#WTO ministerial conference
nadiegesabate1990 · 3 months
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A crowd of protesters takes to the streets of Seattle, in the United States, and prevents the opening of the 3rd Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization. The millennium comes to an end with protests against globalization and neo-protectionism in rich countries.
On November 30th, US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was preparing to deliver the opening speech at the 3rd Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the so-called "Millennium Round". But Albright could do nothing. Shortly before the event began, a storm would sweep through Seattle. At Pike Place Market, just a few miles from the city's commercial center, a crowd began to gather. According to an environmental activist from the NGO Sierra Clube, at 6 am there were more than 10,000 people gathered at the site - some dressed as sea turtles.
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Nearby, in the Memorial Stadium parking lot, over 20,000 trade unionists were meeting, including representatives of unions and associations from different countries, including the CUT and Força Sindical, from Brazil. Finally, the two groups, armed with posters and plaques and many of their members in costume, marched determinedly towards the Convention Center where the WTO meeting would take place, shouting in defense of ecology and subsidies and against globalization. The super demonstration brought together people of all stripes - environmentalists, right-wingers, paranoids, neo-Nazis, anarchists, religious people and various left-wing groups.
The congestion was enormous, stranding the limousines of the big shots and the vans intended for the bodyguards. In the vicinity of the Westin hotel, where the North American delegation had stayed, there were at least 5 thousand people surrounding the visitors. The city hall, evidently, placed riot troops on the streets and tried to contain the crowd with tear gas bombs. There were fights, police beating and dragging people through the streets. By Friday the 3rd, there were 500 prisoners and 40 injured, including a police officer in serious condition.
It was supposed to be a peaceful demonstration, assured the main organizers, the AFL-CIO union and a coalition of ecological groups. But this was not what young, more radical anarchists intended. For months, kilograms of announcements about the storm had been being sent via the Internet. The scenario for confusion, therefore, was already properly designed, and at 10:30 am it was already known that the opening of the WTO meeting was compromised. Furthermore, the police were not adequately prepared to maintain order. As for the big shots, they were also warned by the Secret Service about what could happen.
At 8:30 pm that Tuesday, the confusion escalated to such an extent that it became out of control. Supposed anarchists began burning trash cans and stacking mailboxes; Then the riots (window windows, large stores) and graffiti began. The situation became critical and Mayor Paulo Schell declared a state of emergency, called in the National Guard and instituted a curfew, a regime that would be extended until the weekend. Trade unionist John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO, said in an interview with the magazine: "What unites us all here is the fact that the WTO makes decisions in the absence of civil society." Meanwhile, the United States' chief negotiator, Charlenne Barshefsky, agreed with the protesters, who accused the organization of being just a body where decisions are made secretly, behind closed doors and without democratic consultation.
On Thursday, President Clinton, before speaking to WTO representatives, told the farmers' association that free trade is something that could be good for everyone and that the government would fight for the international organization's decisions to be made. in a clearer way and with the participation of civil society interest groups.
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princelobga · 3 months
WTO Director General Meets with Cameroon's Trade Minister
WTO DG Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala meets Cameroon's Trade Minister to discuss the 14th WTO Ministerial Conference in Yaoundé in 2026. #WTO #Trade #Cameroon #Conference #Agriculture
On 28 June, Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana, Cameroon’s Trade Minister, met with World Trade Organization Director General, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. Their discussions focused on organizing the 14th WTO Ministerial Conference, scheduled to take place in Yaoundé in early 2026. This meeting was held during the 9th Aid for Trade Review in Geneva, from 26 to 28 June 2024. Cameroon and the WTO laid the…
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thxnews · 4 months
UK Statements at WTO General Council
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In Geneva, the UK made pivotal statements at the WTO General Council meetings on May 22-23, 2024, addressing crucial topics like agricultural reform, industrial development, and investment facilitation. These discussions are vital for driving global economic progress and ensuring sustainable development across nations.  
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WTO Head Offices in Geneve. Photo by Jeanne Menjoulet. Flickr.  
