#screw a plushy of King (actually i would love a king plushy) give me a fashion choker collar with his little titan symbol on it
crvstybowlofcereal · 1 year
i want more merch of things that belong to characters
i dont want a tshirt with that character on it, i want the tshirt that character wears!
i dont want a lunchbox with the logo and a few characters on the cover, i want the lunchbox we see them use in the show!
i dont want a plush of the character (ok maybe i do but also) i want the plush that character clearly loves!
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zerolympiustrife · 5 years
ZOS’ short stories 20
Title: Jaune Arc’s Secret Stand of Puns! The King of Puns has come! (RWBY)
Note: This contains Dragonslayer (Jaune x Yang)
Jaune (looking at himself in a mirror): Alright, we can do this. My fellow teammates have even helped me on this. We’ve literally been training for this for about a week now. We can do this. I know we can! *Takes a deep breath* Alrighty then, let’s do this! I’m going to be the king of puns!
10 minutes later...
Ruby: Weiss! I’M BORED!!!
Weiss: Go annoy Blake or Yang or something.
Ruby: But Blake’s reading filth and Yang’s practicing for what kind of stupid puns she’s coming up next!
Yang: That I am, Rubes!
Blake: Huh? What was that?
*Team RWBY walk out of their room, then they see a stand down the hallway being run by Jaune, who’s wearing a suit*
Jaune: Ladies and Gentlemen, come one, come all! Welcome, to my secret stand!
Blake: It’s not so much of a secret if it’s just out of the open...
Weiss: It’s probably just another stupid attempt to woo me over.
Ruby: You don’t know that! I’m gonna check it out!
Yang: Wait up, Rubes!
*Team RWBY approach the stand, Blake steps up first*
Jaune: Ah, hello Blake! May I interest you in some fish? Or a mice?
Blake: Ooh, I like both of those things!
Jaune: Then I would admice you to eat this with caution.
*Jaune gives her a bag of fish chips and mice chips*
Weiss (deadpan): ...Oh great. You’re resorting to puns and snacks to woo women.
Jaune: Hey now, who said I was doing that? But I’m certainly not doing... *pulls a string, causing his suit to inflate like a balloon* ...fat.
Weiss: Kill me.
Jaune: Woah woah woah! Snow down there, Rice Schnee! *Holds up a small bowl of rice* I don’t want you having a Death Fish! *Puts a small dead fish on the rice*
Blake (eyes widened): Gimme gimme gimme!
Weiss (appalled): Oh my god...
Jaune: Or should I say... *Holds up a mouse plushie with Weiss’ hairstyle, jacket, and her weapon* Mice Schnee?
Weiss (holding her face): RRRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!!!
Ruby (snickering at Weiss expense): Okay, I’ll admit: As much as I hate puns, this is actually pretty funny.
Jaune: I agree, Ruby! It is pretty fanny! *Pulls out a fanny pack*
*Yang bites the bottom of her lip*
Ruby: Screw you, Jaune.
Jaune: When, where, and how hard?
Ruby (appalled): Eww!
Weiss: You deserved that, Ruby.
Jaune: Haha! You fell into my trap! My ruby trap!
Ruby (sighing): Yang, can we-
*Yang starts breathing heavily, with her face slowly starting to blush*
Yang (internally): Why...do I suddenly...feel tingly down there...?
Ruby: Yang? Are you alright?
Yang (panting): I’ll be right back. Ruby, can you do your big sis a favor, take your scroll and livestream this entire thing for me? I’d do it myself, but...I’m starting to come down with a fever.
Ruby (squinting at her): What’s it gonna cost ya?
Nora: We’ll do it!
*Nora and Ren appear*
Yang: Really? Ah, sweet. Thanks guys. *Immediately runs back to her room, gets on her bed, gets out her scroll and watches the livestream coming from the hallway*
Yang (internally, panting heavily): Yes! Yes! Yes! Keep going, vomit boy! Don’t stop!
