potatobugz · 2 years
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hehehehe doing both 😈 I could not pass up the opportunity to do berdly... i am so ill about him
Sexuality Headcanon: oh this kid is definitely on the arospectrum..... maybe bi also
Gender Headcanon: I love love transmasc berdly hc so much!! cringefail loser boy (affectionate)
Ship I Have With Said Character: Krerdly (Kris & Berdly) <3 one, it would be really really funny if it was canon, and two, i love rivals to lovers forever and ever. gayming....
BROTP: i really really like Berdly & Noelle's friendship hehehe. Their dynamic is very fun sometimes, methinks....
NOTP: hmmm i dont. really like Berdly x Noelle as like a couple. i prefer them as silly friends
Random Headcanon: okok i think whenever berdly gets mad his feathers get all ruffled up ..... bird moment. also he FOR SURE has adhd i dont make the rules ✋
General Opinion: ok listen listen hear me out, when I first finished playing dr chapter 2 I got berdly brainrot SO BAD </3 he is my favorite character & I lov love love him forever and ever. Every time he appears in anything Deltarune related there's a little voice in the back of my head that's like "YOOO WOOO YAHOO ITS HIM!! ITS THAT GUY!!"
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lynxgriffin · 3 years
DELTARUNE Chapter 2 Thoughts!!!
WOOO OKAY I stayed up WAY too late trying to finish Deltarune Chapter 2 last night!! It took me awhile because I suck at video games, but I finally did it!
While I normally type up commentary as I play first time, I didn’t get the chance to do that here, so I’ll get down all my general thoughts here!
Unspoilery thoughts: loved it, knew I would, will need to replay soon to see what all I missed, and am excited for whatever’s next!
SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 2 under the cut!!
(These are just as I think of them, not in any particular order!)
Okay overall I can see why this took two years and a much larger team to complete, the second chapter is SO much more expansive and heavy on scene-specific animations! It all looks SO GOOD
I already love Susie but now I love her even more, her expressions were SO GOOD
Susie has a (little nubby) tail confirmed?? That’s adorable
Okay this game is definitely reading the chapter 1 data, which I find interesting because I didn’t obtain it through Steam last time
But like, I gave the “Susie eats chalk” response to Noelle last time, and in chapter two she gave Susie the box of chalk, so awwww!
Also I missed Onionsan in my initial computer playthrough, so they didn’t show up this time, just got a moment of Susie and Kris sitting by the river together!
I find it REALLY interesting that while Ralsei is a Darkner, apparently he can jump around to other Dark Worlds whereas other Darkners like Lancer and Rouxls can’t so much…hmmm!
It was so nice to see everyone filling out the town now, though!
Noooo Susie probably doesn’t have her own room at home, awwww
Kris just casually jumping up to the classroom and bringing everyone back tho, perfect
Was right on there being multiple dark worlds in other locations, but honestly that part’s the least surprising to me, that always seemed like a pretty standard path to take!
The werewires were creepy and great; difficult to battle tho
I’m so glad that I didn’t really go anywhere with Jevil’s line about the Queen in PT; nothing I came up with could’ve topped Queen being an absolute acid trip of an antagonist in this chapter
Her lil’ robot disguise! Her being afraid of mice at first!
I kinda wish we could have had her in the party more? She was super useful as a party member, honestly!
But sadly I guess we’re not gonna get more than the three-person party, awww
I cannot believe Berdly basically became incel Falco but also had a sympathetic backstory
Like I laughed a lot at all of Berdly’s expressions and dialogue while also going BERDLY YOU ARE THE WORST
Noelle’s WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? part = A+
I feel like Queen’s relationship with Noelle definitely had some uncomfy parallels with probably how she is dealing with her real mom
I somehow missed the part where Susie is wearing Ralsei’s glasses??? Where is this
Also in general there was a LOT of puzzles and gameplay in the overworld map, which I was bad at but was also very cool
The dolphin pop-up ads…
Apparently he’s also the secret boss for this chapter?? That’s at least if the soundtrack is anything to go by. Maybe I’ll go back and try it on another playthrough, but aaaaagggghhhg
The whole deal with the ferris wheel conversation and just awwwwuuuuuuh
Needs more Susiezilla now too (I picked the “something romantic” option because of course)
Also I cannot believe Susie has (at least) two people crushing on her and is just totally oblivious to it
There’s SO Many interesting HMM moments with Kris and that definitely included the entire acid tunnel of love scene with Kris and Ralsei
Interrupted of course by an appropriately silly Rouxls battle
But man the more we see (or often DON’T see) of Ralsei the more intriguing it gets
I just knew going back to get that chest without Noelle would be something dumb
OKAY I ended up dying a lot to 1) the Mauswheel, and 2) the color-changing butlers?? So I ended up having to do the whole sequence with annoying dog blasting through everything in his path multiple times
I DID feel bad for Berdly during that boss battle where he was werewired; that was nice and body horror-ish
The giant mecha boss battle absolutely kicked my ass, though
Like it WAS badass but that took me a LOT of tries to get through
My thrash machine was very GUN’S
Overall the difficulty curve was definitely stepped up from chapter 1!
And lots of talk about Noelle being pretty important to it, too!
I’m glad I got to bring Susie on the walkaround this time around town!
King and Queen’s entire conversation was so hilarious
King just slides over to suck on that sweet, sweet giant hamster water bottle
Aww the pizzeria is not a creepy mascot Chuck-E-Cheese’s style, tho
Confirmation that Gerson was Alvin’s father! And I feel like there’s a lot we’re missing there, too
Still not allowed to see Papyrus…
Catti’s parents…
I wasn’t expecting this at all, but it feels like they may be introducing way more Lightners to the Dark World with each chapter, since both Noelle and Berdly ended up there?
And if that’s the case, I feel like it’s hinting that Catti and/or Jockington may be next
Like I dunno the whole scenario somehow managed to be both REALLY sinister and very funny at once??
