#Western Australian Environment Minister
colitcomedia · 1 year
Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project: A Milestone in Environmental Approvals
VRX Silica Limited (ASX: VRX) has reached a significant milestone in its Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project as the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) approved the publication of the Environmental Review Document (ERD). This approval marks the beginning of a four-week Public Environmental Review (PER) period, showcasing VRX Silica's dedication to transparency and environmental responsibility.
Starting on June 19th, 2023, the public environmental review process allows stakeholders to provide their comments and feedback, which VRX Silica is obligated to address. Following the PER, the Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia (EPA) will prepare an assessment report with recommendations for the Western Australian Environment Minister's review and consideration for project approval.
Managing Director Bruce Maluish expressed his delight, stating, "We are delighted that the environmental approvals process has moved to this next important stage. This is a significant milestone for the process." Maluish further highlighted VRX Silica's unique rehabilitation method for the mined area, emphasizing the potential economic contribution to the Irwin Shire and Western Australia as a whole.
With over 40 years of involvement in the mining industry, Bruce Maluish brings a wealth of experience and expertise to VRX Silica. Holding a bachelor's degree in Applied Science in Surveying from the Western Australian Institute of Technology, Maluish has held vital positions in esteemed organizations throughout his career. His extensive knowledge and experience in resource sectors make him a valuable asset to VRX Silica.
The Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project's approvals process has witnessed several milestones. VRX Silica previously obtained confirmation from the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment, and Water for an accredited assessment. The company has conducted extensive environmental studies since 2017, demonstrating its commitment to meeting regulatory standards.
The project was referred to the EPA for assessment under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA) Act, which determined that a Public Environmental Review was necessary. VRX Silica's Environmental Scoping Document (ESD) received approval from the EPA in March 2022, signifying progress in the project's assessment.
An essential feature of VRX Silica's proposal is the unique Vegetation Direct Transfer (VDT) rehabilitation methodology for site restoration in the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. Throughout the approval process, VRX Silica has actively addressed information requests from DWER, culminating in the acceptance of the final ERD on June 8th, 2023.
Moving forward, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation will collect and review public submissions during the four-week PER period, and VRX Silica will diligently respond to these submissions. The Environmental Protection Authority will then compile an assessment report with recommendations for the Western Australian Environment Minister's decision on the Proposal's approval. The issuance of a Ministerial Statement upon successful approval will signify a crucial milestone for the project.
Investors have shown confidence in VRX Silica, reflected in the 31.818% jump in the company's share price during a single trading session on June 9th, 2023. As of that date, VRX Silica's market capitalization stood at AUD 61.64 million, with a share price range of AUD 0.093 to AUD 0.190.
VRX Silica, listed on the ASX, is a leading pure-play silica sand company focused on advancing its portfolio of four Western Australian silica sand projects. In addition to the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project, the company is also developing the Arrowsmith Central Silica Sand Project, the Muchea Silica Sand Project, and the Boyatup Silica Sand Project.
For the latest updates and details on VRX Silica and its projects, visit the official website at https://vrxsilica.com.au/. With its commitment to responsible and transparent development, VRX Silica is poised for continued success in the silica sand industry.
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camillasgirl · 10 days
The King and Queen will visit Australia and Samoa
Their Majesties The King and Queen will undertake an Autumn Tour from Friday 18th – Saturday 26th October 2024. This will include a Royal Visit to Australia, State Visit to The Independent State of Samoa and attendance at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2024. 
The King’s visit to Australia will be His Majesty’s first to a Realm as Monarch, whilst the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa is the first The King will attend as Head of the Commonwealth. In both countries, Their Majesties’ engagements will focus on themes designed to celebrate the best of Australia and Samoa, as well as reflecting aspects of The King and Queen’s work.  
In Australia, His Majesty, as Head of State, accompanied by Her Majesty The Queen, will visit Parliament House, in Canberra, where Their Majesties will be welcomed by the Prime Minister, Mr Anthony Albanese. His Majesty will address a reception attended by political and community leaders, and prominent Australians who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in a variety of fields, including health, arts, culture and sports. Their Majesties will pay their respects to the Fallen, laying a wreath at the Australian War Memorial and visiting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander memorial, ‘For Our Country’. The King and Queen will conduct a Fleet Review of the Royal Australian Navy, in Sydney Harbour. 
On the theme of sustainability, The King will visit CSIRO, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, meeting firefighters and learning more about the centre’s work to combat the bush fires which devastate millions of hectares of Australian land each year. Their Majesties will tour the National Botanic Gardens, home to the largest living collection of Australian native plants in the world, where they will learn about Indigenous plant use. They will also hear from staff and volunteers about how climate change is affecting biodiversity.
The King, who has this year been receiving treatment for cancer, will meet Professor Georgina Long and Professor Richard Scolyer, both Australians of the Year, and will hear about the work they do to help those affected by melanoma, one of Australia’s most common cancers. 
Meanwhile, Her Majesty’s programme will also reflect the themes of her wider work, including her passion for encouraging reading and literacy and her desire to raise awareness of domestic and family violence. At a library in Sydney, Her Majesty will meet children participating in a Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition workshop. In Canberra, The Queen will join a discussion on domestic and family violence, with some of those whose lives been affected by it, and experts who work in the field. Her Majesty will also meet representatives of GIVIT, a charity which matches donors with those in need, of which she is Patron.
Their Majesties will attend a community BBQ in Western Sydney, sampling a range of produce from across New South Wales, experiencing the cultural diversity of Australian communities and meeting local residents. The King will also meet Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives and groups to learn about their work in supporting local community and strengthening culture. 
Their Majesties’ State Visit to Samoa will celebrate the warm bilateral relationship between the two countries, which has been further strengthened by Samoa’s hosting of CHOGM 2024. The King and Queen will receive a formal welcome to the country, in the form of an ‘Ava Fa’atupu ceremony, before meeting Samoans at an engagement to highlight aspects of Samoan traditions and culture. His Majesty will also spend time with young people and community and faith leaders. 
The King’s programme will, in addition, reflect the theme of sustainability and biodiversity, in support of one of the key themes of CHOGM – ‘A Resilient Environment’, and the meeting’s focus on oceans. His Majesty will visit both a mangrove forest and a National Park, witnessing the work which is carried out by local communities to restore and protect both these vital ecosystems. He will also plant a tree in Samoa’s Botanical Garden, marking the opening of a new area within the site, which will be called ‘The King’s Garden’.  Meanwhile Her Majesty’s engagements will again focus on the wider themes of her work. The Queen will visit an aoga faifeau (traditional Samoan Pastor’s School) to see first-hand how pupils are taught to read and write. Her Majesty will also visit the Samoa Victim Support Group, an organisation which assists survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse, where she will learn more about the services the group provides to those in crisis.
CHOGM 2024
The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa will bring together delegations from 56 countries across Africa, the Caribbean and Americas, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific. The overall theme of this year’s meeting is: ‘One Resilient Common Future: Transforming Our Common Wealth’.
In His Majesty’s first Commonwealth Day message as Sovereign, in March 2023, The King said of the Commonwealth: ‘Its near-boundless potential as a force for good in the world demands our highest ambition; its sheer scale challenges us to unite and be bold.’ CHOGM 2024 will see some of that ambition and unity on display with an emphasis on resilience across 4 key areas – resilient societies and peoples, resilient democratic institutions, a resilient environment and resilient economies. 
As Head of the Commonwealth, The King, accompanied by The Queen, will attend the CHOGM Opening Ceremony and will host a Dinner for Commonwealth Heads of Government. The King will also host a Reception for New Heads of Government and will attend the CHOGM Business Forum to hear about progress on sustainable urbanisation and investment in solutions to tackle climate change. 
Gender Equality and Women’s empowerment is one of CHOGM’s key themes, and Her Majesty will attend a side event to the Women’s Forum on the subject of ‘Advocating for Women and Girls in the Commonwealth’, with a focus on eliminating violence against women and improving health. 
