yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
Also want to just say this. Im not sure stuff like “this is the hardest episode to watch” or “this episode was sooooo disturbing that i have to stop multiple times to breathe” is a good thing? I maybe wrong, but there is too many people in fandom, who was like “fuck up episode, have to pause episode multiple times, 10/10 episode”~...
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hellomelancholic · 2 years
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
This episode was...not okay.
I have so many problems with a lot of thing in this episode, but i kinda dont want just rant there too much (i get back into tumblr to post my stuff and not for this?? :”D).
I rewatch this episode multiple times and i still thinking that this episode is “shock content for shock content (and fanservice because OH BOI WE NEED ONE TO MAKE VOLUME 10 HAPPENS) because people love edgy drama” and again im love edgy dark bloody stuff but this was mine “hello wtf and why”. I love my dark stories and i love when characters falls for one reason and another. This is no about “never do this” its about “you can do better and not just shock stuff”.
Listen. Its hard to trigger me with blood or with killing someone. But for a love of god, WHY not put AT LEAST “contains suicidal themes”? You didnt spoiler anything (especially since episode already did You already did stuff like this in volume 8 with Penny! EVEN if you dont think that because “oh she still alive and tree will bring her back” - Rudy is still pretty suicidal with this whole “i dont want to be me anymore” and she did “drink forever tea”.
No matter if the tree will make “a new person” (just hardcore reset, dead, that on paper sound unique ngl - but again, you can do this without suicide), reset her depression into “oh wow i want to fight again! C:” (no development into Ruby emotions which is very sad because it was one of the most interesting parts of this season for me) or bring her back to home (...gen:lock s2, when everybody basicly “dissolved themself” to safe the world, but there is “do this to yourself so you can fix one of the problems!”) or even evil!Rudy (which is..sound like a cool idea for me personally, but you can do this without commit “tea party” u know?) or EVEN Summer Rose transformation (...YEAH UH THANK NO?) - this whole episode left a bad taste in my mouth.
Was wishing to see how Rudy can “fall so low and painfully and then get up slowly to keep fighting” or “run away from problems and everyone, reaching the lowest point, but stand up again”. By “falling so low” i didnt mean “metaphorical suicide for good thing” for fuck sake!
Also pls can people stop use excuse “they are shocked!”, there was 20+ seconds after they got in Neo house and all they did was stand a little closer to her and watch her drink tea with NEO NEAR THEM. This is not the first time when “they was in shock” was using for argument. I dont even ask them to success to help Rudy, but they didnt even try to do something, and that make this whole episode even worst. (i have a small theory that in first drafts they were not in this scene or WAS but after Rudy “fall”. But because they want to make this dramatic, like OHH SHE DID THIS INFRON OF HER TEAM OHHHHH they decide to put them in the final script and didnt have time to polish this idea? Or they will use “bu-but this is animation error!” again?)
And i will not talk about Yang stuff, all this “she dont know/have hard time to real emotions” please did people sleep volume 4 with volume 3 ending? You tell me that after she was in depression she didnt “tried to compare” why Rudy didnt talk to her?
Do u just love, when you think antagonist, who in series for pretty long time (even if we will not count volumes, whe she was “dead”) who was just assistant for other bad guys, finally will be main villain...only to find out that ACTUALLY she is not main evil girl - but this brand new character who is TWISTED VILLAIN? I know, there is still a chance that evil!Rudy can happens and she will be kinda main “bad guy” for final episodes but...yeah. I didnt think they will have “gray morally character” because they have REALLY hard time to write one like this
I guess the only thing i did like-like is “the fanservice” with characters, who i love to see again but its impossible because...they dead or in real world (or they can be there, but not because Neo semblance, but this is absolutely different script...), or characters who dont even have maya models. Like...i will not lie, okay? I lost my SHIT when i saw spoilers because OHOHOH ROMAN OHOHOH PYRRHA OHOHOH CLOVER AND IRONWOOD AND A LITTLE BIT OZPIN (i know we already saw his maya model, but he was active only in openings). Like good for uuuu using characters who is not longer there to make fanservice (even know...there is no reasons for Lionheart and Clover to be there outside of...symbolism maybe? Also NOOO dont transform Clover into Qrow, whyyyyy pain again). Wish that what Ironwood said was something, that main cast finally (or writers) analyse more, because rn i feel like its will be “Oh its was Neo manipulate Rudy AND Ironwood was a baaad guy, so who cares?”. Like the fact that Rudy shout at Little and then was aggressive with Neo-Roman. Absolutely love the beginning of the scene where Rudy “Im sorry, i dont want to be me anymore” and Curious Cat starts to calm her down. For a seconds i was hoping there will be calming scene after such a breakdown. Something soft. But oh well, only in my dreams.