Ren: Allow me. *Takes his scroll and starts streaming*
Jaune: Aw, you’d livestream this whole stand for me, Ren? Thanks a brunch! *pulls out a tray of pancakes, eggs, and bacon* That’s so generous of you, Ren! Or should I say...Renerous.
Nora (fawning): Renerous...mmmm yes!! ...Ren is indeed quite...Renerous...
Jaune: Hey Nora, you love Ren, right?
Nora: More than anything in the world, awesome leader! He’s like a shining beacon of light to me!
Jaune (stroking his chin): Light, huh? I suppose that would make him a Norora Borealis!
*Nora’s eyes widened and gives Jaune a big, toothy grin*
Jaune: Hey, Blake! I would admice you to not be as stuck-up, selfish, and short-tempered as Weiss! Otherwise I’d have to call you Blake Primadonna!
*Blake completely ignores him, eating the food*
Weiss: Excuse me?!
Jaune: *To Weiss* Sorry, that was unclawed for. *To Blake* But...I’m quite pawsitive you won’t be like her.
*Blake nods*
Weiss (angry): You wanna say that again to my face, Jaunathon?!
Jaune: You heard me, heatheart! There’s no need to be so shellfish! *Pulls out a shellfish*
Yang (face against her pillow, listening to the livestream): Oooohhh yes!!! OOOOHHHH YES!!! YES!!! Jaune! Jaune! JAUNE!!! *Moans loudly against her pillow*
Weiss: Jaune, I swear to god.
Jaune: Now why would you swear to gods? I don’t think they would approve of profanity.
*Ruby and Weiss facepalm in unison*
Jaune: Hey now, keep palm and carry on!
Weiss: Words cannot describe how much I want to turn you into an ice sculpture right now.
Jaune: I’m sure my sculpture would be quite famous. In popular sculpture.
Weiss (gritting her teeth): JAAAAAAAAAUNE!!!
Yang: THAT’S IT!!! *Barges out of the room, runs up to the stand, pounces on Jaune and pins him to the ground*
Jaune (knocked down): Wah! *His suit deflates*
Yang (eyes glared and smile widened, gripping onto his shirt collar): You. Me. My room. My bed. RIGHT. NOW.
Jaune (nervously): Uh...I...O-Okay!
*Yang’s grins evilly, picks up Jaune and runs back to her room with him wrapped around her arm*
Yang: I’m gotta use the room alone, guys! Go hang out with Team JNPR or something! *Slams the door*
Jaune (offscreen): Ah! Yang! Why are you taking off your clothes?!
Yang (offscreen): Come to mama!
*Pyrrha enters the scene*
Pyrrha: Hey guys, what’s going on?
Blake: You’ve missed A LOT.
Weiss: Be grateful that you did.
Ruby: I don’t even...
Ren: Should I stop streaming now?
Nora: Yeah, I think we should, Renerous. *Giggles, then pecks Ren on the cheek*
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squeemcsquee · 5 years
Anime Iowa 2019: Friday
Hoo boy, I’ve been sitting on this review for too long. I got lazy, I suppose. But the problem of being lazy when reviewing cons is you start forgetting things, and this is one of the ways I like to remember.
Anyway, self-induced guilt trip aside, let’s dive in.
This was my first Anime Iowa but a return visit of sorts for @lechevaliermalfet - I say “of sorts” because he attended in the early years of the con and when it was in Coralville. For 2019, Anime Iowa was in Des Moines.
Just like when we attended Anime Midwest last year, @lechevaliermalfet and I drove to the con on Friday, rather than booking an additional night in the hotel. Well, he drove - I just goofed off on my phone in the car and snapped a photo for some of our friends as we passed by Bettendorf.
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It’s our twisted version of this: 
We didn’t quite get started at the time we planned, due to some last-minute grocery shopping for at-con meals. Des Moines is about a 4-hour drive away, and while we didn’t figure we’d arrive right at the start of the con, I think we both initially expected to arrive before 1pm. Oh well. 
Finding our hotel and the con itself was easier than I’d feared. We were staying at the Comfort Inn and were basically right off of the interstate. 
