Bubur Candil Berinti Warna Warni
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bugsnaxed · 10 months
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VHS aesthetics and warm colors my beloved
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dweeborea · 23 days
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(WIP) Long time no Noa!!!!
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minkx3 · 6 months
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odd creatures, beings even.
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trembliingexhale2 · 1 year
iif thii2 ii2 your way of 2ayiing you don't want two be on top that2 fiine.
but iim 2adly unable two be the one dommiing eiither.
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jvstcallmespade · 1 month
gghhghgrtghrbrghrrr ii hate how 2haky my hand2 get when iim apologiiziing two a friiend onliine
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britishchick09 · 6 months
Do you have color footage of Robert Wadlow?
yes! :D
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gho2ty · 7 months
ok. fiine. iim caviing. 2end 🎵 for a 2ong.
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giffingthingsss · 9 months
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cryptidjeepers · 1 year
Its been 80 degrees for the past 3 days and i am so tired. Please, apparently im not ready for summer, just give me a nice breeze or something
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not-bcring · 2 years
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「 ☆ 」   Welp…
That could have gone better.
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Breathing heavily from his spot hidden amongst foliage, hands hastily clamp over his mouth to muffle the struggling gasps. Crouched in the first bushes that had felt like a decent distance away from the scene of the incident, branches scratch at his back as he further buries himself into the makeshift shelter. Poking at his face, warmth taints his freckled cheek thanks to a scratch going down the side. But it’s nothing to worry about. He barely even feels the sting, mind far too preoccupied trying to piece together what had just happened.
Scanning the area in front of him, spine tingles with unease every time someone passes the thicket of leaves, waiting for someone to crouch down and make eye contact with him… Miraculously, he seems to have evaded detection. Or the small silhouette peeking behind deep green foliage isn’t worth the trouble of investigating. Either way, he’s not about to squander his good fortune.
Breathing slowly starts to steady, but his hands remain firm over his mouth. Gaze drifts to the dirt, Kokichi allowing himself some respite from the many legs that drift by. With a shaky exhale through his fingers, he replays earlier events. It’s more difficult than he’d like for something that happened mere moments ago. Hands grabbing him without warning, roughly yanking him backward with such force that his feet were no longer on the ground. If he wasn’t so small, the well-meaning action probably wouldn’t have jostled him so much. Haste making the stranger use more force than was necessary. Honestly, it’s stupid… So ridiculous that Kokichi would laugh about it if he wasn’t trying so hard not to cry.
Not paying attention to where he was going, he’d nearly walked straight into a group of students rushing past. Likely late for whatever class they had scheduled. A bystander, big and burly and bringing the little leader out of harm’s way with a concerned warning, had scooped him up for what must have only been a moment. A few breaths between the freezing of Kokichi’s body, breath escaping his lungs in a panicked instant, and the sudden thrashing about. Twisting as he was held in the air ( large hands grabbing his sides ) like a feral animal, the stranger abruptly complying with Kokichi’s scared snarled cries to be let go. If he was in a better state of mind, he would have played it differently. Would have tried to exhibit some form of control, of indignation instead of terror. Would have commanded instead of screamed.
He would have shoved the fear DOWN until he was away from prying eyes. Not landed on the ground in a pathetic heap as he was hastily dropped, teary-eyed and red-faced as he sprinted away from the confused crowd, unable to even attempt salvaging the situation. It was an over exaggeration… At least, to everyone else. To those who don’t know how quickly things can go wrong when grabbed by someone stronger than them. Or, if they do, still don’t have it be the first and ONLY thing in their mind when it does happen. He wasn’t in danger. From the surprised look on the stranger’s face, he hadn’t even thought the action all the way through. He was acting on instinct… So was Kokichi.
And he fucking hates himself for it.
Shutting his eyes, he sits down and brings his legs to his chest. Arms wrapped around them and face hidden against his knees. Any other day. If it had been ANY other day besides a ‘ payment day ’, he could have handled it like he always does… But his nerves had been frayed, mind fidgety and on high alert. Memories drifting in and out in ways that he tries to keep to a minimum. Exhausted from some of the less-than-ethical ways that had been implemented to test the limits of his Ultimate Talent ( although it feels more like testing the limits of his resolve ) he hadn’t seen anything but the ground as he walked… and then it was gone. And someone was TOUCHING him. Someone big. Someone strong. Someone he didn’t want to.
Now here he is… Hiding in a goddamn bush, wondering how he’s going to overshadow his second of panic in order to preserve his pride.   「 ☆ 」
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ambratontonn · 2 days
Distribtor,Pengrajin,Jual,grosir sepatu converse warna warni,WA ,0812-9838-0434 (telkomsel) NGUSMAN SPORT 
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ambatukammmtuuu · 2 days
Distribtor,Pengrajin,Jual,grosir sepatu converse warna putih,WA ,0812-9838-0434 (telkomsel) NGUSMAN SPORT 
sepatu converse warna putih,sepatu converse wanita tinggi,sepatu converse warna kuning,sepatu converse warna warni,sepatu converse wanita shopee,sepatu converse warna hitam,sepatu converse wanita original,sepatu converse x,kami adalah toko sepatu  yang sangat terpercaya jujur dan amanah minat silahkan order di toko kami harga terjangkau keren dan murah sepatu olahraga dan ranning wa 0812-9838-0434 dengan BAPAK NGUSMAN  
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cangkirenameljadul · 11 days
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rajaclean · 16 days
[Panggilan] 0823-5034-5633 Cuci Sofa Warna-Warni Jakarta Timur
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[Panggilan] 0823-5034-5633 Cuci Sofa Warna-Warni Jakarta Timur
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Sofa warna-warni membutuhkan perawatan khusus untuk menjaga kecerahannya. Layanan cuci sofa warna-warni Jakarta Timur kami menggunakan bahan pembersih yang aman dan efektif, menjaga warna sofa Anda tetap cerah.
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