Susie and Toriel are busy laughing and making a pie together, meanwhile Kris just sneaks the hell out and slashes Toriel’s tires because it’s KNIVES OUT TIME
Please let Susie watch more giant monster (and giant human) movies with her friends, she needs this
Which like…is in fact making SOME KIND OF SENSE in my head overall, but I definitely need more context to see how exactly
Considering Ralsei’s reaction to Noelle and Berdly trying to make a new fountain, this definitely seems to be setting up some kind of future confrontation between Kris and Ralsei, which! HMMMM
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dreamsy990 · 2 years
deltarune but wof
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haha i drew deltarune but wings of fire
tbh this is just me wanting to ramble about my dumb mini aus that i come up with but never actually do anything with so uhhh heres some ideas for this/explanations
i made them a rainwing!!! theres a few reasons but lemme just keep it brief -rainwings are very “othered” and kris being a human really fits that -theyre also very isolated so ofc nobody really would know how to actually raise a rainwing, for example the stuff like how they actually change color by using the sun and shit -they LITERALLY CHANGE COLOR WHEN THEY GO INTO THE DARK WORLD I MEAN COME ON
anyways some hcsss!!!
kris totally would change their scales to blend in with their family and seem more “sandwing” (yep i made the dreemurrs sandwings), specifically to have the same colors as asriel. in the og kris drawing i realized that this wasnt really showing my idea of how they normally would look so i added in a doodle of the whole family!!
i inverted the colors mostly so you could tell the difference plus gave them some pops of green n yellow to help them stand out, but in reality most of the time they just look like a smaller asriel
theyve probably picked up the habit of trying to raise their tail threateningly but that doesnt really work because. its a sandwing thing they dont have venom. OR AT LEAST THE NORMAL KIND- no we are not getting into the whole rainwing venom thing
actually we are
kris probably doesnt know about rainwing venom, since even in deltarune the people there are super uneducated about humans, and in wof everyone is even LESS educated about rainwings (at least if this is set post darkstalker), so nobody really knows. 
they probably camoflauge to prank people. like you just feel someone watching you at 4am and you turn around and boom its kris
theyve probably gotten good at stopping their scales from changing since theyre constantly trying to blend in with their family, so they mostly stay light pink like asriel. after hanging out with susie a bit tho they probably get more confident and try out blue and pink and it looks great i love them. and also extreme emotions can make them change, but its not voluntary and they dont usually notice until someone points it out. 
theyre also probably very dull in color before they really embrace their identity. they like to stick with their family and blend in as much as possible, but rainwings sort of need to sleep outside and take naps often to have bright colors. as soon as kris realizes that others dont take those naps or feel tired a lot they try to stop and so their colors kinda suffer. to other rainwings they might even look a bit sickly.
hanging out with susie probably gives them the confidence boost they need to actually be ‘healthy’ and their colors get a lot brighter and they stop sleeping in class so much because THEYRE ACTUALLY GETTING THE REST THEY NEED WOOO GOOD FOR YOU KRIS GOOD FOR YOU
kris is also probably very uncomfortable with other rainwings because they cant really relate to them at all and it makes them feel somehow both less rainwing AND less sandwing than anything and so they avoid them at all costs.
ive probably thought the most about this so yeahhhhhh dont expect this much for the others
susie was probably the easiest tribe to decide on besides kris, so heres why -to be honest theres not much reason shes buff -and big -and thats very mudwing of her -also the only way she could be purple outside of fudging the mudwing rules is by making her a rainwing which kris has covered, silkwing which ralsei has, or a really fucking weird skywing which didnt really fit her vibe
hc time!!!
theres actually not much ive thought about with her, but she probably gets a lot of weird looks as the only mudwing in town, which probably also fuels people being scared of her. she looks kinda funky and thats because i dont care about the rules but it also probably doesnt help like mudwings are very brown im just fudging the rules all over the place here she probably likes mud and kris is the only one who also likes it so they just fuckin roll in it sometimes idk wherre this thought came from but its here now i considered giving her no tail/ a very stubby tail because i think its funny but fuck it shes just got a normal tail sorry besties no short tail susie for u
hey guys look its the baby. hes a silkwing -it made it really easy to justify his frankly kinda weird color palette without making him a rainwing. -now that i think about it i proably couldve made him a leafwing -but that seems kinda stupid and i like him being small bug man -silkwings are sort of slightly enslaved in canon which kinda fits his weird “we must serve the lighteners” bullshit
not much to say here. his design is my third favorite, not to be confused with my first favorite design (kris) or my second favorite design (noelle) or my favorite design idea (berdly).  
with noelle i kick canon to the curb because fuck that shit i can make her a hybrid that sounds fun. she’s ice/sand, theres no deep reason here i just wanted to be able to make her brown while also having the ice stuff
her mom is an icewing and her dad is a sandwing or ice/sand hybrid like her, since she doesnt have much thats actually very sandwing about her other than her coloring. if she was blue and you got rid of the back frills she’d be just a normal icewing.
icewings are very status-orientated so her mom puts a lot of pressure on her to be a good role model even this far away from icewing rankings. carol probably only moved out of the ice kingdom because she wanted rudy to be happy and the ice is super uncomfy for sandwings, so she’s a bit miserable in the town with it being so warm. she probably sleeps in a seperate room, not for like weird marriage reasons but because she wanted to freeze it. she’s probably got some lingering racism, and also, hybrids are VERY looked down on by icewings traditionally, so she puts a ton of pressure on noelle to be the best representation of what they can be.
noelle believes she has to be as “icewing” as possible, and since the only full icewing she knows is carol, she’s the icon of what noelle is supposed to be. so she’s picked up a lot of her moms bad habits. for example, she’s really bad at talking about her own feelings or being emotionally in general, since carol always hides how she feels. she can also tend to make rude comments about other tribes, but she apologizes immediately whenever she catches herself.
dess was very much NOT icewing and her mom sort of hated it. she was brash and loud, probably not very orderly and didnt care too much about rules or status, and picked up firebreath from her dads side (if hes a hybrid too, then it skipped a generation). very not icewing of her. noelle loves the break in order, and so she’s sort of split half and half between who she thinks she has to be and what she thinks she wants to be, and isnt quite sure what she ACTUALLY wants or has to be between all the outside forces
also she blushes purple. red sandwing blood + blue icewing blood = fuck you shes purple now. i think its cute. purple bloosh for a purple girl *insert susie*
actually, the most sandwing thing about noelle is probably that she doesnt mind heat. she actually might just love it as much as the cold. she just hates the middle bits. either freeze her alive or burn her in hell no INBETWEEN DAMNIT
berdly berdly berdly. in the end, i kinda like the idea of him better than the final design. hes a nightwing with probably a bit of skywing blood but no (alive) relatives around to confirm that with so he will definetly not admit it -he was going to be a skywing because hes a bird. it seemed fitting -but then i realized that i couldnt make him blue like that -so hes a nightwing with skywing descent -okk the hcs explain the rest of my reasoning better so ill stop now
berdly probably brags about being able to read minds/see the future a lot because people in hometown dont know enough about nightwings to counter. in reality, berdly isnt a 3 moons dragon. or a 2 moons. or a 1 moon. hes just a normal dragon.
