localapparently · 3 months
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slow dancing sketch with the lovelies
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blue-temperature · 2 years
[ESP] Wannabe Challenge — Intro: Remember Us —
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— Staff: Mantente. 3, 2, 1. Acción.
— MC: ....Khm.
— Editora: ¿Te sientes nerviosa?
— MC: Oh, ¿Te diste cuenta? Jaja...
— Editora: Esta no es una entrevista formal. Es un making film, así que por favor, siéntete cómoda.
— MC: Claro.
— Editora: Ahora, ¡Buenas tardes a todos! ¡Estoy aquí con MC, la chic y llena de confianza a la moda- de <Wannabe Challenge>, un proyecto de red social que ha estado haciendo los últimos titulares! Nuestro próximo tema, A.K.A  <Compañero de cuarto del Challenger> estará disponible el próximo mes, así que asegúrense de verlo. Ahora, pasemos a la primera pregunta, ¿Si? ¿Cómo terminaste viviendo junto a 4 chicos?
— MC: ¿V-Viendo juntos...?
— Editora: ¡Correcto! Actualmente ellos viven contigo en tu propia casa.
— MC: ¿Oh? S-Si, eso es cierto, pero... Creo que es más como ofrecerles estadía.
— Editora: Entonces permíteme cambiar la pregunta. ¿Cómo terminaste teniendo a esos 4 chicos en tu casa de acogida?
— MC: Uh... ...... Bueno... Creo que... Um...
Así que, así fue...
Una historia extraña y fantástica... Un sueño de una larga noche de invierno.
Una historia que ha sido escondida en el mundo, pero que nadie a visto nunca
— Taehee: ...Shhh. ¿No lo guardarás para más tarde?
— MC: ¿Taehee? ¿Cuándo llegaste aquí?
— Taehee: Lo siento, ¿Pero podrías tachar esa pregunta?  No quieres ponerla nerviosa.
— Editora: Oh, entonces podemos continuar grabando, pero podemos editar esto luego. ¿Qué opinas?
— Yooha: Señorita, no es no. Usted no entiende lo complicada que es nuestra “relación”.
— Editora: T-Taehee, ¿Quién ese chico extraño? Creo que no forma parte de este desafío.
— Taehee: Oh, ¿Él? No se preocupe por él. Usualmente cuida la casa, pero decidimos sacarlo a pasear hoy.
— Yooha: ¿Disculpa? ¿Acabas de presentarme como a un perro?
— MC: ......
— Hansol: ¡Vamos, chicos! ¿Pueden concentrarse? ¡¡Nuestra chica está teniendo su entrevista!!
— MC: ¡Hansol...! ¡No tú! ¡¿Por qué están todos aquí?! ¿Qué hay de sus grabaciones individuales?
— Hansol: ¡Se terminaron hace horas! ¡Ya sabes cuan delicada y dotada es mi expresividad! ¡Terminé en nada de tiempo!
— Editora: ...Fiu, el audio se está superponiendo ahora. Tomaremos un breve descanso.
— Biho: En realidad, te he estado mirando hace tiempo- haciendo tu entrevista.
— MC: ...Oh, dios mío. ¡Estuve tartamudeando hasta ahora...! Estuve mal, ¿No...? Soy una chica de fotos, no de vídeos...
— Biho: No te preocupes. Te veías hermosa.
— MC: Gracias por el consuelo...
— Biho: Estoy diciendo la verdad.
— MC: ......
— Biho: Ya sabes que... los duendes no pueden mentir. Ya que somos los únicos que te conocemos mejor, puedes confiar en nosotros.
— Yooha: Eres hermosa. ¡Eres la mejor!
— Hansol: Debería decir esto más a menudo, así te acostumbras a ello.
— Taehee: Yo también me siento igual, así que por favor, sonríe.
— MC: ...... Esperen, chicos. ¿Pueden formarse en una línea? ......
— MC: ¡Y ahora, les presentaré a mis compañeros de casa! ¡Los que están en la izquierda! ¿Por qué no empiezan (primero)?
— Hansol: ¿Huh? ¿Por qué yo primero? ¡Escuché que el héroe principal siempre aparece al final, no al principio!
— Biho: Lo que significa, que no eres el héroe principal.
