#Well…all will be revealed April 4th!
don-dake · 7 months
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“Tom is one of those people who takes advantage of people.”
R I P L E Y (2024) | Trailer | 04.04.2024
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dragonpastels · 8 months
Master post time!🐢
since I seem to have lost all control, I thought I'd put together this post to organize everything for you peeps!
Cracked Conscience
After Donnie has some rough few nights fighting the purple dragons him and the others are greeted by... A quite interesting version of Donnie's future self? What could this mean?
Main Comic
Chapter 1. Drama and Dragons
Chapter 2. A Different Shade of Purple
CC Ref Sheets
Evil Donnie Ref Sheets (Colored) Evil Donnie Ref Sheets (Linework) Tech Maintenance Fit Ref Sheet Evil Donnie Early Fit Ref Sheet
Future Leo Ref Sheet
Outdated: Evil Donnie Ref Sheets
Q&A With the Hidden City's Most Wanted!
Do you have a burning question to ask our wonderful host? Like their favorite color? What did they do today? Or deep philosophical questions? Or do you just want to give them unwarranted gifts? Well, here is your chance to ask until the feed drops!
⚠️Warning by submitting a question you accept the risk of the following: kidnapping, experimentation, dismemberment, collection, emotional damage, death. Any or all of these may occur per the host's discretion. This contract is legally binding and cannot be broken or altered.⚠️
4th wall breaks (Jack Horner Animatic Related) You're all on my list You Heathen Brother Opinions
Shiny Rock Bribe
Can I Pet him? (Bad Ending)
The Poke/Jupiter Jim Marathon Time!
Snack time with Insults for dessert!
What if I got in a Sparring Match?
Does he like plushies?
How many times have you set a building on fire?
A gift of flowers
GMF: Genetically Modified Furbies
How much sleep have you gotten? (why are you gray pt. 2)
IT'S 15 Rip Bozo (why are you gray pt. 3)
has he always looked this way?
the universe decides
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Color Reveal Saga~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
about the color thing
jobs for hire
Still not kidnapping
Can I dig in your walls?
I wanna study him like a bug
music tastes
CC Year 1 Anniversary Mini Masterpost 🎈
CC Animatic Corner🎞️
Year 1 Anniversary Animatic (villain/character voice line compilation)
A very important message
Jack Horner Animatic (read disclaimer) Disclaimer: I recommend reading through Chapter 2 of CC. Although a few things have changed/are no longer canon. There are still a few scenes that are relevant to the comic. Therefore I recommend reading through Chpt 2 first to be surprised
How to Train Your Turtle
You like How to Train Your Dragon and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Well, you're in luck! Because these boys are now dragons and poor April is stuck with them after crashing on their island.
Chapter 1. Stranded
Ask Shenanigans
Dragon Logs
Dragon Shenanigans
Pre-Besties April/Donnie dynamic
Mikey the cuddle gremlin
A shiny rock for Donnie, tasty book snack
Have they heard music/do they like it?
will they have mutant forms/can Raph change his size?
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project-sekai-facts · 6 months
Pre-broadcast station commentary
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The next broadcast station will be held on the 27th, featuring Chiruriin, Jiena, Itoken, and Minoringo. The guest during the VOCALOID Music SEKAI segment this time will be Shishi Shishi.
Rotation 4 is nearly done and only has one event left, that being Ena's 4th event! We can definitely expect her event to be announced on stream. Her event will be 2DMV and the rateup at the very least should feature Mizuki. Hopefully pure attribute so Niigo can finally get a pure vsinger 4* card.
That said, there will be one other event too! Since Chiruriin is here, I'm tempted to say it will be for Saki, but Ichika works too I guess if there's any card distribution issues.
For the 3.5 mixed event... well Akito not getting a card at all on concerto seems to pretty much confirm him for the event. This happened to Mizuki back in December. As for the other cards, there's surprisingly few people it could be. The 5 most likely characters are Akito (likely the banner character), Airi, Saki, Honami, and KAITO (mmj or n25). Miku (vbs or mmj) also works if clpl doesn't care about vsinger lim balance. Rui and Nene work too, but it's pretty much confirmed that Tsukasa and Emu are the fes cards, so is clpl cruel enough to put 3 of 4 wxs members on lim rateup 8 days after wxs lim rateup? I think Akito/Airi/Saki is most likely, with mmj kaito as the vsinger card.
And for April lim, I actually have an idea already. April's lim slot has consistently been unit lims. Every year. Here's the thing though: like with 3.5, there's barely any units that actually work. It won't be niigo because of Ena4 being the same month. It can't be MMJ because 3/4 of their members are maxed for lims (and if airi's on 3.5 you can make that 4/4). It's incredibly likely that either Saki or Honami will be lim on 3.5, which puts you with 3/4 being maxed for lims (plus the chances of saki5). WxS in theory works with Nene/Rui/Luka lineup, but you hit a snag with the fact they already have 4/6 vsinger lims.
If April is a limited unit event, it will probably be for VBS. There's some other evidence to back this up too, namely the fact it kinda has to be An/Toya limited if it does happen. Akito 3.5 will max him out for lims, Kohane had valentines recently but long enough that it could justify her getting a lim. However we know already that An and Toya have already gone more than a year without lims, the absolute maximum time to go without a lim (as of posting) is 15 months, 15 months after white day Toya puts him on the wedding banner, and he already has a wedding card. He has to be april limited unless colopale hates him lmao. And obviously, An works for the banner card and also has gone ages without a lim. Luka, Rin or Miku could work as a vsinger card.
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This stream will also reveal the songs for the 3.5 anniversary vsinger song campaign, as well as possibly give us a sneak peek of this year's april fools prank.
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Vaderkin Creative Exchange 2024!
Hello and welcome! This is a gift exchange in four steps, organised by the Vaderkin Community (Vaderkin is a lightning rod discord) around Anakin | Vader's character, to increase interactions between writers and artists and give everyone some time to shine!
✒️ Step 1: Writers write prompts for artists, everyone get matched depending on sign up answers.
🎨 Step 2: Artists have one month to draw one or more works from the prompts they received.
✒️ Step 3: Arts reveal. Writers get assigned one or several art pieces and have two months to write a minimum 500 words story inspired from them.
🎨 Step 4: Fics reveal. Drawing festival, every artist can draw fanart over the new stories created from the event (and be reblogged by this tumblr for it).
Sign up here:
All works (art and fic) from tumblr will be reblogged by the Vader Community and all works (art and fic) from ao3 can be added to the event collection. For this, the works need to be tagged properly with "Vaderkin creative exchange 2024", as well as the tag "explicit" if it is explicit (smut, strong graphic violence) work.
Overall, it’s a typical gift exchange, only writers prompts will be in image rather than words, and everyone is strongly encouraged to have fun and try their hand at sketching during the ’drawing festival’.
Sign up opens: Marsh 28th, 2024
Sign up closes: April 27th, 2024
Artists receive prompts & giftee: May 4th, 2024 (as a little sw gift 😉)
Writers receive prompts & giftee: June 2nd-4th, 2024
Artists Submissions: June 4th, 2024
Writers Submissions: August 4th 2024
Drawing Festival: August 2024
Have fun!!
Rules and FAQ below the cut
- This is an Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader exchange. This character needs to be one of the main characters, or at least have a very strong presence in the artwork/story. Crossovers are accepted.
- Respect your Giftee's Do Not Want (DNW)
- Do not reveal who your Giftee is before the reveal date (June 4th for artists, August 4th for writers). If you have a question, ask as anon through the Giftee's Tumblr or ask one of the event mods (we will serve as intermediary).
- Do not repost your gift content (especially art!) Mind your giftee’s extra request for AI-scraping protection if there is any. If you can, use the ao3 gift function to link to their profile. Otherwise, mention in your work post that this is a gift, with a mention of your giftee username and a link towards their tumblr/ao3/otherwise page, if they gave one.
- Do not use AI to produce your gift, be it to produce the prompts or to produce your art / written work.
- Avoid character bashing, kinkshaming, and ship wars. If one fits in your DNW (ex: You absolutely do not want Obikin content), mention it politely. This is an event for everyone to have fun! The fandom is wide, and there is space for everyone.
If any of the above rules is not respected, mods reserve the right to ban you from this and any future Vaderkin Community events.
By participating in this exchange, you commit yourself to producing one art piece if you sign up as an artist, one written fic if you sign up as writer, or one artwork and one fic if you sign up as both. If you can't complete your work, you must warn one of the mods at least one week before the deadline.
Please don’t forget to comment on your gift, even a small ’thank you’ to the artist/writer is better than nothing and will make everyone very happy!
Can I draw a comic? Yes, a comic panel will be counted as an art piece.
Can I write a multi chapter story? Sure! Feel free to! But your first chapter must be able to pass as a one shot, and be finished by the writing deadline.
I missed the sign up deadline (27th April), can I still join? No, but you can still join during the Drawing Festival! The final event is open to everyone.
I only joined as an artist/writer but also wanted to participate as the other one. Same answer. The sign up closes in order for us to properly match everyone. But don’t hesitate to join and give gifts for the Drawing Festival!
Someone else also have the same writing prompt/art prompt/giftee as me, is this normal? Yes, this is how we balance the number difference between writers and artists. Prompt interpretation varies from person to person!
Can I do several art/fic works? Sure! In the case of art pieces, it will allow the writer to choose from which picture to draw inspiration from, like receiving several prompts, so several art pieces is highly encouraged!
I cannot finish my work in time, what do I do? Contact us ASAP and tell us your estimated delay. If you are an artist, keep in mind that your gifter cannot begin their writing work before your art piece is published.
I do not wish to participate anymore, what do I do? Contact us ASAP. Please try not to drop out right before the deadline, as we may have to create a work to replace yours.
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ofstoriesandstardust · 9 months
miss americana & the heartbreak prince (b.r.b.)
note: if this fic looks familiar to you... well, that's because it's been here before. and the response was less than kind but i've cleaned a house a bit since then so it's coming back. remember that this fic is told with intertwining timelines and if you have something mean to say you'll get blocked. enjoy the read (or re-read!) :)
summary: The year Bradley left and the year he returned.
same mistakes
warnings: swearing, alcohol mentions, my general same mistakes warnings
word count: 4.9k
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“It’s been a long time coming/it’s me and you”
You slip out into the warm September air from Sarah’s car. 
“Bye! Have a good-” 
The door shuts as you tug your bag higher on to your shoulder. You take a deep breath, beginning the walk down the stairs to the courtyard. 
Almost immediately, the whispers begin. 
“Did you hear-” 
“Bradshaw won’t speak to her anymore-” 
“Feel kind of bad-”
“How could she-”
“I hear her Dad put her into therapy-”
“Heard she kinda lost it-”
“Bradshaw is better off-”
You squeeze your eyes shut, willing to block the words out. 
They didn’t know a single thing about you nor your family. They just knew what Bradley had reveled in telling them, with no care to the fact that you had to come back to this place. 
You feel someone watching you, causing your eyes to fly open. Across the hall is Sienna and Ben, Matt and Madison, Andrew joining them from around the corner. And there, at the head of the group, is Paige. 
Just a year younger than her older brother Lucas, Paige was someone who had spent so much time in your house. Where Bradley went, Lucas followed, and where Lucas went, so did Paige. 
While Lucas graduated the year before with Bradley, you and Paige were in the same class together, had been since their family, also Navy, relocated to the Miramar base in the 4th grade. 
Paige, who’d sworn she'd be caught dead before hanging out with the likes of Sienna and Ben, after you’d caught Ben cheating on you with the girl who was supposed to be your best friend just less than six months prior. 
The bell ringing, signaling the need to head for your homeroom, does nothing to alleviate the weight of the year that you know is in front of you. 
Bradley squeezes your hand as you walk up the steps of the house (read: mansion) April had rented for her birthday. 
“You excited?” 
You shrug, stepping closer to Bradley as an ocean breeze blows through. 
“Are you?” 
He nods. “It’ll be fucking amazing to see everyone. It’s been a few years since the whole group has been together. I mean I’ve seen Lucas and Paige any time we’re all in town, and Morgan has finally re-located back here, but I haven’t seen Andrew in like six or seven years.” 
You swallow, feeling your nerves grow as you walk up the stone steps. 
It felt like you were walking towards the death sentence of your relationship, uncertain about what (or rather, who) you would face on the other side of that heavy oak door. 
Bradley rings the doorbell as he says, “Actually, Andrew texted me to ask if I was bringing you.” 
Your stomach drops as you hear movement on the other side of the door. “Why?”
He shrugs. “The dude’s always been nosy. I think-” 
You never know what Bradley is going to say as the front door opens, revealing a grinning April. 
