#Web Server
bitstream24 · 1 month
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Discover the Basics of the Raspberry Pi Along with Multiple Projects
The Raspberry Pi has become incredibly popular among computer hobbyists and businesses for a variety of reasons. It consumes very little power, is portable, has solid-state storage, makes no noise, and offers extension capabilities, all at a very low price.
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cerulity · 1 year
All-level Rust
Web servers require layers upon layers of software and hardware. Routing, multiplexing, protocols, everything. Rust is a viable solution to making a web server, because it's safe and fast, and has many crates to help (tokio, warp, ws). You can make a browser in Rust, as well as games.
But at the same time, you can make an operating system with it. The lowest level of access to a computer you can get, creating and dereferencing raw pointers, running on the CPU itself. You can make not only games but game engines. You can make compilers. You can do FFI. You can make FFI. Your entire stack can be made with Rust.
You would make a web server in JavaScript, Java, C#, Go, or maybe even Python. But you wouldn't use any of those to make an operating system, because they require a runtime aren't bare metal enough, or throw exceptions. They are good for making web servers because they abstract away problems like buffer overflows, and they are extendable languages. You would use C, C++, or Zig. They are good for making operating systems because it's easy to dig into memory ((unsigned short*)0xb8000 is the VGA text buffer).
Rust can do both. Sure, you can make a web server in those OS languages, but you need to make sure it's safe as hell. Rust itself is safe as hell.
/rust rant
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Ejemplo de webserver para wemos d1 esp8266 en arduino
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buzrugblogs · 2 months
Web Series Lover
web series
web server
hindi movies
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dakoo · 2 months
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The Ultimate Guide to Website Hosting with Namecheap and Hostinger
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website hosting is the first step in bringing your website to life. In today’s digital age, having a website is crucial for businesses, bloggers, and anyone looking to establish an online presence. This guide will walk you through the basics of web hosting, including options for free website hosting and free web hosting, and help you choose the best website domain and hosting sites for your needs. We’ll also highlight the benefits of using Namecheap and Hostinger, two of the best options available for website hosting.
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hanyasebuahcatatan · 3 months
Tips Memilih Layanan Jasa Install VPS yang Tepat
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Virtual Private Server (VPS) telah menjadi solusi hosting yang populer bagi banyak bisnis dan individu. Namun, proses instalasi dan konfigurasi VPS dapat menjadi tantangan bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki pengetahuan teknis yang mendalam. Inilah mengapa layanan jasa install VPS menjadi pilihan yang menarik bagi banyak orang yang ingin menggunakan VPS tanpa harus repot dengan aspek teknisnya.
Memilih layanan jasa install VPS yang tepat dapat membuat perbedaan besar dalam pengalaman dan kinerja VPS Anda. Artikel ini akan membahas berbagai aspek yang perlu dipertimbangkan saat memilih layanan jasa install VPS, serta tips-tips penting untuk memastikan Anda mendapatkan layanan terbaik yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Menilai Reputasi dan Pengalaman Penyedia Jasa
Reputasi dan pengalaman penyedia jasa install VPS adalah faktor kunci yang harus diperhatikan. Carilah penyedia jasa yang telah memiliki track record yang baik dan ulasan positif dari pelanggan sebelumnya. Pengalaman yang luas dalam industri ini menunjukkan bahwa penyedia jasa telah menghadapi berbagai situasi dan mampu menangani berbagai jenis konfigurasi VPS.
Anda dapat memeriksa testimonial pelanggan, forum diskusi, dan platform ulasan online untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang kualitas layanan penyedia jasa install VPS. Perhatikan juga berapa lama penyedia jasa telah beroperasi di industri ini, karena ini dapat menjadi indikator stabilitas dan keandalan mereka.
Memahami Layanan yang Ditawarkan
Setiap penyedia jasa install VPS mungkin menawarkan paket layanan yang berbeda-beda. Pastikan Anda memahami dengan jelas apa saja yang termasuk dalam layanan yang ditawarkan oleh masing-masing penyedia. Beberapa penyedia mungkin hanya menawarkan instalasi dasar, sementara yang lain mungkin menyediakan konfigurasi lanjutan dan optimisasi performa.
