minx1o · 1 year
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ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
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sylver-drawer · 7 months
Tfw you make a whole new love interest for Athy because you dislike both of the canon ones
#both of them have similar flaws at different levels#no hobbies#no interests#no meaningful relationships nor the desire for any outside of her#they care but only at surface level and don’t care at a deeper empathetic level#like hey I like you but I actually don’t think I know what I like about you#and my care for you is explicitly more like I care for your attention#and I don’t really care about what you love#I only care about what you love if it affects you because if something happens to you your attention is also gone#I also don’t actually know that much about you#even though they’ve both spent different amounts of time with her#they don’t actually know nor understand Athy emotionally nor has Athy actually opened up about a lot of things#like the closest she’s opened up in her whole third life was to Jennette and that’s depressing#Ijekiel has seen a lot of her lonely and sad side but doesn’t know her internally or at a deeper level#Lucas has spent the most time with her but doesn’t understand her feelings completely at all nor does he understand her reasons and drive#nor does he really care about them as long as she’s alive#which applies to them both#also both would kinda suck politically and foreign affairs-wise speaking#Lucas would suck at foreign affairs because I physically cannot see him understanding or caring enough about others#he can fake kindness but he can’t fake understanding#and understanding is key for foreign affairs#Ijekiel would be better and his foreign Arlanta knowledge would help#but also#his social skills aren’t that much better than Lucas’#there are too many cons for both of them that could outweigh the pros#and plus the pros Athy can easily access as friends anyway#I am a strong advocate for single Empress Athy or marrying a completely different and qualified person she meets in adulthood#like what happened to the flowery boy and lone wolf or literally any other noble in Obelia that’s around her age#or even foreign nobles#syl tea
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doomed-prophetess · 2 years
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Jennette and Ijekiel waiting for Athy like an obedient little housewife waits for their husband to come home after work 💕
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honestly-oceanie · 2 years
You drew stars around my scars || Manhwa DILFS edition
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Synopsis: drawing or painting something on them
《Claude de Alger Obelia, Anastacius de Alger Obelia, Regis Adri Floyen, Abel Heilon, Gallahan Lombardi, Charente Crown, Dane Henstone, Lant Agriche | gn!reader》
{Fluff♡ | ▪︎imagine/scenario▪︎}
A/N: should I do the female leads/characters next?
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Who Made Me A Princess/ Suddenly, I Became A Princess One Day
Claude De Alger Obelia
"Emperor of the Obelian Empire"
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🦋 You were sitting on one of the couches provided on the Emperor's office per usual. Just laying there doing nothing eventually got you into boredom.
🦋 You started to think of something that may entertain you. Then your eyes come across the quill on Claude's office table. You suddenly remembered that day you spend with Athy.
🦋 The young princess managed to get ahold of some paint and offered if she could paint some doodle on you. You had been strict on neatness so this made you quite nervous inside yet you agreed with the young princess' request. She did told you to return the same favor to her, and you both had the joyous laugh and fun of your lives. Lily did scold the both of you after she caught you two.
🦋 Since it's only you and the Emperor, only he could be your victim. You ask if you could draw on him mindlessly, forgetting just who you were talking to. After a long moment of stunned silence, you finally realized that the person you were talking to is Claude de Alger Obelia.
🦋 As you were about to apologize, he says: "It's fine." Of course you were shock, contemplating if he did mean it or if it's your last day of living. After a while, you finally stood up and did as you wanted to.
🦋 As a matter of fact, he actually saw what happened that day, he could hear your rare laugh along with his daughter's. He decided to 'check' on what was happening and there he saw you both, filthy with paint yet happy. Thus, today he was quite shock by your sudden request, he won't ever admit it but he felt quite jealous seeing that.
🦋 It would be quite nice to do this to him while he's having his beauty rest, but only when you have the guts🤭
Who Made Me A Princess/ Suddenly, I Became A Princess One Day
Anastacius De Alger Obelia
"Former Emperor of the Obelian Empire"
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🦋 Let's set this by the time he's still possessed.
🦋 As Lady Jennette's personal attendant, you had always been around her as she grew up. You were kindhearted and gentle. Jennette really admires you a lot, she grew to see you as a parental figure of hers.
🦋 One day, you saw Jennette chatting with a man that seemed familiar for some reason. After debating with yourself whether you should interrupt or not, you remembered the reason you came looking for her.
🦋 Anastacius could see you walking forward from his peripheral vision but he continued to talk with his daughter.
"Lady Jennette, your afternoon tea is ready."
"Right of course! I'll see you next time Viscount!"
🦋 After Jennette left, you and Anastacius had a short staring contest before you left to go follow the young lady.
🦋 Jennette doesn't seem to mind the company of this certain Viscount Patterson yet you were rather suspicious of him, he just has this mysterious aura that you can't trust him just yet. However, you didn't voice out your doubts, you were just a mere servant you couldn't just interfere in your master's business that easily. Eventhough Jennette wouldn't mind at all
🦋 After some days, there seem to be no suspicious movement from him so you started to warm up to him a bit. What matters the most to you was Jennette's safety and happiness.
🦋 You and Jennette were doodling on each others arms, this always bring calm to Jennette and she enjoys doing this so it has became a habit between you both, sometimes Ijekiel does join when he has spare time but today he was quite busy so instead you were accompanied by Viscount Patterson. Jennette's friendly personality invited him as he happened to pass by, and here he is now seated beside you.
🦋 Jennette had gotten tired and decided to take a break. As she ate her biscuits she suggested for him to join and for you to draw on him as she is too tired to continue.
"May I?"
