mrsarcadian · 1 year
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"THE MONKEES" by the monkees (1966)
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thislovintime · 4 months
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Peter Tork with Arlo Guthrie and Timothy Leary on the set of Alice's Restaurant, 1968. Photo 1 by Steve Schapiro/Corbis via Getty Images, photo 2 courtesy of Everett Collection.
(Peter knew Arlo from the Greenwich Village days, particularly, according to 16 magazine, Peter's February 1964 visit to his old stomping grounds.) "[T]he Monkees use the new energies to sing the new songs and pass on the new message. [...] The Monkees' television show. Oh, you thought that it was silly teenage entertainment? Don't be fooled. While it lasted, it was a classic Sufi put on. An early-Christian electronic satire. A mystic magic show. A jolly Buddha laugh at hypocrisy. At early evening kiddie-time on Monday the Monkees would rush through a parody drama, burlesquing the very shows that glue Mom and Dad to the set during prime time. Spoofing the movies and the violence and the down-heavy-conflict-emotion themes that fascinate the middle-aged. And woven into the fast-moving psychedelic stream of action were the prophetic, holy, challenging words. Micky was rapping quickly, dropping literary names, making scholarly references: then the sudden psychedelic switch of the reality channel. He looked straight at the camera, right into your living room, and up-levelled the comedy by saying: 'Pretty good talking for a long-haired weirdo, huh, Mr. and Mrs. America?' And then ZAP, flash. Back to the innocuous comedy. Or, in a spy drama, Micky warned Peter: ‘Why this involves the responsibility for blowing up the entire world!’ Peter, confidently: ‘I’ll take that responsibility!’ And Micky, with a glance at the camera, said, ‘Wow! With a little more ego he’ll be ready to run for President!’ Why, it all happened so fast, LBJ, you didn’t even see it." - Timothy Leary, The Politics of Ecstasy (1968)
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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Jordan had always known that his best-friend Micky was a total bullshitter - but this time the stupid douche-bag had got himself into real trouble.  Inventing an imaginary girlfriend called Ashley and telling everyone at school they were dating was one thing - but bragging to the school bully that he was bringing his girl to the pool party and wagering $300 on it was crazy.
"Look Micky - when 'Ashley' doesn't show up at the pool party with you, you're gonna owe that ape $300 ," groaned Jordan.  "You don't have that kind of money and the bastard is lining up practically the whole school to humiliate you tomorrow."
"Which is why it is totally going to throw him when she actually shows up and I actually humiliate him," grinned Micky.
"But Ashley isn't real you moron.  You downloaded her photo off a website, the real girl probably lives thousands of miles away - she might even be in a different country!"
"Relax bro," smirked Micky pulling out the offending picture from his wallet where he always kept it.  It showed an incredibly hot and busty teenage girl standing next to a car, her huge breasts barely contained within her tight white top.  Her nails were long and sexy, and her eyes had a sexy intensity to them.  She was the hot girl next-door and then some.  Most of the guys at school had enjoyed drooling over the photo - Jordan had been no exception.
Placing the photo down carefully, Micky opened a box and pulled out a candle inscribed with strange symbols.  He turned to his friend and grinned.  "You see Jordan, Ashley is gonna become real."
"What the hell are you talking about you total cretin," scoffed Jordan as his friend lit the candle which burned with a pinkish flame.
"My aunt is a witch.  I convinced her to give me this magic candle.  All you have to do is burn a picture in the candle flame and you will become the person pictured. I just need you to burn it so you turn into Ashley."
"Are you nuts? Magic isn't real dude... and even if it was, I don't want to turn into a girl."
"Sure you do.  It would be fun.  Are you telling me you'd really pass up the chance to be THAT hot?  Look, all you'd have to do is turn into Ashley for a couple of hours.  Just long enough to show up with me to the party and get the $300.  Then we'll burn a photo of you and turn you back!  I'll give you half the cash, you can't say fairer than that."
Jordan winced.  This was crazy, but his friend seemed dead set on it.  "Tell you what.  I'll go through with your stupid plan, but you have to give me 20 bucks when it doesn't work, just for wasting my time.  I can't believe you're going to get me to burn this picture... it's so hot."
"Yeah, but soon you'll be her and YOU'LL be that hot.  Go on, I've been dying to see this in action..."
Jordan reluctantly took the photo and held it into the candle flame.  It took almost instantly, burning bright pink and rapidly being consumed.  To his amazement the flames didn't emit any heat and the smoke that gathered from the burning, instead of dissipating, began to writhe and coil around him. Something magical was indeed occurring. "Woah, what's happening?"
Micky watched in amazement as his friend was completely obscured by smoke... cocooned in it.  From inside the haze he heard grunts and groans, his friends voice seeming to radically change and get sexier. "Oooooh, oh wow, ohhhh Micky, you gotta try this ahhhh I feel... mmmmmmmmh ohhh amazing!"
Inside the smoke Jordan was transforming and altering.  He felt his fingernails lengthen like those of the girl in the picture and he suddenly felt smaller and sexier.  His hair tickled his shoulders as he felt an insistent weight on his chest and looking down was amazed to see his chest was swelling and pushing out!  The magic was real!  He was turning into a girl!
"OHHHHH FUCK!" groaned Jordan as he felt a strange absence growing in his crotch area and his skin tingled prettily.  His clothing seemed to be changing to match his new body and he could taste lipstick on his mouth.  This was weird... but kinda nice.  His insides tingled and his features transformed, his mouth breaking into an infectiously cute smile.  He reached up to his face to feel soft, smooth skin... impossibly soft.  "Ohhhh yeah," he moaned in his new softer voice - turning himself on at how girly and sexy it sounded.  
As the last of the photo was consumed and vanished, the pink flames spluttered and the candle wick went out - leaving it ready to be used again sometime...
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The smoke began to clear and Jordan sat down on the bed with a squeak, his plump new ass taking the weight nicely. His new sexy mouth curved into a grin as he examined himself and giggled.  His formerly male body was completely transformed.  He was now dressed in a tight, barely decent pink boob tube and had a light teal skirt on.  His formerly hairy legs were completely smooth and he had a big pair of big boobies bouncing on his chest.  He was incredibly sexy and feminine - he had become Ashley.
"Micky, this is awesome!" laughed Jordan in his funny new girls voice.  "For the first time ever in your life, your bullshit has turned out to be true!"
"See!  I told you my aunt really was a witch.  Pretty cool huh?"
"Oh my God, my dick is totally gone," gasped Jordan with a hand down Ashley's skirt.  His fingers felt the elastic of a pair of panties and he rubbed his flat front, gasping as he touched his new pussy for the first time ever.  Ashley's was totally smooth and shaven and it felt so good to touch.  Even better than a dick.  He began to massage his clit, groaning as his nipples got hard through his top - before realising where he was and what he was doing!
"Oh shit, sorry," he blushed realising what he was doing and snatching his hand out of his hemline. "Sorry dude, it's just weird.  Fuck, my tits are huge... I mean, I look so feminine now!  I must have bigger boobs than every girl at school.  Wow, these nails are super long too... are these those gel nail thingy's all the girls at school are always bragging about?"
"I guess so," grinned Micky. "Do you like them?"
"Hmmm, strangely... I do.  I never really noticed before, but long nails are kinda hot."
"I meant your tits!"
"Oh, yeah... sure, God... is that all you can think about?"
Standing up from the bed, Jordan walked over to the mirror.  Even his walk was different now.  He held his arms differently and his hips swayed when he moved.  He looked like a real girl.
"Hey, why am I dressed differently to the girl in the photo? I thought I was gonna turn into a copy of her, shouldn't I be in that white top and daisy dukes?"
"Well, the way my aunt described it - you didn't just become a copy of Ashley - you ARE Ashley.  Reality has altered to fit you in. So you're wearing what she would be wearing right now under normal circumstances... carrying what she would be carrying.  For the time being Jordan has ceased to exist and no one will remember him.  If you were to go home now, you'd find your room is now a girls room.   Look you even have a handbag."
Spotting the handbag on the bed, Jordan pulled it open and found an iphone and a purse.  Inside was a drivers license for 'Ashley Hilton'.  He guessed that was him now - he was Ashley Hilton.  Unlocking the phone, he found he had contacts galore for various girls - many of them the popular girls from his school.  There were plenty of messages from them, one or two of their half-naked boyfriends sent to the rest of the girls to check out.   Looking at a picture of the star quarterback with his rippling muscles on show was kind of weird... and kind of sexy.  There were plenty of private messages for Ashley.  Quite a few of them were variations on: Hey Ash... looking forward to seeing you at the party tomorrow... XXX
It was clear that Ashley was pretty fucking popular... which made Jordan think.  Now she was real and reality had changed... did that change this entire situation?
"Micky - if this thing changed reality, does that mean that Jackson won't have made the bet with you and this is all for nothing?  I mean it kind of looks like Ashley goes to our school, so why would he bet $300 dollars on her turning up at the party tomorrow?"
"Oh crap, that's a point.  Well ummmm, hopefully the bet is because he doesn't believe she would ever date a loser like me.  I better check though."  Micky began doing something with his phone whilst Jordan inspected his new body and prodded his face.  Looking through the handbag he found some lipgloss, mascara and some tampons.  "Holy shit, I get periods now!  Oh fuck, I hope I'm not on one at the moment..."
Opening up his phone and checking the calendar, Jordan breathed a sigh of relief as he saw 'Ashley' had marked her times of the month carefully.  Looks like he didn't have to worry about that right away!
"Okay dude, I just checked with some of the guys and the bet is still on.  It's pretty much like you thought though, you aren't my 'imaginary' girlfriend anymore... everyone knows you exist, it's just no one can believe we are dating.  Damn it - that's going to make things harder though."
"How do you mean?" 
"Well, you can't just 'show up' at the party anymore.  You're gonna have to tell people we are dating and maybe kiss me to prove it..."
"KISS YOU! You have got to be kidding!"
"Hey... am I that bad looking?"
Folding his arms under his boobs and giving Micky an irritated look, Jordan shook his head.  "Forget it. I am not kissing a boy."
