hwljpg · 1 year
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scrapped my old spidersona design lol gave him a redesign
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elkyr · 20 days
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Doodles before I honk mimimi
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the-creeping-clans · 1 year
Moon 0 Allegiances
The Last Line of Lanterclan Cats;
Webstar, a muscular blindingly white molly with hazel eyes and oddly curled claws. Current stellar. She/her
Shadedshine, a broad ticked tabby molly with a mix of gray and cream patches along with green eyes. Current second. She/her
Coldtrail, a weasel like dusty brown tom with a distinct white stripe all the way down his back and blue eyes. Current medic. He/him
Riverwrath, an elderly gray spotted tabby tom with dark eyes and hooked teeth. Current mediator. He/him
Batblink, small fluffy molly with black stripes and a mask over their face. Training Treatpaw. They/she
Leafcrunch, lilac spotted tabby molly with soft yellow eyes and a stutter. Training Trickpaw. She/her
Treatpaw, gray and white swirled molly with green eyes. She/her
Trickpaw, mostly white jack with small ginger spots and lime green eyes. It/any
(Technically Webstar)
Curtainkit, white droopy furred molly with hazel eyes. She/her
Pumpkinpail, mostly white tom with orange tabby patches and yellow-green eyes. Guardian of Treatpaw and Trickpaw. He/him
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robinaenae · 11 months
Webstar of CrowClan living relatives post woo
First is obviously Webstar
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His mother Greydawn…
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His daughters Vinelight and Mistybark (ft Poppyash Mistybark’s mate)
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Vinelight’s sons Tallflower and Fernstrike
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Mistybark’s first kit Beetlebriar, and Twigkit and Alderkit
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anndd the Clan’s baby, gigormpus daughter of Tallflower, Palekit
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+ Brindlewhisker, Tallflower’s mate, for cropping
This is technically all living kin + their mates ig 🐺
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singer-smiles-101 · 1 year
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My design for the yellow team spider! She’s a silk aerialist (get it?) and has 6 arms. The bottom 4 arms are retractable like Stitch’s (from Lilo and Stitch), as depicted by the very professional diagram on the right. Star is definitely my most humanoid design because she actually has fingers rather than nubs for hands.
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eyeofthelama · 1 year
50 Years of Hip Hop (City Fest) | EP32
Shot & Edited by Me | IG: EYEOFTHELAMA
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It's so hard to be a kid when you see your mom having your old dream about going viral on the internet
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arreton · 1 year
[...]L’aggressività, lo stalking, il mobbing, il bullismo, la spettacolarizzazione della violenza sono forme del vivere quotidiano e l’avvento di internet ha permesso contatti sempre più vicini e frequenti creando, contemporaneamente, la possibilità di provocare «dolori» sempre più intensi e permanenti. Nell’era di internet i rapporti tra gli «umani» sono frequentemente caratterizzati dalla rabbia verso l’altro, comunicata tramite i social, e moltiplicata all’infinito. Più che parlare di «rapporto» via internet è corretto perciò parlare di sharing, condivisione globale. La condivisione globale è una forma di comunicazione, ma non è detto che sia anche una forma di relazione. Seguire un blogger, una webstar, un digital leader, e condividerne i diversi momenti della vita, seguire le storie su Instagram, i profili Facebook sono attività che si basano sulla condivisione delle informazioni da parte di chi le posta, di chi le legge e di chi le commenta, ma tutto questo è molto lontano dal rappresentare una relazione di amicizia tra le persone. È probabile che uno dei motivi per cui la rabbia, l’aggressività via internet, vada oltre ogni misura sia l’assenza di relazione e la mancanza dell’equilibrio che nasce dallo scambio emotivo-affettivo interpersonale.
Torna in mente, in modo quasi paradossale, l’apologo di Schopenhauer: «Una compagnia di porcospini, in una fredda giornata d’inverno, si strinsero vicini per proteggersi, col calore reciproco, dal rimanere assiderati. Ben presto, però, sentirono le spine reciproche; il dolore li costrinse ad allontanarsi di nuovo l’uno dall’altro». In tutto il resto del racconto se avevano freddo si avvicinavano e si pungevano, se si allontanavano sentivano nuovamente freddo. Il filosofo dirà che è necessario trovare una giusta distanza, una misura che consenta di stare in relazione, senza farsi del male. La società di oggi ha perso la misura.