— Hansol: ¡¿Qué?! ¿Estás buscando una pelea conmigo?
— Biho: Solo estaba diciendo la verdad...
— Hansol: ¡¡¡Mantén los modales con los mayores!!!
— Taehee: Deténganse, es suficiente. No estamos en casa, chicos.
— Yooha: ...¿Siquiera podremos terminar la entrevista hoy?
— Hansol: ¡No tienes derecho a comentar! ¡Ni siquiera eres un participante!
— Yooha: Hey, ¡La pregunta era sobre gente compartiendo una casa, y eso me incluye!
— MC: ...Jaja. Jaja, ¡Ajaja...!
— Yooha: ¿Po-Por qué estás riendo de repente...? Eso me asusta un poco.
— Biho: Tal vez, está tan enojada que está teniendo un colapso-...
— Hansol: ¿Qué? ¡Oh, no! ¡Lo siento, es mi culpa! No te enojes con nosotros...
— MC: No, no me estoy riendo por eso, tonto. Es solo... Que soy tan feliz.
Creo que este es el momento-
en el que me siento afortunada por primera vez en mi vida.
Eso me hace preocuparme-
Pero apreciaré el momento de todos modos.
Quizás, solo estoy teniendo un dulce sueño.
— Editora: ¡Jaja! Suena como un sueño fantástico, debo decir. Entonces, esta será la última pregunta de la entrevista de hoy. Dijiste que dudaste cuando viste la publicación de Wannabe Challenge. ¿Qué le dirías a esa chica vacilante como una futura participante?
— MC: ¿A mí misma- en el pasado...? ...Bueno, tengo mi respuesta. Estoy lista para la grabación. ...No te sientas tan asustada. Los conocerás pronto. Deja toda la pena y el dolor que sufriste- se vayan con la cálida y gentil briza. Escucha cuidadosamente, y escucharás sus voces. Espera un poco más allí. Estás destinada a ser feliz.
— Staff: ¡Esta será la última grabación del día! ¡Todos, manténganse!
— Yooha: ...¿Qué estás haciendo? No solo te quedes ahí. Si no te apresuras, tomaremos la foto sin ti.
— Hansol: ¡Si! ¿Estás bien con una portada sin ti?!
— Taehee: Luces bien- así que no te molestes en buscar un espejo.
— Biho: Oh, pero no te apresures... No queremos verte tropezar.
— MC: ...Bien. ¡Esperen por mí, estoy yendo!
— Staff: Ahora, ¡Uno- dos- tres--!
Mi fortuna, mi comienzo. Todo comenzó ese día.
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united-as-one · 10 months
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Closed starter for (yooha) @luneblush
Il-seong, better known to the industry as Eden was on the mend after tearing his ACL. He was on the shelf for nine months, with many leading to question whether he would return to performing for FenIX or not. But through hell and high water and many tears on the road, he managed to recover and by advisement of his captain, Jeong Jimin, he was to attend dance practice again. He didn't know the new dance instructor that was now under his company's employ, but what he knew this guy was good. And since everyone else was still overseas for the tour, he had this guy all to himself. Hopefully, this instructor was merciful.
"Nam Yooha? It's nice to finally meet you."
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thalassofiles · 1 year
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❛ ÁND̰ ̴WH̿AT̹ ĨS ̷SỌMETHÍNG L̬IK͈E̳ YO͋U ́DO̲ING H̠ẺRE̚? ❜ Foxes. They are a rarity here... You've killed most of them. They are annoying and nasty creatures. Destructive. Yet another one has stumbled into your territory. At least the one that lives in the town stays far away from him. This one doesn't seem to be here to claim any territory, however. Strange. You speak once more, the tone of a older sounding man leaving you. ❛ ARE ͌Y̋OUͭ ͕HE͎RE ̱T͋O SI҉GͣH̓TͦSEE? ĤOW͛ H̸UMͫAN̔ ͂OF͟ YOU.̲ ❜ sc. @rimefiles (yooha)
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mikesfilmtalk · 7 days
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I've been talking about Yooha and Taehee, then Yooha and Hansol but didn't realize how funny Biho and Hansol are in the comments, too! Just look @ these two! 🤣
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elllisaaa · 26 days
Seokmin bf thoughts!??!! Plzzzzz 🥺
BF!SEOKMIN who is so fucking whipped for you, and so cute and sweet, you don't know what you did to get so lucky.
