#WandaVision s1e5
darcycarmela · 10 months
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Watched S1E5 "On a Very Special Episode..." with Yvette and Rachel
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blackladisdestrcz · 2 years
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Sleduji - watching WandaVision S1E5 (WebOS Smart TV/Disney+) (v místě Malá Chuchle, Hlavní Město Praha, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmM0dpzLF4v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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littlefanthings · 4 years
Wandavision Episode 5 Thoughts
• Ugh Director man you are being THE biggest cliche stop it. How many times are we going with “the boss is actually a quasi-evil asshole” bit? I say “quasi” because we don’t know if he’s ACTUALLY evil or just a dick. Either way, it’s overdone and annoying as hell.
• Monica’s tests are “blank”? No, no, you’re reading it wrong, Monica is clearly now testing positive for Superpower-itis. ✨
• Monica seems to have issues with Captain Marvel and doesn’t want to talk about her. (Insert jokes about step-mom issues here). My previous hopes that Carol came back to visit once in awhile are quickly diminishing. That or she and Monica had some kind of falling out, but all clues are leading to Carol going AWOL on Maria and Monica. Poor Lt. Trouble.
• Lol Kevlar does not work that way but okay, why not, point made.
• We’re finally breaking down the rules of Wanda’s world. Wanda IS aware she’s messing with reality, at least she’s aware at the moment. I believe her when she says she doesn’t know how this started. If you look back at episode two - just before the talent show Wanda tries to talk to Vision about weird things happening. Not something she would have done had she knowingly been in control. Someone’s definitely manipulating her somehow.
• EXCUSE ME WTF WAS SWORD DOING WITH VISIONS BODY THAT IS SKETCHY AS HELL (PS I don’t know why Jimmy was talking about Vision’s “living will” considering a living will is for use when someone is still alive but seriously incapacitated not - yknow....dead. Dead dead. That’s just a regular old will.)
• So Wanda can manipulate the world around her but not create new matter, which explains why she stole Vision’s corpse and why she hadn’t brought back Pietro. She would have needed his body (and if you think Corpse Vis was scary...). Which also brings us to...
• ...Where the hell did Billy and Tommy come from? They’re actual new people, which we’ve just established as beyond Wanda’s abilities, so where did they come from? That’s a rhetorical question, obviously whoever is messing with Wanda created them somehow (again - more horrifying connotations that I will not dive in to because ick and also I think that’s too far for a Disney show).
• Yes, thank you for the exposition, Darcy! I am so glad for the line “She recast Pietro” because it will cut down on the insane amount of annoying discourse over how and why they ...well, literally recast Pietro.
• I’m also feeling like “Pietro” is not Wanda’s doing. Vision was getting close to breaking through to Wanda and I think that whoever the mastermind is sent Pietro in as distraction and to re-establish control. Which also makes me wonder if New Pietro is another Westview citizen under Wanda’s control or if he’s in league with the big baddie or actually the big baddie himself (don’t make me say the M-name 👿 guys. we all know). Possibly Jimmy’s missing person?
• I can’t believe they killed the dog how dare they. Kill all the rando FBI agents you want but leave poor Sparky alone!
• Lol at Billy and Tommy thinking it will be easier to deal with emotions if they age themselves up. Good luck with puberty, kids!
• Is whoever is in charge of all this nonsense doing things to purposely cause the kids to age up? Do they need them to be older for some reason?
• Where the hell ARE the other children in Westview?? It wouldn’t make sense for there to be NO children at all pre-Wanda shenanigans and I’m pretty sure we see kids in the trailer during the Halloween episode, so where have they been and where will they come from?
• Evan Peters’ over the top Jersey accent is peak 80s sitcom, I love it
• Kathryn Hahn’s Cher wig. That is all.
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rdmngf · 4 years
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go fight go
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richardgrimes · 4 years
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WANDA MAXIMOFF WANDAVISION S1E5: On a Very Special Episode...
