#lemme smooch that goat
cartoonsinthemorning · 3 months
Weird note- my bday is the day after yours! Have a good day lil goat
AW COMMHERE you fellow lil goat, lemme smooch your cheeks MWAH MWAH wait a minute maybe kissing on the cheeks is not customary where you're from. I'll pay your head instead.
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yougainedlove · 5 years
If you're still doing scenario stuff rn, could I request College Asriel with a male goat monster partner? something fluffy, sweet and romantic would be really nice please,,,, I'm really gay for this goat hehe,, :'3 (also really sorry if you receive this twice, I never know if my asks go through or not damn it Tumblr)
I did my best!! Hopefully it’s fluffy, sweet, and romantic enough! :D
Also don’t worry, I am very bi for Azzy myself sO LIKE,, I GETCHU FREN,,,,
Thepast few weekshavereally kicked Asriel’s ass, but at least he’s not alone. (Name)’sass is pretty thoroughly kicked, too.
Thankgoodness it’s not a competition.
“Ohhhhh,GOD,” Asriel moans as he falls back on thebed. His eyes close almost automatically, arms stretching above hishead. All things considered, he’d be happy to just start snoringright here. “IfI never see another multiple-choice question in my life, it’ll betoo soon. Theonly thing giving me any comfort right now is the fact that midtermsare over.”
(Name)snorts, then in short order decides to flop down next to hisboyfriend.“Oh, so I’m no great comfort? You know what comes after midterms,at the end of the year, in a feeeeew short months? Finals.Oooooooooh-wooo-ooooo-oooooooooooo―”
Oneeye opens for the express purpose of half-glaring at him. “You knowwhat, you’re a dick. Not only are you not greatcomfort, you’re, like… like… negativecomfort!”
“Mmm,but you love me anyway.”
“Pft.What’s love got to do with it?”
“Gotto do with it, got to do with it―”
That getsa genuine, bleating laugh out of Asriel. “Okay, I walked right intothat one.”
“Suredid. You’reeasy prey, Azzy.”(Name) rolls onto his side, nuzzlinghis snout against Asriel’s. “Don’t we get like a week off fromclasses now? Y’know,to recover?You got plans or are we just gonna camp out in my dorm, sleepingand eating?”
Asrielgives a thoughtful hum, then a sigh. “Yeah, about that. Mom called,and I kind of… promised her I’d come back to Hometown and visiteveryone. I’ve been meaning to go back sometime anyway. She missesme, and Dad misses me… and Kris and everybody else. I try not totalk about it too much, but… I get real homesick sometimes, (Name).I miss my family.”
There’sa silence between the two of them before Name reaches to put his armsaround Asriel and pull him close. Even though Asriel doesn’t getlike this too often to the point that it’s a defining personalitytrait, it’s happened a few times. University is the first timeAsriel has really been away from home for more than a couple of days.And as much as he loves things here, as much as he’s happy he wentaway for college, he wants to see his family and hometown friendsagain.
It’sdepressing when it gets bad. When it hits, it’s clear that Asrielhas a yearningfor the place he grew up, and it’s sopainful to see him justwantingthat bad for something.Ifvisiting Hometown will makethat a little better and take away some of that longing, (Name) isall for it.
“Iknow you do,” (Name) murmurs. He presses a kiss to the side ofAsriel’s ear, paw lazily playing with the tufts of fuzz atopAsriel’s head. “That sounds great. I’m, uh… guessing youdon’t wanna bring me along, or…?”
Asriel’seyes were shut in a peaceful response to the touches, then thosebig blue orbssnap open, staring curiously at (Name). “Huh? Why would you think Idon’t? I… was actually gonna ask if you wanted to come along, butI, um… wasn’t sure if you wanted to visit yourfamily.”
(Name)shrugs. “We can do that next time. You alreadypromised your mom,so if you’re okay with it… I can meet yours this time, and youcan meet mine when we get another break.” His face breaks into awide, impish grin. “Won’t be long now, after all. Finals. Afeeeeew months. Clock’s already counting down―”
“Pffff,oh, my God!” Asriel shakes in laughter, giving his boyfriend anaffectionate headbutt. “You’re such a jerk!”
(Name)headbutts back and lets out a small bleat. “But I love you.”
“Yeah,yeah,” Asriel chuckles, before settling in to rest his head against(Name)’s chest. “… This is actually good. Full disclosure, I amveryterrified of meeting your parents.”
“You,nervous? Really? Youuuu?Oh,my God. I don’t believe it.”(Name) teases. He brings his hand up to stroke the back of Asriel’shead. “What if I’m terrified of meeting yourparents? You said your mom is kind of stern.”
Asrielscoffs, still smiling. “Only when we do something dumb or somethingwe know is wrong. You know, like, uh… flushing bath bombs down thetoilet.”
(Name)pulls away briefly and raises an eyebrow.
Hedoesn’t even have to speak for Asriel to let out a veryguilty-sounding bleat. “Blame Kris! They wanted to see what wouldhappen! They’re the evil sibling, I swear!”
“Yeah,another thing I need to worry about,” (Name) chuckles. He settlesback in, restinghis chin on top of Asriel’s head. “What do I have to worry aboutthemdoing? What’s it gonna be ―thumbtack on my chair, salt in the sugar shaker, joy buzzer when Ishake their hand? Do they have some kind of pet lizard they’regonna threaten to feed me to if I break your heart?”
Everypossibility earns another round of laughter from Asriel. “God,you’re so bad. They aren’t thatmean, I promise. They used to have a bird, but she wouldn’t havebit anyone even if they put their finger in her beak themselves. Areyou really nervous about this?”
