#WHY do they not sell Owlbert staffs?
crvstybowlofcereal · 1 year
i want more merch of things that belong to characters
i dont want a tshirt with that character on it, i want the tshirt that character wears!
i dont want a lunchbox with the logo and a few characters on the cover, i want the lunchbox we see them use in the show!
i dont want a plush of the character (ok maybe i do but also) i want the plush that character clearly loves!
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toh-writings · 3 years
Fortunes of Love Pt 2 (Eda x OC)
Eda and Niliana strike up a business deal. In the meantime, Luz tries to figure out what she's going to do about this love of hers.
Warnings: None
Pt 1  Pt2
“And then she said that I’d fall in love with someone close to me!” Luz said, eyes shining. Willow and Gus were listening intently, looking just as amazed.
“Whoa…” Gus said, voice quiet. “Amazing.”
“That’s great, Luz!” Willow said. “Do you know who it is?”
Luz thought for a moment, eyes squinting as she debated with herself. She shook her head.
“Not really. She said it might be one of my friends.” Luz narrowed her eyes at her two friends. “Do either of you like me?” She asked suspiciously. Her two friends looked at each other and shrugged.
“No, not really.”
“Not in that way.”
“Then who is it?”
The group went silent as they all thought it over. Suddenly, Gus began to giggle.
“Hey guys, what if-if it was Amity?”
Willow giggled a little at the suggestion, but Luz could only think about it. She thought about Amity, about how she read books to kids, how smart she was, the fun they had dancing together at grom, the grudgby match, her smile, that cute little giggle she had. The more she thought about it the redder her face got and the more the other two giggled.
“Ooooh, Luz has a cruuuush.” Gus said. Luz blushed harder, shoving his shoulder but all that accomplished was making them laugh harder. Luz laughed with them. She couldn’t help it, just was just a giggly person.
“Luz, you have to tell Amity!” Willow said. Gus nodded in agreement.
“I know, I know, but what do I even say?!”
Gus shrugged.
“Tell her about the fortune teller or something?”
Willow and Luz shook their heads.
“Whatever you do, can ya do it somewhere else? Your teenage gossip is scaring off the customers.” Eda gave them a hard look from her spot behind the stand’s counter.
The teen’s gave an apologetic look.
“Sorry, Eda! We’ll head off!” Luz said, ushering her friends away. “We can walk and talk, right guys?”
They, of course, agreed, but before they got too far Eda stopped them with a hand on Luz’s shoulder.
“You got this, kiddo.” She gave the girl a wink, earning her a smile.
“Thanks, Eda.”
Eda nodded, letting her go. She waved to them as they left, Luz waving back before continuing her talk with her friends. Eda shook her head and muttered “teenagers” under her breath. They’d figure it out eventually. She turned back to her shelves of human junk with a sigh.
“Alright, back to work.”
She decided it would help to rearrange the items a bit, put something different out front to catch the costumer's attention. It helped a little but overall it remained a slow day. Sure, it happened, but it was still aggravating. She was debating sending Owlbert out for more when she saw someone approaching from the corner of her eye. She instinctually put on her customer service face before dropping it for a smirk when she saw who it was.
“Nily! What a pleasant surprise.”
The other woman gave a little wave as she approached. She was wearing her hair down today, the dark curls reaching just below her shoulders. She wore casual clothes, probably off of work for the day or something of the sort, her staff in hand.
“What brings you out of the gloom and all the way to my stand?”
Niliana didn’t answer at first, her eyes gazing at the assorted human items. To anyone else, it would have just looked like she was perusing the available wears, but Eda liked to think she was better at reading people than most others. To her, she looked uncertain, like she was thinking something over that she probably should have figured out before coming over.
“I had a proposition for you.”
Eda raised an eyebrow at that.
“I’m listening.”
“Well, I had the idea that we could possibly work together. You know about my hobby making and fixing stuffed animals. What if I gave you some of them to sell at your stand?”
Eda laughed, shaking her head. Niliana crossed her arms, just waiting for her to stop, an irritated frown on her face.
“Oh, Nily, I sell human stuff at my stand! Your stuffed animals wouldn’t fit here.”’
“Which is why I would make them out of supplies from the human realm,” Niliana said, not missing a beat. Perhaps she thought this out more than Eda initially thought. “Just grab some discarded clothes or blankets, I make them into my animals, and you can market them as a piece of the human realm for children. You’ll be widening your market. If you want, I can buy the fabrics off of you so if they don’t sell you don’t lose anything.”
Yeah, she really did think through this.
“And what would you get out of it?” Eda asked.
Niliana didn’t have an immediate answer. She thought for a moment before responding.
“Other than a small portion of prophets,” Eda nodded. She expected as much. “I really don’t want anything.”
Eda looked doubtful. The other witch sighed.
“Honestly, Eda? I’m bored.” Niliana admitted, surprising Eda a bit. “I do the same thing day in and day out. I live in my tent, go to work, maybe work on a toy and that’s it. I just want something more. I want some excitement!” And for a moment, she brightened. Eda hadn’t even noticed how down she looked before, but now her eyes were alight with emotion, she stood up a little straighter and even her voice was a little louder. “What better way to step up things then working with Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles?”