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piepeloe · 2 years
Moon Knight S1E5
Oscar Isaac, man. All the awards. I could just leave it there, but the rest of the ep was excellent too, so:
The whole thing was delightfully trippy. Freaking love the hippo goddess.
My one possibly gripe with the ep might be that we've seen this 'walk through traumatic memories' bit before with WandaVision and even Loki (a bit). But it works, so meh. I guess I would love a version with Bucky or maybe Bruce Banner. You could probably fill an hour or two with either of them.
The backstory, at least Marc's childhood, was unexpected. But so sad, and fitting, I guess? I came very close to crying a few times.
Also feel for Steven, finding out he's the alter. And then what happens at the end there. He's still my fave, so I hope we can somehow fix that.
I loved that the focus was so much on the characters and that it worked so well, that I almost forgot the big threat!
There's still a lot that needs to be wrapped up next week, so I hope they manage it. The MCU doesn't always quite stick the landing, especially with the shows.
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Wandavision S1E5  “On a Very Special Episode...”
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scarletfcrged · 3 years
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     i’m still editing icons from wandavision but like / reply to this post for a s1e5 based starter set in westview. multis please specify who for.
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classified-bluerose · 4 years
here we go. this is very long, so. buckle up.
my original theory had wanda trapped within westview unknowingly - later episodes disproved that. however! i believe now that parts of my original theory are true. wanda is not in control. someone else is. she can alter certain aspects of her reality, and probably believes she’s in total control. she isn’t.
she notes that she can’t remember how it all began. she seemed taken aback during some of the episodes when the sitcom faltered and allowed reality to blink through. she didn’t summon pietro/peter - so who did?
behind every show is a writer, a director. wanda may be starring in her perfect sitcom, but who is directing it?
- agnes? is she mephisto? or perhaps she’s agatha, married to mephisto. her husband is mentioned several times but never shown.
- pietro/peter himself is mephisto in disguise. though why he would choose this particular iteration of pietro is uncertain.
- dottie is mephisto.
1. the sword director is shady a.f. why not share the information about wanda’s break in when he first sent monica out into the field? and, if part of vision’s will was to not be ressurected OR made into a weapon, then what the hell was sword doing with his corpse in the first place?
consider: the security footage from wanda’s break-in. vision’s body was disassembled. sword director immediately labelled wanda a terrorist. which was always going to happen - i mean, pre-endgame/infinity war, wanda was a wanted felon on the run from the government. which gives sword exactly the right ammunition to use against her. of course, monica was having none of it, and stepped up to defend her. hayword decided to use monica’s drone to launch an attack on wanda. he had no qualms about killing her - and potentially her children. he also chose to keep this information from monica, because he knew she would never have agreed. he is not to be trusted; and i think monica knows that now.
2. onto vision’s enlightening moment with norm. now, norm doesn’t ever name wanda as the one inside his head. instead, he refers to this person as ‘’her’’. not naming her has to be intentional. which means he may not be talking about wanda. of course, vision is going to assume it is wanda, having noticed how strange his life with her is. monica was shaken when she began to remember her life before westview. herb, when trying to tell vision about why monica was there, is visibly terrified. norm grows agitated and upset when vision lifts the manipulation. even dottie becomes freaked out when woo’s voice comes over the radio. who in the town doesn’t act disturbed or scared when the sitcom falters? agnes. she acts like a professional actor on a soap or sitcom. she looks to wanda for direction; but could it be she is the director of this whole thing? or perhaps she is an agent of mephisto, (or master pandemonium) who could very well be her unseen husband, ralph. that is, if she’s not mephisto herself.
3. now. the twins. the twins, whom i do not trust. they know too much. their powers and wanda’s powers combined could explain the aging up process. but i believe the twins are a product of the same thing as the comics: fragments of mephisto’s soul. while this storyline was rewritten to swap out mephisto for master pandemonium, it’s more likely that it’s mephisto behind this. regardless of mephisto’s identity within the show, it the twins were created using fragments of mephisto’s soul, they may be more like him than wanda or vision. i know in the comics they get reabsorbed into mephisto/pandemonium. i lowkey want that to happen because i don’t like them lmao. sorry wanda! but, we know that wanda is using whatever is around her to rewrite reality. so if mephisto is nearby, his soul would be powerful enough (even fragmented) to create two (semi) human children. agnes says you can’t control kids. maybe that’s why there’s no other children in westview?
