#BBC Ghosts headcanon
little-cereal-draws · 8 months
If Ghosts had a more mature rating and was able to do more creepy ghost powers/death side effects:
Pat, Humphrey, and Thomas are eternally bleeding. Their clothes are wet, their hand gets wet from touching it, they'll leave trails of blood down the hall, etc. The blood on their hand or the floor disappears pretty quickly as their ghost powers make them reset but their clothes are always soaked
Thomas's whole stomach and the top of his pants are bloodstained. Pat's is all located on his shoulders/necktie and has the most obvious stains due to the color difference of his clothes. There are a few drops here and there down his sleeves and chest. It's pretty heavy because of the major arteries the neck that would've been punctured. Humphrey's is by fair the heaviest and is all over the front of his torso. Like the whole thing. When he died he fell face down into the growing puddle of blood that would've been pooling from his stump
Fanny can turn her head frighteningly far. There's a sick crunching sound that happens when she does this and it always sends shivers down Alison's spine even after years of hearing it. The other ghosts have joked and compared Fanny to an owl because of this and she chews them out every time
Pat coughs a lot because he's got blood stuck in his throat. He'll randomly have a huge coughing fit, cough a bunch of blood into his hand and then go "Oh no. Anyways..." He also has trouble breathing and has to take breaks to sit down during physical activities like dancing or running. It annoying but not too much of a hindrance to his daily life; it's like having asthma or allergies. The blood can make his voice sound a little weird sometimes too, like he's gurgling smth while he talks. He just clears his throat and keeps going
The plague ghosts vomit up bile every once in a while. It's black, steaming, and putrid but disappears almost instantly
Kitty also throws up when she's excited... which is a lot. She also gets chills, lightheadedness, fevers, and uncontrollable shaking. There's not much the other ghosts or Alison can do to help her besides sitting with her/trying to distract her. She'll lay down and try to breathe through it while Alison reads her a story or the Captain infodumps abt smth or Robin holds her hand. Sometimes she falls asleep, sometimes she doesn't. She's always better after a few hours tho
Fanny gets really bad migraines. Alison's theory is that they're caused by her broken vertebra. Fanny doesn't particularly care why they happen. When they happen, she's in an even worse mood than usual so it's best to steer clear of her. She doesn't have the energy to yell at ppl but will remember the slightest fault and wait until she's better to go on a lecture. Again, there's not much Alison or the other ghosts can do to help besides let her lay down and try to be quiet
Mary and Robin's skin peels off. It's white and flaky and leaves raw red spots underneath. The dead skin disappears once it leaves them but the skin underneath is never healthy and flakes off too
Both Robin and Mary smell like burning flesh but only Mary is detectable by living people. Robin only smells when he uses his powers. It really puts a lot of the ghosts off, especially newer ones
Robin's body also gets affected by his powers in other ways. If it's something small like flickering a light, his hair will stand on end. Something bigger like turning a light on/off or flickering a more powerful light will cause him to spasm. It's usually just his arms and wears off after a minute. Smth really big like redirecting that lightning bolt for Mike will be the equivalent of him actually getting hit w the lightning. His body seizes up, falls over unresponsive and twitching for several minutes, but he's always ok in the end. Alison and the other ghosts get very worried but he walks it off
Julian and the Captain both feel remnants of their heart attacks. Shortness of breath, tingling/numbness in the arms, dizziness, heart palpitations, etc. They both choose to keep it a secret from the others and cover it up but if they're particularly stressed abt smth, they'll start getting chest pains which is harder to cover up. The Captain has excused himself from many social situations to go sit on the floor and try to breathe through the pain and calm his heart. Robin's the only one who knows about Julian's because it happened once while they were hanging out. Logically, they both know they can't die again but it's still scary
Mary likes to sit in the lake because even tho she can't feel it like she would if she was alive, the cold water is soothing on her burns
All the ghosts have days where they just lay abt bc the pain is too much to move. From who does it the most to who does it the least it goes Mary, Humphrey, Pat, Fanny, Thomas, Kitty, Robin, the Captain, Julian
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masterofiodine · 8 months
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bbc ghosts modern au!!
making up their outfits was really fun (especially kitty and thomas, he would look great in skirt)
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nortism · 9 months
What the Ghosts have been watching on TV
Channel 4 Home renovation shows: They're free with ads and there's an infinite amount of them so Alison puts them on for the whole gang when she and Mike have work to do in same way people put on YouTube videos for their dogs. This has backfired slightly as all the ghosts now have very strong and conflicting opinions on how Button House should be renovated.