“…Alittle.” At least he doesn’t have to worry about any judgmentabout that. It’s not like Asriel is going to say that being nervousis stupid or anything like that. “This is your family. I don’twanna just be ‘that awkward dude Azzy brought home from college’.I want them to like me.”
Asrielshifts and leans up to kiss the bottom of (Name)’s jaw. “Iunderstand. Trust me, I’m gonna be the same way when I meet yourfamily.”
Hecircles his arms around (Name)’s waist. “But,”he adds as he closes his eyes again, “you don’t have anything toworry about. They’re going to love you.”
When(Name) nestles his face against the top of Asriel’s head, he gives(Name) a reassuring squeeze. “Just like I do. Promise.”
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messedupessy · 6 years
Asgore, Undyne, alphys for the meme thing please 'v'?
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Mhhhhh lemme see, this a tough one man... Because I would happily marry both Asgore and Undyne, because sweetest goat dad who deserves that loving but also Undyne because hot fish waifu who I love so much mhhhhh
But would marry Asgore, he big and fluffy and can be my pillow, he might be a bit of a pushover but i can help him with that ye
Then would fuck Undyne as she hot af but also don’t think she and I would work so well if married bc we would prolly butt heads as I am one stubborn binch but as a one night stand and perhaps a friend then heck ye even tho I do wanna smooch her ye
And lastly drinking with Alphys, never would want to marry or fuck her as she is just not my type like she is cute af man but her personality just wouldn’t work and she needs to let loose a little have some fun ye
Send me 3 characters to Fuck, Marry or Get Drunk with 
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tcohs-messenger · 7 years
*slams hands on table* bring the monster boys i’ll give ‘em all sweet smooches! Julian’s first and then that fucko Lucio can be last! (but also lemme smooch portia because she is also a sweetie) - Fight-Anon
I am gonna take this moment to theorize how they kiss!
So Julian, bird boi mcgee, does beak nuzzles. He gets kisses, he does, but the way his species portrays kisses is by pressing their beak to the underside of their partner’s jaw. 
Nadia, kisses are the gentle caresses to the nose, either by finger with with each other’s noses. Nose boops are cutesy kisses!
Asra- a linger caress either down both cheeks are the same time or down the line of the forehead~!
Portia- head boops, like what cats do, right against their partner’s face!
Muriel, as a werewolf, little licks and such. A full on, lip to lip esque kiss, is when they lick either lips or the curve just below the nose. 
Lucio, no kisses, he just headbutts you full force, tight, affectionate nuzzles along the column of the throat or next to your ear!
Of course- those are MONSTER kisses- and I’m sure if you asked for a proper human kiss, they’d be more than willing to oblige 
Alright everyone, you heard fightsy- get in line for some top notch smootches- except you Lucio, wait in the corner till we say…
Lucio whines in goat
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blackusagii-blog · 6 years
@thearcanagame lemme smooch the goat man
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metazensae · 7 years
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cockyroaches · 7 years
Rc9gn pony stuff
Because I'm really giving up at this point ~Jacques is a huge huge hUGE ASS FUCKING HORSE, NOT EVEN A PONY AHAHAH. He's a percheron with dark scarlet fur and a dialing shaped white mark on his muzzle. Also he's a skilled strong pegasus so it becomes quite terrifying His cm is an old filming camera with film all around it ~Brent is a smol lanky earth pony. "Smol" isn't fair tbh- he's average sized if not a little taller, but compare him to Jacques and he's nothin ahahah He's strong too, and likes to run. Boy does he like to rUN. Quick, agile and smart- and a piece of shit too so His cm is an anvil and a hammer slamming against each other, sparks everywhere ~Rachel was my fav to think about??? She's so SMOL, so TEENY AND FLUFFY????!! There's some shetland pony blood on her and she's so fluffy fuck it Very cuddly and gentle, she's also a pegasus with very fluffy feathers~ she loves to fly around in extremely high speeds (think zipporwhill) and genuinely wants to help, its endearing Her cm is either a guitar with music notes or just music notes in general bc damn she's good That's all for designs but lemme hit you up with scenes ~Jacques is so very teasing with his bf being smol, very smol. He calls him bite sized cinnamon roll and Brent loves it but he pretends to want to rip his guts off. Its good bc Jacques has a very fluffy fur and in the winter Brent just loves cuddling against him. Who am I kidding they cuddle whenever they don't care ~Rachel is legit the one with most intimacy with Levander so she's very aware of when he's been wrecking his horn again. Oh yeah, I'm back with that y'all lemme torture him He's just really woozy and she always scolds him but she knows it's useless but this point- it's already broken... He just lets him lay over her back and nibble on her feathers because he isn't really working well. She smooches him all around and lets him be as comfortable as he feels like. She's super worried ~Julian can basically eat anything- fruits, bugs, fish. Very omnivore fluffy butt we got here. But that also means he can drink blood too He doesn't dare tho: poor bby gets legit DRUNK if he drinks blood. His belly is sloshy and he's very dizzy and weird If he gets outta control (I don't care who's the poor victim?? I'm evil) he gets really emotional and whiny but also gets a major bellyache He really needs someone to rub his distended stomach and everyone's happy he's in too much of a drunken state to give a fuck ~Been a while since I mentioned it but Flute Girl's part goat. Whenever she gets angry/stressed/anxious she lets out these very startling noises that are uncontrollable and quite shameful. She just shrinks and coils back blushing heavily as hell even if ponies are already used to it- still she doesn't like that in the slightest. It's something she's so frustrated about and really dislikes about herself BLLLLAAAAAAAA AM I CLASSIFIED AS LEGIT TRASH YET PPL
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