mystery-salad · 2 years
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Thanks to a glitch in the newly released LWS1 chapter, I was able to snag some close-up pictures of a t-posed Twisted Nightmare! Please enjoy!
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... bit the bullet and snagged the last couple armor pieces I'll need for Flourish AU Mai Trin, so as long as I save up enough gold -> gems I'll finally be able to get her made next character slot sale. :)
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sylvaridreams · 4 months
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dorenarox · 2 years
Hold up, it looks like they changed the version 1 Watchknight model to not be so stupid!
Before :
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After :
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Finally, after five years-
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vigilant-cleric · 4 months
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Despite Ravengard's words, Helm's watchful gaze remains upon you.
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18+ independent roleplaying blog for Watchknight Ashen, cleric of Helm, an original character for a Baldur's Gate III/D&D setting. Low activity at the moment.
Affiliated with: @devoutur ; @infernaliscor ; @illithilit
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Carrd. Written by Firmin, 23, he/him.
Find me at: @restless-dragonhunter
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@vigilant-cleric sent
The watchknight observed Bernard's moustache for a short moment, making a conscious and visible effort to choose his words carefully. "... We all started... somewhere."
   𝕃𝔼𝕋𝕋𝔼ℝ𝕊 .   unprompted interactions ───────────────────
      𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝘁𝐢𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝘂𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐝.      Obviously, he was not talking about the training, nor the visible trouble Bernard had at unbuckling some belts holding the Helmite's own armor together. Why does he always get the ones with these gods-awful annoying clamps   ?
He made an effort to ignore the watchknight's sorry comment ( It's not like he heard his beard being pitied for the first time ), not everyone is as biologically gifted as his fellow Helmite. Bernard got nagged on regularly, told to just shave the few hairs off, but these hairs contribute a lot to the cleric's masculinity.
No, he had high hopes. His own father reassured the man not to worry. Late blooming facial hair would lie in the family.
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     ❝ It's perfectly fine. It's not always about size or thickness. It's the man behind the mustache. ❞
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just-eyris-things · 1 year
im playing lws1 and
jennah. darling. i know it's flame legion, but i think that to a majority of humans a charr is a charr so making a watchknight turn into a charr literally TWO YEARS AFTER THE TREATY WAS OFFICIALLY SIGNED MIGHT NOT BE THE BEST IDEA
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cindermetalheadgw2 · 1 year
Jade mechs should have different skins let the mechanists have asuran attack cubes, mini charr tanks, watchknights, etc
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brax-was-here · 1 year
Ok, I figured this out...
Re-upping my idea to add a new tier to the Queen's Gauntlet during the Festival of the Four Winds to fight Scarlet Briar after Turai Ossa.
If you beat Scarlet, she teleports away, exclaiming "Taa, for now!"
and the associated achievement reads something like "That was a disguised watchknight...right?"
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macomico · 2 years
any spare lore about miss milf-I mean milica? 🙏😳
of course, anything for you beyonce 😘
she's in her early to mid 30s during EoD, about 2.30m/7'5" tall
her last name, vuković, basically means wolf and indicates that her entire family has been wolfborn thus far, herself included.
she had two loving parents that she lost to jormag when she was a teen
she also has a younger sister, rosa. she's younger by 12 years.
her two best friends are esben and reena, my two other norn. :) they're a little trio infernale, besties for life, a little family of their own.
milica met reena in the bathroom during a moot while they were both drunk out of their minds, and through reena she met esben later on (who was definitely passed out, and they had to carry him home 😭). they've been inseperable ever since <3
rosa and milica grew up with their grandmother in hoelbrak in their family home. rosa still lives with their grandma but milica kind of lives all over the place;
sometimes she sleeps at esben's hut far into the shiverpeaks, sometimes spends a night at reena and her mother's house near hoelbrak, or (more likely these days) anywhere her job might take her throughout tyria and beyond.
i havent decided yet on what specifically, but i really want her to have a little pet :) thinking either a little sparrow, a quail, or a pocket raptor... or something else.... she definitely made a prosthetic for them !:)
milica is a machine engineer first and foremost, though she dabbles into artillery from time to time.
her trademark in the engineering business is that her machines are heavily influenced and based on flora and fauna, both in functionality and design.
her most known projects are the watchknights made specifically for queen jennah & the devourer siege carriers in the silverwastes meta event! :) (seen below)
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as for the watchknights, i picture it like the following (work in progress, i havent played the s1 chapters yet) :
after zhaitans death, an open competition for guard robots was made, and any engineer worth their damn was invited to participate. the host of this competition was anonymous, however the winning prize was a hefty sum so everyone went on to tinker.
after having developed several ships and artilleries for the pact against the fight with zhaitan (think the cannons aboard the ship in the final fight & more), milica was pretty high on the invitation list. she wasn't treating it that seriously though; she was busier drinking herself into a stupor at moots and partying a whole lot after the big win. 💀
so, being drunk as fuck and feeling incredibly funny, she designed the sentries the way they are now, making a joke akin to "who wouldnt want a naked goddess to defend them at all times", and sent it off, expecting nothing to come out of that. well!
when finally the time came to pick a winner, queen jennah revealed herself, and picks out milica's entry. and the rest is history
That said, milica knew scarlet pre s1 already. they knew each other from scarlets (then; ceara's) time in hoelbrak, when they were both apprenticing under Beigarth, where both shared an interest for firearms and robotics, and got along quite nicely.
after ceara left, they loosely kept contact throughout the years, up until the point 'scarlet' as we know her was born.