Forse potremmo dire che ne conosce solo una, rispondere reattivamente in maniera violenta e scomposta all’azione che pensiamo ci abbia provocato un danno, che ci si trovi nel traffico, al lavoro, a scuola, in famiglia. Lo psichiatra Eugenio Borgna, in una sua opera del 2013, afferma che alla base dell’«ordinaria violenza alla dignità dell’uomo» che si perpetra nella società moderna, ci siano la mancanza di lavoro, le difficoltà della famiglia e le incomprensioni a scuola. A queste considerazioni possiamo ricollegare la quasi totale assenza, nella nostra società, di un altro sentimento reattivo, la riconoscenza. Nonostante sia stretta parente della rabbia, la riconoscenza sembra non solo una figlia minore, ma proprio in via di estinzione. La riconoscenza cerca il bene, la rabbia il male. La rabbia è proiettata verso il passato, la riconoscenza verso il futuro. La rabbia ha una memoria indelebile, la riconoscenza soffre di amnesia. Si parla anche di «rancore del beneficato» a sottolineare come chi, ottenuto un bene dall’altro, si arrabbi invidiosamente, in quanto sapere e sentire di essere in debito richiede una notevole maturità personale.
La nostra è una società rabbiosa, diseguale, fragile, in grado solo di assicurare un futuro precario ai giovani, poco propensa ad accogliere chi è diverso. Una società in cui prevale una «povertà vitale». Con povertà vitale s’intende non la privazione materiale, bensì una restrizione della capacità relazionale, affettiva, valoriale, morale, religiosa. La povertà vitale, sebbene teoricamente condizionata dalla povertà economica, è un concetto più ampio, che fa riferimento a un impoverimento delle qualità e delle risorse umane generali dell’individuo, a un’involuzione sociale che preclude una prospettiva a lungo respiro. Questa condizione è caratterizzata da un sentimento di vuoto interiore, da un’angosciante mancanza di significato della propria vita.
— A. Siracusano
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alexversenaberrie · 23 days
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New Mandalorian OC: Expect her siblings in the near future.
Name: Hiba Sintas Bridger Wren
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Year of Birth: 12 ABY
Place of Birth: Lothal
Parents: Ezra Bridger (Father) and Sabine Wren (Mother)
Siblings: Minerva (Sister), Kanan (Brother), Eleni (Sister)
House: Kryze
Clan: Wren (Formally of House Viszla but switch affiliation with House Kryze by Countess Sabine Wren, Hiba’s mother, in 10 ABY.)
Titles: Princess of Knownwrest, Heiress-Apparent to mother Countess Sabine Wren, Nite Owl lieutenant, and Governor of Lothal (During the Age of Resistance)
•Light brown Skin (Middle Eastern X East Asian)
•Athletic but sickly
•Round face
•Has natural navy blue hair with a mixture of midnight black but tends to dye it blue and white in honor of her mother’s friend and master Ahsoka Tano.
•Brown eyes
Notable Skills:
Combat: Hiba’s combat skills are a mixture of Mandalorian and Jedi in which she, in spite of being in poor chronic health, is trained in various but not all martial arts skills, due to the need of being careful when it comes to her condition. Aside from being able to use various Webstar blasters and a deactivator hold-out pistol in both battles and missions, she’s highly skilled in lightsaber usage and has previously wielded both of her parents’ and Ahsoka Tano’s sabers before forging her own.
Athleticism: Although limited, due to life-long health issues, Hiba is very athletic thanks to training under the watchful eye of both her mother and Ahsoka Tano.
•Intelligence: Above-average intelligence, excelled well at the newly reestablished Royal Academy as a youth though she has struggled a bit with training along side her clan.
