gamer2002 · 2 months
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They have to be worse than with Obama, in her case, because Obama was a guy from nowhere who could just say "hope", or "yes we can", or any populist promise he wasn't going to fulfill.
Harris has a record. And they won't ask her about it, so they can only lie she doesn't have it.
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gift for @/birdsong-warriors​ since they’re going through a lot right now.
Was gonna just keep it in their inbox, but was more proud of this than I thought I would be (thanks photoshop!) so here it goes!
(I am working on the scene for Gorsedaisy’s Nightmare, just taking a bit for me to actually like the result)
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petnews2day · 6 months
Cat Serves as a Model for Target Nearly 2 Years After It Was Rescued from a Minnesota Rest Stop
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/bgNcA
Cat Serves as a Model for Target Nearly 2 Years After It Was Rescued from a Minnesota Rest Stop
The feline, named Hercules, was paid $100 for the modeling gig Getty A stock image of a cat posing for a photograph Talk about the cat’s meow! A cat that was rescued from a Minnesota rest stop nearly two years ago has now served as a model for Target, according to CBS affiliate WCCO. The […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/bgNcA #CatsNews #AnimalHumaneSociety, #Hercules, #NicolePerreault, #Target, #WCCO
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turnidoff · 2 years
Minneapolis 1978
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WCCO Radio in the media booth of the now demolished Metrodome
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urbanventures · 2 years
Urban Ventures in the (good) news!
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The news can often feel full of dismay and discouragement. But it’s possible you’ve recently seen Urban Ventures breaking up the bad news with encouraging stories on local news broadcasts.
In recent weeks, a variety of Urban Ventures programs have been featured on local news stations. It is encouraging to see these important programs recognized. In case you missed it, here's a roundup of stories from the recent weeks.
Mobile Innovation Hub launches at partner school JJ Legacy
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Through a close partnership with Jamf, UV launched a mobile Innovation Hub (the first of its kind in the nation) that can be deployed to partner schools, bringing leading-class digital education to their doorsteps.  
Link to KSTP Coverage
Cornwell Early Learning Center Grand Opening and Ribbon-cutting Ceremony
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The Cornwell Early Learning Center was able to celebrate its grand opening with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The celebration, which was delayed by the pandemic, brought out local leaders, educators, and supporters to cheer on the center’s new opening.  
Link to KSTP Coverage
Link to WCCO coverage
Dozens of community partners join forces for Gun Buyback Event
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Over 100 guns are permanently off the streets thanks to a gun buyback event hosted at Urban Ventures. In addition to the buyback, the event brought together dozens of community partners offering community resources for mental health, food, housing, financial support, and more.  
Link to KSTP Coverage
Link to WCCO coverage
Why We Give: Urban Ventures
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KSTP supports a variety of charities throughout the year by running Public Service Announcements and airing the amazing stories demonstrating the impact that these organizations have in our community. Urban Ventures was chosen as a feature nonprofit.
Link to KSTP Coverage
You make all of this possible. Thank you.
People like you make it possible to do the work we do in our city. Your donation helps us meet the rising needs of our neighborhood. Consider donating today.
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blue-temperature · 2 years
[ESP] Wannabe Challenge — Intro: Remember Us —
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— Staff: Mantente. 3, 2, 1. Acción.
— MC: ....Khm.
— Editora: ¿Te sientes nerviosa?
— MC: Oh, ¿Te diste cuenta? Jaja...
— Editora: Esta no es una entrevista formal. Es un making film, así que por favor, siéntete cómoda.
— MC: Claro.
— Editora: Ahora, ¡Buenas tardes a todos! ¡Estoy aquí con MC, la chic y llena de confianza a la moda- de <Wannabe Challenge>, un proyecto de red social que ha estado haciendo los últimos titulares! Nuestro próximo tema, A.K.A  <Compañero de cuarto del Challenger> estará disponible el próximo mes, así que asegúrense de verlo. Ahora, pasemos a la primera pregunta, ¿Si? ¿Cómo terminaste viviendo junto a 4 chicos?
— MC: ¿V-Viendo juntos...?