"Why not?  You are a girl now, and if the candle worked right you should have a healthy female sex drive and sexual orientation."
"WHAT! You fucker! You didn't tell me it was going to do that!"
"Well I was hardly going to tell you that as well as changing your body, the candle would transform your mind was I?  I knew you'd freak out!  Haven't you noticed that you're already acting more feminine?  The way you're walking, the way you are talking?  It would hardly be of much use to either of us if you needed months of preparation to pass as female.  The spell made you Ashley and Ashley you are becoming."
Jordan stamped his foot in annoyance.  He should have known not to trust that little shit - this spell was fucking up his mind as well as his body.  That would explain why he had known the unlock code for Ashley's phone... why when he thought of some of the girls that were messaging him, he suddenly knew things about them he had never known before.  Details and events of a life that was now his were hazily beginning to appear in his mind.  For instance, he knew he had a hairdressers appointment next week and he also knew that he was meeting the girls on Monday to go shopping at the Mall.  The longer he stayed as Ashley, the stronger those memories would become.  
"Don't worry, we'll turn you back before those memories becoming too overwhelming, it's only for today and tomorrow."
Jordan suddenly pursed his soft lips and looked at his friend in dawning horror.  "Hang on though - we need a photo of me to turn back though right?  And since this stupid spell just transformed reality and made it so I have always been Ashley, surely all the photos of me will have changed too?"
Micky felt his stomach lurch and a flush of panic creep into him.  Grabbing his phone, he began looking back through his albums, but to his growing alarm - every photo of Jordan was gone.  "Ohhhh fuck, I didn't think of that."
"YOU IDIOT!" screamed Jordan.  "YOU MEAN I'M STUCK LIKE THIS!?!"
"NO!  Of course not.  There has to be a way to turn you back - I just need to errrr, talk to my aunt!"
"You better," screamed Jordan.  "I'll see you at this fucking party tomorrow and if you don't have a way to turn me back to normal, you're going to regret it!"
Turning on his sexy new heels, Jordan stormed out of the room and Micky ran to the window as he watched his friend run away, fighting back tears, to a cute red convertible, climb in and screech off in a cloud of rubber.
"Oh shit..."
Micky had never felt so nervous in all his life as he arrived at the party, butterflies in his tummy.  He'd hardly slept a wink last night and he had desperately wanted to call Jordan and check his friend was okay, but to his annoyance he found he didn't have Ashley's number in his phone and he had no way to contact her!
Urgent phone-calls to his aunt had been made, but so far there was no response.  He just had to hope that he could see Jordan, promise his friend everything would be okay and do whatever he could.
Arriving pool-side, Micky looked around urgently and gulped in relief as he saw Jordan.  His friend was sitting by a group of gossiping girls and Micky's eyes opened wide in amazement at how sexy Jordan was looking.  He had dressed Ashley's body in a tiny pink plaid bikini set and his hair and makeup looked incredible.  He was perfectly made up, from the sexy white gel nails still on his fingers, to the glittering belly button ring in his navel.  He looked every inch a hot girl.
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"Give us a moment will you girls," commanded Ashley as Micky slunk over.  "I need to have a quick chat with this loser."
"Oh yeah, your so called 'boyfriend'," giggled one girl - Chloe.  "Give him hell Ash... what a fucking loser.  Imagining lying to the whole school that he was dating you, what an idiot.  See you later 'Little Micky' hehe... "
"Hey what did you tell them?" asked an embarrassed Micky as the girls walked off shooting his venomous glances and giggling to themselves.
"Ohhhh, just girl talk...  don't worry about it 'tiny'.  So did you find a way to turn me back?" asked Jordan almost disinterestedly.
"Jordan... I'm sorry, I'm waiting for my aunt to call me..."
"It's ASHLEY, now loser.  Since you've trapped me as a girl, I may as well own it," sneered Ashley as she inspected a nail.  "I had a feeling you'd let me down, so I'm going to have to go to plan B."
"Wh... wait... what's plan B?"
"Well you see Micky... the longer I stay in this body, the more comfortable and girly I feel.  I was pretty upset with you last night, but once I got home and started thinking about it - I realised this isn't so bad.  The longer I stay this way, the more I get to like it.  I can feel Jordan slipping away... soon I'll just be Ashley."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that if I'm stuck as Ashley... I may as well BE Ashley. I'm not going to waste anytime feeling sorry for myself... I'm going to start enjoying being a hot girl right away. Being this way does come with certain advantages after all."
"But Jordan, my aunt might still be able to..."
"Fuck your aunt and fuck you.  You are such a selfish prick.  You just wanted to be the big man and show off your super hot girlfriend.  You thought you could use me to make £300 dollars and get the reputation as a stud you always desired.  But your little plan has totally backfired you dweeb.   You've made me into a hot, spoiled, party girl - but I have zero interest in helping you out.  In a way it's a shame.  You've turned me into your dream girl - but guess what... your dream girl isn't interested in your scrawny body and pathetic personality.  She prefers a real man. A man like Jackson."
"WHAT!  You have got to be kidding, that douchebag..."
"That douchebag is the richest boy in school, plus he's handsome and ripped. Why wouldn't I be interested in him instead of you?  Since you've turned me into this superficial slut, I may as well act like one."
"Jordan - please dude... I know you're mad at me. It was an oversight, I'm sure my aunt can help us out.  Please don't do anything crazy... we're best-friends."
"We WERE best-friends.  I don't feel anything for you anymore," sneered Ashley.  "In fact, it's kind of a turn on to betray you and fuck you over like this.  Just talking between the two of us, I don't think I'm a very nice girl, and I'm probably just gonna get badder the longer I stay like this.  It kinda makes my pussy wet to boss the other girls around and be the hottest one here.  I think I'm a bitch... and once Jordan fades away completely I'll just be a naughty slut forever.  Oh by the way, Jackson just showed up and he's coming over here... looks like you're in the shit..."
Micky turned round in horror as he saw Jackson was approaching.  The strong confident boy smirked as he saw his victim and easily read the cold body language between him and Ashley.  "Yo, dickweed.  I guess this is the moment that Ashley here tells me you are dating and I pay you $300? Or maybe not?"
"Me? Dating this loser," sneered Ashley like a cold-hearted bitch,  "you must be kidding."
"Guess you owe me $300," laughed Jackson.  "I can't believe you would make up such a stupid rumour.  Why would a hot girl like Ashley ever see anything in a loser like you?  Have you got my money with you?"
"I ummm, I'll get it you tomorrow," squeaked Micky as Jackson lifted him up by his shirt and leered into his face.
"You better... or you ain't gonna be able to walk for a month."  The bully turned to go, but Ashley suddenly smiled at him and beckoned him over.
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"Hey Jackson, whilst you are over here, I'm trying to avoid tan lines on my back.  Will you do me a big favour and rub some lotion into my back?"
"What are you doing?" hissed Micky to Ashley as she enticingly pushed out her chest and flashed her perfect smile at the bully.
Loosening her bikini, Ashley smiled at Jackson and the bigger boy grinned back. "Well would you look at that Micky, look's like your 'girlfriend' needs a real man to help her out."  Grabbing the lotion bottle he squeezed it out onto his hands and sitting up behind Ashley began rubbing it into her back.  "Fuck you have amazing skin Ash," he grinned, "feels so soft and smooth."
"Mmmmh, that feels nice Jackson," purred Ashley like a cat.  "Ooooh, I don't suppose you could do my front too?" Grabbing his hands she pulled them slowly and irresistibly over her shoulders and onto her tits.  "Oooooh, whoops," she giggled.
"Holy shit Ashley, what are you doing?" groaned Jackson as he found his hands full of her boobs.  "Are you trying to get us kicked out?"  His hands slid down her body and Ashley helped guide one into her bikini bottoms.
"I'm so fucking wet Jackson, I need you to fuck me so badly."
"Mmmmh, we'll go inside and fuck there.   Make that dweeb Micky act as our look-out... he won't dare tell on us."
"Ohhh yeah, that's such a hot idea," giggled Ashley.  "Make him watch as you fuck me like a real man."
"Jordan, what the hell are you doing?  This is INSANE!"
"Who the fuck is Jordan?" asked Jackson in confusion.
"I have no idea," moaned Ashley, "this dweeb is such a little freak.   Lets go and fuck, I can barely stand it anymore.  I need your cock inside me."
"Come on Micky, you're gonna stand guard at the door whilst I bang her brains out.  I'll give you a one day extension on my money as a reward... plus you get to watch the show.  This little bitch is begging for it."
Micky had no choice as the bigger boy bullied him into following them inside and finding an empty room led them inside.  Making Micky stand by the door to watch out for other guests, Jackson continued fingering Ashley and they kissed passionately - Ashley moaning in pleasure as she got hornier and hornier.
I can't believe that's my friend!  Why is he doing this? What a bastard!
"Mmmmh, let me suck your cock baby..."
Sinking to her knees, Ashley eagerly pulled down Jackson's jeans and cooed happily as she saw his large penis. It was already huge, but it could only get bigger and her mouth was already watering at the thought. Grabbing it in her sexy hands she began to jerk it and suck on it, her big tits jiggling as she went to work on pleasing her man.
"Ahhhh, fuck that feels amazing.  Mmmmh looks like she likes it huh Micky?  Damn girl, you suck cock good."
"Mmmmh his dick is so big," giggled Ashley turning to her former friend with a slutty smile on her face, "so much bigger than a loser like you."
"Shut up and suck it bitch," groaned Jackson, forcing his dick back into her pink mouth with a pop.  Ashley eagerly obeyed, she loved sucking dick.
Grabbing Ashley's head, Jackson helped her suck his dick... the moaning slut gagging happily and sucking wetly as she bobbed her pretty head up and down.  Watching her give him head, Micky felt sick... a few days ago this had been his friend, now he was acting like some dumb spoiled cum-slut.  That wasn't the worst of it though... if he was being truthful, the real problem was he was jealous.  He'd give anything for Ashley to suck his dick instead.  It looked amazing.