“Bradshaw!” She shouts, pulling him into a hug. “I’m so glad you could make it.” 
“Happy to be here.” He says, words muffled into the girl’s shoulder. She lets him go, her smile equally as blinding when she sees you. 
“You actually brought your girlfriend. Was starting to think you were hiding mini Mitchell away from us.” 
She pulls you into a hug of her own, but it’s not fast enough, you catching Jameson Hall over her shoulder as he pokes his head around the wall to see who’s arrived. 
You don’t miss the way his eyes widen and the way he chokes on his drink. 
“Maybe you should join the cross-country team, I know tryouts are this Tuesday.” Ice says nonchalantly over dinner. 
You raise an eyebrow. “Why?” 
He shrugs. “It’ll be good for you to get out of the house, focusing on other… things.” 
He says things in such a way that you know really means Bradley but no one was really willing to discuss his absence, not since that last night at Ice and Sarah’s. 
“Plus, didn’t you get into running after seeing that grief counselor?” 
Your Dad had put you and Bradley both into grief counseling when Carole passed in the spring, but you’d only gone for three sessions before seeing the old dude with an office that smelled like fish and a receding hairline had gotten to be too irritating as he tried to tell you how you were supposed to feel. 
The only thing that had come out of the sessions was the suggestion of picking up an activity that allowed you to decompress and focus on other things. And you leaned into running, something that Slider teased you for doing willingly. 
They didn’t need to know that every time you went a run, you went running to see if this would be the time you’d run so far you never came back. 
“I’ll think about it.” 
“Thanks for inviting us, April.” Bradley says, the girl shutting the door behind you as the two of you step into the foyer. 
“Of course, I’m happy you guys came. You guys are earlier than the rest, you know how it is. Angelina and Jameson are in the living room-” She pauses as you both see the ill-hidden twitch of Bradley's lips. She holds up a hand, cutting off whatever he’s going to say. “Save it, Bradshaw. I already know.” 
He shrugs. “Good.” 
“Anyways, they’re in the living room and Alex is in the kitchen. Morgan and Paige are out by the pool, and Lucas and Andrew are on their way. I invited Ben and Sienna as well-”
Now, it’s your turn to raise any eyebrow. “April, that’s not funny.” 
She gives you a weird look. “I wasn’t kidding, I-” 
You sigh, letting Bradley’s hand fall. “I need alcohol if I’m gonna deal with the two of them.” 
“Oh, c’mon, it was like two decades ago-” 
“April.” Bradley says sternly as you turn, walking through the door next to you, avoiding the living room. 
It takes you a few minutes to find the kitchen in the house, Alex perking up when you do. 
“Hey mini Mitchell-”
“Why the hell did April invite Ben and Sienna?” 
The question is rhetorical as you wrench the fridge door open, but Alex sighs. “Because my little sister has always cared more about being liked than being a decent friend. Hey, I hear you and Bradshaw are finally together. Congrats, that’s a long time coming.” 
“Shut up Alex.” You mumble, popping the can open. 
Your skin is sticky with sweat, but even that can’t stop the little skip in your step as you fish through your bag for your car keys. 
You weren’t sure why you’d ended up trying out for the cross-country team like Ice had suggested, but it had felt so good to hear that you’d made the team. 
Sure, they kind of accepted everyone who could run a decent mile pace but you aren’t sure that really mattered to you.
You finally had something that was yours. 
Someone calls your name and you turn, catching sight of Morgan, the captain of the cross-country team for the last three years. 
She offers you a beaming smile, tossing her bag into the back of the truck. “Congrats on making the team.” 
You run her smile, feeling your cheeks go a little warm. “Thanks.” 
She nods. “I’m glad you tried out. We don’t get a lot of upper-classmen trying out and I bet it can be kind of intimidating trying out for the team as a senior.” 
You shrug. “Well, my godfather kind of suggested it. He thinks I need an activity, so…” 
Her eyes are filled with mirth as she lets out a little laugh. “Makes sense. Say, uh, the other seniors and I are going to get ice cream. Would you want to join us?” 
You begin to rock back and forth on your heels. “I don’t know…” You trail off, unsure if the invitation was genuine or a nicety. 
Morgan was a leader as much as she was kind, why she had earned the role of Captain as a sophomore. She’d never let anyone feel unwelcome or excluded. 
She shrugs. “It’s up to you, but we’d love to have you. If not, you should at least join us at the team barbeque at my house this weekend.” 
You swallow. Dad was all about you making new friends and Sarah was always encouraging you to give people a shot so- what did you have to lose? 
“Yeah, why not? My homework can wait a few more hours.” 
You can hear people filling up the house as you stand in the kitchen, avoiding leaving and seeing people you’d rather not.
“Hey.” Alex whispers, glancing back out towards the source of the sound. “Now, you didn’t hear this from me, but Jameson filed for divorce last weekend. They haven’t told anyone yet.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Wait, why?” 
Alex drops his voice even lower. “Apparently, Angelina slept with one of the Chippendales dancers on a trip to Vegas a few months ago. Jameson just found out.” Your eyes widen at the information and Alex nods. “Yeah, sometimes how we get them is how we lose them. C’mon, let’s go join the group.” 
You follow Alex, despite the fact that you’re still reeling. “How am I supposed to pretend to be normal?” 
He shrugs. “Just play along.” 
The two of you don’t get very far before you’re intercepted by someone who looks oddly familiar to you, Bradley at her shoulder.
You blink. 
“Senior night is tonight?” Your Dad asks as you step off the last step. You wince, turning to face him, the letterman jacket you’d be instructed to wear suddenly feeling too heavy. 
“Why didn’t you tell me? This is so exciting-” 
“I didn’t think you’d have time to go.” 
He deflates at the flat tone in your voice, the paper crinkling in his fingers. “Well, I’d- I’d like to go if you want me there.” 
“If you want.” 
“Are- are you leaving right now?” 
You nod, feeling the keys grow sweaty in your hand as you stare at your Dad, who seems to be growing smaller. 
“Yeah. The meet is at 4, senior celebration at 6.” 
“Well, I- uh, why don’t I meet you down at the school?” 
“Sure Dad.” 
“Hey!” The girl says brightly.
A soft smile plays on her face. “You don’t remember me, do you?” 
Bradley sighs, taking your hand. He intertwines your fingers, the rough calluses of his palm comforting you as he does. “You remember Janie, yeah?” 
Alex lets out a laugh and an “Oh shit.” from his place next to you, lifting his hand to try and hide it. 
“Have you ever thought about minding your own business Alex?” Janie asks, a smile still on her face. 
“Have you ever known me to?” He shoots back. “But, alas,” he sighs, “I have enough respect for these two to start now.” 
Alex disappears into the crowd, as Bradley’s grip on your hand tightens. 
“I was just telling Bradley how happy it made me to hear that the two of you were finally together.” 
Janie and Bradley had started dating just weeks before Carole had shared her diagnosis with the two of you. She’d tried to see him through it, coming to the hospital and cooking and getting his missing homework assignments, but after months of things getting worse with no end in sight, she’d broken up with him. 
In hindsight, Bradley hadn’t even been all that sad, saying it was a mutual decision, that he needed to focus on his Mom before he could focus on a girlfriend. 
“I always kind of hoped, you know, that after Brad and I broke up, that the two of you would figure things out. I always knew you liked him.” 
You swallow. “Janie-” 
“No, no, it’s okay!” She exclaims, waving a hand. “Really. Even then, I knew, and honestly, I was okay with it. The two of you were meant for each other. It wouldn’t have been right if it had been me and Bradley who’d ended up together. It was always meant to be the two of you. ‘Bout broke my heart when I heard the two of you weren’t speaking to each other.” 
“Thank you, Janie.” You tell her honestly. “That’s- that’s incredibly kind of you to say.” 
“Well, I mean every word of it.” 
“Yo, Bradshaw!” Someone shouts and all three of you turn to the sound of voices entering the crowded living room. 
Bradley’s face lights up, his hand leaving yours as he goes to hug the man. “Andrew!” 
“God, you’d think they were dating.” You mutter into your drink, earning a chuckle from Janie. 
You and your Dad walk in silence out to your separate vehicles. Any conversation he’d tried to start after the meet had been ignored, you desperate just to get home after seeing who’d be in the crowd tonight.
Why couldn’t they all just fucking leave you alone? You hadn’t done anything, not to them, not to Bradley. They didn’t even like cross-country-
“Hey.” Morgan calls, followed by the sound of a car door opening. “Mitchell.” 
You swallow as you turn, gripping your track bag. 
“Hi Morgan.” 
She watches you with guarded eyes, leaning up against the side of her truck. “You know, when you tried out for the team, I wasn’t sure what to expect. You know, Bradshaw didn’t have a whole lot of nice things to say about you, so I’m pleasantly surprised by how you’ve done this season.” 
Your eyebrows furrow as you take a step closer. “You know Bradley? I didn’t know that.” 
She nods. “Friends since freshman year.” 
Horror dawns on you as your stomach drops. “And you ran to him the minute I joined the team. Everything that I’ve told you this season, everything I’ve confided in you this season as my friend, you turned around and told him?” 
As Morgan more or less confirms your words, it feels like the bottom is falling out on your life. You swallow down the nausea rising in your throat, the burning feeling making it all worse. 
“Why would you do that? Why would you do that to me?” 
“Oh, mini Mitchell.” Andrew sighs, from behind you. “Always with that victim complex of yours.” 
“So is it true?” Andrew says with a grin as he pulls away, leaving his hands on Bradley’s shoulders. 
“Is what true?” 
“You and mini Mitchell, man! Did the two of you finally make it happen?” 
Bradley chuckles as he nods. “Yeah, yeah, she came with me tonight.” He takes a few steps back, nodding to you as he does. Andrew’s face lights up, hand outstretched as he does. 
“Mini Mitchell! How’ve you been?” Your eyes flicker down to his hand and back up to his face. 
“You really expect me to shake your hand, Andrew? Really, after everything?” 
His face falls, confusion taking over. “What do you mean?” 
“I mean, I remember the last thing you had to say to me not being very kind.” 
“Damn, it’s been like twenty years, can you not let that shit go? You hold a grudge as bad as Bradshaw. Then again, he’s fucking you, so I can kinda see why he let that go.” 
Your eyes narrow as they shoot over to Jameson. 
Why in the world was he choosing to get involved?
“Jameson, isn’t your wife cheating on you?” You ask, tilting your head. He falls silent, shrinking back into the couch. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.” 
You turn, spotting Andrew leaned up against his car. His trunk is open, where Ben and Sienna are sat, Paige next to them. Lucas is leaned up against the opposite side of the car. 
You shake your head, tears pricking at your eyes. “I’m being ambushed in the parking lot of my own senior night.” You say miserably, throwing your hands up in the air. 
“Bradley has had one hell of a lot to say about you.” Lucas comments, folding his arms. 
“You guys used to be my friends.” 
“Kind of hard to be friends with someone as awful as you.” Paige responds. You can do nothing but look at them, tears already trickling down your face. 
This felt like betrayal in the worst way.
And it was all Bradley’s fault. 
“Look, the bottom line here, mini Mitchell, is that you’re just a bitch. You’ve done the worst things you could do to someone and you’ve never once taken accountability or responsibility for what you’ve done to him. You’ve never once apologized and you just expect us to let that all go?” Andrew heaves a dramatic sigh, pushing himself off his car. “Then again, everyone has always liked him more than we liked you. You’re like a leech we can’t get rid of. Life-sucking.” 
Your feet move before you give them permission, turning as your Dad calls out. Your tears are burning, same as your chest, as you slam your car door shut, throwing your bag into the back with little care as a sob bubbles out. 
“Whoa, the tension is high in here.” Ben jokes. 
Your throat grows tight at the sandy-haired boy, the shiny ring on Sienna’s finger. Bradley steps back, pressing a hand to your shoulder. 
April huffs. “This is what I get for having friends who can hold a grudge like nobody’s business.” 
Sienna laughs lightly, moving to give the girl a hug. The tightness in your throat blossoms into your chest as Sienna’s vision pivots to you. 
She says your name softly, offering you a smile. “Would it be wrong to give you a hug?” 
“Twenty years no apology from you and you want a hug.” 
Your voice crackles somewhere along the way as you cross your arms, hoping to protect yourself from her. 
“Don’t tell me you're still mad about that.” Ben says. 
“How could I not be? My best friend fucked my boyfriend while one of the people who raised me was lying in a hospital bed dying of cancer.” 
“Well, if you aren’t gonna put out sweetheart, you shouldn’t be surprised I found it somewhere else.” 
Your body fully recoils at Ben’s words, disgust ripping through you. 