🦋 You asked him and he did agree, only because of his daughter. He was surprise at how good you are and compliment you for your talent. He asked if you were an artist before but you were not, though painting and sketching are hobbies of yours.
🦋 Jennette watch the interaction between you two, she was very happy and celebrating inside. Although you were kind and gentle, you're also very shy, she still remembers the time you first meet her. Your soft voice and stuttering at your introduction replays in her memory. Before, you couldn't even talk without a stutter at all, yet here you are now finally allowing yourself to mingle with others.
🦋 You were slowly warming up, and Anastacius could see that too.
Father, I Dont Want To Get Married!
Regis Adri Floyen
"Duke of the Floyen Duchy"
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🦋 At this very moment, Regis feels as the most fortunate man to be able to have you in this life.
🦋 Jubel is seated in front of you as you do a portrait of her. After you had finish, she excitedly rush to you. Seeing your finished masterpiece of her, Jubellian poured a waterfall of praises while gazing amazedly at you.
🦋 She fancied you even in the 'novel', you were the only one who genuinely cared for the villainess. You tried everything to break up Jubellian and Mikhail, knowing he wasn't sincere with her at all, yet it cause the connection between you both to cut off as Jubellian believes "you did not want for her to be happy". Despite all that, you still defended her during the accident even if it costed you your life.
🦋 The entire ordeal, Regis just watched your interaction with his daughter, very grateful that you are still a part in this life. The serenity of the sight in front of him brought Regis' heart into peace. This tranquility he wishes would last, but he knows now is not the right time, but eventually it will come. He has been given a second chance to right the wrongs so he must use this chance, right?
🦋 Jubel could feel some piercing eyes from behind her, she turned to scold max as she thought it was just him, but it was her father, gazing lovingly at them. Picking up on the hint, Jubel excuse herself so you and her father could spend some time.
🦋 Regis took the seat Jubel previously seated on, waiting for you to pick up on his presence. All of a sudden, Selena thought it would be a good opportunity to be the third wheel. You heard a chirping on your side, knowing it was either Selli or Eddie, you took a look at your side only to yelp, surpise to find the empty spot replaced by Regis and Selena on his shoulder.
🦋 Afterwards you started some small talk with him while petting Selli, who moved to lay on your lap. Since you had already made a portrait and painting of Regis before, you thought why don't he become your canvas this time.
🦋 Although he was confuse on what you meant he agreed, you hold his arm and started drawing some cute animals you could think of there. Although it wasn't his first time seeing your artworks, it never ceases to amaze him.
🦋 He loves to give compliments and praises to your artworks and you. In this life, he will cherish you always and never take you for granted.
🦋 While you two are having a lovey-dovey moment, Jubel watches from the door, she was very happy for the two of you, however someone was not. Selena was not happy, not because of the two of you but because you still haven't made a portrait of her. Don't worry 'cause Edward comforted her as he too, still hasn't gotten his own portrait.
Author Of My Own Destiny/ I Became The Wife Of The Male Lead
Abel Heilon
"Duke of the North"
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🦋 You and Abel had a slow burn romance which Fiona greatly regrets now. At first she thought it was a good idea and she really liked how it turned out. But right now she just wants to shove the two of you together in one place so these longing stares will finally come to an end.
🦋 Even Siegren understands the situation very well and wants to help pushing it too. Fiona herself is tired of you two, just why did it had to be slow burn?!
🦋 Finally, Siegren and Fiona had come up with a plan. A few plans as a matter of fact. Though hopefully they won't have to use all of it.
🦋 The first two plans failed miserably. But they say third time's a charm.
🦋 You were invited by Siegren and Fiona, they said they wanted to spend some time with you and have 'fun'. You, of course agreed, you love these kids too much to even reject their puppy eyes. You guys are on Fiona's room, some art materials scattered on the floor waiting to be use.
🦋 You have no idea why they thought of this, but currently you three are running around the room having a paint war, attacking whoever you get ahold of with some messy drawing or even a doodle with the paint you have in your hands.
🦋 Now Fiona's room isn't presentable at all not even a little decent, but none of you cared, even Fiona and Siegren are having too much fun that they almost forgot their mission. Luckily Abel came in at point.
🦋 Abel was stunned at what had happen to Fiona's room, he scolded the children for their reckless behavior. Now things weren't going as planned. You couldn't stand to see the kids being scolded for you have a very soft spot for them. You just said what you could think of at that moment; inviting Abel to join you guys instead. You were surprise you even had the guts to interrupt him but words can't be taken back once they're said. Fiona and Siegren were internally celebrating, you managed to sail the boat without even knowing!
🦋 Abel was pondering for awhile if he should really join you guys or scold you too. But he succumb to his desire and join you three, though just most likely you. The kids immediately run off on the corner of the room to avoid disturbing you two, then acted as though they were doing something. You give a smile to Abel as he sat down beside you. You raise the paint brush on your hand, silently asking him if you could draw on him and he nodded.
🦋 You looked serious as you were doing your task but really, your heart was beating too fast it could leap out of your chest, you tried your best to look normal as possible, unbeknownst to you Abel was on a similar situation. Fiona and Siegren just staring at you both intensely, praying and hoping that this plan would succeed.
🦋 After you had finish Abel stared at your drawing for awhile before grabbing your wrist and the paint brush on your hand, taking you by surprise but also intrigued by what he is gonna do. Instead of drawing, he seemed to write some letters on your arm but you couldn't read it properly as he was covering it. After he had finally written the words he couldn't say, he let you read it.
🦋 Your eyes went wide as you proccess the words written on your arm by Abel Heilon himself. This was a sudden confession but Abel couldn't hold it in anymore. There was a long moment of silence, Abel was growing nervous, maybe this wasn't the right time, but you proved him wrong as you jumped on him to tackle him with a hug. You repeated the words he wrote to you as you stared at his eyes.