"God damn it, I need to feel that tight pussy.  Stand up slut, let me fuck you and show our friend here what a big cock does to a hot bitch like you."
Grabbing Ashley and ripping off her bikini bottoms, Jackson spun her around and smacked and squeezed her ass.  She moaned in pleasure, and submissively used her hands to spread her ass cheeks... revealing her dripping hole and pushing it out to tempt him.  Jackson knew she was wet and ready, his fingers had already been deep in her slit.. he grunted as he pushed his massive dick slowly inside her tight cunt, and grabbing onto her tits began to fuck her.
"OOoooooh YES! Fuck me Jackson, mmmmmh, ohhh your big dick feels so good!"
Ashley was facing Micky directly and her face was one of ecstasy as her lover began to roughly pound her from behind.  She moaned in pure pleasure, pushing back to take him deeper as they got into a rhythmn and hot wet slaps filled the room.
"Ohhh mmmmh, this... is... how a real man... uuggggh fucks a girl," she cried, looking Micky directly in the eyes without even a hint of shame.  "You'll never get to know how good this feels."
"Damn Micky, her pussy is the tightest I ever had, fucking hell she's amazing.  Mmmmmh, it fits like a glove."
"Ooooh, I love being filled up with your big cock," screamed Ashley juices running down her legs as she got fucked so good.  "I... I... OHHHH YESSS DON'T STOP OHHHHHH FUCCCCCCCCCKKKKK!"  Ashley's eyes rolled as she cummed and Jackson grinned as he grabbed her hair and began thrusting even harder and deeper into her, not even giving her a break.  She continued to orgasm, moaning and screaming as she cummed repeatedly on the giant dick inside her and squirted over her lovers cock.
Meanwhile Micky felt sick to his stomach. His friend had totally transformed into a naughty slut and it was all his fault. Worse, she was making him watch all this... and it was making him hard. He wanted to cum his own pants, but he could barely watch as the couple continued to fuck, trying different positions out and filling the room with the stink of hot sex and cum as they rutted like animals in heat.
Suddenly he became aware that his phone was vibrating in his pocket and grabbing it out saw that there was an incoming phone call from his aunt.
"Micky, it's your aunt.  I'm so sorry, I only just got your messages."
"Auntie, please... you gotta help me, Jordan used the candle and he turned into a girl.  Now he's stuck!"
"Don't panic Nephew.  It's easy to reverse.  You just need to completely burn down the candle you used and everything will go back to normal... well... just so long as nobody had sex."
"Thank God... ummm, sex? Wh...what do you mean?"
"The magic locks and becomes permanent if anyone who has transformed has penetrative sex.  Just so long as your friend hasn't fucked anyone, he should be fine."
Turning around, Micky groaned as he watched Ashley slide Jackson's cock out of her pussy with a pop and jerk it till her came over her face and tits.  Hot cum dripping down her body, the slut luxuriated in the glow of sex as she basked in her new sexuality and power.  "Mmmmh, I fucking love being a slut... I feel like such a dirty whore and I love it. Being a hot girl is the best, I'm so glad I got stuck this way.  Jordan is dead... that loser is nothing compared to me."
Looking into Ashley's wicked eyes, Micky wanted to weep.  His friend was lost forever now and she didn't even care.  Ashley had consumed Jordan and turned him into a wicked, popular slut.  Her corruption into a bitch was complete.  Micky would never again see his friend - he had been completely replaced by her. And worst of all... he owed her new boyfriend over $300.
"So then Micky, lets talk about how you can get me my money," grinned Jackon as Ashley eagerly sucked the last of the cum out of his cock.  "After all, looks like I have a new girlfriend to pay for and I'm guessing she has expensive tastes."
This was not going to be a good year...
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WHEN THE COVER of Micky Dolenz Sings R.E.M. began circulating online earlier this month, many people presumed it was some sort of Photoshop prank. Dolenz did record a tribute album to Carole King in 2010, and he followed it up in 2021 with a collection of Michael Nesmith songs, but King wrote several of the Monkees’ best songs, and Nesmith was both his bandmate and a brilliant songwriter in his own right. R.E.M., meanwhile, didn’t have any sort of obvious connection to Dolenz in the minds of most people.
But the EP is real. It comes out on November 3 via 7A records. We have the video for “Shiny Happy People” right here. Dolenz also covers the band’s 1981 debut single “Radio Free Europe,” their 1992 hit “Man on the Moon,” and the 2004 deep cut “Leaving New York.
“These songs are absolutely incredible,” Michael Stipe said in a statement. “Micky Dolenz covering R.E.M. Monkees style, I have died and gone to heaven. This is really something. ‘Shiny Happy People’ sounds incredible (never thought you or I would hear me say that!!!). Give it a spin. It’s wild. And produced by Christian Nesmith (son of Michael Nesmith). I am finally complete.”
The album was the brainchild of 7A Records co-owner Glenn Gretlund. The UK label has been re-releasing lovingly remastered versions of obscure Monkees-related albums since 2015. They’ve also been the home of Dolenz’s new works in recent years.
“I was talking to Glenn about what to do next,” Dolenz tells Rolling Stone. “The band R.E.M. came up. I went, ‘Wow, that’s very cool.’ I’m a big fan. I remember their stuff very well. And I’ve heard through the grapevine that the band were fans of the Monkees. I found that incredibly flattering.”
R.E.M. were indeed one of the first major bands to cite the Monkees as a significant influence. This followed a long period where critics of musicians scoffed at the made-for-TV band. “People realize how great the songs are,” R.E.M. bassist Mike Mills told Rolling Stone in 2012. “It doesn’t matter anymore that they didn’t write them. It’s just not the perceived crime that it was then.”
[Rolling Stone]
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japhan2024 · 1 year
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Oops I accidentally posted this ask prematurely w only the outline lol SORRY@! But yeah so here it goes!!
The Most Special Person
"Sure you're going home?"
"Yeah, I have pilates in the morning."
"Who are you and what have you done to Ian?"
"Shut up!"
"Ah, there he is!"
"So who is ready to continue this party?!"
"Nah, I gotta go home to my dog."
"I need my beauty sleep."
"But you're already so pretty, Keith! But YOU Noah, you look like you need some sleep hahahaha"
"Okay alright okay, I see how it is! Just kidding, I was already going home. Bye guys."
"Sleep well princess!"
"I guess it's only the three of us now!"
"Where do you want to go?"
"I don't care I just want to continue this party!"
"Alright we'll take you some place special!"
The voices and sounds around Anthony began to blur. He'd drunk quite alot already this evening at the grand Smosh get together they threw every couple of months. Tonight was extra special as Smosh had hit a new subscriber record.
The three musketeers, Anthony, Tommy, and Chanse, were the only ones left, as they usually were. They would often go to a cocktail bar until the early morning, but today, Tommy had a different plan. Pretty drunk himself, he led the lads to one of the most iconic gay bars of Hollywood, Micky's. The stately building and beautiful interior were accentuated by the lounge music, loud enough to compliment the atmosphere but low enough so they could hear each other talk.
"Wow, you're taking us to Mickey's you wild boy," Chanse giggled.
"What better way to end the night than with hot guys and even hotter cocktails?!" Tommy greeted the bartender. The guy hugged him and gave him a little wink to boot.
"This is not my first gay bar, by the way!" Anthony lied. Ugh, why did he still have anxiety even when this intoxicated?
"Oh well, then you know the rules! Show your dick and you get a free drink!" Tommy joked. Anthony looked like he was gonna do it though so he quickly added "just kidding BRO! You're obviously new to this kind of bar, bless you. It's just like any bar. But gay!"
"Ahh okay."
Anthony felt a little bit awkward. He loved his fellow musketeers, but he wasn't often around this many gay guys. He felt like people looked at him like he didn't belong here. He honestly didn't - he'd experimented with his sexuality years ago but found that a male body just didn't excite him sexually. A female body, however... so he wasn't gay. At least not sexually..
In the corner opposite Anthony, he saw a big, beautiful drag queen. Her hair silver, her makeup grandiose, and her dress sparkling and green. She wore boots so high that Anthony wasn't sure how she could ever walk in those. Somehow, he felt drawn to her, she looked friendly and exuded a motherly vibe.
Anthony walked up to her and said, "Good day, milady, so what brings a beautiful queen like yourself to a bar? Surely you already have a husband or at least a sugar daddy somewhere to take care of you?" To be honest, those words all blurred and slurred over each other, and he wasn't sure if she'd heard anything he said.
The drag queen laughed a beautiful hearty laugh and answered "why what a blessing to have such a striking young fellow visit here of all places. I feel like I know you from somewhere? My name is Dolly Brightheart, what's yours?"
"Anthony's the name, drinking is the game! At least tonight," he blundered on. Luckily Dolly didn't judge him for his cringey words.
"I am afraid that I am indeed already taken, sweet boy. But tell me, truly, what brings YOU here? You don't strike me as a guy who comes here often?"
"My friends took me here, we're celebrating my - our - youtube channel. It hit 30 million subscribers last month. You know, I started that channel in 2005 with my best friend Ian! Ian Hecox, yeah, he's the more outgoing one of us. But he's not here tonight he has pilates in the morning. Can you believe it? And so Tommy and Chanse took me here, and here I am!"
"Well, that sounds like quite a channel you have built, congratulations! Let me pour you a drink." She poured Anthony a glass of water but he didn't notice and drank it all in one gulp.
"Yeah, I am quite a big deal in the youtube world you know, our channel Smosh is loved by people all around the world! But well, running it as two seventeen year olds, that was pretty hard to do you know? So we sold our channel to this dickhead company, excuse my French! They didn't even pay us with real money but with stock that turned out to be worth zero dollars."
Dolly shook her head slowly. "Those scallywags. So what happened then?"
"Well, Dolly, slowly but surely the company took everything from me. My passion, my time, my best friend... I left Smosh. I lost so many years. But I'm not even mad right now because the story has a happy ending! Wanna know what it is?"