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eaglesnick · 6 months
Private Sector Good, Public Sector Bad?
The reigning ideological economic theory within the Conservative Party is, and has been ever since Margaret Thatcher came to power, that “markets know best”
This was made abundantly clear when Kwasi Kwateng, the Chancellor of Liz Truss’s short-lived government, dismissed anything resembling a “planned economy”. Rather, growth and economic success depended on:
“…the power of our treasured free-market economy to leverage private capital and unleash Britain’s unique entrepreneurial spirit to grow new industries." (The Conversation: 13/04/22)
The key words here are “to leverage private capital”. What this means in ordinary speech is to encourage private investors to participate financially in “projects that benefit the economy, society or the environment”.  This has resulted in private investors running (and in many cases, owning) most of our public utilities and services. But rather than “benefit the economy, society and environment" these private investors have devastated it.
Over the next few blogs I intend to look at various British/English public utilities and services and to see how they have fared under the private sector.  First up are the railways.
Britain’s railways are organised within a mishmash of private and public ownership, and has been described as “broken" and no longer fit for purpose.
“The UK's train network is not only one of the worst in Europe, it is also one of the most expensive.” (euronews: 20/05/21
This is no surprise given its complex and chaotic structure.   The railway tracks and rail network are owned and operated by Network Rail, which is a “non-departmental public body of the Department for Transport, (DFT) with no shareholders"
 Non-departmental public bodies are a strange entity. They are national or regional bodies that work independently of government, are not staffed by civil servants, and yet are still accountable to government ministers. It is the Secretary of State for Transport who sets the strategic direction of the railways, allocating funding, and it is the secretary of state  who has to approve major investments in the railway system.
The companies that operate the trains are privately owned and are either awarded franchises from the DFT, or they are “open access” operators that provide passenger services on a particular route or network, but with no exclusive rights enjoyed by franchise holders.
To complicate matters further, the actual trains, passenger carriages and railway wagons, known collectively as “rolling stock”, are owned by the rolling stock leasing companies” (ROSCOs) who lease out their stock to the privately owned rail operating companies.
Freight train operators are totally separate from passenger trains, have no contracts with government but do need permission from Network Rail to run their services.
For year 2022/23 the railways received £11.9bn of government funding and Network Rail has secured £27.5 bn of government funding over the next five years. In short, we the taxpayer invest heavily in our rail network which the private passenger, rolling stock and freight companies use to make a profit.
A 2019 report by the TUC found that:
“Rail firms have paid over £1bn to shareholders in the last 6 years.” (TUC: 02/01/2019)
In 2022 Avanti West Coast received a taxpayer subsidy of £343m, despite having the worst punctuality record amongst train operators and paying out £12m to its shareholders. Avanti West Coast is owned by First Group, who also own Great Western Railway and South Western Railway. Great Western paid out the largest dividend in 2021/22, £33m, while South Western paid out  £13m. 
More recently:
“UK rail operator Govia awards $79m in dividends amid UK rail dissatisfaction.” (Railway Technology: 08/01/24)
Govia is largely foreign owned, the three largest shareholder companies being Australian, Spanish and French. In 2022 it was fined £23m “over financial irregularities" having failed to return £25m in taxpayer funding. Why on earth any government would want to go on subsidising such a company is beyond understanding, especially as the Transport Minister at the time said the company had:
“…committed an appalling breach of trust...behaviour was simply unacceptable and this penalty sends a clear message that the government, and taxpayers, will not stand for it." (BBC News: 17/03/22)
Clearly the minister (Grant Shapps) didn’t mean what he said as Govia is still operating trains two years later and still courting controversy
Turning to the train-leasing companies, we find:
“Profits of UK’s private train-leasing firms treble in a year. More than £400m paid in dividends in 2022-23 while rest of railway faced cuts and salary freezes.” (Guardian: 18/02/24)
These companies saw their profit margins rise to 41%, a profit that we as taxpayers and passengers pay for. It is estimated that "taxpayers are now effectively paying the £3.1bn spent last year on leasing trains.” To actually run a passenger rail service yet not own a single locomotive or passenger carriage is bazaar to say the very least.
Finding overall profit figures for freight train operators is a little more difficult but Colas Rail UK’s revenue in 2022 was £15,529m, up 17% on the previous year, an operating profit of £460m.
 Overall, taxpayer subsidies to the rail industry run at £6bn per year. However, these massive subsidies have not led to lower fares, an end to over-crowed trains, or an efficient service. According to TaxPayers Alliance 02/01/23) "rail subsidies cost taxpayers £1300 each by March 2023.” Meanwhile the private companies that operate the highly fragmented and disjointed system continue to reap profits and pay out dividends.
Maybe this would not be so bad if the British taxpayer subsidised dividend payouts went to British owned companies, but this is far from the case:
“According to the Rail, Maritime and Transport Union, 70% of Britain’s railways are now under foreign ownership to some degree.” (CityA.M.: 11/01/17)
The figure of 70% foreign ownership is disputed, not least because some companies have gone bust since 2017, with five lines now being effectively run by the government as “operators of last resort.”  As the 1993 Railways Act forbids the UK state from running the railways these lines are likely to be franchised out to private firms in the future.
“…many foreign state-owned enterprises of the Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy and Hong Kong now run rail franchises in the UK." (The Standard: 11/05/23)
While other countries have no philosophical problem with running railways for the benefit of their citizens, and clearly have no qualms about investing state money in foreign ventures, the Conservative Party is ideologically opposed to state intervention in running UK public services and is vehemently opposed to setting up a UK sovereign wealth fund.
In summary, successive Tory governments have continued to pay taxpayers money into the coffers of private enterprise regardless of how efficient, honest or effective these firms are at providing an essential public service. Clearly, where the railways are concerned, they are not run to “benefit the economy, society and environment" but for the benefit and interests of private investors, in the mistaken Tory belief that private enterprise is always better than public stewardship despite evidence to the contrary.  
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christinamac1 · 11 days
Basing US Nuclear Subs at Stirling on Garden Island makes Western Australia a nuclear target, while risking “catastrophic conditions” in a N-Sub reactor accident.
