#Well I mean all rps are werewolf starters but
hunterxpack · 6 years
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     ~ LIKE for a Werewolf starter !!
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(Handy things you can search my blog for!)
OOC = Posts that are Out Of Character, meaning Gladiolus isn’t actually saying or doing them, sometimes ‘mun stuff’ is also added to it.
mun stuff = Obviously stuff posted by the mun, and not things Gladiolus is saying or doing himself.
Munday = Generally these are photos of the mun, and also tagged with ‘mun stuff’.
Sinday = Well, obviously Sinday memes and responses…? >_>
nsfw/nsfw ish = Things that are smutty mostly, or things that could lead to being so.
ask away = ALL OF THE MEMES and starters.
tagged/tagging = Meme’s and whatnot that he was tagged in and tagged others to do.
Tags List = This list of tags.
RP = All of the RPs (roleplays) Gladiolus has been/is in.
Self Promotion = Self evident I think, but promotional posts made for this dork.
RP Promotion = Promotional posts for OTHER rpers.
Discord Promotion = Promotional post for a discord server.
My About Page = His about page… I posted it for people who can’t get to the page itself.
RPing Rules = The Rules yo, also posted for those who couldn’t reach the page.
universes / verses = The various universes I have headcanons for him in.
Verses Tags: Before the Fall, Child Verse, School Days, After the Fall, World of Darkness, A New Dawn, A/B/O Verse, Werewolf AU, Assassin’s Creed Verse, In Another World Verse,
headcanons = Obviously things that have my headcanons for Gladiolus in them.
Gladio wants = *coughs* Well, they’re things he wants, whether it be sibling time, or sexy time. >_>
About Gladio = Generally these are also headcanons, but sometimes they are just quotes or photos or whatnot that remind me of him.
Oh so photogenic. = Art/gifs/screen shots/comics/etc.
Gladio’s opinion = Dash Commentary.
Family Time! = Usually photos/drawings/whatnot of Gladiolus and his family members.
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saviorofeosshield · 5 years
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(Handy things you can search my blog for!)
OOC = Posts that are Out Of Character, meaning none of them are actually saying or doing them, sometimes ‘mun stuff’ is also added to it.
mun stuff = Obviously stuff posted by the mun, and not things they are saying or doing themselves.
Munday = Generally these are photos of the mun, and also tagged with ‘mun stuff’, but we also do Munday Memes sometimes.
Sinday = Well, obviously Sinday memes and responses…? >_>
n.s.f.w./n.s.f.w. ish = Things that are smutty mostly, or things that could lead to being so.
ask away = ALL OF THE MEMES and starters.
tagged/tagging = Meme’s and whatnot that they were tagged in and tagged others to do.
Tags List = This list of tags.
RP = All of the RPs (roleplays) they have been/are in.
RP Tally/Thread Tracker = My thread tracker, has a link in it to the actual RPThreadTracker site with all of their stuff up on it, individually, it’s marked on the posts. ^_^
Self Promotion = Self evident I think, but promotional posts made for these dorks.
RP Promotion = Promotional posts for OTHER rpers.
Discord Promotion = Promotional post for a discord server.
RPing Rules = The Rules yo, posted for those who couldn’t reach the page.
universes/verses = The various universes I have headcanons for them in.
Verses tags: Before the Fall, Child Verse, Bar Owner, Young Glaive, Duty Sworn, Alive after the Fall, A New Dawn, A/B/O Verse, A Glaive of Omegas, Pokemon AU, Assassin’s Creed Verse, Werewolf AU, Sweetest Taste Verse, Lone Orphan, I’m not that easy to kill
headcanons = Obviously things that have my headcanons for them in.
About Nyx/Crowe = Generally these are also headcanons, but sometimes they are just quotes or photos or whatnot that remind me of them.
My About Page = Their about pages… I posted them for people who can’t get to the page itself.
Nyx/Crowe wants = *coughs* Well, they’re things they want, whether it be ‘sibling’ time, or ‘sexy’ time. >_>
Family Time! = Usually photos/drawings/whatnot of them and their family members.
Pictures last longer. = Art/gifs/screen shots/comics/etc.
Nyx’s shit >_> / Crowe’s sass = Dash Commentary
For Hearth and Home = Anything relating to the Glaive.
Daddy Nyx = Verses where Nyx is a father. (Mostly with @morethanabarcode, where Prompto is his adopted son.)
Grandpa Nyx = Verses where Nyx is an instructor. (So far, mostly with @wolfsglaive.)
Sass: The Power Couple = Ship tag for @izzydeluca
Astrals and Society be Damned | Aurora:Nyx = Ship tag for @lucianprincess
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internetremix · 6 years
I was wondering... Do you any of you have tips for a rookie GM? I'm setting up a game night here soon and I'm stressing the heck out over it.
Alex: No matter what game system you play it's usually quite intimidating because there are like 600 pages of information to digest. At any given time you need to have memorized only, like, thirty. At the end of the day most tabletop games are just two things - math and improv. Admittedly things that, outside of tabletop games, people go out of their way to avoid, but still.
Stress can lead people to get things done fast but also get things done sloppy. You don't need to plan out every single detail of what the characters might encounter eventually in a session. You can flesh out a couple of interesting people, places, or things you want them to see and just keep a scratch card of notes and traits for if/when they go off the beaten path. Remember, no matter what you plan, there is no accounting for the actions of players, and rolling with them provides a far better experience than slamming your fist down and saying "NO" to every deviation.
And above all else, remember that tabletop games are a collaborative effort. People come together to play games, tell stories, and shoot the shit. If shooting the shit overtakes the game you can rein that in a little but at the end of the day everyone's there voluntarily to have fun, and no one is there to see anyone fail.So to recap -
1. You are the arbiter of rules no matter what the book says. You can double-check later and take notes for future games if it becomes an issue but generally you only need to have in mind rules that are actively going to be used in game. If you don't know the exact way to handle something just make up what the closest action would be and if the player rolls what you think is well enough to do it, they did it.
2. If you don't have time to take notes on every single thing the players might encounter, congratulations, you're an average person. You only need a few based on the following factors - what do you want the players to do, how do you think they're going to do it, and do you have something prepared for when they go off the beaten path.
3. Have fun! Seriously, it's called a tabletop GAME, not a tabletop dictatorship.
Kristen: All of my games are Tabletop Dictatorships, all of them. Unfortunately I'm a terrible, weak-willed dictator so this helps nothing.
Alex: Discord Murder Party is different. Mafia/Werewolf operates way differently than D&D and needs a GM SPECIFICALLY so that players don't go off the rails.
Kristen: You are 100% correct.
God my first tabletop I ever DMed for I made my own thing and wrote like... twenty pages for my first session. And then as soon as I started, my players were like HEY I WANNA EXPLORE THE SHOPS
"O-oh.... y-yeah, here's uh... heeeere's a list of shops..."