— Editora: ¡Correcto! Actualmente ellos viven contigo en tu propia casa.
— MC: ¿Oh? S-Si, eso es cierto, pero... Creo que es más como ofrecerles estadía.
— Editora: Entonces permíteme cambiar la pregunta. ¿Cómo terminaste teniendo a esos 4 chicos en tu casa de acogida?
— MC: Uh... ...... Bueno... Creo que... Um...
Así que, así fue...
Una historia extraña y fantástica... Un sueño de una larga noche de invierno.
Una historia que ha sido escondida en el mundo, pero que nadie a visto nunca
— Taehee: ...Shhh. ¿No lo guardarás para más tarde?
— MC: ¿Taehee? ¿Cuándo llegaste aquí?
— Taehee: Lo siento, ¿Pero podrías tachar esa pregunta?  No quieres ponerla nerviosa.
— Editora: Oh, entonces podemos continuar grabando, pero podemos editar esto luego. ¿Qué opinas?
— Yooha: Señorita, no es no. Usted no entiende lo complicada que es nuestra “relación”.
— Editora: T-Taehee, ¿Quién ese chico extraño? Creo que no forma parte de este desafío.
— Taehee: Oh, ¿Él? No se preocupe por él. Usualmente cuida la casa, pero decidimos sacarlo a pasear hoy.
— Yooha: ¿Disculpa? ¿Acabas de presentarme como a un perro?
— MC: ......
— Hansol: ¡Vamos, chicos! ¿Pueden concentrarse? ¡¡Nuestra chica está teniendo su entrevista!!
— MC: ¡Hansol...! ¡No tú! ¡¿Por qué están todos aquí?! ¿Qué hay de sus grabaciones individuales?
— Hansol: ¡Se terminaron hace horas! ¡Ya sabes cuan delicada y dotada es mi expresividad! ¡Terminé en nada de tiempo!
— Editora: ...Fiu, el audio se está superponiendo ahora. Tomaremos un breve descanso.
— Biho: En realidad, te he estado mirando hace tiempo- haciendo tu entrevista.
— MC: ...Oh, dios mío. ¡Estuve tartamudeando hasta ahora...! Estuve mal, ¿No...? Soy una chica de fotos, no de vídeos...
— Biho: No te preocupes. Te veías hermosa.
— MC: Gracias por el consuelo...
— Biho: Estoy diciendo la verdad.
— MC: ......
— Biho: Ya sabes que... los duendes no pueden mentir. Ya que somos los únicos que te conocemos mejor, puedes confiar en nosotros.
— Yooha: Eres hermosa. ¡Eres la mejor!
— Hansol: Debería decir esto más a menudo, así te acostumbras a ello.
— Taehee: Yo también me siento igual, así que por favor, sonríe.
— MC: ...... Esperen, chicos. ¿Pueden formarse en una línea? ......
— MC: ¡Y ahora, les presentaré a mis compañeros de casa! ¡Los que están en la izquierda! ¿Por qué no empiezan (primero)?
— Hansol: ¿Huh? ¿Por qué yo primero? ¡Escuché que el héroe principal siempre aparece al final, no al principio!
— Biho: Lo que significa, que no eres el héroe principal.
— Hansol: ¡¿Qué?! ¿Estás buscando una pelea conmigo?
— Biho: Solo estaba diciendo la verdad...
— Hansol: ¡¡¡Mantén los modales con los mayores!!!
— Taehee: Deténganse, es suficiente. No estamos en casa, chicos.
— Yooha: ...¿Siquiera podremos terminar la entrevista hoy?
— Hansol: ¡No tienes derecho a comentar! ¡Ni siquiera eres un participante!
— Yooha: Hey, ¡La pregunta era sobre gente compartiendo una casa, y eso me incluye!
— MC: ...Jaja. Jaja, ¡Ajaja...!
— Yooha: ¿Po-Por qué estás riendo de repente...? Eso me asusta un poco.
— Biho: Tal vez, está tan enojada que está teniendo un colapso-...
— Hansol: ¿Qué? ¡Oh, no! ¡Lo siento, es mi culpa! No te enojes con nosotros...