🦋 Just the two of you on your own world... until Fiona and Siegren cheered loudly to celebrate this success, you two had almost forgetten they were there too.
I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life/ I Shall Master This Family
Gallahan Lombardi
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🦋 You and Gallahan are always willing to try anything new in your relationship, that's how you two have had a lot of habits and tradition you both just randomly made up.
🦋 Just like now, when you saw a quill on the table, you dipped it with its ink, and did some cute little drawings on his face while your other hand keeps him steady. He just sat still waiting for you to finish what you were doing without interrupting you.
🦋 Once you were done, you run around to find a hand mirror then gave it to him so he could see what you've done to him, he was surprise as it was his first time seeing you draw something even though it is on his face, but he liked how good your drawings are even if it's simple.
🦋 He feign sadness as you laugh at him. Promising to help him clean up after you feel satisfied. He wasn't gonna back down that easily, whilst you were trying to calm down, he swiftly got ahold of the quill and did the same favor on you, it caught you off guard.
🦋 Instead of cleaning up, you ended up having a competition on who had the best drawing. Tia was walking around when she saw what you two were doing, it seems fun she wanted to join and of course you both let her.
🦋 In the end, you both made tia win, you and Gallahan now look messier than ever as you let tia draw a lot, what's important was that you had tia have some fun. Since tia didn't had much inks on her, you let the maids take care of her.
🦋 You and Gallahan are helping each other remove the inks on each other. Being together brought you both in happiness, no matter the circumstance you may face you know you both can pull through. Afterall you promised one another to be there through sickness and health. For now, while there is still chance you try to do everything you can before the time is up. One's presence may fade but their memories will never cease to exist.
Please Give Me The Pacifier!
Charente Crown
"Heir to the Crown Duchy"
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🦋 I have mixed feelings with this man so I don't know what I'm doing here.
🦋 Kaishan loves to have you around, because of you Kaishan had become rebellious to his father, thus Charente had allowed you to visit his manor at some appointed time(s) which honestly scared you.
🦋 But overtime Charente had gotten used to your presence, he eventually let you visit at anytime you wished to which made you and Kaishan celebrate with joy.
🦋 You had thought about doing this activity so Kaishan could have some fun. Your company is enough for Kaishan to have fun and be happy. Unfortunately, you had forgotten to bring the materials with you, you apologize to the cute kid but he told you not to worry, he left the room in a hurry but not before telling you to not follow him as he will be back soon.
🦋 Kaishan run off to find his father and told him the situation. After some minutes of waiting, Kaishan finally returned... with his father carrying the materials needed. Thankfully you had gotten accustomed with his existence so you did not mind him around anymore.
🦋 At first, you were just calmly teaching him how to do some basic painting starting with shapes first yet he decided to start a war by smudging some paint on your face on purpose, he gave a cheeky apology afterwards but you knew you weren't putting down without a fight, so you return the same favor to him. You and Kaishan are now filthy with paint yet Charente didn't stop you at all, you both were having a good time.
🦋 You didn't know, but as much as you make Kaishan happy, you also make Charente happy internally, he is already satisfied with the proximity you two have and yet he can't help but feel jealous of his own son right now.
🦋 You could feel him burning holes at the back of your head so you turn to look at him. His eyes seems to say something, you had an inkling on what it may be but you did not dwell much on it, afterall he was a man that's very hard to read, you'd rather avoid the consequences than to suffer from it because of some misunderstanding.
Tricked Into Becoming The Heroine's Stepmother
Duke Dane Henstone
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🦋 His situation is quite similar to Charente's but successful thanks to the help of his little pumpkin that made it possible.
🦋 You were at the garden with Pierta, watching as she eats one of her favorite candy, pumpkin candy. You are aware of how much she loves her pumpkin and wanted to do something special for her, unfortunately, you had no idea how to cook nor bake so you think of other ideas.
🦋 You remembered in your childhood how much you loved to have the ink spilled on your skin as you draw whatever you could think of, you always end up getting scolded by nanny, in the end the entire household made sure that any ink or something that may color your skin will be out of reach for you. At first you threw tantrums but eventually you grew to forget about it.
🦋 Luckily, you always bring a pen with you. You thought about drawing some cute pumpkins on Pierta. The little one complied when you ask her to give you her hand, then you started drawing some pumpkins with funny faces. Pierta seemed to like it too much as she reaches out to you again asking you to do more.
🦋 You chuckled nervously, you don't wish for the little pumpkin to have the same habit, just thinking about it made you sweat anxiously you don't want to face the wrath of Duke Henstone. Pierta notice some eyes and looked up to see her father, she immediately stood up and ran to him excitedly. You bowed to the Duke as you greet him, Pierta could understand that her father likes you and decided to be the cupid.
🦋 She drags her father towards you and have him seated, she explained to him what you were doing to her a few moments ago, she asks if you could do the same to her father. You tried to make up an excuse "Only if the Duke agrees with it." And of course he would, he'll do anything his daughter asks of him.
🦋 In the end, you gave in, how could you resist the little pumpkin. You were seriously staring at what you were doing while the Duke is also busy staring at you, none of you notice the chestnut cupid sneakily running away. After you had finish you looked up to him but immediately looked away after he stared back at you. It seems the little pumpkin went away huh. You finally started small conversation with him which he has been waiting to as he couldn't do so, something always happens whenever he wants to talk to you.
🦋 He'll be sure to thank his princess, knowing well that it was her who gave him this opportunity.
