#Welcome home Barnaby x reader
fandom-freak-123 · 1 year
How different welcome home characters would react to you confessing
•He’d just smile at you and chuckle slightly
•“I’m proud of you for having the confidence to tell me and I hoped you’d say that. . . I love you too neighbour”
•He would hold your hands and kiss them both
•He would give you a massive hug after the confession
•Was working when you told him
•“You- Huh?! W-wait- say that again! There’s no way I heard you right surely you didn’t just say you love me- wait hold it that doesn’t mean I don’t feel the same!”
•He’d be a mess
•Very apologetic for it sounding like he didn’t feel the same
•Immediately wrote it down
•“I’m so glad you said that- I keep planning too confess to you but then I keep forgetting and it’s too late by then- oh I’m rambling aren’t I? Well uh I suppose I should say I love you too but I’m sure you already figured that out heh-“
•Awkwardly laughed and apologised for not giving you an immediate answer
•Started writing you love notes everyday considering how busy he is
•Thought you were joking at first
•“Wait- you actually mean it? Well that’s wonderful! I feel the same way!”
•Gave you a massive hug and went on and on about how he was planning on doing the same thing
•You’re spending the rest of the day with him you don’t get a say in it
•Was very surprised when you confessed
•“I. . . You. . . Damn you beat me to it. . . I was planning on doing the same thing later on today”
•Told you about how he had a whole romantic thing planned
•Held your hand for the rest of the time you were with him
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aerkame · 1 year
Hi, I hope you're having a wonderful day!!!! How would Wally and the others in your Alive AU react if Reader had a coworker or friend that was romantically interested in them? Would they just get really clingy or even aggressive, especially considering they're confined inside the house?
I am! I went skating for a long while outside and got a Starscream model kit to put together later. :) (Short fic takes place in the Alive AU)
Jealous! Everyone x reader
It started with flowers. One day out of the blue you had came home with a huge bouquet of beautiful roses. Julie was the first to ask where you got them, they were just so pretty! You told them it was from a coworker at the public library, he was really polite and gave you these roses as a gift...you were blind to say the least, not seeing it as a romantic gesture. But the romantic gift did not go unnoticed by your colorful guests.
Poppy told you she was already preparing dinner for tonight which was a relief honestly, you felt exhausted. Two pairs of arms pulled you close for a hug, recognizing them as Julie and Sally, the two hyper sunshines of your life. "Hey there host, we reeeeaaallly wanna show you something!" Julie was practically jumping with joy while Sally let go to grab something, coming back with a stereo to play music on. The two put on a dance that almost resulted in a vase being broken, but Barnaby's soft paws were there to catch it just in time.
"How about we all dance together?" Barnaby gave you a warm smile, he always knew how to warm your heart. Holding out his paw you took hold of it, joining in the dance with the three goofballs.
During dinner, Poppy came up to you with a delicious looking small cake and placed it right in front of you. "I made you some dessert deary, eat up!" You looked down confused "But what about the others?" However, when you looked back at the table everyone had already gone to do their own activities (or so you assumed) and Poppy just sat there smiling. Soon after that awkward dinner Eddie cornered you in the hallway one arm leaning on the wall and the other holding a neatly folded letter with red hearts all over it. "Here you are sweets, Frank and I wrote this just for you." You firmly grasped the paper and unfolded it. It was a beautifully written poem about you. "Wow, thank you Eddie I don't know what to say, this is very well written! I love it." Eddie gave you a small kiss on the head like he always did and the tip of a hat before walking downstairs whistling a small tune.
Later that night Howdy came by the bathroom as soon as you got out of the shower to gift you with the shiniest apple you've ever laid eyes on. You questioned where he got it from but Howdy only responded with "It's a secret! Just know that it's 100% off for you!" You couldn't say no to that goofy grin of his, plus he was just so happy to give it to you! You took it from him with a warm smile on your face... Also because his giant body was blocking you from leaving.
Once you finally managed to get by the giant caterpillar with your new gift you went to your room to settle down and sleep, rolling around a bit in the sheets until you got comfortable enough and closed your tired eyes.
Not even a minute after closing your eyes you felt the bed dip beside yourself and a long arm snaked over your torso. Only one person you know does that. "Wally, what are you doing?"