— MC: No, no me estoy riendo por eso, tonto. Es solo... Que soy tan feliz.
Creo que este es el momento-
en el que me siento afortunada por primera vez en mi vida.
Eso me hace preocuparme-
Pero apreciaré el momento de todos modos.
Quizás, solo estoy teniendo un dulce sueño.
— Editora: ¡Jaja! Suena como un sueño fantástico, debo decir. Entonces, esta será la última pregunta de la entrevista de hoy. Dijiste que dudaste cuando viste la publicación de Wannabe Challenge. ¿Qué le dirías a esa chica vacilante como una futura participante?
— MC: ¿A mí misma- en el pasado...? ...Bueno, tengo mi respuesta. Estoy lista para la grabación. ...No te sientas tan asustada. Los conocerás pronto. Deja toda la pena y el dolor que sufriste- se vayan con la cálida y gentil briza. Escucha cuidadosamente, y escucharás sus voces. Espera un poco más allí. Estás destinada a ser feliz.
— Staff: ¡Esta será la última grabación del día! ¡Todos, manténganse!
— Yooha: ...¿Qué estás haciendo? No solo te quedes ahí. Si no te apresuras, tomaremos la foto sin ti.
— Hansol: ¡Si! ¿Estás bien con una portada sin ti?!
— Taehee: Luces bien- así que no te molestes en buscar un espejo.
— Biho: Oh, pero no te apresures... No queremos verte tropezar.
— MC: ...Bien. ¡Esperen por mí, estoy yendo!
— Staff: Ahora, ¡Uno- dos- tres--!
Mi fortuna, mi comienzo. Todo comenzó ese día.
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thcscout · 2 years
Gov. Tim Walz, Dems signal recreational marijuana could be legalized next session
Gov. Tim Walz, Dems signal recreational marijuana could be legalized next session
After Tuesday’s election, where the issue was before voters in some states, 21 states have legalized marijuana for recreational use.
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thegroovyarchives · 9 months
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70′s/80′s/90′s Local Television New Year’s Station IDs/Bumpers Part 4 1. KNXT-TV, Los Angeles, California, 1972 2. WGN-TV, Chicago, Illinois, 1977 3. WMBB-TV, Panama City, Florida, 1984 4. WPVI-TV, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1984 5. WCCO-TV, Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1985 6. WGBS-TV, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1989 7. WVTV-TV, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1990 8. WCBS-TV, New York City, New York, 1990 Part 1 (x) Part 2 (x) Part 3 (x)
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kp777 · 2 months
By Julia Conley
Common Dreams
Aug. 7, 2024
"One day after Kamala Harris had a packed house in Philadelphia, she is following it up with another packed house in Wisconsin," said one activist.
Holding her second rally in the crucial swing state of Wisconsin since launching her presidential bid, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris was greeted Wednesday by a crowd of people who had waited in miles long lines of cars to see her and her newly announced running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, speak about their campaign for the White House.
A timelapse video posted on X by Adam Duxter, a reporter for local CBS News affiliate WCCO, showed a long line of people waiting to enter a venue that holds 30,000 in Eau Claire, a city that is represented by a Republican in Congress, as campaign staffer Victor Shi said.
"Holy cow," said Shi. "This energy and enthusiasm are freaking jaw-dropping."
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Shi also posted a video of the crowd of tens of thousands of people waiting for Harris and Walz to speak, along with Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers and Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.).
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The rally came a day after Harris and Walz appeared in Philadelphia for their first official campaign event together as running mates. Harris' selection of Walz has won praise from labor unions, reproductive rights groups, and climate action organizations, with advocates praising his unapologetic support for universal school meals for public school students, paid family and medical leave, a Minnesota law that codified Roe v. Wade, and legal protections for transgender youths who get gender-affirming healthcare.
"One day after Kamala Harris had a packed house in Philadelphia, she is following it up with another packed house in Wisconsin," said Democratic activist Aaron Parnas. "Folks, a movement is brewing."
A photo by Star Tribune photographer Glen Stubbe showed a long line of cars on a road leading to the venue, and KSTP reporter Eric Chaloux filmed a line that began two and a half miles away from the venue.