one of his grandparents was a skywing that “brought shame to their family” or something idk. the point is they dont talk about him no no no they dont- ill stop now
berdly is super ashamed of this because his family had to leave because of how that skywing descent ruined his familys reputation in the night kingdom. nightwings are very,,, how do you say it,,,, racist most of the time. like somehow worse than icewings. they kind of hate everyone tbh. 
berdly’s ego probably comes from a lot of the “nightwings are perfect” bullshit he hears. i dont think his parents are very present for him, they just wanted to get out of the night kingdom because of the shame and brought him with them. 
he doesnt really want to lie about having powers, but hes in too deep now. the only ones who know are noelle (he confided in), kris (who saw it while they were lurking because they do that), and susie (who figured it out by threatening him with no actual intent and saw him being scared, and putting 2 and 2 together herself). and his parents but they dont count.
catti is also probably close to figuring it out because she knows a lot more about nightwing powers because of her research into these sorts of things, and the fact that he doesnt have a teardrop scale.
berdly can fly faster than a lot of dragons in the town because of his skywing descent, but he doesnt fly a lot because he wants to hide it as might as possible.
ok thanks for listening to me ramble about funny dragon books but deltarune
i might draw other stuff for this au who knows its fun
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subrosasteath · 3 years
My alarm rings and I don’t wake up (Why can’t i wake up?)
Welcome to my angsty with the possibility of a happy ending deltarune fic xD
This was all written in one go, I started this out with no idea where i wanted to go and ended up with an AU, so yknow, if it doesn’t seemed planned out, it’s cause it’s not.
Major deltarune chapter 2 and snowgrave spoilers
This fic is from Noelle’s pov and it’s technically cannon divergent I think? Like i completely forgot about like the fact that in the next chapter the character will be going to church and in this Kris didn’t open a dark fountain in their house but instead just went to school with susie like normal the next day.
oh Tw for mentioned death!  
An alarm rings through the computer room, a watch (not her watch, not her watch) bringing the reminder of lessons.
Berdly doesn’t wake up
(It was just a dream, just a dream) 
“Wow, he uh... he must be really tired,” she stutters out, and it’s all she can manage because Kris, Kris is there, and even if they aren’t really evil, even if they didn’t really make her freeze countless monsters (4 left, a glitched out voice in a garbage can says) she’s still shaken, still scared.
So she excuses herself
(she glances at kris as she passes, and is that her watch? is that her watch?)
Berdly doesn’t come to school tomorrow
He’s just sick she says to herself, he’s just sick. I didn’t kill him. It was just a dream. Just a dream.
Students make passing comments, things like “man finally, a day off from his boring voice!” or “I don’t think he’s ever missed a class” or “heh, wanna see me throw bird brain’s desk?”
(the last one is susie, some time ago she would have laughed, would have blushed)
(but all she can feel is blue. Berdly blue. Kris blue. Ice blue)
She shakes it off. It doesn’t matter, it wasn’t real anyway (Right…?). 
Halfway through class Ms. Alphys gets a call. She excuses herself and stands in the hallway, her nervous silhouette just visible through the dirty glass window on the door.
“Wooo teachers gone!” Susie yells, and Jockington adds “let’s party!” So students jump onto desks and chairs and Tem and her egg run circles around the room, but all she can do is stretch her neck and watch, watch as Ms. Alphys fidget’s in the hallway.
(There’s nothing to be nervous about, maybe the caller is just the police officer Ms. Alphys insists she likes a normal amount)
(and yet, and yet-)
(Garbage noises) 
When the door opens again and everyone is suddenly in their seats like nothing happened, like they were good innocent children the whole time, Ms. Alphys continues the lesson like normal, going on and on about math and exponents and algebra.
See Noelle, she says to herself, nothing’s wrong
(and yet she can feel Kris’s gaze on the back of her neck, and knows deep down, that something, something is definitely wrong).
“Noelle, can you stay after class?” Ms. Alphys asks, and even though all she wants to do is run to the hospital and hug her dad and cry and confess, confess all the fake sins that felt so real, she said “Oh, uh um of course!... Ms. Alphys, uh of course I can- I can stay a bit!”
So when all the students had filed out and it was just her and Ms. Alphys and her brain was already running off on tangents of how to defend bad marks to her mom and how long she could hide them for and-
“Noelle, uh do you uh, do you know what happened to berdly?” Ms. Alphys asks, and the question cuts like a knife, cuts like a shard of glass (like a ring made of thorns).
“Berdly? I...I assumed he- isn’t he- could he be sick?” she said, and her voice trembles because he had to be sick and if he wasn’t sick then-
“Well uh if he is, then he uh, he isn’t at home,” Alphys says, “the call I got, that uh, that was his parents. Um asking if I had um, if I had seen him. Apparently they haven’t seen him since yesterday morning.”
“Did- didn’t he- i mean he was- he was in the library with me, but- he fell asleep - i figured he needed it- did he- did he not go home after? Did he- did he not-” she can’t say it, she can’t think about it, because it was a dream, it was fake, it wasn’t real it wasn’t real please please it can’t be real.
“No, no, no, no,” she whispers, “no, he has to be alive, he’s alive right Ms.? He has to be. I didn’t- I would never - just a dream - Kris - no they wouldn’t - we wouldn’t - Ms. please-”
Ms. Alphys doesn’t seem to know how to respond, her eyes dart to the side and back before she says “um, thank you, uh Noelle, for the info, I um, I didn’t mean to distress you but if you know something more or uh, you think Kris would know something more, please tell me.”
She almost does. She thinks she would have, if she could have found the words, but she can’t, she’s not ready to talk about her dream yet (was it a dream? It must have been a dream and yet-).
But she doesn’t. She stays silent and she shakes her head “no Ms.” and she leaves.
 She doesn’t go to the hospital. She doesn’t go home. She runs to the forest and sits among the trees and the fallen leaves and the orange, bright bright orange colours and she cries.