Eda didn’t even need to think it over.
“Alright, you got yourself a deal!” She declared, and they shook hands. Niliana had the biggest smile on her face. Eda had to admit, that sort of guine smile suited her. “I was gonna send Olwbert anyways, I can get him to pick up some things for you to get started.”
At her words the wooden owl sprang to life with a little hoot, flying over to Eda’s outstretched hand. She smiled at him softly, giving him scritches and petting his adorable little cheek.
“Thanks, Eda.”
She looked back to Niliana, that soft smile never really leaving her face.
“Of course. I mean, who am I to deny someone a little excitement. Besides, it’s not like I’m gonna lose anything out of this. Worst comes to worst, I still manage to sell some of my wares. It’s a win-win!”
She turned away, entering her tent with a “Just one minute!” shouted over her shoulder. Now hidden away, she took the key out from its hiding place, pressing the eyes to open the door. With a few hushed words, she sent Owlbert away, ready to collect all sorts of new human memorabilia.
It didn’t take much for Luz to realize that yeah, she really did like Amity. She had wanted to be friends for so long she hadn’t even realized those feelings had changed. Of course, then there was the issue of whether or not Amity would like her back.
“She does,” Willow said, not a hint of doubt in her voice. They were walking through the market, cones of ice cream in their hands.
“How do you know?” Luz sounded uncertain and Gus gave a doubtful look, but Willow wasn’t deterred.
“Trust me, I can tell. Didn’t you see how red her face got when you picked her up after the game?”
“I didn’t notice…”
“You’re right!” Gus agreed, face brightening and a hand landing on his cheek. “Her face got so red!”
“Plus she said she loved how stupid you were sometimes right before.”
“And she called you sweet!”
“Honestly, I can’t believe we didn’t see it before.”
Luz could feel the heat in her cheeks, a smile on her face. This was perfect! But then her smile fell.
“That’s all good, but… how am I supposed to ask her out? I’ve never even dated before…”
“Can’t you just ask her? You like her, she clearly likes you, what more do you need?” Gus asked, head tilted to the side in confusion. Willow just shook her head.
“I’m sure that works for some people, but you can also make it this big thing! Maybe with flowers... “ Willow trailed off, already contemplating what arrangement would be best.
The three of them devolved into a fit of giggles. Luz felt lightheaded at the very thought of asking Amity out.
She didn’t really know how long it had been before they were headed back to Eda’s stand. An hour? Maybe two? Whatever the case, when the three teens returned Luz was surprised to find a familiar face at the stand, talking happily with Eda.
“Nily!” She cheered happily, running over to the witch.
“Oh, hello. Luz, right?”
She nodded.
“Yep! And these are my friends, Willow and Gus.” She waved to them as they caught up, giving their own shy little waves. She smiled at them, one of those warm parental smiles that some people had, the one that made you know they were a good person. They smiled back, not nearly as shy anymore.
“It’s nice to meet you two.”
“It’s nice to meet you two, Miss Niliana,” Gus said, stepping forward and offering his hand for a handshake. She took it and gave it a little shake. “Luz told us about you!”
“Did she? Well, I hope she said good things.”
“Yeah! She said you told her the future!” Willow said, beaming.
“And it’s been so helpful!” Luz pushed her way through the two to stand in front again. “You said I would fall in love with someone close to me! And I … think I figured out who.” Luz tried to turn her face away to hide the blush creeping onto her face. Niliana chuckled.
“You work fast don’t you?”
“But now I don’t know how to ask her out.” Luz sighed, looking a bit crestfallen. She looked back up when she felt a hand on her shoulder, the woman smiling down at her.
“Don’t worry too much.” Niliana said. “Love can be complicated, especially when you're young. Just don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be.”
Luz smiled at her, a hopeful smile. Maybe things would work out, she thought. She just needed to keep it simple!
Eda watched the interaction from her spot behind the counter, a soft smile on her face. She felt an odd sensation in her chest, one she was not entirely familiar with. It was all warm and fuzzy and other cheesy stuff like that. She didn’t like it, not one bit. The last time she felt anything even remotely similar to this it was with an old boyfriend of hers, one that ended up cheating on her for some cyclops floozy. It was not a pleasant memory.
“Anyways, you can pick up the supplies tomorrow.” Eda spoke up, interrupting their moment. Niliana turned her eyes to her, a little smile still on her face.
“Thanks, Eda! I’ll be sure to stop by to pick them up. I should have a few done in a week.”
“Sounds promising!”
The two shook hands and Niliana gave her goodbyes. The three teens shouted their own goodbyes back, waving madly. Eda waved too, albeit not with nearly as much energy. Her mind was far too occupied.
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rohad93 · 4 years
Moonlit Masquerade: Turning Pages
It was a warm, early summer day as Luz flew through the air back toward the owl house, grinning giddily to herself as the wind whipped through the long hair that laid over her undercut on the left side, her cloak flapping wildly behind her off her shoulders as the wind tugged at the short sleeves of her dark purple tunic.
She did a giddy spin and the leather pouches that held her glyphs and various other things flapped against the legs of her black pants.
The twenty-one-year-old zipped between the trees on her staff, she was so excited, she couldn't wait to show her mom and Lilith what she had bought today after packing up her stuff at the market.
