puppet-purgatory · 11 months
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A Mata-Fine Mata Mata turtle
A resident of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins, the mata mata (Chelus fimbriatus) is a species of freshwater turtle found in streams, pools, and wetlands throughout northern South America, from Venezuela to Brazil, as well as the island of Trinidad. This species is almost entirely aquatic, and excursions on land are extremely rare. However, they are not well adapted for swimming in open water, and are thus most commonly seen in shallow bodies of water with soft, muddy bottoms.
C. fimbriatus has a unique appearance among turtle species. The carapace-- the part of the shell that covers the back--it has three ridges running down its length and is often covered in algae, and so resembles tree bark. The head is similarly shaped to resemble leaf litter; it’s triangular, and the fringes around the cheeks and mouth break up the outline. The mata mata’s nose is long and snorkel-like, allowing it to remain just under the surface. Despite its unobtrusive looks, this species is actually quite large; mata mata can grow up to 45 cm (1.5 ft) long and weigh up to 17.2 kg (38 lbs).
Because of its unique body shape and camouflage, the mata mata is well suited to a sedentary life, and has few natural predators. It has extremely poor eyesight, though it does share an adaptation with other nocturnal reptiles that allows the eyes to reflect low levels of light. To compensate, the mata mata relies on its hearing, amplified by a large tympanium on either side of the head, and on the barbels lining its jaw. In addition to being an excellent costume, these barbels allow C. fimbriatus to sense vibrations in the water. The mata mata spends most of its time submurged or buried under the mud, waiting for potential prey like fish, worms, crustaceans, and insects to swim by. When they’re close enough, the mata mata opens its jaws and sucks its target in whole. Individuals have also been recorded herding schools of fish into confined areas before feeding.
The only time the mata mata emerges from the water is to reproduce. Individuals are solitary until September or October, when they begin to seek out mates. When a male encounters a female, he approaches while opening and closing his mouth, extending his limbs, and moving the flaps on the side of his head. If the female is impressed, she allows him to mount. Afterwards, she hauls herself out onto the nearby bank and builds a rudimentary nest from the forest litter. There, she lays 12-28 eggs, which will take about 200 days to hatch. There is no information on how long hatchlings take to fully mature, but individuals can live anywhere from 15-30 years.
Conservation status: The mata mata has not been evaluated by the IUCN, but is threatened by habitat destruction and overharvesting for the pet trade.
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Rune Midtgaard
Christopher Wellner
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The great lesson that archeology has taught us is that the ancient history of the Amazon is marked by the production of diversity. When the Europeans first arrived in South America, there was an empire in the Andes that stretched across an enormous geographical area, connected with long roads, based on the taxation of agricultural production, and run by a bureaucracy built on noble families and headed by a supreme leader, the Inca. The absence of any political structures similar to those of the Inca Empire in other parts of the continent, particularly in the tropical regions that make up Brazil today, led scientists to propose hypotheses that attributed this to scarcity; the absence of the State in these regions was ultimately ascribed to the notion that there was something missing from tropical environments: fertile soils, animal protein, mild climates. Such pessimism about Brazil’s ability to engender so-called civilized forms of life, given its tropical condition and attendant constraints, has for decades been an object of study by the country’s intellectuals, many of whom viewed with skepticism the idea that Brazil was fated to be a tropical, mixed-race nation. Apart from the racism this view embodies, it is based on a false premise that has been undone by archeology: it has now been established that the Indigenous and other forest peoples who have occupied our country for centuries contributed to the rich, complex, and diverse ecosystems we have inherited today. Perhaps the strongest indicator of this incredible diversity are Indigenous languages, roughly 170 of which are currently spoken in Brazil. But if we consider all Amazonian countries, there are some three hundred languages, divided into about fifty families or groups. The Amazon has also been an important center for the production of agrobiodiversity. Plants consumed across the planet, such as cassava and cocoa, were first grown in the Amazon rainforest. Starting 5,500 years ago, in what is now the state of Rondônia, local peoples began to produce the dark, fertile soils known as terra preta [Amazonian dark earth]. Then, 2,500 years ago, this soil spread to other regions and at present covers various parts of the Amazon basin, encompassing perhaps 2% of the biome. Amazonian dark earth is a fundamental legacy of the Indigenous peoples of the past because it is used in farming today, ensuring the survival of thousands of people. Likewise starting 2,500 years ago, structures such as embankments, roads, ditches, and mounds began to be built across the Amazon region, although earlier examples can be found along the coast of Pará state, the lower Amazon River, and the Guaporé River. Along with Amazonian dark earth, these structures signal the establishment of fixed populations, some of whom lived in large settlements we might call cities. These peoples produced wonderful ceramic and stone objects, such as those found on the island of Marajó and city of Santarém, housed in museums in Brazil and abroad. It is estimated that eight to ten million people lived in the Amazon basin at the time of the European invasion. Many perished in the early centuries of colonization as disease, war, and slavery spread. When the first scientists began traveling through the Amazon in the eighteenth century, they found the region empty, and its ancient settlements covered by forest. The absence of stone structures contributed to the false idea that took hold over time: the Amazon was empty.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
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Paul Van Damme and Fortuna Vargas Mejía met 28 years ago in Puerto Villarroel, a village in the Bolivian department of Cochabamba. Van Damme was a Belgian marine biologist who found in the lagoons of the Bolivian Amazon “the closest thing to a sea.” Vargas was a native of Cochabamba who had worked as a navigator for 12 years before becoming a fisherman, so he knew well the Amazonian rivers and lagoons [...].
At that time — the 1990s — commercial fishing had just begun to boom in Puerto Villarroel, a municipality located on the banks of the Ichilo River in the Mamoré Basin [...] of the Bolivian Amazon. [...] Until then, the area and its forests had been well preserved and was home to a mainly Indigenous population. People from the Moxo and Yuqui Indigenous groups lived in communities along the banks of the river [...]. Little by little, people from other parts of Bolivia started to move to the urban center of Puerto Villarroel and its outskirts, leading to it eventually becoming the main and largest commercial port connecting western and eastern Bolivia. [...]
These investigations eventually led to the study of the bufeo, or river dolphin (Inia boliviensis), a species endemic to the Madera River Basin, the largest population of which is found in Bolivia. As a predator of small- and medium-sized migratory fish, the river dolphin’s presence is viewed as an indicator of aquatic and riparian habitat health. Put another way: It is very sensitive to any changes in the ecosystem [...].
In murky waters such as those of the Ichilo River, the dolphin was often seen shimmying to the rhythm of the waves and then disappearing, and it was a mystery as to where it would rear its head again. Sometimes, when the observation boat passed through warmer and clearer waters, small groups of 4-5 dolphins would appear in groups [...]. Last year, nature photographer Alejandro de los Ríos captured a pair of dolphins with an anaconda in their mouths. It is not known if they were playing with it or about to devour it, but the image was featured in news outlets around the world [...].
Until 2006, I. boliviensis was thought to be a subspecies of the Amazonian river dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, but [...] it was identified as an independent species. This differentiation, however, is still in the process of being recognized internationally. [...]. That is why, in the Bolivian Red Book of Vertebrates, it is considered a Vulnerable species, while for the International Union for Conservation of Nature it is listed as Endangered. [...]  Far from the debate, experts in conservation, biology and ecology have reacted with astonishment to the findings about Bolivia’s only fully aquatic mammal. Details about these aquatic mammals include [...] they behave differently whether they are in dark or clear waters; the mothers and the whole group take care of the offspring; and not only do they not want their offspring to go near the fishing nets, but they seem to reprimand them when they do so. Such findings are “new and fascinating” information, according to Lila Sainz, wildlife officer for WWF-Bolivia. [...]
[T]he presence of the dolphin has been reported in nine protected areas across Bolivia. [...] [T]he animals tend to migrate long distances [...]. “We have to take into account that I. boliviensis moves through rivers, but the other aquatic systems it uses, such as lagoons, meanders, and the surrounding habitat all are also important,” said Gabriel Tavera, a biologist [...]. “Furthermore, a number of these protected areas flood with water during the rainy season, meaning the bufeo can also swim through flooded forests,” he added.