She wishes she could turn back time. Because surely, everything would make sense if she could just see it play out, one more time, and if everything made sense then maybe she could find berdly, maybe she could make it so berdly never disappeared and Kris never wore her watch and she would never ever hurt anyone, dream or no dream.
She shuffles her feet through the leaves as she thinks, and the crinkling wakes something inside of her. She’s not sure what it is, but it’s tough and it’s solid and that’s more than she’s had since the dream, so she leans into it.
She’s certain, she’s absolutely certain, that given the chance she could make things different. And maybe-maybe even if she wasn’t given the chance, maybe she would make her own chance. She could choose her own future. A good future, a better future, one where maybe the road is bumpy but everything turns out alright and nothing like her dream ever happens again (because that dream is more than bumpy, that dream is a pothole, one big pothole that once you fall in you can’t get out).
She could change everything 
And suddenly, there’s a light. A small one, sitting among the leaves. It’s yellow, bright bright yellow, and before she knows what she’s doing, she’s reached out to touch it.
(Softly crinkling through the leaves fills you with determination)  
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yougainedlove · 5 years
If you're still doing scenario stuff rn, could I request College Asriel with a male goat monster partner? something fluffy, sweet and romantic would be really nice please,,,, I'm really gay for this goat hehe,, :'3 (also really sorry if you receive this twice, I never know if my asks go through or not damn it Tumblr)
I did my best!! Hopefully it’s fluffy, sweet, and romantic enough! :D
Also don’t worry, I am very bi for Azzy myself sO LIKE,, I GETCHU FREN,,,,
Thepast few weekshavereally kicked Asriel’s ass, but at least he’s not alone. (Name)’sass is pretty thoroughly kicked, too.
Thankgoodness it’s not a competition.
“Ohhhhh,GOD,” Asriel moans as he falls back on thebed. His eyes close almost automatically, arms stretching above hishead. All things considered, he’d be happy to just start snoringright here. “IfI never see another multiple-choice question in my life, it’ll betoo soon. Theonly thing giving me any comfort right now is the fact that midtermsare over.”
(Name)snorts, then in short order decides to flop down next to hisboyfriend.“Oh, so I’m no great comfort? You know what comes after midterms,at the end of the year, in a feeeeew short months? Finals.Oooooooooh-wooo-ooooo-oooooooooooo―”
Oneeye opens for the express purpose of half-glaring at him. “You knowwhat, you’re a dick. Not only are you not greatcomfort, you’re, like… like… negativecomfort!”
“Mmm,but you love me anyway.”
“Pft.What’s love got to do with it?”
“Gotto do with it, got to do with it―”
That getsa genuine, bleating laugh out of Asriel. “Okay, I walked right intothat one.”
“Suredid. You’reeasy prey, Azzy.”(Name) rolls onto his side, nuzzlinghis snout against Asriel’s. “Don’t we get like a week off fromclasses now? Y’know,to recover?You got plans or are we just gonna camp out in my dorm, sleepingand eating?”
Asrielgives a thoughtful hum, then a sigh. “Yeah, about that. Mom called,and I kind of… promised her I’d come back to Hometown and visiteveryone. I’ve been meaning to go back sometime anyway. She missesme, and Dad misses me… and Kris and everybody else. I try not totalk about it too much, but… I get real homesick sometimes, (Name).I miss my family.”
There’sa silence between the two of them before Name reaches to put his armsaround Asriel and pull him close. Even though Asriel doesn’t getlike this too often to the point that it’s a defining personalitytrait, it’s happened a few times. University is the first timeAsriel has really been away from home for more than a couple of days.And as much as he loves things here, as much as he’s happy he wentaway for college, he wants to see his family and hometown friendsagain.
It’sdepressing when it gets bad. When it hits, it’s clear that Asrielhas a yearningfor the place he grew up, and it’s sopainful to see him justwantingthat bad for something.Ifvisiting Hometown will makethat a little better and take away some of that longing, (Name) isall for it.
“Iknow you do,” (Name) murmurs. He presses a kiss to the side ofAsriel’s ear, paw lazily playing with the tufts of fuzz atopAsriel’s head. “That sounds great. I’m, uh… guessing youdon’t wanna bring me along, or…?”
Asriel’seyes were shut in a peaceful response to the touches, then thosebig blue orbssnap open, staring curiously at (Name). “Huh? Why would you think Idon’t? I… was actually gonna ask if you wanted to come along, butI, um… wasn’t sure if you wanted to visit yourfamily.”
(Name)shrugs. “We can do that next time. You alreadypromised your mom,so if you’re okay with it… I can meet yours this time, and youcan meet mine when we get another break.” His face breaks into awide, impish grin. “Won’t be long now, after all. Finals. Afeeeeew months. Clock’s already counting down―”
“Pffff,oh, my God!” Asriel shakes in laughter, giving his boyfriend anaffectionate headbutt. “You’re such a jerk!”
(Name)headbutts back and lets out a small bleat. “But I love you.”
“Yeah,yeah,” Asriel chuckles, before settling in to rest his head against(Name)’s chest. “… This is actually good. Full disclosure, I amveryterrified of meeting your parents.”
“You,nervous? Really? Youuuu?Oh,my God. I don’t believe it.”(Name) teases. He brings his hand up to stroke the back of Asriel’shead. “What if I’m terrified of meeting yourparents? You said your mom is kind of stern.”
Asrielscoffs, still smiling. “Only when we do something dumb or somethingwe know is wrong. You know, like, uh… flushing bath bombs down thetoilet.”
(Name)pulls away briefly and raises an eyebrow.
Hedoesn’t even have to speak for Asriel to let out a veryguilty-sounding bleat. “Blame Kris! They wanted to see what wouldhappen! They’re the evil sibling, I swear!”
“Yeah,another thing I need to worry about,” (Name) chuckles. He settlesback in, restinghis chin on top of Asriel’s head. “What do I have to worry aboutthemdoing? What’s it gonna be ―thumbtack on my chair, salt in the sugar shaker, joy buzzer when Ishake their hand? Do they have some kind of pet lizard they’regonna threaten to feed me to if I break your heart?”
Everypossibility earns another round of laughter from Asriel. “God,you’re so bad. They aren’t thatmean, I promise. They used to have a bird, but she wouldn’t havebit anyone even if they put their finger in her beak themselves. Areyou really nervous about this?”