Perhatikan juga apakah layanan tersebut mencakup dukungan pasca-instalasi atau pemeliharaan berkelanjutan. Memiliki pemahaman yang jelas tentang cakupan layanan akan membantu Anda membandingkan berbagai opsi dan memilih yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Keahlian Teknis dan Sertifikasi
Keahlian teknis tim yang akan menangani instalasi VPS Anda sangat penting. Cari tahu apakah penyedia jasa memiliki tim teknisi yang bersertifikasi dan berpengalaman dalam berbagai platform VPS. Sertifikasi dari vendor-vendor terkemuka seperti Red Hat, Microsoft, atau VMware dapat menjadi indikator keahlian yang baik.
Selain itu, pastikan bahwa tim mereka memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang sistem operasi, keamanan jaringan, dan optimisasi server. Keahlian yang komprehensif akan memastikan bahwa VPS Anda diinstal dan dikonfigurasi dengan benar, serta dapat menangani berbagai masalah yang mungkin muncul.
Fleksibilitas dan Kustomisasi
Setiap bisnis atau individu memiliki kebutuhan yang unik ketika datang ke konfigurasi VPS. Carilah penyedia jasa install VPS yang menawarkan fleksibilitas dan opsi kustomisasi. Mereka harus mampu menyesuaikan konfigurasi VPS sesuai dengan kebutuhan spesifik Anda, baik itu untuk hosting website, aplikasi, atau kebutuhan komputasi lainnya.
Penyedia jasa yang baik akan mengajukan pertanyaan tentang tujuan penggunaan VPS Anda dan memberikan rekomendasi konfigurasi yang optimal. Mereka juga harus bersedia melakukan penyesuaian sesuai permintaan Anda, seperti instalasi perangkat lunak tambahan atau pengaturan keamanan khusus.
Keamanan dan Praktik Terbaik
Keamanan adalah aspek kritis dalam setiap instalasi VPS. Pastikan bahwa penyedia jasa install VPS yang Anda pilih menerapkan praktik keamanan terbaik dalam proses instalasi dan konfigurasi. Ini termasuk pengaturan firewall yang tepat, pembaruan sistem yang teratur, dan implementasi protokol keamanan yang kuat.
Tanyakan kepada penyedia jasa tentang langkah-langkah keamanan yang mereka terapkan selama proses instalasi. Penyedia yang baik akan dapat menjelaskan strategi keamanan mereka dengan jelas dan memberikan rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan keamanan VPS Anda.
Dukungan dan Pemeliharaan Berkelanjutan
Instalasi VPS hanyalah langkah awal; dukungan dan pemeliharaan berkelanjutan sama pentingnya. Cari penyedia jasa install VPS yang menawarkan dukungan pasca-instalasi yang solid. Ini dapat mencakup pemantauan server, pembaruan rutin, dan bantuan teknis jika terjadi masalah.
Perhatikan juga ketersediaan dukungan mereka - apakah mereka menyediakan dukungan 24/7 atau hanya selama jam kerja tertentu? Pastikan tingkat dukungan yang ditawarkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan operasional Anda.
Waktu Penyelesaian dan Jaminan Layanan
Waktu penyelesaian instalasi dan konfigurasi VPS dapat bervariasi antar penyedia jasa. Tanyakan estimasi waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan instalasi dan konfigurasi VPS Anda. Penyedia jasa yang efisien akan dapat memberikan perkiraan waktu yang akurat dan berkomitmen untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan sesuai jadwal.
Selain itu, cari tahu apakah mereka menawarkan jaminan layanan (SLA) yang mencakup ketersediaan server, kinerja, dan waktu respons dukungan. Jaminan layanan yang jelas dapat memberikan kepastian dan ketenangan pikiran kepada Anda sebagai pelanggan.
Harga dan Nilai Layanan
Meskipun harga bukanlah satu-satunya faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan, ini tetap menjadi aspek penting dalam memilih layanan jasa install VPS. Bandingkan harga dari berbagai penyedia jasa, tetapi pastikan untuk mempertimbangkan nilai keseluruhan yang Anda dapatkan. Layanan yang lebih murah mungkin tidak selalu menjadi pilihan terbaik jika tidak mencakup semua fitur atau dukungan yang Anda butuhkan.