Image, caption, and text by: Rocio Lloret. “Scientists and fishers team up to protect Bolivian river dolphin.” Mongabay. 12 April 2023. As translated by Matthew Rose. Story first published in Spanish at Monabay’s Latam site on 29 November 2022. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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wachinyeya · 2 years
Switzerland imported 24.5 tonnes of gold in 2021, at least a fifth of which came from Brazilian Amazon states. Evidence indicates most of it is mined illegally on Indigenous lands. Illicit mining operations have resulted in major Amazon deforestation, widespread mercury poisoning and soaring violence.
With the Brazilian government of Jair Bolsonaro unresponsive to the escalating crisis, an independent delegation of Indigenous people along with others travelled to Switzerland in May to plead with major gold refiners to end the importation of illicit Brazilian gold.
This week, the refiners published a statement pledging to remove illegal gold mined within Brazilian Indigenous reserves from their supply chains. If the initiative is fully followed, experts say it could be a game changer that could undermine the, until now, lucrative illegal gold trade.
Canada, the world’s biggest importer of gold from the Brazilian Amazon, has made no such agreement.
In a potentially landmark move, those refineries have just signed and made public a position statement condemning illegal gold mining and pledging “to trace and identify” the metal’s movements from its sources, potentially staunching the import of gold illegally taken from Indigenous territories in the Brazilian Amazon.
Also party to the statement was the Swiss Association of Manufacturers and Traders of Precious Metals (ASFCMP), which accounts for 95% of the precious metals melted and refined in Switzerland — 90% of which is gold.
According to the Swiss Federal Council, the country’s highest executive body, more than two-thirds of gold traded worldwide passes through the European nation. If the Swiss refiners fully implement their new pledge, it could be an important step towards reducing illegally extracted gold imports to Switzerland.
The non-binding document was drafted in association with an Amazon delegation — independent of the Brazilian government — that met with top Swiss gold refiners in Bern in May. That delegation of Indigenous and traditional leaders, lawyers and researchers emphasized how the refiners play a crucial role in an illicit gold supply chain that damages the rainforest and devastates the people who live there.
“The gold arrives here [in Switzerland] full of blood. Along with the Brazilian State, you who buy the gold are responsible for deaths in our territories,” declared Maria Leusa Munduruku, president of the Munduruku Wakoborũn Women’s Association, speaking at the May meeting which Mongabay attended.
Indigenous activist Maria Leusa has suffered reprisals for her fight against illegal mining, with her house and parts of her village burned in 2021 by wildcat miners, known as garimpeiros. “They set our houses alight and threatened us with firearms, even shooting my children in the feet,” she told the gold importing refiners.
Maria Leusa travelled five days from her home village in the upper reaches of the remote Tapajós River Basin in Brazil’s Pará state to talk to the refiners about the impact of their imports.
The Munduruku Indigenous Territory, where Maria Leusa, lives is among the most affected by illegal gold extraction. Forest destruction there, much of it due to illegal mining, tripled between 2018 and 2020, according to the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), a Brazilian government research body,
Munduruku health has also been severely impacted as a result of mercury pollution in local rivers — a by-product of garimpeiros gold extraction and ore processing. The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), a scientific institution, recently identified a higher level of mercury contamination than that considered safe by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 60% of the population in the three worst affected Munduruku communities. Mercury contamination causes neurological disorders, heart disease and cancer; it can also cross the placenta barrier and reach the brain of a foetus, causing irreversible damage.
“It is no longer possible to kill our children and our women and to ignore the cries of distress that nature is emitting, by saying that it is being done in the name of development,” said Luiz Eloy Terena, legal coordinator of the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) who attended the meeting.
Illegal gold mining is also seriously harming forests, rivers and human health in the Yanomami Indigenous Territory, Brazil’s largest Indigenous reserve, located mostly within Roraima state. Since 2019, this ancestral home to nearly 27,000 Indigenous people, has been systematically invaded by more than 20,000 garimpeiros who illegally occupy it, while Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro government has failed to expel them.
The Yanomami way of life is being brutally disrespected, said the Indigenous lawyer at the Swiss meeting, who recounted the case of a 12-year-old Yanomami teen who was kidnapped, raped and murdered by miners.
Initially, the representatives of the Swiss refineries listened intently to Maria Leusa and Luiz Eloy but claimed not to buy gold from the Amazon. Official data on Brazilian exports, however, contradicted their assertion, showing that at least a fifth of gold exported to Switzerland in 2021 came from Amazonian states.
“We have discovered that, over the last two years, about five tonnes of the gold exported from Itaituba [in Pará state] and from Pedra Branca do Amapari [in Amapá state] went directly to Switzerland,” said Christoph Wiedmer, co-director of the Society for Threatened Peoples, the Swiss NGO that organized the meeting between refinery businessmen and the Amazonian delegation.
Almost all of these gold exports will have been mined illegally, but lack of transparency still surrounds the sector, both in Switzerland and in Brazil.
Another point widely discussed at the Bern meeting was a Brazilian mining bill, (PL 191/2020). The legislation, pushed hard in the Congress by President Jair Bolsonaro, would legalize mining and the use of water resources to produce electricity on Indigenous lands.
“These activities, within our territories, constitute a flagrant violation of the rights of Indigenous peoples, given that Brazilian legislation [safeguarded by the nation’s 1988 Constitution] grants Indigenous peoples the exclusive use of their territories.” said Luiz Eloy. “We also know that these large enterprises bring other types of violations to our peoples.”
Brian Garvey, a member of the delegation and a lecturer at Scotland’s University of Strathclyde, said that the refiners, if they really want to end the murders of Indigenous people and to prevent them losing traditional livelihoods due to mining on their lands, should take a stand against the bill rather than see it as a business opportunity.
The refiners, although they didn’t condemn the bill in their statement, expressed “fundamental concern about the negative effects of PL 191/2020,” and pledged to “reject any mining activity linked to Amazon protected areas, without the free, prior, informed consent of the impacted communities.”
The delegates see the just released gold refiners’ pledge as a victory for the Amazon forest and its peoples. Acting independently of the Bolsonaro government, leaders of Indigenous and traditional communities negotiated directly with the largest gold refiners and have now received foreign support for their struggle against illegal mining and rapidly multiplying human rights violations.
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xtruss · 1 year
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A kelp forest off Anacapa Island, California. Researchers have found that underwater forests cover an area comparable to the Amazon basin. Photograph: Douglas Klug/Getty Images
Seascape: The State of Our Oceans! The Hidden Underwater Forests That Could Help Tackle The Climate Crisis
Kelp absorbs carbon dioxide and has high nutritional value, but it is under threat from rising temperatures, pollution and invasive species
— By Lucy Sherriff in Los Angeles
Bubbles stream furiously behind Frank Hurd as he gently parts the curtains of giant kelp. Green and gold ribbons reach upwards through the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean towards the sun.
Hurd, a marine biologist with environmental organisation the Nature Conservancy, is diving in a kelp forest off Anacapa Island, one of the protected rocky volcanic islets that form the Channel Islands national park, an archipelago off the coast of southern California.
This thick, healthy kelp – a type of seaweed – forms a small part of underwater forests that blanket the coastline of nearly every continent. Some are relatively well-studied, including the Great African Sea Forest, a rich stretch of giant bamboo kelp spreading north from Cape Town to the Namibian coastline that was the setting for the film My Octopus Teacher; and the Great Southern Reef, a giant kelp forest hugging Australia’s southern coastline. But many more of these forests are unnamed and unknown – hidden underwater.
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A harbour seal descends from the kelp canopy in the rich underwater forests off Santa Barbara, California. Photograph: Douglas Klug/Getty Images
Despite being one of the fastest growing plants on Earth, kelp has historically been difficult to map because of the difficulties of measuring ocean depths with satellites. However, research published in September found that seaweed forests are far more extensive than previously realised.
An international group of scientists from eight countries, led by Dr Albert Pessarrodona from the University of Western Australia, manually sifted through hundreds of studies – including local plant data records, online repositories and citizen science initiatives – to model the global distribution of ocean forests. They found that underwater forests cover between 6m and 7.2m sq km – an area comparable to the Amazon rainforest basin and twice the size of India.