So then I had to improv like... five shops and make multiple NPCs on the fly and then I found out "it turns out writing an entire paragraph for every NPC is an awful idea because you can't fucking read those notes mid-session"
So my point is don't do that.
Juno: Oh yeah. Last night I had to make up a guy named Lucas on the spot because JoJo's character wanted to convince a guy not to kill them
Kristen: YEP I ran the generic 5e DnD starter for a group of friends and somehow it went from a generic "you all hunt down and kill a bunch of goblins and a bugbear in a cave, way to go" to "You spared a Goblin who has a ridiculous Brooklyn accent who hates his job and now you're starting a ridiculous worker's revolution and this has ended with you all enlisting every other goblin you were supposed to fight into swarming the bugbear boss. Okay."
Juno: I mean. That's a pretty bomb plot twist if you ask me.
Kristen: Oh yes, I enjoyed it immensely. Also really in the context of a DnD game I'm pretty sure that shouldn't be doable cause I don't think any of them were supposed to be able to speak common. If your players are setting themselves up for a more interesting story and you have to bend the rules a bit to make it happen, go for it. One of the most important things for GMing is making your players feel like they have agency- as Alex said, it's collaborative, it's not just you telling your players a story.
Another thing to keep in mind is what sort of players you have. I usually prefer to play with people who are more into the RP/story aspect, but some people are gonna be more into them fighty fights and mechanics and such. Which is fine and can work, it's just a matter of striking a balance in your game.  I usually try to tailor things in such a way that everyone's getting a chance to get what they want out of a game and their shot at the spotlight, in whatever manner that takes. For me it's helped to ask my players directly "hey, what do you want out of this game? Do you have any ideas or anything you're really into?"
Mostly what I'm saying is just try to keep in mind what your players are in this for, since that contributes a lot to how much fun you all have.
Atwas: Something that's helped me a lot is to not stress out or stop the game entirely to double check rules. It sort of kills momentum. In my experience, ruling a situation and then looking something up later is a lot less stressful than the pressure of putting something completely on pause while you flip through a book/google something.
If you're doing stuff in real life, I would recommend making a little cheat sheet of your PC's information. My DM screen has sticky notes with each party characters HP, AC, Passive Perception, and Spell Save DC to keep things streamlined.
Kristen: Oooo smurt
Alex: Hell yeah dude. Also there are custom DM screens you can get tailor-made to give you quick rules references. Fairly cheap on Amazon.
Atwas: Also your players don't know if you're winging stuff unless you tell them. ;^)
Also also don't be scared of bumping monster hp up or down depending on a fight or having monsters run away or call in reinforcements. If you go off script in an encounter--surprise! Nobody knows but you. I did that quite a bit when I was starting out because balancing encounters is a bit of an art and CR is a loose guideline at best.
Also also also the point of the game isn't to win. Don't fall into the trap of "beating your players" or stuff like that. Imo that kind of messes with the table dynamics unless 100% of everyone is on board with that type of game.
Kristen: Yeah, don't fall into that and also be careful not to go into the mindset of "punishing" your players if they do something dumb. Like if it's a silly "you did this thing and consequences have gone WILDLY outside of what you expect wheee", awesome, but I've had DMs who basically would act like if you didn't somehow read their minds and find their exact solution, welp you made a dumb choice and now everyone is penalized for it. Made for a pretty toxic atmosphere, do not recommend. Kind goes hand in hand with "don't be a tabletop dictator".
Atwas: oh gods i could go on and on about how punishing someone in game never works for out of game behaviour but i digress. also please don't feel afraid to talk to your players, even if having adult conversations is difficult.
Juno: Cause and effect is the biggest thing to think about I think, especially in a DMing situation.
Alex: For instance, siccing a Revenant on the party? Thavagath made a bad decision in character, that's the natural consequence, he gets a chance to save his ass. Someone makes a dick joke about your carefully crafted NPC? Don't be a dick right back.
Atwas: sweats, trying to think back to the last time a dick joke was made in Fallen Empires
Alex: Like I think the last major one was Phill pulling a muscle stretching so hard to make a joke for five minutes about the "Male Room" rather than the "Mail Room"
But then we - wait for it - ACTUALLY DISCUSSED THE ISSUE OUT OF GAME and stuff like that doesn't pop up any more.
Atwas: WHAT? SPEAKING LIKE REASONABLE ADULTS?!?! IN MY TABLETOP?!?!?! it's really useful. please have those conversations, even if they're uncomfortable. and if something is becoming an issue, bring it up sooner rather than later--turns out that people can't change stuff if they don't know about it! Most people want to stay friends after a campaign after all.
Jojo: Have your story planned, npcs, and what you want an end goal to be. Make sure it's all planned out BEFORE asking people to join it. And if you need a second DM to help you with Dice or story, then that's ok too! I'm still a beginner DM myself, so that's the best advice I can give
These guys are pros, so listen to them
Phill: Heheh... male room
Alex: Phill no you'll pull your hamstring again
Atwas: what do you think is Phill's average Henderson rating?
Alex: Phill has at least One Henderson in him, he destroyed Underdark to the point of we can't go back to it ever now.
Phill: I mean. Yeah. Honestly, I could've very easily seen phresh reach a 1.75 hendersons eventually.
Atwas: I'd say 1.75 works. 2 is still out of reach, but one day...
Xander: Underdark is cursed content and deserved better
Atwas: How many of he players had that as their first campaign? 3/5?
Xander: I believe so
Alex: Uprising and I had played before, I don't think Jojo, Dawn, or Phill had.
Xander: I'm probably gonna reboot Underdark one day. Wipe the slate clean. Probably not gonna be done on IR
Alex: We did it! We reached two Hendersons!
Xander: Two full Hendersons.
Phill: time unveil my new original character. Blesh
Alex: Blerish
Xander: More like Blemish
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rev-eeriee · 6 years
u have a werewolf au????
Yes! Though it’s currently confined in the rps at the moment. I am actually tempted to change it into one-shot fics one of these days and post it too, but the stuff that happened in this AU is… bizarre. It’s different from the stuff I usually write. It’s part of our Multiverse AU, so that meant we have two Oumas for starters, with different backgrounds and a connected backstory. Meanwhile, Werewolf!Momota’s past is… kinda really bad. There’s a lot of sex and a lot of… *cough cough* unconventional kinks (male lactation, heats, pregnancy kink, knotting, some cum inflation stuff) that really only resulted in the fact that werewolves are maltreated, critically endangered and have lots of sexual stamina in this AU. I did not mean for it to be this kinky. It’s not even meant to blow up into a love story. It just kind of started with a casual sex that suddenly became feelings. 