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What I did find interesting was that we actually had our names checked against a guest list by a security guard in the hotel parking lot before we could park. When we did check in, we were greeted by a fellow nerd, who commented (based on our shirts) about “being among my people.” 
We treated ourselves to a king room and it was very comfortable for the weekend, honestly. 
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From the hotel, we walked to the convention center, which was only a few blocks away. I discovered that I could easily hit a few PokeStops during that walk. 
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Once we got to the convention center, THAT is where things got confusing, as we weren’t certain of the appropriate entrance.
When we did find it, a helpful Anime Iowa staffer was seated outside, giving directions to the registration desk.They boiled down to “go to your right till you get to the escalators, take those upstairs, then turn left, go down the hall, turn right, down the hall, and right again...and then down the escalators. There are signs, don’t worry!” 
...Yeah. Despite one set of doors being fairly close to where we walked in, they didn’t allow two-way traffic into the registration / official con merch / snack bar area. So if you were getting your badge, buying Anime Iowa swag, or just trying to nom some fries, you had to go upstairs and across the con center to go back downstairs where you wanted to be. It...really wasn’t that practical. I’m sorry. @lechevaliermalfet probably heard me whine about it for a good chunk of the weekend, as it screwed with my sense of direction - which is shaky at best when in new territory. 
Registration itself was actually fairly quick and painless. We registered at con, since we actually weren’t certain until the week beforehand that my work schedule would work out (my job is regularly short-staffed). Our poor starving registration staffer thankfully got munchies delivered right as they handed us our badges. 
After that, we just wandered for a bit, getting a feel for the convention center and the atmosphere. And I have to say, Anime Iowa is very welcoming. We made a few new con friends over the course of the weekend, actually. I hope we get to see them next year. And there were more fans who appeared to be in their 30s, like us, though plenty of younger fans were running around too, of course. Anime Iowa also constantly paid homage to older anime with the artwork of their mascot, Buu-Chan.
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Also, folks on staff clearly had an awesome playlist for the music going over the con center speakers whenever the con was open. I heard many beloved anime opening and ending themes, Disney tunes in Japanese, and more. 
I know we browsed the dealer’s room off and on during the con and we did hit the AMV room at least once in between panels, but I can’t give quite the blow-by-blow I’ve managed in the past, partly because of how late I am on this review.
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@lechevaliermalfet thought it was beyond wrong that there was a Charlotte plushie there. I loved it but didn’t buy it.
Thankfully, I did screenshot the schedule, so at least I still can remember the panels we went to!
But as an aside, that was the other major organizational aspect of Anime Iowa that bothered me. The printed program listed the full panel info...but in alphabetical order instead of chronological and some panels weren’t listed. The missing listings didn’t bother me as much - that’s just sadly a hazard of having to do some last-minute shuffling after you’ve sent your order to the printer. But not having a chronological schedule that I could flip through meant I was constantly checking my phone for information - I took screenshots of the web schedule and referred to those or the posted schedules by the panel rooms to verify I was in the right place at the right time.
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Anyway, our first panel of the day was the Q&A with J. Michael Tatum. Now, I’m honestly not the best with remembering who voiced what, with a handful of exceptions if a character left an impression. So I couldn’t initially place characters with the name - but I didn’t mind. I learned early on, from when @shbumi and I were basically the only guests at a minor voice actor’s panel at Anime St. Louis way back when, that talent panels are always informative. And usually entertaining, though that can depend on the hour of the day and how caffeinated the guest is. 
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Our second panel of the day was Greg Ayres’ Q&A panel. You would think we’d be bored of attending his events at cons now, seeing as how he’s almost always around at Anime Zap. But nope - and at Anime Iowa, in all of his panels, we were rewarded with some new stories we hadn’t heard before. And Ayres’ storytelling ability is part of why we love his panels.
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Our third panel of the night was Six Degrees of Shinji Ikari. It’s sad that this panel only attracted a small crowd, honestly. It relies heavily on audience participation and bullshitting abilities. And yes, it really is just using the “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” social game, only done with anime/game characters. But it was super entertaining - more so when the challengers weren’t familiar with both of the characters they were expected to link. 
