#WFC Cog
driver270 · 6 months
Placeholder 🤖☕️
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thecreditsroll · 6 months
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I'm still the lone Cog(red)/Sixgun shipper
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mincedpeaches · 2 months
Tf one trailer thoughts
The style of animation wasnt bad at all but Im struggling to put into words why it didnt wow me. I think it still feels too much like it looks like a video game. Giving too much wfc. I like the bot designs themselves, I think those are cute and good, but the style of the lighting and eviroments? Eh. Too dark and busy maybe? Idk.
Very interested as always with the different and unique things that they're doing with the lore. Orion as a worker along with Megatron? Workers not get alt modes? (Possibly via the class system not giving them transformation cogs?) Im listening. ALSO QUINTESSONS. LETS GOOO.
A tiiiiny bit too jokey and quippy for my personal tastes but I can tell theyre playing it up for the trailer. I think the movie will (hopefully) hit that balance better.
Chris doesnt actually sound that bad. I kinda forgot it was him for a second.
The megop. My god. Even if this moive sucks. I will be FEASTING. Thank you based paramount.
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easespike7 · 2 years
Where To Seek Out Mosquito Toy
Those poor ratings have been, at the least partly, a result of the fact that Fox decided to air the episodes out of order-an absurd and infuriating choice. But when you are searching for something extra sensible, there's von Slatt's electrical system that, when cranked up, can cure hiccups (or not less than give Rocca a very good shock). Jake von Slatt got here to the fair in HIS steampunk (effectively, his diesel-powered bus). The challenges of steampunk and fantasy turn out to be unbelievable belongings while you add the why not attitude behind the story of the Discover Steampunk exhibit in Idaho. Why is that this in Idaho? Months earlier than the exhibit opened in May 2018, the Museum of Idaho displayed steampunk statues, advertised on billboards, and created occasions in tandem with the exhibit, akin to a steampunk street party and a steampunk ball. The tutorial slant made excellent sense from a museum standpoint-it justified steampunk’s existence, made it useful.
We provide an enormous collection of great steampunk collectibles and house decor that are perfect for surrounding your self with intriguing and entrancing accents that embody the core concepts and values of this wonderful movement! Our steampunk replica guns are modeled after a mix of real firearm design, futuristic fantasy, and antique parts, creating an eclectic mixture of pieces which are good for displaying on your mantel! Identical to an actual scientist in the field, kids must carefully brush and dig away the sand to reveal the hidden items. I'd kinda like a polished brass and aluminium one. I removed the shifters, and all of the cables, after which I eliminated one of many entrance chainrings. If disc brakes are a should for you then the Liv Avail is appropriately specced for your needs, with the AR4 mannequin that includes the ever dependable Shimano Claris groupset. If you are a little extra aware of what you’re after then we’ve put together a guide to the best funds street bikes.
In observe, most complete fastened gear bikes include a flip-flop rear wheel. You’ll want to use the spacer package to get the rear cog aligned with the middle ring on the cranks - it’ll take a couple of tries to get it right. Get into special rubiks cube of putting on protecting glasses each time there's even a small chance of flying mud. The steampunk spirit goes deeper than flying goggles and high hats; it’s about the restoration of values together with etiquette, connoisseurship and individualism. And if a profitable steampunker needs a spot to hold his high hat, there is a steampunk condo for sale in New York City. And yes, my friends, there were steampunk jetpacks. There are solutions for both I count on. There's hope, though. In the process of becoming the first museum to host the exhibit, which was created by Bruce Rosenbaum and is part of Imagine Exhibitions’ traveling exhibits, the Museum of Idaho tackled one of many dilemmas of steampunk: the best way to make the unfamiliar concept accessible to general audiences.
As far as I can tell, the exhibit left the Museum of Idaho in January 2019 and hasn’t opened since. Idaho is thought extra for its potatoes than for its fantasy or steampunk following. Lauren Abbott is Web Mistress for WFC 2020. She is a public librarian, writer, and designer living in Idaho. Jules Verne's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" is one inspiration behind steampunk. Engineering genius Nemo, the mysterious submarine captain at the guts of Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870), provides another template. After riding my SS to assist with the One Is Enough article, BrianW decided to transform his previous 1991 Trek 830 to a SS. I was shocked to seek out out simply what number of great STEM toys are available for kids, and simply how a lot fun a few of these toys appear -- I have to carry myself again for a number of more years earlier than my daughter is previous enough for those GoldieBlox toys! The T3’s Old is, in actual fact, 117mm, but it surely is straightforward enough so as to add a thin washer every aspect to get the precise width.