“Fuck you. You have no idea what I’ve been through, how badly what you did fucked me up. I did not deserve that.” You say emphatically, tears tracking down your face. You wipe at them to little avail, before straightening up. “Fuck this, I’m a fucking one percent Navy pilot, I don’t deserve this-” 
“I mean, don’t you?” 
It all goes silent in the room as everyone looks at Paige. 
“I mean, it’s not exactly like the Navy’s fond of you. There’s a reason why your old team hated you so.” She says, a coy smile playing on her lips. “There’s a reason why that all played out the way it did. You’re no victim in all this, sweetheart.” 
“Paige, shut up.” Bradley’s words are sharp. “Don’t you dare talk about her like that. You know nothing.” 
She smirks. “I’d bargain I know a hell of a lot more than you do. And I’m sure that we’ll be able to talk about all of that, when you realize what the rest of us do that this won’t last-” 
“Okay, wait, that’s enough-” April intervenes, but it’s too late, you already shouldering past the people in the house. 
You’re trying to gulp for air when you finally make it outside, fighting off the sobs. 
Bradley’s only a few steps behind you, offering hurried apologies. You shake your head, desperately swallowing around the lump in your throat. 
“Please just take me home Bradley.” 
You’re unable to stop the flow of tears as you dial the number scrawled out in Ice’s handwriting on the scrap piece of paper. 
Ice had tracked down a number for “emergency purposes” though you aren't sure how. Still, now though, it didn’t matter as you sink to the floor of Ice’s study, unable to take it anymore. 
You hear the line come alive and a muffled, groggy “Hello?”, a voice you never thought you’d hear again. 
“Bradley.” You whimper. “I want you to come home. Please come home. I don’t want to fight any more. No one is gonna win here. Please, please, please God, please just come home.” 
You hiccup as your sobs catch up to you and you think you can hear him let out a breath from the other side. 
“Please B, I’m so sorry for whatever it is I did, please you have to believe me. Plea-”
The line goes dead.
“Why are you people always in my house?” 
Fanboy turns, grinning at you as he clutches the spatula. Bob is next to him, stirring something on the stove. Your eyes flash over to Javy, who’s sitting at the kitchen table. 
“You know when I gave you a key, this is not what I intended.” 
“We’re making you breakfast, at least try to be grateful.”
You roll your eyes, giving him a look before joining him at the kitchen table. 
“So how was the party last night?” Bob asks, wiping his hands on a dish towel.
You make a displeased sound in your throat, shaking your head. “Awful.”
“What happened?” 
“Just… stupid shit. A bunch of kids from my high school were there, including these two Navy brats I grew up with and one of them said something kind of fucked.” 
“What’d they say?” Bob asks curiously. 
“Just something to the extent that I deserved what I got from my old team.” 
Bob shakes his head while Fanboy pulls a face. 
“Where do you keep finding these people?” Javy asks incredulously. 
“They’re Bradley’s friends.” You say with a shrug, watching Bob and Fanboy turning back to the stove. 
You realize belatedly they’re making eggs benedict, a favorite of yours. 
“What did they say?” Javy asks, his voice a little lower. 
You shake your head, signaling to him that you don’t want to talk about it. You chew your lip for a few minutes before you lower your voice, watching Bob and Fanboy carefully. 
“I did some digging last night on the girl who said that, where she’d been stationed where she might have heard about that.” Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Javy nod, showing you that he’s listening. “Her brother has always worked as an engineer, followed in their Dad’s footsteps, but she went a different route and worked in communications.” You swallow, looking at Javy. “She was there, on that aircraft carrier when we went down. She knew what they did.” You all but whisper as the pieces fall into place on his face. “It’s all still following me.”
The dinky little cell he’d gotten when moved out to UVA buzzed against his cheek. He blinks a few times, barely lifting his head up from the pillow to glance at the screen. 
He didn’t recognize the number, but he knew the 619 area code meant it was a San Diego number. 
He felt a tug in his gut against his better judgment and answered the phone. 
“Bradley.” She whimpers. “I want you to come home. Please come home. I don’t want to fight any more. No one is gonna win here. Please, please, please God, please just come home.” 
Please don’t cry, he thinks. Please don’t cry, because if you cry, I’ll cry-
She hiccups from the other line and his chest begins to ache. 
He lets out a breath, mind whirring as he searches for something to say to her to make it all better. 
“Please B, I’m so sorry for whatever it is I did, please you have to believe me. Plea-”
And then he remembers.
His fingers move before his heart realizes it, ending the call. 
The screen goes dark as he slumps back against his pillows.
You hear the Bronco before you see it and you hear Bradley before you see him. 
You’re standing in the kitchen, cleaning up the dishes from breakfast, the boys long gone. 
You pause in your movements, as you wait for Bradley to say something, but he doesn’t. 
“B?” You toss out cautiously, setting the soapy sponge down. “Is that you?” 
He appears in the kitchen a moment later, looking haggard, though you can’t say that you probably fare much better at the moment. 
“I’m so sorry.” He whispers hoarsely. “So sorry.” 
Your eyebrows furrow as you wipe your hands off on a dishtowel, walking over to him. 
“What? What are you sorry for?” 
“I’m sorry that I hung up on you that night. You were in so much pain and I- I had no idea how awful they were to you. I had no idea what they had been saying and- and- and- here you were asking for help and I just ignored you. I was being selfish and I-” 
“Bradley.” You whisper, reaching out for him. “What- Where is any of this even coming from? I’m not angry at you for that any more, you know that.” 
“But I’m angry at me. And you should be too. What I did was fucked up and you just forgave me-” 
“I did not forgive you overnight, you know that.” Your eyes search his, finally deciding to take his hand and intertwine your fingers. “B, I’m- I’m kind of lost. Where is any of this coming from?” 
He heaves, his chest shuddering. “April called me this morning. Apologized profusely for how last night went, that she knew better than to stick you in that room with those people, that she should’ve known how badly they hurt you. But I didn’t- I didn’t know about them-” His breath keeps catching on his words and your concern grows. “I didn’t know about them showing up at your senior night.” He finally lets out in a hushed whisper. “I didn’t know.” 
Your face falls as you squeeze his hand. “Let’s- let’s go sit on the couch.” 
Bradley nods and you follow him out to the living room. He wipes at his eyes before sitting on the couch, you following behind him. 
“I didn’t know what Andrew said. I had no idea they’d shown up there to taunt you. I- I- I- never would have let them get away with saying it.” 
“They weren’t the only ones saying it.” You whisper. “Bradley, they just repeated what the whole school was.” 
“And it was all my fault-” 
“Bradley.” You say sternly. “I’m not going to sit here and say you don’t carry some responsibility in how it all played out. But I forgave you for all that. Neither of us were kind to each other in those years, you have to know that. I carry just as much responsibility as you do. And you’ve apologized, recognized that you hurt me. I’m not mad anymore.” 
“So you can forgive me, but not them?” 
“For the record, none of them except Morgan has ever offered me an apology. So I don’t know why I'd forgive them for things they aren't sorry for. Second of all, they have done and said things to me that you would never dream of doing and that’s what sets you apart. And yeah, maybe they’re right that I do know how to hold a grudge. I know that I hold what Ben and Sienna did to me a little too close to my heart, that them turning their backs on me cut deep. But I don’t hold that against you.” 
Your fingers rest in Bradley’s curls as he sniffs. “I should’ve been there-” 
“You’re here now. That’s what matters to me.” You take his hand again with your free one, gently kissing his knuckles as you do so. “I love you.” 
His eyes water before he swallows, his adam's apple bobbing. “I love you too.” 
You smile softly at him, pressing another kiss to his hand. “I know.” 
The two of you sit there for a few minutes before you sigh. “Fanboy and Bob broke into my house to make eggs benedict this morning and there’s some leftovers I just put in the fridge. I can warm you up some if you haven’t eaten yet-” 
“I don’t want you to think that we aren’t going to last.” 
You pause, halfway up from the couch. “What?” 
“What Paige said last night. That they think we aren’t going to last. I don’t think that and I don’t want you to think that either.” 
You falter, sitting back down on the couch. “I-” 
“It was bullshit and it’s not what I believe. I want us to last, more than anything else in this whole world. I know it’s only been just over a year but-” Bradley takes a shuddering breath. You’re my best friend in the whole world. I want you as long as you want me here and I know we’ve had our shit over the last year, we’ve had our fights and our people from the past but I don’t care about any of that as long as it’s you and me.” 
“It’s always gonna be you and me.” You pause before sighing dramatically. “Well, maybe you, me, and a dog. If that’s okay.” 
The corners of his lips twitch upwards, giving you a ghost of a smile. “Perhaps.”
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lollipopsub · 2 years
Updates on Utsukushii Kare: Eternal + S2 (as per Jan 26, 2023)
hi lovelies 💓
a lot is happening for this fandom at the moment, so I got a request to gather as much as possible of the info we've received so far!!
Here is a pretty long post summarizing what we know thus far!
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The movie is called Utsukushii Kare: Eternal. The tagphrase on the poster is "Time and time again, I will search for you. Time and time again, I will love you. That is my eternity."
The movie will premiere April 7 in Japanese theaters.
The movie and the drama is NOT THE SAME THING.
I've seen a lot of people who seem to think the movie will just be like a special cut or something, but no, we're getting lots and lots of new story!!
The stories will connect, and the movie will serve as a continuation of season 2.
Here's the first trailer for the movie:
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That's all we know about the movie so far.
Onto the drama!
Season 2 will start airing February 7
.... on a handful of different Japanese channels. At the time of writing, nothing has been confirmed about international distribution.
The first trailer for the show will be released next week, Tuesday the 31st of January!
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The synopsis for Season 2:
"The days pass in bliss... Hira is in his 4th year of university and Kiyoi is active as a newly debuted actor. They live together in Hira's house as boyfriends. However, Hira's religious worship is unchanged, and the way he crawls and bows as low as possible without hesitation is causing neverending worries for the beautiful, arrogant King, Kiyoi. In addition, Hira has discovered a new hobby of following Kiyoi around while in disguise so as to not be found out. He did his best to not disturb Kiyoi, just watching, alone and quietly – but then an event lets him befriend a fellow fanboy.
As graduation grows closer, Hira's friends are busy hunting for jobs, and Hira starts worrying about his lack of job experience...
What road will Kiyoi and Hira choose as they move towards adulthood?"
The above, taken from the official website, is nearly the same synopsis as the second book, Nikurashii Kare, so it's likely that the season will be based on this book.
Cast so far:
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So we have Koyama again, and otherwise there's a lot of new casts. A few have also confirmed that they'll be in the movie too: Hira's sister Naho, his nephew Tomoya, and it sounded on the actress as if Anna will also be in the movie. The rest are only officially confirmed to be in the show, but to be fair, absolutely nothing has been revealed about the movie yet other than title and the fact that the stories will connect.
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The OP & ED songs will be done by the same artists as season 1, just switched around - so the opening song for S2 will be "Bitter" by Roce (ロス), who sang the ending song "Follow" from S1. Bitter will be from Hira's POV.
The ending song as well as the theme song for the movie will be by Mosawo (もさを。), called Kinmokusei ("Sweet Osmanthus", it's the name of this flower). Kinmokusei will be from Kiyoi's POV.
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I think that's it for the time being, but I will try to update you whenever other more relevant news come out, and ofc I'll do my utmost to subtitle the upcoming trailer as soon as possible!!!
if you read this far, ilu <3
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immortalmint · 1 year
Child Philip - Frog Journal
Entry Eight, April 4th, 1615
Upon discovery of my frog drawings, Caleb returned with a most peculiar shaped rock. I dare say, his insistence that it resembled my drawing proved true. With a bit of coal and a sharpened stick, I made a charming little fellow to introduce to my dear friend Peepers by the creek.
Caleb made a second rock friend, and I must say, I was pleased with the result. It was a darling set of frog brothers, well on their way to becoming witch hunters, defenders of the village!
But my dear brother is senseless at times, and made an unnecessary third. He insisted the little frog should have a mother and a father, in that wretchedly sentimental voice he uses when he prays for our departed parents’ souls. He asked me if I remembered the time Mother walked us along the river collecting brambleberries. I felt such pity for Caleb that I lied. Yes, yes, we ate so many berries and oh, I do remember being the voracious little devil that ate both mine and half of Caleb’s basket! But in truth, I hardly remember our parents from before the sickness took them. I pray the memory of their passing should fade as well.