4. and finally, the big moment. the introduction of evan peter’s peter maximoff. she calls him pietro, of course, as this is the name he used in this universe. there are plenty of theories to explain his sudden appearance. if mephisto is a resident of the town, and controlling wanda, they may be using her desires to keep wanda in westview. her mentioning him in the past 2 episodes would have had him in the forefront of her mind. mephisto may be aware that vision is beginning to fight the reality he’s in, that he’s ‘’waking up’’. so he/she/they bring in her brother to solidfy wanda’s fight to remain in her new home. what good does this do for vision, though? how will it convince him to stop fighting? he doesn’t even remember his own universes’ pietro. perhaps mephisto is hoping that with wanda now having her family complete will urge her to fully control vision. perhaps mephisto had to bring this version of pietro over from the x-men universe due to an inability to revive the mcu’s pietro? and another big question; is vision alive? if wanda was reanimating his corpse and making it seem as though he was alive, wouldn’t he just be whatever she made him be? surely he would have no independant thought, no capability to question the world around him. if he is alive - how?
working theory: wanda discovered that sword had taken vision’s body. heartbroken that the man she loves won’t get to rest in peace, she breaks into sword and ‘’rescues’’ his corpse. whatever her plan was following that, something happened that we haven’t seen yet. mephisto appeared, drawn to wanda by her pure grief, rage, and loneliness - and made her a deal she couldn’t refuse. bring vision back to life, place her in a familiar, comforting world where nothing changes (ex. a sitcom) and they can live a normal, happy life together. mephisto does not go into detail about wanda’s new reality; when she agrees, she isn’t entirely aware of what she’s signing up for. mephisto wipes her memory (and visions?) of the deal, and sits back in wait. the more wanda starts to realise that she can control aspects of her reality, she does what she can to protect it, not fully understanding what’s going on. only knowing that she isn’t willing to let go of her home. sword are panicking, because they’ve lost vision to a woman with exceptional abilities (who happens to be labelled, unfairly, a terrorist). hayward uses this to turn all heads in wanda’s direction, desperate to vilify her and keep the attention off of sword’s vision project. back to the deal - what would mephisto get in return for this exchange? my best bet is the children. although why he would want that, to lose 2 fragments of his soul for their creation. unless his soul was already in fragments and lost, and wanda’s creating her kids was one way for him to retrieve them? agnes is there to either help wanda, to take care of her, or to keep her in line.
the parts in italics and bold are linked to the evidence in the first paragraphs.
each commercial seems to link to wanda’s past; essentially retelling her path through the mcu.
1. first up, the toaster by stark industries. it was stark weapons that destroyed wanda’s childhood home and left her and her brother orphans. this is the inciting incident in wanda’s story.
2. the vonstrucker watch. following her parents demise, she is radicalised and volunteers for hydra, alongside pietro. she is experimented on by a hydra scientist named von strucker.
3. hydra soak soap. this could be another reference to her history with hydra. it could always be a hint that hydra is somehow involved in wanda’s current situation.