"I'm just cuddling my dearest host to sleep is all.~" You peeked open an eye after hearing that. He always did this when he wanted something out of it. "What do you want?"
"Nothing at all! You're the most I could ever ask for...buuut since you brought it up, you might as well do me a teeny tiny favor." You rolled in bed, turning yourself towards his chest, you were too cozy to care about the intimacy. "Hmh?" You hummed in acknowledgment.
"Stop talking to Derrek."
You sat up immediately. Not once did you tell anyone who it was that you've been talking to. "How did you-" a finger shushed you. "I know about him, and I want you to stay away. Can you do that for me darling?" He smiled coyly, but really it felt like he was threatening you. "No...Wally I can't just ghost someone like that. Besides we're just friends." The arm around you tightened as you squirmed to get out of your own bed. "Oh I know, but I would really love it if you two would quit talking. I don't think he's right for you."
Your eyes narrowed at him, for once the cocky bastard didn't look so cocky. "Wally...are you jealous? Is that what all of this is about? The gifts, the dancing, the constant cuddle sessions from you and everyone else here?" You watched his body go rigid and his face scrunch up into what was almost a frown. Wow, he's actually kind of frowning for once. That was rare.
"Wally, we're not a thing. Derrek and I are just friends and I don't intend to ever date him. I'm glad you and the others really care about me this much but you really shouldn't worry about my safety." You spoke more softly, finally understanding where he was coming from. The iron grip on your waist didn't falter though and you felt yourself suddenly being forced into a bear hug.
Julie swatted Barnaby's long tie out of her face so she could lean in closer to the door to listen. Everyone else did their best not to make any noise as they listened in.
"Look, if it makes you feel any better I'll just tell him we're nothing more than friends and to keep it at that, but I can't just cut people out of my life like that...alright?"
An audible groan left everyone's mouth hearing that, startling you and Wally both. Silly host, how can you be so blind to love?
Looks like the dear reader doesn't understand just how much everyone loves them yet! Personally I don't think any of them would be the type to hurt you or others EXCEPT for Wally. I think they would probably just try to shower you with their love to make you like them more...however, if you are straying too far from them they may need to find a way to make you a permanent resident at the house, just not at your house. They've got a nice place just for you back Home.
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tainted-heartz · 1 year
Hear me out all the welcome home characters (if possible poly if not das cool u could just do wally) with a s/o who intentionally and unintentionally does the frog blink when looking at people.
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I just think it would be funny
| bestie I can do poly no matter what its just gonna be so much to write...ITS WORTH IT THO<33 |
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- wally finds it..normal funny enough. if you do in unintentionally he won't mind a bit even if you're staring at him during a conversation. hell he may even laugh and jokingly say “ that's a..interesting blink , dearest. ” “ what do you mean? ” “ oh nothing.. ” now if its INTENTIONALLY done he again , doesn't react in the slightest. he's probably seen much weirder so your silly little frog blink isn't much to him.
- julie can't help but giggle at it even if you're staring at something else or talking with someone else. she finds it silly yet adorable! if you blink at her that way she can't help but gently hold your face and say “ you look like an adorable froggy! ” and give you a kiss on the forehead. even if you do it intentionally it don't seem weird to her , she's going to find it cute in her own special way no matter what.
- frank is more of the ones who gets disturbed ever so slightly by the fact you frog blink at people or objects. sometimes he'll flinch if you blink at him but always quickly apologizes about his reaction and even if he's been dating you for some time he'll still jump. “ oh jeez I'm sorry butterfly , I'm just..I'd rather not say creeped out by it. it's just interesting! ” he tries to say that in a positive way and will make up for it by kisses and hugs...your his strange partner and he loves it in some form.
- sally giggles at it like julie but is a little secretive about how she thinks about it. by the way she acts she finds it unique yet adorable. she can actually keep eye contact with you but does laugh if you look at objects you're interested in and do it. “ you remind me of how moths stare at flames or go to them , starshine! it's adorable. ”
- poppy , being the motherly time , ignores it. it's a gentle way of ignoring it and even can't help but kiss your forehead if you're staring at an object or thing while doing the frog blink. she even lightly asks about it and never pushes it but does let a giggle out or two.