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Still from My Octopus Teacher, set in a rich stretch of giant bamboo kelp spreading north from Cape Town to the Namibian coastline. Photograph: Netflix
Seaweed forests can act as a vital buffer against the climate crisis, absorbing carbon dioxide from seawater and the atmosphere. Ocean forests may store as much carbon as the Amazon rainforest, according to one analysis.
Yet there is still a sizeable gap in understanding of seaweed’s long-term ability to sequester carbon, because it lacks a root system to lock the carbon into the ground, unlike other marine plants such as mangroves and seagrass. Whether carbon stays locked up also depends on what happens to the seaweed, and there is still scientific debate on how effective it is at storing the element.
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Kelp provides food and shelter for fish, marine animals and birds. Photograph: Brandon Cole Images/Shutterstock
Marine ecologist Dr Karen Filbee-Dexter, one of the study’s 10 authors, said the research was a “major step forward” in understanding the potential role that seaweed can play in mitigating climate breakdown, “because it calculates the productivity – growth and carbon uptake – of the largest marine vegetated ecosystem”. It can also help estimate the carbon-sink potential of the world’s marine forests, she added.
Kelp, the largest seaweed species, able to grow tens of metres high, also plays a vital role in marine ecosystems, providing food and shelter for fish, other marine animals and birds.
In Australia, native kelp is home to the weedy seadragon – a purple-hued creature with leaf-like appendages that look like kelp fronds – which only lives along the country’s coastline. Kelp forests along North America’s Pacific coast provide vital habitats for southern sea otters. In addition, the mighty grey whale uses kelp forests as a haven from predatory killer whales and as vital feeding grounds for their young during their migration to Alaska waters from Baja California in Mexico.
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A weedy sea dragon in Jervis Bay, New South Wales, Australia. Photograph: By Wildestanimal/Getty Images
Underwater forests could also have a role in efforts to alleviate the world’s food security crisis, thanks to their rapid growth.
The scientists examined hundreds of individual studies from around the world where seaweed growth had been measured by scuba divers. “We found ocean forests are more productive than many intensely farmed crops such as wheat, rice and corn,” the study noted. It defined productivity in terms of how much biomass – the fronds, stipes and holdfasts of the seaweed – was produced by crops and seaweed.
On average, ocean forests in temperate regions, such as Australia’s southern coast, produced between two and 11 times more biomass by area than intensely farmed crops, a productivity that could be harnessed for the food system.
“If Harvested Properly, Seaweeds Have The Potential To Be A Very Sustainable And Nutrient-dense Food Source” — Amanda Swinimer
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Seaweed ecologist Dr Sophie Steinhagen inspects the crop at the seafarm in the Koster archipelago in Sweden.
Seaweed has been mass-consumed in Asia for centuries, and now western markets are catching on, albeit on a small scale, with more European and North American companies manufacturing seaweed products for human consumption. The Cornish Seaweed Company has a seaweed salad range; Marks & Spencer has a “coconut seaweed crunch” snack, and there are numerous lines of kelp burgers.
“Although there is evidence of seaweed being consumed as food 14,500 years ago, it has not been a part of the diet for large swaths of the world’s population,” says marine biologist Amanda Swinimer, who has been wild harvesting seaweed for decades through her company, Dakini Tidal Wilds.
However, she adds, as food security becomes more of an issue, “people are looking for other sources of nutritious food. If harvested properly, seaweeds have the potential to be a very sustainable and nutrient-dense food source.” Seaweed is also being used as animal feed, in place of corn and soya beans, thanks to its high nutritional value.
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Seaweed can be a nutritious source of food if harvested properly. Photograph: M&S
Yet these underwater forests face multiple threats, including rising sea temperatures, pollution and invasive species. Along the northern California coast, kelp has declined by more than 95% over the past several years, decimated by sea urchins – whose population has exploded as vast numbers of starfish, their main predators, have been killed by a wasting disease linked to warming waters.
The Great Southern Reef along Australia’s coastline, and forests in the north-west Atlantic, along the coasts of Maine, Canada and Greenland, are also showing concerning signs of decline.
Seaweed forests are often overlooked and less studied compared with coral reefs, making it difficult to understand how they are changing. “Most of the world’s seaweed forests are not even mapped, much less monitored,” says Filbee-Dexter. While corals are found in warm, calm and easily accessible areas, making them fairly easy to study, kelp is in cold waters on some of the choppiest, roughest coasts in the world.
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Seaweed farming in Sweden could be a vital component of the shift away from eating meat for protein.
Filbee-Dexter believes that the more scientists understand about these vital but fragile marine ecosystems, the easier it will be to help them survive. “I hope that more awareness about these forests will lead to more protection and restoration.”
In California, Hurd continues to dive among the kelp forests, monitoring their progress and hoping their decline can be stemmed. “The loss of these incredibly productive ecosystems is devastating for both nature and people,” he says. However, as science continues to develop smarter technologies to track kelp, such as drones, satellites and AI, he remains hopeful that research can shed light on the role of kelp in fighting climate breakdown.
“The one thing that kelp in particular should never be underestimated for is the productivity and biodiversity it supports around the world. It should be protected and restored with a great sense of urgency.”
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Seaweed growth was measured by scuba divers for the research. Photograph: vernonwiley/Getty Images
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Consider this a solution to obesity
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What is the 2021 Relaunch of Biotox Gold 2.0?
2.0 Biotox Gold-2021 Relaunch is an all-natural weight loss aid that can be used by anyone. It is a liquid dietary supplement that increases metabolism, regulates hormones, and removes toxins from the body.
The official Biotox Gold 2.0-2021 Relaunch website claims that this Biotox Nutrition supplement is effective for people who are unable to exercise vigorously and find it challenging to follow a diet. You may effectively shed extra pounds and recover your optimal body shape with Biotox Gold.
A potential solution to the big global issue of obesity is Biotox Gold 2.0-2021 Relaunch. Perhaps you've tried hard to lose weight, but no progress has been made. People can use this supplement, which is pure and natural, to address this challenging weight reduction issue. A common global health problem is belly fat. The New York Times reports that men and women with waists of 40 inches or more and 35 inches or more, respectively, may be carrying harmful amounts of abdominal fat.
The health risks of visceral fat surrounding the abdominal organs are serious. It's a significant contributor to serious health concerns like cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, among many others. It's interesting to note that as long as you have extra abdominal fat, you can develop these risks without being obese or overweight.
All of the accessible scientific references for the Biotox Gold 2.0-2021 Relaunch Nutrition formula are given on the official website, which is fascinating. The main spokesperson for the Biotox supplement, Tonya Harris, goes into great detail about how this liquid weight loss supplement was developed and the natural beginnings of all the medical literature and clinical research that were combed through to create a complete non-pill form fat burning tincture. The key Biotox Gold 2.0-2021 Relaunch components, cost, and other crucial information regarding avoiding fraud and deception while placing an order are included in the parts that follow in this review.
Ingredients for the Biotox Gold 2.0-2021 Relaunch
Biotox Gold
Blended from the cleanest sources, the Biotox Gold 2.0-2021 Relaunch liquid supplement contains natural and herbal ingredients. Without a potent combination of premium nutrients, antioxidants, purifying detoxifiers, and herbal superfood extracts, no weight reduction pill can be effective, without a doubt. In the end, this is where the nutritional supplement Biotox Gold 2.0-2021 Relaunch really shines because it is a liquid product that concentrates on highly bioavailable supernutrients that have a strong affinity for and correlation with fat burning, weight loss, and metabolism optimization.
Let's look at what each weight loss pill from Biotox Nutrition contains. According to the nutritional label, the following components are included in Biotox Gold 2.0-2021 Relaunch:
Malabar Tamarind
This Indonesian native substance is an excellent addition for weight loss. It's typically consumed as a liquid beverage. It has a very rich flavor and is also known as garcinia. Strong antioxidants found in its roots keep your body clear of toxins. Additionally, garcinia supports the metabolism and controls blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Panax Ginseng
Due to its potent natural benefits, ginseng is found in many health products. Because of its origin, some call it Asian ginseng. This component has the ability to heal a variety of ailments, such as anxiety, chronic fatigue, and depression. It also increases vigor.
Importantly, ginseng maintains healthy lungs and enhances immune system response. One of the most important aspects of living is breathing. In order to maintain it in its peak state, Panax Ginseng is essential.
