#WOOO gore is so hard this is my first try
drangues · 11 months
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i am so late to bylerween2023 but this was meant for demonic possession day, i hope this is spooky enough </3
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grayfilmsandstuff · 3 years
okok WOOO hope ya dont mind-- but could i request a matchup with the main three? (english isn't my first language and my grammar is horrible, my apologies,,)
i'm 5'4, i have dark brown hair and eyes, i would say im on the paler side maybe,,? i'm a female and i use she/her pronouns and currently questioning my sexuality))
i stuggle with mental illnesses and my personality changes depending on the person njdsk,, but i really try hard to be polite with people as a get really angry easily and tend to get into fights with some people often,, i enjoy helping and listening people vent!,, i'm loud. very loud, and energetic.
i'm really interested in true crime, those edgy breakcore albums, gore, homestuck,, i'm learning how to build and script on roblox!
I'm not sure whether to put this as an interest or personality, but i have a weird habit of acting like a cat,, like meowing, trying to take as many as showers/baths (NOT IN THE WEIRD WAY WHERE I HAVE TO LICK MYSELF-) as possible because i want to stay clean and i have a fear of smelling bad, i really like attention but not too much or little to no attention at all if that made sense-
i hope this was alright as i am not good at socializing.
awwewweeww you sound so nice aghssgah !! love this v much thank u for the request
i match you wiiiiith...
- Hank prolly met you when he was going out on a mission by himself and he noticed you beat him to the killing-agents-fest
- they thought that you would be super valuable to have around so they told you to go back with them to the bunker and there you stayed
- you fit in really well with Hank and the other three, but you were sort of shy at first. at that time Hank made sure you were comfortable and always looked out for you
- they still always look out for you, and they think you're absolutely perfect. they love you with every fiber of their being
- your personality may change depending on who you're around but when you're with him you feel like you can truly be yourself without worrying about what he's gonna think of you
- play fights!! Hank may have almost 2 feet on you but they love play fighting with you. one time you broke his goggles though and you felt really bad, but their only thoughts were 'i love this woman so much'
- you're really the only person Hank goes to vent to, so whenever he does you let him hold you and rest his head on top of yours and just talk about what's bothering him and you will listen for as long as you need to
- when you're in their embrace you feel the safest, like no one is ever gonna hurt you again
- sometimes you'll listen to crime podcasts on your own while you're making your own games on ROBLOX and Hank will sit in the room with you and you'll just be in each other's presence. one time though the podcast episode was a little too familiar
- "...the murderer tossed several bodies into a large blender, leaving a gory, bloody mess behind them. after not much research, it was discovered that Hank J. Wimbleton was the cause of all this."
- "wait holy crap i'm on a podcast?!?! i'm famous, y/n!!"
- "...Hank why did you throw bodies into a blender"
- your cat-like aspects are SO CUTE to them! sometimes they'll pet your hair like a cat and it absolutely melts their heart every time you meow
AWWWEWWEW this was so fun to write
also!! thank you guys so much for all the support i love you too!! mwah mwah take my love 💞
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oceanmastertrash · 6 years
the tides know our names- 4/?
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gif from @patrickwilsoned
Summary:  -takes place after the movie- Orm is working with Arthur to try to help Atlantis move forward when Elara has a vision of his death. As part of an order of Atlanteans dating back to the reign of King Atlan known as Tidewatchers, it is her duty to warn the king of her vision. Predicting and reading the future through the tides of fate has never been easy but Elara is in for the challenge of a lifetime working with her former king to save his life.
Part: 4/?
Word Count: 1,523
Warnings: Violence and fighting
Read on Ao3
Author’s Note: Welcome back! Couldn’t leave you on that cliffhanger for too long! and still got my chapter a day streak going strong. wooo! I also am finding that writing these smaller chapter makes it much easier for me to keep my flow. It’s also easier to get through the writing and editing if it’s in bite-sized chunks. Anywho, let’s get back to it!
What is it?” he asked and she squinted, deep in focus.
Hearing Orm’s question, Vulko stopped ahead of them.
Still feeling through the tides, she struggled to put into words what she’d sensed. It was such a small thing, like a single stone in a gravel road that was turned the wrong way.
“I-” Elara began but never got the chance to finish for suddenly the whole left side of the passage ahead exploded.
If the party had been any further along in the passage, they all might have been caught in the explosive blast but instead they were just hit by the blast wave. Vulko was thrown into to the far wall, Elara, the next closest to the explosion was nearly tossed off her feet, instead she was knocked into something heavy to her right. At the impact, she looked up to see that said heavy object was the prince. Orm had an arm extended that had kept her on her feet. A little stunned, and not just by the blastwave, Elara wanted to thank him but there was no time for pleasantries as citizens of the Trench suddenly flooded the cavity the blast had created.
Vulko and the guards were quick to to rush at them but while they were armed, Orm was not. Elara crouched to pull a pair of knives from their sheaths in her boots, handing one to him wordlessly. He nodded in gratitude as he took it before the Trenchers reached them.
Elara silently thanked the council of tidewatchers and especially Madren and Zult for all of their insistence and patience in teaching her the tides of battle. In a fray like this with such tight quarters and so many wild assailants, she needed every advantage she could get She would never boast to be a strong warrior like Orm or Arthur but learning the tides had taught her focus and perception which she’d spent years channelling into precision and skill.
