artzychic27 · 1 month
WereMiraculous- Recess Class Pack
Role: Alpha Bio:
Mated to Mason
Has her fun moments, but knows when to be serious
Given the role of Alpha after Beck stepped down to go lone wolf
Great at coming up with plans to evade hunters
Really hopes he can live up to Beck's reputation
Wolf Form: Large with some muscle, short light brown fur, amber eyes, red smiley face on her forehead
Role: Pack Artist/Beta Bio:
Mated to Austin A
Like Nino, he's also the straight man. (I use that term loosely)
Can sometimes be found with Nathaniel and Petra when the packs meet up
Says what's on his mind
Will gladly maul his mate's mother when he gives the go ahead
Wolf Form: Large and a bit brawny, smooth black fur, dark purple eyes, pink ballet flat on his forehead
Role: Lead Hunter Bio:
Lost the feeling in her legs after a hunting accident years back, but that doesn't deter her
Thanks to a bit of help from Gerard, he can still hunt in his wolf form with the use of some aides
Very sure of herself
Sometimes helps Austin T with the cooking
Dominates at basketball when in their human form. REALLY wants to go all Air Bud and play basketball in their wolf form
Wolf Form: Large and with lean muscles, short and soft black fur, dark brown eyes, orange basketball marking on her forehead
Role: Strategist Bio:
Like Aurore, he's got a plan, and a backup plan, and a backup backup plan
Everyone trusts his judgement
Bit of a "mad scientist"
Has dozens of possible scenarios planned out in his head
REALLY loves his mates
Wolf Form: Medium-sized and slender, smooth orange fur, light blue eyes, blue atom molecule marking on his forehead
Role: Fighter/Head Guard Bio:
Never one to back down from a fight
The others are pretty sure she has military training
She just... She really cares about them all
... Especially Mindy
If you see her punching a rock, just don't do anything, and back away
Wolf Form: Small and buff, choppy blonde fur, reen eyes, green grenade marking on her forehead
Role: Ambassador Bio:
Quietest of the pack until you get her singing
Bit of a mom friend in training under Austin T
Wants to wait for Gia to make the first move
Has the most beautiful howl
She's there in a second the moment you get hurt
Wolf Form: Large and brawny, smooth blonde fur, kind green eyes, pink semiquaver on her forehead
Austin A
Role: Pack Omega/Stylist Bio:
Still getting used to being loved by everyone
... The pack just wants to talk to her mother, that's all
Very proud of his looks and insists on the pack "looking their best"
Demands attention from Spinelli, and he is more than happy to give that attention
Care sfor their pack, they just don't like showing it much
Wolf Form: Medium-size and slender, smooth blonde fur, light green eyes, pink lipstick marking on his forehead
Austin Q
Role: Fighter/Guard Bio:
Mated to Gerald and Victoria
Fiercely protective but doesn't like to admit it
Don't ask about his parents
He really misses his brother
Remind him to take care of himself
Wolf Form: Large with a lean build, slightly curly orange fur, dark blue eyes, blue fang marking on his forehead
Austin B
Role: Navigator Bio:
He's pretty much got most of the woods mapped out in his head
Prefers to look a his his old Gameboy than hold a conversation
Only Austin A, Q, and T can get close to him without him side stepping away
Somehow knows everything that'll happen before the others
Went through with this whole elaborate plan where he pretended to be some gamer's dog for a week just so he could play every game they had when they were asleep. Then he beat their scores and got bored
Wolf Form: Medium build and slender, curly black fur, bright yellow eyes, yellow joystick marking on his forehead
Austin T
Role: Pack Therapist/Caretaker Bio:
This pack needs some fucking therapy
And the best way to start is with muffins lovingly baked by Austin T
Likes to visit Jean and his pack
The original mom friend
The rest of the pack reminds him to take care of himself
Wolf Form: Medium build and a bit chubby, curly brown fur, dark brown eyes, pink mixing bowl marking on his forehead
Role: Lookout Bio:
Very excitable
Likes to climb to the highest points...
... It makes her feel tall
Headbutted a human hunter, and will do it again
First to howl whenever she hears a fire truck. She likes matching the sound
Wolf Form: Small with some muscle, curly orange fur, dark green eyes, green giggles marking on her forehead
Role: Pack Scout Bio:
REALLY likes to hang upside down for some reason
The pack doesn't question it
Helps remind DJ she can still be her fun-loving self even as the pack Alpha
Often stalls human hunters in the most hilarious ways possible
About as bubbly as Rose
Wolf Form: Medium with lean muscle, smooth blonde fur, dark blue eyes, pink bat (the animal) on her forehead
Role: Strategist Bio:
If you see zir and Austin B together, RUN
The snarkiest person you will ever meet
Has the best hearing out of the other pack members
Still getting used to affection
Cares for zir pack, but doesn't like showing it much
Wolf Form: small and slender, slightly curly dark red fur, dark brown eyes, blue soundwave marking on zir forehead
Role: Alpha's Mate/Pack Parent Bio:
Mated to DJ
Likes to keep tabs on the others
Lives off of coffee
He knows what you're going to do before you do it
Don't try him
Wolf Form: Medium build and slender, silky brown fur, dark grey eyes, blue binder marking on his forehead
@imsparky2002 @msweebyness
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msweebyness · 5 months
WereMiraculous- Tending Wounds
Hey hey hey, it’s Weeby with the third Myvan May short! We’re with the werewolves this time, and this is gonna be a feelsy one! Enjoy! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
Mylene couldn’t stop her breath from catching in her throat as her mate entered the alcove of the den where she performed her duties as the pack’s medic. Covered in huge and ugly bruises and littered with bleeding cuts, including a particularly nasty gash on his chest, Ivan gave the petite she-wolf an apologetic smile as he was holding his right wrist in a way that didn’t look promising, as well as walking with a slight limp.
Involuntarily, she felt tears begin to spring to her brilliant amber eyes. This was just one of countless times Ivan got hurt, and yet the pain of seeing it was just as sharp as it had been the times before. He was fulfilling his role in the pack, that much was true, but how was she, as his mate, supposed to not worry?