Dolly nodded, smiling to one side of her gorgeous face. Anthony looked around but didn't Tommy and Chanse anywhere. He was having a good time though, so he continued to talk to Dolly.
"So I went on a journey to find myself ya know, I built my own individual youtube channel, it's doing pretty well. And I interview all kinds of people, different sexualities, I also interviewed drag queens as wel! So yeah once I regained my confidence, I was more open to talk to Ian again. We'd not been friends for so many years but Ian, Ian is such a big part of my life.. he is like the sun, you know. He's my other half, professionally speaking. He's extremely like, extremely creative and comes up with these incredible ideas that I'm like?? You're a genius Ian!! And he doesn't even realize how amazing his ideas are. And that's not all. So we reconnected, right? And then Ian asked me if I wanted to buy back smosh, our own company and channel, together! Isn't that amazing?"
"This Ian sounds like a very special person," Dolly said, sipping her own drink.
"He is, he's the most special person in my life..." and then it hit Anthony. Ian WAS the most special to him in his life. Not in a sexual way maybe, but in a romantic way? Possibly?
"And so we did, and that's why we make it a point to celebrate well and often," Anthony said, smiling at Dolly. She smiled back.
"Do you tell him that, darling? That he's that special to you?"
"I try to. I try to.." Anthony slowly blinked. "Dolly, thank you for listening, it's been wonderful but I have to go call a Uber."
He gave an awkward bending-down hug to Dolly but she didn't mind and told him farewell. "Damn, Jon was right all along," Anthony thought to himself.
"Hey, where are you?" - a text message from Tommy.
"I'm heading home, I have pilates in the morning."
"Sure, Jan."
"Shut up."
"Good night."
"Good night."
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
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i was tagged by @birdie-hop (thank you birdie <3!!!) to do a fun new tag game where you list your favourite musicians and (if you want) explain why you like them so much!
so i feel kind of like a bit of an outsider when it comes to music because i tend to be super particular and i don't actually like a lot of musical artists beyond a song or two. there are a lot of little things that tend to put me off of songs or artists, so when i find one i like i tend to latch on to them with everything i've got. this is going to get really long winded because i have a lot to say about one of these artists in particular (Bowie duh), so fucking feel free to just ignore this!
The Beatles -> let me start with my biggest cringefail flop moment of my whole life. i had sworn to never like this group, i used to make fun of my friends who enjoyed them, and then like the biggest hypocritical asshole of all time i watched the stupid fucking get back documentary and have not recovered since. other than being bewitched by their faggotry and crazy internal dynamics, i genuinely really love their music (that was so painful to type...). i think what i appreciate most is something about their music feels both timeless and yet beyond its time??? and the sheer level of musicianship in their works is mind boggling (like holy fuck not to jerk off paul or anything, but watching him pull that song out of his head in -3 seconds in get back rocked my world). they also just genuinely seem to be having fun (until they weren't) and it comes across in their music. as people they fucking suck ngl, but also that's part of the charm (not john lennon though he has issues i can't see beyond so sorry dude dni on sight buddy) because it just shows that they aren't these giga brain geniuses that are beyond mortal comprehension.
Ryuichi Sakamoto -> not going to lie i got into him by way of watching Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, so that will always add a level of endearment to him as an artist for me. vocally, he isn't the strongest performer, but there is something charming about the sincerity in which he delivers his lines that i appreciate. i love how sakamoto sculps sound, he's so insanely good at cultivating atmosphere especially in his instrumental pieces. the mcml soundtrack is a great example of what he's capable of, and considering he'd never scored a movie prior to that is just insane. his dedication to experimentation and genre hoping is also super admirable, i love that he has experimental sound work but also classical pieces but also 80's poppy numbers. i really appreciate how he incorporates cultural instruments and melodies into his work, modifying them in a way that both retains their significance while allowing room for change. actually here is one of my favourite pieces by him if you want to check it out -> compute, compute, compute
Micky Dolenz -> and like i suppose this also includes the monkees in general, but specifically she is EVERYTHING TO ME!!!! vocally i'm slain every time he opens his mouth, like what a fucking voice and it just keeps going strong. i know every one says this, but micky is truly one of the most underrated vocalists, he deserves so much more recognition for his talent than he has received. also, as a songwriter??? FUCKING WOW!!!! i WISH to GOD he had written more songs, because man oh man the ones he wrote for the monkees are just banger after banger. i think micky's intelligence as a song writer is super insane, his ability to spin a narrative while also handling intense topics all wrapped up in a soft voice that belays the seriousness of the song???? uhm yeah give me more bitch, love that shit. also micky just seems so chill and so kind. not to mention modest; the guy is too modest for his own good, babygirl please you deserve so much more okay??? all in all he seems like the friend that would take you out and get you fucked up beyond belief, but then he'd make you some coffee in the morning, y'know?
David Bowie -> okay, okay, okay, fuck, um he literally means too much to me to even begin to put into coherent words. i've never connected more with a body of work than i have with his music. every facet of his songs -the style, the lyrics, the themes, the sound- speak to me on a visceral level. i still get literal goosebumps listening to certain songs, it's insane how much emotion they inspire in me. he is also the only musical artist where i've listen to his complete discography AND enjoyed most all of it (you don't even understand how HUGE this is for me). As an artist, Bowie is simply unmatched to me; he pushed himself constantly, reinvented himself constantly, tried constantly for his art. that mindset, the desire to push and try new things and not stagnate in the preciousness of your own ego, is something i've tried so hard to incorporate into my own practices. beyond just the music and his art, as a person i've never related more to someone (the good and the bad). so much of my personality has been ripped from and formed by him (that should be embarrassing, and it kind of is, but his mask of confidence and poise has served me soooooo fucking well). Bowie always saw himself as an observer, removed from people, living on the outside looking in on the world and its workings. whether it was a perceived alienation, or a real alienation, or a combination of both, he always felt other. and man oh man if that isn't just the most persistent feeling in my life. anyways to make a long gay story short this dude rules my world and just writing this has me tearing the fuck up <3
okay now that that is done i tag @reignoerme, @sunny-lie-melody, @squeesbysophie, @vintagecocacolainthesun, and @jathis (but only if you want to man!)
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kyriemrmister · 2 years
i've finally finished reading the crossover monkees RPF fanfiction (aka Time Prison Fic) that i liked that davy design from and um
how can a fanfiction be so unapologetically LGBT-friendly and anti-TERF and also hate women and sapphics so much?
it's also painfully obvious how much of a self-insert the fic's version of mike is (and tbh it also stinks of naruto harem fic except it's mike nesmith from the monkees instead of naruto and he's transmasc and there's more then women in the harem)
the earlier parts before mike came in were more tolerable (elaine kido is both a girlboss AND a girlfail. what a queen. i love her) but wow the monkees popping up and taking over the story ruined it.
mike literally has none of the babygirl and pathetic meow meow qualities he actually had (according to the monkees fandom on here) and is literally every poorly written alpha male OP self-insert harem smut fic lead on ffnet except he's trans, and surprise! he doesn't just like women! (props to that bit! but it's just an excuse for male and nb characters that half of the writing duo has the hots for to also get into mike's pants and be his cheerleader and do nothing otherwise like the women also do in this fic and almost any other harem fanfiction from ffnet)
there's also other Questionable Things, socks and his flanderization from genuinely good and interesting lead to 'heehoo funny meme guy', for one (i could write an entire dissertion on what the story lovingly calls the 'TFSP' oh man)
and whatever tf they did with micky dolenz (once she comes out as a woman in the fic she just becomes another cheerleader and porking object for mike and they disregard previous characterization for that. did i mention how much that half of the writing duo hates women and sapphics? because wow he sure does)
and tbh this fic also does davy dirty (he's just there for fetishization of fat people because the half of the duo who writes him has a weight gain and feederism kink and it's painfully obvious but he doesn't want to push it on mike because he doesn't want him being 'weak and helpless' or something)
peter is also done pretty dirty too tbh (literally he's just boiled down to 'hippie pacifist plantboy who puts up protective barriers and heals people', which is not a bad concept in itself, but it's executed so SO badly. like you gotta make socialist and bisexual autistic icon and avid woman respecter peter tork into a soft 'don't hurt me or i'll cry' boy to further elevate mike?)
and when a new character appears or an old character from earlier in the fic, 9/10 they're just there to be mike's cheerleader/pork mike/for mike to beat up
there's some genuinely good humor in this fic (the puns and wordplay are top notch in this fic, and they know the right time and place to slip in a meme or reference)
but wow. WOW. does the male half of the writer duo ever hate women and sapphics.
i'm currently reading the reboot of the story and tbh it also stinks of some of the same problems (mike somehow has the ability to turn straight men gay for him, which is funny, but also the ability also makes sapphics fall in love with him, a man, who isn't even close to being butch, fall in love with him too, which is kinda gross lol)
the only fun parts of the reboot of the story so far is the reimagining of the seiya and ikki rivalry as more of a bugs bunny and daffy duck situation (a very galaxy-brained but clearly not canon-compliant take on their rivalry. doesn't stop from making me love it though), women having more agency (when mike's not around lol), and the use of pizza tower as a new addition because peppino's pretty bang on characterization-wise so far and he's been frequently enjoyable as a character for the Most Part, as there's the One Misstep for the Crossover Mother of his OC Child because the whole 'don't age up children and ship them' discourse which taints the fic's version of peppino Slightly.
it's obvious the writers care a lot about representation but hm. there's a lot of woman and sapphic hate permanating this fic saga and its reboot (the reboot significantly less so but it still Stinks of it Slightly) and i think that's what ruins it.