Even so: I am proud of my werewolf!Momota and mage!Kokichi. I posted some snippets under the cut to anyone who actually wants to take a peek on how I wrote them! :D 
Werewolf!Momota: “Then why not tell me what you’re not allowed to remember? Or who did this to you?” Subtlety had fucked off the moment he spoke again and Ouma was almost standing over Momota at this point. “Tell me, remember already, for fuck’s sake!”
A loud bang resounded on the room as Momota suddenly slammed his fist on the table, and when he lifted his face his expression was unlike anything he had ever shown Ouma before. There was rage there, irritation, outright murderous intent as he glared at him with eyes as cold as ice, lips curled into a snarl. 
“Make up your damn mind, you stupid fucking mage! Do you have any idea how painful-” As if on cue, Momota suddenly hissed as he held his right hand, almost clawing at the skin as a splitting headache reached up from the back of his skull, the searing heat of the scar only making it worse. He whimpered as he pressed his head against the table, food forgotten as he whimpered pathetically. His entire body was telling him to obey, to remember, but that bastard fucking sealed the order with his own spells and he didn’t understand why he’s trying to rescind it like this now, even a lowly werewolf understood how that it doesn’t fucking work that way! Was that the goal? Tormenting him? Just having fun?! Momota sealed his eyes shut as he tried to regain his composure but it hurts hurts hurts- it was impossible to follow one without contradicting the other and oh my god please make it stop- he screamed. 
 "Take it back!“ he demanded, yelling himself hoarse. “Take it back, or I swear to god, I’ll kill myself right here right now- Shuuchi’s dead, he’s gone, what do you want from me, fuck you!”
“Or what I’m guessing you actually mean is,“ His double took a step forward, meeting Ouma’s eyes evenly. “How I know he’s he’s a werewolf and that you’ve done something to his head that means he can’t say no to anything you tell him to? I hate to steal a phrase from Chabashira-chan, but what kind of degenerate puts that kind of spell on someone?”
Ouma’s expression darkened. The dog puns were infuriating, clearly this other him was trying to rile him up. But what really made set off his alarms was that last part. As much as it sent a stab of of guilt into Ouma’s heart, it’s not something he could do anything about- Momota’s status as a werewolf doomed him to that scar. Even before he met Ouma, even before the authority was transferred to him, it has always been there, tormenting him. Trying to get the spell off only resulted in disasters. Ouma knew. He tried, once.
It was physically taxing. So much so that he got incredibly sick. After that, Rantarou told him to never try it again. 
That didn’t mean that he wasn’t still trying. He wasn’t stacking up books upon books, reading late into last night and the night before and the night before and night before for nothing. 
“The same kind of degenerate who tries it out on a stranger,” he replied. He didn’t care how this person saw him at all, he just needed the cold hard facts. “Tell me the truth, you found out by giving him orders yourself, didn’t you?” his eyes were unwavering, gaze cold as ice. “What did you do to Momota?”
Extra stuff for shits and giggles (in more lighthearted part of the RP): 
“Hey Kaito! Ouma here’s thinking about riding you too!”
Ouma let out an flustered squeak, before he practically threw himself on his double and covered his mouth, hissing at his ear. “Stop saying weird things or I’ll make you!” When Momota snapped out of his thought and gave them both a weird look, he practically shouted, panicking. “I wasn’t! Thinking about weird things! Like riding you! Nope!" 
Momota tilted his head, confused. "I would let you, though? If you really want to." 
 Ouma’s face might as well have burst into flames. Oh my god what the hell is he talking about he can’t possibly know what he’s talking about, I swear I’m not interested I’m not curious at all, Momo-chan is my familiar after all, this is so fucking weird- 
 "I mean… you’re pretty light, so piggy back rides aren’t even a big deal." 
Ouma let out a sigh in relief, for once grateful of this timid Momota’s denseness. Momota’s other, snarkier personality would never let him live that down. Considering he doesn’t snarl at him in disgust in the first place. Was it really so bad? Momota was attractive. Ouma wasn’t blind. Clearing his throat, he composed himself, giving his other self a death glare as he did so. He started walking ahead, determined to let that small embarrassing moment go. "Anyways. Let’s just go already,” he said impatiently.
“If you really want details about riding stuff I can totally give you all the info you need, but you’re not actually interested so I guess I won’t have to!” The other him’s voice was so goddamn smug that Ouma can practically hear the smile in his voice, and the moment Momota was distracted, he flashed him a middle finger.His double let out a genuine laugh. 
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saviorofeos · 5 years
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(Handy things you can search my blog for!)
OOC = Posts that are Out Of Character, meaning she is not actually saying or doing them, sometimes ‘mun stuff’ is also added to it.
mun stuff = Obviously stuff posted by the mun, and not things she is saying or doing herself.
Munday = Generally these are photos of the mun, and also tagged with ‘mun stuff’, but we also do Munday Memes sometimes.
Sinday = Well, obviously Sinday memes and responses…? >_>
n.s.f.w./n.s.f.w. ish = Things that are smutty mostly, or things that could lead to being so.
ask away = ALL OF THE MEMES and starters.
tagged/tagging = Meme’s and whatnot that she was tagged in and tags others to do.
Tags List = This list of tags.
RP = All of the RPs (roleplays) she has been/is in.
RP Tally/Thread Tracker = My thread tracker, has a link in it to the actual RPThreadTracker site with all of her stuff up on it.
Self Promotion = Self evident I think, but promotional posts made for this dork.
RP Promotion = Promotional posts for OTHER rpers.
Discord Promotion = Promotional post for a discord server.
RPing Rules = The Rules yo, posted for those who couldn’t reach the page.
universes/verses = The various universes I have headcanons for her in.
Verses tags: Before the Fall, Child Verse, You’re the Oracle now, After the Fall, ‘I got stabbed, you know, right here.’,  World of Darkness, A New Dawn, In Another World Verse, A/B/O Verse, Werewolf AU, Assassin’s Creed Verse
headcanons = Obviously things that have my headcanons for her in.
About Luna = Generally these are also headcanons, but sometimes they are just quotes or photos or whatnot that remind me of her.
My About Page = Her about page… I posted it for people who can’t get to the page itself.
Luna wants = *coughs* Well, they’re things she wants, whether it be ‘sibling’ time, or sexy time. >_>
Family Time! = Usually photos/drawings/whatnot of her and her family members.
An image in the stars. = Art/gifs/screen shots/comics/etc.
‘polite’ conversation = Dash Commentary
Memories for Lunafreya = All of my in-game photos (either shot by Prompto, or taken by myself).
Luna’s favorite things. = Random art/gifs/screenshots/comics/etc. of the boys having fun.
Luna’s favorite Glaive = Ship tag for @izzydeluca
Oracle Line = My headcanons for the succession of Oracles of Eos. (Mostly things about Aera, stuff about Sylva may crop up eventually as well.)