Agricultural Negotiations: Moving Forward
UK’s Support for Brazil’s Initiative The UK welcomed Brazil's efforts to advance agricultural negotiations, underscoring the importance of a transparent and inclusive process. The UK highlighted the need for a holistic approach, recognizing the interests of all WTO members. The ultimate goal is to deliver substantial progress by the 14th Ministerial Conference (MC14). Structure in CoA Special Session The UK emphasized the necessity of bringing greater structure to the Committee on Agriculture (CoA) Special Session. This would enable members to prepare and engage more effectively. However, the UK also noted that input from ambassadors and ministers is crucial for meaningful progress. Focus on Substance Over Process To expedite discussions, the UK called for moving away from procedural debates and focusing on substantive proposals for agricultural reform. By identifying potential points of convergence and trade-offs, members can work towards significant agricultural reforms that benefit all.  
Policy Space for Industrial Development
Engagement with the Africa Group The UK appreciated the Africa Group’s communication on policy space and advancing WTO committee work. Recognizing the challenges faced by some countries in fully integrating into the multilateral trading system, the UK stressed the importance of having expert discussions on these complex, cross-cutting issues. Technology Transfer and Subsidies The UK highlighted its active participation in discussions on subsidies and technology transfer, referencing its paper on Voluntary Licensing and Technology Transfer. The outcome of these discussions, seen in the Abu Dhabi Ministerial Declaration, is a step towards addressing the core issues of policy space within the WTO framework. Technical Discussions and Thematic Sessions Supporting the Africa Group's suggestion, the UK called for technical discussions within the Committee on Trade and Development, supplemented by thematic sessions. These platforms would allow for in-depth deliberations and constructive engagement without prejudging solutions.   Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement (IFDA) Incorporation into WTO Rules The UK reiterated its support for the IFDA, a critical agreement aimed at facilitating investment flows, especially to developing and least-developed countries. With over three-quarters of the WTO membership backing the agreement, the UK urged for its incorporation into the WTO rules by the summer of 2024. Economic Benefits of the IFDA The UK highlighted the expected economic benefits of the IFDA, including increased global economic welfare by almost 2% and significant boosts in cross-border investment flows. This agreement is seen as a practical outcome that the WTO can deliver amidst global economic challenges. Commitment to Sustainable Development In its statements, the UK underscored the WTO's role in promoting sustainable global development. By facilitating more investment, the IFDA will drive economic growth, productivity, and development, particularly in developing countries. The UK emphasized its commitment to a multilateral rules-based trading system that supports these goals.  
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Natural cultivation agriculture. Photo by Vejimo Co., Ltd. Flickr.  
Key Points from the UK Statements
- Agricultural Negotiations: The UK supports a structured and inclusive approach, emphasizing substantive reforms over procedural debates. - Policy Space: Active engagement with the Africa Group and support for expert discussions on complex, cross-cutting issues. - IFDA: Strong backing for the agreement's incorporation into WTO rules, highlighting its potential economic benefits and role in sustainable development.   Key Topics and UK Positions at the WTO General Council Topic UK Position Key Points Agricultural Negotiations Support for Brazil's initiative, holistic approach, focus on substance Emphasis on transparency, inclusion, and structured discussions Policy Space Engagement with Africa Group, expert discussions on subsidies and tech transfer Importance of technical discussions and thematic sessions IFDA Strong support for incorporation into WTO rules, highlighting economic benefits Expected increase in global economic welfare and cross-border investment   In Conclusion The UK's contributions at the WTO General Council meetings reflect its commitment to advancing global trade and development. By addressing key issues such as agricultural reform, policy space for industrial development, and investment facilitation, the UK aims to foster a more inclusive and effective multilateral trading system. These efforts are crucial for driving economic progress and ensuring sustainable development across nations.   Sources: THX News, Cairns Group Farm Leaders, WTO (PDF Document) & UK Mission to the WTO, UN and Other International Organisations (Geneva). Read the full article
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jaziranewswire · 7 months
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hamslivenews · 7 months
Thailand has replaced its Ambassador to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Pimchanok Vonkorpon Pitfield, following objections from India over her comments on New Delhi's rice procurement program. India formally protested against the Thai envoy's remarks at the WTO, accusing her of criticizing India's public stockholding program. Pitfield has been replaced by the Thai Foreign Secretary. India's concerns over subsidy caps imposed by the WTO were raised during the 13th Ministerial Conference in Abu Dhabi, which started on February 26. India emphasized the need for all policy options to promote digital industrialization, highlighting the dominance of developed countries' firms in global e-commerce. Ongoing discussions at the conference aim to finalize agreements for adoption, with ministers still engaged in deliberations.