An organic component from the Amazon basin is guarana. Its seeds have potent therapeutic qualities. It gives a number of health advantages in Biotox Gold. It reduces fat, increases energy, and develops muscle. You can improve your athleticism and enjoy exercise and long walks with this component.
Eleuthero Root
Eleuthero root, like the other constituents in this product, has a number of health advantages. It strengthens the immune system naturally when taken as an extract. Additionally, it lowers stress levels and decreases hunger, all of which are important for preserving a healthy weight.
Irvingia Gabonensis
This chemical can be traced back to Africa. Gabonensis' natural extract has a number of health advantages. It controls the amounts of glucose and cholesterol. By using this component, you reduce your risk of developing diabetes.
Grape Seed Pyruvate
It aids in the removal of toxins from the body and is another active component of Biotox Gold. This eliminates dangerous bacteria that can lead to debilitating diseases from the body. Additionally, it has elements that reduce triglyceride levels and any fatty acids the body may be harboring. Additionally, it controls blood pressure.
The active ingredients in this substance work to combat cancer-causing chemicals. In the end, this reduces the likelihood of developing the illness. Another benefit of capsicum is better vision.
Maca Root
Strong antioxidants and phytonutrients are present in this root extract. Higher libido, fewer PMS symptoms, and increased energy are some of its side effects.
This active component has potent detoxifying properties. It goes by the names licorice root and sweet root. It improves breathing, removes dangerous pollutants, and effectively and naturally strengthens the immune system.
These components make Biotox Gold's a safe and dependable weight loss product that you may use with confidence. What's more, anyone can apply the formula. According to their website, both men and women as elderly as 70 years old used the supplement successfully and reported favorable outcomes.
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Quelccaya Ice Cap Then and Now
The Quelccaya Ice Cap rests on a high-altitude plateau of the Andes Mountains in Peru. But like other tropical glaciers across the planet, the comparatively cold temperatures found at high altitudes are not enough to protect it from the grip of climate change.
This image pair shows the retreat of Quelccaya’s ice edge between September 3, 1988, and October 22, 2023. They were acquired with the TM (Thematic Mapper) on Landsat 5 and the OLI (Operational Land Imager) on Landsat 8, respectively. Christopher Shuman, a University of Maryland, Baltimore County, glaciologist based at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, estimates that the ice area in 1988 spanned about 58 square kilometers (22 square miles); by 2023, it spanned just over 40 square kilometers (15 square miles).
Notice the accrual of meltwater lakes in the later image, particularly along the ice cap’s western side. Many of these lake basins, carved by moving ice, have lost contact with the ice that formed them. The ice cap also feeds the Vilcanota River and Lake Sibinacocha (west of this image) and has long been an important water source for people living nearby and downstream.
Some of the lakes have already come and gone during the span of these images, including one that in November 2022 produced a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF). Shuman detected the event in Landsat images showing the emptying of a lake on the ice cap’s eastern side and a long path where the rushing floodwater had scoured the vegetation. The flood scar is still visible in this 2023 image.
Before Landsat satellites revealed the decadal changes, scientists already knew the ice cap was shrinking. Since 1974, Lonnie Thompson and colleagues from Ohio State University have been mounting expeditions to study Quelccaya up close.
“Both ground-based and satellite images allow the documentation of the rates of glacier retreat, which now average about 14 meters per year,” Thompson said. Thompson’s team has shared Landsat images documenting the ice cap’s retreat with local officials and indigenous people living near the ice cap.
As the planet’s tropical glaciers are being lost, so are the temperature and climate records long preserved in their ice. Thompson’s team has drilled ice cores from many tropical glaciers, including Quelccaya. By analyzing the layers in these cores, scientists can get a near-annual record of air temperatures and atmospheric composition dating back 1,800 years.
“Tropical glaciers might represent our only opportunity to capture global mean temperature changes through time, as well as how climate and the environment have changed in an area that represents 50 percent of the surface area of our planet and where over 50 percent of our 8 billion people live,” Thompson said.
At Quelccaya, that record could be gone by the end of the 21st century—the expected timeframe for the ice cap’s demise. “The only proof of its existence will be the land-based and satellite images of what was once a magnificent ice cap located directly above the Amazon Basin.”
NASA Earth Observatory images by Wanmei Liang, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Story by Kathryn Hansen.
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petinformationonline · 10 months
Are there any non-fish tank mates that can coexist with Oscars?
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Oscar fish, scientifically known as Astronotus ocellatus, are captivating creatures that have become a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts. Their striking appearance, unique personality, and ability to recognize their owners make them highly sought-after pets. However, Oscars are notorious for their aggressive behavior and territorial tendencies, which can pose a challenge when it comes to choosing tank mates. In this article, we will delve into the world of Oscar tank mates, specifically exploring the possibility of non-fish companions coexisting with these magnificent fish.
Understanding Oscars: The Basics
Before we dive into the world of potential tank mates for Oscars, it's essential to have a solid understanding of the fish themselves. Oscars are large, carnivorous cichlids native to the Amazon River basin in South America. They can grow up to 18 inches in length and are known for their striking coloration and distinctive personalities. Oscars are territorial by nature and can display aggressive behavior, especially during breeding and feeding times. Their aggressive tendencies are a significant factor to consider when selecting suitable tank mates.
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Fish Tank Mates for Oscars
When considering tank mates for Oscars, it's crucial to choose species that can tolerate their territorial behavior and aggressive tendencies. While it might be tempting to keep Oscars with other fish, particularly those of similar size, it's essential to be cautious and make informed choices to ensure a harmonious aquarium environment. Here are some fish that can potentially coexist with Oscars:
Plecostomus (Common Pleco): Plecos are bottom-dwelling catfish known for their algae-eating abilities. They are relatively peaceful and can handle the aggressive nature of Oscars. However, ensure your tank is large enough to provide ample hiding spaces for the Plecos.
Convict Cichlids: Convict cichlids are another cichlid species that can coexist with Oscars. They are hardy and can hold their own against Oscars' aggression, making them a suitable choice for a compatible tank mate.
Silver Dollars: Silver dollar fish are peaceful, schooling fish with a unique, silvery appearance. They are known to be good tank mates for Oscars, as they are fast swimmers and can avoid confrontation.
Tinfoil Barbs: Tinfoil barbs are large, active fish that can handle the aggressive tendencies of Oscars. They are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of at least three to minimize stress.
Catfish Species: Some catfish species, such as the Synodontis catfish, are known to coexist with Oscars. These catfish are typically nocturnal and tend to stay out of the Oscars' way during the day.
Non-Fish Tank Mates for Oscars
While fish tank mates for Oscars should be selected with caution, there are also non-fish companions that can thrive alongside these magnificent cichlids. These non-fish tank mates can add variety and intrigue to your aquarium while avoiding the territorial conflicts that often arise with other fish. Here are some non-fish options:
Turtle Companions: Small turtles, such as red-eared sliders or painted turtles, can coexist with Oscars in a large tank or pond. Ensure that the turtles have a basking area and access to dry land.
Crayfish: Freshwater crayfish, like the dwarf Mexican crayfish, can be intriguing additions to an Oscar tank. Oscars typically don't bother crayfish, and they can help with tank cleaning by consuming leftover food.
Apple Snails: Apple snails are large, peaceful creatures that can peacefully share an aquarium with Oscars. They help keep the tank clean by consuming algae and detritus.
Aquatic Plants: Although not living companions, adding live aquatic plants to your Oscar tank can enhance its aesthetics and provide hiding places for other fish or creatures. Oscars may occasionally uproot plants, so choose hardy species that can withstand their activities.
Oscar tank mates are undoubtedly captivating and rewarding pets, but their aggressive nature requires careful consideration when selecting tank mates. While there are a few fish species that can coexist with Oscars, it's crucial to ensure you have a spacious tank with plenty of hiding spots to minimize potential conflicts. Additionally, exploring non-fish companions, such as turtles, crayfish, and aquatic plants, can provide an alternative way to diversify your Oscar's environment without risking aggression. Ultimately, successful cohabitation with Oscars depends on diligent research, a well-maintained habitat, and attentive care.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 2 years
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The Beautiful Boto
Also known as the Amazon river dophin or the pink river dolphin, the boto (Inia geoffrensis) is a species of toothed whale native to the Amazon and Orinoco river basins in South America. Because they reside mainly in rivers, lakes and mangroves, the boto occupies a large range; nearly 7 million square kilometers (435 thousand square miles). Despite being related to whales and dolphins, I. geoffrensis cannot tolerate saltwater and is only found in freshwater.