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In late July, days after President Joe Biden announced he was stepping aside in the 2024 election and endorsed Harris, under pressure from Democratic leaders and donors, Harris held her first campaign event in Milwaukee, speaking to a packed auditorium at West Allis Central High School at an event that showed a stark contrast to Biden's events, including a debate in late June where his performance intensified concerns about his age and health.
The crowded venue in Eau Claire and lines that started forming hours before the rally on Wednesday exemplified what one observer called "2008-level enthusiasm among Democrats right now."
Harris and Walz are planning to make stops in North Carolina's Research Triangle; Savannah, Georgia; Phoenix; and Las Vegas during a battleground state tour in the coming days.
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soupy-harry · 1 year
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WCCO Press Junket Don Rickles with Clint Eastwood for Kelly's Heroes 1970
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Dark Forest Resident: Olivestep
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Aliases / Nicknames: Liar, Vision-faker, Hero
Gender: tom
Sexuality: heterosexual
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed father, Rockfeather (brother), unnamed nephews, unnamed grand-nieces, unnamed grand-nephews
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, two unnamed apprentices
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: stages events based off of a fake vision, wants to be hailed as a hero
Number of Victims: 4
Number of Murders: 1
Murder Method: biting throat
Known Victims: Deerbark, three unnamed kits
Victim Profile: his Clanmates, a random warrior, random kits
Cause of Death: throat bitten out by Russetstar
Cautionary Tale: ??
He knew he wasn’t important since he was a kit, when his brother was ill. His parents spent every moment with Rockkit, ignoring their other, healthier son.
So, he spent more time with the elders. There, they told him the most amazing stories! Stories of wonderous leaders, defeated evil, prophecies! In the centre of them all was a medicine cat with a vision that detailed the events in the stories that would later unfold. 
That cat was the most important of them all.
But he couldn’t become a medicine cat. An apprentice was already being trained.
He was disappointed, but held onto the hope that he might become a part of a prophecy one day.
It was when his brother--who had recovered just before he reached six moons-- had kits that Olivestep realized he was running out of time. Heroic cats were normally young, weren’t they?
He tried to push it, trying to get the medicine cat or leader have him train as a healer, but they said that three was enough, and that because Windclan was pushing their luck at the border, they needed more warriors to fight.
So he waited longer. 
And longer.
And longer.
He had an apprentice.
Then another one.
One day, he lost prey in a hunt because he had cracked his back. Oakfrisk had made a joke about Olivestep getting old. 
Soon it would be too late.
Starclan wouldn’t let him be a hero, but he could still go down in history as one! The Clan could still believe he was a hero!
He told a story, one of a shocking dream where he was walking on a ground made of blackened bark, only for it to change into icy water, drowning him. He stated how real it felt, but cats were still skeptical. 
That was okay. They would see.
He took his brother’s son’s litter out of the camp and to the lake. Fellow warrior Deerbark--who was on guard that night--followed, reached him at the pebbly shore, and demanded to know what he was doing.
Olivestep killed him swiftly with a bite to the neck. Then he took the kits, dunking them in the lake. He left them in for a few heartbeats before jumping in after. Thank Starclan they were all okay--considering.
He told them to tell everyone that Deerbark had placed them into the icy lake, and that he had saved them. Taking them back to camp, that is what he told everyone.
He was celebrated as a hero, being commended for his rescue and his earlier ‘vision’.
But it was hardly a moon later when a kit had told the truth to their parent, who took it to the leader.
Russetstar visited the kits and, after some prompting, they told him the truth. 
Even as he was confronted by the Clan, Olivestep held onto the his tale, hissing that he is innocent, whether or not they send him into exile. 
Russetstar simply responded that they’re not sending him into exile, before biting out his throat.
Additional Information:
--He chose Deerbark randomly for the prophecy and decided to sneak out when the warrior was on guard.
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deadlinecom · 29 days
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar got a prominent Democratic primary challenger Sunday when former Minneapolis City Council member Don Samuels announced he’ll try once again to unseat her after coming close in 2022.