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just so you all know i associate you with whoever your profile picture is so whenever i see you post i just think "oh sweet davy posted something" or "oh damn mike just got a funny ask" "wow micky as a girl just drew something radical" like that's just how my mind works and I hope you guys do the same with my amazing new pirate peter profile picture
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the-firebird69 · 30 days
We got this morning to his children I just said we're gonna wait he said until what there's a hazard we didn't have any time for this no patience anymore other people are suffering ports and you're helping them get it going but then we're kind of sitting in the way and we're saying we'll wait until it's time it's time they're right there we don't like them and they we said move he said why do you let them go out there if they're gonna be **** and fight us and attack us we don't need that so it's true and they went in and grabbed it over and there wasn't much and they said if there's a fight elsewhere we'll do it. Pthey gbbed all the important stuff And they grabbed all of the production cars that are the majority of cars just run 8 or 10 models and include CSUV's and it includes sedans and pickup trucks and we also grab trucks and stuff that are specialty vehicles huge numbers of those airports and all sorts of stuff we got up to everything that we could all over the Midwest and outside with a stockpile and the military stuff is moving now all the old stuff they don't bother with we're taking it all over and all of it can be retrofitted pretty quick and we're moving out and we listen to what you said don't bother starting them up just throw them in trucks and get them out and it seems a lot of time that's their use we don't want to bother and we do need to update their stuff a little too and we we have a plan but this is a massive massive massive move we plan to do it but we see your people making it bigger we want all these cars we've got a group together we're trying to hire our people we need your help they want you to sign on and we're seeing it right here for them. It's a huge success. And we have giant giant factories opening to tether them apart categorize clean them and package them to go to distributors and right now huge distributors are available and we're sending giant numbers of parts in moments huge numbers of cars are coming back and you told me Brian we want the standard models they're like 8 and just fit as many as you can in this way we have other stuff to bring out there and they're not really bringing that much so he started shipping them out when do we put all this and they're fairly decent cars and they're the models that sell and it's wondering what we're doing we're just making cars and we're assembling them and selling them parts so he kept on sending them and we're purchasing them and selling the parts huge numbers of parts and it looks like this guy Joe dirt and Tommy boy are selling parts for Stellanis. And they're still selling new parts but we're gonna get going now and we will be back.
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
we have Garth on the linne and we try to buy pot and sell it lol. now us we see it..and she luaghs ok i do it addn no no you cant hahaha lol this blows. hahah crap ok weed. pot stick and grth he dont know and he sys tons of terms shorlty. sells it. we send it. and can to dispenseries and for real mostly shitty ciitie for apetite. they have to et micky deeees nd hahh no we use it though lol hahha lol trump n bja say and yeh ok n and stuff but yeh man cool more of it yeh
and shenskee says no no we had enough lol and different distributor and ok good lol hhh lol hahah lol. i sell the head shop stuff they think i t me good yes.
and we do this now
Thor Freya
haahaha lol wow you rule man ok ahahah
tommy allen and need the truck ok ahaha no but fun
we do hep haha this is the one
trump we handle the heavy stuff ok yup need a perscription and good lol yeh ok good
hahaha lol
0 notes
goldyknows · 5 months
Goldy lockS Band in Canadian Beats!
WOW! What an AWESOME article in Canadian Beats! Jenna Melanson you outdid yourself. What an HONOR! Thanks on behalf of me, Rod Saylor and #JohnnyOro of The Goldy lockS Band. You rock Boss Babe!
READ for some JAW BREAKING news with an upcoming collab with non other than Mickie James-Aldis a star in SO many arenas! We are SO STOKED!
How many OTHER hot steamy CANADIANS were talked about in this article where they choose ONE non Canadian band to talk about? IDK Paul Kemp Edward Peill... maybe your parents need to READ this article? 🤔
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perfectcovenauthors · 2 years
12/30/2022 Weekly Update
12/29/2022 → Thursday Skype & Write And wow – that was our last Skype & Write for 2022! I’m glad to report that it was a  productive one. I have word metrics to wrap up this last Weekly Update of 2022: Mickie wrote 418 words on the December Perfect Coven blog James  added 85 words to Cat’s Cradle, and also added two new side characters to series bible Sid finally finished the November…
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kilophere · 2 years
Dl warcraft 3
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Dl warcraft 3 how to#
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Dl warcraft 3 professional#
Dl warcraft 3 series#
There had been an attempt, in the late nineties, to expand the Warcraft franchise with a hand-drawn graphic adventure, the plot of which was partially repurposed for Warcraft 3, but until World Of Warcraft in 2004 strategy games were all Warcraft was really known for.
Dl warcraft 3 series#
Warcraft 3: Reforged review – a horde of problemsīack in 2002, Warcraft wasn’t known as anything but a real-time strategy series a trilogy of games that were heavily influenced by Command & Conquer but which never went any further after the whole genre fell out of favour with mainstream gamers. 3D landscapes with physically correct hand grenades rolling downhill? Explosions reflected in the water? Missile swaths, headlights, muzzle flashes? None of it! But even on the packaging, the sham pictures are still shown. When Tiberian Sun finally came out in August 1999, it didn’t look nearly as good as the official screenshots, and many of the features that had been announced were missing. It’s just funny that every single picture has to be approved by Boss Brett Sperry beforehand. Because the year is 1999, and the cult studio Westwood keeps publishing impressive screenshots for its new Command & Conquer, paired with big announcements. Perhaps the most egregious is the absence of essential and expected multiplayer elements that, of course, helped to propel Warcraft III to the status of competitive classic.
Dl warcraft 3 software#
We cannot confirm if there is a freeload of this software available.
Dl warcraft 3 how to#
Instead, Reforged is very much the original game plus the Frozen Throne expansion, inconsistently lacquered over with new textures and beset by news species of bugs. To download the product you want, you should use the link provided below and proceed to the developers website as this was the only legal source to get Warcraft III Frozen Throne. Download Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Walkthrough for PC Windows 10/8/7 Laptop - Step by step guide on How to Download and Install Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne. Perhaps in part from Blizzard’s marketing and pre-release promotion, players expected Reforged to be something akin to a revolutionary - or at least, significantly - new version of a classic. Books shelved as game-wow-dl: World of Warcraft: Ashbringer by Micky Neilson, Nexus Point by Richard A. Easily switch between all of your World of Warcraft installations organized however you like. Automatic addon detection combined with simple easy to use controls allow you to quickly and easily manage your addon collection of any size. Warcraft III’s story went on to form the core of World of Warcraft and the hero unit concept nearly singlehandedly gave rise to an entirely new genre, MOBAs. Organize your addons your way, simple display of the information you need. In addition to heroes, Warcraft III redefined the RTS genre by focusing on smaller squads instead of massive swarms of units and finally, its colorful and - for its time - detailed graphics were a real evolution for the franchise. It had an engaging high fantasy story filled with larger than life, epic and memorable characters. We are a truly global community with over 53 different countries represented among our players.Ī vibrant and active community that is proud to call WoW-Mania home.It’s hard to overstate (speaking of hyperbole) how influential and important Warcraft III was when it was first released nearly twenty years ago. Meet up with old friends or make new ones. Our team is made of dedicated and passionate individuals who professionally create and maintain every single aspect of the game.Ĭome join us and relive the glory days of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
Dl warcraft 3 professional#
WoW-Mania is run by professional developers and technicians to ensure the best all-around gaming experience. We are the most stable and bug-free wotlk private server in the world today, with custom content and a top of the line hardware. Both the PC and Macintosh versions were published in North America by Blizzard Entertainment on Jand in Europe by Sierra on July 4, 2003. No hype, just the plain good old World of Warcraft fun you grew to love. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne is an expansion pack of the real-time strategy video game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos developed by Blizzard Entertainment. We may not be the biggest but we are certainly the best in quality and the service we offer to our players. While this may be news to some of you we have been providing a high-quality and high-availability World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King server for over 6 years now. There has been a lot of talk and hype about some legacy wow servers lately.
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dontkillthebit · 5 years
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anyway here’s just a frankly alarmingly large mike sketchdump from my old sketchbook
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nominalnebula · 5 years
yeah okay I think these last two weeks just about take the cake
I’d like to get off the merry-go-round now
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stancontenders · 7 years
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harryspet · 3 years
billionaire boys club | p.parker
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[Warnings] dark!peter parker x reader, taste of steve x reader, hint of bucky x reader, rich!peter parker, college!peter parker, aged down steve rogers, aged down bucky barnes, noncon/dubcon sex, public sex, degredation/humiliation, manipulation, blackmail, unprotected sex, possessive!peter, nerdy!rich!reader, heavy buildup, plot with porn 
A/N: hope this long one-shot makes up for how long i’ve been gone :) steve and bucky are reader and peter’s age in this 
In which Peter, the boy with everything, can finally have what he’s always wanted.
taglist: @cherienymphe @watercoolerpaint @disaster-rose  @doozywoozy @oneoftheprettynerds @xoxonotme @peterztinglez @lovelynerdytraveler @hollandsdream @micki-smiles @buckybarnesplumwhore @arts-ismything @saharzek @what-is-your-wish  @brattypeony  @visintaes​ @buckysbunny​
main masterlist
word count: 6.7k
2 years prior …
“Although the eighteenth-century robe, highlighted in the Art Resource Guide, was made of Indian fabric, it was constructed in,” Michelle read out the question as you watched your own thumb hover over the black button in your hand. You pressed down quick, faster than the always speedy Peter, and searched the notes in your mind. 
“Y/N?” She asked after the ding.
“The Netherlands,” She gave Peter a small look as if to question why it was that I was getting the answers faster than him. 
“That is correct,” You made sure not to look over at the brown haired boy, who was surely scowling at you. “Good job, Y/N.”
“Next question, a unique characteristic of the Kerala murals is?”
You pressed down quickly, grateful that this was a topic you’d covered heavily in the past week, “Y/N?” She called on you again and all the teenagers in the room seemed to giggle as Peter threw his head back in frustration.
“The inclusion of sculpted relief frames,” You smiled, confident in your answer. 
“And for the fiftieth time, you are correct,” MJ smirked, “Peter, dude, art history is just as important as evolutionary biology or the binomial distribution. You can’t be this weak in that area.”
Peter’s hands tightened around his podium, “I don’t see why I can’t just handle the tougher topics and, since Miss Y/L/N is such an art freak, she can handle those questions. Ask me anything about descriptive statistics or even the Cold War and I’ll blow you away!”