i have to start by talking about his smile because he just has such a pretty smile, i would die for that smile. and even if he has that beautiful smile, seokmin's number one goal in life is to make you laugh and be happy. he's always ready to do some stupid things if it gets you to smile or giggle, and you never spend a day by his side without breaking down in laughter at least one time. seokmin is very caring and attentive to your every need. for example, he's always asking you about how your day went and he wants every little detail, even the ones you consider useless. he loves it when you share everything with him, and he gets so involved in every story or drama you tell him about - he remembers everything and he needs updates. seokmin will do the same though, telling you all about some dramas that happen behind the scenes. it's not rare for the both of you to gossip all night, and you're like two best friends who are talking about the same people over and over and finishing the session by "but who are we to judge them ?". seokmin is both your bestie and your boyfriend, and you love him for that.
"by the way babe, how did yooha's date go ?" - "it's a long story, sit down." - "oh my god, tell me all about it, i'm all ears !"
cuddles, cuddles and cuddles. so many cuddles because he needs to feel close to you all the time. he always seek your touch and your presence by his side. he especially loves it when you fall asleep when you're laying on his chest, and he might have some photos because you're just too cute. seokmin also loves to fall asleep on your chest sometimes - he gives a lot of love, but he needs to be loved too and just wants to be in your arms and feel your hands caress his back up and down to help him relax. his hugs are very soothing, and everytime you're not doing well, you know you just need to ask him to fall into his arms. seokmin takes pride into knowing that he's your safe place, and everytime you come to him, he feels like he did his job as your boyfriend. he texts you a lot throughout the day, to check in on you and update you on what happened to him. but the most important thing is the boyfriend material photos he sends you everyday. you lose your mind every time and when he finds out you keep a folder of these photos, he genuinely tears up. he lends you his clothes very often, his heart melting when he comes home to see you wearing his hoodie, all cozy on the couch. that only entices him into cuddling with you immediately, and you welcome him with open arms.
"it feels good to be home… i never want you to let me go, i'm too comfortable."
seokmin loves to try new places with you - be that cafés, restaurants, bakeries or even libraries. anything that the both of you love, you're going to go together and review it like you're professionals even if you're not. you both have a lot of fun during these hangouts. he also has gifted you a little box filled with tickets that you can give him anytime you want, and that means that he has to take you out on a date. seokmin literally has a list in his phone with everything he wants to do with you ready, and he always keeps the location you’re going to secret until the last minute. he never fails to tell you how pretty he thinks you are all the time, but when you dress up for a night out, he's even more extra. whenever you're stepping out of your bedroom in an outfit a little fancier than usual, he's the type to fake passing out because of how gorgeous you look. it never fails to make you laugh and it's seokmin's way of reminding you that he's not ashamed to show to the world how obsessed with you he is.
"wait, i need a second." - "seokmin, please, just tell me if it looks good or not." - "baby, i don't think good is strong enough, i need to create a new word to describe how beautiful you are."
BF!SEOKMIN who's whipped for you and your body and the way you make him feel, he just wants to make you feel as good as possible.
seokmin's only goal is to pleasure you as much as you want, and he does that perfectly. foreplay is on a whole different level with him - it's an art. sometimes he doesn't even need to push his cock into you for the both of you to feel satisfied. if he could die in between your thighs, he would, and once he gets a taste of you, he doesn't stop until you're a trembling mess and that his whole face is covered in your juices. seokmin also loves mutual masturbation, having his fingers deep inside of your cunt and your hand stroking his cock up and down while you're sitting on his thighs and making out with him is his definition of heaven. another form of foreplay that he likes is when you're riding his thigh, because let's be honest, he has such pretty thighs, it would be a crime not to use them. seeing you come undone on top of him is literally driving him crazy.
"that's so hot baby, you're so fucking hot, i could cum just looking at you…"
he's constantly complimenting you and your body, how sexy you are and how good you're making him feel. but seokmin also needs to hear that he's doing good for you too, it gets him going when you're calling him your good boy. you want to edge him even if he's so sensitive and that he doesn't think he can handle it ? he'll let you. you want him to keep fucking you after he's came already ? he'll do it. whatever it takes for you to tell him he's doing good, he will do it. seokmin actually loves how dominant you become whenever he asks you if he's doing well. suddenly, you become much more assertive and teasing, and it's so attractive for some reasons. the way you're telling him what to do and if he can cum or not is making him dizzy most days, and he craves your praise. even when he's the one on top, you're sometimes taking control and he lets you because he wants to please you.