"Luz, your home!" Hooty screeched the moment she burst through the tree line.
"Hey, Hooty." She smiled hopping off the staff with a flourish as he opened the door for her and she ran inside, dropping her satchel by the stairs.
"Mom, Lily!?" she called.
"In the kitchen!" Eda's voice called back.
She hurried into the kitchen where the two sisters were sitting at the table talking. It always surprised Luz at the wrinkles that had begun to line their faces over the last six years, though they both still looked great. Eda claimed hers were from Luz, and Lilith claimed hers were from Eda, which always made the young woman laugh, and Eda make a face.
Before she could think to say anything, Owlbrt was hooting at her from the counter.
"Hey buddy, you wanna play with Mochuelo?" She asked the small owl, who hooted wildly at her.
"Okay, okay, Owlbert, I know you missed your pal," she laughed.
She unscrewed the wooden tawny owl palisman from the top of her staff and set him on the counter next to a hooting Owlbert. Her palisman,  Mochuelo, gave himself a shake, fluffing his dark brown and white speckled feathers, golden-brown eyes blinking up at her.
She scratched both their heads and left the two to palisman play as she laid the empty staff against the counter.
"You're back early, already sell out all your potions in the market?" Eda cocked her head.
"Yup, not a thing left. I'll work on some more tomorrow, but forget about that, I have something to show you!" She stopped, looking around. "Is Amity here?"
"No, she hasn't come home yet, why?" Lilith cocked a brow at her and Luz grinned, digging something out of her pocket.
"This is why!" she exclaimed, pulling a small black box from her pocket.
"A box?" Eda asked. Luz rolled her eyes.
"No! Look!" She popped it open to reveal a bright gold ring inlaid with a deep, square-cut, magenta gemstone and two smaller, clear stones on either side of it.
The sisters both gasped.
"Luz is this…?" Lilith started.
"An engagement ring!?" Eda finished, looking up at Luz with wide eyes.
"Yup, I'm going to ask Amity to marry me," she declared proudly. "I mean, we've been living together for three years now and dating for six. I know there's no one else I want to be with."
"That's wonderful, Luz." Lilith stood and hugged her.
"Yeah, that's great!" Eda wrapped her up in a tight hug as soon as Lilith let go. Luz squeezed her back just as tight before finally pulling back. "Does this mean you two are finally moving out?" she asked with a grin as Luz blinked, wide-eyed.
"I mean… we can if you want us…" she started with a frown, but Eda just laughed.
"Naw, it'd be too quiet without you two. You two don't have to go anywhere unless you want to… and so long as you keep your bedroom door closed," she said seriously, making Luz chuckle.
How far they had come, from Eda being adamant that the bedroom door stay open when they were kids, to now demanding that it stay closed, lest she hear or see something she really didn't want to… again.
"Right, I'll talk to Amity about it later. I'm going to take her out to dinner tonight and pop the question." She grinned.
As if summoned by magic, the front door opened.
"I'm home!" A voice called from the living room.
Luz shoved the box back into her pocket as her girlfriend of six years walked into the kitchen with a few bags in one hand and her staff in the other.
Her long auburn hair fell down against her back in a smooth curtain, except the longer sides she still kept pulled back, no longer in a ponytail, but in a neat braid that also fell against her neck.
Her white cloak was hanging from her neck and one shoulder to partially expose the sleeveless black shirt she wore beneath, tucked into her pants and the arm warmers that covered from her fingers to elbow in the customary dark pink of someone of the abominations track, and even after all this time, her nails were still painted black.
"Oh, Luz, you're home from the market already." She looked at her, surprised.
"Yup, sold out of everything pretty quick today, so I figured I'd come home. How was your day, mi amor?" She asked, leaning forward to give her a quick kiss.
"Busy, there's no shortage of problems that need straightening out since they finally put the new coven system in place," she sighed. "I'm exhausted…"
"You probably don't feel like going out tonight then, eh? She frowned.
"I don't think so..." She shook her head as she twisted the wooden dragon off her staff and let the long, golden lizard crawl up her shoulder to wrap his long, scaled body around her neck, beneath the curtain of auburn hair.
"Hey, Calliban." Luz smiled as Amity scratched under his chin. The dragon's long whiskers twitched happily, a puff of smoke coming from his nostrils, his long tufted tail twitched.
"Was there something you wanted to do tonight?" Amity looked down at her as she scratched the palisman.
"Uh… no. We can go out another night." Luz shook her head, she could see how tired Amity was, and it wasn't like she couldn't propose at any time.
Amity nodded and set her bags on the counter.
"If you're sure, I just want to lay down and never get back up," she mumbled.
"I'm sure that can be arranged, mi amor" Luz smiled, wrapping her arms around her waist and setting her chin on her shoulder, though only barely, the witch stood a good five inches taller than her. Amity smiled, leaning back into her.
"Just close the damn door…," Eda mumbled. Luz stuck her tongue out at her and Amity rolled her eyes.
Luz pulled her close, letting the taller woman relax against her for a few moments before she pulled free with a sigh.
"I need to go shower," she mumbled and carefully set Calliban on Luz's shoulders before kissing her cheek and walking out of the kitchen.