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
warning - this is a little bit messy post. I have a hard time to focus about one topic. i just want to talking for a little bit there before next episode.
You know what? I kinda still on board about “episode 8 was about “jumping the shark” in term of torture that was going on in the episode and what topics and HOW they analyse those topics. And after some time after the last episode i thing that we in another land of “dark and pretty mature topics, that we start in the series, but never go further in this topic” or “we skip the progress because we dont have enough time in this season for this topic” or EVEN WORST IMHO,“we start this topic but after we start it we was thinking that this topic was not…that interesting”.
Yeah this thing was always there with not only some serious subjects, but just in general plot points. I know, but i was thinking more specifically about heavy subjects in the plot or in the character progression.We never analyze fully Yang losing her arm, prosthetic and the fact that Blake ran away right after she saved her because we want to show RNJR traveling more. Those nice moments from the start of the volume 4? Oh Yang just wear her prosthetic in the next episode in which she appears! Weiss and Yang have a talk in volume 5? Its will be about Weiss family and most of information, that we already knew! This scene from volume 6 in episode 5 with Blake “i will protect you” that you really like and want to see more stuff like this? Naaaa, we will not progress this and just skip into flirting and fighting with ex! Even worst - with prosthetic part we will got this…pretty strange thing about “this is just extra parts, nothing more” and this whole…thing with Ironwood.
Speaking about Ironwood - we will never analyze his progress because we will…just jump into cartoon villain and give him even cartoony spotlight. His prosthetic if about him being a villain and losing humanity. His trauma after Beacon fall will never be analyse or will just skip right into him be “uhhh im evilll and will bomb everything”.
The racism allegory cant have something more because “i mean we was young at that time when we start writing this show". Im understand when you admit that this is was to hard topic to write about, when you young writer, a lot of young artist-writers do mistake like this. But after that admission this topic just…just evolved into something really strange after multiple season and then this topic kinda got dropt and now we have this whole “You can be human…or just a cat, if u want”. 
It hasn’t evolved into something better because writers have gained new experience and knowledge over time, its just evolved into something strange.
We will not fully analyse this whole thing with Ospin and him not able to die fully and have to living in other people’s bodies, mixing his consciousness with someone else’s because oh boy this guy do not know how to stop the main villain! Yang is trying to find the answer to the question of why her biological mother left her will also abrupt end and the last time we saw Raven was in volume 5. 5 years ago. 
Weiss family problem also got pretty fast progress - She arrest her father in one episode and didnt fell anything about arresting a person, who emotion manipulate her throughout her childhood. No questing “do i do the right thing?” or even happy that “he finally got what he deserve, now my family free from him”. Its just happens and thats all.
We never will fully progress about Penny death in volume 3. She will just,,,got back and everybody will just a little bit surprise and thing that this is “strangle wholesome”.~ “BUT WAIT” will you say. “WHAT ABOUT VOLUME 9?”. Oh this? Oh yeah we will just put her grieving moment right in between Yang “high five” and Weiss rock joke and nobody in cast will talk about this forward. We will got only one scene with Weiss saying that “i know that was A LOT to hear” and Blake be like “are you sure this is good idea” after Ruby gave Penny sword to Toy Soldiers. Also scene from latest episode, but im not sure i can count this one because…this is not something that was…coming from Ruby? Like this is not her in a Herbalist drug therapy session, this is not like Ruby run away and got into something, that work like ponder storm. This is Neo talking via Penny. This is not Ruby talking with herself or Ever After react like this because of her intense emotion (raining because someone sad). This is just Neo. This is not a metaphore for how depression can sometime fuck your brain pretty badly, because again - you can do this without Neo revenge part. There is maybe chance there will be something more, but im not sure sight we have only two episodes left and the timing of the episodes never reached 40 minutes. You can maybe have Jaune having a problems after Pyrrha pass away and him “helping” Penny, but you cant have the same with the main characters or even if they can have something like this - this is never go into to deep or dont go for to long.
Also about Rudy and her finally getting progress in her emotion state - yeah you also cant have this. You cant have Rudy analyse by herself what she done and try to work with those mistakes - you HAVE to have Neo talking via people, who Rudy knew or hurt one way and another, even if half of the people Neo probably dont know. You cant make her “fall” without having a metaphoricaly make Rudy kh. No matter what “drinking tea” will evolved into (new Rudy, Evil Rudy, just her teleport back into Remnant, meet a Summer who will motivate her to be a huntresses again, transform into Summer and other theories that i can’t guess or don’t remember right now) - they decide that the best way to make Rudy go through depression, anger, guilt is make her extremely suicidal and drink some tea. Also her weapon, that she was scared to even hold in episode 7? Yeah she can how shot and not even flinch.All those interestings, but pretty heavy topics is there, but also…not there. 