“…Alittle.” At least he doesn’t have to worry about any judgmentabout that. It’s not like Asriel is going to say that being nervousis stupid or anything like that. “This is your family. I don’twanna just be ‘that awkward dude Azzy brought home from college’.I want them to like me.”
Asrielshifts and leans up to kiss the bottom of (Name)’s jaw. “Iunderstand. Trust me, I’m gonna be the same way when I meet yourfamily.”
Hecircles his arms around (Name)’s waist. “But,”he adds as he closes his eyes again, “you don’t have anything toworry about. They’re going to love you.”
When(Name) nestles his face against the top of Asriel’s head, he gives(Name) a reassuring squeeze. “Just like I do. Promise.”
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sincelight · 3 years
for the exo themed asks thing, do all of them. I’m nosy and I love you
shit alright i have nothing better to do anyway
1. bias and why? Baekhyun, and I’m still trying to figure out how it happened tbh
2. favorite line? (beagle line, maknae line, etc.) oh beagle line for sure, are you serious?
3. favorite exo bop? tough call, but i always get hype over power
4. favorite exo ballad? does wait count as a ballad? i dont care, my answer is wait
5. which exo member would you love to be best friends with? I think Kyungsoo. we’d just watch movies and eat all the time and I’m about that
6. which exo member would you love to date? none, hard pass on dating a famous person.
7. which exo member do you think you’d actually dislike if you knew them in real life?  suho but only because he’s always so embarrassing and I can’t handle it lmfaoo
8. which exo member is most like you? i think Baek and I are both equally loud and annoying. lil dumb, lil goofy, but loveable 
9. which exo members would make the best sub-unit in your opinion? Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun
10. which exo album is your favorite? first album repackage, definitely 
11. which exo album is your least favorite? while i love the song obsession, the rest of the album was just alright.
12. were you around when kris tao and luhan left exo and if yes, what was your reaction? kris and luhan were already gone by the time i got into exo. and when tao left i was still in the process of learning their names so i didn’t really care tbh
13. describe your bias in three emojis but...but im on my laptop. it would just be three hearts anyway 
14. what song got you into exo? overdose
15. did you watch the olympics closing ceremony live? i did! it was so cool to see them on tv
16. favorite episode of exo showtime? the one where they’re in the seperate rooms and have to all get the same answers to questions. only because of Baekhyun yelling HERE COMES TROUBLE, WOOO. kills me every time
17. opinion on exo next door its a fanficy fanservice show for us to watch and be like wow i wish i was that girl and it’s so cheesy but damn i loved when baek climbed on top of sehun.
18. studio albums or winter albums? studio albums because the teaser lead up is so exciting
19. favorite song off of the war? Chill
20. favorite solo song from any of the exo members? cry for love, that shit is perfection
21. favorite exo cbx song? blooming day
22. favorite song off of ex’act? i mean monster, come on
23. favorite repackage? first album
24. is your bias the same one as when you first starting listening to exo? if no, who was it before and why did it change? first it was jongin because of his white hair in overdose, then it changed to minseok for a bit. but then i started watching interviews and stuff and it was chanyeol because he’s so dumb. now it’s baek and i don’t know why but it is someone please help me.
25. exo song you love to dance to? lol dance, that’s cute
26. exo song that gives you all the feels? lucky, xoxo, 365, and peter pan all give me the same happy nostalgia because that’s the chunk of the concert i remember most. that section was just so cute and fun and i’ll never forget it
27. favorite song off of xoxo? 365
28. favorite song off of exodus? hurt. when that album came out minseok was still my bias so i fell in love with the song as soon as i heard the full thing because it was in his pathcode
29. favorite winter album? universe. every song on that album is *chefs kiss*
30. favorite vocalist? before baek’s new album i would have said chanyeol, but after all i got? baek’s got a fucking voice!
31. favorite rapper? i mean, chanyeol duh
32. favorite dancer? listen i know jongin is amazing and all, but i just like watching minseok move.
33. last exo song you listened to? i just listened to 365 after thinking about it a few answers back
34. do you read exo fic? if yes, rec some works and some writers! i do, not as often as i used to. every time im asked to rec something it’s always gonna be this one because i want everyone to read it
35. do you ship? name your ships if yes! oh, xiuhan i’ll never forget you. kaisoo, baekyeol, sebaek.
36. what would you tell your bias if you met them? “i’m so sorry” as i’m wiping my nervous vomit off his shoes?
37. how much exo merch do you have? light stick, bunch of albums, first box, a sweatshirt i got at exo’luxion
38. have you seen exo in concert? yep, twice!
39. universe or sing for you? universe! minseok’s part in the mv gets me emotional
40. kokobop or monster? monster
41. power or love me right? power mv, love me right song
42. how long have you been an exo fan? it feels like 50 years, but it’s been 7
43. favorite exo concept? honestly i was just a big fan of all the flowy like, hawaiian shirts during kokobop promotions
44. favorite photoshoot? am i supposed to know them by name? I liked the lucky one pictures? where sehun had the glasses and the dead eyes and jongin was blonde with the tattoo on his neck
45. share the first three exo-related pics you have saved on your phone/laptop
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
46. recommend some exo-themed blogs! no i don’t like tagging people i’ll pass
47. have you gotten anyone else in your life to listen to exo? my best friend’s gotten hype over a couple exo songs with me over the years
48. how does exo rank in comparison to other groups you like? what other groups? exo is king
49. favorite non-title track? i can’t decide between boomerang and gravity
50. favorite title track? my heart will always belong to overdose
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alexjameswilliams · 7 years
Another project comes to and end wooo!!!
Firstly, with this project being one of the ones I was dreading to do the most I am pleasantly surprised to come out with the visual that I have done.
As per every project I didn’t really do anything for about 2 weeks!! I did the odd bit of research but I didn’t have a clue as to what I wanted to create for my final product, I knew that I wanted to film it because I dislike motion graphics but it was then the case of what do I want to film and what song do I use.
Every possible idea I thought of, however to me, just putting visuals over the top of a piece of music and syncing the visuals up seemed really boring to me.