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eatherstar · 4 years
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“Jetfire! Prep for surgery!”
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blueskyscribe · 3 years
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Getting shot by a blaster once, resulting in a small surface wound: FATAL
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Having half your torso blasted away: NO PROBLEM
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zeropercenter · 4 years
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siege wfc! 
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meteorcrab · 3 years
Cog walking in on megatron and optimus was the BEST part of wfc earthrise
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Optimus- Stupid fuck, but not in the gay way. He's just a moron. Bitch should've listened to his brain cell wife.
Elita-1- The only one with a brain cell. Exasperated mom. Has a weird relationship with OP.
Wheeljack- Bill Nye but gay.
Bumblebee- Sassy cunt. Had a good memory then lost it. Knows some shady af people.
Cog- Turns into BIG GUN.
Mirage- Good at hiding shit. Want's to fight Ratchet's fanboy.
Sideswipe- Generic young Autobot 1.
Ultra Magnus- "I wAnt PeACe" *fucking dies and has his corpse used against everyone*
Prowl- Smol. Has a bomb in his head.
Ratchet- Done with OP and Megan's shit. Has his boyfriend die.
Impactor- Angry. Wants to fight you. Won't fight you because Ratchet turned him into a raging homosexual. Dies in his husband's arms.
Moonracer- Get's fucking mutilated. Femme side character 1.
Arcee- Is pink. Femme side character pt 2.
Chromia- Has guns go pew pew. Femme side character pt 3.
Skyfire- *busy yeeting Starscream into the distance*
All the Autobots are Chaotic Stupid except for Ratchet and Elita.
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outerplanetvibes · 3 years
I had hoped to see more of Cog in WFC, and I...
Like, I half expected it. But not like that.
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enbyblades · 3 years
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oneheadedcerberus · 4 years
That bouncer robot man scanned Arcee, Bee and Cog for guns but it apparently didn't pick up that Cog IS a gun??
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ghastly-enby · 4 years
War For Cybertron: Siege- Spoilers
I am pissed! Skywarp died in the most pathetic way possible!
He got shot from Jetfire once and he dies! Is he really that dramatic! We see Cog get his whole left side BLOWN off and he SURVIVES (sorry Cog my baby but damn). Even Impactor survived for a bit with a metal pole through his chest before Ratchet comes and finds him. To be completely honest it feels like they pick and choose who they want to die.
I just want my boy back and thriving.
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falldownthemountain · 5 years
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Transformers War For Cybertron: Siege Cog
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jazzluca · 5 years
COG ( Deluxe Weaponizer ) War for Cybertron SIEGE
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Va bene, Siege presenta anche personaggi minori oltre ai famosissimi Transformers della prima ora, ma... COG??? Ebbene sì, il drone che accompagnava il Fortress Maximus G1 si guadagna una versione Deluxe tutta per se', cosa impensabile finora ma sicuramente desiderata quando uscì il Titan del colossale Headmaster un paio di anni fa, sprovvisto appunto del suo partner.
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Ma per l'occasione ecco esordire il sottogruppo dei Weaponizer per Siege e... no, ok, "Weaponizer" fu coniato ai tempi di Prime per il suo paio di pseudo Leader e poi riutilizzato per dei Minicon di Rid '15, ma per Cog e compagnia è decisamente azzeccata come definizione, dato che più che al drone di Fort Max l'ispirazione viene da quello di Metroplex, Six-Gun, il quale, nomen omen, si scomponeva in sei armi: e dato che la nuova linea Generations punta molto sulle armi come gimmick, ecco quindi un'ottima soluzione per proporre i vari droni mancanti "saltati" nelle uscite dei vari City-bot Titan.
