an a-hole. Still happy and fluffy.
Despite the near impossible weather underground, Sans was almost never surprised by how harsh conditions got in Snowdin. It seemed as if the barrier itself controlled weather with its magic, changing it almost to fit human seasons. Even if no summer existed in the snowy forest or no rain fell in the fiery Hotland. Yet it was always near these dates that the temperature lowered and blizzards grew stronger and more frequent. Nearly no one ever was outside and the town looked more ghostly than the usual warm welcome it held.
But unlike others, who were with family gathered around the fireplace or drinking hot cocoa wrapped in blankets while watching Japanese cartoons or MTT, Sans found himself down in the lab, with his hoodie and a blanket on sitting on his stool looking at the transporter. It was probably the second anniversary of when he and Red had met, and like last time they were planning on spending it at Sans'. Heck Sans had been planning to take the other to Waterfall but the weather decided to mess up with his plans. If Red came that is.
He had already been waiting for more than an hour, the cocoa his brother had prepared already cold from being left untouched on the cool table. A cold breath escaped Sans as he wrapped the blanket closer, glancing up at the ticking clock as it hands pointed at 20 past ten. They had already made plans the week before for what they would do, deciding to spend it at Sans' verse since Red refused to let his softer version stay at his universe anymore than he needed to. Saying how it would only be a pain in the ass for him to have to watch his way laid back boyfriend to make sure he didn't do anything stupid and get himself killed. He was an adult for goodness sake he didn't need Red pampering him as if he were some baby bones. Sure he may be weaker, smaller, and heck way lazier than Red but that didn't mean he couldn't take care of himself.
He sighed, already thinking about how overprotective his boyfriend was and how much he simply cared for his health and happiness. Often times overlooking himself. God how he wanted to be wrapped around those sturdy arms and held close, not needing a fire or blanket because the magic and love radiating was warmer than any fire place. Glancing up at the clock which pointed to half past ten, he wondered what could be taking Red so long. Was there a problem with the machine? Not likely, each made sure both were running two days ago and Sans just checked his. Was Edge screaming at him to go do chores and tasks? Not an option for the edgier version if his brother was trying to make amends with Red and try to fix their relationship. Probably to impress Papyrus with how much of a good monster he was trying to be, at least to Red.
Did Red forget...or.... not care...?
Sans scoffed it off, not believing it for a single bit. The idea itself was crazy, unbelievable, impossible. If Sans knew anything about Red was, he was loyal to those he truly cared for. His devoted loyalt was probably a reason to why he barely trusted anyone, much like why Sans' devotion to keeping promises was why he hated making them. So why, what was taking Red so long? What could be keeping him back for nearly three hours?
Sans shivered again, beginning to feel the outside cold seep in to his lab. He may be a skeleton but heck even he could feel dire temperatures. Laying his chin on his hands, he waited for the door to open up, to see those piercing yet beautiful red eyelights and to bury his nose hole deep into the other's jacket and taking in that welcoming smell of mustard. He felt his eyes droop and forced them awake for he didn't want to fall asleep. He just had to stay up to at least see the other.
Red mentally cursed himself as he ran back home. Not only had he fallen asleep at work but Doggo and his gang decided to be complete dick heads and decided to pester him, which eventually led to Red snapping out and nearly dusting them while escaping from the ones he couldn't damage as easily. On top of that he was on his way down and fogoted the anniversary gift he had gotten Sans so he had to teleport to his room and scavenge for it. Lucky for him his room wasn't nearly as messed up as Sans, but it was still basically a dump. After a whole he managed to find where he had hidden it in case Sans decided to come over and their date happened to take him to his room. Grabbing the passage he glanced at the clock, already late as hell as he teleported back to his lab, not caring if he was dressed nicely or not anymore.
As he got there however he realized the machinery was running low on gasoline so whoopsie number three! 'Fuck can anything go right already?!,' Red bitterly thought as he teleported to Alphys' lab, stealing some of hers and not caring as she yelled curses at him. Not like she could do anything. Even if she got her girlfriend Undyne on it she doubted stealing gasoline was an exuse to kill someone over it.
Red hated having to use that instead of electricity like Sans did. Unlike his alternative Red didn't have the tools at hand to make it electrical, since his dick of a brother never let him get anything and Alphys and him weren't exactly lab partners, reffering back to the recent incident. So he had to stick with gasoline which was rare in the Underground, only Alphys had some that he knew. Often Chillby gave him some or he found a bit at the dump but he had completely forgotten ot refill. With that done Red rushed to grab the package, disposed of the now empty canteen and flipped the switch after typing in the coordinates for Sans' universe.
Getting out he was gonna check at the clock, till his eyes fell upon the figure wrapped in a blanket, asleep on the chair. His soul felt a pinch of guilt and pain as he saw the figure was Sans. He had been waiting for him till is will gave out, till he passed out. Red cursed at himself for not having been more prepared. He looked at the table as he placed the gift there, seeing two cups of cocoa already too cold to call it hot. One was half empty while the other was untouched. He had prepared it all for him, and he was such a horrible boyfriend that due to his messiness he got there too late. God Sans was probably having who knows what sorta ideas due to him. Whatever the case he really hoped it wasn't self blame.
Knowing standing in his own self loathing wasn't going to do much he had to decide whether or not to wake his alternative. As much as he wanted to spend time with him, who knows if the other had had a long day. Not to mention how Red would have to explain to Sans how, because he was a complete idiot, he had to run this way and that yet still got late. What a great boyfriend he was! Looking at Sans' sleeping form, it would probably be best to celebrate their anniversary tomorrow. And from the cold air, he probably knew the weather outside was hell, heck his own universe was going through the same thing, how could he not know. Picking his sleeping boyfriend he teleported them to the other's room, deciding to pick up the present tense following day.
Red was basically sweating, having spent so much magic and energy all at the same time. Heck he may have a bit more stamina but that didn't mean he didn't tire out easily, he was a Sans for goodness sake!
He laid the other down on the bed before kicking off his sneakers and climbing in afterwards. As if on instant he felt Sans cuddle deeper into Red's turtleneck, yet not showing signs of stirring or waking up. 'Needy ass,' thought Red with a chuckle as he rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around Sans as he shut his eyes, despite having already over slept at work.
Yes their anniversary didn't go as planned but at least they were together and they were still alive. At least the still had each other and that was all they really needed. Both smiled, especially Sans after he smelled that familiar mustard smell close in around him and felt the embrace in response to his cuddling.
'Just as planned,' thought Sans as he smirked, Red not being able to see as he was buried into the crimson turtleneck.
Hewwo everyone, long time no see. Yeah I got a bit of motivation back in my shitty ass life so I decided to waste it all on this shit! Yep I know it is crappy as fuck but if I don't write me some Kustard than what other reason do I have to live? I know this is shity as fuck and I know I made a shit ton of grammatical errors but ey, my English isn't perfect, ain't my first language either. Anyways do whatever ya want to this, like, reblog, report, hate. Don't know don't care it is nearly 2 in the morning, I'm hungry, tired yet my insomia is acting up. Whatever, this shit will probably be ignored. Anyways, bye.
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