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theconsortsadviser · 5 years
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(Handy things you can search my blog for!)
OOC = Posts that are Out Of Character, meaning Ignis isn’t actually saying or doing them, sometimes ‘mun stuff’ is also added to it.
mun stuff = Obviously stuff posted by the mun, and not things Ignis is saying or doing himself.
Munday = Generally these are photos of the mun, and also tagged with ‘mun stuff’, but we also do Munday Memes sometimes.
Sinday = Well, obviously Sinday memes and responses…? >_>
n.s.f.w./n.s.f.w. ish = Things that are smutty mostly, or things that could lead to being so.
ask away = ALL OF THE MEMES and starters.
tagged/tagging = Meme’s and whatnot that he was tagged in and tagged others to do.
Tags List = This list of tags.
RP = All of the RPs (roleplays) Ignis has been/is in.
RP Tally/Thread Tracker = My thread tracker, has a link in it to the actual RPThreadTracker site with all of his up on it. ^_^
Self Promtion = Self evident I think, but promotional posts made for this dork.
RP Promotion = Promotional posts for OTHER rpers.
Discord Promotion = Promotional post for a discord server.
RPing Rules = The Rules yo, also posted for those who couldn’t reach the page.
universes/verses = The various universes I have headcanons for him in.
Verses tags: Before the Fall, Child Verse, School Days, After the Fall, World of Darkness, A New Dawn, In Another World Verse, A/B/O Verse, Werewolf AU, Assassin’s Creed Verse, Marvel, Deep Sea
headcanons = Obviously things that have my headcanons for Ignis in them.
About Ignis = Generally these are also headcanons, but sometimes they are just quotes or photos or whatnot that remind me of him.
My About Page = His about page… I posted it for people who can’t get to the page itself.
Iggy wants = *coughs* Well, they’re things he wants, whether it be ‘sibling’ time, or sexy time. >_>
Family Time! = Usually photos/drawings/whatnot of Ignis and his ‘family’ members.
An image in glass. = Art/gifs/screen shots/comics/etc.
Ig’s affection = Dash Commentary
You’re my Drug: Ig|Vi = Ship tag for n0va-c41ne
A softness in your eyes: Ig|Ara = Ship tag for dragoonxdive
When the Stars Align: Ignis|Aurora = Ship tag for lucianprincess
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saviorofeosconsort · 5 years
Tags List
(Handy things you can search my blog for!)
OOC = Posts that are Out Of Character, meaning none of them are actually saying or doing them, sometimes ‘mun stuff’ is also added to it.
mun stuff = Obviously stuff posted by the mun, and not things they are saying or doing themselves.
Munday = Generally these are photos of the mun, and also tagged with ‘mun stuff’, but we also do Munday Memes sometimes.
Sinday = Well, obviously Sinday memes and responses…? >_>
n.s.f.w./n.s.f.w. ish = Things that are smutty mostly, or things that could lead to being so.
ask away = ALL OF THE MEMES and starters.
tagged/tagging = Meme’s and whatnot that they were tagged in and tag others to do.
Tags List = This list of tags.
RP = All of the RPs (roleplays) they have been/are in.
RP Tally/Thread Tracker = My thread tracker, has a link in it to the actual RPThreadTracker site with all of their stuff up on it, individually, it’s marked on the posts. ^_^
Self Promotion = Self evident I think, but promotional posts made for these dorks.
RP Promotion = Promotional posts for OTHER rpers.
Discord Promotion = Promotional post for a discord server.
RPing Rules = The Rules yo, posted for those who couldn’t reach the page.
universes/verses = The various universes I have headcanons for them in.
Verses tags: Before the Fall, Child Verse, School Days, Loud and Proud, Courageous Queen, The Mission, After the Fall, Moping is Coping, A Helping Hand, Reluctant but Determined King, World of Darkness, A New Dawn, Magical Touch, Watching over You, Hidden Princess, Blessed, In Another World Verse, A/B/O Verse, Werewolf AU, Assassin’s Creed Verse
headcanons = Obviously things that have my headcanons for them in.
About Noct/Aulea/Ace = Generally these are also headcanons, but sometimes they are just quotes or photos or whatnot that remind me of them.
My About Page = Their about pages… I posted them for people who can’t get to the page itself.
Noct/Aulea/Ace wants = *coughs* Well, they’re things they want, whether it be ‘sibling’ time, or sexy time. >_>
Family Time! = Usually photos/drawings/whatnot of them and their family members.
A Memory in Time. = Art/gifs/screen shots/comics/etc.
Looking out over the dashboard lights. = Dash Commentary
Kingsglaive = Mostly just RPs or other such having to do with Aeisla. She’s not a Glaive herself, but she spends most of her time with them.
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maburito · 6 years
do u know of any good monos roleplays?
Omg…you’re asking me about monos roleplays ?
Okay so for starter i’ll exclusively show you the mono roleplays of the user askweisswolf and askalittleweebcat cos well, its well written and these two have done a looot of monochrome roleplays. Which means that in all these rp Weiss is a wolf faunus. But if you want i can show you some good human Weiss blog who did some nice monos rp
So first of all ill start with the canon divergent one called !shewolf
For context in this one AU, there’s a “faunus hunter” called Alex who wants to kill Blake because of daddy schnee and well i’ll let you read it. Keep in mind though that these are old roleplaying blog that were active around vol 1 time, when we had not much information about Weiss’s family and when everyone thought Blake used to be a homeless kid so don’t be surprised if, a lot of things are……different
One of the many others AU they did is also werewolf or werewolf/vampire AU (dont worry not like twilight). For that you got : can’t fight the moonlight, darkside of the moon,  !snow-white-and-the-huntress (prepare to suffer) , New Moon, etc
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nyx-ulric-of-galahd · 6 years
Starter Call
I am home from the convention y’all!  It was a blast, even if it did rain the entire weekend.  My cosplay came out well, and twin’s was very well received.  The drive there and home was hell, but a day resting yesterday means I have energy again.
That being said, I am wanting to get back into the swing of things RP wise.  So this is a call to all of my mutuals, if you’d like a starter, hit that like button.  I have a few verses listed below, and if you’d like a specific verse, please leave a comment, and I’ll base the starter on that.
Verses I have:
Before the Fall - general threads After Fall/World of Ruin - Nyx survived, badly scarred and , and not really having anything or anyone to go back to, has taken up work as a hunter. After the Long Night sets in, he relocated to Lestallum, answering the call put out for former Glaives. Mafia AU - Nyx is a mafia boss in Insomnia.   Shapeshifter/Werewolf AU - not a/b/o related.  