The Way To Protect The Female Lead's Older Brother
Lante Agriche
"Former Head of the Black Agriche"
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🦋 Nah. Just Nah. Runn🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
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Honestly, Oceanie
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2truehearts · 1 year
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✦ CHARACTER/S︰ijekiel alpheus & lucas from wmmap (who made me a princess).
✦ SYNOPSIS︰love can bloom and burn in any heart at the first sunlit-brindled brief—whether it be bounded by duty, ice, or disbelief; as long as that epitome of affection is you, they suppose they can make an exception and make some space—or in which they fall in-love with you first glance and sight.
✦ CONTENT WARNING/S︰nothing other than one swear word (fuck), & the general fluff and infatuation (from the character/s) + everything is proofread with the wc 200 - 300 each.
✦ A/N︰making my debut as a manhwa writer on main is not the ideal move but idk where to post it okay (side eyes the 2367838 sideblogs under this one/silly (also the title is inspired by "the only exception" by paramore <3 it's bleeping awesome go and give it a listen!!))
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IJEKIEL IS NOT ONE TO FALL IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, to have his world still for a few seconds while his heart overrides and blood races to the forefront of his cheeks—but dear heavens, were you the only exception to that rule bound by duty and a planned future in his chest. you surely weren’t the epitome of grace or as enchanting as the gods, but to him you were enough—more, than enough, truly.
he first met you in an arrangement of his father and your parents from your vague childhood—but oh, how he remembers every second of that first meeting. when the doors opened to you bowing in front of him with a barely-hidden smile of excitement curving the tips of your mouth to look at him with big, bright eyes of wonder staring directly at the copy of the sun—not once backing down to blink or burn away from awe and fluster. so ijekiel does that instead.  his skin flares with the color of blooming carnations, sunlight-prickled hues wide from childish panic at the sudden increased beating of his heart.  was something wrong with him? he felt light-headed and dizzy, stomach twisting, tossing and turning as if he was about to faint from merely seeing you presented before him like the finest muse of a pristine piece of art, incomparable to anything else other than itself. what should he do? should he compliment you? should he act indifferent and use a practiced smile? his mind is trying to adjust to the drastic changes of his swayed heart, but the boy just can’t seem to do just that when he’s faced with a fairytale protagonist right in front of him—and he blinks, catching something from the corner of his eye—and is brought back down to earth when he sees his father’s questioning gaze. then, bows with a smile, greeting you further in to sit down and perhaps enjoy a cup of tea with him?  you said yes out of common courtesy, but that only made his smile grow wider.
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LUCAS FIRMLY DOES NOT BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, like come on—who believes in love like that these days? naive little kids? newly adolescent noble ladies? men of high and poor status? it’s simply too . . . unlikely to actually happen in his eyes. the butterflies when you meet “the love of your life’s” eyes? could be the early signs of constipation. the flush in your cheeks when there’s too much prolonged eye contact with them and the dizziness of your heart and mind? could be an oncoming migraine, headache, or a sign you're being possessed by some evil spirit, y’know? anyways, enough joking aside—the point is, he finds the subject some far-fetched fairytale that is highly impossible even with the magic he has—that is, until, you waltz into his life. the things he feels when he's around you is something that could be described as a contradiction. the first gazing into your eyes turns the world upside and back again, the first brush against your fingertips suck all the air out of his chest, the first chuckle that he manages to rouse from deep within your giddy joy paints him a shade darker than his eyes from head to toe—holy fuck were there a lot of firsts that made him experience everything and anything all at once; with most he can't even explain properly without sounding so . . lovesick. god do you make him sick to the last bone with whatever sorcery you possess. in short; when in love, lucas is everything that correlates to being stupidly infatuated and is constantly reeling himself in by a hair’s breadth back to the surface when you smile, laugh, or simply exist next to him—like, can you imagine how utterly moronic it is to see how degenerate he’s become from before you?! . . . but, if it makes you happy, he’ll gladly be idiotic for the rest of his life (though, that depends if you're gonna annoy him or not).
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✦ — @khasmies 2023.
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mikasenpaidesu · 3 months
WMMAP, vol. 2 Chinese novel Special Edition!
Hi everyone! I was finally able to get my hands on the Chinese novel limited edition and I had to make a post about it because everything just looks so cute <3
Actually, I wanted to get vol. 1 as well, but it already was sold out everywhere…
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This edition is so so beautiful! I especially like it because if you look very closely you can see they added “blessing and glory upon the obelian empire” on the box. I don’t know if this present in other editions as well but it’s such a cool detail.
These are the other merch included:
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transparent poster, front and back!
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Claudiana poster 🥹
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athanasia’s acrylic stand and pin
lucas and ijekiel’s cards
wmmap stickers (was too lazy to show them all lol)
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Aaand this was the merch which shocked me the most? At first I thought it was something similar to a keychain but when I opened Athy’s package, I could smell a strong and sweet scent from it… I guess it is an air freshener! You know, the ones you put in your cars…
(Maybe someone pointed it out before, but I didn’t know at all lol)
That was all guys! Here is something else I got hehe:
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Oh and guess what? Athy was sold out… again 🥹
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Supposing lp Jennette had not been accepted by Claude she would have ended up at worst sentenced to death for being a traitor's daughter and at best an outcast because she's a bastard child. If Claude or the Imperial wizards reveal that Jennette is a product of black magic, she'd be branded as a monster forever and even if Claude decides to spare her life, the church might request her execution or take the law into their own hands with regards to Jennette.