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The fourth and final panel was Greg Ayres’ 18+ panel. Some classic stories referencing Grindr and Jigglypuff, but also newer stories involving VAs farting in unfortunate circumstances and determining the question of “What do you do when you are in a bathroom with no TP/kleenex/towels/etc and need to wipe?”
Also, Greg Ayres’ doesn’t allow photo/video during his panel, but he was goofing off with his hair beforehand and I did snag a photo of that.
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After that, the con center closed down for the night. @lechevaliermalfet and I did get slightly turned around, since we followed the crowd exiting the building. The upside to that is that we learned that the Hyatt that was hosting late-night events was connected via skywalk, and just how far it was from our hotel. But that was all the exploring we felt up to for Friday, so that also ended our con for the day.  
My Anime Iowa 2019 coverage
1) Cosplayers of Anime Iowa, Part 1
2) Cosplayers of Anime Iowa, Part 2
3) Anime Iowa 2019: Friday (current post)
4) Anime Iowa 2019: Saturday
5) Anime Iowa 2019: Sunday 
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Astral Land
Rating: G
Pairing: Promptis, undertones of Gladnis cause I can’t help myself
Summary: Noctis takes Prompto to astral Land for the first time, and the way Prompto’s eyes light up like a kid in a candy store makes Noctis’ heart feel so warm.
Note: I know the word limit was like, 550 but I don’t write short fics well so heres this
Read On Ao3
For 4ssassin4hire
(It won’t let me tag :( )
Noctis remembers Prompto saying he’d never been to Astral Land, a huge amusement park right on the edge of Insomnia that was themed all around the Six. Noctis was in disbelief, how had he NOT gone to Astral Land? Didn’t he go on the field trip back in grade school?
Noctis had full intentions to change this. So, upon much pestering to Ignis, who then had to get permission from the king, Noctis got the okay to take his blonde friend to the amusement park for the day, along with his advisor and shield who were told they could enjoy the festivities as well, so long as they kept close and kept an eye on Noctis.
Gladio seemed thrilled, Ignis not so much.
So here they were, standing in the center square of the huge park. Noctis grinned as he saw Prompto’s eyes seem to light up as they scanned the park.
“I’ve downloaded the map for the park on your Phone, Noctis.” Ignis noted, his own phone in his hand. “Do be careful not to get lost, and do not stray far from Gladio and I, please.”
“Yeah yeah Mom, whatever,” Noctis said, waving his hand as he grinned, scanning his own phone as he looked at all the rides. “Oh oh! This one’s new!” he said, standing shoulder to shoulder with Prompto as he showed him his screen, pointing to a ride called ‘Ifrits Hellfire’.
“That sounds terrifying,” Prompto said, looking up to Noctis who was entirely too close in normal public circumstances.
“Keep the romance to a minimum, lovebirds. Last thing we need is the two of you plastered on the front of The Insomnian Times.” Gladio said, nudging them apart.
Prompto flustered slightly and Noctis whined, but other than that neither complained too much.
The group split up, though Advisor and Shield were always closeby. Noctis dragged Prompto further into the park, and watched as Prompto looked around with eyes that held such wonder. Noctis couldn’t help but stare.
“So, Prompto. Where do you wanna start?” The Prince asked, phone open on the map. Prompto’s light eyes scanned the phone, reading all of the rides and attractions.
“If we ride Ifrits Hellfire, will you hold me when I get scared?” he asked, turning to Noctis with a faux pout. Noctis laughed and punched the others shoulder lightly.
“Duh. Screw the tabloids, they know we can shut them down if they post anything incriminating.” he said, grabbing the others hand for a moment, squeezing it, then releasing it. Best to not push it.
“Okay okay, but can we start with Flume de Leviathan? Pleeeease?” Prompto grinned, Noctis shook his head.
“If you don’t mind being soaking wet for a few hours, sure.” he snorted.