I’m happy to plot things out if you’d like, feel free to hit me up in the chat feature or on discord (Yueh-chan#5638)
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hotgirlinahotcar · 6 years
* headcanon free-for-all
tagged by: several of you for other things (that are started but still in my drafts...). And with all of y’all already tagged in those too... instead of re-tagging the same people for the same stuff... new thing... tagging: @conviictus / @melioriisms��� | @cunninglinguistx​ | @governingmouse | @governinglion | @nicophaught | and everybody else who wants to | non-rp-blogs: just replace ‘your muse’ with one of your fav chars to write about notes: the following answers are heavily influenced by headcanons {d’oh} and whatnots and are subject to change if we ever actually find out more about Gidge...
♥ is there an article of clothing that means the most to your muse? Yep, several. Nope, not her jackets. All the special shirts and other garments that weren’t initially hers but somehow ended up in her possession for some reason or other... (except for stuff that was just discarded or forgotten at her place that ends up in her closet without having any special meaning to her).
❀ what does your muse’s daily routine look like? Most days Gidge gets up at the asscrack of dawn to go surfing - unless the weather won’t permit it (in which case she either goes back to sleep, wakes up her woman for a different kind of workout or catches up on chores and whatnot instead). After a quick shower she then shows up for work barely on time and spends her day there being her glorious sapphic psychologisty self... then after work there really isn’t much of a routine anymore, it’s more of a day to day thing... either back to the beach, or when stuff is piling up, it’s time for chores/errands/paperwork etc and she does the adulting thing. The nights that are all about her girl and spending time together doing whatever they feel like really are her favs though (especially when those also happen to include beachy-surfy and/or lesbionic stuffs). If she’s single though, she might turn her axe-effect up to 11 and hit some lezzie nests for starters... Just hanging out with friends in general is never a bad idea either. And of course the more or less sporadic lazy and quiet nights in are good for the soul too. Naturally, with a lifestyle like that, there also are the days when she’s just beyond exhausted because all that lack of sleep for various reasons caught up with her and she just goes to bed early to recharge properly.
◎ does your muse plan for the long-term or short-term? Both. Realistic goals and all that. Of course she’s only human though, so while she may have the sapphic psychologist skills professional knowledge beneficial to maintaining a healthy balance in general, advice is always easier given than taken. In consideration of that, in most matters, she not only encourages clients and friends alike but also tries to live by it herself. On the flip side of that, nothing wrong with indulging in occasional crazyass notions either. Even the wildest dreams come true for some people after all... In advice-mode she’d also insist on cautioning against actually expecting the more unrealistic stuff to happen though. Cause that kind of thinking has the potential of providing the ideal environment to the birth of delusions.
◆ what is one secret your muse has? Her girlfriend Franky is probably the biggest one... and the canon one... other than that, in verses where she did the pro-surfing circuit thing, it’s not so much of a secret as a part of her life that she just doesn’t share with people at work... with the long lost kid trope, there’d be that... then I have plenty of ideas about the reasons why she got into psychology in the first place... like being forced to go to a mental institution/straight camp when she was a teenager... as in shit was done to her there by the people who were supposed to help her and it becomes her calling to provide therapy done the right way and save people from suffering the likes of what she had to endure... lotsa stuff along those lines. And then there’s the ever classic infinite roulette game of insanity: ‘paid for college (or whatever) by being/got rich by being/gets off on being/leads a double life as/is undercover as/used to be/is mistaken for/pretends to be/wants to be/is forced to be/is being lured into becoming/is basically the same person {cause you’re playing the same muse - a stripper/porn star/lingerie & nude model/hooker/high class escort/assassin for hire/notorious thief/criminal in general/heir to a famous crime family/rockstar/other type of celebrity/is married to/divorced from/related to (somebody rich and famous)/vampire/mermaid/witch/werewolf/alien/ghost/superhero/immortal/time traveler/pirate/ninja/dinosaur/rocket ship/shark toast/swirly whirly junglepants/several or all of the above/is basically the same person {cause you’re playing the same muse - and somebody knows/finds out/stumbles over the intel/gets dragged into it/starts investigating by looking into something unrelated/gets an (anonymous) tip/comes from that world too (and is either keeping the same secret or the complete opposite, is well known for it/comes from another but equal/similar/conflicting/antagonistic situation/is basically the same person {cause you’re playing the same muse}’ {you get the point, these could all go on forever and range from slightly canon-divergent to the crackyassest bloody shit you could ever imagine... Now, I’m not saying I could imagine Gidge in any and all kinds of scenarios, but I’m never not up for at least spitballing, no matter how cracky and insane it might seem.} {Back to the serious side though, I love the whole secret thing so much, so there’s gazillions of headcanons/ideas that I have, but not too many that I’d just ascribe to Gidget in general, so it really depends on the thread.}
ϟ who means the most to your muse? why? Her girl. She’s the love of her life and the world wouldn’t make sense without her in it. And while Bridget had a life before her, since she met Franky/Lorraine/*insert your muse’s name if you wish*, she can’t imagine ever going back to that because she doesn’t even remember what she was living for before she experienced the love they have for each other. 
☛ what is your muse’s biggest regret? {I’m gonna leave this basically open for now because I think that would heavily depend on plot and thread and whatnot.} For example, if she did have a kid that she lost somehow, obvi it’d be that... but ‘kids are gross’ versions of her never even would’ve had said child and thus would have entirely different biggest regrets... ex pro-surfer Gidge might forever mourn the loss of that career and might not ever stop resenting whatever ended it... {so yeah, options, options, options... with variations... and alternatives... so just scroll back up to that roulette wheel and we’ll leave it at that until something specific comes along.}
❥ is your muse cool? She thinks she is anyway... XD Nah, she’s chill, but she def has that adorkable side too. Especially when she’s actively trying to be cool... like that ‘I’m not a screw’ scene... {Sorry babe, but your inner Elsa had her gloves on there...}
✯ which three traits define your muse? {Actually... lemme change this one a bit... you can do either version, whatever you prefer.} to be answered at some point in the not so distant future {So I just realized this is just gonna make this post a lot longer and doesn’t even quite fit in with the headcanon thing anymore anyway and can easily be a whole other tag thing by itself...}
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♕ would your muse hug a monster? *smiles at @governinglion​ with wide open arms* {PS: Dude, we really should start talking about starting something... I even have a couple of ideas I’ve been meaning to shoot at ya but haven’t yet cause my ADD is playing fucking pinball with me atm...}
❣ is your muse a fighter or a lover? What’s with the ‘or’? It’s entirely possible to be both at the same time... Just sayin... So yeah, definitely both. Particularly so when the lover brings out the fighter. (That goes for kinkyass passion-motivated activities as well as the ‘my love for you will make me fight to the death and I ain’t letting nothing and no one get in my way’ thing.) 