She can forget about her marriage with Ijekiel. Her engagement to Ijekiel hinges on the condition that the Emperor will welcome her as the second princess into the Imperial family and without his father's pressure on him Ijekiel won't indulge her crush on him anymore. Without Ijekiel's protection the noble girls will feel free to pull Jennette to pieces. Her isolated life behind the walls of the Alpheus residence barred her from making friends that would support her.
Would someone as greedy and self-serving as Roger let her remain in his house after her failure? He has no reason to, except to protect what little is left of his reputation after pulling a stunt like that in front of the assembled aristocracy. He might try to send her away to distant relatives she has never met or to the countryside until the excitement in the capital died down. Jennette might have been allowed to stay but her budget would have been cut short and she would have to live a little better than a servant. She has no life skills except for doing embroidery, cooking and cleaning. Jennette was literally raised to be someone's trad wife, but now no one will want to marry her. Whoever inherited the Judith fortune would have wanted her gone too. Officially she didn't exist for 15 years and now she has appeared out of thin air and has a right to a portion of the money and the need to request it. There is the possibility that Rosalia's husband or any other relative would send an assassin after her or blame her for a crime which would make it impossible for her to inherit. They could trick her somehow into relinquishing her right to the Judith fortune that should have been evenly split between Rosalia and Penelope.
Had Jennette protested against Rogers plan or messed it up, she would have lost everything. LP Athy on the other hand never had Claude's love. Whether Jennette had appeared or not, Claude would have continued to answer Athy's attempts at affection with cruelity. In Jennette's mind she did nothing wrong. "There was nothing she could have done for her half-sister."
Evading the Imperial wizards, shutting down those who question her paternity and accuse her of bastardy, getting harrassed by men every time she steps outside, enduring the bullying of jealous noble girls, dealing with the repercussions of her unconscious black magic use without being able to ask someone for help, keeping Claude from murdering people in cold blood. LP Jennette's life might have been a fight for survival just like Athy's.
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hollyhoneybear · 1 year
【 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐀 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 】 - reversed fates
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What if the roles were reversed? Instead of Athy being reincarnated, what if it was Jennette? ... a hypothetical au I've been musing about
Let's imagine: some girl from, I'm gonna say Belgium (just something other than Korea) read Lovely Princess, but died in some tragic accident.
I wouldn't say.. she liked the book. She recognized it was very childish, and most of the characters were quite shallow. She didn't understand how certain characters, like Claude, were paraded as Paragons in the book, when they were clearly bad people.
She didn't have much of an opinion on Jennette; just that everything catered to her. Now.. a character she really genuinely liked, was Athanasia.
Despite being a threat to her position, Athanasia taught Jennette the ways of the Palace, and never tried to harm her, even as her dream of Claude loving her slipped away into Jennette's hands.
So this (for now nameless) girl was shocked and appauled when Athanasia was accused of poisoning Jennette. She couldn't be more angry! The one character who seemed to have some sense of morals (aside from Jennette, generally) was mercilessly killed off in the most gruesome way imagineable.
It's not very clear in the Manhwa what state Jennette was in when she was poisoned (the Manhwa and Novel are DIFFERENT, people). But in my interpretation, Jennette was unconcious dealng with.. y'know, being poisoned. It was too late by the time she woke up.
Our protagonist rage-quits the novel after that, having no desire to read the "happy ending" everyone gets despite her favorite character's demise.
She's ready to move on with her life and forget that awful book, but.. looses her life soon after.
Now is the start to my ideas for after she reincarnates. Yay!
After reincarnating, it doesn't take her long to realize the perdiciment she's in.
She'd become Jennette, the Female Lead of "Lovely Princess"! Unlike most heroines in her position, her fate seemed to be pretty good. Seemed.
You see, she never finished the novel. She had no idea what happened after Athanasia was executed. It's an assumption to say that Jennette, Claude, Ijekiel and the Duke had happy endings.
Despite that, she knew there wasn't any kind of impending doom awaiting her. So for a while, she was pretty chill.
By the time she was a few months old, the reality of this world had been weighing on her. This was her new life; it wasn't a book, the people in it were real. Athanasia was real.
For a while, she wasn't exactly sure what to do. Should she just.. not get introduced to Claude? But defying the Duke wouldn't exactly be easy. And even if she never gets introduced, it's not like Claude would just start loving Athy anyway; he never did, so why would he start out of nowhere?
There wasn't much she could do yet as an infant, anyway
After she turned 4, she realized Jennette's "Happy Life" wasn't as glorified as it was in the novel.
Ijekiel was nice enough, for the time. But the Duke was another story. He wasn't outwardly cruel like Claude, but it became apparent to Jennette that the Duke in the novel didn't have Jennette as his ward because he "just wanted her to be happy".
Jennette was being used by the Duke to get to the throne. That much, she understood early on.
It made sense to her then. He must have conspired with Jennette's aunt to place her on the throne. I mean, why else would Rosalia frame Athanasia? For kicks and giggles?
..That made our current Jennette very angry. In the novel, Jennette didn't even care about the throne, yet she was used by everyone around her for power.
Both Athanasia and Jennette were failed by the adults around them. It wasn't fair that just because she existed, Athanasia was going to die..
That's when she decided. With the OP powers and plot armor as the Female Lead, she was going to make Athanasia's dreams come true, and give everyone a happy ending!
She knew that she couldn't avoid being used by the Duke, being introduced to Claude in some way. So she decided it would be on her own terms.
If Claude loved Jennette in the novel, he could love Athanasia. Right? In this world where everything exists to make the Protagonist happy, if her one wish is for she, Athanasia and Claude to be a happy family, surely it would have to happen..