Grunting with effort as he made his way over to sit on the stone slab where she treated the wounds of her fellow wolves, Ivan gave Mylene another pained smile before he pulled off his torn shirt as she shakily began gathering the supplies she would need to patch him up.
“Sorry, My. I, uh, I got a little banged up again.”, the burly wolf said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his uninjured hand. Mylene could only purse her lips in response as she set to work cleaning off his cuts.
“I can see that, Ivan.”, she managed in as even a tone as she could, trying not to let her emotions get the better of her, but the next thing she said slipped out without her meaning it to, “And I wish that this wasn’t such a frequent thing. You going out and getting yourself hurt.”
She felt him tense slightly under her touch, before he released it with a heavy sigh. This was a discussion they’d had many times before, and she doubted that they wouldn’t have it again.
“Mylene, it’s my job to protect the pack. I go out and fight to keep the people that matter most to me safe. Our friends, Sasha, and you.”, he said solemnly, as she began to bandage up his cuts before moving to set and wrap his wrist so it would heal properly, “If anything happened to you that I could have stopped…if you got hurt…”
“And how do you think it makes me feel? You’re my mate too, Ivan, the same as I’m yours. It hurts me, unbelievably so, to see you go out and get injured like this.”, Mylene said sharply as she began to thread her needle to stitch up the slash across his chest, her anger quickly giving way to guilt as she dipped it in the salve that would numb the pain for him as she worked. She knew he was only trying to fulfill his role in the pack. It was his nature to protect, she saw it every day, with how he always walked on the outer edge of the group watching for danger. During the night, when he curled over her and Sasha, acting as a shield while they slept.
Despite the intense conversation, both of their faces flushed a rosy pink as she moved in close to him and rested one hand over his bare, broad chest to hold the other steady as it stitched up the wound. As she worked, Ivan spoke again, his voice full of deep emotion.
“I’m sorry, My. I never want to make you worry.”, he said in a heavy voice, resting his forehead against hers as she finished her work and set the needle aside. Mylene moved to nuzzle into him, careful to avoid his wounds, laying her head where she could hear his steady heartbeat.
“I know…it’s just…I can’t help it…you mean so much to me.”, she said softly against the warmth of his skin. Ivan’s strong arms wrapped around her, sending a feeling of comfort and safety through her.
“And you mean the world to me, Mylene. That’s why I’ll always fight to keep you safe, no matter what.”, he said before he pressed a kiss to her forehead, “And I promise I’ll do everything I can to never leave you.”
“I love you.”, she whispered softly against his chest.
“I love you too.”, he breathed into her thick blonde curls. Mylene broke away just so slightly to look up into his intense silvery eyes.
“I could really use a cuddle right now.”, she said, managing a little smile, which was returned by Ivan before they both shifted into their wolf forms. (Ask any werewolf and they’ll tell you this is the best way to snuggle.)
Nuzzling into Ivan’s thick grey fur, Mylene allowed herself to soak in his warmth as he wrapped his muscular form around her small and delicate one. He gave a few soft licks to the side of her muzzle and she gently and affectionately nipped at his neck.
It wasn’t long before they both drifted off to sleep, finding comfort in their closeness. Mylene’s last thought before she slipped from consciousness was that even if Ivan got hurt, he would always find a way to come back to her.
Here’s the first little WereMiraculous short! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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imsparky2002 · 3 months
JuleRose July: Romance Headcanons
Canon (in the future): When Marek was younger, he liked to refer to Juleka as "Tall Mom" and Rose as "Small Mom".
Class of Heroes: JuleBeast and Roselle often dance in the ballroom and will switch between who's wearing the dress and who's wearing the suit.
Class of Villains: QRC loves to hide in Juleficent's robe so that she can surprise the other heroes and her fiendish friends. Also, they love to refer to eachother as "my queen".
Monstrous AU: Draculeka loves to nom on SkeleRose's neck since she has no blood.
Creepsters: They love doing mask kisses (basically softly bumping their masked heads together) and killing together.
Ghoul Squad: Rose Frankenteen makes all sorts of cute little trinkets showcasing her love for Jubella, and in return, the vampire loves bridal carrying her during battles.
MiracLympus: Juletemis is the only one able to see AphroRose's true form. Also, she calls Jules "Cutepid" due to her bow and arrow.
WereMiraculous: As a duo of tracker and hunter, they are completely in sync with one another on hunts, not even needing words to signal a scent or a chance to kill.
Animal AU: Piggy Rose loves being nuzzled by JuleClaw. She also often hops onto her back and goes on rides.
DC AU: Feline Shadow always used to go into Rose's shop and give her precious plants and gifts, even before she became Thorne. In turn, Rose was the only one besides her family who knew her secret identity and she helped out her beloved kitty queen with new spots to rob.
Marvel AU: The Cloak of Levitation loves wrapping around Miss Marvelous as a sign of Doctor Odd's adoration of her.
Phantoms of Paris: Juleka makes illusions that enchant Rose and in return, Rose uses her powers to give Juleka emotions of bliss.
Batraculous: Stealth Bat is always giving Love Bat stealth hugs.
Barbie AU: Jules and Rose received engagement rings with gems from the diamond castle as gifts from Mindy.
Actor AU: Juleka and Rose are constantly kissing at interviews and tours to show that they're a lesbian couple, and that Zagtoon is to scared to admit it.
Land Before Time AU: The two dinos have special roars and chirps they created just for eachother. This way, they can always identify the other's voice in times of crisis.
Caveman AU: As the inventor of hair dye, Juleka's first dye she made after one for herself was for Rose.
Akuma AU: Reflekta likes to transform people into flowers that can still scream for her girlfriend.
Shadyverse: Juleka will often carve Rose's name into people's prized possessions, and even into their skin.
