#Welp looks like this account isnt that dead
Who’s your favorite twin/Who can you relate more to? Donald or Douglas?
I like them eqqualy but i kinda like Douglas more (sorry Donald)
I relate to douglas cause hes like the older twin but he never gets the spotlight/bullied
I mean bassicly in love me tender,They just bullied him >:(. Like Donald dosent agree with Douglas's ways and then Douglas got de-tatch from his tender AND HE HAD TO BE IN THE FUCKING SNOW ALONE and his driver are like "Well bye were gonna leave you here until someone saves you" I mean you dont just stand there DO SOMETHING TO SAVE HIM GOD
But honestly Donald gets bully to kinda since his centric episode is also a Duck episode
But still Douglas kinda gets bullied in the show (and prob the books to but idk)
Pls give this guy some love
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isolated-bug · 2 years
Hello! I’m so sorry for bothering you but I remember in some of your posts when your were talking about the Arcane visual novel you mentioned that there was a sweet silco and jinx moment about him being concerned for her health or something. I can’t find it for the life of me. Would you be so kind as to point me in the right direction so I can find it or share a screen shot? Also, if you have any extra thoughts on it I would love for you to share a little? It’s completely up to you. Thank you for your time!
hey there! never apologize for sending me asks, I love them!!! sorry for the late reply.. it has been a bit of an anxiety week for me >.<
yes!! so there was a web browser game that was a self insert. I have seen it being labeled as “Into the Arcane”, “Browser Game”, “Arcane X Riot”, “Visual Novel” and any combination of those things lol. Its inaccessible now as it was only able to be played for a limited time.. i think maybe a week or two? Essentially, you as the player were pulled through an arcane magic portal and you are running around trying to help Jayce, Viktor, and Heimerdinger fix the portals and restore balance and order.
in your investigation you identify Jinx as being the culprit to the troubles and chase her down. Now the dialogue changes depending on the answers you choose and i struggled to find anyone who had screenshots or video of the responses i chose but here is an example. I pulled the screenshots below from this video. The link is queued up at the timestamp when this closing scene begins: https://youtu.be/MJ7NGz6UYH8?t=511
and just for shits and giggles here is a different persons video of it where they choose slightly different options: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OufrkTPuhJM
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So this is the normal preset. Everyone gets this part. Basically you enter the environment and walk up on them arguing. Silco is aware of the magic because you had previously gone to him with suspicion so its assumed here that he is scolding Jinx after connecting the dots from the information you shared with him during your accusations. Basically Silco is insisting that this power isnt worth it and that Jinxs life is at risk if she doesnt give it up because the magic is unstable and is slowly tearing her apart.
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Silco tries reassuring her and cut through her self doubt and its basically another iteration of the ‘you’re perfect’ line. Jinx is sassy and argues back, you get to choose a path on how you respond to Jinx’s sass and that will start up the ending.
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You then get to make a choice again on how you will combat Jinx trying to use the magic. This will effect the outcome of how the story dialogue plays
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Silco insists you leave Jinx alone, concerned about her safety
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And the ending is kinda odd.. Heimerdinger, Jayce, and Viktor all offer commentary after this last screenshot and Viktor says “Whoever She was, remember that Jinx was once a person” which is really wierd and makes it sound like she is dead. Then after that they just sorta pat you on the back and say “welp, lets get you home!” but when the auto prompts are all done you see Jinx and Silco hanging out next to each other and if you click on Silco to prompt dialogue he basically tells you to fuck off
So my thoughts on this are that, while this is not a canon storyline, it is still an official piece of AU content from RIOT and to me, that means that the scenery and the character behaviors are still reliable insights into the world of Arcane from the show.
There is also a video floating around that i saw on twitter posted by the official Arcane account called “Arcane Script to Screen: Act 3″ https://twitter.com/i/status/1464292879807827969
Looking at the script to screen and the interactions in the browser game/visual novel thing its totally clear to me and irrefutable that Silco truly did care for Jinx and saw her as his family. He truly prioritized her well-being above his ambitions and dreams. I ALSO would like to point out that this is said in the script
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“Coming to grips with the fact that she just killed another father” meaning that, for all you Vander lovers, Jinx DID see Vander as a father AND she sees her relationship with Silco as him being her father. Sorry to ruin it for all the Jilco shippers but yea. FATHER.
And Silco did, per the script, love Jinx:
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“Silcos eyes, full of love, glaze over” And some people might be like “well if he cared about her and wanted her safe, why send her to fight people blah blah” but, like, fighting the way she does is relatively normal for Zaun. Violence and murder and crime syndicates and all of that is just... like as simple as walking your dog. So yeah, Silco would have her do shit that put her at risk but i think he only ever tasked her with what he thought she could handle. I think Silcos love for Jinx is incredible, reliable, everlasting. Soo yea >.<  to me it just.. furthers the point that Silco wants Jinx safe and by his side and values her over his Nation of Zaun ambition.