Briefer by David Noonan, Independent Environment Campaigner, 07 Sept 2024 What price should West Australian’s pay for AUKUS ? see “AUKUS: The worst defence andforeign policy decision our country has made” by ex-FA Minister Gareth Evans (17 August 2024): “… the price now being demanded by the US for giving us access to its nuclearpropulsion technology is, it is now becoming ever more clear,…
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pashterlengkap · 17 days
Iran blasts Australian ambassador’s “insulting” pro-LGBTQ+ Instagram post
Australia’s ambassador to Iran was called into the Islamic Republic’s foreign ministry in Tehran this week after sharing a post celebrating Wear It Purple Day on his embassy’s official Instagram account. Wear It Purple Day is an annual LGBTQ+ awareness day in Australia that celebrates young queer people. “Let’s keep championing diversity and inclusion for a brighter, more inclusive future. ,” the country’s account @australiainiran posted on Sunday in both English and Farsi. The text accompanied a photo of Ambassador Ian McConville posing in Tehran on the embassy rooftop alongside two staff members. They all wore purple clothing and accessories. Related Benjamin Netanyahu claims Iran paid gay people to protest against Israel In his speech to a joint session of Congress yesterday, the Prime Minister of Israel compared queers for Palestine to “Chickens for KFC.” Iran’s semi-official ILNA news agency reported on Tuesday that the post was deemed “norm-breaking” by the Islamic government, according to Reuters. Iranian state media on Monday said it “promoted homosexuality.” The country’s Mehr news agency, another semi-official government outlet, quoted the director of the Regional Department at the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as having “strongly condemned the action of the Australian embassy in posting such content that was against the accepted norms.” Global perspectives delivered right to your inbox Our newsletter bridges borders to bring you LGBTQ+ news from around the world. Subscribe to our Newsletter today “The content published by the Australian embassy is insulting and contrary to Iranian and Islamic tradition, customs and culture,” the Iranian diplomat said, while suggesting that its distribution was a violation of international law. Homosexual activity is illegal in the Islamic Republic and is punishable by death in some cases. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Australia in Iran (@australiainiran) McConville, who was appointed ambassador in April, took issue with the Iranian government’s characterization of the post, according to ILNA. He said the inclusive message wasn’t intended to insult the Iranian people or their values. The Islamic Republic, McConville pointed out, wasn’t mentioned in the post. In 2022, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei infamously described homosexuality as a symptom of the “moral depravity” plaguing Western nations. By contrast, the embassy’s post championed Western values of tolerance and inclusivity. “Today, and every day,” the post read, “we’re dedicated to creating a supportive environment, where everyone, especially LGBTQIA+ youth, can feel proud to be themselves.” The post remains live on the Australian embassy’s Instagram account. McConville’s call to the carpet follows an incident in August when Iran’s ambassador to Australia was called into that country’s Department of Foreign Affairs over a post on X advocating for the violent removal of Israelis from “the holy lands of Palestine.” Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese called the remarks abhorrent, hateful and antisemitic, saying it was “entirely inappropriate” for the Iranian ambassador, Ahmad Sadeghi, “to engage in that way.” Albanese’s disapproval may turn out to be the first in an extended game of diplomatic tit-for-tat between the nations. http://dlvr.it/TCnS1Q
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theworldgradofficial · 11 months
The Benefits of Pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Australia in 2023
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When considering where to start your educational journey, Australia stands out as an appealing option for those looking to study bachelors in Australia. With its stunning landscapes, pleasant weather, diverse culture, and an excellent education system that has welcomed thousands of Indian students in recent years, pursuing your dream to study bachelors in Australia can be a life-changing experience.
Reasons to Study Bachelors in Australia
According to a survey undertaken by The World Grad, Australia emerged as the top choice for pursuing a bachelor's degree overseas. Several factors contribute to this preference, including globally renowned universities, an exceptional education system, affordable study options, strengthened international partnerships, promising job prospects after graduation, a secure and welcoming environment, a well-rounded lifestyle, and a relatively lower cost of living.
1) Globally Recognised Universities 
Australian universities have established a formidable global presence, with nine of their institutions ranking among the top 100 in the world. Offering a diverse selection of over 2200 Bachelor's programs, Australia presents an even more enticing prospect for international students considering pursuing undergraduate education there.
Renowned as distinguished educational hubs, the Group of Eight (Go8) represents a coalition of prominent Australian universities. This esteemed group includes the Australian National University, the University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney, the University of Queensland, the University of Adelaide, the University of Western Australia, Monash University, and the University of New South Wales, Sydney.
2) Excellent Education System 
Australia's education system has garnered praise for its emphasis on practical learning rather than confining education to textbooks and classrooms. Australian universities prioritize practical knowledge, recognizing its significance in preparing students for real-world challenges. By simulating industry-specific obstacles, students are equipped with problem-solving skills applicable to their future careers. Consequently, individuals seeking a blend of theoretical and hands-on learning can opt for studying in Australia, capitalizing on its distinctive education system. This recommendation particularly holds for students interested in pursuing practical-centric Bachelor's degree programs.
3) Cost-Efficient Study Options 
Australia has consistently demonstrated itself to be a more budget-friendly choice for global students, primarily owing to favorable exchange rates. Moreover, the overall expenses have tended to be lower compared to other favored destinations like the USA and London, which are burdened by higher tuition fees and living costs. Additionally, studying in Australia can be notably cost-effective for international students, as there exists a multitude of financial aid options accessible to them. These students can seek such waivers subsequent to fulfilling all necessary prerequisites, rendering the country an appealing option for families facing financial limitations.   
4) Improved Partnerships
Australia has made recent strides in facilitating the entry of international students to its educational institutions. Simplifying admission procedures, waiving entrance examination prerequisites, and augmenting visa quotas have all played pivotal roles in enabling international students to pursue studies in Australia. Notably, the Australian Prime Minister has introduced various initiatives to ease the process for Indian students aspiring to undertake undergraduate studies in Australia. These initiatives involve forging partnerships between the two nations and collaborating with educational institutes on both ends. As these collaborations strengthen, Australia is poised to remain an attractive destination for international students, particularly those from India.
5) Job Opportunities Post-University 
Australia's relatively low population compared to many other nations leaves ample space for additional talent. This presents a favorable situation for international students, offering them the chance to gain valuable work experience and potentially secure longer-term employment with a company. These prospects serve as strong motivators for students to excel and strive for greater performance. Furthermore, upon finishing their degrees, there exists the possibility of establishing a permanent residence in Australia. This aspect proves particularly advantageous for students open to the idea of building a life away from their home country.
6) Safe and Friendly Environment
Australia is unquestionably a stunning nation characterized by picturesque landscapes, pristine beaches, and a rich blend of cultures. The local environment is widely acknowledged for its safety, friendliness, and as an excellent launching pad for one's educational pursuits. With its diverse cultural amalgamation, students from virtually any corner of the globe can seamlessly integrate and discover communities of fellow countrymen. Consequently, studying in Australia becomes a favorable option for all, provided that the minimum requirements are met. 
7) Balanced Lifestyle
Those who compare the varying lifestyles across different countries would note that the Australian way of life is notably less fast-paced. This aspect proves particularly appealing for individuals seeking to strike a balance between academic pursuits and leisure. It's worth mentioning that Australia ranks among the top countries for quality living worldwide!
8) Lower Cost of Living 
The living expenses have consistently been a worry for global students aiming to pursue their studies without excessive financial burdens. In comparison to numerous other countries globally, Australia boasts a relatively lower cost of living. Moreover, many Australian universities provide reasonably priced accommodation options tailored to the needs of international students. Typically, these housing facilities are conveniently situated near the campus, thereby minimizing transportation expenses. Such initiatives significantly aid international students in settling down without contributing to their educational expenditures.
Global Online Accelerator Program & UniSmarter by The WorldGrad
The WorldGrad has developed two innovative initiatives, namely the Global Online Accelerator Program and the UniSmarter Program. These programs enable students to finish one semester of their degree with The WorldGrad, ensuring automatic admission to a prestigious Australian university for the rest of their program upon successful completion. This approach not only saves students time and money by cutting down on tuition, accommodation, and travel costs but also provides an excellent launchpad for their desired education, enhancing their prospects of obtaining a successful visa.
International students aspiring to study bachelors in Australia are drawn to the country for various compelling reasons, including its top-rated universities, cost-effective fees, a secure environment, abundant job opportunities, and the chance for enhanced networking. Considering these factors, it is evident why Australia remains a highly desirable destination for commencing or advancing one's education among students globally.
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fatehbaz · 4 years
Lacking the dangerous charisma of other Aussie undesirables, such as red-back spiders, funnel-webs or tiger snakes, these largish, muddy-brown insects were the embodiment of abject otherness, their persistent knocking against uncurtained windows and sneaky incursions into closely guarded domestic interiors summoning inchoate fears and feelings of revulsion. [...] [T]he Great Invasion of 1969, when [...] the nation’s capital fell prey to such a large bogong infestation that the automatic lifts and air-conditioning shafts of some high-rise office buildings were blocked by resting moths, while parts of the city even suffered power failures [...]. From time to time, bogong moths do make the news: not just the college news, or the local news, but the national, and even international news. [...] [T]hey hit the headlines worldwide when several fell victim to the heatwave that stopped play during the women’s final of the 2009 Australian Open tennis tournament in Melbourne. As the mercury soared to 43 degrees Celsius, [...] the ‘brutal conditions proved too much for the swarms of bogong moths that flutter around the stadium’s bright lights, with dozens dropping dead on to the main court’ [...].