Pertimbangkan juga struktur harga mereka - apakah mereka menawarkan paket flat-rate atau biaya per jam? Pastikan untuk memahami semua biaya yang terlibat, termasuk biaya tambahan untuk layanan atau fitur khusus.
Skalabilitas dan Pertumbuhan Masa Depan
Pilih penyedia jasa install VPS yang dapat mendukung pertumbuhan bisnis Anda di masa depan. Mereka harus mampu menyediakan solusi yang dapat diskalakan seiring dengan pertumbuhan kebutuhan Anda. Ini mungkin mencakup kemampuan untuk meningkatkan resources VPS atau migrasi ke server yang lebih besar dengan minimal downtime.
Tanyakan kepada penyedia jasa tentang opsi skalabilitas yang mereka tawarkan dan bagaimana mereka dapat mendukung kebutuhan Anda yang berkembang. Penyedia yang baik akan dapat memberikan saran tentang perencanaan kapasitas dan membantu Anda mengantisipasi kebutuhan masa depan.
Kebijakan Backup dan Pemulihan Bencana
Backup reguler dan strategi pemulihan bencana yang solid sangat penting untuk melindungi data dan operasi Anda. Tanyakan kepada penyedia jasa install VPS tentang kebijakan backup mereka dan apakah mereka menawarkan solusi backup otomatis sebagai bagian dari layanan mereka. Pastikan juga bahwa mereka memiliki prosedur pemulihan bencana yang jelas.
Penyedia jasa yang baik akan dapat menjelaskan frekuensi backup, metode penyimpanan, dan proses pemulihan data. Mereka juga harus dapat membantu Anda menyusun strategi backup yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan spesifik bisnis Anda.
Memilih layanan jasa install VPS yang tepat adalah langkah penting dalam memastikan keberhasilan dan kinerja optimal VPS Anda. Dengan mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor seperti reputasi penyedia jasa, keahlian teknis, fleksibilitas layanan, keamanan, dukungan berkelanjutan, dan nilai keseluruhan, Anda dapat membuat keputusan yang tepat.
Ingatlah bahwa investasi dalam layanan jasa install VPS yang berkualitas dapat menghemat waktu, mengurangi risiko, dan meningkatkan efisiensi operasional Anda dalam jangka panjang. Jangan ragu untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, meminta referensi, dan melakukan penelitian mendalam sebelum membuat keputusan akhir. Dengan pendekatan yang cermat, Anda dapat menemukan penyedia jasa install VPS yang tidak hanya memenuhi kebutuhan Anda saat ini, tetapi juga mendukung pertumbuhan dan kesuksesan bisnis Anda di masa depan.
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vorbisx · 1 year
Replacing physical buttons and controls with touchscreens also means removing accessibility features. Physical buttons can be textured or have Braille and can be located by touch and don't need to be pressed with a bare finger. Touchscreens usually require precise taps and hand-eye coordination for the same task.
Many point-of-sale machines now are essentially just a smartphone with a card reader attached and the interface. The control layout can change at a moment's notice and there are no physical boundaries between buttons. With a keypad-style machine, the buttons are always in the same place and can be located by touch, especially since the middle button has a raised ridge on it.
Buttons can also be located by touch without activating them, which enables a "locate then press" style of interaction which is not possible on touchscreens, where even light touches will register as presses and the buttons must be located visually rather than by touch.
When elevator or door controls are replaced by touch screens, will existing accessibility features be preserved, or will some people no longer be able to use those controls?
Who is allowed to control the physical world, and who is making that decision?
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kb5won · 4 months
ESP32 / Arduino IDE
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View On WordPress
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seoforindiam · 4 months
The Environmental Benefits of Dedicated GPU Servers by Cantech Networks
New Post has been published on https://www.justwebdevelopment.com/blog/the-environmental-benefits-of-dedicated-gpu-servers-by-cantech-networks/
The Environmental Benefits of Dedicated GPU Servers by Cantech Networks
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The evolution of GPU dedicated servers traces back to the early days of graphics processing units (GPUs), originally developed to render complex visuals in video games and simulations. However, their parallel processing capabilities soon caught the attention of researchers and engineers seeking solutions for computationally intensive tasks beyond graphics rendering. This led to the emergence of General-Purpose GPU (GPGPU) computing, wherein GPUs were repurposed to accelerate a wide range of scientific, engineering, and artificial intelligence applications. Over time, as the demand for enhanced performance and efficiency surged, dedicated GPU servers emerged as specialized computing systems optimized to leverage the immense parallel processing power of GPUs, as facilitated by Cantech Networks.