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bvnga-aprikot · 6 months
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VERY long overdue, this was wip that was supposed to be a sketch of what i want Athy, Jetty & Kiel’s outfits to look like in my Reincarnated!Jennette au that continuously haunts me for some reason. except i got bored at some point and just now i decided to rush coloring them now for some reason now that i remembered it's existence.
first attempt at my r!jetty au debutante dress my wip from last year
more under the cut :0 it's a bit long so sorry for that
i did this because i ended up feeling dissatisfied with my first attempt at designing a debutante dress for r!jetty since to me i just don't like how i executed things. granted i'm not really serious about my art but the colors looked too muddy lol. aside from that though, i also wanted to finally draw Athy's and Kiel's outfits mention in my other posts since they're obviously integral to this au.
i went more in depth in my first design post, but i decided to stick more true to the neoclassical silhouette that came after the rococo era which heavily influenced Jetty's dresses in both timelines in the manhwa. obviously a huge departure imo bc i think Jetty and her bows are too iconic to be left out of this one and i find it unfortunate that even when redoing my design i still couldn't find a way to incorporate bows lol. besides that, i'm quite happy with how her dress turned out this time.
i didn't point this out in the actual photo but if you're wondering why there are green marks on her neck and hands, long story short it was Viscount Patterson's fault (not to spoil on my own au but they do meet earlier).
Athy's dress is an homage to traditional debutante dresses being white, with the added edge that Athy's dress isn't supposed to stay white and turns into the iconic pink the more she dances. i wanted this to look more elegant and as if she is becoming a blooming flower as the night goes on. though i do wish i did more with the dress since it's supposed to represent how Athy is fully taking her life in her own hands to become Ruler of Obelia and thus, blooming into a new person. i should do a separate sketch for her dress bc it's more complex than what i had intended.
Kiel basically went full-on duke of the north with this one haha. full-disclosure, yes Kiel and Athy do have a thing with each other in this au though i don't intend for them to end up with each other, so i drew his outfit to compliment Athy's which ended up making him look like a Izek clone. however i specifically chose the dark colors because at that point, he and Jennette are still grieving the death of the Duchess due to... very unfortunate circumstances.
for the accessories Ijekiel and Jennette are wearing i'm keeping their connection to Duchess Alpheus, she's like the Lily in this au except she tragically passes away in their late childhood. it's an event that acts as a turning point for their characters and puts a strain on their relationship since she was the only adult in their lives who saw them for who they are outside of being Roger's pawns.
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athen0910 · 6 months
"Jennette suffer more"
"Athanasia suffer more"
Shut the fuck you, you know damn well they would hate you if they EVER hear you comparing the two of them. I'm tired of seeing those damn "fans" hate Athanasia and Jennette while liking every other characters who literally made them suffer and are literally devils from heaven. Kindly fuck off if you don't like them because if you read the manhwa, you are going to be seeing them. End of discussion.
"Athanasia should have never forgiven Claude"
IS THAT YOUR DECISION TO MAKE?! ARE YOU ATHANASIA?! There are many revenge tropes, go watch them. Roxanna is great.
"Jennette killed Athanasia"
I thought we agreed that it was in fact Claude AND Jennette's aunt who killed Athanasia? Jennette was probably still poisoned at that time to even be able to speak.
"Athanasia should have helped this character"
NO. No, no. She should help herself first. Especially when she's literally running away from death like 99% of the episodes. I don't know how she manage that, I could never. Like her dead uncle suddenly coming back to life and the Empire is at the verge of getting destroyed and her father is about to die, you think she has the time to think about romance or help your favourite character?! No. Stay mad.
"Jennette is a pick me"
Do you even know what a pick me is? A pick me is a person who bring down others. Jennette is not bringing down anyone, she just want to be love. She just want to live.
"This should have happen" "This manhwa should have included this." "Wmmap should have lallalalala"
Why do you even read this manhwa if you have so much to complain? Go pick up another book that fit your type. I'm sure there are plently of it. At this point, start your own novel.
"Athanasia should have picked Ijekiel"
"Athanasia should have picked Lucas"
How about she can pick anyone she wants? She can love who she wants. Go touch grass or write yourself a fanfic if you seriously want them to get together.
Thank you for listening to my rants<3
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dyinggirldied · 1 month
post-LP au where Jennette, in a fit of madness, decided to continue her father's black magic experiment. However, unlike her father she isn't going to creat a weapon, rather she was going to creat her salvation.
She was going to resurrect Athy, starting from scratch. She would raise her poor, forgotten sister; become her mother and make sure she will have all the love she could ever desire.
But, to do so she needed someone to be the incubator for future Athy so she selected a dancer from Siodonna, with long golden hair and normal blue eyes.
This dancer could unknowingly be Diana's niece or distant younger cousin, hence the resemblance to Diana and to certain extend, Athy.
Her personality is a mixture of them both, beautiful and bright but introvert and studious.
Jennette was drawn to her and appointed her as her personal concubine, to the shock of many. Still, the one to impregnate the dancer was her consort husband Ijekiel.
Was he in the scheme? Or did he just follow his wife's order, who was higher in rank? Did he like the dancer? What did the dancer think, throughout this ordeal? No one knows for sure.
But once the dancer was confirmed to be pregnant and Athy's soul was firmly put inside the still tiny life, Jennette began to waver.
She had grown to care for the dancer past what was supposed to be her 'mission'. Not to mention, the higher risk of childbirth death scared her, a real possibility considering the abnormal high mana of the royal family.