The Great British Bake-off: A whole family event, they all get very invested. Kitty thinks Alison Hammond is the funniest person in the world. The Captain feels normal about Noel Fielding. As well as a watching it live, I'm sure they've also watched the whole back catalogue together.
Mama Mia: This where the Captain learnt his ABBA songs from. Pat and Julian enjoy the nostalgic music and I think the others are just bewitched by the story and music
Anything David Attenborough: For obvious reasons. I think he'd get a kick out of trying to do his voice. The others sometimes join in.
Cunk on Earth/ Britain: I think they've got a similar attitude towards history and I think he'd find serious historians trying to answer silly questions incredibly funny
Horrible Histories: He watches this with Kitty, they both find poop jokes funny.
Antiques Roadshow: I'm not sure why. I honestly think he's just glad to watch anything.
Gardener's World: I think she misses being able to look after plants and I think she'd be endlessly fascinated by how hosepipes work.
Mio Mao: She loves them fucking plasticine cats. She will not stop singing the theme song
Honestly think she'll watch anything with anyone and would get invested, she seems like the ideal person to watch telly with.
Ru Paul's Drag Race: I think they all watch this every so often but Kitty is invested. There's bright colours, fun outfits and drama, it's definitely Alison's go to when she needs Kitty distracted.
90s and 2000s romcoms: I believe that every couple of weeks Alison and Kitty have a "girl's night" where they watch all the romcoms that Alison used to watch with her mum, mostly because I love watching romcoms with my mum and Kitty deserves that. Kitty is particularly fond of Twilight.
Any Jane Austen adaptations: He watches them with Fanny as they were both big fans when they were alive (its the only thing they agree on). Kitty also joins sometimes. His favourite is the 1995 Pride and Prejudice tv show.
Grey's Anatomy: I haven't seen it but my mum's a big fan and there's millions of seasons, I think she'd pretend she's not that into it but she definitely is.
Call the Midwife: Same as above.
The Captain:
M*A*S*H: I've seen about half an episode of this but it seems to be about fit young men in a war so it sounds like his thing. Probably Pat's recommendation.
Our Flag Means Death: I think Alison has been trying to sneakily show Cap gay media under the pretence of saying "it's just a fun show about pirates". I think the whole gang watched it together. The Captain definitely didn't cry at the end of season 1 why would think that?
Taskmaster: I think this is one they all watch together but it's definitely one of Pat's favourites. He probably attempted to set up his own version of the show with the ghost which ended horribly.
Doctor Who: I think he watched the original run when he was alive and was absolutely ecstatic to find out they made more. Julian makes fun of him for it.
Have I Got News For You: Has been airing since 1990 so he definitely watched it while he was alive. I think he likes to keep up with current politics but not in a very serious way so this is his middle ground.
Succession: I haven't seen this show but it seems to be about horrible men in suits being horrible to each other which seems right up his alley.
The Thick of It: Speaking of horrible men in suits being horrible. I think he watches this with Robin who has absolutely no idea what's going on but just laughs when Julian does and they have the best time. Julian is constantly pausing to add his own anecdotes
What We Do In The Shadows: Alison put this on as a 'let's show the Captain it's ok to be gay' show and the Captain was immediately horrified so Julian adopted it. He identifies with Lazlo.
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half-an-hour-hence · 9 months
One of my favourite headcanons is that Robin is actually quite attentive when it comes to details. He notices the little things that nobody else does. So when the Captain dies and tries to pull rank on Robin for the first time, he calls him out on it immediately. He points out that the medals are upside down, and that the other men weren’t talking about him with respect after he passed away as they dispersed from the house. Robin also claims all the men were carrying swagger sticks aside from one man - who left a few days after everyone else and looked rather distraught - and assumes that the Captain took the stick and the medals from him before he died (well, he can’t get everything right). So up until a certain point, Robin was the only one who knew that the Captain was faking his position. He never spoke up about it to the others, however, because the way the Captain reacted to his assumptions was the closest Robin had ever been to seeing him cry.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 8 months
Headcanons about how good the ghosts hug and what Ghost!Alison has to look forward to once she joins them.
Kitty - Will always hug anyone who will let her but is incredibly clingy and eventually will need to be pried off finger by finger at some point, even she finds it difficult to stop when she wants to, girl has serious touch-starvation, especially with other women.
Thomas - Similar to Kitty, gives pretty good hugs, might try to sneak in some hair stroking...sniffing? Ew, no, he's made it creepy even though he assures you he's being chaste and you probably wanna step back, he just needs to learn about boundaries.
Humphrey (head bit) - obviously he can't really reciprocate but is happy to be carried around and hugged like a comfort toy that can also be a good confidante.