“Or,” You chimed in, “I could answer statistics questions, history questions, physics questions, or anything at all because I actually study everything comprehensively. Academic Decathlon involves all subjects and someone who is strong in everything is much more useful than someone who thinks he’s Einstein because his Uncle makes robots.”
“Makes robots?” He crossed his arms, and you toward him staring him down across the stage, “His business involves thousands of industries and is the largest tech conglomerate in the world. He didn’t get to where he was knowing about stupid murals and neither will you.”
“Wow, you have such a complex! How do you expect us to be a team if you automatically think you’re better than all of us?”
“I don’t, I just think I’m better than you-”
“Peter, enough,” MJ interrupted, “Both of you need to cool off. What I said still stands. It’s our senior year, our last competition, and I need total cooperation. Let’s take a fifteen minute break and, if everyone’s not on their best behaviors by the time we come back then I’m changing the team lineup.”
You marched down the stairs of the stage and made your way to the door, pushing out until you were down the school hallway. Midtown Elite Prep’s halls were lined with blue and yellow and so was the tie of your school uniform. The richest kids in New York went here so they could inherit the empire’s of their tech CEO parents. You were no different, and you used to have more in common with Peter than you did now. 
You used to be friends until puberty hit and Peter decided to develop a crush on you, ruining what you thought was a perfectly good friendship. Besides that, ever since you were small, you saw dating and marriage as a distraction from accomplishing your goals. You saw your parents begin to hate each other while pretending to the public that they were soulmates. Your mother jetted off to Paris whenever she didn’t want to be around your father and your father never divorced her because she was entitled to half his money. That didn’t stop him from inviting women into your home, thinking you were tucked away in your bed as he played with hookers and smoked cigars with his “elite” set of friends. 
In a month you’d find out what schools you’d gotten into and the rest of your life could begin. You were privileged not to have to worry about paying for college which meant you could aim higher than most. You’d go to Columbia’s graduate school of journalism and end up writing for a big organization like the Associated Press or New York Times. In your spare time you’d work on your novels and become distinguished in writing contemporary novels in a changing world. 
You were refilling your water bottle at the fountain when you heard steps behind you. 
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, the star athlete and his greaser best friend, were happily walking down the hall. Your eyes followed their path, finding Peter Parker, at the end of the hallway. It was a mismatched group but it seemed to work for them, with Peter being the brains of the operation which wasn’t saying much. 
“There’s our decathlon champion,” Bucky clapped, “Kicking ass and taking names?”
Peter’s lips parted, to your surprise he was smiling until he caught a glimpse of you, “Something like that …'' He trailed off and you awkwardly turned around, deciding to take the rest of your fifteen somewhere else, “I’ve got an hour until practice over, I’ll meet you guys outside and I’ll have Happy take us to Shawarma Palace.”
“What do you think, Y/L/N,” You paused as Bucky called you from down the hallway, “Shawarma Palace? After practice?” As you turned to look at them, Bucky was stoic as usual but Steve had a warm smile on his face. You always preferred him over the other two, at least he had a natural talent over just having Daddy’s money. 
“Y/N is super busy,” Peter quickly interjected.
“C’mon, Y/N,” Steve added, “It’ll be fun.”
You opened your mouth but Peter interrupted, stepping between the two guys, “Y/N has never had fun in her entire life. She wouldn’t know what to do with herself. Her little heart might give out.”
Steve seemed to chuckle at that which hurt you a bit more than you expected. Peter seemed to notice your lingering eye on him, “Greasy meat isn’t really brain food,” You said, confirming what Peter perceived you as, “And I have a competition this weekend. You three have fun though, I’m sure your conversations will be … stimulating.”
You turned away again trying to tune them out as you walked away, “I don’t know why you guys bother …”
“Pete, you’ve been into her since-”
“I’m not into her. She’s a pain in my ass.”
“At least she has a nice ass.”
You rolled your eyes and then you were finally far enough not to hear their rude ramblings about you. You were not the fun girl and you’d never be Steve’s type. And it was better for you to stay far away from him since he was so close to Peter. 
In a few months it wouldn’t matter because you’d all be living separate lives at separate schools. 
Except that didn’t happen at all. The billionaire boys followed you all the way to Columbia. 
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Freshman year was hard. Almost impossible actually. You made exactly one friend and you were pretty sure Wanda only spent time with you because she was your roommate and felt bad for you when you’d stay inside every Friday night. It turns out that college really teaches you how unspecial you are. You could’ve been the smartest at your highschool but that didn’t matter anymore because everyone here was the smartest from their highschools. It was a serious competition to become high ranking in any of the clubs and it was a fight to get close to any professors when there were three-hundred students in your undergraduate classes. 
Your second year wasn’t as isolating but you were starting to believe that you wouldn’t be one of the girls who found themselves in college. 
The words DAD popped up on your phone just as Wanda got up out of bed. You were already awake, typing at your final assignment due before spring break,  “Want to go get breakfast?” She asked groggily, dressed in sweatpants and wearing tangled hair. 
“My Dad is calling, I’ll meet you down there later.”
She shrugged, grabbing a towel from her closet, “I’m gonna grab a shower. Don’t be too late, they’ll run out of blueberry muffins.” You nodded, letting her file out the door before answering his call. 
“Yeah, Dad?”
“Will you be home on time?”
“I wasn’t aware that I had to be on time,” You set the phone to speaker mode, grabbing your laptop and pulling it onto your lap, “I have a paper I’m still working on.”
“I need you home tonight by six p.m. You, your Mom and I are having dinner with Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.”
You straightened up, “Wait, why? You hate Tony Stark.”
Your Dad sighed, “There’s a lot I still need to discuss with you. I want to explain it all before you hear it from someone else or see it in the news. For now, you just need to know that company is in a bit of a situation. Stocks are down, a lot of my investors are pulling out and I need Tony’s support right now.”
“So we’re having dinner with him because we need to kiss his ass?”
“Don’t use that language, Y/N. He can save us. He might be the only one that can save us. You want to keep going to one of the best schools in the country, don’t you?”
“You’re in that much trouble? You won’t be able to pay my tuition?” He went quiet for a moment and you imagine his hand was on his hip and he was pacing his office, “You’re not in legal trouble, right? You didn’t do anything wrong?”
“Sweetheart, I just need you home tonight. Your family needs you home,” That was enough to answer your question. Your body went still though your world was starting to crumble around you. How could he be so stupid?
“Yeah … I’ll finish up and start packing up, Dad.”
He breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you, sweetheart. I think by the time Spring Break is over, everything will be back to normal.”
You only hoped that Peter Parker was jetting across Europe for Spring Break and too busy to come to dinner. 
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“Hey, let me get that,” The tall boy took the pile of textbooks from your arms, keeping them from sliding out of your arms and onto the ground. He left you no room to protest but as soon as you laid eyes on the blonde-haired and blue-eyed --- actually, his eyes had a hint of green in them which you were just now noticing, “No way, you’re taking these on vacation with you?”
Both Steve and Bucky lived in your building and you were lucky when you didn’t run into them. You could thank the ten floors worth of students and a lack of overlapping extracurriculars. 
“Yeah, I have this group project due when I’m back. My professor’s a real …” You tried to catch your breath but ended up breathing out awkwardly, “Asshole,” You coughed as Steve smiled.
“I see,” You were able to grab your two rolling suitcases and he ran in front of you to hold open the front doors for you, “Glad to know these are for a project, not just because you’re an overachiever.”
His words made you frown. “Something tells me I’ll actually need this break,” You walked with him through the courtyard outside the building towards the busy sidewalk, “Do you guys have plans for Spring Break?”
“By guys you mean ..”
“You, Peter and Bucky. You guys are still close, right?”
“Oh, yeah, we’re all supposed to go to the Barnes’s place in the Hamptons,” Good. Peter would be long gone, “I suppose I should extend the invitation to you? I mean, no pressure but-”
“Oh,” Your eyes widened, “We’ve barely talked in a year, you shouldn’t be so nice Steve, but I appreciate the gesture.” Just as the words left your lips, a black car pulled up in front of the two of you. A man you recognized as one of your father’s drivers got out of the car to open the trunk.
“I’m not trying to just be nice,” Steve started to explain, rubbing his hand behind his neck as if he was nervous, “You’re kinda hard to talk to … not in a bad way. Like, I’ve never really known what to say to you but I want to … say things to you.”
You raised an eyebrow, “I never knew you … wanted to say things to me. I guess because Peter hates me so much that-”
“I thought you hated Peter.”
“It’s complicated I guess,” You handed your bags to the man who lifted them off the ground with ease, “This week, I’m sorry, it’s just kind of chaotic. Maybe after spring break we’ll find some time?”
Steve nodded, a weak smile on his face, “I can’t wait, Y/N. Enjoy your break.”
It seemed that focusing on your goals wasn’t getting you as far as you planned. You had no friends, no romantic interests, and your family life seemed to be on the verge of falling apart. Maybe it was time for you to change. 
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“That’s what you’re wearing?” Your mom asked as soon as she laid eyes on you. You looked down at the teal-striped v-neck dress you’d never even worn before. 
“It’s Paul Smith,” Was your response, “Grandma gave it to me for Christmas.”
“Teal is a summer and autumn color, dear. I wish you would have discussed this with me before you arrived.”
It was a fight you did not want to start, deciding it was best to keep quiet. A servant was leading your group of three to the elevator that would take you to the Stark’s penthouse home, “You two look stunning if I do say so myself,” Your father said, already playing the doting father and husband, “No one will care if the colors we’re wearing match the season. We’ll present our best selves either way, correct?”
“Yes, dear,” Your mother responded but you only nodded. 
 The Stark’s home was just as impressive as you expected to be. You could see the entire city from the fifty foot windows that you, at first, would provide little privacy but you were so high up that there was no way anyone could see in. Tony Stark was a character to say the least, loud and bragging about his latest ventures, with Pepper trying her best to reel him back in. 
“You know, me and your Dad went to college together, right?” You nodded, just being in his presence chipped at your own confidence, “I was a Fraternity guy myself but your Dad was more of a Science Fiction Society kind of guy. I grew up thinking I was nerdy until I met Douglas. I mean, posters all over his dorm and LARP-ing in the park, the whole shabang.”