- eddie finds it well..funny yet unique! he says that in a gentle way but seriously he can't help but stare in such a loving way but will..lightly joke. calls you his ‘ froggy ’ and if he ever delivers letters to you expect a frog drawn on it with a lot of hearts on it! he even accidentally makes everyone else call you froggy....
- barnaby can and will joke about it only because that's in his nature . yet it will be jokes that show he loves you , if he doesn't joke around with you he might as well not be your boyfriend- he calls you “ frogster ” and somehow can hold eye contact with you and jokingly mimics you.
- howdy can't help but find it unique and adorable , always making eye contact even if you do it but if its for no reason he may be a little creeped out but just stares back usually. you're always gonna be loveable in his eyes but you're just a frog...a very lovable one.
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luis-block · 1 year
Can I get fem hellhound reader snuggling with the mob au members!!
I loved the last story!!
Thank you! And I did make the reader more neutral in looks and gender, but it could be for anyone/ any oc's. My ask box are also open! I would love to do more Welcome Home asks
Warnings: None
Mob Au Welcome Home Gang Cuddle HC's
Wally Darling
Once you start cuddling him, you got to wait for him to be done cuddling you. He’s very possessive when in a relationship with you but is happy to cuddle wherever you want. So you get to cuddle softly on his lap with your head on his shoulder as he lounges in the bar, ordering hits on people. Or maybe your both laying in bed, with his head on your chest as twilight comes and goes. “Your mine forever~” and “I will love you, even if you don’t love me.” Will be whispered in the night to you, whether it warms or chills your heart is up for you to decide.
Barnaby b Beagle
Even with his brash and crude personality, is still soft to the thought of cuddling you. Sharing a chair as you sit into his warm side with his arm over you, the feeling of laughs from crude jokes and cigar jokes are a common occurrence. The smell of scotch and your perfume mix when you cuddle on his shoulder as he carries you around in his one arm so you don’t need to keep up with his walking pace. An inappropriate joke usually happens before an ask to cuddle, so it can be seen as an apology to you, but you know he just is embarrassed to ask outright.
Poppy Partridge
When not healing or cooking, she’s got some time on her hands. So an after-breakfast cuddle in back bed is always her favorite after everyone goes on about their days. Helping her preen her feathers as she lays her head on your lap as you two watch T.V. is a Saturday Night ritual at this point. She worries that she is ‘boring’ to you compared to the colleagues, but her stability and constant presence is unbeatable by anyone else in the gang.
Eddie Dear
Likes to take up the couch in the living room and have his arm over you, snoring away like a freight train and holding you close. Will sometimes forget you two have cuddled earlier and will insist for more cuddles. Currently not the worst thing ever, as it makes him happier every time. Though you worry about him memory as it gets worse, you let him drape himself over you as you lay in bed all the same.
Howdy Pillar
Will be ok with or without cuddling, its just in his nature. But if you ask, he will cuddle you for a time. Four strong arms engulf you as your eyes close for a nap, you feel him relax but don’t bring up the drop in guard. When winter comes he is much more fluffy, and laying on one of his arms as he does something else give you warmth when your cold. He will relax more as time goes on, but you will always be the one to initiate.
Julie Joyful
Will come and cuddle you at the oddest times, middle of dinner and out after a hit in the middle of a park are the weirdest so far. She will have an arm around you in bed, explaining chemical reactions and how she’s going to use them for her next hits. Ya she might smell of a lab on a good day, but her back scratches are award winning.
Sally Starlet
Will go batshit for cuddles, I am not joking. At the bar, sitting in one of the lounge chairs with her legs over yours while she vividly tells a story about latest hit as she lays her head next to yours on the chair. Or laying on a bench on the park at 2 am looking at the stars, whispers of love and insane ideas of weddings are shared between you two with giggles.
Frank Frankly
Reading out loud with your head on his lap as you smile up at him always makes his heart melt. Talks of college majors and fields of study are always a favorite topic for you two in the middle of the night. It reminds him of when he wasn’t in the gang when he sees you sleep with your arms around him, it hurts and makes his heart happy at the same time. But his care for you will make his ‘plans’ involve you leaving with him.
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Reader dislikes loud noises but reader has the loudest soft voice
Wally was the first to notice based on how |Name| reacts to stuff, occasionally whenever Barnaby would tell a joke they wore ear mufflers but then speak in an echo.