The Amazon river dolphin is the largest of the four river dolphin species, weighing in at 98-185 kg (215-407 lbs) and measuring 1 to 2.5 m (4-8 ft) in length. Males are larger than females, and are a bright pink to the females’ dull grey. A significant part of the length comes from the dolphin’s distinctive long snout, which is used to hunt for crustaceans and small fish. The boto’s body is designed to be highly flexible, which comes in handy when navigating through flooded forests. One adaptation in particular that makes I. geoffrensis stand out is the unfused neck vertebrae, which allows them to bend at up to a 90-degree angle. Botos also use echolocation to navigate murky river waters. which is enhanced by the large melon on their foreheads.
Breeding for the pink river dophin occurs between May and June, during the rainy season when flooding is at its peak. Males will fight for access to females, and will also perform courtship displays that involve carrying a number of objects-- like branches, fish, or even live turtles-- and slapping them into the water. Successful pregnancies last 11 months, and after giving birth mothers raise their young in the slow-moving waters of flooded forests. Weaning takes about a year, although mother-child pairs will often stay together for much longer. The average lifespan of the boto can be anywhere from 10 to 26 years, as they have no natural predators.
Outside the mating season, I. geoffrensis is a solitary creature. It’s rare to see groups of more than three at a time, and do not heavily defend set territories. However, they are very curious and have been known to readily approach canoes or play with debris in the water. Individuals have also been seen hunting fish in loose cooperation with other species like giant river otters (Pteronura brasiliensis). The bota is crepuscular, active mainly at dawn or dusk, and generally stay close to the surface of the water. Deep dives are rare, as they can only hold their breath for 110 seconds.
Conservation status: Hunting pressure and pollution, as well as dam building and deforestation, are major threats to the amazon river dolphin, which has been classified as Endangered by the IUCN. Conservation efforts are being made, but the species is difficult to keep or breed in captivity so most work is being done in the wild.
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colorfulfishbreeds · 10 months
All About Eclipse Catfish & 8 Fascinating Facts
 Welcome to this comprehensive guide to caring for and breeding Eclipse Catfish. In this article, we'll learn more about Eclipse Catfish, such as where they come from, general characteristics, what they eat, how they breed, common health problems, special considerations, and more.
Whether you've kept fish before or not, this guide will provide you with the knowledge you need to care for these fascinating aquatic creatures.
Tell people about Eclipse Catfish in general.
The Eclipse Catfish, scientifically known as Platydoras costatus, is a popular freshwater catfish. Eclipse Catfish are a great addition to any aquarium because they are unique in appearance and behavior. Let us delve deeper into these amazing creatures to learn more about them.
Details about the entire situation
Origin:Eclipse Catfish are native to South America and can be found near the Amazon River. They can be found in tributaries, rivers, and floodplains in countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia.
Eclipse Dimensions Catfish can reach lengths of 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) on average. However, under ideal conditions, some may reach a length of 10 inches (25 cm).
Duration: Eclipse Catfish can live for 8 to 12 years if properly cared for. Giving them a good place to live and meeting their specific needs will allow them to live a longer life.
Eclipse temperament Catfish are typically friendly and calm. They behave calmly, making them suitable tankmates for a wide variety of fish. These catfish are not mean, and they prefer to live in peace and quiet.
Eclipse Catfish have a distinct appearance due to their flattened bodies and long dorsal and pectoral fins. Their bodies are dark gray to black, with white or yellow spots that stand out on their backs and sides. Their undersides are usually lighter in color. Eclipse Catfish have two long, sensitive barbels that help them navigate their environment.
How many different types and colors does this breed come in? The only known species of this breed is the Eclipse Catfish, Platydoras costatus. However, there may be minor color and pattern differences between individuals of the same species. Some specimens may have more noticeable spots or markings than others, but the dark body with light spots is a common feature.
habitat and tank requirements
Eclipse's natural habitat is the wilderness. The majority of catfish live in slow-moving rivers, streams, and flooded areas of the Amazon basin. They live in water teeming with plants, tree roots, and decaying leaves.
Tank Size: A large tank is recommended for Eclipse Catfish to ensure their health. At least 30 gallons (114 liters) of tank space is required for a small group of three to four Eclipse Catfish. Given how active they are, it is critical that they have plenty of space to swim.
Water measurements:
To keep your Eclipse Catfish healthy, you must maintain proper water levels. Temperatures between 75 and 82°F (24 and 28°C) are ideal for these catfish. They also prefer water that is slightly acidic or neutral, with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. It is critical to use dependable testing kits on a regular basis to monitor and change the water conditions.
Tank Configuration:
Eclipse Catfish require a comfortable and natural environment in order to thrive. Here are some ideas for how they should configure their tank:
Make the tank look like their natural habitat by using fine sand or smooth gravel as the substrate. Avoid rough or sharp surfaces that could irritate their delicate barbels.
Plants: Add live plants such as Amazon swords, Java ferns, or Vallisneria to provide places for your Eclipse Catfish to hide and make them feel safe. These plants also help to maintain water quality.
Driftwood and caves: Adding driftwood or caves simulates the places where they would normally hide in their natural environment. Eclipse Catfish enjoy these structures, which they use to hide and sleep.
Filtration and aeration: To keep the water clean, make sure it is thoroughly filtered. Eclipse Catfish thrive in oxygen-rich water, so use a soft air stone or sponge filter to aid in gas exchange.
Use floating plants or dimmable aquarium lights for soft lighting. Bright lights may stress these creatures, who only come out at night.
Eclipse Catfish are omnivores, which means they eat a wide variety of foods. They are willing to eat a wide variety of foods in captivity, including:
Catfish-specific pellets or granules of high quality that sink.
Bloodworms, brine shrimp, and other live or frozen foods; blanched spinach or zucchini
Small insects and crustaceans
It is critical to provide a variety of foods for proper nutrition. A mix of commercial and live or frozen foods will help them eat like they do in the wild.
Eclipse Catfish eat at night and mostly live on the bottom. They have a keen sense of smell and use their barbels to locate food on the substrate. During feeding time, you may notice them searching for food in the sand or on the tank floor. It is best to feed Eclipse Catfish in the evening or at night, when they are most active.
Eclipse Catfish are notorious for being difficult to breed in a tank. However, with the right conditions and timing, breeding can be successful. Catfish are oviparous, which means that the females lay eggs that are fertilized by the males.
How to Become Pregnant:
Certain conditions must be met in order for breeding to be more likely:
Create a separate breeding tank or use a breeding net in the main tank to separate a pair of Eclipse Catfish. This allows them to establish their territory and increases the likelihood of successful mating.
Water conditions: As previously stated, keep the water at the proper temperature and pH. Check that the water is clean and suitable for breeding.
Hiding Places: Add caves or PVC pipes to the breeding tank to provide a place for the fish to lay their eggs. Female Solar Eclipse Catfish prefer quiet areas to lay their eggs.
Babies are born in the following ways:
Generally, spawning involves a few steps and behaviors:
Courtship: The male Eclipse Catfish initiates courtship by chasing the female, flaring out his fins, and vibrating his body.
When mating is successful, the female will attach her eggs to a surface, which is usually a cave wall or a pipe. At the same time, the male fertilizes the eggs.
Parental Care: After laying eggs, both parents look after and protect the eggs. They may fan the eggs to provide oxygen and protect them from potential predators.
Hatching and Caring for Fry: The eggs hatch in a few days, and the fry can soon swim on their own. At this point, it's critical to remove the parents from the breeding tank so they don't eat their young. Feed the fry finely crushed flake food or special fry food until they are large enough to eat larger pieces.
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Most Common Health Issues
Eclipse Catfish are typically hardy fish when properly cared for. However, they can still become ill from things like:
Ich (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) is a parasitic infection that causes white spots on the fish's body and fins.
Fungi can appear as cotton-like growths on wounds or other damaged tissues.