Honestly, I believe we are better off as Caleb and I. There are fewer mouths to feed, and fewer adults to find fault with our diversions. Caleb is all the family I require. But as Caleb made a third frog, I commit ‘the three frogs amongst the brambles’ to my journal:
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Caleb’s happy vision of the three-frog family was lacking a sibling. I informed Caleb of his oversight, and he returned in the afternoon with a fourth offering for our rock family. Distressingly, he had not made a brother frog, but a brother bird! He was adamant that the red rock was meant to be a cardinal. I know he fancies the birds, but oh, God is testing me with this foolish brother of mine!
What games would a cardinal and frog play together? What unnatural union would produce frog and bird siblings? I do not approve, but in my love for Caleb I shall commit ‘the unholy bird amongst the frogs’ to my journal:
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I find myself questioning where Caleb secured the pigment for the white of the cardinal’s eye. He would not reveal his sources, so I am left to conclude it came from the droppings of widow Alden’s hens. On our walk home, Misses Alden’s chickens flocked to Caleb, as birds are apt to do. Though he attempted discretion, I observed Caleb removing grainseed from his pocket to entice the hens closer. He made the most absurd clucking noises at the birds, as if he were a member of their flock. The birds investigated our frog family as well, much to my dismay. ‘The pale, brown-eyed hen’ reminded me of Caleb:
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However, the ‘demon yellow-eyed bird’ was insufferable, glaring at me with ill-intent:
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She attempted a peck at the frog rock, to which Caleb mistook as, “but a kiss!” At times it seems I am the only one keeping our family safe from such corruption. Despite the birdly intrusion, the visit to the brambles was lovely. And I do so look forward to seeing Peepers the next time we play by the creek. I think he will like frog Philip.
~ End ~
I thoroughly enjoyed @a-magpie-in-gravesfield’s frog rock memory celebration. Here are a couple of bonus pictures of the rocks. Details are in charcoal (pencil) and I used white pastel (not bird droppings :D) for the white of Flapjack’s eyes. In modern day, Flapjack’s left eye is scarred. But it likely isn’t during Caleb’s time.
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Happy rock decorating to all!
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drstonetrivia · 11 months
I compiled what I found to be the most character-relevant and/or funny reasons for everyone's birthdays, however unless Inagaki Sensei confirms the reasoning behind them, these are all assumptions!
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Senku - 1/4 - A pun on Ishigami, as 1-4 can be read as i-shi, meaning stone. If you've forgotten about this, then I recommend rereading chapter 56!
Luna - 1/30 - Anniversary of Orville Wright (of the Wright brothers)'s death. This may also be another pun, as 3-0 can be read as mi-zero, and the kanji for charm is 魅 (=mi) which could mean Luna has "zero charm". Another option is reading it as 1-3-0, i-mi-zero, or "zero meaning", which hopefully isn't a hint of how useful this birthday-meaning endeavor is…
Related, Luna didn't seem to be born under a full moon either so that's not the reason behind her birthday.
Yo - 1/31 - This is a big logic leap, however: 1 can be read as "ichi", or 位置 meaning position. Putting the 3+1 into context, we have Yo mentioning the "big 3" + himself as the Four Heavenly Kings, giving us Yo as the 4th in a position of power.
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I couldn't find any way of making the date fit an exclamation like "Yo!" or "Uei!", but the "ue" (上) part of his name means "up" which fits the theme of positioning.
Chrome - 2/4 - The element chromium has the atomic number 24. I'm pretty confident this was the inspiration, however it's also a month after Senku's birthday!
Kaseki - 2/9 - Another logic jump: copper's atomic number is 29. The era after the Stone Age is the Chalcolithic, or Copper Age. Since Kaseki is the village's most skilled craftsman, it could be implying that Kaseki brought them out of the Stone Age into the next era.
Amaryllis - 2/14 - Valentine's Day. It's also chocolate day in Japan, which suits the sweet seductress that she is :)
Homura - 3/3 - Can be read as "san-san", which means brilliant or bright. As the name Homura means flame, this is fitting.
Ibara - 3/23 - I couldn't find anything of interest, even when checking the blossoming of thorny plants (Ibara means thorn after all). A little disappointing honestly :(
Yuzuriha - 3/31 - The end of the fiscal year in Japan and sometimes the last day of school. Had she been born 2 days later she'd be in a different grade to Senku and Taiju!
It's also the International Transgender Day of Visibility.
Gen - 4/1 - April Fool's Day, as well as the day Senku, Xeno, and probably several other Americans broke out of petrification after 3,700+ years. An inversion of Senku's birthday (1/4 and 4/1).
Great job to everyone who guessed the date before it was officially revealed!
Taiju - 4/2 - Likely the oldest one in Senku's school year because of Japan's birthday/grade division. 4-2 can also be read as "shi-ni" meaning "death", which could be related to everyone closest to Taiju dying at some point (both his parents are dead, Senku's died once, Taiju himself was likely dead and Yuzuriha wasn't looking too great in Corn City). If we want to push further though, "death" in Latin is "mori", and "mori" means forest in Japanese, tying in to Taiju's tree theme.
With Yuzuriha, Gen, and Taiju all having their birthdays right after one another, it seems like all of Senku's closest friends have their birthdays together.
Ginro - 4/7 - The element silver has the atomic number 47, similar to Chrome's birthday being the atomic number for chromium.
Ruri - 4/14 - Potentially another ishi/stone reference because of the 14, but it's also the Takayama/Sanno festival wishing for a good harvest. A more modern celebration is Orange Day, where romantic partners from Valentine's and White Day trade orange-colored gifts.
Ironically, orange blossoms are meant to represent prosperity and luck in marriage in flower language… Poor Ruri haha
Kokuyo - 4/19 - Another pun using numbers: 4-1-9 or "shi-i-ku", meaning breeding. Breeding Day is a day to celebrate the work of zookeepers and get people interested in zoos.
The other celebration on this day is the Furukawa festival, one of the three naked festivals. Men in loincloths (fundoshi) fight for the prime location near the central drum being paraded through town. The parade lasts the whole night.
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Moz - 5/5 - Children's Day, also part of Golden Week. It's a day to celebrate children's happiness and their personalities. Before 1948, it was also used to recognize fathers, which is ironic given Moz attempted to kill his father when he was 7.
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Carlos - 5/30 - Anniversary of Wilbur Wright (of the Wright brothers)'s death, matching Luna. Similarly, the numbers also spell something out: 5-3-0 is "go-mi-zero", or "zero garbage". Whether this means that Carlos is garbage and a zero, or that he's /not/ garbage, I can't tell.
This is also a proper day of celebration in Japan for cleaning up waste.
Ukyo - 6/5 - World Environment Day. (I have recommendations for when Ukyo's birthday should have been instead: 3/3 sounds like "mi-mi", meaning "ear", = his sonar skills. The other date is 9/8, read as "ku-ya", as the kanji for bow (弓) can be read as "ku" and arrow (矢) is "ya".)
Joel - 6/10 - Anniversary of Time. It commemorates the first time-keeping water clock in Japan, open to the public.
Minami - 6/21 - The day after Riichiro Inagaki's birthday, as well as the summer solstice. It's also Refrigerator Day in Japan, a day to check your fridges before the hot summer arrives. Or in Minami's case, to check on Tsukasa…
Max - 6/30 - Asteroid Day, for global awareness about the risks of asteroid impacts. 6-3 can also be read as "mu-mi", which means "tasteless" (無味). Not sure how the zero fits in though…
Luna, Max, and Carlos also all have birthdays that fall on the 30th of the month. What the significance of that is is unclear, apart from the fact that their dates can all create words.
Kirisame - 7/7 - The Tanabata festival, a celebration for two star-crossed lovers, generally celebrated by writing wishes on paper and hanging them from a bamboo tree. It's also World Chocolate Day!
Kinro - 7/9 - The element gold has the atomic number 79, similar to Chrome's and Ginro's birthdays being their atomic numbers.
Kohaku - 8/8 - A day full of puns, as 8-8 can be read as either "ha-ha" or "ba-ba", meaning father and grandmother respectively, but "ha" also means teeth and "hachi" (=another way of reading 8) means "bee"… The list goes on.
It's also World Cat Day! :3
Magma - 8/22 - The kanji for 8 looks like a volcano (八) which is probably the logic behind choosing August. 2 can also be read as "fu", and "fufu" is the equivalent of "hehe" laughter in English. In rare cases, 2 can also be read as "ha", which could be referencing Magma's "muhaha!" It's also the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief…
Nikki - 8/31 - 831 is shorthand for "I Love You", as it has 8 letters, 3 words, and 1 meaning. It's also good for hiding your embarrassment if you struggle to say (or type, or send via Morse code) the words themselves…
Stanley - 9/1 - The anniversary of the establishment of the US's Air Force Space Command, which is now part of the United States Space Force, the American military counterpart to NASA.
Suika - 9/9 - Chrysanthemum Day, an ancient festival in Japan, also known as the Festival of Happiness. It's also First Aid Day, the Katakai fireworks festival, and the day Kiku No.1 was launched by NASDA (now JAXA). The latter is interesting because it's quite round, like Suika!
Matsukaze - 9/15 - Respect For The Aged Day. Sometimes the date varies, but as Matsukaze is a man who follows the Bushido code, this seems fitting.
Xeno - 10/1 - NASA's first day of operations, as well as NASDA's day of establishment, then later JAXA's. An all-around good day for national space agencies. Also falls on International Coffee Day, I wonder if they're connected…
Byakuya - 10/8 - Byakuya's literal name. The kanji for "byaku" (百) is 100, and 8 can be read as "ya", creating 108, or 10/8.
Tsukasa - 10/10 - World Mental Health Day, as well as World Day against the Death Penalty. Ironic given the plot of Stone wars. It's also Public Bath Day and Fishing Day.
Ryusui - 11/11 - Desiring the best of everything, Ryusui's birthday is obviously #1…111. It's also Pocky Day, I wonder if he uses that fact to flirt with people/play the pocky game?
Hyoga - 11/30 - Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare. (RIP Gozan, Yuki, Ren, Akashi, Kyoichiro, and Morito.) It could also be a way of "drawing" his kuda yari in action: 一一三〇
Chelsea - 12/20 - Anniversary of Sacagawea's death (maybe). She was a young girl who helped the Lewis and Clark expedition explore central America. 12°N 20°E is also a location in Chad.
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Mirai - 12/31 - New Year's Eve, a day for looking towards the future. As Mirai's name means future, it's no surprise that this is her birthday!
Feel free to reply with any other discoveries about their birthdays you find! This is by no means a complete list, especially since any Japanese puns are mostly lost on me haha!
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Apparently at some point, we managed to hit over 2k followers since I last checked this blog! That's crazy to me???
Thank you all for sticking with us through bouts of inactivity, unfunny posts, and all those Elsword updates (the good and the bad!) Here's some fun stats about the blog:
We have a total of 1, 202 original posts since this blog started, and more yet to come in the queue!
All those posts? Yeah there's a total of 87,968 notes between them all. That's like a viral post number.
Our most popular post has 672 notes so far!
The first post was made on April 18, 2015! This blog is the age of a 9 year old child.
In 2020 and 2021, we made 0 posts. Self explanatory. We've posted every year otherwise though!
Since this blog started Tumblr both got rid of the iconic blue, got rid of porn, and also updated us with a dogshit UI, but we all make mistakes. <3
The only mods really left are Mod WT and Mod RF. Round of applause for the mods who have moved onto bigger and better things, for all the funny posts they've made throughout the years, we salute them! We wouldn't be where we are today without them.
And here's some Elsword updates that have happened to the game since the blog was created, in no particular order!:
3rd jobs became a thing
We got an anime!
The item level system was replaced with the Combat Power system, and now character stat equipment is a lot more streamlined.
The magic wardrobe was released so you don't have to sacrifice stats for fashion anymore!
So many new characters and regions have been introduced!
The mystery of Solace and the El Lady has been solved, and the rest of the El Masters have been revealed too!
Multiple dungeon revamps that: gutted earning ED, removed old dungeons, changed dialogue/story as a result, and removing multiple fields and rest points between villages.
4th jobs!
Raids and raid weapons were introduced!
Theres a new blue and white UI!
Mount racing and Pet PvP???
The item mall had a bunch of items removed at some point.
Guilds were revamped!
You can both fish AND farm now!
The in-game economy is in shambles.
They also got rid of forums (but have a discord now?)
Some of these things are really cool! Others? Not so much, but oh well! It's crazy to see how much Elsword has changed over the years this blog has existed. If you still laugh at our funny posts but stopped playing years ago, thank you! And if you just found us the other week, thank you too! We hope to have put a smile on all your faces. :)
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: June 2023 ~  
⛱️ Happy July!!! 👗
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post!
