verpaso · 2 years
Whats wriong with Xavier hole..? Sorry dont answer this seoru im sory
Are you guys seeing this ^ do you see what he's doing to grandpa
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keepwaitingforyou · 28 days
>incorrect i already said what i smell like when i listed the perfumes i wear if you rlly loved me you'd know this!
:(((( uR messAges smell lIek vanilla weDding cake......,,;.;; Im soRRy for being wrionG....,, I know thats Not actually what yUo smell lIke.,,,
it's okay anon i get it i forgive you :3
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velvetporcelain · 1 year
i cant let anyone in.
i cant share myself.
i will continue to express myself here until i feel it is safe to reenter human interaction. i will stay open to connection to myself and to the life i have created.
im tired of thinking im doing something wriong and i just want to do what i feel is right for me.
i was a slave.
i was disrespected.
i was mentally raped.
i was emotionally taken advantage of.
i realize things could be worse so i cry a little and write FUCK YOU on the wall and let it sit there to remind me.
that is all i need, a reminder.
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filthmovie55-blog · 4 years
Film The movie
Film The movie
 We wanted the film to resemble the biblical poem, but also keep the West feeling that" Dawn " began. And Certainly, we needed to take a war film, because the final movie sent the message that we were headed toward the stae of war. Then we saw everything from " construction on The stream Kwai " and " this Great way " ." Ben-Hur " and " those 10 Commandments." We likewise thought" Spartacus " and " Gaveheart " a." those seek. "also. “ Slotxo“And after every movie we'd get to our business on the deal .r the spitball meeting that was frequently colored by whatever we had only seen. We, put together the wish list of all the things we wanted to see in this movie, and most miraculously that began to unite into the .ory. By the end, after organ.ing how each round of the history could go out, we got the essential shell of this story.
 One of the single greatest things you will do to teach the craft of screenwriting is to read this writing while watching this film After all the book is a plan to create the film and the magic of what happens between printed page and final print that will change how you act Ming scenes This is the use of wriOng to display, the weekly series on SITS where we examine the memorable film scene and the script pages that inspired Slotxo
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darth-yuki-tan · 3 years
Okay, i need to went like soo much. so here i go.  MY ex gf was great girl i love her and carred about her with all my hearth. i would do anything to make her happy . i bought her gifts, i stayed whole nights so i can talk to her, not being able to work in a day.. but you know she was worth it for me so i didnt care. for entire begining of our relationship i had to deal with her talking about her exes all the time, and i listen because i wanted her to move on ,  i wanted to help her get rid of this toxic past. i even let her go meet with them even if i warned her they will not change. i trusted her when she didnt aswer me while hanging with them. they hurt her. i still didnt say anything after that, just was always there for her.  after few months i become less interested in a lot of things , i was exhousted didnt had energy to keep loveing her as i did. i probably should have tell her i need space to recharge but i felt that if i do i will just be like her exes that took break from her.  I mean its really hard to be with her. she always negative, i remamber waiting whole day to tell her some funny story on call, and when i came back home she was like “ugh this one day you said that thing and it was toxic “ like what? couldnt it wait? but whatever, she keep tried to look for every littl thing that was wriong with me, while there wasnt. i wasnt any more toxic than normal person. like every body have some bad traits,we are all human we wont change that. if you love someone you love them for who they are not for who you want them to be. thats why i didnt change. i accepted your faults even if i felt like i want to cut myself sometimes, i still stayed with you. and even me telling her i didnt like something about her would work. she was always too delusional to see her own mistakes. like she would say she work on herself but she never did .  i just needed space thats all, but when i tried to distance myself you were just saying that i dont care about me. you were alwayus the one that brought toxicity to our relationship. You made me worse person, you push that toxicity and that hate on other people that i started to act like jerk on social media saying stuff i normally wouldnt agree with.  and yet i still love you.  you wanted me to care about your coworker bd . like i dont even know her, welp i dont even care about mine bd, why would i be like “oh yay yourcoworker bd whoo let me buy her tesla” ... or when you friend cat died.. i barely cried when my dog died.. its not because i dont have emotions or im asshole, its just if you almost died yourself , death doesnt really affect me that much. like it could be me.. would someone care ? no  i have a lot of problems i agree. i dont like when people complement me because i was always laughed at and bullied so i assume people are lying to me. and i either disagree with them or im very defensive.  or me saying we should break up.. what do you expect when you keep talking how un happy you are or how toxic i am for you.. like what.. like im not even toxic , i was always still sweet and lovely for you. you just seen toxic traits everywhere. idk i think there was something wrong with your brain. i might sound arrogant but i know i am nice guy and wouldnt do anything to hurt someone feelings. and yet you always went and did say im toxic and i should change, and if i said there is nothing to change because im not toxic, you said im like your toxic exes and said im even more toxic... called this red flah “oh we wont grow if you dont change, you will always be a child” wtf, you dont have to change to grow in relationship. you grow my learning from live by being together , starting family. you dont grow by changing your bad traits that arent eve bad... if you think otherwise well, then i guess we wouldnt never grow because you would still be the same.  You will always destroy every relationship you are in. no matter how nice or sweet guy will be with you, he will not be able to stay normal with you.  you know i always felt bad for you because of your past relationship and your toxic exes. but now i see that they werent at foult mostly, you also are guilty. your behaviour enabled them.  like you can write on tumblr posts about me and how childish i am, and tell your friends how toxic i were. they will probably say “its fine he was asshole” i know they will never know the truh about you. i couldnt hold this anymore and told you that, but what you did, you wrote another long paragrapgh about how awful i was.  I wasnt happy with you in relationship, you were toxic and delusional, but sometimes deep down i still miss you and i love you. saldy now i know you hate me so this is just the past now... so why do i feel like i want you to forgive me.. idk.. it all makes me go crazy.. its too much for me to handle... i just want to die..
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irikittty · 7 years
wait a second, what just happened? wasnt i just fine with who you are? why am i being afraid to be me i shouldnt be im not . i can handle this and this is so the wriong compuiter the right words wont come out i dont know what to say can u forgive  me im  burning out of the solaar system what goiiing on lemealone
stay safe bro
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I think. Sent this to the wriong blog before but she she also supports that one disgustig bendy blog full of abuse and rape so like... That's a thng.
thanks for telling me, anon!!!! do you remember what the url of that blog is? that would help us a ton. thank you!
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