4. lagos paper towels. with no commercial in episode 4, episode 5 advertises paper towels by the brand name of lagos, the tagline is ‘’for when you make a mess you didn’t mean to.’’ at the beginning of civil war, wanda is part of an avengers mission in lagos. the mission goes wrong when wanda accidentally redirects a bomb and kills civillians. this incident is partially responsible for the sokovia accords - and we should also remember that wanda’s intentions with ultron were not the same as his. she didn’t mean for sokovia to be destroyed, or for her brother to die. she most likely blames herself for all of that.
the commercials are, essentially, a shortened walkthrough of her trauma, and there is plenty of it.
note: wanda is the defintion of traumatised. she has lost everything. she is alone. she has had no time to process the death of vision; those five years post IW never happened for her. she blinked, and five years had passed. she was then immediately thrown into a battle against thanos. for her it’s been about five minutes since she witnessed thanos crushing vision’s head for the mind stone. she then finds out natasha and tony have died, and that steve is out of commission for good. everything has been ripped away from her. there’s no avengers. no family. no boyfriend. no one. i want to see what happened in the three weeks between endgame returning the dusted and the beginning of wandavision.
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skyemxmff · 4 years
🖇️°.• darcy lewys icons :•.°
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→ se usar, dê like ou reblog // if you use, like or reblog
→ person at the pics: kat dennings as darcy lewys at wandavision (S1E5)
!!! don't repost without my permission
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graphicpolicy · 4 years
Review: WandaVision S1E5 On a Very Special Episode...
WandaVision S1E5 On a Very Special Episode... has massive implications for the entire #MCU. A hell of an episode. We have a spoiler free review #WandaVision #DisneyPlus
WandaVision S1E5 On a Very Special Episode is a difficult episode to review. The impact, not just on the series but on the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, is huge. After the last episode’s focus outside the bubble, we’re back to the world that Wanda has created. In the sitcom world, the episode is now in the 80s. It delivers the cold opening of shows of the time, fashion, and.. the cheesy…
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blackladisdestrcz · 2 years
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Sleduji - watching WandaVision S1E5 (WebOS Smart TV/Disney+) (v místě Malá Chuchle, Hlavní Město Praha, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmMyBLzrEu3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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littlefanthings · 4 years
Oh wait, we’re all busy going “OMGPIETRO?!?” and forgot to talk about the fact that Wanda’s powers don’t work on the twins.
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watchonlinewds · 4 years
How the Microbiome Could Play a Role in Covid-19
After a year of darkness, vaccines really are the light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel. Yes, vaccination programs take time, and yes, they don’t fix anything immediately. There’s also a huge issue with wealthy countries hoarding vaccine doses and something of an ethical nightmare about how we effectively distribute these life-saving interventions across the globe. All that being said, the Covid-19 vaccines are nothing short of a scientific masterpiece. We should all be immensely grateful to be potentially getting one in 2021, rather than years from now. Image for post The Covid-19 vaccine development is quite literally the fastest such effort in human history. Impressive stuff. Photo: SELF Magazine But despite the generally fabulous nature of the situation when it comes to vaccines, many of us are now faced with something of a difficult question: Which vaccine should I get? Now, granted, this isn’t a problem for much of the globe. In many countries, the answer will simply be “whichever vaccine is available” because the luxury of multiple vaccines is not something that everyone can afford. Forget society for a moment, because here I’m talking about you and me, the people actually getting the vaccine. What matters to us? That being said, it’s an interesting question to answer. Everyone has started discussing efficacy, with the headline numbers from vaccine trials thrown around every time the discussion begins. Do you want the AstraZeneca vaccine, with only 62% efficacy, or would you rather get the much better-sounding Moderna immunization that works 94% of the time? It seems like an easy choice, and I think ultimately that it really is. The answer, at least in my opinion and for myself, is that I would get whichever vaccine I am first offered. Let me explain. Safety The first point to note is safety. I’ve written before about how impressive the vaccine development process is, but I think it’s worth noting again that, thus far, the safety data from all approved vaccines is very good. Not only were there few major safety concerns from the scientific research, there is now a wealth of data showing that millions of vaccines have been given with