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff!  -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 Let’s Eat Together - June 2nd (Japan)
🌟 Ever After - June 3rd (Philippines)
🌟 Tin Tem Jai (Special Episodes) - June 3rd + June 4th (Thailand)
🌟 Twins - June 6th (Thailand)
🌟 Love Tractor  - June 7th (South Korea)
🌟 Stupid Genius - June 9th (Vietnam)
🌟 Moonlight Armour - June 10th (Philippines) 
🌟 Aedan - June 12th (Philippines) 
🌟 Tokyo In April - June 15th (Japan)
🌟 The Internship (movie) - June 22nd (Thailand)
🌟 His Man Season 2 (dating show) - June 23rd (South Korea)
🌟 A Story to Remember - June 23rd (Philippines) 
🌟 Tie the Not - June 24th (Philippines) 
🌟 Dinosaur Love - June 25th (Thailand)
🌟 One in a Hundred (international release) - June 29th (China) 
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ ø
👎🏻 La Pluie - Sadly I had to drop this one because I got super bored by it. It had a very interesting premise and the first 2-3 episodes were solid but then it deflated. Them revealing Pat as the soulmate so soon was a fatal mistake imo, they should have leaned more into the mystery of who he is to Saengtai etc. The story with Lomfon and Saengtian had an interesting start as well but then went nowhere. It’s a pity because I thought they were onto something with this show. oh well. 
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Beyond the Star - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 The Rebound (produced by AllThis Entertainment) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 My Imaginary Boyfriend (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Choco Milk Shake Season 2 - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 The Only One (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Taiwan) 
🎥 So-And-So (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Taiwan)  
🎥 Beyond the Duo (movie) - Date TBA (Myanmar) 
🎥 The Bartender - Date TBA (Myanmar) 
🎥 Kiseki: Dear to Me - Date TBA (Taiwan) 
🎥 Dear Dopamine - Coming 2024 (Thailand) 
🎥 90's Boyfriend - Date TBA (Philippines)
🎥 Jazz for Two - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 My Dear Gangster Oppa (starring MeenPing) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Spirit Reborn - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 My Momentary Wish - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Mr. Cinderella Season 2 - Coming September 2023 (Vietnam) 
🎥 Love of the Sea - Date TBA (Myanmar) 
Other news from the BL world
❗️ The upcoming GMMTV BLs Dangerous Romance, Only Friends, Last Twilight and Cooking Crush as well as the WabiSabi production Absolute Zero have started filming.
❗️ Actor Build Jakapan announced his withdrawal from the upcoming BL 4 Minutes due to the events that have occured over the last few months and his resulting departure from BOC. It’s unclear whether or not his co-star Bible Wichapas will remain a part of the project and get a new acting partner or if the project will get cancelled altogether. 
❗️ The upcoming Domundi BL Love Upon a Time released its pilot trailer. 
❗️ A second season for the Korean BL Choco Milk Shake was announced. Further details are unknown. 
❗️ The members of the kpop group OnlyOneOf will star in the upcoming Korean BL Bump Up Business. Further details are unknown.  
❗️ Actor Frank Thanatsaran announced that he will not be reprising his role as Itt in the upcoming sequel Love Syndrome: The Beginning. His role will be recast. It was announced that instead, he will star in the upcoming BL The Rebound, where he will be paired with Nammon Krittanai. The series will be produced by AllThis Entertainment and will be directed by Golf Tanwarin. (The Eclipse, 609 Bedtime Story)  
❗️ A spinoff for the Korean BL Unintentional Love Story was announced. Further details are still unknown. 
❗️GMMTV has announced the following cast changes for their upcoming BLs:
Only Friends: Piploy K. will be replaced by Lookjun B. (role of น้ำเชื่อม) 
Cooking Crush: Mark P. will be replaced by Aungpao O. (role of Dynamite) 
❗️ Y MOMENT Entertainment Thailand has announced their lineup for 2023/2024:
Low Frequency - Coming July 2023
Venus in the Sky - Coming September 2023
Kiseki - Coming 2024
Time - Coming 2024 
Lovely Addict - Coming 2024
Beyond the Star - Coming 2024
❗️ Actor Ja Pachara has decided not to renew his contract with his agency 888 Entertainment. He will continue to work as a freelanced artist. 
❗️ The upcoming horror/fantasy BL movie After Sundown released its official trailer. The movie will star ZeeNunew and will be released in Thai cinemas on July 20th. 
❗️ The Thai BL A Boss and a Babe won in the category “Rising BL series” at this year’s Asia Top Awards.
❗️ The ongoing filming for the upcoming Special Edition of Chains of Heart has been suspended due to intractable scheduling conflicts of the main actors. The project has been cancelled. 
❗️ The long awaited Thai remake of the Japanese BL Cherry Magic (starring TayNew) will air in 2024. According to cast + crew, after a long struggle with copyright issues, the trailer will be released shortly. Filming will start at the end of the year. 
Upcoming series & movies for July:
👉🏻 Be Mine SuperStar (starring JaFirst) - July 3rd (Thailand)  
👉🏻 Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 - July 5th (Japan)  
👉🏻 Stay by My Side - July 7th (Taiwan) 
👉🏻 Stay With Me - July 7th (China) 
👉🏻 Low Frequency - July 8th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Hidden Agenda - July 9th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Club Friday: Moments and Memories - July 9th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Laws of Attraction - July 15th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Wedding Plan - July 19th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 After Sundown (starring ZeeNunew) - July 20th (Thailand, cinema-release)
👉🏻 Jun and Jun - July 20th (South Korea)  
👉🏻 Stay Still The Series - July TBA (Hong Kong) 
👉🏻 The Star Season 2 - July TBA (Myanmar)
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hooked-on-elvis · 8 months
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☆ Born on January 15th, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia † Died on April 4th, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee.
A few days ago, I don't remember how, I ended up for about an hour or so, probably more, reading a few of Martin Luther King's speeches. I prefer reading factual documental writings (newspapers and articles about the world's history, even poetry) out loud, in a way to better understand and feel, using intonation, the words. As you can imagine, I got very emotional that day and today I am now in the same solemn mood.
If you at least once have heard or read to the 'I've Been to the Mountaintop' Martin Luther King's speech, you feel your heart sink from the words Dr. King spoke by end of it. I'm gonna share an excerpt from that one speech [I hope you all can read it], which is gonna remind you what happened to Dr. King the very next day those touching, meaningful and resonant words were addressed to the population in Memphis, Tennessee. Take your time to reflect and permit yourself feeling inspired by Dr. King's words.
As the article goes on, I'll share how the mood around the filming set of 'Live A Little, Love a Little', the movie Elvis was filming, when they heard the news about Dr King was murder, and what Elvis did with that feeling.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:
You know, several years ago, I was in New York City autographing the first book that I had written. And while sitting there autographing books, a demented black woman came up. The only question I heard from her was, "Are you Martin Luther King?" And I was looking down writing, and I said, "Yes." And the next minute I felt something beating on my chest. Before I knew it I had been stabbed by this demented woman. I was rushed to Harlem Hospital. It was a dark Saturday afternoon. And that blade had gone through, and the X-rays revealed that the tip of the blade was on the edge of my aorta, the main artery. And once that's punctured, your drowned in your own blood -- that's the end of you. It came out in the New York Times the next morning, that if I had merely sneezed, I would have died. Well, about four days later, they allowed me, after the operation, after my chest had been opened, and the blade had been taken out, to move around in the wheel chair in the hospital. They allowed me to read some of the mail that came in, and from all over the states and the world, kind letters came in. I read a few, but one of them I will never forget. I had received one from the President and the Vice-President. I've forgotten what those telegrams said. I'd received a visit and a letter from the Governor of New York, but I've forgotten what that letter said. But there was another letter that came from a little girl, a young girl who was a student at the White Plains High School. And I looked at that letter, and I'll never forget it. It said simply, "Dear Dr. King, I am a ninth-grade student at the White Plains High School." And she said, "While it should not matter, I would like to mention that I'm a white girl. I read in the paper of your misfortune, and of your suffering. And I read that if you had sneezed, you would have died. And I'm simply writing you to say that I'm so happy that you didn't sneeze." (...) If I had sneezed, I wouldn't have been in Memphis to see a community rally around those brothers and sisters who are suffering. I'm so happy that I didn't sneeze.* And they were telling me --. Now, it doesn't matter, now. It really doesn't matter what happens now. I left Atlanta this morning, and as we got started on the plane, there were six of us. The pilot said over the public address system, "We are sorry for the delay, but we have Dr. Martin Luther King on the plane. And to be sure that all of the bags were checked, and to be sure that nothing would be wrong with on the plane, we had to check out everything carefully. And we've had the plane protected and guarded all night." And then I got into Memphis. And some began to say the threats, or talk about the threats that were out. What would happen to me from some of our sick white brothers? Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn't matter with me now, because I've been to the mountaintop. And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land! And so I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man! Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!! — Excerpt from "I've Been to the Mountaintop" speech by Martin Luther King Jr. (April 3rd, 1968, Memphis, Tennessee) | source: americanrhetoric.com READ/LISTEN THE FULL SPEECH HERE
* [1958] KNIFE ATTACK: On September 20, 1958, King was signing copies of his book 'Stride Toward Freedom', in Blumstein's department store in Harlem when Izola Curry — a mentally ill black woman who thought that King was conspiring against her with communists — stabbed him in the chest with a letter opener, which nearly impinged on the aorta. Thankfully, Dr. King survived that attempt of murder. That is the incident Dr. King refers to in his 'Mountaintop' speech from 1968.
Gladly, from that one attack Dr. King survived.
He could've let that 1958 incident take the best of him. He could've chose a safe life if he led fear win him over. But he said himself why he didn't on the 'I've Been to the Mountaintop' speech:
"Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will." — Martin Luther King Jr.
Let's recall that after that 1958 near-death incident, as before that too, King was arrested many times, he was put down and lashed out by people who wanted him to remain in silence. But he chose to fear not.
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PHOTO 1: King was arrested in 1963 for protesting the treatment of blacks in Birmingham. His 13th arrest out of 29. (29!) | PHOTO 2: Copy of King’s letter from Birmingham jail (Samford University Special Collections) Martin Luther King.
Excerpt from King's 1963 letter:
"…I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection." Excerpted from Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail (1963). READ THE FULL LETTER HERE [via University of Pennsylvania]
Martin Luther King never failed to give us the right questions to ponder.
As this humble post comes to an end, let's read a few other of Dr. King's inspiring words as spoke in his most famous and praised speech, the one who Elvis Presley sang about in 1968, the same year Dr. King was murder.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. [...] This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling disco rds of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. On August 8th, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.: "I HAVE A DREAM" SPEECH. READ/LISTEN FULL SPEECH HERE.
I should mention the following story because it is part of how a tribute song to Martin Luther King's life and efforts to make the world a better place, came to be.
A young Southerner, who's been commonly, unfairly, called racist over the years after his passing, fell in deep grief hearing the news about Dr. King's assassination.
On April 4th, 1968, the day Dr. King was shot dead while he was standing by the window on his hotel suite, just like the rest of the world, when Elvis Presley heard the news, he grieved.
Presley was filming 'Live a Little, Love a Little' on the day that Dr. King died. He and everybody on the crew heard the news with sorrow. Elvis was heartbroken, as the rest of the world (at least the human portion of society). It's said by different people that were there with him on set how sad and deeply bothered by that Elvis was.
His leading lady for this movie, Michele Carey, shared her accounts on how Elvis reacted to the sorrowful news.
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Actors Michele Carey and Elvis Presley. Scene and photo shoot for 'Live a Little, Love a Little' (1968).
Michele Carey played the guitar but the piano was her favorite! In this scene, she's actually strumming those first few chords of the song. The guitar in the scene belonged to Elvis. He often played it while singing songs on the set. He was preparing for an upcoming Christmas special that later turned into the well-known 68 Comeback TV show. At the end of this scene, one of the last filmed, just 10 days after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. Elvis signed the guitar and gave it to Michele as a gift of appreciation for what she did to console him on the day of MLK's funeral. We have covered that fateful day when the cast and crew learned he had been shot and killed in Memphis. Production of the film had been temporarily suspended over the weekend. On the day of the funeral which was televised, the cast gathered around one TV in the studio. As Elvis and cast members watched in silence, and as Elvis and others wept openly...Michele sat at a box piano and began playing softly. Within minutes, Elvis sat beside her and as she played the Beatles song All We Need Is Love, Elvis and cast members sang the lyrics. They sang the song over and over for nearly 20 minutes, hugging and crying with one another. As violent as 1968 had been, the assassinations of MLK and RFK, the Vietnam War, the clashing of protesters and police, at least for one short period on April 9th of that year, a small group of people came together in song to show their love and respect. — Published on Michele Carey Facebook fanpage, on October 12, 2023
During 'Live a Little, Love a Little' production, Elvis was preparing for his '68 Comeback Special and, it turns out, they included a song called 'If I Can Dream' on the setlist, a song written by Walter Earl Brown, recorded by Presley in June 1968, just two months after Dr. King's assassination, and also a short time after Robert Kennedy's assassination.