“Helloooooooo Barnaby….What joke do you have for me now.” The dog obviously spoke in a casual manner while they clap excitedly at his joke. “Nothing much dear, just making time to say hello and leave an Echo behind. Mighty fine morning to tell a joke: but it wouldn’t sit right with me.” The joke writes itself.
|Name| was sitting right beside Wally and Barnaby shakes his head. “I can’t stand the thought of messing the joke up.” Their laugh echo’s throughout the neighborhood. “Hilarious! Hehehe!”
Wally takes the chance to tap their arm and lightly tell them nothing loud will occur. They take it off and nuzzle him lovingly, “Thank youuuuuu dearieeee.”
A lighter echo but it wasn’t loud for the others.
“Why don’t you and I work on the paintings for today. I’m sure you have a lot to express after those jokes right? Ha ha ha.” |Name| nods and waves to Barnaby who waved back then they leave with Wally. “Wallyyyyy.”
“I love youuuu.” |Name| gives him a kiss on the cheek. “Mwah!”
He returns the kiss with a happy “Mwah!” Before yawning softly, “I am tired…” he leans on |Name|
“Though I am incapable of sleep I do wish to sleep alongside you and Barnaby.” |Name| helps Wally up, walks to their and then they sit on a hammock. “I’m sleeping…I’m sleeping!”
“Wallyyyy I know you’re awake.” They hug him while he giggles, “Your so soft. Softyyyy.”
Suddenly they felt Barnaby hug them both and they all begin to rest on the hammock together. “Goodniiight.”
Reader is a silly dancer
“Don’t mind me just dancing away while admiring the handsome view.” Barnaby rolls an eye, “Sure you mean that. What’s next thing you’re dancing your way into may heart.”
“Aw shucks dear I try.” You do a small shimmy before doing a small jazz hands. “Mind tellin a joke for our fans?”
“I would but as our fans they may blow us away with their jokes.” Your small giggles made the puppet dog blush until he kisses your cheek.
“Now I got a good joke for us, what do you do when you have a party in space?”
“What’s that Barnaby?” Julie gave him a dopey grin while he winks.
“Ya planet.” You inhale and hold back a laugh while Wally tilts his head. “Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!”
Frank wanted to squint in disappointment but Eddie was laughing up a storm while Julie tried to calm down from laughing so hard. But the holster doll could only smirk with pride while Sally rolls her eyes.
“Surely his dancing partner didn’t find it funny.”
You nod, “I sure did!” You kiss Barnaby’s cheek before twirling to the side. “Give it up for Barnaby~!!!”
“WOOOOO!!!” Howdy and Sally begin to cheer for him, Wally claps as well with the same soft smile he gives everyone. They all eye Frank who seemed to be nodding in approval, “Oooo The nod of approval! Thanks Papa! And Dad!”
Eddie grins. “The kiddo approves.”
“I approve too. We both share the same grumpy face.” You and Frank both pout together until Barnaby gave you a big kiss on the face.
“I give it my seal of approval!” You gasp, “I am a seal Barnaby!”
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★ Wally, Howdy and Barnaby x Gyaru! Reader ★
My 51 request! Hope you like!
━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━
You were the newest resident of the neighborhood, which quickly gained the attention of Wally, Howdy and Barnaby's eyes. You looked so interesting and different from them! Always being followed by your unique gyaru style, which for them was so cute and charming!
You always looked tanned, accompanied by your beautiful blonde hair flowing in the wind and signature outfit, which consisted of short shorts/short skirts, with white long-sleeved blouses, baggy socks and nice boots! Just full of character, really!
Just another day ahead in the neighborhood, with you waking up a little later than usual, having had last minute practice last night for Sally's newest play, she was so excited about it so you just nodded... She would owe you some Poppy's cookies after that-
The sound of someone slamming the door brought you out of your thoughts, which made you go to the door, rubbing your eyes gently, then opening it slowly to find your three sweet boyfriends there.
" Oh! Wally! Howdy! Barnaby! What brings you three here sweeties? " You asked in a happy tone, giving the three of them a soft smile.