At its core, a GPU dedicated server is a high-performance computing system equipped with one or more graphics processing units (GPUs) dedicated to accelerating parallelizable tasks. Unlike traditional CPU-centric servers, which excel at sequential processing, GPU servers harness the massive parallelism inherent in GPUs to tackle computationally demanding workloads with unprecedented speed and efficiency. This unique architecture enables GPU servers to excel in a diverse array of applications, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, scientific simulations, data analytics, and more, as exemplified by Cantech Networks. By offloading parallelizable tasks to GPUs, GPU servers unlock new frontiers of performance, enabling organizations to tackle complex challenges and drive innovation with unparalleled computational power.
  Innovating Connectivity: Cantech Networks in Focus Cantech Networks embodies a paradigm shift in networking solutions, championing innovation and reliability in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, Cantech Networks offers a comprehensive array of cutting-edge hardware and visionary software, tailored to meet the dynamic needs of modern businesses and individuals. From state-of-the-art networking hardware to robust server solutions, Cantech Networks remains a trailblazer, continuously pushing the boundaries of connectivity and performance to empower its clientele in an increasingly interconnected world.
  Elevating Efficiency: A Glimpse into Cantech Networks’ GPU Server Solutions
In the realm of high-performance computing, Cantech Networks presents a diverse range of GPU server solutions tailored to meet the demanding requirements of modern workloads. The A-5000 package, priced at ₹28,500 per month, offers a compelling combination of resources, including 24GB GPU memory, 8 vCPUs, 32GB RAM, 800GB SSD space, and 10TB bandwidth, all powered by a 1Gbps network speed and Linux OS.
For those with more intensive computational needs, the A-40 package, priced at ₹54,500 per month, boasts 48GB GPU memory, 16 vCPUs, 96GB RAM, 1.6TB SSD space, and the same robust network features. Scaling up, the 3xA-5000 package offers triple the resources of the A-5000, with 72GB GPU memory, 24 vCPUs, 120GB RAM, and 2.4TB SSD space, providing enhanced capabilities at ₹82,500 per month. Lastly, the 2xA-40 package combines the power of dual A-40 configurations, delivering 96GB GPU memory, 64 vCPUs, 255GB RAM, and 3.2TB SSD space, ideal for the most demanding computational tasks, priced at ₹1,32,500 per month. Each package includes a dedicated IP, Linux OS, and the assurance of top-tier performance and reliability, making Cantech Networks the go-to choice for high-performance GPU server solutions.
  Advantages of Cantech Networks’ GPU Servers Cantech Networks’ GPU servers offer a multitude of advantages that cater to the diverse needs of modern computing environments. Unmatched Performance: Equipped with high-performance GPUs, Cantech Networks’ servers deliver unparalleled computational power, enabling faster processing of complex tasks such as AI, machine learning, and data analytics.
Enhanced Scalability: With flexible configurations and scalable resources, Cantech Networks’ GPU servers can easily accommodate growing workloads, ensuring seamless scalability as business needs evolve.
Reliability and Stability: Cantech Networks’ GPU servers are built with reliability and stability in mind, providing uninterrupted performance even under heavy workloads, thus minimizing downtime and ensuring continuous operations.
Optimized Resource Utilization: By leveraging GPU acceleration, Cantech Networks’ servers optimize resource utilization, allowing for efficient processing of parallelizable tasks and maximizing overall system performance.
Cost-Effectiveness: Despite their high performance, Cantech Networks’ GPU servers offer cost-effective solutions, providing superior computational capabilities without breaking the budget.
Cutting-Edge Technologies: Cantech Networks consistently integrates the latest advancements in GPU technology into their servers, ensuring customers have access to cutting-edge solutions that drive innovation and competitiveness.