Luz hummed, petting his smooth scaly body, his tiny claws pricked at her skin as he settled himself around her neck. His horns poking her under the chin.
"Guess it's not gonna happen tonight?" Eda looked at her.
"No, but it's okay, there's no rush," Luz said and dug the box out of her pocket.
"Will you hang onto this for me? I'd hate for her to find it in our room and ruin the surprise," she asked, holding the box out to Lilith.
"Of course, Luz." She nodded, taking the ring and slipping it into the pocket of her dress.
"Hey, why not me?" Eda sat up, frowning.
"You lost King just yesterday…" Luz frowned.
"He found his way home eventually," she mumbled.
"I think I'd feel better if Lily held onto it. That's three weeks of potions sales I'd really rather not have to replace…"
Eda crossed her arms, pouting while Lilith gave her a smug look.
"I guess I'll just get started on brewing some stuff before dinner." She pulled off her cloak and laid it over a chair as she walked over to the counter, crowded with her and Eda's brewing stuff.
"So, you've been trying to propose for a week now?" Willow asked as she sat across from Luz in the Redstone bakery sipping on her tea.
Luz sighed, nodding.
"I just want it to be perfect but we've both been so busy, if I'm not out helping with the reconstruction or selling potions in the market, Amity is attending council meetings and helping sort out the kinks in the new coven system. We're exhausted half the time…I'm not even sure when the last time we had s-.."
"Stop! You're both very busy. I know what you mean..."
"TMI, sorry," Luz chuckled sheepishly.
But Willow just nodded.
"There's still a lot to do and a vacuum to fill since we did away with Belos, but you know, maybe you're trying too hard for the perfect moment?"
"Hmm?" Luz hummed, blinking at her oldest friend.
"We both know Amity doesn't really want the big over the top gestures, so long as you're you, she'd never said no."
"I know… I just wanted to make it special, ya know?
"I'm sure it will be, you'll find that 'Luz' way of doing it." She smiled and Luz snorted, the fact that her name had become some kind of verb her friends liked to use amused her.
"Yeah, I'll think of something… ya ready to head into town?" she asked. Willow nodded and they stood, leaving some snails on the table as they left.
They spent the rest of the day checking on things in Bonesburough.
It had been a year since Belos had been defeated and the old coven system and regime had been dismantled, and things were still being reconstructed in town where some of the heaviest fighting had taken place between the rebels and the loyalists.
Luz hummed as she walked along the streets with Willow, in some ways the town had changed a lot in the last year, but in others had remained just the same
Without the coven system that bonded people to only one type of magic, the covens looked totally different. They still existed, only now rather than only being able to perform one type of magic, people could do it all no matter what coven they were in, but many still choose to join the covens so they could work with other like-minded witches in the types of magic they specialized in. They were more brotherhood's than forced chains pulled by the Emperor, some people often belonging to more than one coven at a time. Luz herself, for her part in the rebellion, was welcome in all nine of the major coven houses, though she didn't actively participate in any of their politics or meetings.
She usually visited to get advice about certain spells from the more experienced witches of the discipline's. They were always glad to see her in their midsts.
The downside to it no longer being against the law to not join a coven was that crime had gone up some, with the less unsavory members of society now having access to all types of magic. The night market was still quite robust, especially during the rebellion when a host of unsavory things have been going on. Luz tried not to think about those days too much.
The new governing system, a council of the new nine coven leaders, was still getting to its feet in controlling stuff, so a lot of things flew under the radar as they dealt with the bigger, more pressing issues, like any remaining pockets of loyalists. It was a work in progress, one Luz was happy to help with when she could. She'd actually gotten pretty good at playing bounty hunter, though Amity didn't like it at all. She didn't go out of her way hunting down criminal witches, they just showed up a lot in the market when she happened to be there, and Luz had never been one to stand idly by.
Things seemed pretty quiet today.
As they walked past the library Luz took notice of a poster pasted to its wall and suddenly she had a brilliant idea.
"Hey, I think I know what I wanna do." She turned to Willow with a bright grin. “I’m gonna need your help.”
"Sure, that was quick…," she laughed and Luz shrugged.
"I just remembered something. I think Amity would appreciate it…" She smiled and Willow nodded. "You think Gus would be my best man?" she asked.
"He'd beg you… not that I won't pretend I'm not a little insulted that you don't want to ask me." She pouted, crossing her arms and making Luz laugh.
"Like Amity would want anyone but you to be her maid of honor." Luz grinned, making the plant witch smile. "Though you might have to fight Em for it," she warned.
"She can bring it on." Willow grinned, making Luz laugh.
"Hey, tonight's the night," Luz announced to the living room as she walked down the stairs.
"You're proposing tonight?" Eda looked up at her daughter's grinning face.
"Yup, I know exactly what I want to do and it has to be tonight. I gotta get some stuff ready, you've got the ring right?" she asked Lilith, who nodded.
"Of course."
"Great, I'm going to come back and get it from you in a little bit!" Luz said as she hurried out the front door, staff in one hand, and a dark green book in the other.
The door slammed and Eda shook her head, grinning.
"I can't believe she's really going to do it…," she chuckled. When there was no response she turned to her sister who was sitting on the other side of the couch, frowning, her fingers tapping nervously on her knees.