" Well, we wanted to invite you to a picnic dear! But it looks like you just woke up, are we bothering you? " Wally spoke with a sweet smile, soon replaced by a slightly embarrassed smile.
" Yes! Your face is puffed up! Like cheese muffins! " Barnaby spoke in a playful tone, cradling your face carefully with both paws, gently squeezing your cheeks making you do silly grimaces. You held his paws with a smile, giving a small giggle looking at the worried faces of the other two.
" I'm fine guys! I just got up late because I helped Sally with a new play at the last minute! I would love to have a picnic with you guys" You spoke in a soft tone, taking Barnaby's paws off your cheeks slowly giving him a smile
" Well, if you say so my dear! Get ready and meet us at apple tree hill, we'll be waiting for you there! " Howdy said in a cheerful tone, giving a little 'boop' to your nose, which made you chuckle.
" Okay! I'll meet you there! See you guys soon! " You said in a cheerful tone, giving the three of them a small wave before closing the door, giving a goofy smile and leaning against the door. You had to get ready!
You then ran to your room, wanting to get ready as soon as possible for them. What clothes could you wear?
You had decided to wear some colorful hair clips, nice white shorts, a white short-sleeved blouse plus your pair of fuzzy socks with summer boots.
You left the house closing the door carefully behind you, just humming as you walked up to the apple tree hill, greeting Sally and Julie on the way.
You then arrived at the top of the hill, being greeted by your three boyfriends who had already assembled their picnic blanket, just chatting waiting for you to arrive.
" Hey boys! I am here! " You exclaimed with a smile, soon seeing how their cheeks turned slightly red when they saw you.
" You are beautiful as always dear! " Howdy said giving you a blushing smile, which Barnaby agreed with a silly smile, while Wally just stared at you with an admiring smile. You giggled, feeling your cheeks rosy, then sat down with them.
" Don't be like that! Or I'll turn as red as an apple- " You said in a playfully embarrassed tone, placing your hands on your cheeks dramatically, which made the three of them chuckle.
" I wouldn't complain to see that~ " Wally said in a teasing playful tone, which made you give him a little slap on the arm playfully, pouting. Barnaby and Howdy just watched the scene, hiding their giggles behind their paws/hands.
" Don't be like that, you two! Let's eat some jelly sandwiches Howdy brought! Haha " Barnaby said with a goofy smile, letting a small chuckle finally escape.
" Yeah! I made it myself, with your (favorite jelly)! " Howdy said with an amused smile, stroking your hair gently.
" Okay, fine- " You rolled your eyes playfully, giving Barnaby and Howdy a smile, but then sticking your tongue out playfully at Wally, which the other two just laughed once more, while that Wally just rolled his eyes playfully, giving you a smile while crossing his arms.
You, Wally, Howdy and Barnaby had a very nice picnic that day.
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hunterwritesstuff · 1 year
Since I see he's yet get any could you do a headcanon of barnaby witha cat reader that makes house and was the the one who mad many of the neighbors houses.
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He gets along with you surprisingly well!
He makes sure you stay hydrated when making the houses of the neighbors!
He also makes sure you take breaks!
If you don't, he picks you up and takes you away under a tree for a quick nap!
He makes sure to bring you a tuna sandwich whenever your lunch break comes up, with freshly caught tuna!
He tries to make sure you get a full picnic on lunch breaks! He brings all your favorite foods, and some snacks for later!
He makes sure you do your job safely! He knows cats land on all four paws all the time, but he still worries about you!
If he catches you without a safety helmet, your work day is over.
He REFUSES to risk letting you get hurt.
He's firm in you wearing as much safety equipment as possible.
He doesn't want you getting hurt! :(
Hope ya enjoy!
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sketchquill · 1 year
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Pspspsps here’s some more art of Corpse Puppet Wally 👀
Also lets just say that when Wally died he had... trouble keeping himself together 🪓
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alienklowns · 1 year
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the neighborhood darling is often bombarded by calls (quite literally!!)
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cherrycherryking · 1 year
why hello there Cherry!! i hope you're having a great day 🥰💖
a little request if you're interested, but no pressure whatsoever - you should follow your heart with what you post 🥺💖 how about You being teased by another member of the Neighbourhood about your obvious crush on Wally? i think it's a really cute concept 🙈💖
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wally x gen!reader (romantic)
Being Teased About Your Crush For Wally
✧You're so bad at hiding it.
