#WE CAN RULE TOGETHER etc etc but claire was already mentally checked out from their relationship 💀 she just needed an excuse lmao
rescuefield-a · 1 year
following the last post, though we have seen many times that claire basically keeps terrasave running, her position in the organisation has changed throughout the years:
she technically first heard of them a few months after being founded in 1999, though she actually joined in 2000 as a volunteer. they funded her studies in exchange for her story being used in interviews and fundraisings events
her first mission was in early 2004 in valdelobos, though it was a waste of time since they had arrived too late and never figured out what was happening with the civilians or the kids that disappeared. their collaboration with the local law enforcement was a mess too
in 2005 claire was already sort of testing waters about that spokesperson position though the airport outbreak definitely made it difficult to deal with the press about the protests happening in harvardville. inmy humble opinion even though the narrative being pushed is that claire chose a peaceful path, the way she dealt with the survivors shows that she's the only one of the mains who can be both fighter and rescuer if she wants
in 2006 she was coordinating the relief in penamstan, which is definitely a higher position but still falls in the volunteer zone. she's entrusted with talking to senators about collaborations between terrasave and the government, so i think in a way she was already getting ready to step up in position
2009 is the earliest we know of neil's involvement as leader of terrasave even though it's implied he joined sometime in 2005 after FBC was shut down, and climbed up in attempt to secretly continue lansdale's legacy. i find ot interesting that he was voted leader because of his sharp insight about bioterrorism but like, sure on paper he seems to align to the other "leaders" / founders ( chris and leon specifically ) views, but then that's it. neil gets votes but then in 2010 claire is the one organising the meeting between terrasave, bsaa and dso to which as far as we know she was also present, and in 2011 he had to pull her aside during the party to ask if she knew anything from DC. he's the leader on paper but he sure isn't leading shit if the people he's in alliance with don't even bother to talk to him specifically. i won't dwell on claire lying through her teeth about not being aware that there's a whole conspiracy since 2006 simply because that belongs to another meta but i do think at some point she was officially appointed spokesperson because 1) her connections are useful... and people prefer to talk to her better apparently, 2) neil doesn't have the personality to speak to people. it's noted he's a calm man but also detached by bioterrorism as a whole, things are just another tuesday for him ( negative ) so claire's more sensible approach is way useful when talking to the press
she's kept the spokesperson / second in command position up until sejm and her consequent resignation or break, whatever you want to call it. while i have my doubts that claire would come back knowing that even the organisation she's been in for most of her life is corrupt in some degree, i believe claire's plan was to teach moira the way so that at the next election they would have become the leader / second in command duo
death island will probably show claire as a volunteer once again because capflop hates having cool women in position of power, but in the off chance they don't tell us more about what happened post sejm, this is how things will go: from 2011 to 2013 claire was unaffiliated from terrasave, and mostly spent her time tracing back all the steps of neil and alex's plans in order to clear terrasave's name ( not that they asked, but since she really wants that leader position some leverage is needed ). benford's presidential speech at tall oaks was supposed to start a new era though as we know it was the opposite. claire helped terrasave volunteers in the aftermath of the outbreak even though there wasn't much left by the end of it. she's elected leader in 2014, with the assignment to sonido de tortuga being her first since working with the ngo again. it's worth to note that with claire being the leader, collaborations with the bsaa are more frequent; claire also reports to chris in these cases as if she was another agent, because technically she is. since it seems that the events of death island will be game changer to the point it needs the whole squad, in 2015 she will be in san francisco / alcatraz to conduct a joint investigation with the bsaa
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phoenix-brevitas-yt · 6 years
Contacting a Phoenix
Welcome seekers of the Phoenix. Perhaps you’ve clicked this post to begin your journey as a Phoenix Worker. A craft most rare but not unheard of. Today we speak of more Phoenix Magick and what some would say “How to get Started.” (This is a long one sorry)
First a disclaimer: For any thinking they’re entitled to being met with a Phoenix on their first try will most likely never meet one. They don’t owe you. So if you’re only gonna be a spoiled brat then don’t expect anything to come out of this. Also these entities are not pets nor tools. Be respectful and kind. They can be your friends or your enemies.
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Alright fantastic. Let’s begin! To start out we need to know in what way we’ll be contacting a Phoenix. Divination? Astral? Or maybe in a dream? It’s important you choose a way that best fits you. To use a method that’s unfamiliar or susceptible to failure will not do. Remember while your aim may be to contact a Phoenix you can’t account for what may come instead. There’s dangers in everything my friends.
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Method one:
Many often choose to go into the astral. It’s perfect for finding and seeing them. In the astral however your susceptible to failure for many reasons. One; that another being could disguise itself and will try to trick you. Two; if you’re not experienced enough. Three; because you did not put up enough protection so something could come in and ruin the interaction.
How can we avoid the worst? By setting up protection. Before you begin make sure your space is cleansed and warded and that your cleansed and warded. Two make sure you have a spell running to make it difficult to be tricked. A sigil to see through deception should work nicely as well. Also TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. Number one rule guys. Your instincts will tell you if what you’re experiencing is true or not. Or if something is trustworthy. What you may need to expect.
The plus side of doing things this way? Simple, by going into the astral you’ll be able to interact with it more directly. Conversations will be more clear unlike with a pendulum. Not only that but you’ll be able to see them for yourself. If you’re smart you’ll have already done research into the Phoenix and their appearances in different culture. Thereby letting you know what to expect from this Phoenix.