✎ what does life mean to your muse? Biologically, she’s pro-choice. Philosophically... okay, yeah, nope... not gonna go there. To answer in some profound yet vague and still revealing way I’d have to write a fucking epos. So I’ll pass. Your call whether you wanna ponder the meaning of life or disregard this one too.
Disclaimer: Actually this was a meme before I misappropriated it for this. So all credit for the questions goes to whoever wrote them originally. @vhsmeme I think... I hope you don’t mind that I turned it into a tag thing instead. By the time I realized I should’ve fucking asked you first, I had already written most of the replies... so...
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But yeah, not cool to just assume it’d be okay, and I acknowledge that. Sorry!-ish. In my defense tho... there’s a hugeass ‘free-for-all’ right there in the title... I just realized that... XD
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stemdetective-blog · 6 years
How I Run My Blog
Well. As much as I would like to do things on my other blogs, they’re (sadly) pretty much dead when it comes to activity. Which means at the moment, Seb here has my undivided attention on tumblr. However, life absolutely hates me for some reason and RL things keep popping up that need to be taken care of, which might affect that. As far as general speed goes, I’d say I usually reply to threads within a week, asks within two to three days, and messages bribing me with cookies as soon as I see them. 
I write what comes to mind. I won’t drag out what feels like a dynamic reply just to have more words to fill the page with. I always try to give my partner something to work with, of course, but I’ve never believed in something like “minimum length”. If I have to have my muse cartwheel through an office building while juggling six cups of coffee just to have something to describe to pad the length when originally he’d only say a sentence or so, it feels weird to me.
A trend I’ve noticed is that “have your character do something, not just talk” has led to some very interesting movement behaviour in muses, which is about as erratic as a startled fly in your room sometimes. Sit down, get up, pace, lean against the table, walk back over, ... Originally, the do/say balance came from scripts, where it’s advised to only have about four lines of one character talking at a time. If that’s enough for all they want to say, fine. Another character’s turn, and the first character’s speech isn’t dragged out forever. But if they have a lot to say and you have to mind the length, they usually have their four lines, then move and do something. Which makes sense in scripts, because they’re for acting in all fields (movies/TV shows/theatre/...), and that relies heavily on performance, but no one’s going to act out a reply to a thread, and prose doesn’t need the 4-line-limit. 
... That... went off on a tangent there. Sorry. TL;DR, I’ll give you replies that feel right. They’ll  (hopefully) give you something to work with for your own, but they won’t be a detailed description of Seb’s outfit, just to get another paragraph in there and make it look like more effort.
We can all agree that starting a thread is not the easiest thing to do. However, I don’t mind doing it, as long as I have a general idea of what I’m doing with them. I don’t like unplotted starters as much, to be perfectly honest, just because I never quite know where to leave them.
Open for any- and everyone. By all means, send me things, asks, memes, prompts, ... I guarantee that almost anything you can send me will make me smile. Hell, even if you dig out an old meme from months ago (in the future. There is no “months ago” on this blog, yet.), send it in, it’s never too late!
I am.... hm. Subjectively selective. Sometimes, a blog just doesn’t feel right, based on nothing but my own gut instinct. Most of the time it’s not even a concrete reason, just the impression that this particular blog and my own won’t really get along all that well. In that case, I won’t be following them -- vice versa, anyone I am following, I most definitely want to RP with. <3 Generally speaking, though, I’m up for and open to almost anything, from crossovers to twin threads to AUs to completely different settings. I like to think that when two people have chemistry and enjoy their muses, there’s always a way to let them meet and interact. 
Short and to the point, I breathe angst more than Seb breathes cheap whisky and cigarette smoke. Anything that ends in him bloody and broken is absolutely on my wishlsit, and will continue to be until the end of time. Besides that, any crossovers you can think of, I ADORE those.  Survival AUs (or not so much AUs, I suppose). Always love those. Werewolf!Seb. Very big favourite of mine.
Honest Note
In general, just... thank you for following me. It’s such a generic sentence at this point, but I really do mean it. I have so much muse for this asshole and it’s such a nice feeling that you all are giving him a chance. <3 Please don’t ever hesitate to hit me up to chat and plot, I don’t bite unless you do it first.
I love you guys.
Tagged by: @showmedeath 
Tagging: Hm. Yes. Good question for a blog with (at the moment) 8 followers, haha. At this point, it’s really just all you lovely people I’ve had a chance to meet so far (if you haven’t done this already): @painfultryingcop, @wxlriider, @neverarhyme, @hauntedxmemoriies
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saviorofeosshield · 5 years
Tags List
(Handy things you can search my page for!)
OOC = Posts that are Out Of Character, meaning none of them are actually saying or doing them, sometimes ‘mun stuff’ is also added to it.
mun stuff = Obviously stuff posted by the mun, and not things they are saying or doing themselves.
Munday = Generally these are photos of the mun, and also tagged with ‘mun stuff’, but we also do Munday Memes sometimes.
Sinday = Well, obviously Sinday memes and responses…? >_>
n.s.f.w./n.s.f.w. ish = Things that are smutty mostly, or things that could lead to being so.
ask away = ALL OF THE MEMES and starters.
tagged/tagging = Meme’s and whatnot that they were tagged in and tagged others to do.
RP = All of the RPs (roleplays) they have been/are in.
RP Tally/Thread Tracker = My thread tracker, has a link in it to the actual RPThreadTracker site with all of their stuff up on it, individually, it’s marked on the posts. ^_^
Self Promotion = Self evident I think, but promotional posts made for these dorks.
RP Promotion = Promotional posts for OTHER rpers.
Discord Promotion = Promotional post for a discord server.
RPing Rules = The Rules yo, posted for those who couldn’t reach the page.
universes/verses = The various universes I have headcanons for them in.
Verses tags: Before the Fall, Child Verse, Bar Owner, Young Glaive, Duty Sworn, Alive after the Fall, A New Dawn, A/B/O Verse, A Glaive of Omegas, Pokemon AU, Assassin’s Creed Verse, Werewolf AU, Sweetest Taste Verse, Lone Orphan, I’m not that easy to kill
headcanons = Obviously things that have my headcanons for them in.
About Nyx/Crowe = Generally these are also headcanons, but sometimes they are just quotes or photos or whatnot that remind me of them.
My About Page = Their about pages… I posted them for people who can’t get to the page itself.
Nyx/Crowe wants = *coughs* Well, they’re things they want, whether it be ‘sibling’ time, or ‘sexy’ time. >_>
Family Time! = Usually photos/drawings/whatnot of them and their family members.
Pictures last longer. = Art/gifs/screen shots/comics/etc.
Nyx’s shit >_> / Crowe’s sass = Dash Commentary
For Hearth and Home = Anything relating to the Glaive.