The story that really focused our attention on this pesky [...] Aussie [...] was the Great Canberra Currawong Catastrophe of October 2003.
This event would almost certainly not have hit the international news were it not for the fact that the federal capital was just about to be graced by a visitation by a US President [...]. Perhaps if he had have been resident in Canberra, as is the custom for Australian Prime Ministers, the President’s loyal ‘sheriff’, John Howard, might have sought to dissuade his American mate from coming ‘down under’ during the bogong moth season. As it was, though, just around the time that George Bush was due to make his eagerly awaited appearance, Parliament House came under major moth attack. [...] [T]his moth visitation provides an ‘annual example of the law of unintended consequences, in even the most planned environment.
Australia spent one billion dollars to build the house with the huge flagpole. But in all that planning, no one factored in the migration of bogongs’.
Clearly, the President had to be shielded from this unpleasant and potentially embarrassing infestation of tawny intruders. The parliamentary window ledges, along with sundry other architectural nooks, crannies and orifices, were duly sprayed with liberal quantities of [...] a pyrethrum-based insecticide, and extra gardeners were employed to come at dawn to sweep up the casualties that had piled up during the night, hauling them away by the wheelbarrow load.
Notwithstanding the increased media attention turned upon Canberra at this time, it is unlikely that this in itself would have been considered newsworthy, were it not that birds too began to be found among the dead. In all, fourteen currawongs are said to have fallen victim to this moth eradication campaign, presumably (although this was never proven conclusively) from the ingestion of poisoned insects. In the following weeks, moreover, and for reasons that remain obscure, magpies as well as currawongs shunned Capital Hill, the modest rise within which, in a tremendous feat of architectural prowess, Australia’s parliamentary seat of power is sited. [...] 
[T]he grounds of our flash New Parliament House were littered with big black bird carcasses [...].
In Australia, Agrotis infusa, as it is known to Western science, typically begins and ends its life-cycle on the slopes and plains west of the Great Dividing Range in northern New South Wales and southern Queensland. Each spring, swarms of adult moths fly south into the Snowy Mountains [...] in search of the cool dark crevices [...] where they while away the hot summer months [...]. This was always a potentially perilous journey, but it became a whole lot more so during the twentieth century. [...] Canberra is right in their flight path, and, in addition to the domestic illumination of its sprawling suburbs, the 40,000 lights of the New Parliament House, with its elevated floodlit flagpole beckoning from afar, burn long and strong. [...] The bogong moth is one of many creatures whose migratory life-cycles have helped over time to form the warp and weft of more-than-human life on this continent, weaving species and places together into complex patterns of collective flourishing. [...]
All text above by: Kate Rigby. “Getting a Taste for the Bugong Moth.” Australian Humanities Review Issue 50. May 2011. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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sciencespies · 5 years
Bushfires reach Melbourne as heatwave fans Australia blazes
Bushfires reach Melbourne as heatwave fans Australia blazes
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Hundreds of blazes are burning across Australia, which is experiencing a devastating summer bushfire season fuelled by a prolonged drought and climate change
Around 100,000 people were urged to flee five Melbourne suburbs on Monday evening as Australia’s spiralling bushfire crisis killed a volunteer firefighter battling a separate blaze in the countryside.
Authorities in the country’s second-biggest city downgraded an earlier bushfire emergency warning but said residents should steer clear of the blaze, which has burned through 40 hectares (nearly 100 acres) of grassland.
In Bundoora—just 16 kilometres (10 miles) north of the city centre and home to two major Australian university campuses—the fire‘s spread toward houses had been halted for now but it was yet to be brought under control, said Victoria Emergency.
Local media showed images of water bombers flying over neighbourhoods, and families hosing down their homes in the hope of halting the fire’s spread.
A volunteer firefighter died in New South Wales state and two others suffered burns while working on a blaze more than five hours south-west of Sydney, the Rural Fire Service said.
“It’s believed that the truck rolled when hit by extreme winds,” the agency said in a tweet.
Ten others, including two volunteer firefighters, have been killed so far this fire season.
The crisis has focused attention on climate change—which scientists say is creating a longer and more intense bushfire season—and sparked street protests calling for immediate action to tackle global warming.
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Bushfires have brought destruction to millions of hectares of Australia this summer
While conservative Prime Minister Scott Morrison belatedly acknowledged a link between the fires and climate change, he has continued his staunch support of Australia’s lucrative coal mining industry and ruled out further action to reduce emissions.
The blazes have also destroyed more than 1,000 homes and scorched more than three million hectares (7.4 million acres)—an area bigger than Belgium.
A heatwave sweeping the country Monday fuelled the latest destruction in Australia’s devastating summer fire season, which has been turbocharged by a prolonged drought and climate change.
Conditions worsened on Friday with high winds and temperatures soaring across the country—reaching 47 degrees Celsius (117 Fahrenheit) in Western Australia and topping 40 degrees in every region—including the usually temperate island of Tasmania.
More than a dozen blazes are also raging in Victoria’s East Gippsland countryside, where authorities said “quite a number” of the 30,000 tourists visiting the usually picturesque region had heeded calls to evacuate.
Some of the fires were burning so intensely that hundreds of firefighters were pulled back beyond a front estimated to stretch 1,000 kilometres (600 miles).
It was deemed “unsafe” for them to remain in bushland areas, Gippsland fire incident controller Ben Rankin said, describing the situation as “very intense”.
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Map of Australia’s state of Victoria showing the active fires as of December 30
‘Too late to leave’
Authorities had warned tourists enjoying Australia’s summer holidays in East Gippsland that the fires would cut off the last major road still open.
Victoria Emergency Management commissioner Andrew Crisp said residents and holiday makers still in the area faced being stranded as it was now “too late to leave”, with his agency warning it was “not possible” to provide aid to all visitors in the area.
Neighbouring South Australia is also experiencing “catastrophic” fire conditions.
The Country Fire Service’s Brenton Eden said it would be a “very dangerous” day for people in the state, with “dry” thunderstorms—which produce thunder and lightning but no rain—already sparking a number of fires, including an emergency-level blaze on Kangaroo Island.
“Winds are gusting and unfortunately this is a dry lightning front that is going to move rapidly across South Australia,” he told national broadcaster ABC.
Conditions were also expected to deteriorate in worst-hit New South Wales, where 100 fires were burning Monday morning including more than 40 uncontained.
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This season’s bushfires have killed 10 people, destroyed more than 1,000 homes and scorched more than three million hectares (7.4 million acres)—an area bigger than Belgium
Sydney and other major cities have been shrouded in toxic bushfire smoke haze for weeks, forcing children to play indoors and causing professional sporting events to be cancelled.
The capital Canberra has cancelled its New Year’s Eve fireworks display due to a total fire ban in the Australia Capital Territory, while several regional towns have also followed suit.
A petition to cancel Sydney’s famous New Year’s Eve fireworks and use the money to fight bushfires ringing the city has topped 270,000 signatures, but officials say the show will go on.
Sydney has spent Aus$6.5 million ($4.5 million) on this year’s fireworks display—funds that the Change.org petition argues would be better spent on supporting volunteer firefighters and farmers suffering through a brutal drought.
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Australia has its hottest day on record
© 2019 AFP
Citation: Bushfires reach Melbourne as heatwave fans Australia blazes (2019, December 30) retrieved 30 December 2019 from https://phys.org/news/2019-12-bushfires-melbourne-heatwave-fans-australia.html
This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.
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christowill · 5 years
Senate Parties Described in 10 Words or Less
Sometimes party names are not a true reflection of what the party represents. To assist, I have put together a simple bias free guide to all registered parties (thanks to the ABC for the party list and Guardian for the state participation info). 