Humphrey (body bit) - surprisingly gives very good hugs but like....would you want to? Also is he hugging or just trying to see who is there, it's hard to tell.
Pat - gives very nice Dad hugs but just be very careful of the arrow. Prefers mutual shoulder rubs more often.
Fanny - if she's in a very affectionate mood she might pat you on the head or the back of your hand. Trick her into thinking you're one of her pets and she will suddenly get very sentimental, crushing you in her arms.
Captain - Has the potential to give the best Dad hugs but needs a LOT of practice and learning not to be so rigid and military because he will welcome a hug but it's a bit like trying to cuddle a lamp post until he let's his defences down.
Robin - Gives the tightest and fluffiest hugs, closest thing you will feel to being hugged by a bear that won't try to kill you, just make sure to hold your nose until you're used to the smell and maybe try not to leave your head close to his beard because those fleas can jump.
Julian - Again, would you want to? He probably wouldn't. Try if you really want but maybe settle for a friendly arm around the shoulder and you'll both be content.
Mary (were she still around) - Proper comfy Mum hugs but like Robin you have to be able to bear the smell.
Plague ghosts - These guys are all amazing huggers but no one outside their circle will ever know. Jemima also can be very affectionate and clingy once people stop being afraid of her.
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moo9395 · 2 months
My Ghosts headcanons
I've had these sitting in a google doc for ages so I might as well hand them over.
I've split them into stuff that 'could take place in canon' and 'modern au' stuff
Fluent in multiple languages (kind of canon but whatever)
He has a PhD in astrophysics 
He gets migraines
He’s a teacher (this is quite popular), Headteacher humphrey is cool as well
Failed his driving test 4 times in a row
Coffee gives Humphrey headaches so he drinks more of it. 
She was a girl guide (me coded) (Credit to @kingofthefrogs swapped au for inspo)
Welsh (me coded)
Can be heard on a spirit box (Credit to kingofthefrogs)
Likes Call the Midwife.
She is a Nurse or Doctor, possibly a paediatrician. Haven’t seen this done yet but I think it could be fun given her fascination with Maddocks’ injury.
She loves iced coffee.
He is scared of dogs (channeling me right now) Dante is a weird exception to this that Fanny often complains about but secretly is proud of.
He can experience temperature as a ghost. (Credit to Ailendolin) He is susceptible to heat stroke and sometimes gets a cold, especially after going in the lake.
He's left handed
He is dyslexic and/or short sighted. Bonus if he refuses to wear glasses. Double bonus if this gives him constant headaches.
Studied abroad in Holland for 2 years and developed a weed addiction, he moved back to the UK to get over it
Coffee gives Thomas headaches so he doesn’t drink it. 
Incredible at Netball (she's such a netball girlie) she plays wing attack or centre
He has reading glasses.
Scared of chickens (Alektorophobia) (Inspired by @upsetslingshot on ao3)
Cap was in army cadets (me coded) and loved it.
He's claustrophobic, he was in life and the fact that he died while struggling to breathe has worsened that.
He’s basically blind without his glasses. (like Velma type blind)
Road rage.
Has hemophobia (fear of blood)
Julian was in army cadets and hated it.
Multi Character (mostly modern au stuff):
Thomas, Fanny, and Mary love watching Downton Abbey. Thomas is a passionate fan of Edith, Mary likes Sybil, and Fanny is a big fan of Violet Crawley (as she should be).
All autistic (Julian and Robin AuDHD).
Cap, Thomas, Mary, and Julian are cat people
Pat, Robin, and Fanny are dog people
Humphrey and Kitty passionately refuse to pick a side.
Thomas, Cap, Pat, Fanny and Julian are tea people.
Humphrey, Kitty, Mary and Robin are coffee people.
Robin and Humphrey as siblings/ twins.
Thomas and Kitty met in school. Thomas was being picked on and Kitty defended him.
Julian and Robin met in Cambridge Uni, Robin was doing an astrophysics PhD, Julian was doing his classmates a masters in politics.
Cap and Fanny play badminton together.
They have a group football team (more on that later)
Mary and Robin hooked up once (I know its canon but I love when it also happens in modern au's)
Hogwarts houses:
Hufflepuff - Humphrey, Pat, Mary
Gryffindor - Robin, Julian
Ravenclaw - Fanny, Thomas, Kitty
Slytherin - Cap
I'm very willing to elaborate and hear other opinions on this.