Lemme know what you think in comments and reblogs and happy JuleRose July! Short stories will be coming soon for some of the AUs. @artzychic27 @msweebyness @nerd-chocolate
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msweebyness · 6 months
WereMiraculous- Some Significant Humans
Hey y’all! This is a little post I made to tell you about some important characters in my werewolf AU while we wait for the recess pack! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Lucien Rebois:
From a family of notorious werewolf hunters, Lucien and his crew are undoubtedly the bane of the four DuPont packs’ existence. They pose a frequent threat and have even managed to injure a few of the wolves. Lucien has a massive vendetta against non-humans and wants to wipe out as many as he can, and there’s also the fact that he’s an arrogant and misogynistic dickhead. It’s also definitely not a plus that Lucien is obsessed with Marc and wants to claim him as a little pet to keep for himself.
Caline Bustier:
Get ready, her story’s a bit extensive. Caline was a researcher of the paranormal, who, back when the Akuma Pack was around 8-9 years old and their sibs were like babies, was in charge of caring for and studying them while they were held in a research facility. Over the time she spent with them she grew very attached to the then pups, almost seeing them like her own kids, and they in turn grew to trust and love her in return. So when she found out after a year or so of them staying in the facility that they were being inhumanely experimented on…well, let’s just say she may or may not have stabbed a few people, stolen a company truck and left with them. So basically now the akuma pack has their human mama who takes care of them and just so happens to be a nationally wanted criminal for her actions in protecting them. She usually brings them food and things they enjoy she managed to swipe. They often feel a bit guilty that it’s because of them she can likely never have a normal life again, but she always assures them she doesn’t regret her actions to save them.
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msweebyness · 1 year
Weeby’s Birthday Headcanon Bonanza!!!
Happy birthday to me!!! Enjoy this y’all! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
(School for Monstrous Youths) If you’ve seen the ZOMBIES movies, when he feels that he’s screwed up, WereKim does the “Bad wolf!” thing that Wynter does, hitting the sides of his head with his fists.
(Class of Villainy) Ivan Oogie tried to scare MisShark once. She bit his hand and kicked him in the delicate zone.
(Class of Heroes) When Soo-Lin Lee first met Robette, he actually passed clean out and they were this close to calling an ambulance. Once he came to, he calmed down enough to simply ask for an autograph.
(Creepsters) WitchyLene, WitchyReille and WitchyRore love to sing Hex Girls songs while casting their spells.
(Ghoul Squad) When Mylentasma is excited about something, her laugh sounds like Phantasma from Ghoul School.
(WereMiraculous) The DuPont pack all sleeps in a huge puppy pile in their cave. They feel safer and warmer when they’re all together.
(Batraculous) The Bat Gang often has competitions to see who can do the best “Batman Voice”. Ivan is a frequent winner, as well as Rose, surprisingly.
(DuPont Cheer) Whenever anyone on the squad gets injured, the others drop everything to take care of them, no matter how minor.
(Shadyverse) It’s not a matter of IF a fight breaks out at the school, it’s a matter of how many happen that day.
(Descendants) Darcy is afraid of thunderstorms. Everyone who knows about this is sworn to absolute secrecy.
(Phantoms of Paris) One of the Phantoms’ favorite pastimes is to haunt and scare the crap out of abusers of all kinds. (And providing comfort to their victims.)
(DC AU) Aurore will get into VERY heated debates with people about the negative portrayal of sharks in movies. She can bash Jaws for hours on end.
(Class of Heroes) The heroes keep a running track of how long it takes Kimules’ sleeves to tear when he makes the mistake of buying a shirt with them. The record is ten seconds.
(Descendants) Uma and Lonnie are the only people who the other has never been able to beat in a sword fight. It always ends in a draw.
(WereMiraculous) As the Omegas of the pack, Marc and Adrien are not allowed to go anywhere alone, they must have constant protection. They commiserate over this.
(School for Monstrous Youths) If you’re a little on the prudish side, it’s best to avoid a certain set of corridors in the catacombs. It’s where all the couples go to make out and…you know, other things.
(Ghoul Squad) The squad likes watching human horror movies about their species and critiquing everything they get wrong.
(Class of Villainy) One of Mylensula’s favorite movies is Titanic…but not for the reasons one would typically expect.
(Favoritism AU) Marinette once went out of her way to ensure that EVERYONE in the family forgot Marc’s birthday, planning several events on the day to distract them. Only Kiran remembered and got his brother a set of quality pens.
(Creepsters) Marinette Von Bugg once successfully created a Time Machine, but unfortunately it broke almost instantly and she lost the plans.
(School for Monstrous Youths) WereKim, IsmaCat and BatNais form the WereKid squad. They like to go on hunts and play-wrestle with each other.
I hope you guys liked this!!! Feel free to add on in the comments and reblogs!
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msweebyness · 9 months
WereMiraculous- Science Kid Pack
Hey hey, Weeby's back on her werewolf stuff! Meet the second of the four packs of DuPont, the Science Kids! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
Role: Alpha
Mated to Simon
Will die to protect anyone in their pack
When they speak, everyone listens
Often does too much trying to take care of everyone
Has alpha workout sessions with Kim
Wolf Form: Huge and bulky, curly dark brown fur, bright brown eyes, indigo mountain marking on forehead
Role: Alpha's Mate/Pack Dad
Mated to Denise
Loves his 'kids', but they also make them want to bash his head into a wall
A total tech geek
Freaks out when someone goes missing
Would rather not talk about his parents
Wolf Form: Large and somewhat gangly, short ginger fur, bright green eyes, yellow three-spark marking on forehead
Role: Beta
Will speak up if she feels like Denise is wrong
Loves to go mountain climbing in her wolf form
Provides backup for Jean during his storytelling
Can and will fight anyone
Always lands on her feet
Mated to Reshma and Margo, do not FUCK with either of them
Wolf Form: Small but athletic, short and choppy blonde fur, Mint green eyes, mint green boomerang marking on forehead
Role: Pack Storyteller/Historian
Mated to Austin T
The most dramatic wolf you will ever meet
Turns every werewolf legend he tells into an unforgettable show
Will skin you if you hurt his mate
Can howl Broadway musical songs perfectly on key
Wolf Form: Medium-sized and lean, wavy auburn-brown fur, amber eyes, violet music note marking on forehead
Role: Medic/Caretaker
Mated to Aurore (and maybe Sabrina...?)
