wait also for my series: should i make a love triangle for feitan? im kinda hesitant abt it so idk
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asexual-abomination · 3 years
Plat!Yan!Chrollo x Autistic!Reader x Plat!Yan!PT - Soulmate AU Part 5
The final part is finally here! It did manage to delete itself a couple of times, but I was finally able to recover it! I really hope you can enjoy this end to the series!
As always, this idea was inspired by the lovely @kiame-sama! I have no traditional education in writing, so any and all advice is appreciated!
Requests will be opening shortly after this goes up, I'm just writing up some final rules!
Hope you enjoy reading!
Night had fallen over the city by the time you were left alone.
You could feel your heart pounding through your body, scared beyond reason by the insane situation you found yourself in.
It seemed to have become a theme in the past few days, carefully setting forth a plan only to be thrown into some absolute catastrophe.
Over the course of the day, you had been dragged around to many random people, security workers and police officers all asking you questions and getting irate when you couldn't tell them everything. Some of them had tried to be kinder to you, speaking in lower tones and going slower, but they were all showed that they were upset when you refused certain details.
You couldn't tell them now, but all you wanted was to keep them safe, hoping that your soulmate would take mercy on them if you were found now. Marnie had been kind enough to keep you company through the entire day, though she wasn't the nicest either, and she had been the last one you saw when she dropped you off at this meagre hotel.
It was a large, cement high rise building on a dimly-lit street, with cheap furniture that probably didn't even get washed between visitors. When you first considered trying to sleep, you found that the blankets were made of scratchy, harsh material that made your whole body cringe away in disgust. That wasn't even to note that they were too light and thin to provide you with any comforting weight.
Anyone would think that you had no more tears to spare today, but as you finally sat on the worn-down chair, you began to choke up with stress. You had heard many counselors and friends say that anxiety could be much like droplets in a bucket, slowly building up in the mind until it could burst into tears, but you had never thought that you would feel stress as immense as this.
There was no need to move right now, you could just cry and choke on your breath, and there was almost something comforting about the all of the emotion of the moment.
That peace that you were trying to enjoy as you sobbed was quickly broken by a new voice in the room.
"(Y/N). I'm sorry."
With a sharp gasp, you looked up to find the intruder, only to see Jo leaned against the far wall of your room. They were looking at you, apologetically staring with sadness in their expression.
"I didn't - I didn't predict that there would be an issue with the airship. Now they've found you." They continue to speak with almost ominous tone, voicing their concern with a tired sigh.
They've found you? Your soulmate? Already? Who were these people, and why were they so obsessed with finding you?
As if you hadn't been overwhelmed enough, Jo had truly decided to drop a bombshell on you at this moment. In utter confusion, you looked towards your friend for any explanation.
Jo sighed again, looking away with despair, "They're minutes away as we speak. We can't run or fight." They paused again, contemplating as they look at you with a soft expression, "I - I don't know what to do."
"Alright! This is where (Y/N)'s being held!" Shalnark's cheery voice rang out through the dark street, cutting through the tense atmosphere surrounding the other Troupe members.
"Would you like one of us to accompany you inside?" Pakunoda asked Chrollo, who stood closest to the building's doors.
The Troupe leader sighed as he turned towards his friend, his expression dropping at her question. He could understand the obsession that the rest of his subordinates had for his soulmate, but he knew that he had to be the first one to see his (Y/N) in person.
They had all seen your little friend sneak in through the window of your room, and Chrollo knew that he wanted the joy of getting rid of them himself. Pakunoda watched his expression carefully, and quickly stepped back, as if to give up on her own question, knowing better than to irritate her boss further.
The remaining members on the scene all took a step back, allowing Chrollo the freedom to enter the building, with a silent promise that no one would be leaving or entering while they stood guard.
To both Chrollo and Jo, there was a deafening silence in this moment. Chrollo stood in the doorway of the small hotel room, not even glancing at his rival, as his eyes were immediately fixated on his soulmate, now finally sat before him.
To you, still sat between these two, there was not quite a silence, as you could hear the soft hum of old electrics hidden in the walls of this dingy place, almost comforting in the face of such intimidating auras.
"(Y/N)!" Chrollo's voice cut through the room, overflowing with joy as he stared at you. He had known that he would be happy in this moment when he could finally lay his own eyes on you, but he could have never predicted the way his heart would twist and flip with bliss in your mere presence.
That bliss was quickly cut off by Jo stepping in front of you, though their breath was shaky with fear at the prospect of fighting in your presence. The second that they had stepped out, Chrollo's expression darkened, as he immediately allowed his aura to flash out, quickly met by Jo's in an equal amount.
Not wanting to hesitate for a moment, Chrollo drew his knife and summoned his book, ready to kill at a moment's notice.
"I let you run once, I think you should be grateful for that, you little pest." His voice had a threatening tone, and though he wouldn't admit it, he almost hoped that Jo would run scared, so that he wouldn't have to kill them.
Against his hopes, your valiant guardian stood firm, though they were shaking just slightly. It was no secret that Chrollo would win this fight, Jo was heavily out of practice and stressed from days without sleep, and Chrollo would stop at nothing to reach his treasured soulmate.
"Wait." Your voice was hushed in the tense atmosphere.
The Troupe had begun to worry when there was no sign of their boss for nearly 15 minutes, especially given that there hadn't been any sign of violence from within your room.
"Do you think that the boss got ambushed?" Shizuku wondered aloud, not expressing any real anxiety just yet.