Mario Kart mains:
Robin - Bowser
Humphrey - Shy Guy
Mary - Yoshi
Kitty - Daisy
Thomas - Peach
Fanny - Toadette
Captain - Luigi
Pat - Koopa Troopa
Julian - Donkey Kong
The football team (my pride and joy):
Robin - goalkeeper, he once scored from a goal kick
Humphrey - defence, very good at headers (lol) but is frequently injured mainly due to being clumsy
Kitty - defence, she gets very invested in the game and will break knees (while apologising) 
Cap - defence, it took him a while to pick up the sport but he’s thriving, works very well with Humphrey and Kitty
Thomas - surprisingly good left winger, other teams generally see him (being himself) before the game  and write him off as a weaker player - he loves proving them wrong
Fanny - right wing, her and thomas make a weirdly good duo, she's absolutely incredible at penalties 
Pat - central midfielder and the team captain (Cap conceded that maybe Pat was a little bit better than him at football and should take the lead ‘just this once’)
Mary - Striker, really strong with both feet, closes her eyes when she takes a shot but somehow is still usually on target 
Julian - Striker, solid player but is frequently sent off for inappropriate celebrations
I had way too much fun re-reading these.
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charred-angel-ribs · 3 months
I just watched the final episode of Ghosts, but the Christmas special after that. I didn't know there was one, and I got so excited for more Ghosts crumbs.
I am heartbroken. Distraught. I refuse to acknowledge that episode exists. As far as I'm concerned, they live happily ever after in that house together.
They will live in my personal headcanon. No I will no take criticism.
Mia inherits the ability to see ghosts from Alison, and she grows up with the ghosts helping look after her and being her family. She grows up in that house.
Because I said so.
/lh /nm /gen
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just-gay-chaos · 1 year
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I love how at some point Havers saw this silly , pathetic (in his work) , pretty man and just went:
I think Cap was probably the most himself when alone with Havers, so he got to look behind the facade (similar to us really) and he saw kindness and pride and softness and insecurity and knowledge and so much more
and in my mind he was first amused by the Captain, then fascinated in a "why are you like this, I need to study you" kind of way and then he started to find the Captain's behaviour endearing and I think he realised that he'd fallen in love with him in the most mundane setting when Cap had a moment of simply being his true self and Havers observed him and had an
Like when they went for a stroll and Cap pointed out birds or talked passionately about cricket and Havers glanced at him with a smitten smile and then realised how fast his heart was beating and the butterflies in his stomach and maybe he stopped in his tracks and Cap didn't notice at first so he had time to compose himself.
(tbh that's why I adore this fanart so so much because in my HC that's basically what happened)
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teacup-captor · 8 months
I desperately need for Thomas to finally get in a relationship and he's just. At a loss. He gets into a honeymoon phase right away and falls out of it after a week tops and now he just doesn't know where to go. He got his love, and now he just feels sort of... Done? Like this is all there is to it? But he knows that there's SUPPOSED to be more he just doesn't quite... Understand...
I desparately need for Thomas to be lithromantic 😫
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little-cereal-draws · 9 months
I think it’s interesting how many of the ghosts extend “you stay how you died” to their feelings/default state
Kitty: died excited and giddy abt the pineapple and the party. Spends her afterlife easily excitable, happy, and trying to insert herself into social situations (the more ppl the better)
Pat: died happily/confidently leading a Scouts activity. Spends his afterlife generally being more of a leader in the group, still creating clubs, and usually having a happy/laid back demeanor
Fanny: died after finding her husband having an affair and furiously confronting him abt it. Spends her afterlife finding faults in people, yelling, and is easily angered/offended
Thomas: died in a duel defending the honor of the woman he loved. Spends his afterlife obsessing over women, even in his dreams, and falling in love after minutes of meeting them
The captain: died trying to prove he was remarkable during the war while also keeping his sexuality a secret. Spends his afterlife repeatedly trying to prove his leadership skills and physical prowess while also being very secretive/defensive abt any personal information
Mary: died by being burned at the stake in a witch trial. Spends her afterlife being one of the more anxious/nervous ghosts, especially when it comes to religious topics or authority figures
Annie: died after getting in an argument with her husband and purposely ignoring what he said out of stubbornness/spite. Spends her afterlife picking fights w men and insulting ppl
I know these are just their personalities but I like to think that death heightened/emphasized it; it didn’t make anything new but expanded on what was already there. Idk abt Robin, humphrey, and Julian tho
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spineless-lobster · 10 months
what books would the ghosts read do you think?
Robin: Astrophysics textbooks, literally no one else knows what he’s actually reading but he understands it completely
Humphrey: Definitely history books, I think he’d be very interested in art history and perhaps also french history (Sophie <333)
Mary: Picture books!!! She cannot read but that will never stop her!!!