Quietest and gentlest member of the pack
Bit of a mother hen when people get hurt
Wants to wait for Sabrina to approach her and Aurore
Loves to run in the rain in wolf form
Wolf Form: Medium-sized and lean, thick but smooth blackish-blue fur, gentle dark brown eyes, seafoam blue cloud marking on forehead.
Role: Navigator
Mated to Mireille (and maybe Sabrina...?)
Likes to always have a plan and a backup plan and a backup backup plan
A bit of a perfectionist
Thinks she and Mireille should make the first move with Sabrina
The Responsible One
Wolf Form: Medium-sized and graceful, well-kept blonde fur with streaks of warm brown, sky blue eyes, sky blue umbrella marking on forehead
Role: Pack Stylist/Groomer
Mated to Zoe
Always experimenting with different styles in human and wolf form
Had a rough time with their family before joining the pack
Will go feral without mussing her fur
Tries SO hard to get along with Chloe for Zoe's sake
Wolf Form: Small and stocky, poofy black fur with patches of white, pale grey eyes, pink sparkle marking on forehead
Role: Tracker/Ambassador
The Mom Friend, mediates conflicts in the pack
Seems aloof, but is actually just kinda shy
Loves to shop when in human form, spoils her friends
Keeps Ismael from getting into too much trouble
The other Responsible One
Mated to Lacey and Margo, very caring to her mates
Wolf Form: Large and slender, silky black fur, warm brown eyes, magenta gem marking on forehead
Role: Hunter
Being of pure chaos
Always pranking his packmates and the other packs
Can track a scent for miles and days at a time
Snarky lil shit (We love him though)
Will protect Reshma with his life
Wolf Form: Small but fit and athletic, shaggy chocolate brown fur, dark brown eyes, orange flame marking on forehead
Leave thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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msweebyness · 6 months
WereMiraculous- Werepups
Here’s a cute little mini addition to my Werewolf AU! The younger wolves who are part of the pack! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002 (Additional note: Werewolf pups do not develop their forehead markings until around ten years of age. Also, hurt a werewolf pup and prepare to DIE. As a species they are generally VERY protective of their young)
Ella & Etta:
Alya’s twin seven-year-old sisters
Always getting into trouble
Frequently talk in unison
Almost never seen apart
Love playing hide and seek
Wolf Form(s): Small and lean, Wavy, dark brown fur, amber eyes.
Nino’s eight-year-old brother
Acts like he’s a lot older than he is
Can be a bit bratty and bossy
Likes to sound smart by using big words
Bit of a tech geek
Wolf Form: Small and lanky, Short, sandy brown fur, bright brown eyes.
Marc’s six-year-old brother
A little shy but also pretty sassy
Likes to wander around the woods and explore
Has a little crush on Sasha
Looks up to his big brother and helps with his duties
Wolf Form: Small and lean, silky black fur, bright silver eyes.
Ivan’s six-year-old sister
Only talks around people she trusts
Very close to her big brother, spends a lot of time with him
Sweet and shy but can be scary
Has a little crush on Kiran
Wolf Form: Tiny but strong, fluffy dark grey fur, big brown eyes.
Rico & Duncan:
Ondine’s twin eight-year-old brothers
Completely impossible to control
Have WAY too much energy
Fave activity is to terrorize Kim
Always pulling pranks
Wolf Form(s): Small and lanky, shaggy auburn fur, bright teal eyes, matching chipped fangs.
And here we have the littlest members of the pack! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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msweebyness · 1 year
So this was inspired by Sparky’s Phantoms of Paris AU!
Here’s the backstory: The pack of DuPont is incredibly rare and often disregarded due to the fact that they are not a blood-related family. Most of them are orphans or abandoned, and they came together as a pack to take care of and look after each other! The pack began with Marinette, Kim and Nino, and grew from there. Here are our wolf children, lmk if you want me to expand with the science kids, theatre kids, etc!
Enjoy! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
Role: Beta
Mated to Adrien, Kagami and Luka
Cautious and a bit nervous, likes to always have a back-up plan
Tends to overwork herself taking care of others
Has trouble holding still, fidgets a lot
Sweet and shy with her mates, always giving comfort and support
Wolf Form: Small and slender, silky bluish-black fur, bluebell eyes, pink heart marking on forehead.
Role: Omega
Mated to Marinette, Kagami and Luka
Ray of sunshine, helps the pack to stay positive
A bit naive, sometimes gets into trouble
Welcoming to everyone and loves to make new friends
Gentle and supportive with his mates
Wolf Form: Medium-sized and lean, whispy golden fur, lime green eyes, orange sun marking on forehead.
Role: Hunter
Mated to Nino
Big sister of the pack, protective and helpful
Very stubborn, struggles to admit she's wrong
Curious, loves to investigate new and mysterious happenings
Wolf Form: Medium-size and lean, wavy auburn fur, amber eyes, red star marking on forehead.
Role: Beta (Kim couldn't choose between him and Marinette.)
Mated to Alya
Serves as Kim's voice of reason most of the time
Chillest wolf ever, an admitted pacifist
Serves as pack therapist
Supportive of his mate and helps to reel her in
Wolf Form: Medium-size and lean, short dark brown fur, light brown eyes, navy ring marking on forehead.
Role: Navigator/Strategist
Logical and rational, always looks for the reasoning behind things
Plans out the pack's next moves, Kim trusts his judgement
Good with tech, handles most of the pack's information
Not good with understanding emotion, but cares deeply for his pack
Wolf Form: Small and slender, coarse black-brown fur, dark brown eyes, green compass rose marking on forehead.
Role: Lead Hunter
Stubborn and fierce, quick to jump into a fight
Often challenges Kim's authority, but respects him when push comes to shove
Not trusting of humans or outsiders, takes her time to warm up to new members
Wolf Form: Small but fit, messy reddish-brown fur, electric blue eyes, chartreuse arrow marking on forehead.
Role: Alpha
Mated to Ondine
Confident, at times to the point of being cocky
Fiercely loyal and protective, will do anything to keep his pack safe, especially his mate. Very loving with Ondine.