relatively little ill effect. Singaporean data suggests that about three in 100,000 people who receive a vaccine dose (in this case Pfizer-BioNTech) have a severe anaphylactic reaction, which is extremely unpleasant but so far not fatal. While it’s too early to be entirely certain about the very rare vaccine side effects, it is very likely that, at least for the three main vaccines for which there is ample safety data — Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, and AstraZeneca — the safety is excellent. So safety (at least for licensed vaccines already approved) is not a major concern. What about efficacy? Outcomes When we talk about efficacy, we often mean many different things. There’s the public health view, which takes a population approach and views everything somewhat impersonally. From this perspective, whether one individual gets sick is less important than whether we can reduce infections in society as a whole, and in this context, minor differences between vaccine efficacy are vitally important. But that’s not what this blog is about. Forget society for a moment, because here I’m talking about you and me, the people actually getting the vaccine. What matters to us? Image for post Aside from our cats, obviously. This is Luna Well, generally speaking we’d rather not get the disease. But really, that’s something of a proxy measure. The thing we really don’t want is, firstly, to get really, really sick, and secondly, we don’t want our friends and relatives to get that sick either. To me, as an individual, the most important point is not whether public health is ultimately improved, but that my family and I are protected from serious disease and death. And the thing is, all of the vaccines appear to hold this promise. While the data is fairly slim, every vaccine in the bunch looks similar in terms of efficacy when we consider preventing severe disease and death. To me, and I suspect many others, that is really the crux of the matter. If the vaccine largely eliminates the possibility that I and my family will be at risk of hospitalization and death, then the question of whether it completely prevents an infection is far less important. As an epidemiologist, the question of whether each vaccine is enough to mount a neutralizing response against infection is key; as a relatively healthy person on the street, I’m mostly concerned with being in an intensive care unit struggling for breath. This calculus is clearly not going to be the same for everyone. For elderly people, those at great risk, and people like grocery store workers and nurses who have enormous exposure to the virus, there is a heavier weight on not getting the disease at all. And from a public health standpoint, it makes sense to ensure that the most effective vaccine goes to people who are A) most at risk and B) most likely to spread the disease. But for most people? The choice, at least in my mind, is relatively simple. Take the vaccine you are offered. If it’s been approved, it’s pretty safe, and is almost certain to make you far safer against the things you really care about than you would be otherwise.
https://digg.com/@lindalolo2 https://bigpicture.net/users/watch-wandavision-season-1-episode-5-online-hd https://digg.com/@wanda-vision-s1e5 https://lasillavacia.com/users/wandavision-season-1-episode-5-online-full-episodes https://paiza.io/projects/ZxW62cFABVGOzrPo_NefqQ?language=php https://onlinegdb.com/Jxj06JUEI https://jsfiddle.net/z4t5087w/ https://www.peeranswer.com/question/601b7339e483247612825175 https://cox.tribe.so/post/how-the-microbiome-could-play-a-role-in-covid-19-https-digg-com-lindalolo2---601b75bff6a26a3081c701d3 https://www.dancehalldatabase.com/forum/Dancehall-Reggae/How-the-Microbiome-Could-Play-a-Role-in-Covid-19/fe9de7041388eb8ed9ed759a00b3809c/11373 https://minimore.com/b/LUNww/1 https://mlog.club/topic/2055
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littlefanthings · 4 years
When they’re trying to figure out how to build something to get back into Westview safely, Monica says she knows an aerospace engineer who’d be up to it and starts to text someone when Jimmy walks in and they change topics.
So who’s Monica’s aerospace engineer?
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littlefanthings · 4 years
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[Text: Didn’t jimmy specify that it’s not a missing PERSON but a missing TOWN? - @totally-not-a-zannie ]
(I can’t answer this in the comments of the original post because this is a side blog and tumblr doesn’t let me comment from it grr. so you get a whole new post instead!)
The reason Jimmy came to Westview in the first place and discovered the town was missing is because he had someone in Witness Protection that had gone missing. When he asked their known associates about him, all the associates suddenly had no knowledge the witness had ever existed. Jimmy thought this was freaky (because it is) so he went to Westview (where the witness had been living) and found that not only could he not enter the town but the locals seemed to both not see it and not even remember it existed.
So what led Jimmy to the big mystery of the missing town was the smaller mystery of the missing person (who is likely connected to the whole thing).
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