Also definitely watch the script to screen video! Its really interesting because Jinx was not originally written to shoot Silco!! She was originally scripted to have a music box explode and its shrapnel kills Silco. Jinx still has a shooting spree freak out but its at the music box, NOT at Silco. So for those of you who also say “Powders last act was to protect Vi by killing Silco” No. She was just having an episode and attacking whatever made noise that alarmed her. Sorry! I ruin all the things but like... its a thing... o.o And understanding the intent behind character actions helps us understand the characters and that gives us the ability to better write and extrapolate and predict etc soo... its important! Yeah! Woot woot! Look at that. Im like Santa. I give you links, screenshots, AND words o.o lmao
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the way lily treats her fans... the way she speaks to them makes it clear ... she doesnt want fans she wants power over people .... and the fact that her fans always take her word as law in fear of her slandering them makes this clear ... lilys fanbase isnt a fandom... its a cult
Well, lets see, according to this site here, some of the criteria of a cult is:
A charismatic leader: Cults always follow a charismatic leader, living or dead, whose teachings are considered of the highest importance. This leader may be considered a genius, or may be considered a religious figure like a messiah or prophet.
Well, Lily isn't considered a religious figure, but her fans do believe her to be incredibly intelligent, and flock around her personality, so I would say that pans out.
Ideological purity: Members are strongly discouraged from questioning the cult's doctrine and any doubts are met with shame or punishment.
That one also pans out, if the Cypher incident is anything to go by.
Conformity and control: Cult leaders often exercise an extreme degree of control over members' lives, including dictating what they can wear and eat and what kinds of relationships they can have. Conformity is also enforced by group members who police one another.
I've heard that everyone is policing each other, and doing everything to make Lily comfortable, so this also tracks.
Mind-altering practices: Sleep deprivation, chanting, meditation, and drugs are often used to break down individuals' defenses and make them more susceptible to cult ideology.
Well, Lily hasn't done this one, so let's cross that out.
Isolation and love-bombing: It is common for people in cults to be encouraged to cut contact with outsiders, including close family members. Within the cult, new members are often subjected to love-bombing, a practice where new initiates are showered with love and praise to bring them deeper into the cult and foster a sense of belonging.
Love bombing? Check, every account of her relationships seems to have some account of Love Bombing to them, and it comes with the nice little caveat that a lot of outsiders will begin to shun the new members as the begin to speak more like Lily.
Us-vs-them mentality: Cult members are often encouraged to see the cult as superior to life on the outside and to feel that those outside the cult lack understanding or insight.
Let's see, everyone who critics Lily is a: Nazy, Bigot, fascist, racist or a baby. People who get expelled where just secretly Nazy the whole time, and a lot of people who circle her sphere all feel as if other people outside the circle don't understand her, or are just secretly vultures, so big check mark here.
Apocalyptic thinking: Preparation for a supposed apocalypse or cataclysmic event is a major characteristic of many cults, especially cult religions.
Well, Lily hasn't been preaching the end times yet, so this doesn't apply.
Time and energy: Followers are expected to dedicate huge amounts of time and energy (and often money) to the cult to the exclusion of their own lives, interests, jobs, and families.
Let's see, a lot of them are patrons, so that covers the money angle, and based off of the accounts, a lot of people are expected to just constantly reach out to Lily and put all the work in the relationship. So I guess that's the time and energy angle.
Welp, six out of eight key points isn't a glowing look. But of course, I'm not saying Lily is running a cult, but if people come to that conclusion based off of the works she produces, then that's on her.
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l0ve-pand0ra · 4 years
unpopular my hero opinions!!! waaa if u get offended they arent real ppl. and fyi this is one of my all time favorite animes.
1. todoroki isnt less cool now bc hes not the stoic asshole with no friends. the only reason yall think that is bc he gets so little screen time and time to shine bc when he does hes so much better then deku so they constantly dim his character down
2. todoroki would have made a more compelling and interesting and believable main character rather then deku.
3. deku was Never the underdog, he got all mights (the #1 heros) quirk Given to him for FREE. and all might favors him and gives him special treatment. and he gets away with everything. his family is super supportive. hes deadass not the underdog just bc he breaks his bones for a while. especially after season 2, underdog my ass
4. it makes zero sense that todorokis deep rooted issues and trauma got resolved with some words in a couple of episodes. meanwhile it takes bakugou 4 season to even consider changing his mindset on deku. even though bakugous whole issue is something he MADE UP in his head. again, todoroki getting done dirty
5. deku should not have beaten overhaul. when he went out to fight i literally rolled my eyes. sure the fight was impressive with stunning animation and sure he had eri. but ur telling me a freshman beat a villian with a quirk that allows him disassemble and reassemble matter which if you forgot what matter is it everything around you everything including the air.