Omar, a charter member of “the squad” of progressive House Democrats, won reelection twice despite making comments in her first term that were widely criticized for invoking antisemitic tropes and suggesting Jewish Americans have divided loyalties. But Omar — a Somali American and Muslim — has come under renewed fire for condemning the Israeli government’s handling of its war against Hamas.
“Our congresswoman has a predilection to divisiveness and conflict,” Samuels said in an interview with The Associated Press ahead of his official announcement Sunday morning on WCCO Radio.
The Jamaican-born Samuels still maintains that his narrow primary loss in 2022 showed Omar was beatable, and that he could have won if they had competed later in the general election, where Omar won 74% of the vote over a little-known Republican.
The big issue in 2022 was the future of policing in the city where George Floyd was murdered in 2020 by a former Minneapolis police officer, which touched off protests around the world and riots in Minnesota. Omar was among the progressives who slammed former President Barack Obama for criticizing the “defund the police” movement as just a “snappy slogan.”
“It’s not a slogan but a policy demand,” she posted on Twitter, now known as X.
In contrast, the centrist Samuels helped lead the opposition that defeated a proposal on the city ballot in 2021 that arose from the “defund” movement and would have replaced the police force with a revamped public safety agency. Samuels thinks safety will be a top issue again.
“The long tails of the George Floyd and COVID issues continue, with empty storefronts and empty strip malls because people don’t want to invest anymore. They don’t think it’s safe,” Samuels said.
Omar issued a written statement Sunday touting her work in Congress and for her district, including fighting to combat climate change and codify abortion rights. She also noted her part in securing an affordable housing facility for veterans in Minnesota and a public safety measure that provides mental health support and services for victims of gun violence.
“Right-wing donors have targeted me since I first entered public life,” Omar said in the statement, which also accused Samuels of taking hundreds of thousands in contributions from far-right donors and political action committees. “If we’re going to stop Donald Trump, we need record turnout, and I am confident in our ability to drive turnout, particularly in a presidential election year.”
The war in the Middle East has already divided Democrats and upended the dynamics of some House primaries. Omar has been critical of Hamas for attacking Israel and taking hostages — but even more so of Israel’s military response. Her focus has been the plight of civilians in the Gaza Strip. She has also condemned the surge of intimidation and violence against both Muslim and Jewish targets in the U.S.
It remains to be seen how potent an issue the war will be in an overwhelmingly Democratic district that includes Minneapolis and some suburbs. The district also has a large Somali Muslim population. And it includes St. Louis Park, which historically has been a center of Jewish life in Minnesota.
Samuels said he believes the war will be a big concern. He criticized Omar for voting against placing sanctions on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine but supporting sanctions against Israel, and for boycotting Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s speech to Congress in July.
“She has frightened the Jewish community,” Samuels said, adding that the community “understands that there is a latent and lurking antisemitic sentiment that always needs discouragement, and always in times of national crisis raises its ugly head.”
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee has been actively trying to recruit a credible challenger to Omar. That drew pushback from a strong supporter of Israel, House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, who issued a public show of support for Omar this summer. A super PAC affiliated with AIPAC spent about $350,000 against Omar in 2022. But Samuels said AIPAC didn’t try to recruit him.
Omar’s fellow House Democrats have portrayed her as a serious legislator who in the past four years has earned admiration for giving voice to marginalized groups often forgotten on Capitol Hill.
But Samuels said people sometimes “mistake her oppositional nature and divisive nature for someone who’s speaking truth to power when in fact she is misusing her power, or not using her power, to make change.”
The other declared candidates are relatively unknown. One Democrat is Sarah Gad, a Minneapolis attorney and daughter of Egyptian immigrants who is Muslim. The other is military veteran Tim Peterson. The only Republican currently running is Dalia Al-Aqidi, an Iraqi American journalist and self-described secular Muslim who calls Omar pro-Hamas and a terrorist sympathizer.
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aurorawest · 2 years
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You win, WCCO, I laughed.
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michaelgruberfan · 1 year
Michael on the news for WCCO to talk about The Music Man! (Mar. 10, 2020) (X)
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