That’s when I had my epiphany that I have every project, I thought of acapella and Peter Hollens who does acapella videos. At first I wasn’t sure whether I would be able to do this because this was a sound sync project, however once I got my song which was Lilly’s theme from Deathly Hallows Part 2 my literal all time favourite song, this idea was something I really didn’t want to let go, I wanted to do it at all costs and record myself doing a cover of the song, singing each element in the song and then the visuals being my face lip synching those individual music pieces then in editing I’d put all of that together to create a nice sound sink acapella song.
I was praying I was aloud to do this as this was the only idea I wanted to do and once I have a solid idea it is very hard to drive me away from it. So at the earliest possible time I went to find my lecturers to ask if I could do it, Geraint and Rosie liked the idea but because this wasn’t there project the last word was Jasons and once I explained that I would be recording the visuals and sound separately and then editing them together he said I could go ahead with this idea which I was so happy about. 
Then the same day I asked Kris who helped me with my title sequence assignment if he knew how I could record my song, and he suggested the right equipment and sorted me out a room to record it in which was quiet, I did that the next day and was there for about and hour or more recording the individual sounds in the song.
Once this was completed I got home and started editing the song together, I wanted to complete that before the visuals.
The next day I recorded said visuals and the next day (which is today Thursday) started editing that to the song, and it all fit perfectly, like I said before my recordings were filmed on a black background and the comp in Premiere was black so it allowed me to be more creative in the positioning of my footage rather than being conventional and having them all next to each-other in the obvious squares, I had some different sizes and different positions all over the comp so that I used the entirety of the screen. I love how unconventional I was allowed to be.
In addition I stated that I didn’t like hearing my version of the song, however with the visual on top, I now really like it, the visuals really do complete this project for me.
In conclusion, despite having a very slow and unsteady start, I was able to put my head back in place and record, film and edit a piece that I am very happy with, and I feel that this piece will be quite unique as I have created the sounds myself. To improve, again I will say it is time management, I always tell myself I have enough time and then when the deadline gets closer I panic, however I always pull myself together again, but I need to start getting into the habit of starting work much earlier. Despite that, I am glad I completed this project and I am proud to hand in what I have created.
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flauntpage · 7 years
Everybody Gets a Point (well, almost everybody): Five Takeaways from Flyers 6, Islanders 4
Maybe the best thing that could have happened for the Flyers this week was the winter storm Grayson.
After a listless performance against their arch rival Pittsburgh Penguins Tuesday, the Flyers called up Tyrell Goulbourne for Thursday’s game against the Islanders.
They called up Goulbourne for the purpose of providing energy to a lineup that is frankly bereft of any.
Before the game, Dave Hakstol said it was “too quiet” in the arena on Tuesday. He didn’t mean that as a knock on the fans, but rather the level at which his team was playing.
Ron Hextall echoed that sentiment and said it went beyond just Tuesday’s loss:
“[Overal this season the energy level has been] in and out,” Hextall said. “There’s nights where we need more energy as a group and obviously a big part of this is to bring us some energy.”
Except, it never happened.
Goulbourne was stuck in the Lehigh Valley because of the snow. He got a late start heading toward Philly and there was no evidence he made it to town before game time – or even at all – despite Hextall saying he was on his way.
Goulbourne was considered a healthy scratch and there was no sign of him in the press box during the game or in or around the locker room after the game.
Frankly, with the way the Flyers played last night, it wouldn’t surprise if Goulbourne was immediately loaned back to the Phantoms.
Because the Flyers played with an energy, and a physicality they have not shown very often this season – and certainly not in the last few weeks.
And guess what, it made a difference.
That’s not to say they need to go all old school hockey and have multiple fights every night – after all there were three glove droppings last night – by guys you really would expect: Travis Konecny, Sean Couturier and Scott Laughton.
No. The Flyers can play the way they played for 40 minutes last night and never get into another fight again, and it would be a successful brand of hockey.
It was a game filled with aggressive physical play between the whistles – big hits, stronger play along the walls and with the puck, a greater physical desire to win those 50/50 plays that make up a hockey game.
Oh… and almost every forward – and even a defenseman or two – found a way to get to a specific area of the ice – between the circles in the offensive zone – and would you believe it, they scored five of their six goals from there?
Now, this really only lasted 40 minutes. The third period was not good and the Flyers almost let an Islanders team that has played pretty dreadful hockey for an extended period of time (they’ve lost eight of 11 and allowed at least four goals in all eight losses) force overtime, which would have been really deflating for the Flyers considering how good the first two periods were, but they ultimately hung on for a much needed victory.
Let’s look at how it happened:
  1) Yes, they went there
You might recall from my last post where I shared frustrations from Flyers Twitter, this tweet:
— Jake (@J_Fahringer) January 3, 2018
Jake’s self-proclaimed “rudimentary iPad skills” brought him enough notoriety on Flyers Twitter, that he changed his profile picture to his “Go Here” directive.
Then he followed up with a couple more beauties last night.
THIS is what a heat map should look like.
Very good, #Flyers. Keep doing this, please. http://pic.twitter.com/xlYvw0YkjU
— Jake (@J_Fahringer) January 5, 2018
— Jake (@J_Fahringer) January 5, 2018
Five of the six goals the Flyers scored last night came from that area. So, I asked Hakstol if there was a concerted effort to make that happen last night after what seemed like zero effort to do that against Pittsburgh.
“Well that’s the area you have to get to score, if you want to score consistently,” he said. “We haven’t done it. We haven’t been as good in that area consistently over the last half dozen games. We have had a couple of games where we have been pretty good. Two nights ago against Pittsburgh we didn’t get there at all.
“I thought tonight there was a real mindset to get to that hard area. To do that first you have to win pucks down low. You have to come up with possession in the zone. That was the first part that I thought our guys did a real good job in that area. Getting guys around the puck, finding possession and then getting to the hard scoring area.”
Well done, coach.
I know I am one of Hakstol’s harshest critics, but when the guy does something right, he deserves credit for it, even if it’s subtle.
And there were enough subtle changes between Tuesday’s performance and last night’s to show that it wasn’t just the players playing angry, but the coach spending a lot of waking hours figuring out what the hell was wrong and fixing it.
He once again got dead weight Jori Lehtera out of the lineup and put Taylor Leier back in. I’m not sure if this was the planned move – that might have been where Goulbourne was going to play – but any forward in the organization will give you more than Lehtera will right now.
He lit a fire under his team to have them play with a noticeable identity last night. For a team that does not have an identity – at least not a positive one – to play like a skill game with an edge and a fearlessness that they played for the first 40 minutes last night will lead to more success.