✧Sorry someone had to tell you. (actually everyone is letting you know.)
✧Okay but what do they expect when Wally is just so- him??? Do they not want you to giggle all lovestruck when he tried to search for the apples on a pie then nonchalantly going "there's no apples in here, silly."
✧Or when you found him looking at himself on a hand mirror and after asking he responded "im very pretty, so i'm looking at myself" so you accompanied him to also stared at him because yes he Is really pretty.
✧And if you jump at the opportunity to explain when he asks the weirdest things in that calm, monotone voice of him, who can blame you??
✧Well, not everyone, but Barnaby who usually is the one responding the questions surely will tease you about it (with the lamest jokes to pair it).
✧The worst would be Sally and Julie, specially Julie. Shes just sooo excited at the idea of her friends!!! being in love?!?!
✧WILL sing the kissing song anyways cause my god is this so fun, and you look so cute all flustered! Wants to play wingman so badly.
✧How funny would it be for the whole town to know but Wally about your crush.
✧A lot.
✧But there's always the possibility that he was the first to know but doesnt bring it up because. Is there a reason?? Hm, he likes to hang out with you and he as well thinks is pretty funny to see you red in the face,
i remembered this song and the drawing just materialized on my screen guys!!! also. PLEASE go and check starleska's stuff!! it is all so good (literally first post of the wally x reader tag o7 thank you for your services)
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jessie-pop-post · 1 year
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I've been thinking about how Y\N would interact with the other characters.
Y\N helps a Poppy with a new recipe and watch the Home's performance as William Sharespeare that was directed by Sally.
Au belongs to: @sketchquill
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fandom-freak-123 · 1 year
How I think different welcome home characters would react to you staring at them with that lovesick gaze
•Without a doubt would stare back with the same look
•“Are you alright dear? What’s with that look in your eyes?”
•Would definitely tease you about it
•Home will be informed
•would be confused at first or pay you no mind
•“You alright over there darlin’?”
•100% got either a massive grin or a little smirk there is no middle ground
•gives you a kiss on the forehead if he’s not busy
•he would be too busy rushing around to notice
•“hm? Oh- you look happy to see me! I’m guessing you had a good day?”
•oblivious as hell but it’s ok because he’s doing his best
•Never really realised it was a lovesick stare until someone else told him
•Was making terrible jokes when he looked at you and saw that face
•“Heh, you must really like my jokes huh?”
•Definitely a tease but it’ll just be banter
•Try’s to fluster you with teasing but knows he’s just as bad
•Noticed because a butterfly flew past your face and he was watching it
•“H-How long have you been watching me-?”
•Would try to scold you but it more than likely won’t work
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lemonsiskull · 1 year
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Cover / general art I made for the Curtains AU!
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tainted-heartz · 1 year
General Eddie and Barnaby (separate) dating hcs maybe?
| of course! I haven't really wrote for barnaby yet so I'm sorry if he's ooc- hope you enjoy<3 |
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- I'd like to think barnady is a big cuddle bug and just a goofster. he loves makes you laugh and it always brightens his day to see you smile or simply just hearing you say his name makes him the happiest he can be.
- big on affection , you can't go a single day without him asking for at least a single headpat or him smothering you in hugs and kisses.
- he always enjoys being near you or hell even if you have phone calls on days where you aren't busy it makes his tail wag just to hear your voice.
- speaking of tail wagging , just you saying his name can make his tail wag or a simple kiss on the tip of his nose. he's just a lovesick puppy around you!
- if you two share a bed be prepared to be held close and warm for most of the night. he's fluffy and cozy so he's basically a free oversized pillow that nuzzles into your side every few minutes.
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- oh eddie..I'd say he's about the most lovesick out of all the neighbors if he finds the right someone. he makes it so obvious with how red faced he is around them and how he stutters PLUS the letters he gives them almost every day.
- big on gift giving either it be a paper cut out of you and him holding hands or a rock that's painted your favorite color he just cant help but show you his love in small way almost every day besides his kisses and such.