"What?" Eda cocked a brow at her.
"I...may have... misplaced Amity's ring…," she mumbled, biting her lip. There was a long moment of silence.
"Ha! Now, who's irresponsible?!" Eda laughed, jumping up with a grin.
"Are you serious right now?!" Lilith jumped up, scowling as Eda did that stupid 'moonwalk' dance Luz had taught them.
"I'm not the one who lost the kid’s engagement ring…," Eda sang smugly, dancing across the living room.
Lilith groaned.
"Yes, fine, I lost it, now help me find it before Luz comes back!" She stomped.
"And why would I do that?" Eda crossed her arms.
"Because she's your daughter, and she's going to be devastated that she can't propose because the ring was lost!" Lilith growled, and Eda frowned. Her sister had a point, as much as she liked getting one over on her older sister she wasn't going to do it at her kid's expense. She also knew what Luz sold her potions for, three weeks profit on one ring was nothing to sneeze at
"Alright, alright, where did you have it last?"
"It was sitting on my dresser last night, but when I woke up, it was gone." Lilith sighed, rubbing her temple.
"Well it can't have gotten too far then, let's check your room." The two hurried up the stairs.
They tear Lilith's room apart for over an hour searching for the ring and only find the box, sitting underneath the edge of her bed.
"It's not here!" Eda growls. Lilith sits on her bed, head in her hands.
"Luz and Amity are never going to speak to me again…," she moans.
"Yea…  not sure even Luz can forgive this one…," Eda mumbled and Lilith groaned louder.
"What's up witches?"
They look up at King, standing in the doorway.
"Lily lost Luz's engagement ring…," Eda sighed, hand on her hip.
"How irresponsible. She should have given it to me." He laid a clawed hand on his chest and there was a glint, drawing both sisters' eyes.
There, hanging on the tip of one of his claws was the ring.
Lilith and Eda tackled the small demon, who squealed as they jumped him, trying to wriggle out of their grasp.
"You took this from my room!" Lilith scowled, holding up the ring out of King's reach as he jumped up, trying to grab it.
"Oh, is that Luz's ring? I thought it was an offering." He crossed his arms.
Eda rolled her eyes and Lilith growled.
"Do you know how mad Luz will be if we tell her you stole her ring?" Eda looked down at him with a frown.
King hunched down at that, eyes turning fearful.
Then they heard the front door open downstairs.
"Up here, kid," Eda called as Lilith quickly slipped the ring back into its box and closed it.
Luz poked her head in the room.
"Oh, what's everyone doing in here?"
They all glanced at each other.
"Uhuh… I don't believe that but I don't have time to question it. The ring?" she asked.
“Right here!” Lilith handed over the box.
"Great, thanks. Wish me luck!" She smiled before taking off back down the stairs. They all waited until they heard the door open and shut before sighing in relief.
~ ~
It was dark when Amity hopped off her staff outside the library. The tall building stood empty and dark, it was well after closing time after all.
She wasn't sure why Luz wanted her to meet her here, but she'd gotten pretty used to just rolling with her girlfriend's eccentric ways for the most part over the years. It was easier to not question it. She spun a finger and her staff vanished.
She walked up the steps heels clicking quietly on the stone as she looked around. The building had remained unchanged over the years, it had luckily been one of the few large buildings to be spared during the fighting, for which she was glad. She had many fond memories of the library, it was, for a long time, her only place of safety and solitude from her sometimes, over the top siblings, but more importantly, from her always overbearing and controlling mother, and then had been her and Luz’s secret place for the first some odd months of their relationship, until they had been allowed to be public about it.
The secret room in the romance section had all but been abandoned after her eighteenth birthday when she moved out of Blight Manor and into the owl house with Luz.
She stood at the top near the door, looking around. Now, where was her adorable doofus?
She felt the tingle of familiar magic pull at the back of her mind and turned in time to see Luz become visible, leaning against one of the library pillars as the glow of her palisman’s eyes faded, but her bright grin did not as she slipped the staff into the holster beneath her cloak.
“Buenas noches, mi amor. ¿Cómo estás esta noche?” She took a step forward to stand in front of her and Amity grinned back.
“Mejor, ahora que estás aquí, querida," She mumbled, taking hold of the collar of Luz’s cloak and pulling her in for a kiss, making Luz grin. “Now, are you going to tell me why we’re here?”  she asked, stepping back.
“I just felt like a walk down memory lane,” she shrugged, smiling. “Also considering what tonight is...”
“Tonight?” Amity blinked. Luz jerked her thumb at a poster on the wall and Amity’s eyes widened.
“The wailing star…” How long had it been since she’d thought about that? At least six years, since the time the twins had tried to take her diary as a kid.
“Come on, it’s about to start!” Luz walked over to the door, she flipped open one of her pouches and leafed through the many different papers before pulling out the one she wanted and pressed it to the library door. It dissolved in a flash of pale blue and the door made a quiet click and she pushed it open.
Amity smiled and followed her. When you considered all the trouble Luz could and had gotten into over the years, walking around the library at night wasn’t even worth the breath to protest, not that she really wanted to.