"am i doing good ? please, tell me that i've been good…"
seokmin is obsessed with your whole body but your breast is something he can never get enough of. he encourages you to wear tops or dresses with deep cleavages only because it gives him a better view of your pretty tits. when you're wearing pretty lace bras that squish your boobs together just for him, he cannot resist the urge to bury his face in between them. your chest is constantly covered in bite marks and hickeys because seokmin just needs to have his mouth on them whenever he sees them. so naturally he would go crazy if you ever let him fuck your tits. the moment you push your boobs together to squeeze his dick in between them, he's going cross-eyed and he cannot stop moaning the whole time. the way you even let him cover your chest and face in his cum has him ready to go again even if he just orgasmed. generally, he prefers to cum on your chest anyway, pulling out just in time to let you stroke his dick and help him shoot his load onto your pretty tits.
"can i cum on your boobs pretty please ? fuck ! you look so beautiful like this, all mine."
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blopperpop · 4 months
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demonicnarwhale · 6 months
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I was messing around with this brush and then also thought back to these idiots being trolls and all that yadda yooha (i got Die's horns flipped teehee too lazy to fix)
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kyogre-blue · 4 days
In a big rush, I've caught up to RDCH manhwa, up to chapter 92.
There's a lot that happened. As always, the pace is breakneck, haha. Anyway, there's a few points I wanted to note.
First, I appreciate the respect for just punching someone in the face. This is why I respect SQH the most as Lostbelt King, because at the end of LB3, they go to punch it out with Chaldea. Here, in chapter 85, Hugo punches it out with Taurus and it's great. And then, Libra also eventually resorts to just directly punching Lee Geon, which is hilarious.
Speaking of Libra, she's done a bang up job as a villain. Very funny that she stripped at the end to the same level as Lee Geon. Even her top! In general, I feel like... this manhwa really has a foot fetish. The guys always lose their shirts, sure, but they also lose everything below the knee too, only keeping their hulk modesty shorts. But you also get Yooha losing her boots, while her jeans are otherwise fine, so it feels like they just really wanted to get her barefoot lol (Speaking of Yooha, I wonder if they're going to circle back to the evil god in her arms, or if this is it and it'll be considered that she's gotten control of it.)
Speaking of Hugo, the first couple chapters after the manhwa restarted were quite rough, since it was more flashbacks of Suffering(tm). Hugo really lives a different genre than everyone else sometimes, rip. I do like how he goes wild against Taurus. He and Lee Geon are very similar sometimes. They can have a similar mean sense of humor, and occasionally Hugo enjoys battle in a similar way.
There were also some moments for Yooha, Steven, Kevin... feels like a fairly okay support cast, which I like. Though of course, Lee Geon is the only useful one, haha
That said, the big ending for the Libra arc felt pretty cohesive. I can't really complain about the direction.
There are several interesting points that were elucidated. First, Lee Geon's moral compass is sometimes a bit hard to pin down, but he pretty directly states what he is opposed to: disregarding "the safety of others." Everything else is whatever, but people shouldn't be put in danger meaninglessly.
(In my fanfic concept development, this would mean... you can tell he loses it if he puts innocent people in danger. But for additional consideration, Lee Geon is not at all shy about going to down on anyone who crosses him and directly threatens murder in the novel. So you could say him losing it would come from the direction of starting to see innocent people as having wronged him. Hehehe)
Second, there's an interesting... hm, undercurrent? that is introduced here. Steven says that he is willing to sacrifice "everything Leo has accumulated" because otherwise humanity will lose "everything they've accumulated" in bold text. At the same time, Libra tries to claim that this world belongs to the divine gods, while "Baron Helmet" said the same for the unknown civilization when they invaded. There's this concept of accumulating resources or taking them by force.