•Sorcery: Hiba is regarded as the first Mandalorian to practice witchcraft in over a century and her usage of sorcery has allowed to heal both people and animals who are sick or injured. In addition, she has also used magic in battle and just for fun. She’s even credited her use of magic to help heal from asthmatic attacks that has limited her combative skills.
•Humanitarian Skills: Although she’s not politician, Hiba’s a great humanitarian who is focused on improving the lives of people in need, which was how she was named governor of Lothal in 32 ABY. As governor, Hiba worked towards increasing pay raise for all working citizens and their families along with making both health care and education free for all citizens who live on the planet regardless of their income. She also worked with the New Republic to bring Imperial officials to justice for heinous crimes they’ve committed against the galaxy, which included two surviving members of Clan Saxon for their role in the Mandalorian Civil War by helping to reproduce her mother’s weapon “The Duchess”.
•Artistic Skills: Just like her mother, Hiba is a talented artist but her skills go far beyond painting and graffiti art. She’s very well known for creating spectacular fashion designs that celebrate and honor Mandalorian culture and history.
•Force Sensitive: Yes, like both of her parents. Has the ability to communicate with animals, and grow new flora on “barren” planets in order to make them hospitable for both people and animals to settle in.
Additional Information:
•She’s the oldest of four children born to Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger-Wren.
•Was born just nine months after her parents reunited on Peridea. However, it would be another two years before they got married on Lothal.
•Shortly before she was born, her mother took her place as Knownwrest’s new countess with the promise to rebuild her clan, help with the reconstruction of Mandalore, and overlook the building of several towns and cities on Knownwrest.
•Developed asthma when she was eight months old and has a history of falling suddenly ill as a result of asthma attacks during missions.
•Has a very close-knit relationship with her entire family but is very close with her father.
•Is currently betrothed to Prince Alexi Djarin-Kryze. Although the union was prearranged by their families without their input, the two are pretty much in love.
•She first trained under her father Ezra to learn how to use the force and wield lightsabers before going on to train with Ahsoka Tano. However, like her fiancé before her, she has no intention of joining any Jedi Order.
•She first began practicing witchcraft under the guidance of Nite Sister Merrin when she was eight years old after suffering a near-fatal asthmatic attack.
•Due to being limited in combat skills, Hiba prefers using both her magic and light saber when situations call for them.
•Like her mother and maternal grandfather before her, Hiba is a gifted artist and is renowned for her work in fashion and graffiti.
•She has used her artistic skills to create various outfits and dresses for her people, which includes her future royal in-laws when they’re not wearing armor in public settings. In addition, she has created various graffiti artwork that has been displayed all across Mandalorian Space.
•Although she does use and possess a single Webstar blaster and a deactivator, she doesn’t use them often when she’s in battle, due to her common use of wielding her lightsaber and performing magic.
•She has inherited her father’s compassion for others.
•As a Mandalorian witch, she has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to magic and how to use it. However, she only allows herself to use her magic for two things: battle and helping people
•Her Humanitarian skills and desire for justice has allowed to make her way to becoming Lothal’s first Mandalorian governor.
•She can be sickly at times, which can make it difficult for her to keep up with her friends and family.
•Can be both stubborn and sarcastic at times, which can turn people off.
•Due to her ability to use magic, she has been taken advantage of by rival clans who wanted to use her to get back at her mother over “Duchess” weapon, which has since been destroyed.
•Has limited combat skills due to her illness.
•Compared to both of her parents, Hiba is far more prone to the dark side of the force., which is why she needs to turn to Alexi, her fiancé for guidance on how to prevent herself from accidentally finding herself on the wrong course.
•Helmet: Similar to her mother’s but inherited from her late maternal grandmother Countess Ursa Wren, Hiba’s helmet is decorated with the traditional Clan Wren imagery of bird-like jaig eyes with symbol of Clan Kryze, which serves as ode to Clan Wren’s current affiliation with House Kryze after centuries of being part of House Viszla.
•Chest and Neck Pieces: Inherited from her late maternal grandmother like the helmet, Hiba reforged them to resemble a typical Nite Owl chest armor set but with a characteristics that similar to that of her mother’s. In fact, she has even decorated her chest armor with star bird and three-line decals that are similar to the ones her mother had on her armor when she was member of the Rebellion.