He allowed Nolan Patrick’s line to play with more regularity. Patrick played a career high in minutes against Pittsburgh Tuesday – mostly because he picked up a lot of empty minutes at the end of the game – but Patrick played more than 15 minutes again against the Islanders and his line – along with Jordan Weal and Wayne Simmonds was very noticeable. Simmonds scored a goal assisted by Weal, Patrick set up Provorov for a goal. It was easily the trio’s best game together.
He made changes on the power play – I know Kris Knoblauch gets all the credit (or criticism) for the power play, but I have to think Hakstol has a lot of input on personnel. The No. 1 unit showed a new look last night – one with Giroux working from behind the net instead of on the half wall. But more impressively, the second unit scored a goal for the first time this season without a point scored by someone who is usually on the first unit. It’s crazy bad that it took 40 games, but it’s definitely a positive. I don’t understand Brandon Manning being on that unit when they never gave Travis Sanheim a shot there, but hey, he got an assist – and it worked. Not sure it works long-term, but for now – Success!
It was a good game for the coach. He needed one. It would be good if he could start putting a few of these together in a row.
  2) Scoring Depth! Go figure.
The Flyers had 12 different players register a point. That might sound like a lot but it’s not really all that difficult a thing to do in a game. Score four or five goals and have three different lines get at least one and it’s pretty likely.
That said… the Flyers didn’t have one game this year where they did that. Not one. Even when they scored eight goals against Washington. (The last time it happened was 4/8/17 vs. Columbus)
That’s how lopsided the Flyers scoring has been this season. It’s mostly been because at 5-on-5, the Flyers don’t score enough because they have guys providing serious drag on the offense.
Visual of @NHLFlyers players at 5v5 after 40 games.
Very noticeable is the massive drop in Filppula's play over the last ten games… he has also managed to bomb Voracek and Raffl's stats over that time. #Flyers http://pic.twitter.com/DFgxM90rOf
— Alexander Appleyard (@avappleyard) January 5, 2018
Filppula is a guy that isn’t really looked at enough. I threw out a jokey stat last game about the Flyers’ record when he registers a point (9-2-3) vs. when he doesn’t (8-13-5), but the fact of the matter is maybe that stat is more indicative of something than we thought.
Not that the Flyers need Filppula to score to find success, nor is it an indicator of secondary scoring, but rather that he’s being used in a role that he shouldn’t be.
I know, I just spent about 400 words giving the coach credit for a good game, but Filppula has proven he’s not a second line center and isn’t helping Jake Voracek or Michael Raffl (although Raffl is scoring more, his possession numbers have dropped off playing with Filppula).
I know the Flyers don’t have a lot of options here, and Scott Laughton had a forgettable game last night (his line with Leier and Dale Weise was the only Flyers line no clicking last night). But for the Flyers to get more consistent performances throughout the lineup like they got last night, maybe a change needs to be made with Filppula.
“Our top three scorers have been very productive,” Hextall said before last night’s game. “But our four through nine forwards haven’t been productive enough, it’s pretty blatant.”
Shift Filppula down. Let Patrick get a shot playing with Voracek. You can keep Raffl there too. I bet you see an uptick in Patrick’s game when he plays with another playmaker like Voracek. Filppula can play with Simmonds and Weal – they’ve been together before – on a third line, or try Laughton there and slide Filppula down to the fourth line.
Either way, less Val should lead to more nights like last night.
  3) Provy love
When we last left Ivan Provorov he was in immense pain after taking a slap shot off his left foot. Two days later, not only was he still playing hockey, but he was posting his third career three-point game and his second career two-goal game.
Actually, he was a Raffl deflection away from his first hat trick.
So this was unsurprising:
Provy wearing the Wooo! http://pic.twitter.com/mZ4k8MKRla
— AntSanPhilly (@AntSanPhilly) January 5, 2018
He was definitely the game’s best player. And the cool thing was, he did it in front of his parents and siblings.
They took a four-hour drive to Moscow, a nine-hour flight to New York and a two-hour drive to Philly to see Ivan play.
Provorov said it’s the first time he’s scored in front of them in the NHL.
The family is in town through the weekend and will be at both games against St. Louis Saturday and Buffalo Sunday.
“Maybe I’ll be able to score a little more for them before they head back,” Provorov said.
If he does, he might want to consider getting them season tickets.
  4) Elliott starting to show fatigue
Brian Elliott was pulled after two terrible periods against Pittsburgh Tuesday. He made it through the entire game last night, but he had a couple goals that he should have stopped.
“We needed all of it [because] It probably wasn’t my best game,” Elliott said. “You try and get out there and just, like I always say, be the best for the guys in front of you and give them a chance. I didn’t feel like I had my best effort, it’s nights like that when other guys pick up the slack, that’s huge for me.  Next game is next game, you kind of erase this one from the records and start all over again.”
The difference between Tuesday and last night was Elliott came up with a few big saves to preserve the lead last night which he didn’t do at all against the Pens.
He had a huge stop on Josh Bailey late in the second period when the team had a three-goal lead. It didn’t seem like a big deal at the time, but turned out to be much needed as the Isles cut the Flyers lead to one in the third period.
Big save by Brian Elliott on Josh Bailey! http://pic.twitter.com/Kl1hHw1lOu
— Sons of Penn (@SonsofPenn) January 5, 2018
Then in the third period he stopped Jordan Eberle:
Elliott stops Eberle who had a man wide-open in front. http://pic.twitter.com/mk8RSmXjRH
— Sons of Penn (@SonsofPenn) January 5, 2018
There was even another stop in the third period (which I couldn’t find a .gif of) with the Islanders really pressuring for the tying goal where he flashed a left pad to keep the Flyers ahead.
That said… he does need a break.
He’s started 15 straight games. He’s starting to show it. I thing he plays against St. Louis Saturday because it’s his former team, but really, Hakstol should give him a breather Sunday against Buffalo so he is refreshed when the team comes back form their bye week.
Speaking of those next two games:
  5) The halfway point
Saturday’s game is the official middle of the season. The Flyers will still be in last place and that’s certainly not where they wanted to be, but the Atlantic Division is so top-heavy that being in last place in the Metropolitan keeps you in the Wild Card race.
So these two games against the Blues and Sabres are critical games, even if they aren’t division games.