She closed the door behind her and as they walked into the main entry room of the library just as the large stained glass window above them lit up with the light of the passing star, the green glow settled over the books and Luz quickly grabbed a book off the shelf and opened it. Snakes slithered out, making her grin.
“I didn’t really get to enjoy this last time we were here during the wailing star... being too busy trying not to get killed by my favorite childhood book character and all," she chuckled and Luz grinned.
“Same,” she laughed as they moved up and down the aisles, picking up books. Luz saw a familiar book and grinned, pulling it off the shelf and whipping around to Amity.
“Hey, babe!”
Amity looked up just in time to be blasted in the face with a deluge of snowballs.
“You are so dead!” She yelled at her girlfriend’s back as she took off down the aisles, half screaming, half laughing as Amity gave chase, snatching her own copy of ‘A History of Snowballs’ off the shelf.
They chased each other around the bookshelves for a while before finally calling a truce.
Luz giggled as she closed the book and the remnants of snow vanished from Amity’s hair.
“Come on, I know somewhere we haven’t been in a while…” she slid her book back on the shelf.
“I have a pretty good idea of where we’re going.” Amity smiled, walking beside her to the romance section of the library.
“Maybe…” She smiled.
Amity chuckled as they stopped in the romance section and she reached up to pull at a familiar book.
The bookcase slid aside to reveal what once had been such an important place to her, then to them, and now stood dusty and empty, with cobwebs hanging off the candlesticks and rafters. She’d long moved all her books and more important things out of the room and into her and Luz’s room at the owl house.
“It’s dusty…," Amity hummed, running her fingers over the empty shelves inside.
“A bit…, I don't think we've really been here in three years,” Luz agreed.
Amity glanced around before she saw a book sitting in the middle of her old desk, it wasn't dull or covered in dust like everything else in the room.
She walked forward and picked it up, Luz watching her with a knowing smile.
It’s dark green, leather-bound cover was soft in her hands. She blinked down at the title, written in her girlfriend’s familiar looping writing.
‘The Tale of Luz & Amity’
She looked over her shoulder at her girlfriend who was watching her with a grin.
“What is this?”
“Why don’t you open it and find out?” she retorted, still smiling. Amity cocked a brow but turned her attention back to the book and flipped open its cover.
The first page had a memory picture pasted to its pages, one she immediately recognized as the magic of the wailing star worked on it and a small, fourteen-year-old version of her and her girlfriend materialized on the pages.
Them in the cafeteria at Hexside, Amity on her knees on the table, and her hands wrapped around Luz’s collar.
“I know you’re in there! Who are you, what are you? I want answers!”
Amity chuckled to herself, watching a younger her shake an abomination goo covered Luz like a ragdoll.
She smiled over her shoulder at Luz, who was looking at her with both brows raised encouragingly.
The next page was their meeting at the covention.
'Oh, it's you, Willow's abomination… thing.'
'Heyyyy Amity…. so, funny story, Not, an abomination, sorry for the confusion last week. I'm Luz, the human, hi.'
'Ugh, put that away.'
Amity shook her head at her younger self. If only she knew then what she knew now.
She flipped the page and this time the little figures of the two of them were partially sewed into a book, running from Odabin in this very library..
‘Now what?’
‘I don’t know! I didn’t even think that would work, I was all like ‘arghh!’
She still smirked at the sheer dumbness of that plan.
The next page held another familiar scene.
'Azura book club? Azura book club!?' an excited Luz bounced.
'As long as it's a secret club, okay?' Amity whispered, cheeks pinking.
She turned the page and watched as the next memory photo popped up, the two of them in Willow’s memories, just after sliding the flaming inner Willow into the lake.
‘Whoo, teamwork, baby!’ The younger Luz wrapped her arms around younger Amity and squeezed her.
She smiled to herself as she turned the page to watch the next scene play out in its entirety.
‘Well, if that’s settled, may I have this dance?’ she held out her hand, and Luz’s filled it.
She grinned at the next one, Luz scooping up her and her broken foot after playing grudgby against Boscha.
Then, pasted to the next page was one of the letters Luz had written to her as her secret admirer. She smiled down at it, though in the back of her mind she wondered how Luz had found it, she kept them all in a special box in their closet.
A younger and bashful looking Luz rose up from the paper with a handful of Blood-Blossoms.
‘These flowers could never be as beautiful as you, but I hope you like them anyway...”
There were also a couple of memories from the Masquerade, their dancing, and after the party had ended in her bedroom. Luz stood behind her, quietly, watching, waiting.
She flipped through its many pages, trying not to get too teary-eyed at some, like the night under the grom tree on their one month anniversary, their first fall shower, or her fifteenth birthday. Of course, Luz also included their fight with the illusion track upperclassmen, their first fight, her first numberry tripout when they were camping and that first, awkward dinner with her parents, as well as another first time she quickly flipped past, cheeks red and Luz, snickered behind her as she rolled her eyes.
Of course, she would add that...
She grinned, eyes glazed over with unshed tears at their second grom, graduation when she'd moved into the owl house, and a host of all the other things in between them were brought to life by the wailing stars' magic.
She turned the page about halfway through the book to find the last page with nothing on it.