The song was composed, inspired by this feeling of sorrow but also gratitude and, above all, hope. The song was soulfully performed by Elvis, and until today its one of the most important and touching recognized performance of his music career.
The song was sang soulfully because Elvis meant every single word in it. One of Elvis' certainties about life was that we must live in equality.
“Everybody comes from the same source. If you hate another human being, you’re hating part of yourself.” — Elvis Presley
Today, o Martin Luther King's day, on his birthday, we remember his life with gratitude for all the good he had done for the world, for bringing awareness that changes needed to be done, for inspiring people to get together, to live in equality, peace and union.
Most importantly, today we remember the fight isn't over.
King was a vital force, a powerful asset to the Civil Rights Movement, but as much as his dedication came to blossom in positive sociological changes while he had us walking at lengthen steps towards a better world for all of us to live together in peace, it doesn't make his murder any less painful as we remember him with a great sorrow, yet hearts filled with gratitude, today. His assassination, and many things following it, even in this modern world, remind us the world isn't the place Dr. King dreamed about just yet. Not all of us, certainly, will have to give our lives to help others in need, but even so we shouldn't be afraid to do what's right whenever we need to.
Dr. King made us reflect upon when, on both his letter from 1963 and the 'I've Seen the Mountaintop' 1968 speech, his inspired words recalled us about the Good Samaritan parable, about doing what we can with what we have, and also brought questions to our mind about how damaging it can be living in denial, for that's worse than acting against the ones in need, because those acting in denial are majority.
Are we gonna be the ones to walk on by and turn our faces the other way, letting be somebody else's problem as we leave a brother or sister left to their own devices? Are gonna be the ones who'll be moderate? Who'll see injustice right before our eyes and choose ignorance, social irresponsibility, selfishness? Dr. King certainly expect us not to. Let's be the ones that, even against all odds, even when there's nobody looking or when we find ourselves without great resources, let's be the ones who will stop and reach out our hands to the ones in need. Be kind and supportive.
So let's keep honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.' memory — and many others who came before and after him, who died or spent their whole lives trying to make the world a safer and fair place for all human kind.
Towards Martin Luther King's dreamland we shall march.
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Happy birthday, Martin Luther King Jr. ♥
May your righteous, courageous soul, rest in peace.
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klein-sodor-bahn · 1 year
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Gordon Gresley
The grumpy man himself! He will personally bitch-slap ab*sive parents in court. Why? Well for that you have to read on, but it won’t be pretty.
Big fat trigger for: Ab*se!
Gordon Gresley was born on the 4th of April 1950 in Doncaster. His father was a high class lawyer and a well respected member of society. But Gordon and his siblings knew a way different man. He beat his children for the slightest bit of misconduct or what he perceived as it. Gordon often took the blame to protect his younger siblings. Gresley seniors first wife terrorized her twin daughters Polly and Bonnie and due to that when Gordon ran away he often took them with him. Most often he found refuge at his aunts(Henry’s mother) place. She took care of their bruises and other injuries. Gordon despite thinking his cousin was a bit weird liked Henry way more than his own brother Scott. Scott was their father’s favorite and excluded from the harsh punishments. Mr. Gresley remarried two times. Resulting in Gordon having a lot more siblings than most. But there might be even more half-siblings, because Gordon’s father was not a really faithful husband. He pressured Gordon into becoming a lawyer while Scott was allowed to pursue his acting career.
Henry and Gordon ended up in the same college and were roommates. And after graduation realized both needed to work on themselves and went to therapy and promised to never marry. Although for different reasons. Gordon’s father passed away in his 40s and Gordon reluctantly took over the law firm. He had specialized in family right prevent that even more kids go through the same hell like he did. He adopts an Irish Wolfhound from a shelter as a companion and loves the big scruffy dog. He named him Nigel. He’s successful in his career and woman admire him, but he doesn’t want a relationship. His assistant is James who is rather flirty what irritates Gordon to no end.
When he learns that Henry and Charlie plan on marrying he’s furious and feels betrayed. But in the end he realizes how happy his cousin and best friend is. Although when he first met Charlie their conversation was littered with subtle insults.
But the chaos was not over. Shortly after Henry and Charlie adopted their little boy a ten year old brat suddenly was on Gordon’s doorstep. His name Thomas Billington. Gordon not knowing what to deal with a child dragged the kid to Scotland and asked Henry for advice. But that’s another story because there’s more.
One day a woman shows up at Henry’s place while Gordon is there. Her name Viktoria Henschel. She reveals the Gordon is her son. Gordon’s father seduced her in 1949 and for “favors” gave her extra rations. When she ended up pregnant old Gresley concocted a plan which involved bullying Viktoria into giving her the child, taking it to England, force his current wife to play it off as hers and forge the birth certificate. Viktoria as proof has kept the original Berlin one and copies of the letters she tried sending him. And Gordon remembered that his father burned letters from Poland, later Germany. (Viktoria for a few years lived in Poland). He at first was devastated but after a while was happy he’s not related to the woman who terrorized his sisters all those years ago.
Gordon has a strong sense of justice and despite his grumpy exterior is kind and helps out people in need. He despises those who wanna leach off others. For years he was uncertain about his sexuality but thanks to Boris (BoCo) he can embrace being bisexual. And he learns to handle Thomas although he causes Gordon a good amount of extra grey hair.
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singular-yike · 11 months
Getting into Len'en Lore: Part 3
This'll be the end!
★ Spinoff Game: Book of the Cafe
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Curious title screen, isn't it? You can't even see the game logo yet! JynX said that it'd be revealed one day, but until then, here's the 5th released game in the series, though officially it's the 0th game.
This is Len'en Cafe ~ Book of the Cafe (abbr. BotC), and is the mobile social network game that JynX is actively working on at the moment.
Story Reading Order
The game's story is separated into three sections, the Main Story, Sub-stories and Back Issue stories. There's no particular order between these three, so I'll only list the order within each of them:
Main Story
Chapter 1
Back Issue Revisit past games' stories, learning new information about them!
EE — Yabusame Houlen's Route
EE — Tsubakura Enraku's Route
Sub-stories None exist yet.
Additional Reading
There's a lot of non-plot, and even non-lore related text in this game, here I'll list the pages that have major flavour texts and such. Though feel free to explore the BotC pages to learn more.
Compared to the other 4 games, these aren't nearly as crucial, and are more just fun reads. maybe with the exception of the 1st item.
Skill Names and Flavour Text
Music and Music Comments — Trioid Toykeat — Len'en Cafe ~ Re:Boot — Trioid Toykeat (ONAIR-version) — Mnemonic => Extraction — Infinite Zero-Point Ego Eris
Cafe design item descriptions
In-game Notices (α Version, β Version & Full Version)
Memory Archives stage descriptions
Items Descriptions
Other Important Reading, Videos and Characters
And that concludes all the reading you would need to do for all the series' main entries. Now for other important reading to supplement the main series entries:
Video: Critical Point Bidding its Last Farewell
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Critical Point Bidding its Last Farewell, full title Fumbling Dimensional Tour ~ Breaker and Pursuer /* B-P-B */ Protection against Breach ~ Request Colorful Dreams, Detest Empty Illusions (yes it's that long), is a music video uploaded onto Niconico back before Len'en was even released.
It was unclear if and how it related to Len'en, but with the release of AWTIF, it became clear that the characters depicted in the video are the main characters of the albums.
Additionally, it introduces the "Wings of Magritte", an interdimensional transcending limited express train that gets a brief mention in BPoHC.
As for reading, I can't really introduce much of an original source for it, but its page on the wiki and the Wings of Magritte's page is recommended.
Reading: Interviews with JynX
There has been 3 interviews with JynX so far, all overflowing with lore, of course. A 4th one is currently in the works too, so look forward to that!
2015 Interview
2017 Interview
2021 Interview
Not much else to say about this one, just go check them out!
Reading: Peing
Peing is a Q&A social media platform where fans could've sent JynX questions back in 2019. JynX has since abandoned its use, in fear that it'd make information too scattered, but what was answered has been documented.
April Questions
February Questions
Videos: YouTube Videos
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Above: Thumbnail of the second video featuring the androids, depicting Rei.
JynX also has a YouTube channel, run by the "Vtuber androids" Rei and Zelo (and Lin too), more on these three later.
The channel has official soundtrack uploads, videos about the androids and videos where the androids announce Len'en-related news. They'd mostly be to get a grasp on the android's personalities, I'd say, though there are lore scraps in there as well.
They're all translated up on the wiki, so go check them out here.
Characters: Monochroids (Rei, Zelo and Lin)
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Above: From right to left, Rei, Zelo and Lin, all in their chibi yukkuri forms.
Specifically speaking, these androids are actually called monochroids. Despite them mainly having appeared in videos and on Twitter only, there's a surprisingly amount of lore to them, especially on Rei.
It's a much deeper rabbit hole than one'd imagine, so go check it out!
Reading Materials
Wiki page on the Monochroids
Wiki pages for Rei, Zelo and Lin
Other Minor Sources of Information
Once all that's exhausted, you should already be quite the lore master, I would wager. Though if you really want to go the extra mile, here's just a bit more for you to chew into.
Art: Illustrations by JynX
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Above: The first explicitly Len'en-related illustration JynX ever made, released even before the character's own appearance in-game.
JynX occasionally does illustrations for various occasions, be it seasonal events or the Len'en anniversary. They sometimes come with little comments, which you can read here.
Events: Len'en Anniversary
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Above: The 2nd anniversary's celebratory art, which, while not canon at all, comes with a few pieces of dialogue.
The Len'en series celebrates its anniversary on 11th November, not the day the games became available to the public, but the day JynX finished work on the first two Len'en games.
Often, JynX will release a YouTube video on the day, which we've already covered up above, but sometimes it'd be just an illustration instead, with some text to go with it.
All the anniversaries and their related celebrations can be seen here.
Blog: Unreal Indolence Record
This is JynX's old blog, the only real lore-related piece of information you'd find here is when JynX changed the kanji for Len'en, and even that's only tangentially related.
Though if you're interested, the blog is translated here.
Blog: pixiv FANBOX
Technically speaking, pixiv FANBOX is a monetization platform first and foremost, allowing fans to donate to their favourite creators. You can do so to support JynX too, and in return you'd get a sneak peek into upcoming Len'en content.
Additionally, JynX also uses its posting system as their new blog these days, and there are actually quite a lot of lore-related and adjacent information here, like the music comments I linked to previously.
They are translated and available for reading here.
Vtuber: Kanae Tabinoki
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Yep, JynX is also a Vtuber! Their Vtuber persona is called Kanae Tabinoki, and have near daily streams where they usually work, chat or game.
Strictly speaking, they're not really related to Len'en, though being played by JynX, it's rather inevitable that scraps of lore slip through their mouth.
All lore scraps are documented on the appropriate page on the wiki, though if you'd like you can also read their page and summaries of their streams to look into the details.
Social Media: Twitter
Finally, we come to the end. There are 5 twitter accounts that are relevant to the Len'en series in one way or another. They are:
@mugen_Jinx: JynX's own twitter account
@TN_Rei: Rei and Zelo's shared twitter account
Now these two are absolute gold-mines of lore, back when JynX didn't really realise how crazy fans will get about the lore, they would just drop random scraps onto twitter.
They don't do it much anymore, probably for the same reason Peing isn't used anymore, but I've started a project where I collect and translate all JynX and Rei/Zelo tweets, for future posterity.
The project isn't complete yet, but what is there can be found here. I've already found all lore scraps and documented them onto the wiki though, so there's no urgent need to read these at all.
These two are accounts belong to in-universe characters, and so in fear of spoiling things, I've left their names out.
Being much more important tweets, part of the overall narrative of the series, they have their own dedicated wiki page to translating them here.
@Kanae_Tabinoki: Kanae's twitter account
To be completely honest, in terms of lore, Kanae's account is barely relevant. He mostly uses it to announce upcoming streams. I'm just listing it here for completion's sake.
Final Note: On the Len'en Wiki
Like I mentioned in part 1 your best friend really will be the Len'en wiki, the primary sources and their translations on the wiki are 100% trustworthy, be it game dialogue, associated files or even tweet quotes.
Pages where information needs to be synthesised on the other hand I would be slightly more careful with, there's not a lot of us wiki editors so many of those pages remain un-updated beyond the bare minimum. Misinformation should be kept to a minimum, though.