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amnyatas · 2 years
“i thought you said you could handle that weapon” i thought you could handle the watchknights, anise
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legendaryskyscale · 2 years
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Have I ever shown my Scarlet Briar clone? No? Well here she is!
A bit overdue, but I’ve got some ramblings about her for my own story. So if you’re interested, read under the cut. Warning tho, some minor story spoilers ahead.
Alright, I’ve been wanting to make Scarlet Briar years ago and only until last year did I finally get the right attire to finally sit down and create her. Her in-game name is Daybloom Ceara and she’s part of an AU for my story
In my main story, she’s Aurenthir’s podtwin. In the main storyline, her fate is the same as it is in canon. In the other AU I have, Daybloom Ceara is actually an assemble of Watchknight parts with Asuran tech built by AU Aurenthir after the defeat of Mordremoth (the very Watchknights during LWS1 that were used to disguise as her).
Her outfit dyes are not the same as the in-game Scarlet Briar simply because Aurenthir decided on the outfit colors himself when he built her (can’t imagine her original outfit would’ve survived during Lion’s Arch’s assault). He tried his best to collect and restore the memory banks from the busted Watchknights and holograms Scarlet used to duplicate her personality (before her descent into madness).
I do have ideas of AU Aurenthir heading over to Cantha to improve his sister’s overall functionality with Jade Tech. Aurenthir would meet Yao and actually become good friends with them, getting suckered into Holo-dramas and geeking over the Jade Bots =P
I’ve also played with the idea of Daybloom Ceara going haywire due to the Jade Corruption after her upgrade, and Aurenthir has to seek out the Commander’s help to subdue her and get rid of the corruption. And of course, had this discussion with @midnightmako about Aurenthir meeting Mai Trin again after all the years. Gonna be a trip when Mai Trin tries to explain to him that she has his twin in her head ahaha
I am having fun typing up notes for this AU I’ve been thinking about. Maybe one day I’ll post them on this blog
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me @ myself: i do not need more gw2 character ideas. i do not need more gw2 character ideas. i do not need more gw2 character ideas. i do not n
my brain, ignoring me: but consider: a sentient jade-powered watchknight construct affiliated with the Tideturners, matching with the watchwork wings
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the-tired-commander · 2 years
omg the watchknights all got top surgery
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panbelacqua · 2 years
Super mild GW2 detail I love about the Season 1 re-release:
In each episode you can earn a unique weapon by completing the meta achievement, and using the trinket it rewards you in the mystic forge.
These weapons are the Berserker’s Gauntlet Greathammer (hammer), Decisive Evidence (pistol), Pavilion Champion’s Wolfblade (sword), Lucid Dreamer’s Dagger (dagger), and Breachmaker Micro Mk. 5 (mace).
To dive into the third and fifth; Braham wins the sword from the Queen’s Gauntlet for setting a record number of watchknights slain, and Taimi upgrades broken remnants of the Breachmaker into the mace. On top of this, the dagger is clearly mesmeric, and the pistol is made of jade and seems to be Canthan.
Our main characters in Season 1 are Rox (ranger), Braham (guardian), Marjory (necromancer), Kasmeer (mesmer), and Taimi (engineer).
In End of Dragons, mesmers can specialize as virtuosos to use daggers, necromancers as harbingers to use pistols, engineers as mechanists to use maces, and guardians gain use of off-hand swords by becoming willbenders.
Rox seems to be the only one out. The Greathammer doesn’t fit her aesthetic, even though untamed-specialized rangers can use hammers...and then you read the weapon’s description.
"Well, he wasn't using it anymore." —Rox
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vigilant-cleric · 4 months
The Elfsong Tavern was a place well-known to Ashen, and, consequently, he was well-known to the people within, even though most of them perceived him as a stuck-up priest rather than someone they would have genuine fun with on an evening's frenzy, despite him abandoning his temple garments for a simple shirt. Luckily for him, he only intended to have his usual drink after closing the temple, not to chat them up.
Nonetheless, he still greeted a few familiar faces on the way. "Switched from beer to water, Gauntlet?" the watchknight joked while squeezing a Fist's shoulder. "Yes, Father. You should probably do the same, are you sure Helm does not frown on alcohol?" A chuckle came in response. "Not if I can hold my drink, unlike you."
Leaving the soldiers behind, Ashen occupied his usual spot near the barman, who served him cider without asking for his order. He was ready for an evening of reflecting on events that did not matter anymore. At least, that was if no unexpected visitor decided to find out more about him.
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