Expert Support and Maintenance: Backed by a team of experienced professionals, Cantech Networks provides comprehensive support and maintenance services, ensuring that customers receive prompt assistance and reliable performance at all times.
Cantech Networks’ GPU servers combine superior performance, scalability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness, making them the ideal choice for organizations seeking to harness the full potential of modern computing.
In conclusion, Cantech Networks’ GPU servers stand as a testament to the company’s commitment to innovation and excellence in the realm of high-performance computing. With unmatched performance, scalability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness, these servers empower organizations to tackle the most demanding computational tasks with ease. Whether it’s accelerating AI algorithms, processing large datasets, or powering cutting-edge simulations, Cantech Networks’ GPU servers provide the computational muscle needed to stay ahead in today’s digital landscape. Backed by expert support and maintenance services, customers can trust Cantech Networks to deliver top-tier performance and reliability, driving innovation and success in every endeavor. With Cantech Networks’ GPU servers, the future of computing is within reach, offering limitless possibilities for organizations striving to achieve their goals in the ever-evolving world of technology.
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Enhance Your Performance With the UAE VPS
VPS is a great web hosting option for websites and applications that receive high traffic, looking for quick page load and multiplayer online games. if you want more privacy, top-tier security, bandwidth, and storage for your online business, therefore UAE VPS Server is the best web hosting option to maximize your website's potential with lightning-fast speeds
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digitalthinkerhelp · 8 months
Web Server Vs Application Server – Difference Between Them
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Hello Learners! Today, here we will explain about what are differences between web server and application server; involving with web server vs application server with ease. This is unique article over the Internet. Making ensure that after reading this post; you will definitely fully aware about Web Server Vs Application Server without any hassle.
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fredikjohn · 11 months
Demystifying Web Servers: How They Power the Internet
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In the digital age, web servers are the unsung heroes that make the internet possible. They are the backbone of the World Wide Web, serving as the intermediaries between websites and their users. But what exactly is a web server, and how does it work? In this blog, we'll demystify web servers, exploring their role, functionalities, and their crucial role in keeping the internet running.
What Is a Web Server?
At its core, a web server is a specialized software or hardware that stores, processes, and serves web content to users when they request it through their web browsers. In simple terms, it's the intermediary that handles your requests when you visit a website, retrieving the requested data and presenting it to you.
The Functionality of Web Servers:
Web servers are responsible for several crucial functions that make the web work seamlessly:
1. Handling HTTP Requests: Web servers primarily process HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) requests sent by web browsers. When you type a website's URL or click on a link, your browser sends an HTTP request to the respective web server.
2. Processing Requests: Once the web server receives an HTTP request, it processes the request, interpreting the URL, fetching the requested data (such as HTML files, images, or databases), and ensuring its delivery to your browser.
3. Protocol Conversion: Sometimes, web servers convert HTTPS (HTTP Secure) requests, ensuring secure communication between your browser and the server through encryption.
4. Content Storage: Web servers store website data, including text, images, videos, and other assets, either on local hardware or remote storage.
5. Load Balancing: In the case of high-traffic websites, web servers can employ load balancing to distribute incoming requests across multiple servers, ensuring efficient performance.
6. Logging and Security: Web servers log activities and can implement security measures to protect websites from threats such as DDoS attacks and unauthorized access.
What Are Web Server Services?
At its core, a web server service is a software application or hardware device that stores, processes, and serves website content to users over the internet. Think of it as a digital butler, ready to deliver web pages, images, videos, and other resources to anyone requesting them. These services are essential for the functioning of websites and web applications, making them accessible 24/7, around the world.
The Significance of Web Server Services
1. High Availability: Web server services ensure that your website or application is always available, minimizing downtime and ensuring a smooth user experience. This is particularly crucial for businesses looking to build a strong online presence.
2. Speed and Performance: Faster loading times can significantly impact user satisfaction. Web server services are designed to optimize content delivery, resulting in quicker loading speeds.
3. Security: Web servers often include security features like firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption protocols to protect against cyber threats. They help safeguard sensitive data and user information.
4. Scalability: As your web traffic grows, web server services can easily scale to accommodate the increased load. This scalability ensures that your website or application can handle traffic spikes without performance issues.