Daddy Nyx = Verses where Nyx is a father. (Mostly with @morethanabarcode, where Prompto is his adopted son.)
Grandpa Nyx = Verses where Nyx is an instructor. (So far, mostly with @wolfsglaive.)
Sass: The Power Couple = Ship tag for @izzydeluca
Astrals and Society be Damned | Aurora:Nyx = Ship tag for @lucianprincess
[Note that these are the current most up-to-date tags I use. The old nsfw and nsfw ish can’t be seen anymore, and I’m sorry... but I’m not gonna go through and retag them, I’m lazy and it’s A LOT. There are also old promotion posts that say ‘promo’ instead, which tumblr now also pass over and they won’t show up in a search... so, hence the changes above.]
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cathedralsofcolor · 7 years
Rules & Preferences
***UPDATED DECEMBER 29th, 2017***
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I know this looks daunting, but most of it is basic stuff.
1. I don’t rp via Tumblr messenger or any other messaging platform.
I like to go back and reread my threads through the reblogs. Plus, I prefer to keep all of my writing public.
2. No NSFW or smut.
Both mun and most muses are 18+, but NSFW themes will not be explicitly written on this blog.
3. We do NOT have to be mutuals to start a thread.
If you want to plot, but I happen to not be following you, by all means, let’s talk! Just shoot me a message on Tumblr or any of these platforms, and let’s plan something!
On another note, even of we do have an active thread, I may not be following you. This is not a personal thing directed towards you. I typically don’t follow blogs that regularly write NSFW threads, but I will still interact with them in an SFW thread without following them. I also might unfollow someone who does not cut their posts, and they clog up my dash. Again, not a personal thing, just trying to keep my dash clean.
4. You don’t have to follow through with my request to write together.
If I ever message you about plotting, and you’re not interested, just tell me. I’m not going to be offended if you’re not interested in my characters or my style or anything, but I would hope you will be respectful enough to come tell me you’re not interested rather than ignoring my request. 
5. Please be honest with me.
If you’re bored and want to drop a thread, just tell me, and we will let it go - plain and simple, no hard feelings.
6. I reserve the right to drop a thread for any reason.
If I am unable to come up with a reply or feel uncomfortable with the content of our thread, I will come talk to you about dropping it. This is nothing against you as the writer. It is just very stressful for me to force myself to keep up with a thread that I have no interest in or am uncomfortable with. 
7. This is a selective blog.
I have tried being non-selective and semi-selective, but, like I said, forcing myself to write a thread that I have no interest in or am uncomfortable with is very stressful and exhausting. I will be honest (and nice) with you about where I stand on starting a thread when you come to me. I also may not have an idea in that moment, but I could come up with an idea later on that I think would work well with your muse, so a no now does not mean a no forever.
8. My replies can be selective.
Sometimes my muse is stronger for one character or one thread over another. I will keep any threads that I owe replies to in my drafts so I can reply when I feel like I have a good response. This can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, but I will not drop a thread without coming to you to tell you.
9. Do not assume things about my muse(s).
Got a question about my muse? Ask me! Or, better yet, ask them. Please don’t assume something about my muse and act upon that assumption without confirming it first.
10. No godmodding.
This one really should go without having to be said. I’m more lenient with this than I should be, but you writing for my muse is extremely restrictive to my creative process.
11. Read the information about my blog that I provide for you.
I have worked very hard to make sure this blog is easy-to-read and accessible on desktop, the mobile site, AND the mobile app. Please make sure to at least read my rules and the bio of the muse you are interacting with.
On desktop: Links to my welcome page, about page, rules, mun bio, muse bios, and FAQ are available in the sidebar of my blog’s homepage.
On the mobile site/app: Links to my welcome page, about page, mobile navigation, drafts, and blog page are available in the description of my blog.
If, for some reason, you are unable to access either/any of these things, let me know, so I can get them to you in some form or another.
12. I am on mobile 98% of the time.
I have found ways to finagle just about everything, so I can do almost everything on mobile that I can do on desktop. However, if your desktop theme is not mobile-friendly, I may not be able to find links and such and will come to you to ask for those before attempting to interact.
13. I have a specific format for my posts.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with how rping on mobile works, when you remove the reblogs on a text post, the first post stays, and everything after that is removed. However, if you remove the reblogs on the computer, all of the posts are removed.
Since I rp on mobile, I use that first post to make a title/header for my threads. This header includes the thread title, the URL of my partner, and the name of their character. Throughout the thread, even when reblogs are removed, the title of the thread will stay on top as the first post. 
If you use desktop and we are writing together, PLEASE do not remove the reblogs from your computer. I am very diligent about keeping threads cut via mobile, so they should not be long posts when they get to you. If you remove the reblogs on your computer, it will remove my title post, and I will have to redo it before we continue our thread.
Other than that, I don’t use any fancy text or icons, but I don’t mind if you do on your own blog. Just don’t delete my title post.
14. I will not write threads in which muses are heavily drinking, smoking, or using drugs.
I will not interact with muses who do any of these things. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable and anxious, especially when it comes to alcohol.
15. I don’t curse, but I don’t care if you do.
Same for my muses. They won’t curse within a thread, but they won’t mind if yours do.
16. I don’t care about your spelling/grammar/punctuation mistakes.
I’m a magazine editor irl, and I have a natural affinity for spelling/grammar/punctuation. That being said, I know I make mistakes, and, nine times out of ten, I catch those mistakes and choose not to correct them. This is a hobby for me, so I’m not a stickler for making everything perfect.
17. I try to match length when I can.
Usually my replies are a 1-3 sentences long (One sentence replies being complex sentences), especially when are muses are in an interaction. Long paragraphs can, at times, be daunting to me, but I will always strive to match length.
18. I am the shippiest bean known to man.
If you want to ship with me, let’s talk about it. I want to make sure our muses fit well together so that we can enjoy a nice, meaningful relationship between them.
19. I prefer to plot rather than send in random starters.
This mostly applies to first interactions. I ask a LOT of questions, especially right before I start a new thread, because I want to make sure I understand what you want and how the thread will go. 
20. I do not rp with non-human muses.
I prefer to rp with human muses, especially when starting out with a new partner. I don’t know much about human-animal hybrids or mythical creatures (not that these muses aren’t amazingly-written or valid), and I have a hard time learning and retaining new information about them. If your muse is non-human (demon, vampire, werewolf, witch/wizard, neko, other), and you think you could make a case for them to rp with me, go for it. I’m definitely open to listen and hear what you have to say, but I can’t ensure I will be up for it.
If you made it through this in one piece, congrats! And thank you so much for taking the time to look into my blog.
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Have fun 💛
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licentiapennas · 6 years
For those of you that are new to the blog: Thank you for following this trash baby OC!! I do apologize as I kind of can’t make follow starters anymore (Once it went over a certain number of followers I knew I had to slow down on that, too many RPs are no gewd my friendos.)
