#Wakfu fan
blacktiger666 · 1 year
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Yesterday, I received a package where I ordered last Thursday the four remaining volumes of the French manga Wakfu, books in making of season 1 of the animated series Wakfu (+ OVA/OVA Nox), the 15th anniversary artbook of the Krosmoz and bonuses of purchase including an "Ile des Wabbits" magnet and a Cire Momore smartphone holder. :) 
I can't wait to read all this during my little break (Yes, I'm taking a little break, I work too much! x))
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chocopink · 2 months
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magical girl eliatrope designs i did for fun :)
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mintixx · 10 days
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redrawing of a frame from Wakfu!
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vinillain · 2 months
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Everyday I think about how if Nora is the “Greatest Gift” to the Necromes then Yugo is the “Greatest Sacrifice” and I’m very normal about it
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weaselmcdiesel · 9 months
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playing wakfu even though i should really really really be working (I also have a new sideblog for wakfu stuff @bow-meows where I'm gonna reblog all the wakfu art i post from here! in case youre interested 👍)
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articwolfclawartist · 2 months
Adamaï: I can practically hear your thoughts
Yugo’s thoughts:
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stinkygarbagerat · 3 months
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gearoxbutabox · 2 months
Started to rewatch Wakfu after suddenly remembering it suddenly and dragged two of my friends along. Doodle of my favorite guy
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And Dally and Rubi! I like them
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luna-mad-talks · 3 months
Dear Ao3 Wakfu writers...
Please please please please rise up and write for these troupes:
• Yugo with his wings. Now that ss4 ep11 has brought us Yugo being so freely out with his wings I think we as a fandom can write so much shenanigans with them. Someone in the brotherhood giving him head massage and trying to navigate with the wings being sensitive/fluttering, nightlight, them betraying Yugo's emotions even more visibly than his hat ears, Yugo stimming and the wings flapping wildly or just people asking can they touch them and describe what the wings feel like as well as how Yugo feels about this interaction after years of hiding them aarryGGjiinuguercb
• Aftermath of Torture. Yeah okay you can not be telling me ss4 ep9 wasn't torture? Anyways Yugo be riding that war adrenaline but I'd like to think this affected him moreso than he'd thought and after things settled he has to have some long comfirting talks and hugs (and snuggles) to resolve his feelings. Hurt/Comfort
• Body dysmorphia! The transition of his small form to his much bigger one is violent as hell but I'd also like some fics exploring on him feeling trapped/uncomfort in his younger body and finally feeling okay after he grows up :D
• Wedding fics :D (That has "No Yugo you can not wear this to your own wedding I don't care if you made it out of your own wakfu")
• Feral aldult Yugo >:D
• Protective Yugo with Amalia now that they are King and Queen with a whole lot of aldult duties
• Yugo being a dork still (his older expressions are so cute !!!!???!!)
• The Eliatropes being eldritch because I'm a honest sucker for the unnerving entities troup
• Powerful Yugo and people's reactions to him
• Introspection on him and his Mom because wow she just up and left huh (I mean I partly understand,,, but still)
These don't need to be super groundbreaking or plotty or even 100% accurate to the series or anything long at all I just need more Wakfu fanfics please
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wearepurplejackets · 4 months
Little recap of episode 4 of season 4 of Wakfu
Look at this!!
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You saw this beautiful smile???? This smile can stop babies from crying (and Nora). This smile can revive a puppy.
You saw it???
Well, I hope you did because I think we'll not see it in a really loooooooong time~ (maybe 9... Or 10 episodes.) The storm is coming... violently with a bat.
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I remember Tot said season 4 was gonna be sad a f*ck and that Yugo will have to pass some kind of "hard trial" (AGAIN) in this season because this kid will never have a good rest. Not even a breath. Stop. Give this little boy some holidays c'mon, the lord is always testing our little angel to the limit. (And by lord I mean Ankama I'm looking at you...)
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So it's very likely that Yugo will start to suffer even more in the next episode. And of course, in the entire season :))))))) Let this boy have something, someone precious by his side more than an instant and stop take it from him in the next second, I beg you. (He just found his family... And... Qilby I guess. And Adamai just abandoned him already to investigate by his own way...)
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Just seeing how the kings and queens of every nation were so disrespectful in front of him and just called his mother a monster and made her cry, well. (I want to riot! When Joris said they were "quite tense" he fell short.)
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Okay, yes, I understand the eyes in the sky~ are pretty creepy and of course I don't trust her either, at least, like this is so suspicious for sure, no one was born yesterday even when she is trying to be so kind and helpful monitoring the entire planet (yeessss mom, way too much).
But, c'mon, this is a goddess as tall as... I don't know, as much as she wants, girl she is made of f*cking magic. If she wanted she could erase you from existence. She didn't have to give a f*ck about anyone and HERE WE ARE~
The best thing you can do is looking for a fight with her in the moment you meet her with no hesitasion? Do you want to die that much? Do you know about survival? Did you skip that class maybe? (I'm going for a tea BECAUSE-)
It was so necessary to (be a little racist dear rich people and) insult the giant blue mother of your hero in his f*cking face and the people who are at least trying to do your job (which any of you losers did well, like ever, btw. When Sadida kingdom was about to be destroyed by the chaos of Ogrest what did you do?? Eh, where were you???)
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Jobs like protecting and saving your citizens from, nothing, being robbed and I don't know: imminent death??? I mean, really? Was that all you thought about in this situation? Being a d*ck was your best choice.
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These same guys here were talking about stolen freedom?? What freedom? The brotherhood of Tofu had to save your asses for like 3 season. 3 ovas and dozens of comics. The same people who criticize others actions but never assist and reunite when they are needed, Cause I don't know Rick, it seems a little fake....
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Yugo just met his mom and his sis and he already has the world of 12 hating them... Like wow, the rulers are all going to die in the hands of that kind of white demon/zombies of TLOU/soul suckers or whatever they are. And I really don't give a f*ck for any of them, ladies and gentlemen. Only the crowns are going to remain. (Down with the monarchy.)
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You know what? I don't care what Yugo will do from this point. Nop, not a bit. But I'm with him to the end of everything. I will support you honey, I will defend you no matter what. I mean, I'll be totally okay if he decides to save the world for the third f*cking time and I also will be okay if in the end he prefers to let all these motherf*ckers die in an instant with no mercy and no regre-
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And it could even happen that Yugo loses someone important in season 4... (The same way I will lose my mind.) Hope that never happens, I just swear to god-
Anyway, Yugo fans, unite and brace yourselves.
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the-world-of-twelve · 3 months
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q-sylph · 10 days
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I love how their love story went in Wakfu series
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chocopink · 2 months
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and some more of the eliatrope siblings <3 (with a lot of qilby and some shinonome)
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razzal · 7 months
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Can I interest you all in some SIR PERCEDAL OF SADLYGROVE
and Rubilax
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vinillain · 4 months
Some concepts for my slight king Yugo redesign…
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Toross is genuinely kinda scary negl (he’s HELLA fun to draw tho)
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pinkysgallery · 13 days
"Soy padre de niñas, y si voy a ser princesa, SERÉ LA MEJOR 💅"
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🤌Inspirado en el video de @jesusdealva 🤌💕
Después de tanto ejercicio con su reina, le toca al Rey Yugo pasar la prueba de masculinidad 🤌💦
Pronto sabremos más de la segunda bebé #Yumalia
Mientras, ya están leyendo Collision??👀☕️💚💙
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