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Il nostro Cog, innanzitutto, come ROBOT si presenta benissimo, davvero bello nel suo blu principale cone maggior parte del torso argento, a dispetto del grigio del G1, e con inediti tocchi di rosso sui fucili delle spalle e sulle tibie, così come del nero su anche e bocche di fuoco aggiuntive sugli avambracci, ma sopratutto la scultura è fantastica, dettagliatissima e ben valorizzata dai succitati colori principali.
Il vecchio drone legnoso si prende una sonora rivincita nella sua incarnazione Generations con una posabilità spaventosa, ovvero quella base di un Deluxe standard, più la rotazione del bacino e l'inclinazione laterale delle caviglie, che ormai dovrebbe diventare la posabilità standard per questi Siege, mi sa.
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Unici punti deboli estetici sono i vuoti dietro le gambe inferiori e la parte superiore della schiena, ma ci si soprassiede senza pensieri pensando alla giocabilità altissima dettata innanzitutto dagli innumerevoli fori e spine per armi sparsi per tutto il corpo, che di solito li elenco tutti ma qui davvero facciamo notte, e mi limito a citare piuttosto la bella scultura della testa blu e le ulteriori bocche di fuoco sugli avambracci.
Infine, non contento, è dotato di due fucili gemelli che si ispirano all'unico fucile del Cog G1, solo che stranamente questi hanno solo una spina come impugnatura senza altri fori o altro per renderli più versatili.
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Il Cog originale era una sorta di semplice Duocon, dato che si divideva in due veicoli separati chiamati GASKET e GROMMET, ed anche il nostro Generations non è da meno, ma fortunatamente c'è qualche miglioria, dato che se la parte superiore imita sì il giocattolo del 1987, con le braccia che si separano per poi riattaccarsi sul petto come "TRASFORMAZIONE", ma almeno la testa si nasconde ruotando all'indietro di 90°, così come il bacino si ribalta sulle cosce.
Niente di trascendentale, per carità, ma i veicoli sono carini ed evocativi, con dettagli interessanti come i cerchioni blu delle ruote nere, così come saltano fuori ulteriori dettagli sotto i piedi, con fori e con parti dipinte in arancio, così come i cannoni di "Gasket" sugli avambracci possono alzarsi di pochi gradi, e qui ci sono i pochi dettagli dipinti "battle damaged" che contraddistingue la linea Siege.
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I due veicoli, inoltre, si riassemblano in un veicolo unico, tramite però un perno apposito abbastanza lasco, che non mantiene ben salda come dovrebbe l’unione.
( L'originale Gasket poteva ospitare, seduto, l'Headmaster Spike: peccato che il Generations, invece, non abbia un sedile per i Titan Master, vabbè ^^' )
I fucili del robot trovano posto sui fori laterali superiori di "Grommet", ufficialmente, ma possono stare anche su quelli più avanti, ma sopratutto, a parte questi, il nostro Cog si separa in 6 pezzi diversi, ovvero i 4 arti, il bacino ed il torso del robot, ognuna un'arma con il suo nome e statistiche sulle istruzioni, con le gambe che si trasformano facendo rientrare le cosce, mentre le parti esterne del torso ruotano di 90° all'indietro divenendo una sorta di scudo.
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Sulle istruzioni ci sono indicativamente due modalità di assemblamento, offensivo e difensivo, ma le combinazioni possibili con questi sei pezzi sono davvero innumerevoli, con ad esempio usate come "tacchi", il bacino come zaino per sostenere le braccia/pistole, e via così, considerando poi la predisposizione dei Siege stessi ad addobbarsi di accessori grazie ai numerosi fori sparsi.
Inutile dire che Cog è compatibile pure con Fortress Maximus per aggiungere un po' di arsenale al Titano, mentre invece Cerebros non ha altri fori o spine oltre alle impugnature delle mani, ma questa aggiunta tardiva è graditissima, sopratutto per l'ottima fattura di questo modellino, magari originariamente non troppo carismatico, ma che con questa incarnazione giocabilissima diventa un must a prescindere anche per valorizzare gli altri modellini della sua linea.
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Reasons I like Transformers Siege (WFC) #126:
So everyone is seeing people who are dead, right (Optimus thinks he sees Alpha Trion, Arcee thinks she saw Cog), and Sideswipe. Fucking Sideswipe. Goes-
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