Affordable Housing Party: Ban Airbnb, phase out negative gearing, no overseas property investment (NSW)         
Animal Justice Party: Ban live exports. Voice for animals. Humans shouldn’t kill animals. (National)
Australian Better Families: Men’s rights party. Create a ‘minister for men’ (NSW, QLD, TAS)
Australian Christians: Christian values. “Civil government to be under the authority of God” (WA)
Australian Conservatives: Strong on family values and super strong borders (National)
Australian Democrats: Positioned as centre ground. Balance between sustainable environment and economy (NSW, SA, VIC)
Australian Labor Party: Attempting to balance social and economic progressiveness and electability (National)
Australian People's Party: Populist calling for common sense solutions. Tougher immigration laws (NSW)
Australian Workers Party: Fairness and social and economic justice. Protectionist economic policy (NSW, QLD, VIC) 
Centre Alliance: Formerly the ‘Nick Xenophon Team’. Centrist common sense party (SA)
Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group): Christian Values. If your values are Christian, they serve you. (NSW, ACT, VIC)
Citizens Electoral Council: Nationalise bank system and reversing 1980’s deregulation (NSW, QLD, VIC, WA, SA, NT)
Climate Action! Immigration Action! Accountable Politicians!: Formerly ‘Online Direct Democracy’. No policies. Online voting (NSW, QLD, VIC)
Democratic Labour Party: Socially conservative, economically progressive. Historically anti communist (NSW, QLD, VIC)
Derryn Hinch's Justice Party: Victim’s rights. Tougher prison sentences (VIC)
FRASER ANNING'S CONSERVATIVE NATIONAL PARTY: Wants English speaking, predominantly European Christian Country (National)
Health Australia Party: Opposes ‘no jab no play’ laws. Natural therapy advocates (NSW, VIC, WA)
Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party: Wants to help end marijuana prohibition on food, medicine, etc. (NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA)
Independents For Climate Action Now: Make climate action national policy that is non partisan (NSW, QLD, VIC)
Involuntary Medication Objectors (Vaccination/Fluoride) Party: Right to refuse vaccinations (and other medication). No water fluoridation (NSW, QLD, WA)
Jacqui Lambie Network: Rights for troops and good old common sense (TAS)
Katter's Australian Party (KAP): Australian jobs by keeping things local. Privatisation = bad (QLD)
Liberal Party of Australia: Minimal government with emphasis on supporting strong private sector (National)
Liberal Democrats: Free Speech, low tax, libertarian folk. Less government (All except NT)
Love Australia or Leave: Stop the ‘Islamisation of Australia’. Strong defence, freedom of speech (NSW, QLD, TAS)
Pauline Hanson's One Nation: Freedoms as long as they align with ‘Australian values’ (All except NT and ACT)
Pirate Party: Government transparency, civil and digital liberties, participatory democracy (NSW, QLD, VIC, WA)
Republican Party of Australia: Wants an Australian to run the show, not a Queen or King (VIC)
Rise Up Australia Party: Everything Aussie is amazing! Love it or leave it vibe (NSW, QLD, VIC, NT)
Science Party: Data driven, rights based policy. Reason and scientific discovery (NSW)
Secular Party of Australia: An end to religious interference in politics (VIC)
Seniors United Party of Australia: Seniors rights esp. in Health, Care, Income and Housing (NSW)
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers: Guns for (law abiding) all. Likes outdoors stuff (All except NT, ACT)
Socialist Alliance: Championing all minority causes from Afghanistan to Youth -almost A-Z! (NSW, WA)
Socialist Equality Party: Trotskyist socialist party. End militarism and war. Workers rights (NSW, VIC)
Sustainable Australia: Australia doesn’t need more growth. Lower immigration (All except ACT) 
The Australian Mental Health Party: More inclusive society and more dignity in health issues (WA)
The Great Australian Party: No income tax, wants bank nationalisation, remove family court (NSW, QLD, VIC, WA, SA)
The Greens: Ecologically sustainable. Social justice. Everyone deserves a house (National)
The Nationals: Coalition partners of the Liberals. Regional Australia interests (National)
The Small Business Party: Small business owner rights. Reduce: Taxes, red tape, immigration (NSW, VIC)
The Together Party: Governing in the public interest. Socially progressive (NSW)
The Women's Party: Equal representation, ‘Women’s rights are human rights’. Change social structures (NSW)
United Australia Party: Populist, tax minimisation, regional wealth ownership (National)
VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!: Direct democracy using an app. Swap votes for different issues NSW, VIC, WA)
WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY: WA Rights. Wants their GST revenue back (WA)
Yellow Vest Australia: Wants to stop the Islamisation of Australia (WA)
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colitcomedia · 1 year
Exploring how Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project by VRX Silica advances?
Discover the notable progress made by VRX Silica Limited (ASX: VRX) in the approval process for the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. Learn about the commencement of the Public Environmental Review (PER) period and the company's dedication to addressing stakeholder feedback. Get insights into VRX Silica's investor outlook and explore the projects within their expansive silica sand portfolio in Western Australia.
When it comes to sustainable silica sand projects, VRX Silica Limited is making significant strides. With the initiation of the four-week Public Environmental Review (PER) period, following the publication of the Environmental Review Document (ERD), VRX Silica's Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project is advancing closer to reality.
The acceptance of the Arrowsmith North Environmental Review Document by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) further demonstrates the company's commitment to transparency and environmental responsibility.
During the PER process, VRX Silica understands the importance of addressing all comments received regarding the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project proposal. This comprehensive review and response stage serves as the final step before the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of Western Australia prepares an assessment report. The recommendations made in the report will play a crucial role in the approval decision by the Western Australian Environment Minister.
Investor Outlook:
VRX Silica's commitment to sustainability and responsible resource extraction has captured the attention of investors. With a share price of AUD 0.125 per share and a 52-week range of AUD 0.093 to AUD 0.190 per share, the company's performance in the market has been notable. As of June 19th, 2023, VRX Silica has a market capitalization of AUD 70 million, with 560.40 million shares issued.
About VRX Silica:
VRX Silica Limited is an ASX-listed pure-play silica sand company with a dedicated focus on driving innovation and sustainable practices. The company's portfolio comprises four silica sand projects in Western Australia. In addition to the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project, they also have the Arrowsmith Central Silica Sand Project, located near Eneabba, south of Geraldton. Furthermore, VRX Silica has the Muchea Silica Sand Project, situated north of Perth, and the Boyatup Silica Sand Project, positioned 100 km east of Esperance.
The Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project by VRX Silica is making significant progress in its approval process, evident through the commencement of the PER period and the publication of the ERD. By addressing stakeholder feedback and adhering to sustainable practices, VRX Silica is laying a strong foundation for the project's success. With their robust investor outlook and dedication to responsible resource extraction, VRX Silica continues to shape the future of the silica sand industry in Western Australia.
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reportwire · 2 years
Plans for discovery centre on WA island dropped to protect little penguins
Plans for discovery centre on WA island dropped to protect little penguins
2022-08-31 16:00:45 The Western Australian government has abandoned plans for a $3.3m “discovery centre” on Penguin Island following a community campaign against the development. Reece Whitby, the minister for environment and climate action, made the announcement on Friday, saying in a statement that following a scientific review and community consultation, the proposed centre would be shifted…
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cooldavidkentposts · 3 years
Plastic recycling pilot tackles healthcare waste stream
NSW hospitals generate approximately 52,400 tonnes of waste a year, which costs the NSW Government at least $16m in disposal. Now, a NSW Circular initiative has uncovered a way for NSW hospitals to improve the recycling and reuse of some single-use plastic healthcare products previously destined for landfill.
The demonstration project, conducted at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, enabled Orange-based company Allmould Plastics Group to recycle ampoules and needle caps into new building materials, with support of SMaRT@UNSW Sydney.
The waste was collected from selected clinical areas in the hospital, which accounted for 28% of all ampoules and 11% of all needle caps used in the hospital — in just three months, more than 80,000 pieces of clinical waste plastic was collected. If the scheme was expanded to cover all clinical use of these two items alone, this would recover nearly 2 million pieces (or 4 tonnes) of plastic a year from this one hospital.