Good leader, but can also take suggestions from others
Hates prejudiced humans and bad parents with a burning passion
Wolf Form: Large and muscular, spiky golden brown fur, intense grey eyes, red lightning bolt marking on forehead.
Role: Medic/Caretaker
Mated to Ivan
Gentle and kind, always taking care of everyone
Easily shaken, but can stand up for herself when needed
Compassionate towards all people and creatures, hates violence
Respectful of nature
Loving and affectionate towards Ivan, serves as a comfort for him
Wolf Form: Small but sturdy, fluffy wheat colored fur, soft amber eyes, forest green leaf marking on forehead.
Role: Fighter/Guard
Mated to Mylene
Gentle giant, until you harm any of his packmates
Doesn't get a lot of sleep, since he watches for threats during the night
Seems gruff, but has a soft heart
Gentle and loving with Mylene, but highly protective
Wolf Form: Huge and bulky, bristly greyish-black fur, dark brown eyes, light grey shield marking on forehead.
Role: Hunter
Mated to Rose
Shy and quiet, rarely speaks, but when she does, it's important
Often startles her packmates because they don't hear her coming
A bit of a pessimist
Gets along well with her brother
Highly protective of Rose, sees her as her inspiration
Wolf Form: Large and lean, shaggy jet black fur with violet streaks, deep crimson eyes, purple bass clef marking on forehead.
Role: Tracker
Mated to Juleka
Bubbly and kind, an uplifting presence for the pack
Surprisingly skilled fighter
Open-hearted and willing to give second chances
Affectionate and sweet with Juleka, helps boost her confidence
Wolf Form: Small and slender, fluffy golden yellow fur, large sky blue eyes, pink flower marking on forehead.
Role: Pack Stylist/Groomer
Haughty and vain, very proud of her looks
Can be insensitive and doesn't always acknowledge the feelings of others
Overdramatic when upset
Cares for her pack, even if she doesn't act like it
Wolf Form: Medium-size and slender, silky blonde fur, bright blue eyes, golden crown marking on forehead.
Role: Scout/New Ambassador
Quiet and thoughtful, good at solving problems
Scarily good at gathering intel
A bit timid, respectful of authority
One of the only people able to rein in Chloe
Wolf Form: Small and lean, short ginger fur, blue-green eyes, cyan teardrop marking on forehead.
Role: Pack Artist/Lookout
Mated to Marc
Reserved and quiet, doesn't show much emotion
Decorates the cave's walls with paintings of important events
A bit snarky
Very protective and loving with his mate, Marc. Will maim anyone who hurts him.
Wolf Form: Small and slender, shaggy bright red fur, deep teal eyes, purple quill marking on forehead.
Role: Omega
Mated to Nathaniel
Timid and shy, doesn't like confrontation
Very empathetic, and a good listener
Keeps a journal of the pack's exploits
Affectionate and supportive with Nathaniel, makes sure he takes care of himself
Left his old pack to be with Nath, they supported him
Wolf Form: Large but slender, messy jet black fur, emerald green eyes, silver crescent moon marking on forehead.
Role: Alpha's Mate/Pack Mother
Mated to Kim
Loving and protective towards the pack, makes sure everyone is okay and accounted for
Sometimes gets annoyed with Kim's protectiveness, but adores him all the same
Bubbly and sweet, keeps the packs' spirits up
Wolf Form: Medium-size and muscular, flowy orange-red fur, warm teal eyes, teal spiral marking on forehead.
Role: Fighter/Guard
Stoic and cold, doesn't show a lot of emotion
Always on guard, looking out for threats
Will attack without hesitation to protect her packmates, no matter the situation
Has a rarely seen softer side
Fiercely loyal and protective of her mates
Mated to Marinette, Adrien and Luka
Wolf Form: Small and muscular, short blueish-black fur, intense maroon eyes, crimson sword marking on forehead.
Role: Scout/Ambassador
Mated to Cosette
Charismatic and even-tempered, in charge of establishing good relations with other packs
Upbeat and energetic, bonds with people easily
After meeting Cosette, leaves to join the Science Pack
Keeps Chloe in line
Wolf Form: Medium-size and slender, silky goldenrod fur, bright blue eyes, powder blue diamond marking on forehead.
Role: Tracker
Mated to Marinette, Adrien and Kagami
Mellow and even-tempered, often serves as the mediator of the pack
Can read auras, knows if newcomers are trustworthy or not
Loving and supportive to his mates, serves as a shoulder to cry on
Loves music and has a beautiful, melodic howl
Wolf Form: Medium-size and lean, shaggy silvery-grey fur, cyan eyes, teal treble clef marking on forehead.
Leave thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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msweebyness · 8 months
WereMiraculous- Theater Pack
Here’s the third of the four packs of DuPont, and the largest! After this, I’ve asked Artzy to do the Recess pack, so keep an eye out for that! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
Role: Medic/Fighter
Always has her medical supplies on hand
Will yell at you and fuss over you in the same breath when you’re hurt
Cares, just very aggressively
Bit insecure about her missing fang
Wolf Form: Small and stocky, choppy blonde fur, narrow hazel eyes, missing front fang, cyan wave marking on forehead.
Role: Omega
Mated to Anthony
Baby of the pack, he just babey
Still deals with a lot of anxiety
Don’t ask him about his father…don’t
Only one capable of making Anthony smile
Wolf Form: Mid-size and lean, shaggy brown fur, one grey and one ghost eye, grey bell marking on forehead.
Role: Pack Therapist
Still a massive ray of sunshine
Always willing to listen when there’s a problem
Cannot sit still for the life of her
Can always find a silver lining
Wolf Form: Small and sturdy, fluffy brown fur, one hazel and one green eye, yellow rainbow arch marking on forehead.
Role: Navigator
Has an insane internal GPS system
Makes sure everything the pack needs is kept in order
Memory is photographic to the smallest detail
Also manages the pack finances
Wolf Form: Large and slender, curly black fur, sharp amber eyes, amber hourglass marking on forehead.