Kitty: The wildest, dirtiest, most fucknasty gay smut ever published. And she giggles profusely the whole time (also she reads fanfic of her favourite shows because I said so)
Thomas: His own poetry, he just recites it to himself. He might other poets but that is only to criticize them. Though I think he’d indulge in some Jane Austen
Fanny: Risqué victorian novels, showing ankles and so on. But I think she’d also explore various educational subjects to expand her knowledge and I love that for her
The Captain: All the books about war strategy, tanks, birds, insects, etc. except for the one time he stumbled across one of kitty’s books (he wasn’t the same for the next week)
Pat: I think he’d enjoy a lot of fantasy like Lord of the Rings, but he also collects a lot of ghost/campfire story books (scary stories to tell in the dark <333)
Julian: Reading is for nerds, but if he had to it would be some sort of pulp fiction, if only for the covers alone lol
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averagepaladin · 1 year
Honestly I feel like if I were in the BBC Ghosts universe and lived in Button House with Mike and Alisson and could also see ghosts I’d be so fucking annoying to ghosts
Would constantly play You’re Dead by Norma Tanega
Would try and constantly use the Mort voice when saying Julian’s name but just be like “Kiing Julian!!”
To Humphrey “So no head?”
After Thomas reads one of his poems “Straight to jail” & “Bombastic side eye, criminal offensive side eye.”
Gets bad news “Say Sike right now”
Would bust it down to “I like to move it” the king Julian version with Robin
Would flick the arrow in Pats neck constantly
“Hunphrey! Humphrey!!! I know he’s here, I can feel it in my nuggets.”
Would show the 50 Shades trilogy and 365 Days to Fanny and say they are the best films in modern history lol 😂
Julian would most like say “This is literally just P*rn” after seeing like 5 seconds of it
To Humphrey “Where’s the rest of ya?”
Would sing The Lion Sleeps Tonight with Robin all the time
Would constantly say “Dab me up” while giving handshakes
Would call Thomas a simp constantly
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half-an-hour-hence · 8 months
Literally nothing will beat my version of modern Humphrey Bone that I have in my head. He’s unemployed and doesn’t need to work because he’s rich as fuck (inherited a fortune from his dad). He has an emotional attachment to his tinted sunglasses. He chats shit about people he’s never met before in a cafe with the Captain (they’re bffs). He has a tumultuous relationship with Sophie, is actually head over heels in love with her, and is learning French as an alternative to grovelling on his knees to win her back. He paints as a hobby and sells his portraits online for way less than what they’re worth because he has literally no concept of money. He’s basically the personification of the stereotypical disaster bisexual.
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ailendolin · 10 months
I am still not over seeing Mat wearing glasses so here's a little headcanon / potential fic idea about Thomas being farsighted:
He didn't realise something was wrong with his eyes until Kitty pointed out that Isabelle's name was misspelled in the letter. He never noticed because he'd struggled to read the handwriting that day and hasn't looked at the letter since
He thought it was normal to have to squint his eyes to bring the words into focus and never wondered why reading often caused him headaches because that's how it's always been for him
It wasn't until Fanny noticed that the headaches were getting worse that someone connected the dots and realised he was farsighted and needed help
Instead of talking to him, Fanny brought it up with Alison and asked her to buy some cheap reading glasses for Thomas to try out
At first, Thomas was hesitant to try them. He feared he would look ridiculous "wearing" them and did not want to give Julian, Robin and the Captain another reason to mock him
But when he tried on the second pair, the words on the page suddenly came into such beautiful focus for the first time in his life that he felt his eyes burn with tears
He couldn't believe how easy reading suddenly was but he knew he couldn't ask Alison to hold the glasses for him every time he wanted to read a book. She already was gracious enough to turn the pages for them
He pretended the glasses made no difference; Alison and Fanny knew better
Together with Mike, they built something that would hold the glasses in place and positioned them in a perfect angle above the book
When they surprised Thomas with their solution, he was so overwhelmed he pulled Fanny into a quick but heartfelt hug and gave Alison a thousand thank-yous with a smile so wide his cheeks hurt afterwards
he spent the next three hours reading the first chapters of The Lord of the Rings
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moo9395 · 6 months
I’ve been having thoughts (always dangerous)
Fanny Button Alloaro??
Think about it, she conducted that affair with Humphrey’s body who, to my knowledge, couldn’t reciprocate romantic feelings towards her and so their relationship was entirely sexual.
(Having said that I don’t really understand romantic attraction so for all I know that could’ve been romantic)
And then when Humphrey’s head joins the party and suggests a more conventional romantic relationship, she’s disgusted and calls it off.
Just some thoughts
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