Bacterial Infections: A Solar Eclipse Catfish can become infected with bacteria if the water quality is poor or if they are injured.
Steps to take to put a stop to it:
To keep health problems to a minimum, take the following precautions:
Maintain Water Quality: Check and maintain the proper water parameters, change the water, and ensure that the filtration system is in good working order to keep the environment clean and stable.
Put new fish in a separate tank for a while before adding them to your aquarium to ensure they don't have any diseases that could spread.
Balanced Diet: To strengthen your Eclipse Catfish's immune system, feed it a healthy and varied diet.
Reduce stress by avoiding abrupt changes in water conditions, having too many fish in the tank, and having fish that are mean to one another. The immune system of a fish can be weakened by stress.
Consider the following:
Eclipse Catfish are usually peaceful and can coexist in a tank with other fish such as tetras, gouramis, and peaceful cichlids. However, don't put them in a tank with fish that bite their fins or are overly aggressive. This could be detrimental to the Eclipse Catfish.
Extra Care Instructions:
Handle with caution: Because their barbels are so delicate, Eclipse Catfish must be caught and moved with extreme caution.
Examine the barbel's health on a regular basis for signs of damage or infection. In the event of an injury, provide appropriate care and keep the water clean to aid the animal's healing.
Legal Constraints:
Before purchasing an Eclipse Catfish, be aware of any regional or local restrictions on owning or breeding them. Some catfish species may be prohibited in certain countries or states.
In conclusion, Eclipse Catfish are interesting freshwater fish that can thrive in a well-maintained aquarium. You can best care for these fascinating fish if you know where they came from, what their general characteristics are, what kind of environment they require, what they eat, how they breed, what common health problems they face, and what other considerations you should make.
Make sure the tank has enough hiding places and the appropriate amount of water. Provide them with a varied diet that includes both store-bought and fresh or frozen foods. Breeding Eclipse Catfish can be difficult, but it can also be enjoyable. They must be kept apart, given good places to spawn, and carefully cared for while doing so.
You should be aware of common problems such as Ich, fungal infections, and bacterial infections in order to keep your Eclipse Catfish healthy. Keep the water clean, place new fish in a quarantine tank, feed them a balanced diet, and reduce stress in their environment.
When selecting fish for a tank, ensure that they get along and avoid aggressive or fin-nipping fish. Eclipse Catfish have sensitive barbels, so handle them with care and inspect their barbels frequently for signs of damage or infection.
Finally, before purchasing an Eclipse Catfish, make sure you understand the laws in your area or country regarding ownership and breeding.
You can keep your Eclipse Catfish happy and healthy in your aquarium by following these rules. Enjoy how beautiful and fascinating these fish are, as well as how they behave on their own. They will animate and enliven your underwater world.
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fishbreedsblog · 10 months
All About Eclipse Catfish & 8 Fascinating Facts
 Welcome to this detailed guide on how to take care of Eclipse Catfish and make more of them. In this article, we'll learn more about Eclipse Catfish, such as where they come from, what they eat, how they breed, common health problems, special things to keep in mind, and more.
No matter if you've kept fish before or not, this guide will tell you what you need to know to take the best care of these interesting aquatic animals.
Tell people about Eclipse Catfish in general.
Scientists call the Eclipse Catfish Platydoras costatus. It is a popular catfish that lives in fresh water. Eclipse Catfish are a great addition to any aquarium because they look different and behave in interesting ways. Let's learn more about these amazing creatures by looking into them.
Details about everything
Eclipse came from Catfish come from South America and live in the area around the Amazon River. They live in streams, rivers, and floodplains in places like Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia.
Eclipse Size: On average, a catfish can grow to be 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) long. Some may grow to be 10 inches (25 cm) long in the best conditions.
Eclipse's life span: If they are well cared for, catfish can live between 8 and 12 years. Giving them a good place to live and meeting their needs will help them live longer.
Eclipse's personality Most catfish are friendly and calm. They are calm, so they get along well with a wide range of fish. These catfish are not mean, and they like to live somewhere quiet.
Eclipse Catfish have a unique look because their bodies are flattened and their dorsal and pectoral fins are long. Their bodies are dark gray to black, and their backs and sides are covered with white or yellow spots that make them easy to spot. Their undersides are usually lighter in color. Eclipse Catfish have two long, sensitive barbels that help them find their way around.
How many kinds and colors does this breed come in? The only known species of this breed is the Platydoras costatus, also called the Eclipse Catfish. But even within the same species, there may be small differences in color and pattern. Some specimens may have spots or markings that are more noticeable than others, but all of them have dark bodies with light spots.
Needs a home and a tank
Eclipse is most comfortable in the wild. Most catfish live in slow-moving rivers, streams, and places that flood in the Amazon basin. They live in water that is full of dead leaves, plants, and tree roots.
Size of the Tank: To keep Eclipse Catfish healthy, it's best to give them a large tank. At least 30 gallons (114 liters) of tank space is needed for a small group of three to four Eclipse Catfish. Because they are so active, it is important to give them a lot of space to swim.
How to measure water:
To keep your Eclipse Catfish healthy, you need to make sure the water is at the right level. The best temperature for these catfish is between 75°F and 82°F (24°C and 28°C). Also, they like water with a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5, which is slightly acidic or neutral. It's important to use good testing kits to keep an eye on the water and make changes as needed.
Tank Setting:
Eclipse Catfish need to live in a place that feels comfortable and natural for them to be healthy. Here are some ideas for how they should set up their tank:
Use fine sand or smooth gravel as the bottom of the tank to make it look like the fish's natural habitat. Stay away from rough or sharp surfaces that could hurt their soft barbels.
Plants: Give your Eclipse Catfish a safe place to hide by putting in live plants like Amazon swords, Java ferns, or Vallisneria. These plants also help keep the water clean.
Driftwood and caves: Adding pieces of driftwood or caves makes them look like places they would normally hide in the wild. Shadow of the Moon Catfish like these places, and they hide and sleep in them.
Filtration and Aeration: To keep the water clean, make sure it is filtered well. Eclipse Catfish do best in water with lots of oxygen, so use a soft air stone or sponge filter to help gas exchange.
For soft light, use aquarium lights that can be turned down or plants that float on the water. If these creatures only come out at night, bright lights may bother them.
Putting food in
Shadow of the Moon Catfish are omnivores, which means that they eat a wide range of foods. When they are kept in captivity, they will eat many different things, such as:
Made for catfish, these pellets or granules are of high quality and sink.
Bloodworms, brine shrimp, and other frozen or live foods; blanched spinach or zucchini, among other vegetables.
Bugs and crustaceans that are small
It's important to give a variety of foods for good nutrition. Mixing commercial foods with live or frozen foods will help them eat like they do in the wild.
How they eat: Eclipse Catfish live mostly on the bottom and eat at night. They have a good sense of smell and use their barbels to find food on the substrate. You might see them looking for food in the sand or on the floor of the tank when it's time to feed them. Eclipse Catfish like to eat in the evening or at night, so this is the best time to feed them.
Having babies
Making copies:
Shadow of the Moon It is well known that it is hard for catfish to have babies in a tank. But it is possible to breed if you have the right time and conditions. Catfish lay eggs, which means that the males fertilize the eggs laid by the females.
How to start a family:
To make it more likely that they will breed, certain things must happen:
Make a separate breeding tank for a pair of Eclipse Catfish, or use a breeding net in the main tank. This lets them set up their territory and makes it more likely that they will be able to mate.
Conditions of the water: As was already said, keep the water at the right temperature and pH. Make sure the water is clean and good for breeding.
Hiding Places: Give the fish a place to lay their eggs by adding caves or PVC pipes to the breeding tank. Eclipse of a woman Catfish like these quiet places to lay their eggs.
How a baby is born:
Most of the time, there are a few steps and behaviors involved in spawning:
Courtship: The male Eclipse Catfish starts courtship by doing things like chasing the female, spreading out his fins, and moving in a vibrating way.
When mating works, the female will stick her eggs to a surface, which is usually the wall of a cave or a pipe. At the same time, the male gives his sperm to the eggs.
Parents take care of the eggs: After laying eggs, both parents look after and protect the eggs. They might use a fan to give the eggs air and protect them from danger.