Role: Pack Artist
Can usually be found doodling on the cave walls
Has to finish an activity before moving on
Loves to accessorize, even as a wolf
Making a mural of all the pack’s big moments
Wolf Form: Small but sturdy, short blue-black fur, powder blue eyes, pink paint splot mark on forehead.
Role: Pack Researcher
Loves to discover new things about werewolves
Smartest wolf in the pack, but humble about it
Doesn’t get a lot of sleep
Hyperfixates when something catches their interest
Wolf Form: Mid-size and wiry, messy brown fur with colored streaks, dark green eyes, periwinkle beaker marking on forehead.
Role: Fighter/Guard
Most aggressive member of the pack
Never backs down from a fight
Says what’s on their mind, no matter what
Cares a lot, just not good at expressing it
Wolf Form: Small and buff, choppy ashy blonde fur, glaring dark blue eyes, hot pink X marking on forehead.
Role: Pack Diplomat
Mated to Jesse
Mediates most conflicts in the pack
Almost never seems happy about anything
Can be surprisingly persuasive
Will shred you to ribbons if you hurt Jesse
Wolf Form: Large and lean, shaggy black fur with blue-streaked bangs, electric blue eyes, bright blue eye marking on forehead.
Role: Pack Groomer/Stylist
Still theatrical as all hell
Loves the most morbid werewolf legends
Keeps the pack looking on point
Needs to be reigned in every once in a while
Wolf Form: Small and slender, long, silky black fur, violet eyes, violet fleur-des-lis marking on forehead.
Role: Beta
Makes sure everyone and everything is running smoothly
The responsible big sister of the pack
Best problem-solver in the pack
Pulls Parker back when she’s being too harsh
Wolf Form: Large and slender, wavy strawberry blonde fur, navy blue eyes, red pompom marking on forehead.
Role: Lead Hunter
Anxious dad friend of the pack
Cannot stop tripping over his own paws
Still lethally, scarily effective as a hunter
Gets overwhelmed when there’s a lot going on
Wolf Form: Large and gangly, short, spiky black fur, almond-shaped black eyes, orange triangle marking on forehead.
Role: Hunter
Sweetest wolf you will ever meet
Makes little accessories as gifts for her friends
Very affectionate with her pack mates
But SCARY when on a hunt
Mated to Reshma and Lacey, visits the science pack often
Wolf Form: Large and sturdy, fluffy platinum blonde fur, bright blue eyes, candy pink snowflake marking on forehead.
Role: Tracker
Never loses a scent, no matter how faint
Rarely shows a lot of emotion
More than a bit cynical about their situation
Cares more than she lets on
Wolf Form: Small and lean, short bright red fur, almond-shaped hazel eyes, cream pentagon marking on forehead.
Role: Alpha
Takes no nonsense from anyone
Keeps her pack safe and in shape through tough love
Sometimes gets a bit carried away
Will protect her friends no matter the cost
Wolf Form: Mid-size and buff, coarse auburn fur, sharp navy eyes, hunter green chevron marking on forehead.
Role: Fighter/Guard
Mated to Evie
Sweet as a puppy, until his pack is in danger
Doesn’t like being inside all that much
Himbo doggo who gets a little lost in discussions, but in a cute way
Very openly affectionate and protective with his mate
Wolf Form: Large and bulky, mussed but soft brown fur, warm brown eyes, red horseshoe marking on forehead.
Role: Hunter
Pack’s resident daredevil, in and out of wolf mode
Fastest wolf in the pack, no one can catch her
Would prefer not to talk about her parents
One of the snarkiest in the pack
Wolf Form: Small but fit, curly rust red fur, electric green eyes, neon green wheel marking on forehead.
Role: Lookout
Usually has their head in the clouds
Can somehow still immediately sense when something’s up
Can move hind legs in wolf form, but with very limited range
Likes to make little movies of the pack
Wolf Form: Small but sturdy, wavy dark brown fur, sleepy golden eyes, lavender thought-bubble marking on forehead.
Role: Caretaker
Mated to Brecken
Mother hen of the pack, takes care of everyone
Manners are still impeccable, even as a wolf
Came from a high-up wolf family, was considered a prize mate
Always assuring Brecken he’s good enough for her
Wolf Form: Mid-size and slender, silky, wavy auburn fur, hazel eyes with flecks of gold, blush pink eighth-note mark on forehead.
Role: Hunter
Most level-headed member of the pack
Often plans out their next moves
Has trouble with understanding emotions
Incredibly focused and efficient on hunts
Wolf Form: Small and slender, short but smooth black fur, pale green eyes, white plus marking on forehead.
Keep an eye out for the last of the packs and then some extra characters! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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msweebyness · 2 months
Weeby, Sparky, and Artzy’s Code Names Guide!!!
Hey, y’all! This is a helpful little tool for you guys! Whenever we’re talking about characters in the context of our AU’s, we use code names to distinguish! Here’s a guide to those! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Updates will be added as new content is released!