The 205 kg of plastic collected in the trial was then recycled into products, including 1500 roller door wheels and 7400 building industry grommets and packers, which will be deployed across Australian sites.
The report, Plastics in Healthcare: A Circular Economy Transition Plan, found the project has scale-up potential with clear environmental and economic benefits. By recycling just 40-60% of the clinical waste currently incinerated or landfilled, NSW hospitals could create annual savings equivalent to the cost of hiring 40 nurses. The report also found nearly 30 new additional jobs could be created in plastics recycling by turning high-quality clinical plastic into new components.
NSW Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney, the Hon. Stuart Ayres MP said: “If every hospital in NSW undertook this program, we would be able to unlock significant savings that could be reinvested into patient care and essential services. At the same time, we would divert plastic waste from our environment and create new jobs and economic opportunities in recycling these materials.”
St Vincent’s Hospital CEO Associate Professor Anthony Schembri AM said the project proves that it is possible to extract value and design out of waste without compromising health or safety. “Recycling even just two items across all clinical use can recover nearly two million pieces, or four tonnes of plastic per year, in just one of our hospitals alone. It’s just the beginning.”
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Needle cap sorting
Rodrigo Fritis-Lamora, Heart/Lung Transplant Coordinator at St Vincent’s Hospital who implemented the project said: “We see enormous amounts of plastic waste going in the bin every day; it is truly disheartening. Being at the frontlines, staff have a huge desire to see more sustainable practices and we’re just so happy to see our efforts resulting in real benefits to both the hospital and environment.”
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Scott Cantrill, Client Adviser, Allmould Plastic Group, can see the economic impacts the rollout of this project, and more of its kind, will have in regional areas such as Orange, where their business is located. “As a result of this project we are now negotiating with waste service companies and hospitals to increase our plastic feedstock and capacity. This will enable us to engage more full-time employees and support a multimillion-dollar investment in plant upgrades,” Cantrill said.
Following the success of this demonstration project, NSW Circular has announced the development of new partnerships with Hunter New England and Northern Sydney Local Health Districts to divert waste from landfill, and to drive efficiencies, new jobs and investment.
source http://sustainabilitymatters.net.au/content/waste/case-study/plastic-recycling-pilot-tackles-healthcare-waste-stream-401846194
from WordPress https://davidkent.home.blog/2021/10/14/plastic-recycling-pilot-tackles-healthcare-waste-stream/
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Ben Ful Links | August 2/2021:
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Source: benjaminfulford.net
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Getting To Know The North Koreans
Notice to readers.  So that I may take my annual sabbatical in the Canadian wilderness, the next several reports will be pre-written.  They will focus on the history of how I got involved in fighting the Khazarian Mafia.  Hopefully, this will help readers get a better understanding of what is happening now. Of course, if something really big happens, we will issue an emergency report.
The assassination attempts against me and the murder of many of my colleagues were part of a Nazi coup d’etat that took place in the U.S. after 9.11.2001.  This Nazi faction, led by Fuhrer George Bush Sr., was a sub-group of the Khazarian Mafia.  They were killing journalists as a part of an attempt to control the narrative, the story by which Western society was led.  However, I did not figure that out until a North Korean princess showed me the evidence.
Here is how it happened.  I was running into serious censorship at Forbes.  This started after I had run the story about the murder of the banker, that I detailed in last week’s report, brought me to the attention of the people who gave orders to the Forbes family.
For example, a story about Citibank (a Rockefeller company) being kicked out of Japan because it was money laundering for gangsters was killed even though my source was the Japanese Finance Ministry speaking on the record.  The last straw for me came when I found out that an anti-virus software company was making viruses.  Forbes killed the story, telling me I was “unreliable,” when in fact the story was killed because Steve Forbes had been given $500,000 by the anti-virus company, according to a Forbes whistleblower.
In any case, I was sick of writing business pornography and decided my next career move was to shift to writing books.  The hope was to have them made into Hollywood movies.  So, I sent two chapters and an outline of a planned book to my agent in the U.S.  The book would have described a systematic pattern of the murder of politicians, journalists, industrialists, etc. by politicians and gangsters who were part of the corrupt secret government that really ran Japan.
The day after I sent the book proposal, I got a call from Kaoru Nakamaru, who said she was a princess and a first cousin of Emperor Hirohito.  She told me it would be a bad idea to publish the book.  Obviously she was connected to people who were reading my mail, so I decided to meet her.  When I asked her how she knew what was in my book proposal she said, “A Goddess told me.”  (That Goddess would be Amaterasu the reigning deity of the Japanese security police).
When I met Nakamaru she said, “You understand all about the corruption in Japan but you know nothing about the real source, which is in the West.”  She then gave me a 9.11 truth video.  At the time, I thought “Oh my God, this is one of those anti-Semitic movies about 9.11 that I read about in the New York Times.”  I had no intention of watching it but she kept pestering me until I did.  That was the real red pill for me.  It did not take a lot of fact-checking to realize 9.11 was an inside job.  From a missile hitting the Pentagon without breaking the second-floor windows and leaving no plane debris, to a BBC reporter with Building #7 visible in the background saying it had already collapsed, 20 minutes before it actually did at freefall speed, the evidence was undeniable.
The real problem was wrapping my mind around how incredibly large a group would be needed to carry out a campaign like this.  The implications were truly mind-boggling.  It was only by looking at historical events that I realized such false flags were being commonly used as excuses to start wars.
For example, the sinking of the “innocent passenger vessel” Lusitania in 1914 was used as an excuse to demonize the Germans and get the Americans to join the British in World War I.  It was not until a hundred years later in 2014 that the British admitted publicly the Lusitania was transporting arms and was, therefore, a legitimate military target.  Historians note that ads in newspapers warned passengers prior to the ship being sent into the vicinity of German U-boats as a sacrifice.
In 2001, the people who controlled the U.S. were using 9.11 as an excuse to invade the Middle East (yet again).
In my still naïve worldview I figured that if people found out the truth, there would be a revolution.  After I published front-page articles for major Japanese magazines listing evidence that 9.11 was an inside job, I held a press conference at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan to present the evidence to the international media.
It was only when none of them (with a few minor exceptions like rural Australian newspapers) reported the evidence did I realize that freedom of the press had been extinguished from the Western media.
Nobody at the FCCJ or in the Western press debated me or presented evidence showing I was wrong.  Instead, all sorts of people I never knew suddenly started a systematic campaign of character assassination against me.  The general story was that I was taking drugs, believed in UFOs, and had lost my mind.  I was put on a black list and nobody in the English language press would work with me.  Many editors told me they had been ordered by their bosses not to publish my stories.
Fortunately, I had published books in Japanese that sold well and provided me with an income.  I was also introduced to a Japanese author by the name of Ohta Ryu.  He explained to me that he had been approached by a group of Japanese who had studied Western power structures before and during World War II.  He used the material they had provided to publish his books.
What Ohta said was mind-boggling at the time.  It was talking about how the West had a secret government run by families like the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.  This may be common knowledge now but, at the time (around 2005-6) when I did an internet search about the Rothschilds, I found exactly one sentence about them on the entire web.  It was from an Israeli chat room where one participant mentioned a rumor that the Rothschilds were involved in the formation of Israel.
As far as our reputed overlord David Rockefeller was concerned, he was number 300 or so on the Forbes richest list and considered to be a person of the past.  I had to go back to the 1918 edition of Forbes to find out the real story.  It turns out John Rockefeller the first had suddenly become poor overnight by donating all of his fortune (around $300 billion in today’s money) to a foundation.  Once the money was in a foundation, the owners did not pay inheritance tax and did not have to disclose much information.
A paper trail led to over 200 foundations controlled by the Rockefellers that in turn controlled most of the Fortune 500 companies.