- his kisses are usually quick and almost stiff but slowly into the relationship he gets used to the kisses but at the start he's worried about kissing you too harshly or simply messing up any way. he's trying<3
- he's a gentle giant and loves attention of any sort either it be cuddling up or you just playing with his hair while watching something on the tv. he always gets so flustered over you being close to him and gets butterflies.
- he actually enjoys sleeping together only because he knows you're there and he won't lose you or (sadly) forget you. he'll always be able to wake up to his amazing s/o and kiss them on the forehead with a soft ‘ I love you ’.
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luis-block · 1 year
What the welcome home neighbors do during a 'Color Day'!
This is inspired by the Hindu festival of Holi but interpreted as not religious for the cast. But the meanings of welcoming spring and the color returning to the neighborhood still are in the theme! Everyone takes the day off and play with the color powders!
Warnings: None!
Wally Darling
Will be one to get the least color powder on themselves, as he has the sneak attach down to a T.
 His hair is also immaculate somehow? No one is quite sure how, but they don’t question it.
Loves to see his friends having so much fun! It makes the curse of his self-awareness easier to deal with.
Barnaby b Beagle
Unlike Wally, has the most color powder on him than anyone else. But he is living for it!
Has the most fun chasing everyone and miss-matching the color powder with everyone’s color scheme to the colors are more prominent.
This is one of his favorite days of the year! Loves to joke about everyone getting to dress up as rainbows.
Eddie Dear
He is very casual with his color powder throwing, but don’t take it the wrong way, he always has so much fun!
Will still do his mail route, everyone waits until he’s done delivering the mail to nail him with color powder, so the mail doesn’t get messed up.
Tries to get frank out for it more, mostly succeeds at his goal.
Frank Frankly
Tries to hide in the house for most of it. He doesn’t mean to be a buzz kill, but he doesn’t want to get his clothes dirty!
Won’t come out until Eddie comes to grab him and insist it will be fun!
Once he gets out of the house, he will have fun! Just needs some encouragement to come out of his shell.
Julie Joyful
Is arguably having the most fun out of everyone! (Besides Sally)
Her hair has so much color powder in it, it really does look like a rainbow! (Thus Barnaby’s rainbow jokes)
Will have a color war with Sally, the winner is still undetermined. But both parties agree it was still fun!
Howdy Pillar
Will take the day off to be able to talk to everyone without being behind a counter at the shop.
Has the craziest aim with all four arms and can do it in all different directions, so be aware when challenging him to a duel.
Overall is so happy to talk to everyone hand have some fun!
Poppy Partridge
Is the one who gets to make the color powder every year, and also uses the day to talk to everyone and check up on everyone.
Everyone knows how tricky it would be for her to get the color out of her feathers, so they aim for her umbrella instead!
Makes sure everyone gets their share of color powder, will sit in the middle of town in the ‘Safe zone’ and hand out more powder while checking up on everyone.
Sally Starlet
Will run all day surprising people, (mostly Julie and Barnaby).
Will make lots of games surrounding the day so everyone can participate!
Her war with Julie may still be ongoing, but she still has so much fun with the color powder it more than makes up for the tie!
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florapal · 1 year
enchanted to meet you.
welcome home ! / ot8 x human!reader , can be seen as romantic or platonic.
what they like abt u <333
no warnings.
first welcome home writing piece ever ... I hope you little tulips enjoy<3 inspired by so many human readers I've seen n read !
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that was what made you different from your neighbors— your humanity. your flesh, and your bone, and every blood vessel you had— every vein, every nail, every tooth and every beat of your heart— it made you different. they were made of felt. they had nothing but stuffing in their bodies, they were literally puppets. they didn't need almost everything you did— food, toothbrushes, skincare (probably). water made them sink so deep into the ground, they could barely move.
but you— you were vastly different from them, and you naturally— knew more. they came to you for most of their endeavors; even the smartest neighbor, your predecessor— frank frankly— came to you once in a while.
they asked you about what it was like , how it was like , to be a human. why did you need this? why did you need that? what would happen if [...]? what would never happen? curiosity, curiosity, curiosity. you couldn't blame them, either, seeing as you were equally curious about the world around you. this foreign world that you, like, literally dreamed of— you dreamed about this world so often, that you theorize its what got you sent here in the first place. a gap made in the multiverse, you theorize, opened during your sleep. until then, you had been an overseer, not directly interacting with anyone from the neighborhood.
it must've taken one gap in space. one lapse in time, in the order of the universe. one thing to confuse your conscience, and in turn confused your senses. your dream felt real, now, as a familiar voice called to you— and you opened your eyes.
wally darling.
you freaked out a bit, after that.
who wouldn't? who wouldn't, in such worlds like this one.