Class of Heroes
Class of Villainy
Monstrous Youths
Ghoul Squad
Animal AU
Akuma AU
LaNd BeFoRe TiMe Au
Barbie AU
(Extras: Were!(Name)= WereMiraculous, Phantom!(Name)= Phantoms of Paris, Shady!(Name)= Shadyverse)
Marinette: Marilan, Mari De Vil, Maridoll, Marideath, Mari Von Bugg, Iron Gal, Jestress, Heranette, Maribug, Miss Fortune, LADYBUG BAT, Princess Mariliese, DuCkYnEtTe
Adrien: Adripunzel, Jafardrien, Average Adrien, Haydrien, Adrien Jekyll/Chat Hyde, AdriQuin, Thunder, Zeusdrien, AdriCat, Chat Blanc, CAT BAT, JulAdrien
Alya: TiAlya, YzAlya, SpectrAlya, Alynis, Diblya, Whirlwind, Enigma, ThemAlya, Alyfox, Lady WiFi, REPORTER BAT, Alyarinne
Nino: Fairy GodBro, Honest Nino, FrankenNino, Nino Jekyll, Mr. Marvel, Mudslide, DioNyno, Shellno, Bubbler, SONIC BAT
Chloe: Chloéstasia, Lady Chloe, Chloepatra, Chlophaba, Diamond Demon, Dagger, Chlolios, ChloBee, Queen Wasp, Chloetta, CHARISMA BAT
Sabrina: Sabrinocchio, Madame Sabrina, Zombrina, Invisibrina, Duality, Miss-Appear, Hestibrina, SabriHound, Vanisher, SUPPORT BAT
Max: Maxiro, Maxdrome, Max Steam, Maxtian, Nuit Panther, Max Luthor, AtheMax, Ponyax, Gamer, TECH BAT
Kim: Kimules, Kimton, WereKim, Kimzilla, Croc King, Spider-Bro, PoseiKim, MonKim, Dark Cupid, Prince Kimiel, POWER BAT
Alix: Aladdix, Alix Khan, Alix Gorgon, Winlix, Caracal, Widow, Hermlix, Bunlix, Timebreaker, PenelAlix, SPEED BAT, CeRaLiX
Mylene: Snow Mylene, Mylensula, MyLeaf, Mylentasma, WitchyLene, Nightmare Weaver, Bullseye, DeMylenter, Mousylene, Horrificator, Rolene, EMPATHY BAT
Ivan: QuasiIvan, Ivan Oogie, Ivan Bumble, Ivan Kong, GrizzVan, Venom Bringer, Capitaine France, HephIvan, Oxvan, Stoneheart, Prince AntonIvan, STRENGTH BAT
Rose: Roselle, QRC (Queen Rose Candy), SkeleRose, Rose Frankenteen, GhostRose, Thorn, Miss Marvelous, AphroRose, Rose Piggy, Princess Fragrance, Rosiana, PeTrOsE, LOVE BAT
Juleka: JuleBeast, Juleficent, Draculeka, Jubella, JV (Juleka Voorhees), Feline Shadow, Doctor Odd, Julemis, JuleClaw, Reflekta, Julexa, STEALTH BAT, ChOmPlEkA
Nathaniel: Sleeping Nath, Nath of Hearts, Nath Goyle, Nathra, Nathfield, Colossus, Rage, Nathdes, Goathaniel, Evillustrator, Nathpunzel, ARTIST BAT, NaThFoOt
Marc: MarcElsa, King Marc, MothMarc, Marcoyle, Count Marcula, Myzan’r, Discord, Marcsephone, Marckerel, Reverser, Prince StefMarc, SpArC, WRITER BAT
Zoe: CinderZoe, Zoe of the Southern Isles, NeferZoe, Rouge, Inevitable, Zolene, ZoWasp, Sole Crusher, Princess Zonika, PUNK BAT
Luka: Maestro Luka, DiabLuka, Luka Cullen, DracuLuka, The Maestro, Shadow, Chi Punch, ApolLuka, Snakeka, Silencer, MUSIC BAT
Kagami: Kagamerida, Kagami Yu, DracoGami, Kagami Hollow, Herushingu, Naginata, Kamakiri Kānjo, KagamAres, Komodogami, Riposte, PRECISION BAT
Ondine: AriOndine, LeOnDine, Ondine Blue, HuntressDine, LagoOndine, Sea Enchantress, Shield Maiden, Onditrite, HerOndine, Syren, Ondette, SWIMMER BAT
Aurore: BlueRore, MimRore, Astrarore, WitchyRore, Whirlpool, Geode, Zephrore, Swanrore, WEATHER BAT
Mireille: Miremba, Mireides, SliMireille, Witchyreille, Echo, Multiply, Boreille, Mireillnguin, MOON BAT
Jean: Jeanzco, Jeanatoa, OperJean, Phantom of DuPont, Spellbound, Mariner, ThalJean, Jeacaw, SONG BAT
Lacey: Lacey Bell, Lacey Gothel, Flamecey, Wildmorph, Lightning Run, Nikecey, Cheecey, PARKOUR BAT
Denise: Demolition Denise, Doctor Cabello, Denisquatch, Buster Nise, Wonderer, Battlemonger, Gaianise, Bisonise, BUFF BAT
Simon: Simon Pan, Minister O’Connor, SiClops, Buster Si, Speedster, Crimson Warlock, SimOuranos, Simval,TECHNO BAT
Cosette: Robette, Cosettewether, CosetTaur, Buster Co, Voltage, Deathcall, Irisette, Aidette, Hedgette, INCOGNITO BAT
Ismael: IsmaGenie, IsmaScar, IsmaCat, Buster Is, Krypto-Kid, Bizarre, IsmaPan, Ismacoon, MAGIC BAT
Reshma: Reshmabela, Reshma Hook, Spider Resh, Sapphire Beetle, Lady Oc, Nyxma, Reshmaphant, GEM BAT
Austin A: Austin LeBouff, Austin Whistler, Austin Gorgon, Star Quartz, They, Ausglaia, GLAM BAT
Austin B: Austin Deavor, Austin Trollson, Roulette, Mystic, Mnemostin, BAT BITE
Austin Q: Austin of Motanui, Austin Screams, Cosmic Lord, Mako, Tethstin, SHARK BAT
Austin T: JasAustin, Sheriff Austin, Austin Grim, Austine, Jade Lantern, Lunar Soldier, Ausmonia, BAKE BAT
DJ: Collector, DJ Cipher, GJ, DJche, Malleable, Trash Panda, PRANK BAT
Spinelli: Spinelli Bunchoy, Spinelli De Spell, Spinellisk, E Voila, Uomo di Sabia, Terpsinelli, GRACE BAT
Victoria: Lightning LaSalle, Vicnifico, Mertoria, Inferno, Electra, Anantoria, HOOP BAT
Gerard: GerEVE, Dr. Grundlershmirtz, Marsh Gerard, Voltaic, Professor Chill, Coerard, GENIUS BAT
Mindy: Mindy P. Sullivan, Mindy Sanderson, MindOgre, Buteos, They-Hunk, PolyhyMindy, HARMONY BAT