What I started to realize was that all the murders of Japanese politicians etc. were part of a Rockefeller & Co. hostile take-over of Japan Inc.  One key man they used to carry out this operation was Heizo Takenaka, who was the Finance and Economy Minister from 2002-2005.  While he was in this job, he dismantled the system of cross-shareholding where banks and companies owned each others’ shares.  Takenaka forced all the banks to sell off their shares in Japan’s listed companies to foreign funds such as Vanguard, Blackrock, and State Street & Banking.  When I confronted him about handing over all of Japan’s listed companies to the Rockefellers etc., he squirmed visibly in his chair and was evasive.
However, the day after the interview, I got a phone call from an official at the Japan development bank who told me there was someone Heizo Takenaka wanted me to meet.  So, I went to a downtown Tokyo hotel room where I met a person by the name of Shiramine who called himself a Ninja.
I recorded with his permission a conversation in which he offered me the job of Finance Minister of Japan as long as I went along with a plan to kill 90% of humanity.  He said it was necessary in order to “save the environment.”  Since war did not kill enough people the plan was to use disease and starvation to kill everyone off, he said.  Shiramine added that if I refused the offer I would be killed.
To his credit when Shiramine met me and gave me this proposal, he also handed me a tape and told me to listen to it somewhere private.  In this tape, he said the problem was the “elders of Zion.”  I was also told by another Takenaka envoy that he handed over control of all the country’s corporations because Japan had been “threatened with an earthquake machine.”
The next day another person called me and said he wanted to meet me.  Again, the meeting took place inside a downtown hotel room.  This time it was someone from an Asian secret society known as The Red and The Green.  He said they had 8 million members including 200,000 assassins who could help.  This group also knew about the plan to kill 90% of humanity because they had secretly recorded a meeting at the Bohemian Grove where they discussed all of this.
Members of this group had long worked with Western secret societies, for example by supplying them with heroin from the golden triangle.  However, it was the attempt to kill them off with SARS, a bio-weapon designed to kill Asians, that finally put them on a war footing.
You can imagine my shock and disorientation in running into all of this over the space of just a week.  As someone who had lived his whole life in the official open world as seen in the public record, this was mind-boggling, to say the least.  In any case, since I could not agree with a plan to kill 90% of humanity, I decided to go along with the Asian secret society.
At first, being a peace-loving journalist, I thought of ideas like maybe the Asian secret society could show 9.11 truth movies in Chinatown movie theaters.  However, eventually, I had what I call my “Kill Bill” moment.  In the movie Kill Bill, there is a scene where a female assassin (played by Uma Thurman) is in a desperate fight for her life with a one-eyed opponent.  When Thurman plucks out her opponent’s eye, suddenly the fight is over.
What I realized was that most Westerners (like me) had no idea what their secret leaders were up to and would be appalled if they found out.  The flaw of the secret Western government was that it was highly centralized.  So, I advised the Asian secret society to “pluck out the eye.”  I gave them a list of all the people who were members of the Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission.  I said if you target them, you can stop the planned genocide.
Later when the earthquake machine threat was made directly to me I responded that “you can’t stop assassinations with an earthquake machine.”
The other thing I suggested to the Asian Secret Society was that buying U.S. government bonds was worse than buying opium. “At least opium gives you pleasure but now you are paying them to kill you,” is what I told a top adviser to the Chinese Politburo.
In any case, the Asian Secret Society became mobilized.  They threatened to kill the Western elite and also stopped buying U.S. government bonds.  Thus the attempt to kill off 90% of humanity was stalled.  This was the real background to the so-called “Lehman shock,” financial crisis of 2008, and the birth of the Obama administration.
However, the secret war had only begun.  A lot of new players emerged from the shadows following these events.
Next week I will talk about how I met David Rockefeller.  I will also discuss meeting such groups as the Black Sun, the Illuminati (in two flavors), the secret space program Nazis, the Russian FSB, and former MI6 head Dr. Michael Van de Meer.
Please stay tuned…
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sciencespies · 5 years
Australians warned worst bushfires may be yet to come
Australians warned worst bushfires may be yet to come
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Many residents in eastern Australia are returning to their scorched communities to assess the extent of the fire damage
Sydney is facing a “catastrophic” fire threat, authorities said on Sunday, as firefighters in eastern Australia raced to prepare for worsening conditions after ferocious bushfires devastated communities.
Fires have killed three people and razed more than 150 homes since Friday, but cooler weather overnight provided a welcome reprieve for firefighters and residents.
Authorities were assessing the damage on Sunday, with more than 100 fires still burning across New South Wales and Queensland, including several blazes that remained out of control.
Wider swathes of the states—including greater Sydney—are now bracing for perilous fire conditions predicted for the coming days, as is Western Australia state.
It is the first time Sydney has been warned of a “catastrophic” fire danger, the highest possible level, since the grading system was introduced in 2009.
Massive fires tore through several towns on Friday and Saturday.
The mayor of Glen Innes, where two people died, said residents were traumatised and still coming to terms with their losses.
“The fire was as high as 20 foot (six metres) and raging with 80 kilometres-an-hour (50 miles-an-hour) winds,” Carol Sparks told national broadcaster ABC.
Five people reported missing have been found, but the unpredictable nature of the disaster means officials have not ruled out the possibility that others could still be missing, NSW Rural Fire Service spokesman Greg Allan told AFP.
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In Old Bar, hectares of bushland had turned charcoal and small pockets of flames continued to smoulder
In Old Bar, which was spared the worst when the wind changed direction, hectares of bushland had turned charcoal and small pockets of flames continued to smoulder.
Peter McKellar, 75, was clearing debris from his property as his neighbour’s home sat in ruins.
“The firies (firefighters) saved ours,” he told AFP. “They are doing a wonderful job. They’re angels.”
High temperatures, low humidity and strong winds forecast from the middle of the week are predicted to fuel blazes that authorities have warned they will be unable to contain ahead of time.
“We are ramping up for probably another 50 trucks full of crews to be deployed into New South Wales on Monday night ahead of conditions on Tuesday,” NSW Rural Fire Service Commissioner Shan Fitzsimmons told reporters in Taree, one of the worst-hit areas.
“We have seen the gravity of the situation unfold… What we can expect is those sorts of conditions to prevail across a much broader geographic area as we head into Tuesday.”
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Some fires have burned as high as 20 foot (six metres)
‘Primed to burn’
In Queensland, where a state of emergency has been declared, more than 1,200 firefighters were battling over 50 active fires on Sunday.
“Queensland does not usually have a fire season like we’ve experienced this year and last year,” Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk told reporters.
With thousands of people forced to flee from their homes, Australia’s government was offering immediate emergency assistance payments of up to Aus$1,000 (US$685) to those affected and extended financial support for anyone unable to work as a result.
Many residents are now returning to their scorched communities to assess the extent of the fire-inflicted damage, amid warnings it could take months for them to rebuild their lives.
Emotions were running high at an evacuation centre in Taree, with one man breaking down in tears as he was embraced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison.
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Firefighters in eastern Australia are racing to prepare for worsening conditions after bushfires devastated communities
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More than 100 fires were still burning across New South Wales and Queensland on Sunday, including dozens of blazes that remained out of control
“People are under a lot of pressure,” Morrison told reporters. “The level of optimism, despite the circumstances, is quite inspiring.”
Morrison, whose government has downplayed the threat of climate change, was also heckled about the issue at a fire command centre in nearby Wauchope.
“Climate change is real, can’t you see,” the Australian newspaper reported a man as yelling before he was escorted out of the building.
Bushfires are common in Australia but the country has experienced a dramatic start to what scientists predict will be a tough fire season—with climate change and weather cycles contributing to the dangerous combination of strong winds, high temperatures and dry conditions.
The current disaster has not wreaked the human devastation of Australia’s worst recent bushfires, the Black Saturday fires that killed 173 people in Victoria state in 2009, with some experts attributing that to better early warning systems.