•Pauldrons: Hiba has two different signets on her Pauldrons. The first one on her left is a Nite Owl signet since she serves The Nite Owls as its lieutenant. The second signet is the “Rebellion” symbol, an ode to both of her parents and their service to the Rebellion.
•Gauntlets: Although they resemble Jedi bracers similar to the ones Ahsoka Tano wears, Hiba had them modified by Princess Mirta Djarin-Kryze, her future sister-in-law, to have the left bracer be equipped with a hidden knight that’s used for combat and the right bracer to have a taser that shocks enemies to the point of stunning them.
•Hand armor: Similar to her mother’s.
•Thigh Plates: Typical nite-owl styled thigh plates.
•Knee Armor: Galaxy-styled like her maternal grandmother’s.
•Shin Guards: Similar to her mother’s but both sides feature the original clan wren signet.
•Jet pack: Similar to the one her had when she was part of the Rebellion.
Armor Color Scheme:
•Light Yellow
•Navy Blue
Soft Parts:
•Flight Suit: Similar to her mother’s
•Similar to her maternal grandmother’s but with a yellow waist sash around it.
Weapons in Possession:
* One Westar blaster
* One Deactivator Pistol
* One light saber with a design that’s a mix of her mother’s light saber, Ahsoka’s “Fulcrum” saber and the Dark Saber. The crystal used for the saber is blue.
Sorry,it took a while,but I see that you already noticed the post :)
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theanoninyourinbox · 1 year
havent asked you to draw a wc oc yet...
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Webstar! she's contemplated kidnapping babies
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cosmicanger · 6 months
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oakthefrog · 7 months
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Canon event aftermath (my spidersona, webstar)
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the-creeping-clans · 1 year
In a world of twisting mists and mysterious disappearances, the Creeping Clans have long stayed settled in their halves of the hallow they’ve called home.
Following the cats of Lanternclan, who reside in a warm hazy cave littered with crunchy leaves and dappled sunshine, under their new leader Webstar who’s struggling with problems no leader before her has had to handle- from their snake fanged neighbors Skeletonclan to their dwindling ranks- no star above can break in to see what lies before their kin below. All will wait on borrowed breath at the edge of extinction itself. Maybe life was never meant to stay in this increasingly dark place…
Asks are always open! Questions about the characters that cross into spoiler territory may be left unanswered until it’s no longer a spoiler, but if not a spoiler then I’ll answer when I can.
Allegiances; M0 - M12
Major Events Masterlist
Leftover List
First Update -> Newest Update
The way this story is told will be a mix of writing out events, small comics, and drawings to bring life to their world. They’re also impacted by outside “forces” of sorts (y’all basically) who may twist things around a tad. May this be through theories on hinted events, spoilers spied into, or casting on a particularly paws on case via a poll.
All decided trials are final.
I do event updates based on how important they are. Null moons are skipped over and Big Moons may take up multiple updates.
Rules that I play by:
Choices are chosen based on a cats personality even if it puts them at greater risk
If the clan gets too bloated a blood moon will be called upon to wipe away a mass of cats
Tweaking of files is only done if it is for the better of the story
Same sex couples can have biological kits bc it’s weird here :)
All lost cats will have a death roll every moon they are gone
In a dramatic enough event a leader may lose all of their remaining lives, decided through either a official trial OR random chance
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foreverbritney · 2 years
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Grammy Awards Announcements at the Webstar Hall in New York - January 4, 2000
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robinaenae · 11 months
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i realized i was posting on my secondary blog didn’t know that was a thing erm
full (living) crowclan school picture day!!!
names listed below :3
Column A:
Column B:
Flintstreak (Deputy)
Column C:
Starlingshadow (Medicine Cat)
Column D:
Marigoldskip (Medicine Cat)
they’re ordered in the picture as they are in the allegiances :p (warriors/apprentices are also ordered by age)
feel free to submit asks about them :3they’re all pretty wacky
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topfloorprincess · 2 years
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3/25 12 pm pst!!!!
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