Zult, the most masterful Tidewatcher in the art of battle tides had told her that every action caused a ripple and every move in battle was like a pebble being skipped in a lake. If she could focus on the ripples, on the depth of each skip and the direction, she could learn to predict where the stone would sink and how many skips it would make. The same was true in any fight, if she listened to the tides, and focused on the movements of her enemies, she could see how they might strike next. It was a small edge and one that could be overcome by sheer brute strength or overwhelming odds but it was an edge Elara had been trained to wield deftly.
While the Trenchers were no skilled warriors, they made up for it in blind savagery and numbers. The guards had moved ahead of Orm and Elara in an effort of protection but they and Vulko were quickly overrun and three of the Trench people were advancing on the tidewatcher and the prince. A ripple and she saw the middle one stabbing a spear towards Orm. She quickly stepped forward, blocking their intended aim and wrenched the spear from the Trencher’s grip. A flash shower the one on the left making to pierce her in the stomach so she feinted right while swinging the spear around to knock the middle Trencher into the left one.
Orm, meanwhile, had begun engaging with the remaining Trencher. If Elara was a fool she might have worried about him but he had been King of Atlantis and she knew he could handle himself against a single Trencher. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was not the same as the vision. It hadn’t been like this. She hadn’t seen an explosion and these Trenchers weren’t exactly wielding traditional Atlantean daggers. No, her vision had seemed more personal, more surgical. This was a blunt mess that Orm was certainly equal to facing.
The middle Trencher recovered quicker than than their fellow and made for her with claws and teeth. Grunting, she opted to stab them in the neck with her remaining knife. For the sake of speed, she left the knife in the Trencher for now and instead opted to fight with the spear. The remaining Trencher was recovering from its fall and made to lunge but she stabbed it swiftly with the spear.
Meanwhile, Trenchers were still pouring in through the hole. Many were already dead or knocked out by Vulko and the guards. Orm had dispatched his first attacker and was now engaged with two more. A third was making its way towards Orm when Elara intervened.
She leapt over a fallen combatant and swung her spear to meet them. They countered with their own spear. This one was more agile and ferocious, and perhaps more hungry judging by how it snapped its teeth. She gave it a bash in the head with the blunt end of the spear to knock them back then backed up to avoid their responding swing. Making quick slashes with the blade end she put them down.
She then turned to check on Orm. He was facing away from her, bearing down on a particularly large Trencher two or three times the size of the ones she’d fought, when she sensed his other opponent about to launch itself and swipe at the small of Orm’s back.
She leapt forward between the two and hit the Trencher in face to knock them off their path. Briefly, she chanced a glance at Orm only to see him notice her as well. He nodded and each resumed their respective bouts. There was something almost empowering about the idea of fighting back to back with warrior as powerful as Orm. When more Trenchers surrounded the pair, she found strength in him having her back while she defended his. The next few moments were a blur of blows and dodges. Elara anticipating and deflecting, and Orm knocking his enemies down with ease. In the noise of snarls and and slashes, she could sometimes hear Orm grunt or shout but she worked very hard not to focus on that. Now was not the time to be distracted.
Then, nearly as suddenly as the battle had started, the remaining Trenchers suddenly flinched, shrieking and clutching at their heads with their webbed limbs, some began folding in on themselves while others made to retreat. Elara looked at Orm in confusion. They were both panting, his brow furrowed in concentration and his hair, usually slicked and composed was now ruffled and loose. Now was not the time, but Elara had to admit that it was a good look. They were both taut and alive with energy as they tried to identify what has caused the sudden retreat.
Then a blast wave emanated from outside the hole in the wall, as Trenchers were suddenly slammed back in and against the wall and floor. Soldiers and guards swarmed in from either end of the hallway as Arthur, in his full armor and might swept in wielding the legendary trident of Atlan. The soldiers surged forward and began apprehending the cowering Trenchers.
Elara let out a deep breath, grateful for Arthur’s help and her training. Then she felt a ripple to her right and looked up to see Orm holding her knife out to her. It was spattered in gore and had clearly received plenty of use. Without any hesitation he wiped it quickly against the material of his pants before handing it back to her.
“Thank you,” he said as she took it from him.
She didn’t know why but something about the depth of his voice and manner surprised her. There was a look in his eyes that was different to how he’d regarded her before. It was almost as though she’d surprised him and he was doing his best to reassess his opinion of her.
She nodded, sheathing the knife, “You’re welcome.”
He continued looking at her though and the full weight of his stare made Elara very jumpy, especially as couldn’t figure out what it meant. With the surge of adrenaline from the battle still thrumming in her veins, it was uncomfortable to just stand still. For lack of anything else to do, she just cleared her throat and went to retrieve the other knife from the Trencher’s neck. She’d just wiped it when Arthur swam his way to them from where he’d just been speaking with Vulko.
“You two alright?” He asked, looking them both up and down for injuries.
Orm and Elara looked at each other again, seeming to do the same. He still had that look in his eye- almost grateful and also surprised. It was hard even with her skills as a tidewatcher to place.
“We fared well enough,” Orm answered.
“No injuries here,” she replied though she knew she’d likely be very sore later.
“Good,” Arthur said, satisfied, “I think we better have another chat.”
She just nodded, too worn out for anything else but Orm was still looking at Elara when he responded to Arthur, “Indeed we should.”
A/N: I don’t write fight scenes that often but that was a lot of fun to write. And Orm in action? hell yes, sign me up. He’s just so attractive y'all. Okay, you know the drill, I would love to hear what y'all think about how the stories going or heck, just gush at me about how hot Orm is. We’re all in this together.
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