Gia: Sergeant Griswold, Gigo, Jersey Gia, Peridot Shot, Blizzard, GiAlke, G.I. BAT
Mason: Agent M, Emperor Mason, Mason Bogie, Emperor, Ms. Extraordinary, Daskalson, INFO BAT
Rochelle: Clopchelle, Rocifer, Gnomechelle, Artemis, Chief, Rocheme, BLACKMAIL BAT
Lotta: Launchpad Jameson, Peg Leg Lotta, Faunta, Power Up, Harbinger, Lotbe, STUNT BAT
Kendra: Kendralice, Kaadra, Yowdra, Groove, Green Imp, Kendrotus, UPSIDE DOWN BAT
Ayesha: Ladyesha, AyeshAngel, Heavenly, Rainbow Surfer, Euprosesha, SPIRIT BAT
Dot: Dot Thatch, InvisiDot, Badass, Speck, Cliot, SECRETARY BAT
Petra: Petra Porter, Petracorn, Karma, Rascal, IaPetra, Petrobie, SKETCH BAT
Roxie: Roxgara, Rocksie, Stellar, Infinite, Nemoxie, REBEL BAT
Anthony: SalAnthony, DaemAnthony, Umbra, Bloodsucker, Anthonatos, SHADOW BAT
Candace: Miss Candace, Conjuring Candace, Equilibrium, Saber, Candomia, CHEER BAT
Eri: Eri Skellington, KitsEri, Hex, Amethyst Witch, HecatEri, MACABRE BAT
Staci: Rayci, Snakeci, See-You, The Master, StacErebus, COMBAT BAT
Margo: Fix-it Margo, CalaMargo, Vanquisher, Fury, MargEos, CRAFT BAT
Brecken: Brecken Hood, Brecken Horseman, Oak, Multiple, Cybelecken, CRITTER BAT
Soo-Yeon: Soo-Lin Lee, Dokk-Yeon, Blood Bro, Magnetite, Soo-Eurus, SNIPER BAT
Parker: Parker Hopps, Pondker, K.O., Ares, ParKratos, SOLDIER BAT
Aggie: GoGo Findlay, Faegie, Platinum Tide, Specter, Atëgie, SKATER BAT
Mona: Tow Mona, Gryphona, Hurricane, Mind Warp, Monapheus, DIRECTOR BAT
Evie: Evie Poppins, SirEvie, Lady Mars, Screech, EratEvie, MELODY BAT
Eloise: Eloislin, Roboise, Liz, Illuminate, Metoise, MATH BAT
Anais: Anais Lemon, Batnais, Gear, Critter, UrAnais, SCIENCE BAT
Jesse: Prince Jesse, JessEel, MAPT Jesse, The Weeping Boy, Jessemene, Midnight, MalevoLyricist, MANAGER BAT
Missy: Flounssy, MisShark, MAPT Missy, Rancor, Quick Fire, Misclepius, Lissy the Unicorn, DIVER BAT
Lila: Lila De La Cruz, Lila Porter, Harpy Lila, Hell-La, Demonla, Cerebral Queen, Mind Bend, LiEris, Foxla
Felix: Casslix, Felix Darling, Jack O’Ripper
Jess: Jessahontas, Deputy Jess, Jessdigo, Akicita Igmu, Grey Bat, Jesslanta, GREEN LANTERN
Fei: Fei Shang, Feisper, Lady Wu, Sonar, Feipolyta, BEAST GIRL
Socqueline: Socquelinace, Miss Soklinebryglk, Buzz, Socquelinacles, SPIDER-GIRL
Aeon: Wall-Aeon, Deputy Aeon, A.E.O.N.(Adaptive EmotioIntelligent Organization Network), Swarm, Holo, Princess Aeon of Sparta, VISION
Lucien: Prince Lucien, HercLucien, Lucien Van Helsing, Gal-Yant, Vengeance, ZeLucien
Emani: Yosemite Pulateur, Emani White, Spyware, Violet Influence, Dolmani
Sasha: Sasha Oogie, Sasha Bumble, Frostbite, Eilethasha, Crystallight
Kiran: KirAnna, Prince Kiran, MothKiran, Aura, HypKiran, Sandboy
Bustier: Calinora, Fairyline, Empoustier, Witch Caline, Buster Bustier, Miss Mystery, Gorgana, Lachestier, Zombizou
Mendeliev: Yendeliev Sid, Fairy Godteacher, Headless Mendeliev, Busterliev, Witch Olga, Ant-Woman, The Professor, Atrodeliev, Kwami Buster
Winters: Aswanters, Professor Polymorph, Threaded Thespian, Clothers
Grotke: GroTiger, Soulshock, Nocturne
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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msweebyness · 3 months
Myvan May Content
Here's all the stuff I did for Myvan May! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Myvan Poll
Ask: Ghoul Squad
Ask: Akuma AU
Ask: Class of Villainy
Ask: Class of Heroes
Ask: MiracOlympus
Ask: Monstrous Youths
Ask: Monstrous Youths 2
Ask: Arkham AU
Ask: "Canon"
Time for a Break (MiracOlympus)
Post-Mylene Crossover (Mirrorverse)
Tending Wounds (WereMiraculous)
Stormy Nights (Akuma Paris)
Snow Guarding Flower (Monstrous Youths)
Those Damn Fumes... (Class of Villainy)
A Walk in the Woods (Class of Heroes)
Don't Be Scared ("Canon")
Feel free to browse, and leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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msweebyness · 5 months
Ask Myvan Week!
Little announcement from ya girl of a special new release! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Hey, y’all! In celebration of Myvan May, I’m gonna be doing a week-long special where I answer questions in character as Myvan from any of Sparky and I’s AU’s!
Send in your questions for any of the following! Be sure to label the AU the ask is for!:
My ‘Canon’
Class of Heroes
Class of Villainy
School for Monstrous Youths
Land Before Time AU
Akuma AU
With Consultation from Sparky/Artzy:
Phantoms of Paris
Arkham/DC AU
Ghoul Squad
Have fun with it! This will be open all throughout the week, send in as many as you like!
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