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the sky shines brighter here.
everything's brighter, to be fair.
even you are.
surrounded by constant support & love , comforted and relied on— you don't believe yourself deserving of this, but they do.
poppy partridge is, no joke, a mother hen. poppy is the first to offer housing, to offer nutrition and to offer company— she cares, she cares, and she cares some more. she finds herself running a wing down your hair , entranced by every strand and every split end. counting each strand you have eases her , to some extent. it helps her cool down, just as her presence in general helps you cool down.
julie joyful is as joyful as her surname suggests. she takes your hand without fear, she doesn't hesitate to know you— she pushes you to talk about yourself , even. she finds herself interested in your fingers. she fiddles with them unconsciously, intrigued by every callous, intrigued by every line on your palm— intrigued by your nails. she traces the lines on your palms absentmindedly — uncharacteristically quiet as she listens to you talk about your world.
barnaby b. beagle makes you laugh the moment you meet him. all it takes is a clever punch line , and you're giggling like mad— and barnaby prides himself on the fact he is able to make you laugh. he is curious about your smile— for the first time he saw it, he saw a row of white pearls shining up at him. it looked like a treasure chest being opened, as weird as it sounded. barnaby only hopes that he'll make you smile each and every day— he wouldn't know what he'd do if he saw your teeth gritting— be it in anger, or sadness. he hopes he never will know.
eddie dear is your pen pal who delivers his letters himself. in these letters, you tell him of your hobbies and your pet peeves, your no's and your yes', your dos and don'ts. you tell him everything, and in turn, he tells you everything aswell. can you blame him if he is enamored by how you speak? like, literally, how you speak. he does, indeed, find your voice calming— something he must savour. but he cannot fathom the fact you don't need a voice box, and whenever you speak— your neck?? vibrates?? he is eager to learn about human anatomy! it'd be even better from you, as sadly, what you say is almost always on paper.
sally starlet is in her prime theater kid era, as you said. you stated it once and she has never let it go. yes, she is infact in her prime ! she enjoys the thrill , the applause and the fun ! she's also, however, thrilled by your ideas. you, as someone from another world, bring such wonderful things onto the table that— in her brilliance, she makes possible. she wonders if the sun is inside of you, for your ideas brighten up every day she lives. yes, tell her more about your little disney movies, she's taking notes and planning to create another to add into that category! the best one yet! perhaps you could be the lead?
howdy pillar is , in your words , a funky dude with nice arms. he appreciates the compliment. the supplier of most of the towns goods, he gets in good business— but he thinks whenever you're there, he gets better business! your drive is contagious, and he wants to get more things done when you're in his vicinity. you motivate him unknowingly to better his shop, as you better your situation in this neighborhood. he's proud of you, neighbor, he hopes you are of him too.
frank frankly is fascinated with you. he seems to be interested in your knowledge of insects , but he seems to be interested in your general knowledge too. you know more than he does , been out and about more than he's been— seen more bugs than he has, you are literally from a different world— a world he wants to know all about. there is so much going on in your brilliant mind, every time you converse— he believes he's only ever receiving a morsel of your intellect. perhaps you'd be free tomorrow, to meet up and to engage in intellectual things?
wally darling is intrigued. he hears a beat in your chest, he says, and you nod. he places a hand on your chest, over your heart, and it beats. he looks at you in awe. he doesn't know what this is, but it is part of you, and if it's part of you— it's aweworthy. this mindset goes for every part of you— all of you is beautiful to him. however, he must say, he enjoys the way your eyes crease whenever you smile. eyes are windows to the soul, you told him, and he couldn't agree more— especially the moment your eyes sparkled when he told you he loved you. how did you interpret this ? you did not know, all you know is that you love him too.
each puppet finds solace in you, as cliché as it sounds. as different as you are from them, flesh & bone to felt & fur , they can not deny that, just as they were with every neighbor,
they were enchanted to meet you.
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