I want you all to know that even if Heather is an Attack on Titan Original Character, it does not mean I can’t fit her anywhere else! I’m very good at fitting original creations into worlds I know about. Now with that out of the way!
These are the verses I have right now! Hmu if you want to give any of these a try, some are more developed than others simply because I’ve had more interactions in that verse, don’t let that discourage you from trying a verse out though!!!
Verse; Down The River Stream: The most used verse, this verse is for Heather in the AoT Universe after she’s gotten her arm back and is reinstated as a Cadet in the Survey Corps, working part time as a janitor.
Verse; What Dreams Are Made Of: Pre-Right Arm Heather, mostly going to be her around the age of 20-28 although I am more than happy to do Heather before she lost her team and am TOTALLY up for RP concerning that!!!! This is also in the AoT Universe.
Verse; A Healing Touch: Modern!Heather that works as an ER Nurse, originally from Leeds, England and lost her brother in a war. She still has all the love for tea and solitude as Main!Verse Heather, just with both arms instead.
Verse; Cease Making A Mess: The Attack On Titan Junior High universe!!!! Sweet baby face Heather!!! Brother is alive in this, she has her quirks, and honestly excited to try this verse out. Probably going to end up being a crack verse more than anything.
Now these are the main verses that concern Heather, I have way too many AU’s to count in here BUT I can say for sure I have AU ideas for the following, including some of what I already have out.
AU; Flower Crowns: The Ouran High School Host Club verse tag! In this verse, Heather Greene is sent off to Japan to complete at least a year worth of schooling at Ouran Academy. Originally from England, the Greene Family are well known in the medical industry for the prosthesis; and Heather’s twin brother Benedict remains in England to continue his education there. 
AU; The Wind Beneath Her Wings: My Hero Academia verse! I’m still debating on what exactly Heather’s quirk would be (Probably some form of metal manipulation for a Quirk called Blade Works or something), but nonetheless she’d end up being a background character for the most part. 
AU; Written In History: Because I’m InuYasha trash due to it being my first anime, this verse has Heather as a Wolf Yokai, wandering aimlessly to find a place to call home after her tribe mysteriously vanished in a single night.
AU; Let The Wolves Run: This verse is similar to the previous one in that Heather is a wolf, just specifically a werewolf for all supernatural needs! (So SPN, for example.)
AU; The Unwritten World: This verse is just basically an empty box that can be filled with anything, consider it like a bridge between two universes (Say if I wanted to combine BBC Sherlock with AoT ((WEIRD as it sounds)) I would use this tag as a sort of ‘empty space’ residing between them.)
AU; One Hell Of A Worker: As the title might suggest, Black Butler universe. I don’t have anything solid in this yet, but she’s definitely a human in this.
So as you can see, I have PLENTY of things that might work for your canon/oc! Just hit me up!
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astoriadahl-blog · 8 years
Your first RP: My first RP was Hex rpg, it wasn’t on tumblr, and my first RP on tumblr was called Hogwarts is our Home. I was approached by the admin on my personal tumblr, asking if I would ever want to RP, and I joined up and got a lot of friends, some I talk to still, six years later.
Other RPs you were in: Some I was in for just a short while, they either died or I didn’t feel like I belonged. I had an X-men type RP for a while, students with different powers and such, also I was part of/admined a Hunger Games RP for more than two years. Otherwise I’ve been in vampire/werewolf RPs and I tried a few town RPs here and there, but I always found them to be boring so I left. I was also in a Slave/Master RP for a bit, but it got too intense for me lol
Your first character: My first character on tumblr was named Abigail Baker, her FC was Candice Accola, and she was a beautiful, gossipy Gryffindor who got engaged to her boyfriend Luke Robinson during her final year at Hogwarts on Valentine’s Day, and I sobbed while writing the para lol. She was mocked by her friends because she would be Mrs. Robinson haha
Your favourite character that you’ve ever RP’d as: How can I choose between my babies omg. I love both Tori and Nym, but my two favourites have got to be Annie Cresta from THG, I loved playing her. Also my bb Tuesday Sullivan from the old OL. My brave baby Gryffindor <33
Your favourite FC to use: I’ve gone through so many over the years haha. I have played Emma Watson several times, as well as Candice Accola and Amber Heard. Also Lily Collins.
FCs you have used: Candice Accola, Emma Watson, Amber Heard, Lily Collins, Mila Kunis, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, Alex Pettyfer, Channing Tatum, Jamie Chung, Saoirse Ronan etc etc, the list is very long, but as you can tell, most of them are female, I’m more comfortable playing a girl
FCs that have been absolutely ruined for you (no offense intended to anyone playing them right now though): Most of them have passed now, because it’s old drama, but I used to really detest Josh Hutcherson as an FC, and some of the actors from Teen Wolf and The 100. It was so long ago now though, so now I don’t really mind any FCs (though I’m always uncomfortable when people use models/singers etc and don’t use the right gifs when gif chatting)
Your dream RP/an RP you’d like to join or make: Can’t think of anything. I love it here are OL though
Do you prefer to admin or be a player? I’ve been admin plenty of times, and there is a lot of pressure to keep things up which always stressed me out, but then again, I was always admining alone, if I had had help, it would have been easier. I prefer being a player though, but I don’t mind admining
What personality type do you think you play best? I don’t do well playing someone who is mean, I always get anxious playing someone rude or mean because I get afraid that the RPer will feel offended (but I love mean characters lol). I think I play a brainy character, or a character that just loves to have fun the best
A character (or character type) you’d like to play in the future: I would like to play a mean character, just to see if I could maybe do it now haha
Do you think your writing has improved through roleplaying? Oh, absolutely it has. It was all “he said, she said” when I first started out. Some days are more difficult than others when it comes to writing, but I feel I’ve improved loads since I started roleplaying
Gif chats or paras? I always like a good gif chat, it’s easy and fun, but a good, intense para is always amazing. So I think I’m going to say paras.
Open starters or planned threads? Depends on what mood I’m in that day, to be honest. Planned threads have a direction, somewhere specific it needs to go, which I love, but open starters can go anywhere which is kind of fun
A memorable roleplay moment: I think my favourite thing I’ve ever written is when my bb Zane Blyth was attacked by a werewolf on the old OL. I loved writing the dramatic stuff that came with it
Have you made any friendships through roleplaying? Plenty, and a lot of them are still members here at OL. One of my very best friends in the entire world was a girl I met through my first RP on tumblr. We’ve been friends for 6 years now, going on 7 :D
Why did you start roleplaying, and why do you continue to roleplay? I had just started uni, and I was kind of depressed and scared to be on my own for the first time, and I found a lot of comfort talking to people online. I continued because, well... I love it!
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