Plus, since some of the papers about the experiment were destroyed by Claude, Jen was going in blind in some areas, which there was no telling what could happen once the baby was born, thus Jennette could come to lose both the dancer and the reborn Athy
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ultramarine-spirit · 4 months
Hello Mari, sorry, I wanted to ask you about a scene from the novel that Lithi published, the one where Jennette says that every time she saw Ijekiel her heart raced and she says that Ijekiel is kind to her. I wanted to ask you if you remember when in the novel that happened, before and after what events, because when I read it I never saw that scene :(
I do recall the quote you are talking about, but I don't remember it word for word. If it was from Jennette's POV, then it must have been in the last book of the main story. Maybe around Jennette and The Black Tower Magicians or Marionette on Stage? But she does think about her attraction to Ijekiel quite often, so it could be many other scenes, really. You'll have better luck asking Lithi herself haha.
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sylver-drawer · 2 months
Talking to someone about LP Jennette and I am sick and tired!!!!
What do you mean LP Jennette “ignored Athy’s feelings and neglected her”???? “She stood by and never defended Athy from humiliation and harassment from other nobles”????? “Pushed work and expectations onto Athy inconsiderably”????
LP Jennette did none of those things. She was one of the only people who gave a damn about LP Athy, constantly visiting her and checking up on her, knew that Athy was capable and smart and respected her for it.
But you know who did do these things? SBAPOD ATHY TO SBAPOD JENNETTE! Athy remarks multiple times and acknowledges Jennette’s loneliness and longing for family, but she always internal monologues on never fulfilling those desires and keeping Jennette at arms length while IN THE NEXT PARAGRAPH TELLING HER “I love you” AND “I missed you”. Like—that’s definitely leading Jennette on, right? Acknowledging multiple times someone’s love for you while also fully acknowledging you’ll never return that affection, and then giving said person false hope by verbally or physically AFFIRMING THAT AFFECTION HALFHEARTEDLY??? Like. That’s worse than ignoring Jennette’s feelings. That’s straight up acknowledging them and then trampling on them.
In addition, while LP Jen checked up on Athy out of concern when she retreated early from a ball right after she was being harassed by noblewomen (that she didn’t even witness), SBAPOD Athy repeatedly leaves Jennette to ‘fend for herself’ when Jennette is being targeted by noble ladies??? Never taking Jennette’s side when noble ladies straight up accuse Jennette of incest, and selfishly hogging Ijekiel’s attention and burdening him??? And again, while previously internal monologue about how Jennette shyly blushes in regard to her pure love with Ijekiel? Like. Who’s really ‘not defending’ someone from humiliation and harassment. And this also adds to the “pushes expectations onto [her] inconsiderably” claim, because Athy full on says in text that Jennette needs to ‘learn to defend herself’? From incest accusations and targeted remarks?
And that’s not even getting more into the point of “invalidating/being inconsiderate [her] feelings”. In LP when Ijekiel asks Jennette if it’s normal for Athy to unusually apologize for something, Jennette’s response is that it isn’t unusual because of her character that Jennette knows well at this point because of their closeness. She responds based on her own personal experience and connection to LP Athy’s personality and feelings that Ijekiel is not familiar with. Meanwhile in the novel’s main story, while romanticizing Jennette’s love for Ijekiel, she simultaneously compares Jennette’s long and accumulated feelings for him to the feeling of getting princess treatment from a servant?
Everything bad I’ve heard about Novel Jennette and her LP Counterpart, I’ve somehow found in Novel Athy’s character instead, and no one talks about this. This has to mean something, right? Or is this another case of raging misogyny literally changing how readers perceive a story and its characters.
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doomed-prophetess · 9 months
On Ijekiel and Jennette's relationship
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It has dawned on me that Ijekiel and Jennette hardly know each other. From my perspective it looks like Jennette spend the first few years of her life either with her aunt Rosalia or the Margaritas. Perhaps she was first shoved from one family to the other for neither was willing to take risks, which would further explain her anxious attachment style that is often associated with an inconsistent parenting pattern.
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Then Roger bought Jennette home as his ward with the intention to marry her to Ijekiel one day. 7~ year old Ijekiel did not know how to describe Jennette when Athy asks him what kind of girl she is, the only thing he knows is that she has become his responsibility from now on.
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One might expect that they would grow closer over the years but almost 10 years later Jennette still doesn't know anything about him. Not even simple things like his favourite color or his hobbies.
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Jennette craved his attention but due to her status as a hidden royal and the special treatment she received from Roger, she was in a position where they could never be equals. Interestingly in this case there has occured a rare gender reversal. The girl is the dominant one and the boy the subservient one. Ijekiel did everything that was asked of him not by his own volitation but because he treated it like an assignment that was given to him by his father.
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Truthfully young Ijekiel seemed somewhat indifferent towards Jennette. Like he couldn't make more of her than a basket full of kittens. He played her games but he never introduced his own hobbies to her or felt comfortable to share his inner thoughts with her. There is a scene in the novel around chapter 56-62 where Jennette asks Ijekiel to go shopping for dresses with her and it looks like he wants to refuse but eventually he agrees when Jennette persists. Jennette thinks bitterly to herself something along the lines of: "Sometimes it feels like you wouldn't want to spend time with me unless I asked you to."
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When Ijekiel left to stuy in Arlanta he seemed much happier than when he was with Jennette.
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Once I said I saw Ijekiel and Jennette more as siblings but I don't think so anymore. They were put into a situation where they were not allowed to view each other as family or grow close to one another as children. I believe Roger send Ijekiel to study in Arlanta to prevent the Westermark effect. All Jennette wanted was a family and Ijekiel was more inclined to give her that than romantic love, which would have shaped up to become a problem for Roger's plan.