However, I will guarantee the quality of the Origin and Name sections! I've poured many hours into research for those, and I'm quite proud of them.
Also, there's a glossary navigation box that has a lot of pages for terms, key items and organizations listed there.
I mention this cause while the characters and location navboxes are probably easy to come across, this one might be a bit more obscure. The Youkai page is one example where it can be found.
Finally, the Len'en kanji change and what it signifies is detailed on the Len'en Project page, specifically under Name and Concept & Story Arcs, so there's also that to check out.
And that! Concludes everything you have to know to start fully immersing yourself into Len'en lore, to the point where you can drown in it like I have.
There are also announced but yet unreleased games and things of the like, but you can explore the wiki to find out about them, or even just ask other fans!
I must reiterate, I wouldn't be too worried about learning and reading up on whatever I've mentioned here in part 3. Part 1 and 2 are already a lot, after all and they're really the main basis you need to dig into the lore, getting immersed in all that does kinda snowballs into the obscure stuff naturally though, so you'll be back~ :)
And finally, to be completely shameless, I do some pretty neat Len'en related analyses and theories here that I feel aren't quite solid enough for the wiki. So if you somehow manage to consume all this and still hunger for more, come visit, yeah?
Anyways, I really, really hopes this helps. And happy lore-ing~!
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dmbjexchange · 1 year
Small-Med Ships Exchange Signups Open
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It’s time for the Daomu Biji Small-Med Ships Exchange, a fic, art and vid exchange for DMBJ ships where more than 3% of English-language authors have posted fics on AO3.
In this exchange, participants will be anonymously matched to create gifts for one another during a six week creating period.
This exchange is open to all the DMBJ canons - if it’s DMBJ, then it’s eligible! It will take place on AO3, so you need an AO3 account to participate – if you don’t have one, you can request an invitation code here. If there isn’t enough time, no worries - contact the mods at here on tumblr or on Discord and we can send you an invitation!
Please read this post carefully before signing up.
May 4: Signups close May 7: Assignments out June 25: Assignments due July 2: Works reveals July 9: Creator reveals & treats deadline
Allowed Ships
Any DMBJ ship (other than pingxie or heihua) which, as of April 24, 2023, has had more than 3% of English-language authors post fics for it on AO3.
For this year's exchange, this means the following ships are allowed:
Er Yue Hong/Zhang Qishan Hei Xiazi/Huo Xiuxiu/Xie Yuchen Kan Jian/Liu Sang Liang Wan/Zhang Rishan Liu Sang/Wang Pangzi Liu Sang/Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling Liu Sang/Wu Xie Liu Sang/Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling Liu Sang/Zhang Qiling Liu Sang/Zhang Rishan Qi Tie Zui/Zhang Qishan Qi Tie Zui/Zhang Rishan Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling Wang Pangzi/Zhang Qiling Wu Xie/Xie Yuchen
1. Your creation must focus on your recipient’s requested ship (or one of their requested ships, if they have nominated multiple ones). While unrequested background ships are fine (unless listed as a Do Not Want), the focused ship must only be one of the requested ones. 2. You will be expected to create a gift matching your recipient’s request. Filling any specifying prompts is not obligatory, but try to create something you honestly think your recipient will enjoy! 3. You must not include anything that your recipient has listed as a DNW (Do Not Want). This goes for treats as well. 4. The minimum requirements for the gifts are 300 words for fic, one sketch on unlined paper for art (traditional or digital; no manips), or 30 seconds for a vid. 5. After the matching is done, all the requests will be made visible to everyone to allow for treating! There are no minimum requirements for treats (but remember to mind your recipient’s do not wants!). You can also create manips and fanvids for treats. 6. This is an anonymous exchange: refrain from discussing your assignment in public. After the works are revealed, there’ll be one week anon period when the creators remain anonymous before the creator reveals. 7. If at any point you need to drop out, just click on the “default” button on your AO3 assignment page; we’ll find a pinch hitter to create a gift for your recipient instead. If you need an extension to finish your gift, contact the mods before the deadline. 8. After the reveals, comment on your gift. 9. Most importantly: be excellent to each other!
Sign-Up Information
Sign-ups will take place here on AO3, ending on May 4th. There, you can fill out details about your request and offer. You can edit your sign-up at any time until the sign-ups close on May 4th.
When signing up, you will be able to choose fandom and genre tags, as well as specify any additional details.
You will have to select the DMBJ canon you’re interested in creating and receiving a gift in:
Novels: Daomu Biji / The Grave Robbers’ Chronicles (including spinoffs, side stories, and extras)
TV: The Lost Tomb 1
TV: The Lost Tomb 2 Explore with the Note
TV: The Lost Tomb 2.5 Heavenly Palace on the Clouds
TV: Ultimate Note
TV: Sha Hai (and spin off movies)
TV: The Lost Tomb Reboot/The Sound of Providence (and spin offs)
TV: The Mystic Nine (and spin off movies)
Movie: Time Raiders
This does not mean that you’re limited to requesting or creating a work during the canon timelines for those series/books. It’s just to mark which canons you’re familiar with to allow for easier matching: some participants might have a preference for a particular canon era, some might not be familiar with all the versions. You still have to choose your preferred canon eras even if you want to create or receive an AU.
You will also have to specify genres you’re interested in
Alternate Universe
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Canon Compliant
Porn With Plot
Fandom - you have to choose at least one. If you’re willing to receive a gift in any canon era, you can just click “Any”!
Genre - you have to choose at least three tags.
Ratings - you have to choose at least one. This will help your gifter know what you like and are comfortable with when they're coming up with ideas to fill your prompts.
Warnings - you have to choose at least one. This does not mean that you WILL receive a gift with warnings, it just lets your gifter know if you are comfortable receiving a gift with warnings or not.
Optional Details - here’s where you can go into more detail about your perfect exchange gift!You can include:
General Likes: your gifter may, but doesn’t have to, include them. This isn’t a place for detailed prompts, just general themes you enjoy, like getting together or established relationship.
Please note that fics featuring QPRs, ace, and/or aro characters are absolutely valid things to request in a ship exchange.
DNW (Do Not Wants): things that your creator must not include - squicks, triggers, characters or things that you simply don’t like. Remember that you don’t owe anyone an explanation about why something is a DNW, and that DNW are not meant to be taken personally. Just list the things you don’t like, “DNW: X, Y.”
Please list if you have any audio or visual triggers (such as flashing lights). This could be in your DNW or could be separate. Please also list song/music DNWs (e.g.   "please no lyrics that use the n-word" or "please no lyrics in [specific language]"  or “please no [specific genre/s of music”).
Prompts/specific ideas: if you have any prompts, you can also put them here! You can be as general or as detailed as you’d like, but remember that while your creator will try to make the best gift for you, filling a specific prompt is not obligatory. You can include a crossover prompt (with other DMBJ verse or other canons), but make sure it’s not the only prompt you have.
For vid prompts, please list things like genres/styles of music you like (or like in vids), vibes/tone/theme you’d like to see (e.g. “angsty amnesiac Xioage”, “Fuba crack”, etc.), and things like that. Please try to avoid giving one or two specific songs for a specific character/ship.
If you chose novels as one of your fandoms, you can use this field to list the ones you’re familiar with, such as ‘Books 1-4′ , ‘main series only′, ‘main series + specific extras’, etc.
The requests will be made publicly visible after matching is done, so that others will be able to create treats (additional gifts) based on them!
Fandom - you have to choose at least one. If you can create works for any canon era, you can choose “Any”!
Genre - you have to choose at least three.
Ratings - you have to choose at least one. This will help matching what people are comfortable creating with what people are comfortable receiving.Warnings - you have to choose at least one. This does not mean that you have to create a gift with warnings, it's just for helping to match what people are comfortable writing with what people are comfortable receiving.
Optional Details - in this field, you can tell us more about the kind of works you like to create, for example if you really prefer established relationship, feel best with certain kinds of AUs, or like writing darkfic. We’ll take it into account when matching! By the same token, if there’s something you really don’t want to write, let us know here as well.
If you chose novels as one of your fandoms, you can use this field to list the ones you’re familiar with, such as ‘Books 1-4′ , ‘main series only′, ‘main series + specific extras’, etc.
In the optional details of your offer, you can also name people you don’t want to be matched to, for example your regular beta, and we will do our best to avoid matching you!
The offers will only ever be visible to the mods; never to anyone else.
Your Assignment
You will be matched to create a gift for someone who requested at least one of the fandoms that you offer, with as many similar genres/likes as possible. This exchange will be hand-matched, after using AO3’s matching algorithm to first generate the potential matches.
If you have any issues when you receive your assignment (you have a question about it or think there’s an issue with it), contact the mods as soon as possible. Do not contact your recipient on your own.
You will have to create a gift for your recipient, fulfilling the minimum requirements of fandom, genre, and ship, and avoiding any stated “do not wants”. Filling exact prompts is optional, but try to create something matching your recipient’s likes that they will enjoy!
You will have to post your gift to the exchange AO3 collection before the due date (June 25th), using the “gift this work to” option to give it to your recipient. Your work will remain in the collection only visible to you and the mods until the reveals happen. Remember to tag your work appropriately or use the “chose not to warn” warning.
Treats are additional gifts for the participants! To allow for treating, the requests will be made visible when matching is done. You can create treats at any time until the creator reveals! There are no minimum requirements for treats, and manips are also allowed in addition to fic, art, and vids. As with assignments, you have to respect the recipient’s Do Not Wants, and while the optional details are optional, try to create something fitting the listed likes. One treat can only be gifted to one person.
Pinch Hits
In case someone needs to drop out, we will look for a pinch hitter to complete their assignment. Pinch hits will be posted to this tumblr and the DMBJ Yu Cun Discord.
If you think you can finish your assignment, but you need a few days more, you can always ask for an extension! 
Multi-Chapter Fics
If you are writing a multi-chapter fic for the exchange and don’t want to drop the entire fic at once, these are the posting guidelines for it:
Multi-chapter fics that are assignment fills must be fully written and at least the first chapter posted by the assignment deadline, ready for the fic reveals on July 2nd.
From July 2nd, at least one chapter is to be posted daily.
All chapters of the fic must be posted by the time of author reveals and end of treating on July 9th (If the fic is more than 7 chapters long, then this will mean that multiple chapters will need to be posted on some days).
Multi-chapter fics that are treats can begin to be posted at any time, but must also be fully posted by July 9th.
Other Important Information
Make sure to check the email you use on AO3 frequently during the exchange, as it will be the primary means of communication. We might contact you if there is an issue with your sign-up or if your gift creator has a question for you.
If you’d rather we contact you on your twitter or tumblr, please leave your handle in the offer section of your sign-up.
Follow us here to avoid missing an announcement or a deadline!
If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact us here on tumblr or on Discord.
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
Dark Synchronicities Between My Ex and Walker's The Jackal
Oh boy, this one is a bit of a dousy synchronicities wise, very dark. It was a couple of months ago when the 4th and final season of Walker aired on April 3, 2024. This season for those of you who don't know, this season's villain is a serial killer affectionately known as The Jackal who has been revealed to target bad parents or caretakers. One of his signature moves is to inject his targets with digoxin to keep them paralyzed, and then eventually bury them alive along with a jackal's tooth. In the latest episode of Walker that aired June 12, 2024, Cordell was having a "dream" while he was being "taken cared of" by The Jackal before he was buried alive (and thankfully found by the other Texas rangers).
The premiere episode "The Quiet" featured the steak eating contest that was held at the Walkers' home when they were unable to make the road trip to another steak eating contest. I found this interview with one of the questions and answers being as below:
Damian: Understandable, since it’s his kid! I will say, at the beginning of the season, this is probably the happiest we’ve seen Cordi. He’s eating a massive amount of steak. He’s in love again. He has put the ghost of his late wife to rest. The kids are growing up, he’s kind of reclaiming his own life again. Can he have this all, can he be happy?
Jared: Oh, Damian, you know TV better than that! Hell no. [Laughs] He can have a lot sometimes and some a lot of times, but one of the things that [showrunner] Anna Fricke and I talked about from the get-go was trying to make sure that this version of Walker was more similar to life than just a TV version of a [person]. We never sought out to go like, “Well, it’s the end of episode, I roundhouse kicked somebody and now everything’s okay. Let’s all high-five!” This is more like, “Well, what did I miss while trying to get the bad guy? Oh, I missed my daughter’s graduation. Oh, I missed her birthday. I missed this. Oh, I didn’t call back my live-in partner that I was supposed to.” And so there’s no pure win and there is no pure loss. So I think with Walker, though happy now, his life happens in seasons and not like TV seasons. Walker’s had some hard times and now is an easy time, but life is difficult, and Walker finds that out.