This one did not contain a memory photo, instead, stuck inside it was a sticky note with a simple single line of text, the magic of the wailing star made the small magic copy of her girlfriend appear on the page, looking up at her.  
‘Will you help make the next one by saying yes?’
Amity blinked.
“What? Say yes to wh-” she turned and dropped the book, hands shooting up to cover her mouth as she looked down at Luz on one knee, holding up a small box with a sparkling ring sitting in it.
Luz’s heart was beating in her chest so hard she thought for sure it was about to break some of her ribs. Her mouth was dry, but she somehow managed to speak.
“Amity Blight, will you continue our story with me and marry me?” she asked.
What was in reality only a few seconds felt like an eternity as Luz watched the tears well up in her eyes and drip down her cheeks, her mouth working soundlessly.
“Yes!” she finally managed to shout when she could speak again.
Luz broke out into a bright smile and jumped up, pulling the ring out of the box and taking hold of her girlfriend's shaking left hand, and slipping the ring on her finger.
As soon as it was in place Amity practically flung herself on her, kissing her, even as tears slid down her cheeks.
Luz couldn't stop grinning even as her own eyes welled with tears, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around while Amity squeezed her neck.
She finally set her down but Amity didn't let go.
"I love you," She choked, face buried in her neck.
"Yo también te amo, Amity" she mumbled, squeezing her.
After several long minutes, she finally pulled back and Luz grinned at her, wiping the tears from her pale cheeks before she reached down to pick up the book and handing it to Amity.
"Try not to set these on fire…" Luz grinned and Amity gave her a gentle shove.
"Never," she promised as she really looked at the ring now sitting on her finger and tears threatened to fall again.
"It's beautiful, Luz…" she sniffled, and looked up at her, smiling, and Luz smiled back at her.
It was late when they finally left the library and headed home on Luz's staff.
All the lights were still on in the owl house when they arrived.
Lilith and Eda were both sitting in the living room, along with Gus and Willow when they walked in.
They were looking at them, trying not to appear expectant in case Luz hadn't asked but she grinned at them and held up Amity's hand.
"She said yes!" she declares and the living room erupted with cheers and congratulations.
"I'm going to get the good apple blood!" Eda grinned, disappearing into the kitchen, Lilith following behind her to help.
"Dibs on best man!" Gus called, jumping up.
"You got it." Luz laughed.
"So, was it everything you dreamed it would be?" Willow asked, sliding up to Amity, who smiled at her before glancing at her new fiancée as she talked excitedly with Gus and held the precious leather book in her hands.
"It was perfect."
Before anyone absolutely loses their minds, no, this isn't the end, but a secondary plotline that will take place between their adventures as teenagers in the past.
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decisionparalysis · 4 years
Owl House Theory: Forgotten Palisman (Spoilers for all of Season One)
Key Pieces of Information:
- Eda says that witches and Palisman are bonded for life (I read into this phrase a lot)
- Bat Queen is the guardian of Palisman who no longer have a staff, they are considered “forgotten”
- Many of the Forgotten Palisman look to be injured in some way, scratched or cracked
- There are a lot of witches that have been petrified
- Emperor Belos tasks Lilith with destroying Eda’s staff
The Forgotten Palisman belong to the petrified wild witches. “Bonded for life” implies that Palisman can’t simply be discarded for no reason, or replaced. Where would a replacement even come from? The conventional way to receive a staff is by graduating school, something people tend to only do once. Eda made Owlbert herself, but this is likely very difficult to do and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s illegal under Belos’ reign. And I don’t remember seeing anyone sell staffs. Or Palisman. So I think it’s safe to say that witches aren’t trading in old Palisman for new ones. You get one Palisman, and that is your Palisman for the rest of your life. But I also don’t think the witches bonded to the Forgotten Palisman are dead either.
"Bonded for life,” what does that mean? What purpose does this bond serve? What happens when the witch dies? Palisman are wood carvings brought to life by magic. I think it’s fair to assume that this magical “bond” is what gives a Palisman sentience. In return, the Palisman imbues magic into their staff. If that’s the case, then the Palisman would likely lose this sentience when the bond is broken (i.e. when the witch dies). It just doesn’t make sense logistically for a Palisman to outlive their witch. If Palisman were immortal, the Boiling Isles would be overrun with them after a few generations. Not to mention, Bat Queen thinks Owlbert is “forgotten” even though she knows Eda is alive. And if she doesn’t know Owlbert is bonded to Eda, Luz is right in front of her claiming responsibility for him. She is angry at the witches who have “abandoned” their Palisman. She thinks they did something wrong. Even if Palisman were immortal, she’s been around long enough to learn that witches aren’t. It’s a bit unreasonable to be mad at mortals for dying. 
The Forgotten Palisman are still sentient, therefore they are still bonded to witches who lost their staffs but not their lives. The petrified witches fit this mold best. We know witches sentenced to petrification have their staffs destroyed. This could explain why the Forgotten Palisman are damaged. Of course, this implies that petrification isn’t lethal. I don’t think anyone right now is really buying that it truly “can’t be reversed.” Partial petrification can be undone, as we see Lilith do for Eda. It’s entirely possible that full petrification is also reversible, but Belos won’t let anyone try.