Your mother forced a smile and your father forced a deep chuckle, “Hey, MIT was tough. We all have our ways of forgetting about school … ” Your Dad cleared his throat, placing his hand on your shoulder, “Not Y/N though, she’s all business. She’s a Quiz Bowl champion and when she’s not doing school work, she’s tutoring others.”
You were surprised that the billionaire looked impressed, “That’s right, another Columbian. I know Peter could use some of that work ethic. He’s smarter than me when I was his age but he lacks focus just like I used to.”
“Boys will be boys, won’t they?” Your mom chimed in like the good little ornament she strived to be and it made you want to throw up in your mouth. 
“Speaking of,” Tony locked eyes with Peter as he suddenly appeared from a hallway that led into the living room where you all were standing. He was dressed nicely in slacks and a button up, his eyes looking a bit red like he hadn’t gotten enough sleep. Or maybe he was still recovering from a night and day of drinking and other recreational activities, “Nice of you to join us, champ. We’re having ...”
“Red snapper with sea beans in a sun dried tomato vinaigrette,” Pepper finished.
“And fries,” Tony added.
“And fries,” Pepper confirmed.
“Sounds delicious,” You saw how Peter’s eyes crinkled when he smiled, a detail you felt you hadn’t paid enough attention to before. You were so focused that you almost missed him saying your name, “Do you all mind if I give Y/N a tour? We’ve barely seen each other all year, so it would be good to catch up.”
The boy you’ve been avoiding was suddenly beside you, “Uhm-”
“Of course, that’s fine,” Your Dad interjected.
“Great, follow me, Y/N,” Peter clapped his hands together. 
It was all an act, you knew that. Peter purposely avoided you just like you did him. Every now and then you would pass each other on campus and he’d give you a look of indifference. Not only did he not care, he wanted to show you that he didn’t care. You avoided the clubs he joined and you were lucky to have claimed the Quiz Bowl team before he did. You were sure he didn’t want to repeat losing to you over and over again like in highschool. 
Based on his social media, Peter was doing just fine. He had a position on the Engineering Student Council and an organization for rising entrepreneurs. That guaranteed him lots of friends and, with Tony Stark being his uncle, more people probably wanted to be closer to him than usual. 
You looked back at your parents as you followed him back down the hallway, hoping for them to save you but, of course, they were too busy complimenting the Stark’s. 
“You look nervous,” Peter commented and you realized the two of you were alone now. 
“Where are you taking me?” You crossed your arms. 
“I was gonna show you my room,” He spoke as if it was obvious. 
“I’ve seen it.”
“Yeah, when I was ten,” He turned onto another hallway and you followed him to the end. The sleek design of everything made you feel like you were walking in a spaceship. He opened the double doors at the end of the hall, revealing the huge room with a higher ceiling than the Sistine chapel. It was a total bachelor pad complete with a huge sectional, pool table, and an Alaskan king bed, “So?”
“Well, now I have seen it,” You tried to not look impressed, “Let’s go somewhere else now.”
Peter rushed past you, closing the door before you could open it again, “You know, you should be impressed. And it should make you think,” You hung onto his words, curious about the point he was gonna make, “Just think about how even greater your lifestyle could be if my uncle started working with your Dad.”
“I don’t need a greater lifestyle, Peter. Don’t block me in here-”
“Say please,” You scowled, stepping back, “Look, don’t think of it as a greater lifestyle. Maybe think about having the same lifestyle. Don’t you at least want that?”
You shrugged, “I guess.”
“Well, I happen to know that you won’t even have that if tonight doesn’t go well.”
You tilted your head, “What are you saying?”
“Oh, c’mon, you know what I’m talking about. I’ll spare you the details but you know your Dad made some dirty deals. His entire fortune is currently being flushed down the toilet. He could even do some time if the wrong people found out. And I don’t think he’s as untouchable as Tony Stark.”
“Peter-” Your fists clenched. 
He shushed you. Stepping forward, making you back further into his room, “And then what? Poor little rich girl can’t go to the school of her dreams, her Mom can’t afford her favorite Chanel bags, the feds seize all your assets and you get kicked out of that nice home while Daddy gets shipped upstate to a correctional facility,” You yelped as you suddenly fell back onto his black couch. 
“You’re … an asshole and none of that will ever happen. I get it, your uncle is richer than my wildest dreams but what you’re saying …you can’t manipulate me.”
“Okay,” Peter stuck his hands in his pockets and stepped aside so he wasn’t towering over you anymore, “Walk out that door and take your chances. Trust that my Uncle won’t listen to me if I tell him your family is nothing but a bunch of scam artists trying to flatter him for his money. Go ahead.”
You stood up from the couch but you hesitated. You heard your parents’ voices in your head, knowing how well they wanted this night to go, “What do you even want from me, Peter? Do you want me to lose at some silly game so you can feel better about yourself?”
He closed the gap between you, grabbing your hand despite the fact that it was balled into a fists, “No, like my Uncle, I’m a charitable man. I want to give to you, Y/N. You just have to be accepting of my charity.”
“What are you offering, Parker?”
“A chance to be my girlfriend,” He smirked, “I’m offering you a full year of my services, including social media posts, driving you around, luxury gifts and a dinner once a week. Not to mention the status, friends and connections that will come from it. You can be my date to any functions and I’ll even let you hold my hand.”
You laughed, your eyes wide with shock, “You’re serious, aren’t you?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You tore your hand away from his, making his face flare up with anger, “Y/N, think about it! I know you’re miserable all alone at school. You need me.”
“I don’t!” You shouted back, “You’re crazy and irresponsible and I bet your Uncle already knows that. Now, let’s go back to dinner and pretend you never said any of this.”
Peter’s fists clenched this time, “If it was Steve, would you have said yes?” His voice was softer than you expected, his tone more serious than angry. 
“Over you? In a heartbeat,” You added, fury in your veins.
Peter scoffed, “You and the quarterback?” 
Even after standing up for yourself, you felt humiliated by the way he saw you. The way Steve probably saw you too. You and the quarterback? Peter thought the idea was laughable and you were beginning to think so too. 
“I’m not a toy you can buy.”
Peter went silent and you watched as he walked to the door and opened it. He waved his hand, gesturing for you to leave, “We’ll see about that, won’t we?”
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“So, Peter?” You could tell Peter was staring you down from across the dinner table but you hadn’t looked at him once. You guessed your father had noticed, and he was probably angry that you hadn’t charmed Tony Stark’s nephew. You wondered where your father would draw the line when it came to using you to further his own business, “Any plans for spring break?”
“Yeah, what are you getting up to, kiddo?” Tony chimed in from the head of the table. 
“Probably just go to the beach, take out the boat, and, you know … hang out.”
“Which means get drunk, I hope you know that, Douglas.”
Your father chuckled, “Of course but if I could get Y/N to just leave her bedroom sometimes, I wouldn’t care what she was doing.”
“We’re also going to this exhibit thing MJ invited us to, it’s at one of the Art Centers in Long Island. It’s supposed to be about the female role in society but represented through geometric shapes? Sounds a bit wacky but should be entertaining,” For some reason, the way Peter was talking made you raise an eyebrow. He was carefully picking his words and you were wondering if he was lying or maybe he was just plotting my demise.
“Especially if you’re drunk,” Tony winked at his nephew and Peter took a sip through his champagne flute. 
“Sounds like something Y/N would enjoy,” Your mother added, and your eyes darted in her direction, your eyes telling her not to mention another word. 
But your Father did it for her, “I used to take her to all the famous museums when she was a little girl. It was her favorite thing to listen to those little audio tapes describing each of the exhibits.”
Peter smiled in your direction and your eyebrows furrowed as you flashed him a warning look.
“It’s not really something I’m interested in anymore-”
“You should come with, Y/N. Maybe it’ll ignite your passion again?”
“No, I-”
“Why not, darling?” Your father nudged your arm, “It’s not like you have any other plans for the week.”
“I’d love it if you came, Y/N,” Peter made sure to add, knowing your father would want to keep him happy, ��You’d get to catch up with Steve, I’m sure he’d love it if you came too.”
That stung and you knew if you came on their trip he’d spend the entire time trying to embarrass you in front of Steve. Your lips were sealed tight but it didn’t matter anymore, “She’ll be there,” Your father answered for you. 
“You kids are gonna have a blast,” Tony said, “Your father and I will as well, we have much to discuss, Douglas. Much to discuss.”
The look in Peter’s eyes was deadly. I’m gonna bury you, they said. 
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When your driver pulled around the circular driveway in front of the three story beach house, the sun was already down. You’d spent the morning trying to convince your Dad to let you stay home, giving him all sorts of clues that you were feeling unsafe but he didn’t seem to care. He’d already sold himself to Tony Stark and was expecting you to do the same. 
The architectural design of the home was a bit older than the ones you’d already passed, not telling how many generations of Barnes men had inherited it. Much to your confusion, there were several cars already parked and you wondered how many people were participating in this week's festivities. 
Contemplating through the entire two hour drive you thought for sure that you’d have a stoic look on your face the entire week. Until Steve Rogers came through the front door, black tux and all, with blonde hair neatly combed and a confused but happy smile on his lips. 
As the car came to a halt, he made his way down the white steps, even coming to open up your door, “What happened to your chaotic week, Y/N?”
You stepped out of the car, spotting Peter and Bucky at the top of the stairs, “It just got even more chaotic I think,” They were all wearing tuxes, “I didn’t know the art exhibit was today.”
“It’s not. We’re having a … meeting,” Your driver removed your suitcase from the trunk and, as he brought it around, Steve moved to grab, “I can take that.”
Peter and Bucky made their way down the stairs, their eyes saying that they knew more than you and Steve, “Guys, uhm, what’s going on?” 
“Y/N’s family had dinner with mine, I thought it would be polite to invite her.”
Bucky cut Steve off, “That’s so thoughtful, Peter. You know how entertaining Y/N is, Steve, she’ll be a great addition.”’