9 days after Walker season 4 first aired back in April, an old boyfriend of mine reached back out to me... a few years after the last message I sent him on May 7, 2021. I had reached out to him because I wanted to "make peace" if you will about how things ended with us dating over 12 years ago before I moved out of state. He did cheat on me about 3 days before I moved while I was asleep in his room and took the girl downstairs. Just couldn't wait a few more days, eh? Anyways, I found it strange that I was thinking about him a few times the week after Walker premiered and a couple days later my came around to messaging me out of the blue. Weirdly enough, he was thirsting over me and did basically compare me to steak and other girls he's had to McDonald's. He even mentioned how road trips do exist.
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I proceeded with caution in talking to my ex because his former best friend who is still my friend (long story there) told me a few years ago about the things he did to the girl he dated after me. The biggest crime I can think of upfront being he essentially made her become a prostitute so he could get drug money. When I went to his former best friend's wedding a few years ago, I learned my ex boyfriend's now ex fiancée is so terrified of him she got a restraining order. She straight up refused to go to my friend's wedding, thinking he would show up there, which did sadden my friend. I did at one point try to warn this girl over 12 years ago before she started dating my ex about his cheating on me.
Since she wasn't really willing to heed my warning about the cheating tidbit, I never got around to telling her about how every time him and his dad get into arguments, he talks afterward about killing his dad. He also frequently mentioned plans of going on multiple killing sprees, even promising me he'd never hurt me or my family but did promise to go after my high school boyfriend who violated me in a hotel room bathroom. I also noticed that I would fall asleep an awful lot at his house and I seem to remember always having a beverage of some kind before doing so. If you know me, I struggle with falling asleep generally and always have. So knowing I fell asleep there very frequently is noteworthy to say the least. I remember always waking up feeling very groggy; one of the times I woke up my pants were down and felt my ex's member about to enter me until I woke up and said "What are you doing?" and then he stopped.
House of Wax (watching at night), Road Trip, Ketchup and French Fries, Tooth Fairy Movie (watched this morning)
Funnily enough, I was watching the older 1953 House of Wax movie while I was writing this post initially. Roku and its mislabeling movie versions at times. I selected it thinking it was the 2005 version not the 1953 one. However, I was writing this post so I was not entirely paying attention to the movie. I started watching the CORRECT version around 8:30pm or so (namely the one I care about more with Jared in it ha ha) and noticed Paris Hilton's character eating ketchup and fries (you'll see why I say this in the next paragraph). I couldn't help but notice the child being restrained in the beginning of the movie and the mother yelling at him to keep calm and the dad saying "he's really being a monster again today" and after the boy is moving around screaming which ends up with the wax mask falling to the ground and breaking. Eventually, the mother slaps the distressed child strapped to the high chair who yelled at him to "be quiet". Bad parenting much and the child turns out to become a serial killer, just like The Jackal in season 4 of Walker? Also couldn't help but notice the road trip discussion Jared's character Wade has with his girlfriend Carly. Oh and how funny, one of the characters from "Friday the 13th" (2009) in the first group was named Wade. Hmm....
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This morning, I also was nudged to randomly watched the movie "Tooth Fairy" (2010) with Dwayne Johnson "The Rock" in it. The main character's girlfriend's daughter is named Carly; his girlfriend also says "oh, a little ketchup" while wiping the side of his mouth and proceeds to kiss The Rock's character Derek Thompson who is known as the "Tooth Fairy" because of knocking out one opponents' teeth in a game years ago in the movie.
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I did write in a post not too long ago about how things are "coming in full circle" and said this kind of phrase multiple times. Perhaps it's true on a broader scale than I realized...
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forleejehoon · 2 years
[Interview] Lee Je Hoon for 𝘔𝘌𝘕 𝘕𝘰𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦 April issue — English translation
Translation by @forleejehoon. Please do not repost/share full or in parts without credits.
Lee Je Hoon is an actor that shines. There's plenty of inner glow coming from him – instead he wishes to become a light that's impossible to replace.
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Taxi Driver 2's popularity is respectable. Apparently each episode garners over 10% of watch ratings.
I'm grateful just for the fact that season 2 was able to come out, as soon as the broadcasting started it got good reactions so I didn't know what to do with myself. It felt like being greatly compensated for the many hours I've spent filming.
It was intense since the shot of Kim Do Ki's back at the very beginning.
The very first line in the script director wrote was "Do Ki working out in a prison cell". One has to devote themselves to the scene, of course. (laughs) While thinking 'it's my last time showing my skin' I prepared for it diligently. Today at the promotion shootings, I'm flashing the little that remains of my abs. (laughs)
Kim Do Ki is a character that keeps changing his personas to punish the villains. You had to embody all these different characters in one project and although it's something to boast about as an actor, wasn't it difficult?
I filmed everything very happily while enjoying all of it. The difference between the personas is big so I worried a lot about what it's like for the viewers to watch it on screen. I thought a lot about how I should make it feel more continuous, too. Despite the times when I didn't feel content with my acting, I gained confidence since luckily everyone is enjoying watching it. For season 2 I filmed with the mindset “let’s play even harder”.
In the documentary Another Record: Lee Je Hoon you revealed to actor Lee Dong Hwi about your wish to do comedic acting. This time you happened to fulfill it to your heart's content.
In my case, I have no talent of making people around me laugh. Because of that, me doing comedic acting always felt far-fetched. In this project I formed a nice ensemble with the rest of the cast as well as the script was interesting and funny.
So this was a new challenge for you?
To be honest, I'm not an actor who's skilled in adlibs. If in the past I was someone who acted out the script exactly as it was written, now I have let my abilities come to surface and let them be seen. If I see some part in the dialogue or the script that could be filled, I express my ideas, so I play [characters] while contributing to the script.
As an actor you must've changed quite a bit?
Honestly there were times when even the act of familiarizing myself with the dialogue and simply acting felt like it was too much. Now as a person who's a narrator of the story, I feel the responsibility to lead projects. Once again it's the battle with time for filming sites. "Ah, why didn't I do this then", "why did I miss this" – I don't want any of such worries to remain so I have to distribute everything within the given time.
I could feel this passion of yours fully at the promotion shoot today, too. Felt like watching some sort of silent drama.
Promotion shoots aren't that different from when I'm acting. There aren't many chances to show myself equipped with cool and flashy jewelry. Now that I've left a memory of this new image of myself, I feel like I’ll be able to pull it off it in a future project. Through such collected experiences, I feel like I muster up courage to take on new challenges.
In the 4th episode a country boy Lee Je Hoon ordering around in Chungcheon satoori surprised the viewers with freshness, too.
It's the same for me. For Chungcheon people it'll look lame for sure. Despite that people have watched my trying self with affection. Through this opportunity both as an actor and as Lee Je Hoon I've acquired another thing I can do. If I happen to visit Chungcheon I shall try using it. (laughs)
I believe Kim Do Ki could become a character of a lifetime.
It can happen. It's truly fascinating to have been able to show so many varied personas in one piece of work. Although while I was acting I had thoughts like "other actors could pull off this role way better", but as long as it's Taxi Driver's Kim Do Ki – I think I can do it the best. Other actors substituting me wouldn't work. Of course there are better actors. But as much as it's hard to imagine [other actors playing as Kim Do Ki], Kim Do Ki is a character that I love and cherish.
Out of the entire bouquet of Kim Do Ki personas, who would be the closest to ordinary Lee Je Hoon?
To be honest, there isn't a single one that's similar to me. (laughs) Someone who's intelligent, someone who's humorous – both of these sides can be seen in little parts in me but even that would be an exaggeration.
To the viewers it feels cathartic to watch how the villains are punished. Was there any moment that felt the most satisfying for you personally?
Rather than action scenes, I think I felt the satisfaction when relaying a deep message.
What kind of message could that be?
Although I can't reveal any spoilers from the second half of the show, the most I can say is that in English you can express it as “memory” or “remember”. In season 2 these are the keywords that keep reappearing. "Do remember" is always what it ends with. In each episode it’s the crimes that are handled and the absurd reality of them. So such a message is the foundation of Taxi Driver.
Looking at your filmography including Taxi Driver, there are quite many works that are box office successes or are award-winning. Should I say that you have good luck with projects, or do you have a good eye when choosing them?
I do have my personal standards when choosing a project to work on. I want to do such projects that stay in viewers' hearts and minds for a long time. Not the ones that have no retainment value. It's good if fun is all that the experience of watching a movie gives, however there's nothing I'd need anymore in life if I can only be someone that leaves an effect on people's lives. Although I myself am an actor, when it comes to movies I have this same preference. Because I too get influenced by the works I watch.
Ahead of you there's the movie Escape that you'll star in together with actor Koo Kyo Hwan. In the 42nd Blue Dragon Awards you revealed that you'd "like to act with Koo Kyo Hwan once" and now it's a reality. Did your comment make any influence in the casting?
I was curious myself so I asked the production team. They said it did have an influence. I'm a lucky fan. (laughs)
Now that you have actually worked with him, how was it?
Although the movie is already a masterpiece, since I'm acting together with Koo Kyo Hwan it will shine even brighter. Once again I realized how an actor is an important part of a movie. Although we didn't talk too much, I have a partner with whom I can exchange feelings and the dialogue. Even though I haven't met Koo Kyo Hwan in private settings, the way we matched together felt like smooth sailing.
Let's talk about the days when you dreamt of being an actor. You dropped out of university and at 25 years old started attending Korea National University of Arts. Even before that, you were in the theater scene but then entered a university again – was there any particular reason that made you decide like that?
I decided I wanted to act and hung around the Daehakro [Arts Theatre] when I was 21-22 years old, somewhere around that time. I’ve experienced acting for only about 1-2 years and believed I could make a decision. Whether I really have the talent and interest to pursue such a road. But as time went on, I still couldn’t find answers to both of those questions. I didn’t give up and in order to fulfill my dream completely I thought I needed some kind of opportunity to reach the finish line.
But the people you’ve worked with are very sure [about your talent]. Director Yoon Sung Hyun, while recalling the filming for Bleak Night, has observed that you’re a born actor, as well as actor Park Jeong Min has said that you’re an actor who has great inner charge of pathos-energy. You’ve been getting such comments since the rookie days, doesn’t that make you a natural?
I’m not too sure about this. When someone discovers me, something inside of me seems to bring out some things in them – I can imagine hearing comments like that. Directors and writers cast me so it’s possible that the director adds more focus onto me. My presence can come out when lighting directors shine their light onto me. No matter how well I can act or how confident I am, it’s the fact that such people exist or else I couldn’t shine as an actor.
It’s been around 17 years since you’ve debuted in a short film Litmus of Truth. Maybe it’s because I didn’t see current you being that different from Architecture 101’s Seung Min but I didn’t really think you’ve had such work experience.
Wow, it’s been this many years. Come to think of it, I’ve set up a production company with the people I’ve worked with on Litmus of Truth. (laughs)
It’s been 2 years since that, right? Since you’ve set up a production company named “Hard Cut” together with director Yang Gyeong Mo and producer Kim Yu Gyeong.
That’s right. If there comes a time when, willingly or not, I wouldn’t be able to act, I’ve tried thinking about what kind of job I could do. Will I be able to do another job, do I want more burden. But I didn’t have much of a choice. Even if I couldn’t act, I still want to be someone that’s present in the filming site. I could be someone that generates ideas, or I could be a maknae that holds the light reflector. That’s why I’ve created “Hard Cut”, there are many things I’m learning about myself. How much I actually love movies or what kind of acting I should show from now onwards. The things I couldn’t see before are now right before my eyes. When it comes to making movies, it doesn’t matter from which position or what I do – I have the will for anything.
I’m wondering about what kind of concerns does an actor of 17 years have.
Instead of having concerns I believe I should be putting much of continuous efforts. There are many things that I still don’t know and things that I still lack in, however I have great desire to make good movies. Suddenly I thought to myself what would I answer to this question if 10 years from now I’m asked a similar one – in the future I’d like my answer to be the same as today. I wish to be an actor that feels such thirst [to make great movies] persistently.
Are there any moments that felt monumental?
When it’s a national holiday? (laughs) When it’s a holiday, they broadcast special selection movies. Whenever a movie I worked on is chosen to be shown, I’m very thankful. There are movies that are box office hits, or that have a good message behind them, whatever the reason – all of them are works containing great meaning.
What adjective would you like there to be in front of your name?
An actor that’s impossible to replace. Isn’t that truly the greatest praise.
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In brackets I’ve personally added more context to help understand the meaning more clearly.
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