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Before Ijekiel travels to Arlanta he promises to write her letters and visit her during his holidays, yet this still doesn't seem to have bought them closer. If anything Ijekiel's time in Arlanta made Jennette all the more lonelier. (I also doubt that Ijekiel spend his entire vocation with Jennette since he was also friends with other students like Cabel Ernest and they visited each other frequently.) When Ijekiel takes Jennette to a cafe and Athy eavesdrops on them, Lucas notes that their conversation seemed contentless and boring and while this could be just Lucas being Lucas, I have to agree that their chats were not very deep unless Athanasia was concerned.
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Ijekiel buys Jennette dolls and ribbons to compensate her for the love his family is not willing to give her and this behaviour persists until their late teens when she has long outgrown the age where you play with dolls, but Ijekiel still continues to gift her toys because he doesn't know how else to comfort her. To Ijekiel Jennette is still the little girl he left behind in tears when he traveled away to study in Arlanta. Which makes their marriage in The Lovely Princess all the more sadder. Their relationship is build on abandonment issues, duty and guilt. They weren't lovers. They were not even brother and sister to each other. They were hardly friends.
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How I interpret their relationship: Jennette did not love Ijekiel, but he was always there for her when she was grieving. Isolated as she was it was easy for Roger to foster her dependency to Ijekiel and make her believe that she would want him romantically. In truth Jennette just didn't want to lose any more people and marriage was a way to tie two people together for the rest of their lives. As for Ijekiel, I believe that he pitied Jennette and treated her as his responsibility but in another world where they were not aquainted through family they would not even be friends. They don't seem to share any common interests. They didn't know each other. At times Ijekiel might have resented her secretly but she also gave him a clear goal and stability in life. Athy's death in The Lovely Princess broke them both and they might have coped by finding solace in one another.
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honestly-oceanie · 2 years
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Synopsis: drawing something(s) on their arm/wrist/hands
《Ijekiel Alpheus, Felix Robane, Isis de Elmir, Erden Astar Halstead, Erudian Lu Soledo Belgoat, Cassian Eckard, Felix Chamberlain, Anakin, Zachary de Arno, Kiyu Ahn | gn! reader》
{Fluff♡ | ▪︎imagine/scenario▪︎}
A/N: had no energy continuing my assignments and thought about making "tattoos" 😆. Hope y'all enjoy this!! 💜💜 There will be a part 2 for the other characters.
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Who Made Me A Princess / Suddenly, I Became A Princess One Day
Ijekiel Alpheus
"Duke of The Alpheus Duchy"
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🦋 You were bored as hell and THE Ijekiel Alpheus, who was courting YOU decided to accompany you since he wasn't busy. And you just happened to saw a pen on the table and had an idea. Calling Ijekiel out.
"Kiel, put your arm out for me, please."
🦋 Although he was confuse, he did without asking since you asked. He was quite flustered when you suddenly touched his arm whilst holding a pen on the other hand. Your face rather too close to his.
🦋 You started drawing some stars on his arm not his entire arm pls and you were so focused on what you were doing you didn't notice the loving gaze he was giving you.
🦋 While you were busy on your cute activity, kiel was also busy carving your gorgeous face in his memory to behold.
"*chuckle* sorry kiel I couldn't help it, I hope you don't mind." "No, not at all My Lady. I quite enjoyed it."
🦋 Was very disappointed after you told him to clean his arm, he wanted to engrave it forever so whenever he looks at it, it'll remind him of the moment that day. But he'll always keep this memory in his heart, making it flutter everytime he recalls.
🦋 He honestly won't mind you doing it again😊
Felix Robane
"The Knight of Crimson Blood"
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🦋 I'm okay😊😊
🦋 Now, For Felix. It's on the time of his day off. Finally at peace and away from those Obelia's.
🦋 You feel bad for him having to deal and be around them depressiondaddyissuesnofamilytrauma so make this day light and merry for him!!!
🦋 You wanted to see Felix happy (although he always seems happy😅) and this idea suddenly strike up on you and you got giddy because of it. So it had him curious.
"What is it, love? You seem excited." he says with that charming smile againnn🥺
"Give me your hand." he didn't chop his hand to give it to you don't worry
🦋 You started drawing on his hand and he was quite giddy too. He never had thought about this before and now his already thinking of making this a tradition between you two.
🦋 You were very focused on your drawing while he sat beside you like a good boy. and why am i imagining some dog ears.
🦋 Definitely bragged about it to Claude the next day.
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My Husband Hides His Beauty / My Secretly Hot Husband
Erden Astar Halstead
"Lord of Halstead Castle"
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🦋 Uggghhhh thisss cutttiiiieeeee 🥺😳😭😌😚😉😆 give him to me
🦋 Anyways....
🦋 After being away for how many years (not me forgetting💀) of course he'd want to build up a relationship or connection with his beloved. He'll try to do anything with you just to make you happy😌
🦋 You, being the fun person you are decided to do this.
"Lend me your arm Erden!"
🦋 He complied and you started drawing on his wrist. Although he was confused and startled at first, he slowly got used to it and even enjoyed it.
🦋 You didn't want to be unfair to him so you offered he draw to you too. He refused, he didn't want to make a mess on you but you insisted yet he kept making excuses.
"C'mon Erden! I really don't mind! And I want you to do it to me too."
🦋 He finally give in though he was quite nervous at the start but just reassure him that it's going to be fun😊
🦋 You guys started to get playful after a bit and had too much fun drawing on each other and eventually move on your faces, ending up looking messy and hilarious. While the grannies were just looking at you both fondly and then left you two with your sweet intimacy.
🦋 He got sad after you told him to clean it, he didn't want to erase it until you scolded him. But please dont scold him too hard.
🦋 Just imagining this and Erden laughing is giving me butterflies wth 😭😭
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-honestly, Oceanie-
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