“I don’t doubt it,” Steve didn’t bother asking anymore questions though you were wondering what his friends were hiding from him. The four of you made your way up the stairs and you looked back to see your driver was already headed back down the driveway. You were officially stuck and you were beginning to get an eerie feeling, “What do you drink, Y/N?”
“Oh … uhm what kind of alcohol, you mean?”
“Yeah, we have beers but I think some wine would be more your speed,” As you entered the house, you walked through a cloud of cigar smoke, and the sound of classic rock filled your ears. As you looked around, you didn’t expect to see as many people -- not people, men. And they were all dressed in tuxedos compared to your leggings and Columbia crewneck.
You hadn’t realized that all you could hear in your ears was your heartbeat until you felt Peter’s hand on your waist, pulling you away from Steve, “I’m gonna pour her a glass. Take her stuff to her room, will you?”
“Peter,” You whisper-shouted his name, fearful of him but more fearful of him leaving you alone with all these strangers. He smiled and said short things to a few people as the two of you made your way into the kitchen, “Peter! You made it seem like … this is not what you told my Dad we’d be doing.”
He made a pouty face, “Are you mad I lied to Daddy, princess?” He reached into one of the white cabinets to grab a wine glass. 
“You know what? I didn’t wanna come in the first place and I definitely didn’t sign up for this. I’m calling my driver and I’m leaving,” Peter was quick to grab your wrists, careful to drop the glass. 
“Why don’t you call Douglas first and tell him how much you disappointed me cause you bailed on our little friend getaway.”
“This is not a friend's getaway,” You said through gritted teeth and he let go of your wrists. He grabbed a bottle of wine from another cabinet, easily twisting off the top, to pour you a heavy glass. 
“Not tonight, no. Tonight you get to be a part of one of the most secret organizations on campus.” 
Just as the words left his lip, some drunk guy wandered into the kitchen, “Peter, dude, I thought you said there’d be strippers … Who’s this?”
“Harry, this is Y/N. And it’s only nine o’clock dude, slow down on the beers and the entertainment will be here later,” Peter spoke like a parent scolding a child, giving you the impression that he was a leader in this secret organization. 
“You promise?”
“I promise,” Peter sighed as the guy left. 
“So this is like your frat?”
“It’s more than a frat,” Peter said simply, handing you the glass. You saw him pour it so at least he wasn’t drugging you, “This is the Shield and Dagger society.”
He spoke as if you were supposed to be impressed. You were, actually, knowing that this was the most secret society in all of Columbia. Franklin D. Roosevelt himself was a member when he went here.
“I’m gonna drink this, and then I’m going upstairs for the night.”
Peter’s lips formed a thin line, “You don’t wanna stay and chat it up with Steve?” You tilted the glass back, taking a huge gulp, before faking a yawn. 
“I’m just so tired. Maybe me and Steve can get closer later in the week. Perhaps we can get to know each other on the beach? And on my bed? And maybe on his bed? And maybe on the couch too?” You hoped your words dug into him and by the way he left you in the kitchen, you were sure they did. 
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You weren’t sure at what point you fell asleep, seeing as how the music traveled through your locked door. You remembered sending a text to your parents to tell them you’d made it safely and, of course, you didn’t have anyone else to talk to. 
The way you floated to sleep was the exact opposite of how you were awakened. A hand clamped down on your mouth and your eyes shot open, revealing a smirking Bucky. His hands were strong, abnormally strong as he held you down, “Shhh,” He whispered through your muffled screaming, “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
You only struggled more which seemed to amuse him. You’d noticed the music had been turned down and your door was wide open. He had a key, of course he had a key. As he took his body weight off of you, you attempted to pull away. He wrapped his other arm around your back, lifting your body off the bed and, before your feet could even touch the ground, he threw you over his shoulder. 
“Bucky, stop!” You tried to grab onto anything you could, even the doorway as he carried you out of the room, “This isn’t funny, please!”
He carried you down the stairs and there was a sudden eruption of clapping and laughter. That’s when you remembered that you’d taken off your leggings, meaning everyone was seeing your flower printed panties, “Everyone, your entertainment awaits you in the living room!” You heard Peter’s voice though as your eyes darted around, your eyes didn’t find him. 
You were dizzy when he finally set you down and, even then, you tried to run. Bucky grabbed your waist and held you in place. Attached to the living room was a room with tall bookcases, a few seats and a pool table. You felt claustrophobic as the room began to fill with at least thirty guys. 
Including Steve. 
Bucky let you go and, instinctively, you ran to him. He stood with a group of guys blockading the door. Even if he didn’t like you in the way you wanted, you expected him to at least be a decent guy.
“Steve, let me through,” Although his eyes were conflicted, he didn’t move. Tears began to well up in your eyes and your fist pounded at his chest, “Steve, please. Steve!”
“Peter said he wouldn’t-” Steve didn’t get to finish his excuse as Peter emerged from the crowd. You backed away from him, now understanding that none of his attack dogs would feel sorry for you. 
“You told me I couldn’t buy you but I really don’t have to,” You backed away until your bottom touched the side of the pool table, “I can and will have you. And I’ll have you in front of everyone.”
“Peter, please,” You wanted to be angry, you really did, but all you felt was scared, “Okay, you win. You win. I’ll do whatever you want just … please let me leave.”
He cornered you, pressing his body into your ears as he leaned into your ear, “I gave you a chance, didn’t I? You laughed in my face.”
“I’m sorry,” You said immediately. 
“You will be,” You could feel him smiling, “Don’t worry, I’m gonna make you feel good. We’re not little anymore, I’ve learned a few things. And no one’s gonna touch you the way I will, I promise. This will stay in this room, we’re good at keeping secrets.”
You made one final attempting, trying to bring your knee between his leg but he grabbed your thigh tightly. He pushed your leg back down before roughly grabbing you waist, spinning you around and bending you over the table. As you heard whistling, you struggled more, leading to arms being wrapped around your wrists. As you lifted your head, you saw it was Bucky holding them. 
Peter pressed down on your back and you yelped as he delivered several hits to your bottom. They weren’t as hard as they could’ve been, he wasn’t trying to hurt you, he was only sending you a message. He was the one in control and he could make this way harder on you if he wanted.
He felt between your legs, his own leg keeping yours parted, “Please, please, please-”
“Please touch me, Peter?” He mimicked you, his fingers touching each and every fold. Your eyes shot open as you realized … “You’re wet, you’re so wet and I’ve barely touched you, princess.”
Bucky held you tighter as your face heated with embarrassment, “I think she likes it.”
You groaned in frustration just as Peter began circling your sensitive bulb, “Do you like everyone see you, princess? Or do you like me talking about how wet you are when I’ve barely even gotten started? Which do you like more, huh?”
You were so busy most of the time, you barely even masturbated on your own time, and not even your own fingers felt this good. As if your brain and body were working against each other, your hips grinded against his fingers as your arms tried to pull away from Bucky. 
Not even needing to keep your legs open anymore, your body was doing it willingly, Peter used his other hand to dip two fingers inside of you. He did the motions simultaneously, his coordination skills seriously at work, as he tried to bring you to your climax. It wasn’t hard, you were horribly touch deprived and Peter was awakening a part of you that you’d suppressed for so long. 
The way he curled his fingers, how he put enough pressure on your clit but not too much to overstimulate it … it was destroying you perfectly.
It was almost painful how hard you came and you didn’t get a second to breathe because the two of them were flipping you over. The talking in the room became muffled, your vision getting a little blurred because your breathing was so rapid. You almost didn’t notice Peter pushing inside of you. He held your legs as they hung over the edge of pool table as he began his slow thrusts. 
“Get her shirt,” He commanded Bucky and you couldn’t stop him as he forced it off, throwing it to the side. 
“Jesus,” He cursed because you were wrapping around him so well. The pressure was off your wrists, Bucky having realized that he didn’t need to hold you down anymore but you still held them above your head. You lifted your head, catching Peter enjoying the sight of him moving in and out of you. He was mesmerized by it and as he noticed you watching him, he reached out to grab your neck, rocking you back onto him. He went deep, so deep and you cried out. 
“Look at them,” Peter grunted, forcing you to turn your head. As your eyes landed on Steve, his eyes staring into yours as he sipped on a beer. It was like he was watching a football game. You shut your eyes but Peter pushed into you painfully deep, “Look.”
You opened them again, “No one’s ever gonna touch you the way I do. Do you understand? You’re mine,” You nodded eagerly, “Good girl. You’re gonna be a good girl for me from now on. Only me.”
You kept nodding and he eventually untightened his grip around your throat. For some reason, you enjoyed the pressure there but you enjoyed it even more when he used his other hand to stroke your clit. 
Your back arched as you tightened around him, “Peter,” Maybe you were still delirious from your first orgasm because you began to say his name over and over again. The second orgasm surprised you as you expected it to be weaker than the first but there was something about feeling him inside you that felt right within you, “Oh god, Peter. Peter!” 
As you rode the wave of your second orgasm, you felt him twitch inside you as he slowed. He was breathing heavily and you almost didn’t notice the significance of his warmth filling you up. 
He straightened himself up, zipping up his black slacks as if what he’d done was normal. He was smiling, happy at his work as he looked you over. You pulled yourself up, letting yourself down from the table with shaky legs as everyone seemed to cheer and whistle at your embarrassment. 
It didn’t matter if no one ever told anyone else about what happened tonight. All of them would know what Peter did to you and how you reacted. 
You leaned down to grab your panties but your body froze at his voice, “Don’t,” He picked them up for you before stuffing them in his suit pocket like a handkerchief. You made sure your breasts were covered as you stood there naked, “And don’t move, princess.”
You could feel warm liquid sliding down your inner thigh. You could turn around but that wouldn’t stop them from looking, “Remember, I promised them entertainment,” He told you, “So whatever you drip on the floor, you’re going to lick up so I’d squeeze those legs tight.”
You did as he said and he kissed your lips, and you let him. He touched your cheeks which you weren’t sure if they were covered in tears of pain or pleasure. When he pulled away, he was smirking, “I need another beer.”
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