Third, they also bring up several times that "the weak don't even get the right to choose" and "only the strong get to ask questions," which... is certainly in line with a battle series, but... yeah. Yooha does angle Leo's ideal of the strong survive as "the strong have a duty to protect the weak," and in a sense, all the weak people "choose" Lee Geon, which you can interpret as flashback Steven being wrong. But still... it's all good to say that Ophiuchus respects those who are willing to put everything on the line to become stronger, but most people simply do not have the necessary potential or opportunity. All they can do is choose who to pray to, but this assumes that there is a good choice to begin with. It's all a kind of concept that I don't really like, though I won't say that it's incoherent or anything.
Anyway, all that said, the last chapter for now is really something. Ah, Lee Geon making that face, damn... We finally see him get a bit stripped down emotionally. Yes, give me that backstory to add to my Lee Geon microwave spinning.
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kazekunai · 2 months
Not again I comment on discord group of this manhwa....
I decided to stop replied and...., I join the discord of that scanlation just to know the update of RDCH
Lee Geon is OP so much because the author said so! (if you need justification, because right now Geon is Zodiac!!). And he strong and care about humanity!
.......this manhwa action comedy damned it.......
There is some point you don't have take it seriously (and maybe I have so much understanding because I already read another manhwa adaption that adapted from Sanjijiksong-nim's novel too, so I already familiar with his writing)
Lee Geon is more insanely OP in the novel!!! I think the manhwa already have good job! (You read the novel you will get the saints more useless in the novel)
(in the manhwa we get Geon gave last attack to Hugo on finishing Blood Fog Disaster) (my fav)
(And Yooha still have some respect to Steven, Steven in the novel is totally utterly comedic relief)
Do you want something serious, neat and have proper power scaling? Please don't read this manhwa==
Please read another action manhwa instead!!!
There is so many action manhwa out there to read damn it!
Not again I tried socializing in manhwa-related discord! My poor introvert social anxiety heart can't take it.
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polaroidbills · 2 years
08. no bitches?
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pairing! - non-idol!jungwon x fem!reader
synopsis! - inspired by reckless by madison beer - jungwon promised y/n to never break her already damaged heart, but can he really keep it?
word count! - 743
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october 14, 2021 @ 6:55 p.m
(y/n's pov)
the sound of the welcoming door bell rings through our ears.
the door opens, revealing heeseung.
"hey guys! come in!" he allows us to walk in.
immediately i see jay cooking, sunoo chilling on the couch, riki looking for ice cream, and sunghoon and jake playing video games.
"jay's just cooking dinner. i think it's tteokbokki," heeseung shuts the door.
"where's jungwon?" i question.
"oh he said he'll be a bit late," he shrugs.
"oh okay," i mumble as chaeyeon pulls me away, ending the conversation.
20 minutes later, it's now 7:15.
jungwon's still not here.
"yah! jake what the hell!" sunghoon shouts.
we're all playing mario kart and jake hit sunghoon with a shell. everyone laughs.
the door bell rings. "jake go get that," heeseung orders, immersed in the game. "fine."
"yes! i won!" sunghoon celebrates.
"jungwon hey!" everyone turns to the door. jungwon walks in with a smile and we all greet him.
running up to him i hug him, "i was waiting for you, what took you so long man?"
"heh, sorry my mom needed help with the laundry, took longer than i expected," he laughs hugging me back.
"okayyy! break it up or get a room!" jake shoves his hands in between us to separate us. we laugh awkwardly.
at dinner, jay places his tteokbokki on the table.
"hmm it's delicious," i say surprised.
"right! jays cooking is for real the best!" riki agrees and everyone starts digs in.
"so what should we do tonight?" sunoo starts a conversation.
"hm.. i was thinking we play party games. you know like truth or dare and whatever," heeseung suggests.
"yeah! and then we can watch like a movie or two!" riki adds and everyone agrees, finishing our food.
after placing our dirty dishes in the dishwasher, we all gather in the living room. as i was about to sit down next to jungwon when chaeyeon squeezes in between us and sits down.
"so who wants to start?" jake says making everyone confused. "huh?"
"truth or dare? hello? okay fine. whatever. heeseung, truth or dare?" everyone comes to realization.
"ohh~ hmm, truth."
"is it truth that no ones asked you to the spook-a-thon yet?"
we laugh and "ouuu"s are heard.
"yes," heeseung salts.