The Bat Queen’s anger is misplaced. She thinks that witches are damaging their own Palisman, that the Forgotten are cursed to stay bonded to a witch that doesn’t want them until the end of their abuser’s life. But she’s wrong. The Forgotten were not discarded because they were broken, they were broken in an attempt to discard them. Wild witches are imprisoned by the Emperor’s Coven, their staffs seized and destroyed to hinder their escape, then petrified. Because this doesn’t truly kill witches, their Palisman remained sentient and were able to escape whatever trash heap they were thrown into. 
Now this is where it gets real sad. Perhaps the Forgotten don’t understand why they were abandoned either. Owlbert runs away from Luz because she accidentally hurt him. We immediately understood that it was an accident, but did Owlbert? Palisman seem to be just a little more intelligent than animals. Bat Queen being the most intelligent, given that she can speak in full sentences, but who knows what kind of ancient giant magic was used to animate her (or what she’s even made of, because she doesn’t look wooden and I’ve certainly never seen a wooden carving that could reproduce). Creatures like Palisman aren’t going to understand the politics surrounding “wild magic” or why their staff is being destroyed. All they know is that they’re in danger and their witch isn’t there to protect them. 
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zootopiathingz · 4 years
A King’s Crown
"Alright, let's see what we've got." Eda said as she ruffled through the bag Owlbert had just brought back to her from the human realm. He stood back on top of the staff as the witch examined each of the precious items he had scoured.
Various objects such as dolls, fake jewelry, lighters, soaps, etc. had been collected by the owl. Many of these were bound to sell at her stand. Just as long as she didn't get caught by the guards again, she would be fine.
The day dragged on, barely anyone even showing up to her shop, let alone buying anything. There were slow days, so Eda wasn't entirely disappointed. There was always next weekend for her to make more money, anyway. By the time the sun was setting, she figured she'd call it a day and head back home before Hooty got himself into trouble somehow. She wrapped the leftover items in a towel and secured it on the edge of her staff before she abandoned her stand and made her way into the streets of Bonesborough.
As Eda strolled through the town (carefully), she took notice to how it was oddly vacant for this time of day. But she didn't think much of it. She thought that maybe everyone was just taking a lazy day, and maybe that was why she barely had any customers. She decided to take a shortcut home and turned into an alleyway, which was a good spot to be if she didn't want to be seen by any bypassers.
Not looking exactly where she was going, she tripped over a cardboard box and fell onto the concrete ground, dropping her staff, which caused all of the items to fall out of the towel. She groaned and rubbed her arm as she sat up, trying to compose herself and act like nothing happened.
And that's when she heard an amused gasp from the other side of the alleyway.
She raised a brow and looked over, seeing a small figure in the shadows. She couldn't tell exactly what it was, but she could assume it was a creature by its tail and it's yellow eyes that lit up in the darkness. She wasn't given much time to ponder, though, as the figure immediately ran over in her direction.
"My crown!" It cried out as it ran out from the shadows, revealing itself. Eda tilted her head, examining the small, dark-furred creature with a fluffy tail and a skull of some sort over its head. "My beautiful crown! You've come back to me!"
Eda blinked when she saw the creature grab a fake crown that had fallen out of her sack. It stared at the item in awe, which further intrigued the owl lady. Perhaps she could sell it to the creature, if it was that interested.
"You like that, huh?" Eda asked, which made the creature jump in surprise, "One of my most precious and expensive items on the market."
The creature scowled her and hugged the crown as if to protect it. "This isn't yours!" He scoffed, "This crown belongs to me, the king of demons!"
Now Eda was more confused than intrigued. "I'm sorry, you're the king of demons?" She asked, pointing at him. She didn't buy it for a second. This creature was far too small and helpless to be a demon, let alone the king. Even if it was true, what would he be doing in an alleyway in Bonesborough when he could be doing literally anything else? And why would he believe that this cheap branded crown was actually his?
"Well, yes. I know it doesn't seem believable, but I wasn't always this...tiny." He sighed, bowing his head. "My crown was stolen from me long ago, and ever since I've been the butt of everyone's joke and I have nowhere to go."
Eda narrowed her eyes, but nonetheless, she admittedly felt bad for the poor little guy. The way he spoke and appeared made it seem believable to her. Even if his story was false, he was still out here, alone in the darkness, thin and cold. Eda's first thought was to take the crown back and leave, but she knew she couldn't do it without feeling guilty in the end. She knew she had to help this creature.
"Well then, King," She said with a grin, taking the crown from his hands and placing it on his head, "This one's on the house."
The demon looked at her in surprise, mainly because he wasn't used to someone actually showing him attention, or even still calling him a king. He then smiled and wagged his tail, "Thanks, stranger. You got a name?"
"Eda, the Owl Lady." She said proudly.
"Nice to meet you." He nodded.
"I'm sure it is." She raised a brow, "Say, how would you like a place to stay for a while? And in return, you help me run my business?" She offered.
The demon pondered it for a moment before nodding enthusiastically. "Deal! You got snacks at your place?" He asked her curiously.
Eda chuckled as she gathered the items back into the towel, standing up with her staff over her shoulder. "I'll see what I can do. Come on, King. We've got work to do."
She then picked him up and placed him on the staff before sitting on it and letting it take flight toward the Owl House.
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