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insideoutvietnam · 7 months
World Trade Organization Continues to Allow Subsidized Overfishing
WASHINGTON, March 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — This week, at the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) 13th ministerial conference in Abu Dhabi, ministers were unable to finalize an addendum to its Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies that had the potential to curb harmful fisheries subsidies that lead to overfishing. This setback extends the WTO’s two-decade-long streak of failing to prohibit harmful…
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kesarijournal · 7 months
The Grand WTO's Food, Fishing, and Farming Fiasco
The Grand WTO's Food, Fishing, and Farming Fiasco
Welcome to the latest drama that’s more tangled than your earphones in a pocket – the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) ongoing saga involving a cast of nations with India and South Africa in leading roles, and a contentious plot over food, fishing, and farming subsidies. Set against the backdrop of Abu Dhabi’s Ministerial Conference, our story unfolds with India and South Africa uniting to…
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addnoral · 7 months
Commerce Minister in Abu Dhabi to attend WTO ministerial moot
Minister for Commerce, Industry, and Investment Gohar Ejaz arrived in Abu Dhabi to attend the 13 WTO Ministerial Conference 2024 which has been opened By Sheikh Khalid Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of UAE. The WTO Trade Minister Conference is being hosted by UAE and Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Trade Minister of UAE is the Chairman of 13 WTO Ministerial Conference. Mr Ejaz held separate…
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swissforextrading · 7 months
High-level G10 Gathering
Senior officials of G10 Members (Iceland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Chinese Taipei) met on 26 February 2024 on the fringes of the 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) of the World Trade Organisation in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Upon invitation from Switzerland, the G10 Members discussed current developments in the WTO negotiations on agriculture. They emphasized their willingness to engage constructively in agricultural talks at MC13 and beyond while making sure that their unique perspective is taken into account. https://www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases.msg-id-100195.html (Source of the original content)
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abudhabimgzn · 7 months
UAE Champions Global Trade with $10M Boost for WTO Initiatives
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has pledged a US$10 million grant to the World Trade Organization (WTO) to bolster initiatives ahead of the Ministerial Conference. UAE’s Support for WTO The UAE has announced a US$10 million grant to the WTO to aid in implementing crucial initiatives aimed at enhancing trade facilitation, fostering economic development, and promoting inclusivity in international…
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thxnews · 7 months
UK Stands United with Ukraine at WTO
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Ukraine's Sovereignty Rights
In an unprecedented gathering at the World Trade Organization's 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) in Abu Dhabi, over 50 WTO members, with the UK's Minister for Trade Greg Hands at the forefront, have issued a resounding joint statement. This declaration not only showcases international unity but also reaffirms unwavering support for Ukraine amidst its struggle for sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity against Russia's ongoing aggression.  
Solidarity in the Face of Adversity
The Global Repercussion of Conflict The devastating impact of Russia's war on Ukraine extends beyond its borders, affecting the global economy and trade. The destruction of Ukraine's infrastructure, including transportation and grain storage facilities, severely hampers its ability to engage in normal production, export, and import activities. This disruption poses a significant threat to global trade, particularly in the supply of essential commodities like agricultural products, fertilizers, and critical minerals.   Upholding International Law and Trade Principles The joint statement unequivocally condemns Russia's actions, including the plundering of Ukrainian grain, as violations of WTO principles and international law. It underscores the importance of Ukraine's role as a leading exporter of key agricultural products and acknowledges the country's efforts to ensure global food security despite the challenges posed by the conflict.  