"it's giving megamind, no bitches?" everyone laughs.
"okay okay i get it, but to be fair jake, the only bitch you get is your dog, layla," he smirks and everyone bursts into laughter. jake rolls his eyes in defeat.
"anyway, hmm chaeyeon, truth or dare?"
"uhh you know what? dare."
"ouu shes getting bold," everyone jokes.
"okay... i dare you to sit beside the hottest guy here," heeseung dares.
"easy," chaeyeon gets up and sits right in between jake and jungwon.
"ouuu," everyone shocked, as well as me.
"so is it jake or jungwon?" heeseung asks
"i didn't pick truth~," chaeyeon mocks.
"okay okay, hmm let's see... oh y/n truth or dare?"
"i dare you play the pocky game with sunghoon," chaeyeon smirks.
"oh shit~,"
"damnn," everyones baffled.
i grab a pocky stick and walk over to sunghoon nervously. i sit down and place the stick in my mouth. facing sunghoon, he places his mouth on the stick, not making eye contact with me. i thank him for that. as we inch closer i get even more nervous.
almost an inch away, i can't take it anymore. i was about to break it, when sunghoon went for the last nibble. his lips brush against mine and we quickly break the stick.
my eyes wide open and not being able to chew the pocky. claps and laughs were heard from the others.
"woww!" chaeyeon hollers.
"okay moving on," i change the subject. still sitting beside riki and sunghoon, i don't make eye contact with them.
"my turn. hmm riki, truth or dare?" i turn to him.
"uh truth," he hesitates.
"is it true that yooha has a big crush on you, so she joined the dance team to be with you? and you have feelings for her too?"
"yes.. i mean i think it is? i can't ask her straight up, you know? but i so like her..." riki scratches his head feeling awkward.
"okay my turn!" riki claps happily.
"jungwon, truth or dare?" we all turn to him and he looks a little uncomfortable.
"i dare you to do the pocky stick game with y/n."
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previous masterlist next
author's note! - pocky game ayee! no bitches?
taglist 🏷️ @boowoowho @fadedluvv @hursheys @enhacolor
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united-as-one · 9 months
"red lace or black lace?" yooha fixes il-seong with a curious gaze, lips upturned just so into a cheeky smile. "or maybe white... white could be fun. and, no, i am not telling you why i'm asking. at least not without some persuasion."
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"Hmmm... White lace it is then I suppose. But what is it for? And what do you mean not telling without some persuasion? You know... I can be very persuasive." Il-seong smirks a little bit, tugging at his shirt before unbuttoning the top two buttons to show off his chest a little more, "Tell me and the shirt comes off... Don't, and I'll force it out of you the best way..." With a playful wink, Eden tugs in Yooha close by his collar, licking at the corner of his lips.. "Are you buying me lace fittings for Christmas? Or~"
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tmsbrainrot · 2 years
scene directions from the tms2 script book that would make a maiden blush 🤭
these aren't super explicit (except the first one, that one is straight up wild) but they definitely are... worded in a way 😳
~credit to the wonderful 뽀롱 on twitter for sharing pics~
the kiss scene under the bridge - ep 4/5
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[jiwoo is staring at seojoon. seojoon's lip is still bleeding. where the split had begun to heal had opened up again. jiwoo puts his mouth against seojoon's bloody lip, licking the blood]
the morning after - ep 5
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[seojoon comes back out fully dressed. he has a clear look of discomfort on his face. he wraps his coat tightly around himself and goes into the camping car. quietly pan to the outside of jiwoo's house, where the wind is blowing]
playing house with yooha - ep 5
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[between overgrown branches is a small white table and set of chairs. sat perfectly comfortably is yooha. seojoon feels out of sorts (lit. his body is uncomfortable), but in order to play with yooha he is also sat. yooha is playing house with a small tea set]
back together - ep 10
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[seojoon is laying in bed. he looks worn out but he is smiling brightly. he looks happy. he picks up a call from pilhyun.]
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elegantblazelady · 1 year
It’s too predictable and boring for Kang Sang to become king. Make YooHa king. Seems he would actually know what to instead of Kang Sang who has a vague idea about protecting his people.
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rosemoonie · 2 years
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wannabe challenge | appeared like magic | yooha
happy valentine's day!
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