“YEAH but the other roller coasters will dry us off, right?” Prompto stated, and damn, those big puppy eyes…
“…Good enough logic for me, lets go!” he said, grabbing the others arm and leading the way. He knew this park like the back of his hand. He couldn’t wait to take Prompto on every single line.
They got in line for the Flume, and they waited about four different flumes before it was their turn. Right up front, too.
They got in, front row and  Noctis was glad cause if you sat up front, you didn’t get as wet cause the water went right up over your head. Usually.
He loved Prompto, but he did not wanna sit in wet clothes for a few hours.
The Leviathan shaped flume floated away from the loading area and made the loop around to the hill, the clinking of the chains tugging them up the incline to the top where there was a stone looking tunnel that resembled the aqueducts in Altissia.
Prompto was grinning ear to ear. “Ah, I wish i had my camera but I didn’t wanna risk dropping it or ruining it.” he pouted.
“Its okay, We can buy a picture at the Kiosk when we get off the ride. Wanna do a funny pose?” Noctis asked, and Prompto seemed to think it over.
“Or I could kiss you,” He suggested, and Prompto squeaked.
“Woah woah, I’m pretty sure that’s the exact opposite of what Ignis advised.” he laughed, but smiled. “But I wouldn’t mind that, yeah.”
They reached the top and made the final round, and they were coming up to the drop. As much as Prompto wanted to throw his hands in the air, he was looking forward to the kiss.
Prompto was afraid of heights, but they weren’t as high up as he had thought, but the look down still made his stomach clench.
As they dropped, Noctis leaned over to grab his face, cupping it gently as he placed a (somehow) graceful kiss to his lips. Prompto smiled and shut his eyes, breaking the kiss as they reached the bottom, watching the water fly up over them, some of it falling onto them, but not soaking them.
He laughed, grinning ear to ear. “Wow that was amazing, can we do it again?” he asked, turning to Noctis.
The raven haired male chuckled. “Lets try out a few more rides, then we can come back here.” he said, ruffling the others damp hair.
“Not my hair.” Prompto whined.
“Don’t worry, the roller coasters will respike it for ya.” he teased, grinning as they got off the ride.
Noctis took him over to the kiosk and purchased two of the photos of them kissing. It was a cute picture, really. Even if they were in a blue, Leviathan shaped log flume.
It was perfect, actually.
They spent the rest of the day riding the different rides. Noctis stayed true to his word and held Prompto when they rode Ifrits Hellfire, a roller coaster based off jump scares.
It took Prompto forever to convince Noctis to ride the Judgement bolt, a coaster that shoots you off immediately at 72 miles per hour. But they had done it, and although Noctis screamed like a little girl (to which he would deny) They enjoyed it.
Gladio had even convinced Ignis to ride it. He’d never forget Ignis’ shriek as the ride took off.
It was the end of the night and they had ridden everything twice. They had forgone a second time on the flume to play some games at the arcade.
Noctis won a ring toss and got a HUGE plush Leviathan for Prompto., who clutched the plushy tightly, face burrowed into it.
Prompto had won a shooting game and won Noctis a Plushie of a blue fox with a horn on its head. Noctis seemed startled by the plush at first, and Prompto was unsure why, but he accepted it happily.
They met up with Ignis and Gladio then, and Ignis was slightly red in the face holding a rather large plush of a can of ebony. When questioned, he noted that Gladio had won it for him at the ‘Titan’s Strength’ game.
“How hard can you hit the target with a hammer? Have they met me? I coulda done double the scale they had.” Gladio scoffed. He was holding a moogle plushie that he intended to give to Iris when he returned home.
Once back in the car, Prompto curled into Noctis’ side, both of them holding their plushies. Noctis had an arm around the other, and placed a kiss to the top of his forehead.
“I hope you had fun today,”
“I had a blast, Noct! Thank you so much,” Prompto said, wrapping his arms around the other tightly, pressing a kiss into his neck before nuzzling into it.
“I’m glad. Love you, Prom.”
“Love you too, Noct.”
“Gross. Get a room.” Gladio groaned from the front seat.
“Indeed.” Ignis agreed.
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