The Flyers would benefit from going into the break on a little 3-game winning streak. But even if they can get three points out of the weekend, they should be happy with the close to this homestand.
The dangerous game is Sunday, believe it or not.
They’ll be up to play the Blues – who are a good team and there’ll be a little bit of an emotional homecoming of sorts for Brayden Schenn. So, I expect a solid effort there.
But Sunday is Buffalo. A bad team. Sometimes it’s easy to look past a team. But it’s really easy to look past a team when you are on the second day of a back-to-back with a vacation hours away.
I’m betting many of the guys have flights booked to some resort as early as Sunday night. The Sabres game is very dangerous. The Flyers can’t look past them this weekend. They can’t afford it.
Everybody Gets a Point (well, almost everybody): Five Takeaways from Flyers 6, Islanders 4 published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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foggyinjapan-blog · 7 years
1st Nov. Snoopy
Barely opening my eyes and I notice that my body has slowly started to shut down. Haha nah seriously though, I am so bloody sore!! This is good though, I need these muscles to snowboard. A few stretches and I'm back on. I'll still take it easy today because it's my birthday on Friday and it’s going to be a big day woohoo! I've booked an authentic Samurai experience through trip adviser. They teach us how to use a katana first with wooden swords, then we get to cut shit up with a real one and finish with meditation! I am so excited! A birthday present to myself.
I get ready and seeings though I'm taking it easy, I'm going to wear the only dress I bought with some spider web tights I bought the other day! Kawaii!
I head to a cafe for breakfast called Cafe Frosch. The lady gives me an English menu but I read the Japanese one, just because I can :) a cappuccino and the German inspired sausage with the home made bread please! This lady makes bread everyday for her cafe. So amazing and it tastes delicious, it’s not as sweet as most breads you find in Japan. Winning!
After breakfast I head to one of the 2nd hand stores Miho recommended, this one was called Hand to Hand. Great name! The Japanese always come up with interesting shop names! I might start writing them down. I walk in and the first thing I find are some giraffe slippers. Hahaha brilliant I need some for the season and these are only $5! Last season I was given Hello Kitty slippers for Kris Kringle. Best gift ever but I didn't bring them this time. I wonder through and the store is so cramped. There's shit everywhere and you really have to dig to find some things. Standing in front of me is this old school Coke fridge! So vintage, so expensive. There's a vintage gum ball machine, antique  jewelry boxes, records, books, furniture, artwork, electronics and literally anything. A hoarders dream except there was one-of-a kind things in there too; they were ridiculously overpriced though. If I had enough kgs to come home I would've bought a few house hold things. So different.
Next I head into the main shopping mall of Kyoto. Walking through and I have no idea what I'm going to do next. There's an arcade with photo booths, games and skill testers. Woohoo, let's go be a kid and waste some yen!! I go in the photo booth which was fun, but definitely better with friends. I'm always a sucker for skill testers. I wonder how much money I've lost over the years? Anyway I put in 300 yen in one game ($3.50 aud roughly) and loose. And put 500 yen in this snoopy one which gives me 6 turns! Man I want snoopy to come adventure with me! On the 3rd turn I get it, wooo!!! Winner! I get really excited and turn around to see some people watching me hehe! I use the remainder of the turns to try and get the other one but I fail. One of the guys that was watching tries next but doesn't get it. I go play some other games! About 10 minutes later he comes back with a pink snoopy and says it's a gift for me! Naw bless! Now I have snoopy and his girlfriend haha! We start talking and go and grab a coffee. He's English is ok but there's a lot of silence. His name Yuto and he plays guitar in a band! Sweet. He takes me to Yasaka Shrine and we get some street food. Sugoi!! Then we say good bye and I continue on shopping.
I head home with some fried chicken. Oishii! A bit later I go to the supermarket, I want to make dinner tonight so I think I'll make sushi. This will be my first decent shop in Japan and I remember last year was so stressful because I just had no idea! Wow, this is actually so much easier now I can read some of it! Stoked! I grab some beer, chuhai, cereal, sashimi and the ingredients to make sushi!!
Get home and put the rice on, then shower while its cooking. I prep dinner (which is not much at all) and crack a sweet sweet Sapporo beer, ahh! Dinner was amazing and I can see myself doing this a lot this season. It’s so easy! For some reason I was worried there would be too much fish but I bloody ate it all! Cheering and full! I'm wearing my new slippers which makes me happy!! It's the small things.
Ohhh I forgot to mention I bought some Christmas socks today! Bring it on!! Only 2 months away hehe
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musically-weights · 7 years
thanks @flamingmusicalroses for tagging me.. now i'm gonna tag @whitecascades only because i love youuuu A - AGE: 18
B - BIRTHPLACE: Coral Springs
E - EASIEST PERSON ( OR PEOPLE ) TO TALK TO: a few of my closest friends (surprising, even kris and a few of my college friends)
G - GROSSEST MEMORY: vomiting when i literally only coughed once
I - IN LOVE?: i have feelings for people, but it will never go past that
J - JEALOUS OF PEOPLE: depends on the situation
K - KILLED SOMEONE: nah dude, even tho i wanna kill people really bad
L - LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT OR SHOULD I WALK BACK BY AGAIN?: love at first sight is VERY MISLEADING. wouldn't recommend it
M - MIDDLE NAME: Lisette (it's my mom's name, aka the devil) (kris, i totally screenshotted your middle name, so the pic is on my phone and i'm ready to get punched. also, ur probably gonna mispronounce my middle name... everyone does)
O - ONE WISH: to play all the instruments (and travel) around the world before i die
P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: from google hangouts: kris; from facetime: rachel; from phone call: my dad
Q - QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED: "how do you lift THAT much weight?!"
R - REASON TO SMILE: to make other people smile and help them be happy
S - SONG YOU SANG LAST: Hollup by Mr Eazi
T - TOP 3 FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: Hulk is my spirit animal, Jane from The Bold Type, and 
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: purple wooo
V - VACATION: the only ones so far are dominican republic, pennsylvania, new york, london, and south carolina
W - WHEN’S YOUR BIRTHDAY: January 22nd
X - XRAYS: i've had several on my chest, but i also had a few on my foot (hairline fracture on L3)
Y - YOUR FAVORITE DISH: um, anything that my grandma cooks lol
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Aquarius (air sign, ftw)
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