Leveraging Trade for Global Good
Initiatives to Mitigate Crisis Impact The "Grain from Ukraine" initiative and the EU Solidarity Lanes are highlighted as critical efforts to maintain the flow of grain from Ukraine to the world, especially to the most vulnerable regions. These measures have facilitated the export of around 67 million tonnes of grain since May 2022, underscoring the necessity of free and safe navigation in the Black and Azov Seas to prevent further threats to global food security.   Environmental and Humanitarian Concerns The environmental damage and pollution resulting from the conflict have also been a point of focus, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace that respects Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.  
Commitment to Support and Reconstruction
WTO members, including the UK, pledge to continue supporting Ukraine in overcoming the challenges posed by the war. Additionally, this includes facilitating exports and supply chains to bolster global food security and providing assistance for Ukraine's reconstruction efforts. Moreover, the joint statement calls on all WTO members to contribute to these efforts according to their capacity, highlighting the importance of international cooperation in navigating the aftermath of the conflict.   Sources: THX News, Department for Business and Trade & The Rt Hon Greg Hands MP. Read the full article
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hatutannews · 7 months
Timor-Leste Partisipa “Chinese Roundtable Meeting" Nu’udár Faze Preparasaun Adere bá OMK
Hatutan.com, (24 Fevereiru 2024), Abu Dhabi–Iha tinan 2024, Estadu membru sira iha Organizasaun Mundiál Komérisiu (OMK) realiza Konferénsia Interministerial bá dala-13 OMK ka 13th WTO Ministerial Conference ha Sentru Espozisaun Nasioál Abu Dhabi (ADNEC), Abu Dhabi, Emiradus Arabes Unidus (EAU), hosi loron  26 to’o 29 fulan-Fevereiru 2024. Continue reading Timor-Leste Partisipa “Chinese Roundtable…
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stuartbramhall · 1 year
Organizing Across the Class Divide
TThe Global Activists Manual Edited by Mike Prokosch and Laura Raymond 2002 Thunder’s Moth Press/Nation Books Book Review My primary interest in this collection of essays relates to its extensive coverage of the “Battle of Seattle,”* protests in which 50,000+ people shut down the 1999 WTO ministerial conference by blocking delegates’ access to the Seattle Convention Center. In my view, the…
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hamslivenews · 7 months
Indian Minister Goyal Reiterates Call for Trust and Implementation in WTO Decisions Indian Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal reiterated India's stance on the necessity of a robust dispute settlement system, emphasizing its importance in maintaining fairness, predictability, and effectiveness in international trade. Speaking at the 13th Ministerial Conference in Abu Dhabi, Minister Goyal underscored the urgent need to rebuild trust within the World Trade Organization (WTO) and ensure the effective implementation of its decisions. He stressed the restoration of the appellate body, inactive since December 2019 due to member appointments being blocked by the United States, as a crucial step towards upholding the rules-based global trade order. Minister Goyal recalled the commitment of WTO members at the 12th Ministerial Conference to conduct discussions aimed at having a fully functioning dispute settlement system accessible to all members by 2024. India reiterated its long-standing position that a credible and reliable WTO dispute settlement system is fundamental to an equitable, effective, secure, and predictable multilateral trading system. The country emphasized the importance of restoring the appellate body as a top priority. The minister highlighted India's commitment to principles of fair play and justice, emphasizing that all WTO decisions should prioritize the best interests of Indian farmers and fisher-folk. He also stressed the alignment of WTO decisions with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focusing on poverty alleviation, improving quality of life, and enhancing ease of living for all Indians. Additionally, Minister Goyal emphasized fostering strong and rapid growth in the 'Amrit Kaal,' highlighting this objective as guiding WTO decisions.
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dtgenterprise · 1 year
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The 1999 Seattle WTO protests, sometimes referred to as the Battle of Seattle, were a series of protests surrounding the WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999, when members of the World Trade Organization convened at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle, Washington on November 30, 1999.
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kesarijournal · 7 months
The Grand WTO's Food, Fishing, and Farming Fiasco
The Grand WTO's Food, Fishing, and Farming Fiasco
Welcome to the latest drama that’s more tangled than your earphones in a pocket – the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) ongoing saga involving a cast of nations with India and South Africa in leading roles, and a contentious plot over food, fishing, and farming subsidies. Set against the backdrop of Abu Dhabi’s Ministerial Conference, our story unfolds with India and South Africa uniting to…
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