Now that we’ve discussed the important bits. Now is the time for what you’ve been waiting for. How to actually set up and contact one.
Like I said protection is key. Don’t even begin without it. A sigil and ward will work nicely but be prepared. You’re very vulnerable in the astral. From psychic to mental attacks. Even in danger of being possessed. Be smart.
Next you’ll need to decide if you wish to set up an offering. Your chances may increase that way. Smoke offerings are usually best. Choose a scent or herb blend for a specific energy you wish to offer. This is basically your first impression.
Once you’ve set up protection and have a safe space. Not to mention one where you won’t be disturbed. You will have to set your intention. Do this by speaking aloud or in your mind, “I seek to work with the Phoenix. By one or two. If it be you please show thyself to me.” Now of course this is just a dramatic way of doing it. Completely up to you how to word it. Just make sure you aren’t demanding they show themselves or anything that sounds like “Hey b!tch show yourself. Now.” You know?
What to expect? Well to begin expect nothing. Just let them come to you. You may feel like you’re waiting forever or just a few seconds. They come when they’re ready. Next, should one appear, they’re beauty and grace should bring an uplifting sort of vibe. Awe striking even. It’s okay to be nervous. But if they feel like they’re asserting dominance or off its best to walk away. It could be for certain reasons or it may be a trickster spirit. Either way it won’t be a good relationship. You can try again some other time perhaps. YOU SHOULD FEEL CALM AND SAFE. Sorry I had to make sure you’d hear me. The Phoenix may ask something of you or show you something or even set up some sort of contract. Listen closely and should you agree heed their words. They will not tolerate liars and fakes. So again trust your instincts. If it’s not right. It’s not right.
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Method Two:
Now for divination. This is critical for continued communication regardless of how you choose to meet. Because you won’t always be able to meditate into the astral or have a dream. So having a set form of divination that can be on hand is essential. But what about meeting one through divination? How would this be done?
Well many would say scrying is the best way. To which I’d agree. Scrying with a crystal ball would be amazing cuz then you’d receive visions of what the Phoenix looks like and could even communicate via images. So what form of scrying is best? Obviously which ever one you know best. Or of course feel you’d have a better chance with. If just starting I’d suggest practicing first. Other wise the messages could get muddled and the experience will be crap. There are many types of scrying. Like scrying with a candle flame. Smoke. A mirror. Crystal ball. Water. All viable ways. For whichever you choose could hint at the Phoenix attributes. Like element or variety such as mix of culture or mythical creature. Be vigilant.
Tarot of course works as well. Spirit workers use it all the time. So it should work in this case as well. It definitely would get certain messages across much easier. Make sure to keep a record of everything.
Then we have ways such as runes, pendulum, any way you can think of. It should work. Just remember your choice can be limiting but also illuminating. It all depends on you.
The method of contact this way is the same. Your space should be cleansed as well as you. Also wards and protections should be up as well. State your intent. Then begin.
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Method Three:
Now for the one I find most interesting. Certainly you’re asking why. Well to start, how exactly would one go about such an exchange? How do you prepare? Account for what’s a dream and what’s real? Sounds funny, huh? Dreams are known for their chaotic nature. Nothing is what it appears and yet the message so clear. Fear, joy, love, regret, etc. So what does one do to make sure the dream world doesn’t muddle your vision? Quite simply actually. Satchets, crystals, teas, herbs. The whole shebang. By preparing the body first, then the mind, the spirit may better venture and find what you seek. Of course the whole point is that the dream world show you these visions so you may encounter a Phoenix. So be prepared for a wild ride. The astral can be quite clear but also mysterious. Divination offers insight but not much clarity. Dreams are like experiencing everything at once and yet not at all. It can be maddening. Or humbling. Answers of the spirit is found in the astral. Answers of the body through divination. Answers of the mind can only be found through our dreams. For what could lay it out better then ourselves? Research is key here. Know your herbs, crystals, and teas for dreamwork. Even throw in some sigils. Having something for clarity should help a little too. Make sure your intent is made clear before and during sleep. You may wish to check to see if it was all just a dream or not by pulling out a pendulum or going by instinct.
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Oof, so you made it to the end, huh? Good. Once again a worthy seeker. I realize my information may seem lacking but keep in mind this craft is scarcely under informed. Not many know how to interact with the Phoenix naturally or otherwise. Just that they existed and were sometimes worshipped alongside sun deities. It’s all I can do to put together information. Although I’ve had experience with all three of these forms of contact. I’ve astral traveled to see the Phoenix. I’ve dreamt of a meeting that actually happened. I’ll keep the details a secret for most of my experiences. I also choose to use a pendulum when I need to ask simple yes or no questions. (Still dislike it when I get a maybe or idk. Especially no answer.) But there is one other way I speak with them and that’s through some clairs. Clairvoyance and Clairaudience. Mainly Clairaudience. It’s been a major help to me understanding their personalities. Also feelings. Of course I can do it naturally but I still have to practice it. Otherwise I’ll continue to get mixed up. Just continue to trust your instincts and do things that feel right to you and you’ll be on your way to finding a Phoenix in no time.
Thank you again for reading this post. Also thank you for enjoying this series. I too have enjoyed it so much. Especially talking with you guys and truly getting to know there are others who want to know about these amazing beings like I do. If you want you can check my profile for even more posts on Phoenix Magick. (What do you think about the name Phoenix Worker? Better than explaining, “People who work Phoenix Magick,” all the time.)
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