Types of Web Server Services
1. Apache HTTP Server: This open-source web server is one of the most widely used and trusted worldwide. It's known for its flexibility, security, and a vast community of contributors.
2. Nginx: Nginx is another open-source option that excels in handling high levels of concurrent connections and requests. It's often used for load balancing and reverse proxy configurations.
3. Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS): IIS is a web server service by Microsoft, designed for Windows environments. It's highly integrated with other Microsoft technologies, making it a popular choice for Windows-based web applications.
4. LiteSpeed: Known for its performance optimization, LiteSpeed is designed to deliver web content efficiently. It's particularly popular among high-traffic websites and e-commerce platforms.
Key Considerations for Choosing Web Server Services
1. Scalability: Ensure the service can grow with your website's traffic and demands.
2. Performance: Look for features like caching, load balancing, and content optimization to enhance performance.
3. Security: Prioritize web server services with strong security features and regular updates.
4. Compatibility: Consider the compatibility of the web server with your chosen operating system and software stack.
5. Support and Community: Evaluate the availability of support and the size of the user community for troubleshooting and assistance.
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Complete SEO Services for Your Website
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As an SEO expert, I offer a comprehensive range of services, including keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, link building, and website audit. My goal is to help you achieve higher search engine rankings, increased leads, and overall online success. Contact me now for outstanding results!
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buzrugblogs · 2 months
Web Series Lover
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pulipuli · 1 year
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看看網頁版全文 ⇨ 如何取得使用者的IP?從反向代理伺服器、網頁伺服器到程式語言來看 / How to Get the User's IP? From Reverse Proxy Server, Web Server to Programming Language https://blog.pulipuli.info/2023/04/blog-post_18.html 看來目前是做不到「真的透明」的反向代理伺服器了。 ---- # 真實IP / The "Real IP"。 網路服務中加入反向代理伺服器的人,通常都會有這個問題:「怎麼取得使用者真實的IP?」。 如果你使用PHP,那我們通常會用$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]來取得使用者的IP位置。 但如果該伺服器位於反向代理伺服器的後頭,那$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]抓到的會是反向代理伺服器的IP,並非來自使用者真實的IP。 為此,使用NGINX架設反向代理伺服器的教學中,大多會建議在反向代理伺服器的NGINX中加入以下設定,將使用者的IP包裝在X-Real-IP中。 [Code...] 如此一來,後端伺服器(backend,或說是上游伺服器 upstream)的PHP程式碼便能在 $_SERVER["HTTP_X_READ_IP"]取得使用者真實的IP (。 再回來看到這張網路架構圖。 在取得使用者IP的這個問題上,可以把整體架構分成四個角色:。 - 使用者 (Client) :這裡真實IP給的例子是192.168.122.1。 - 反向代理伺服器 (Reverse Proxy):使用NGINX架設。該伺服器的IP是192.168.122.133。 - 網頁伺服器 (Web Server):提供網頁內容的真實網頁,可以用Apache架設,也可以用NGINX架設。IP是192.168.122.77。 - PHP:產生網頁的程式語言。該程式語言用來辨別使用者IP的主要方式是$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]。但如果反向代理伺服器有設定X-Real-IP的話,也可以用$_SERVER["HTTP_X_REAL_IP"]取得使用者的IP。 當我們在討論「如何取得使用者IP」的問題時,一定要搞清楚我們討論的角色是哪一層。 到底是後端的程式語言PHP或ASP.NET?還是網頁伺服器的Apache或NGINX?還是我們想要在前端的反向代理伺服器實作這個功能?。 理想上,如果能在反向代理伺服器就將使用者的真實IP傳遞給後端的網頁伺服器跟程式語言,而且能夠讓後端伺服器誤以為請求就是來自使用者本人,那應該是最理想的做法。 但目前的結論是:做不到。 以下讓我們從前端到後端一一來看看要怎麼做。 ---- 繼續閱讀 ⇨ 如何取得使用者的IP?從反向代理伺服器、網頁伺服器到程式語言來看 / How to Get the User's IP? From Reverse Proxy Server, Web Server to Programming Language https://blog.pulipuli.info/2023/04/blog-post_18.html
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