6. todoroki and Bakugo werent in season 4 for much of it purely because of how popular they are and how much more people prefer them to Deku
7. sir nighteye rlly died without recognizing deku as being worthy of one for all... welp
8. shinsou got set up to the max going up against deku who for whatever reason on that day decided to tap into some dead mfs living inside him.... COME ON
9. this one isn’t unpopular but HOW DID U.A NOT THINK TO USE SHINSOU DURING THE OVERHAUL CASE???? like i understand hes not in the hero course but dude.......
10. my hero has weak villains, the  league is a joke with no clear direction for the whole anime, they start showing promise at the end of the overhaul arc. n i adore the league n its members but in the anime the jus seem lost with no clear direction ... and all for one aint all that. stain on the otherhand is the only good villain with conviction and is super compelling the stain arc was way ahead of its time
12. tetsutetsu deserved to be in class 1A and has more charisma and likability then most of class 1A.
13. monama has a reason to be peeved, like come on 1B is literally known as lesser 1A... that is annoying
14. present mic is ugly n just bc him and aizawa are friends doesn’t mean you Have to ship them together. aizawa can do so much better.
15.(basically point 2 expanded lol) todoroki should have been the main character. hes way more compelling and has a way clearer goal then deku. now if deku became the worlds first quirkless hero thats one thing. but can you imagine todoroki having to decide if he should accept all mights power and if he does is he doing it for the right reason? or seeing an  in-depth look into his family situation. like come on the set up with dabi being his archenemy secret brother, n if u want some bland het romance him and momo. bruh it writes itself.
16. deku having multipal quirks is such Bullshit. like come on giving him more quirks wont make him more of a compelling character.
17. the history of one for all makes no sense. i dont understand sure its buliding of power that gets passed on but,?? why couldn’t all might use all the quirks of the past users, why wasnt he able to see them like deku??? and idk it feels like they are always changing some part of one for all making it inconsistent.
18. bakugou has the best hero custome
19. the show is missing a character in 1A with a healing quirk. i feel like having someone like that would have really added to the show and would have been interesting.
20. tamaki is so much cooler then mirio, his quirk is so much stronger and dont get me wrong I love mirio and his quirk is incredible but tamaki basically as acess to an unlimited amount of quirks. plus its not just food he ate that crystal guys crystal n produced them. its badass
22. todoroki and bakugou not passing the hero exame was bs. todoroki was provoked by the baldheaded kid and he’s the one who started the fight not Todoroki. bakugou is himself and does not do fake comfort hes not all might, whats important is saving people if he gets the job done who cares. them not passing was jus an excuse to push their characters aside for the season.
23. the gentle arc was lame and made no sense especially bc of the roller coaster that was the overhaul arc. i understand that’s the point of it was so Deku realizes that not all villains are these horrible nasty people that are human too but like the placement was just so weird especially since it was before the endeavor and hawks arc it just made no sense to me at least. it just seem like another way to make the viewers think Deku is super cool main character. and once again he gets to defeat a villain all by himself... le sigh
24. bakugous anger is completely unjustified the entire series. I adore Bakugou and I adore his character and he is one of my favorite anime characters ever but He has no reason to be mad he has an awesome quirk he’s a prodigy at everything he does he has both his parents he’s wealthy he is well liked and popular where is the justification for his anger and I’m not saying that just because you have a nice life doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to be angry but this dude is yelling is mad all the time there’s issue with that. and as I stated previously his issue is something he made up in his head. he construed a narrative in his head who deku is.
25. anyone else feel like U.A is understaffed ?
26. that wood hero is a misogynist and hates women... he was real up in arms about mont lady when she was the one who actually stopped and captured that villain.
28. best jeanist is so cool im so sad where is he please come home. he’s literally the coolest pro hero. i dont like how he tried to change bakugou but he had a point on bakugous attuide being a bit much sometimes.
29. endeavor does not deserve a redemption arc stop normalizing forgiving your abusers people don’t have to forgive their abusers no matter if they’re their parents.  and choosing not to forgive them doesn’t mean that you’re holding onto this huge anger and it’s holding you back it just means you choose not to associate with them and to keep them away from you and I totally understand that Todoroki technically needs his father to teach him how to improve them but he doesn’t have to forgive him neither do his siblings they have every right to hold endeavor accountable for everything hes done!
30. MY HERO IS AMAZING AND THESE OPINIONS WERE JUS TO HAVE FUN AND MEAN NO HARM!!!! REMINDER THIS IS ALL FOR JOKES AND FOR FUN AND U DONT HAVE TO AGREE!!!!! my hero is one of the best shonen animes up there with the classics like naruto dbz and one piece, and also am i in no way actually criticizing the author lol Horikoshi has more talent on the tips of his finger nails then my whole bloodline will probably ever have lol !
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