How to Hatch and Care for Fry: The eggs usually hatch in a few days, and the fry can swim on their own pretty quickly after that. At this point, the parents should be taken out of the breeding tank so they don't eat their young by accident. Feed the fry crushed flake food or special food for fry until they are big enough to eat bigger pieces.
Most Often Seen Health Issues
Shadow of the Moon Catfish are usually hardy fish as long as they are taken care of properly. Still, they can still get sick from:
Ich is an infection caused by a parasite called Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. The parasite makes white spots on the fish's body and fins.
Fungal infections: When fungus grows on wounds or other damaged tissues, it can look like cotton.
Infections Caused by Bacteria: Eclipse If the water is dirty or if they get hurt, catfish can get bacterial infections.
What you can do to stop it:
Take these steps to avoid getting sick as much as possible:
To keep the environment clean and stable, check and keep the right water parameters, change the water, and make sure the filtration is working well.
Put new fish in a separate tank for a while before adding them to your aquarium to make sure they don't have any diseases that could spread.
Balanced Diet: Your Eclipse Catfish's immune system will be stronger if you feed it a healthy, varied diet.
Reduce stress by making sure the water doesn't change quickly, there aren't too many fish in the tank, or the fish in the tank don't fight with each other. Stress can make a fish less able to fight off diseases.
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Things to consider
Getting along:
Eclipse Catfish are usually calm. They can live in a tank with tetras, gouramis, and peaceful cichlids, among other fish. But don't put them in a tank with aggressive fish or fish that will bite their fins. The Eclipse Catfish could be hurt by this.
Extra Care Instructions:
Be careful: Eclipse Catfish need to be caught or moved with a lot of care because their barbels are so fragile.
Look at the barbel often to see if there are any signs of damage or infection. If an animal is hurt, give it the right care and make sure the water is clean so it can heal.
Limitations from the law:
Before you get an Eclipse Catfish, find out if there are any rules about owning or breeding them in your area. In some countries or states, you might not be able to keep certain kinds of catfish.
In the end,
In the end, Eclipse Catfish are interesting freshwater fish that can do well in a well-cared-for aquarium. You can take the best care of these interesting fish if you know where they came from, what their general traits are, what kind of environment they need, what they eat, how they breed, what common health problems they face, and what else you need to think about.
Make sure there are enough places to hide and enough water in the tank. Give them a variety of foods, both ones you buy at the store and ones that are fresh or frozen. It can be hard to breed Eclipse Catfish, but it can also be fun. They need to be kept apart, given good places to breed, and cared for carefully while they do so.
To keep your Eclipse Catfish healthy, you should know about problems like Ich, fungal infections, and bacterial infections. Make sure to keep the water clean, put new fish in a quarantine tank, feed them a balanced diet, and make their environment less stressful.
When choosing fish for a tank, make sure they get along with each other and stay away from fish that bite their fins or are too aggressive. Be careful when handling Eclipse Catfish because their barbels are sensitive. Check their barbels often for signs of damage or infection.
Lastly, before you buy an Eclipse Catfish, make sure you know the rules about owning or breeding them in your area or country.
You can make sure your Eclipse Catfish are happy and healthy in your aquarium by following these rules. Enjoy how pretty and interesting these fish are and how they act on their own. They will make your underwater world more interesting and full of life.
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lostinyv · 1 year
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Copper Mountain College Foundation is hosting Opening Night of William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Theatre 29 on Friday, June 16, 2023. The $25 opening night ticket includes refreshments and drinks as well as dessert during
intermission. Doors open at 6 pm. Show at 7 pm/
Theater goers are encouraged to dress as fairies and magical creatures for the evening.
One of Shakespeare’s most popular and most performed plays, this is the first time the volunteer cast and crew of Theatre 29 have performed a Shakespeare play. A story of five interconnecting plots, connected by a celebration of the wedding
of Duke Theseus of Athens and the Amazon queen, Hippolyta, which are set simultaneously in the woodland and in the realm of Fairyland, under the light of the moon, this story's themes are timeless and continued to be relevant four centuries after his death.
Get ready for a night of live theater.
A raffle will also be held during the social hour.  Proceeds from this event will help fund programs for Copper Mountain College students such as the KC Special, Basin Transit bus passes, book grants, scholarships and much more.
Tickets can be purchased by contacting Copper Mountain College Foundation at 760-366-3791 ext 4200. #livetheater #theatre29 #visit29palms #coppermountaincollege #thisiswhatcmcfoundationdoes #shakespeare #midsummernightsdream
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therealnh222-blog · 1 year
The Deforestation we face
Trees are some of the most beautiful and important things that we have on this planet Earth. Some trees that are standing have been here for longer than any living person. Even though this is true for a lot of trees we feel the need to cut down a lot of them for our own personal use. Not only are these trees living things in themselves which should be respected, but other living organisms rely on them to live. Leaving trees standing is beneficial not only for the planet but for us as humans as they provide many benefits to us and our surrounding planet.
Although we as a people have decided to decrease our rates of deforestation, we have not actually committed to doing these things. Evidence is shown through how the Amazon Rainforest is still being ravaged for its natural resources. In the first half of 2022 more of the Amazon was deforested than ever before. In just the first half of the year! An area of almost 4000 square kilometers was removed from the Amazon at the beginning of the year. Because the Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world it is also one of the largest carbon sinks in the world. This means that it helps absorb carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere through all its trees and vegetation. The Amazon helps greatly reduce the rate that the planet experiences global warming. This is because it is such a large carbon sink as acts as a counterbalance towards that. Some scientists claim that the Amazon can lose up to fifty percent of its forest in just a few short years. Another problem that the deforestation of the Amazon does is taking away the habitats of creatures and living organisms that love there. There are over Fifty Thousand separate plant and animal species that call this forest home. These animals and plants rely on the trees for a multitude of things and won’t be able to survive without them. One important thing that they use these trees for is for their homes. Smaller animals use these trees as protection from bigger animal species such as predatory birds and jaguars. Animal populations have already started to decrease because of deforestation and as we continue their number will continue to fall.
At the 27th Conference of Parties held in November of 2022 it was decided that there would be an agreement to reduce the amount of deforestation that occurred across the globe under UN land. With a commitment to deforestation being stopped by 2030 these promises aren’t being met as of yet. As stated above the Amazon is not the only major forest that is being used for its precious resources. The Congo Basin is also a major forest that is being exploited for human use. The Congo River Basin is located in Central Africa and is the second largest rainforest in the world. In areas such as the Congo traditional deforestation isn’t the only cause of damage. Water, soil, and air pollution all lead to faster rates of deforestation in the Congo. It is estimated that the Congo River Basin could be lost in less than 90 years. This would be a great tragedy to the world as the Congo is an even larger carbon sink than the previously stated Amazon. This making the Congo the largest carbon sink in the world absorbing around 1.5 percent of all our carbon emissions. To prevent these things there are multiple steps that we could take to help prevent deforestation and help the restoration of our forest.
            The first step that we can take to help our forests is by stopping the mass chopping of trees that occurs every year. Over 24 million acres of trees are taken down every year. If we would slow down the rate that we chop these trees down, then we would be good. If we look at what we use the areas and resources for we can get all of these things from other areas without having to exploit our forests. This leads into our second step, finding resources that can replace what we use our forests resources for. If we can find alternatives for the mass amounts of wood, we use or different spaces to use instead of chopping down our forests, this would greatly benefit them. One final step that we can take to help is the planting and helping new trees grow in our green spaces. By replacing the trees that we have taken out we are not only helping replace the trees that we have taken out, but we are also helping trees grow in the future through the process of pollination. These also help replace sources of food, homes, and forms of transportation for different animals in the forest. Overall, I think that deforestation is a major problem, and it should be stopped. I hope the point that I made above can help you understand my side of the argument and where I come from. I don’t think anyone would want to live in a world completely inhabited by cityscapes.  
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mitrasprayers · 1 year
Different types of farming techniques in India
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In this continuation, we’ll discuss the basics of three distinct agricultural methods. Agriculture is crucial to the economy of every nation. Farming includes the production of food and ornamental plants. A  tractor sprayer attached to a tractor’s back is called a tractor-mounted sprayer. Farming is the one economic foundation upon which every nation rests. The success or failure of a farm is affected by its location, the market for its products, the availability of skilled workers, and the sophistication of its machinery. If you’re looking to save time, energy, and resources, an orchard sprayer is a way to go.