"I do not think boss would get ambush that easy." Feitan was more suspicious of the silence, knowing that Chrollo had been very cautious when entering the hotel.
They continued to wait outside of the building, patiently watching every possible exit. Only a few members of the Troupe were here to see the new soulmate, with the rest searching the city for a decent place to keep you temporarily.
"Oh, look!"
Their heads quickly swiveled to the doorway, watching with a level of shock as Chrollo stepped out of the hotel, holding a new figure very close to his side. This new person was hunched, as if on the verge of pulling away from his touch, and was anxiously tugging at something in their hands.
Most of the members present recognized the sweet face of the sought after soulmate, and those who hadn't seen them before promptly caught on. However, that didn't clear up any confusion among the members.
"What happened to their friend? Did you kill them?" Shizuku was once again the first to break the silence, making you flinch at the bold and brash question.
Chrollo was swift in shutting down further questions, pulling you towards the getaway car, before suddenly telling everyone else to leave.
"Everything has been sorted, I'll tell you the details later. Where are we staying?" Chrollo was incredibly brief, a sharp tone to his voice that most Troupe members only heard after they almost botched a mission.
"There's a hotel in the city center that works for the mafia, we've booked you a couple of rooms!" Shalnark tried to walk over towards the car, wanting answers to this whole situation like the others. However, the quick spike in his boss' aura put him off immediately from that idea.
"Good. Send me the details, and I'll contact one of you tomorrow sometime." Once again, the Troupe leader sounded just slightly angered, a great change from his usual demeanor.
Chrollo quickly stepped into the car, breaking his anger for just a moment to glance at you with a soft smile.
"Don't worry about a thing, dear. Thank you so much for working with me here." He quickly began driving, shooting towards the new hotel and away from your friend's solemn gaze in the window.
"We've got our whole lives ahead of us now. Don't think about them too much."
"Wait." Your voice was hushed in the tense atmosphere.
No amount of breathing exercises could have kept you calm in that moment, but you knew that there was no other option in this situation.
"I'll - I'll go with you. Chrollo." You surrendered yourself with fear, wanting to be careful with how you worded every part of this.
As both of their gazes fell on you, every nerve in your body felt as if it froze up, not wanting to speak another word, but knowing you had to.
"If I can prevent one of you from dying, I'd rather end this situation without a fight."
These two were supposed to be the closest people to your heart in the whole world. Jo, your oldest friend who had always protected you from what you couldn't understand in this world, and Chrollo, your destined soulmate, the one that the universe itself claimed would be the greatest friend that you could ever have.
You had understood since you were young that you wouldn't often be able to truly affect the world around you, always to slow to catch on or say something, but in this moment you could save someone you love, so you had to do something.
"(Y/N), no! Don't be stupid for me!" Jo was quick to interject, evidently trying to drag you back to your senses.
"I think it's their choice to make." Chrollo's deeper voice rang out through the room, reverberating through what felt like your whole body, a soft smirk appearing on his features.
"Look. I..." You trailed off, almost not ready to be so bold in what you were going to say next, "I want to keep both of you safe, and, well, from where I stand, the best way to do that is to end this... peacefully."
"Well then, come here." With his small smirk growing into a wide grin, Chrollo opened his arms just slightly, welcoming you in.
You felt almost to weak to stand, and as you did many times when you felt weak in the past, you looked to Jo.
"I won't stop you, I mean, I can't." They spoke after a brief pause, "But this is the wrong decision."
Although your heart was pained by their words, you knew that you had to take this next step on your own, for their own safety.
So, with shaky strides as Jo stepped to the side, you moved towards Chrollo, right into his waiting arms. As soon as you were close enough, he pulled you in tight to his chest, not letting you see the evil grin he sent Jo's way.
"Let's go, dear, everyone's waiting."
With all that had happened, you felt a lot less need to hold back your tears.
Thanks for reading!
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freehearts-runwild · 6 years
About Page Link
here is it > LINK <
Transcript under the cut in case if isn’t showing up/my theme makes it hard to read for some reason
Hey, Paige here!
Uh… I really don’t know what to say.
Well I guess I should start off with a list of my F/O’s, that seems pretty basic right?
Uh, I really don’t care about doubling up on that front either, if I’m in love with multiple people it wouldn’t be fair if they were restricted on that front! So don’t worry, I’m not here to be a rival. Gush at me all you want I’m just gonna reply “SAAAAME”
The List:
- Feitan (HxH) if you didn’t notice from the url of my main…
+ General Tag: #Fei
+ Aesthetic tag: #Sunfall
- N Harmonia (Pokemon) first ever crush lmao little 13 y/o me was GONE
+ General Tag: #N
+ Aesthetic tag: Harmonium
- Damien LaVey (Monster Prom) What can I say he’s Perfect.
+General Tag: #Dames
+ Aesthetic Tag: ArcaneCrown
- Genos (One Punch Man) again what commentary is there to be had?
+ General Tag: #Genos
+ Aesthetic Tag: #Cryptonic
-One I’m legit kind of scared to write down cause like low key I’m super embarrassed of it but I’ll refer to him as Al. his intitials are AFJ and if someone popped into your head that’s probably who it is. Sorry abt the vague entry it’s just I’m still not quite back from a rly toxic part of my life where I suppressed my love of him and the thing he’s from and it rly did a number on my mental health and I’m just… not quite ready to sing it from the heavens.
+ General Tag: #Al
+ Aesthetic Tag: #GoldenBoy
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