#Walter Dalter and Malter
m0ose-idiot · 2 years
Important question for the Ghosts community!
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Walter, Dalter, Malter or dare I say Salter at last?🥺
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phyllistines · 2 years
just when i think i’ve uncovered every single little detail in the six idiots fandom, you guys appear with “ben as a plague ghost appeared with different hair and outfits a couple times so now they’re actually triplets called walter dalter and malter :]]]”
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Because I was thinking about them this morning and I was hoping we'll see one of them in the Christmas special:
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m0ose-idiot · 2 years
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“Is this photoshoot going to be long? Cos I need to go to the toilet.”
Bear with us, John, be patient - it won’t take more than 20, 25 years.
Part eight of making friends with out of Button House’s plague pit inhabitants.
Part 8/8*
*oh who am I kidding, I’m totally going to make Dalter and/or Malter lol
Part 1: Mick
Part 2: Maud
Part 3: Nigel
Part 4: Lolly’s Unnamed Ghost/Geoff’s wife
Part 5: Walter
Part 6: Katy’s Unnamed Ghost/Walter’s wife
Part 7: Geoff
Upstairs Folks  
A pattern of sorts  
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This headcanon is getting way out of hand, however:
Walter, Dalter and Malter aren't triplets after all. Look at their clothes.
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Walter is the older brother (hence the grey hair) of the twins who in true twin trope fashion wear the exact same outfit and can only be identified by their different hairstyles!
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m0ose-idiot · 2 years
TIL from @tonksbeybey-she-no-porcupine of the marvellous theory that the reason Ben’s plague ghosts look so different between seasons is that one is Walter, while the other is Dalter, the grumpy twin who sometimes sulks in the walls for 25 years 😍
I mean, look, these two are clearly not the same person!
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Now I don’t want to disrupt this perfectly cromulent conclusion, but looking back to season one and noticing the hair-length difference, may I suggest possibility of a third... dare I call him... MALTER??
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