There are three main types of farming:
The following are examples of the three main types of farming and agriculture:
Subsistence farming
Family farming is another name for subsistence farming since it provides for a farmer’s immediate family: only basic machinery and manual labour from around the house where needed. Low yields are typical of this type of farming. They do not use modern farming techniques or high-yielding varieties of seeds and fertilizer.
They lack access to essential services like electricity and water irrigation. Farming for subsistence is typically done by hand.
Subsistence farming can be classified into two types:-
Intensive subsistence farming:-
It entails a relatively modest amount of land, some essential, low-cost tools, and additional labour for crop production. Because “intense” connotes strenuous effort, the implication is that more significant effort is needed. Multiple crops can be grown yearly on the same plot of land because of the favourable climate and rich soils typical of this type of farming.
Rice is the primary crop here. Wheat, maize, pulses, and oilseeds are some additional crops. The more populated monsoon areas are where this type of farming is most prevalent. Southeast Asia and East Asia fall within this category.
Primitive subsistence farming:-
Nomadic farming and herding are also part of this lifestyle.
Shifting cultivation:-
This farming grew in heavily wooded regions like the Amazon basin, tropical Africa, Southeast Asia, and northeast India. This is where the rain is heaviest. Rapid plant growth is regenerated.
At the outset of the shifting cultivation process, the area is cleared by cutting down and burning trees. The resulting tree ash is then incorporated into the ground.
Crops, including maize, yam, potatoes, and cassava, are cultivated using this method. This soil is suitable for growing crops every two or three years. Then the abandoned land as soil fertility declines. The farmers relocate to the new area and begin cultivating it similarly. Slash-and-burn farming describes this method of agriculture.
Nomadic Herding:
The semiarid and arid regions are ideal for this method of farming. Like the central Asian republics, India’s Rajasthan and Jammu & Kashmir are home to beautiful landscapes. The farmers in this system herd their animals along predetermined paths as they go from one location to another in search of food and water.
Sheep, camels, yaks, and goats are commonly raised for their meat and fibre in this region. Farming provides milk, meat, and other foods for the herdsmen and their families.
Commercial Farming
Crops are grown on this farm to be sold in local markets. This farming is done mainly for commercial reasons.
It needed a lot of space and advanced machinery.
High-priced equipment is used to complete the task.
Commercial farming is 3 types.
Commercial grain farming:-
Grains are the primary reason for this cultivation.
Seasonally, this type of farming occurs during the winter.
In this type of farming, only one crop can be cultivated at a time.
Many wealthy farmers are living in this region.
Commercial mixed farming:-
This type of farming is done for growing foods, fodders crops.
In this farming, one or more crops are grown together.
It has good rainfall and irrigation.
The crops are cared for carefully.
The crops are done almost at the same duration.
This farming is most used in Europe, the eastern USA, Argentina, southeast Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.
Home Farming:-
Growing food at home may be done on a terrace or in a garden.
You only needed a little area and essential garden tools like a rake and pruners.
You only needed a little room and some compact equipment like a garden rake and pruning shears.
It’s not just food; this farming is utilized as a decorative item in people’s homes.
It was done for both profit and survival purposes.
There are two types of farming:-
How many different kinds of farming do people in India practise? If this isn’t the case, then we’re likely to be categorised with the lower forms of farming in India. Check out this site for specifics on various farms. An agricultural sprayer machine is a vital tool for farmers.
Container farming:-
These farming methods are ideal for those with only a tiny plot of land to cultivate, such as in a city apartment’s balcony, courtyard, or yard. This farming method can grow almost any fruit, vegetable, or flower.
Vertical Farming:-
A “window garden” is how it’s being referred to here. Small plant crops and vine crops see the most vertical farming utilization. Ghee, Loki, tomato, chile, and coriander are all components. Since traditional methods of growing vine crops tend to provide lower yields, vertical farming is ideal for these plants. Air-assisted sprayer, and choose from a wide variety of sprayers available on the market.
In India, the anna data are the farmers. They put up long hours to ensure everyone has enough to eat. The farmers organized themselves by the size of their farms. Listed below are the many categories of Indian farmers. Consider looking at the Farmer profile. The Agriculture Blower is a vital component of feed mills and blenders.
Marginal Farmers – When a farmer owns less than 1 hectare of land, they are considered Marginal farmers.
Small Farmers – Small farmers tend to have 1–2 acres of land.
Semi-medium farmers – Farmers with between 2 and 4 hectares of land are considered semi-medium.
Medium Farmers– Farmers with 4–10 ha of land are considered medium farmers.
Large Farmers – When a farmer owns 10 hectares of land or more, they are considered a Large farmer. These folks are also classified as farmers.
Conclusion –
In India, farming is the primary source of income, and there are many types of farming. This completes the exhaustive descriptions of the various farming methods. Please stay tuned for further developments along these lines, and I hope you enjoy this post. The latest in Agriculture news is also available here daily. As a necessary aspect of vineyard management, using a vineyard sprayer with pesticides to combat grapevine diseases and pests is essential.
Keep reading if you’re interested in learning more about crop farming!
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xtruss · 1 year
What the World Would Look Like if All the Ice Melted
London would disappear under water, along with the Netherlands, most of Denmark and Florida...
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This story appeared in the September 2013 Issue of National Geographic Magazine.
The maps here show the world as it is now, with only one difference. All the ice on land has melted and drained into the sea, raising it 216 feet and creating new shorelines for our continents and inland seas.
There are more than five million cubic miles of ice on Earth, and some scientists say it would take more than 5,000 years to melt it all. If we continue adding carbon to the atmosphere, we’ll very likely create an ice-free planet, with an average temperature of perhaps 27 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit) instead of the current 14 degrees (58 degrees F).
North America
The entire Atlantic seaboard would vanish, along with Florida and the Gulf Coast. In California, San Francisco's hills would become a cluster of islands and the Central Valley a giant bay. The Gulf of California would stretch north past the latitude of San Diego—not that there'd be a San Diego.
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South America
The Amazon Basin in the north and the Paraguay River Basin in the south would become Atlantic inlets, wiping out Buenos Aires, coastal Uruguay, and most of Paraguay. Mountainous stretches would survive along the Caribbean coast and in Central America.
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Compared with other continents, Africa would lose less of its land to the ultimate sea-level catastrophe, but Earth’s rising heat might make much of it uninhabitable. In Egypt, Alexandria and Cairo will be swamped by the intruding Mediterranean.
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London? A memory. Venice? Reclaimed by the Adriatic Sea. Thousands of years from now, in this catastrophic scenario, the Netherlands will have long since surrendered to the sea, and most of Denmark will be gone, too. Meanwhile, the Mediterranean's expanding waters will also have swelled the Black and Caspian Seas.
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Land now inhabited by 600 million Chinese would flood, as would all of Bangladesh, population 160 million, and much of coastal India. The inundation of the Mekong Delta would leave Cambodia's Cardamom Mountains stranded as an island.
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Predominantly desert, the continent would gain a new inland sea—but it would lose much of the narrow coastal strip where four out of five Australians now live.
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East Antarctica: The East Antarctica ice sheet is so large—it contains four-fifths of all the ice on Earth—that it might seem unmeltable. It survived earlier warm periods intact. Lately it seems to be thickening slightly—because of global warming. The warmer atmosphere holds more water vapour, which falls as snow on East Antarctica. But even this behemoth is unlikely to survive a return to an Eocene Climate.
West Antarctica: Like the Greenland ice sheet, the West Antarctic one was apparently much smaller during earlier warm periods. It's vulnerable because most of it sits on bedrock that's below sea level.The warming ocean is melting the floating ice sheet itself from below, causing it to collapse. Since 1992 it has averaged a net loss of 65 million metric tons of ice a year.
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A combination of retreating ice and the resulting rising seas, this is a visualisation of what Antarctica may look like if its ice sheet melted entirely. Photograph By All Maps By Jason Treat, Matthew Twombly, Web Barr, Maggie Smith, NGM Staff. Art: Kres Vernenbos.<BR />
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