You want to touch some topics, but hesitate to go through those topic fully because OH WAIT WE ALSO HAVE ALL THOSE THING GOING ON IN OUR SHOW OH WAIT ITS THE LAST EPISODE!
This is only the stuff that i remember rn. Death, reincarnation, depression, PTSD, losing someone and grieve, topic about prosthetic and being disabled, abusive family or partner, racism and other heavy topics, 
There is…so many interesting stuff in this show, so many interesting details that you can analyse and topics, that you can progress EVEN when the main plot is still there about “fight with a big bad evil guy”. Even with all issues i have with this show (or with company, but this post is not about this), i cant stop be amaze how there is enough potential and things that can inspire you to do something, no matter if its “””just””” fanfic about some of your favorit ship or something that help you to find out what you want to see in your project. This show is absolutely a big mess sometime, its getting better in one part but then fall apart in other part but because those good part and potentials is there you cant just stop watching. I’ve been with this fandom since the red trailer and everytime this show is amaze me how mess is sometime can be and how it can just…drop something extremely interesting or even personal favorite stuff. This show is inspiring me A LOT and made me love animation, but its also sometime make me fucking scream, stop the episode and leave the room because “ARE THEY FUCKING SERIOUSLY OMG . :””D
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
Another year another week when i skip FairGame week because i have work to do AND i was so busy with life and with sickness that i didnt even know about this. Miss drawing my old bois but i dont even have a power to finish my current works and drawings...
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
For pride month kinda want to do list of headcanons about characters sexuality in r/wby.
Not sure about genders/who is under trans-umbrella because i most of the time do “they genderfluid\agender\nonbinary” because i sometime have a hard time to decide who is who because LOOK AT ME I DONT EVEN KNOW WHO I AM IN NEXT DAY LOL.
And im not sure about shit like “ships” because i most of the time do “they poly and have two big hands” or do silly shenanigans and have fun. 
This whole list will be just “Wolf really trying to not project anything and doing really bad fucking job”.
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
NGL after seeing posts about fight animation in r/wby in rwde tag and after watching those one videos about fight analysis in r/wby (you know which one) for billion times (love them so much) i kinda want to write about every fight\action in vol9 because: 
1. - there is not a lot going on in term of action, so there will be not a lot of posts about this and im not sure that people who do videos about fight animations in r/wby will do videos about vol9 stuff?
2 - i kinda love analysing fight choreography soooo much because i myself try to animate fights/actions so i always try to find the ways how improve my fights\actions (outside of standart stuff like “make its smooth” or “make sharp posing” u know...) or learn from someone else's mistakes/decisions. So its will be more not “want to write for someone” and more like “i want to do this for study purpose”?
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
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YEAH no sketches again, im in my “i need to try to do something BIG” mood. Now lets see how fast i will drop this... :””””D
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
I was trying to write short thing about r/wby episode (about accepting mistakes, growing up as a person and this...whole thing about J aune scene) and just find out that i...write 2000 words and find out that mine timer tell me its 0:00, fuck. :”D
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yourwolfmuzzle · 4 months
A small talk with mostly myself because i need this.
Gonna slowly but surely recover my tumblr. I still have this idea to make this blog more into my thing and not just me talking about rwby. Its not that im tired of talking about this show even while we in maybe forever hiatus (if this show will stuck on sale forever, but its to early to say about this). Its more that no matter now big "love-hate" relationship i have with this show, mine main love is my own project and i do nothing there to show this.
Mostly its because im always stuck in the "almost having burnout" and "you need to do your work because you already pretty slow" so everytime when i want to do my own stuff - im sstart bullying myself into thinking that the only thing i do its my own stuff and nothing for work.
Well one step at the time. Will do this mostly for myself, ngl, and for some sort of personal art-therapy ahah.
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
Me, my genderfluid ass and every shapeshifting motherfucker - OMG THEY SO ME.
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
Me - i will stop take commissions and will just do my silly stuff because im deserve a little bit rest after a whole year of crunching and- News - get a lot of triggering stuff. Me - SO ANYWAY IM READY AGAIN TO GET INTO MORE WORKS SO I CANT STOP THINKING. MY FAVORITE TYPE OF EXISTING. c:
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
Give me...a couple days. I feel like my brain cant breath and im not sure its normal to feel like this. Its fine when i just cant think at all for a whole day, but this is like...new thing for my brain and its kinda dont feel right. But after that i will continue to be ass person and do my silly queer haha hehe things.
(but at the same time...brain got fuck up probably because i now trying to recover my sleep schedule that got fuck up too lol.)
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
Oh. Not sure how i feel about this but if i can stream on pc and my pc can hold this (like...my pc HATE twitch but is okay if i do streaming on youtube) - i will destroy this shit. Just for giggles, nothing seriously. :”D 
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
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