But Ross Bradstock, from the Centre for Environmental Management of Bushfires at the University of Wollongong, described the situation as “unprecedented” for the affected regions, which have rarely—if ever—experienced such severe fires.
“Sadly, given the weather forecast for the coming week, the crisis may worsen and extend southward into landscapes primed to burn via extreme dryness,” he said.
Explore further
Australia bushfires leave three dead, at least 150 homes lost
© 2019 AFP
Citation: Australians warned worst bushfires may be yet to come (2019, November 10) retrieved 10 November 2019 from https://phys.org/news/2019-11-australians-worst-bushfires.html
This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.
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amitchakma · 3 years
Amid the gloom about the international student market, the University of Western Australia’s new vice-chancellor, Amit Chakma, has a message of hope.
“I’m very optimistic that sooner or later we’re going to have a (COVID-19) vaccine in place,” Chakma says. “And this problem will come to a solution.”
Until that long-term goal is fulfilled, his mission will be to build his institution’s capacity as a capable and caring host.
“We are going to prepare ourselves for a good international involvement. It is in our interest to make sure that these students who come to our campuses receive the best possible education,” he says.
This is a lesson he brings from his role as an architect of the international education strategy in his adopted home, Canada, where he settled after leaving his native Bangladesh as a young man to train as a chemical engineer.
"I want to take the next couple of years to make sure that we create an environment (so that) when students come here they are really going to be taken care of."
Professor Amit Chakma
That means providing enough student residences. “I want to be able to say: ‘You don’t have to worry about finding accommodation.’ We’re not quite there yet.”
This is some of the “homework” he wants to complete before launching into an expansion of UWA’s cohort of international students, who accounted for 19 per cent of enrolments at the start of the year. Chakma also wants to boost domestic enrolments, which were up by 2 per cent at the start of the year after a slight downward trend during the past five years.
He also plans to orient UWA towards regional leadership — “if you draw a circle you capture Malaysia before you capture Sydney” — while still serving the state as the university’s founders directed.
Chakma, 61, was most recently the president of Ontario’s Western University for a decade. He is an unequivocal fan of Australia and of its pursuit of the international student market.
“Numbers don’t happen by accident,” he says. “Using those numbers and other means, Australian universities actually have become international.
“If you look at various research projects undertaken in Australian universities, you’ll find that very many of them are international in scope. If you look at Australian universities’ partnerships with other universities, they are way more robust than the UK or Canadian universities.”
He is also an admirer of Australian pragmatism, which underlies his view of research funding. He advocates recasting the discussions with government on this vexed topic. “Universities have to make the case about why research is important, and it is a struggle all the time in any jurisdiction.
“Rather than using the research ‘language’ as an approach to political leaders, what can we do to meet their needs, economic, social, governmental? If we started to speak that language (of) what can we do for our state, for our country, I think conversation becomes a lot easier,” Chakma says.
Funding is just as tough. “Nobody has found the right formula to fund universities: any time any jurisdiction tries to micromanage, the outcomes become unpredictable. Governments should establish a high-level policy framework. Public goals are very important. Then they should leave those in the hands of the (university) senates, the governing bodies, then good things will happen.”
Asked for a view on federal Education Minister Dan Tehan’s intervention to direct students to selected courses, he pleads a lack experience with the Australian system, where control resides with the commonwealth, unlike in Canada where it belongs to the provinces. “I’m quite a bit handicapped in offering any comments on whether the intervention will be effective or not,” he says.
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colitcomedia · 1 year
VRX Silica Initiates Public Environmental Review for Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project with Publication of ERD
VRX Silica Limited (ASX: VRX) has reached a significant milestone in the approval process for its Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. With the initiation of the four-week Public Environmental Review (PER) period following the publication of the Environmental Review Document (ERD), VRX Silica showcases its commitment to sustainable practices and environmental protection. This article provides an overview of the progress made by VRX Silica, highlights the PER process, and discusses the investor outlook and the company's profile.
Advancement in the Approval Process:
The commencement of the PER period and the publication of the ERD mark a notable advancement in the approval process for the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) has accepted the ERD for publication and release, demonstrating their confidence in VRX Silica's proposed plans. This step signifies the company's dedication to addressing stakeholder feedback and ensuring thorough environmental assessments.
The Importance of Public Environmental Review:
During the PER period, VRX Silica is required to address all comments received regarding the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project proposal. This comprehensive review and response stage serve as the final step before the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of Western Australia prepares an assessment report. The report will include recommendations to the Western Australian Environment Minister, which will influence the approval decision for the project.
Investor Outlook:
VRX Silica's investor outlook reflects a positive market perception. As of June 19th, 2023, the company's share price stands at AUD 0.125 per share, with a 52-week range of AUD 0.093 to AUD 0.190 per share. With a market capitalization valued at AUD 70 million and 560.40 million shares issued, VRX Silica demonstrates its strong presence and position in the market.
About VRX Silica:
VRX Silica Limited (ASX: VRX) has reached a significant milestone in the approval process for its Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. With the initiation of the four-week Public Environmental Review (PER) period following the publication of the Environmental Review Document (ERD), VRX Silica showcases its commitment to sustainable practices and environmental protection. This article provides an overview of the progress made by VRX Silica, highlights the PER process, and discusses the investor outlook and the company's profile.
Advancement in the Approval Process:
The commencement of the PER period and the publication of the ERD mark a notable advancement in the approval process for the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) has accepted the ERD for publication and release, demonstrating their confidence in VRX Silica's proposed plans. This step signifies the company's dedication to addressing stakeholder feedback and ensuring thorough environmental assessments.
The Importance of Public Environmental Review:
During the PER period, VRX Silica is required to address all comments received regarding the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project proposal. This comprehensive review and response stage serve as the final step before the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of Western Australia prepares an assessment report. The report will include recommendations to the Western Australian Environment Minister, which will influence the approval decision for the project.
Investor Outlook:
VRX Silica's investor outlook reflects a positive market perception. As of June 19th, 2023, the company's share price stands at AUD 0.125 per share, with a 52-week range of AUD 0.093 to AUD 0.190 per share. With a market capitalization valued at AUD 70 million and 560.40 million shares issued, VRX Silica demonstrates its strong presence and position in the market.
About VRX Silica:
VRX Silica Limited is an esteemed ASX-listed pure-play silica sand company, driven by an expert board and management team. The company's portfolio consists of four silica sand projects in Western Australia, including the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project, Arrowsmith Central Silica Sand Project, Muchea Silica Sand Project, and Boyatup Silica Sand Project. These projects are strategically located across Western Australia, demonstrating VRX Silica's commitment to the industry's growth and development.
The initiation of the Public Environmental Review (PER) period and the publication of the Environmental Review Document (ERD) signify a significant step forward for VRX Silica's Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. By addressing stakeholder feedback and upholding sustainable practices, VRX Silica aims to obtain the necessary approvals for the project. Investors and stakeholders can stay informed about the company's progress and environmental initiatives through VRX Silica's official channels. However, it is important to conduct thorough research and seek professional financial advice before making any investment decisions.
is an esteemed ASX-listed pure-play silica sand company, driven by an expert board and management team. The company's portfolio consists of four silica sand projects in Western Australia, including the Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project, Arrowsmith Central Silica Sand Project, Muchea Silica Sand Project, and Boyatup Silica Sand Project. These projects are strategically located across Western Australia, demonstrating VRX Silica's commitment to the industry's growth and development.
The initiation of the Public Environmental Review (PER) period and the publication of the Environmental Review Document (ERD) signify a significant step forward for VRX Silica's Arrowsmith North Silica Sand Project. By addressing stakeholder feedback and upholding sustainable practices, VRX Silica aims to obtain the necessary approvals for the project. Investors and stakeholders can stay informed about the company's progress and environmental initiatives through VRX Silica's official channels. However, it is important to conduct thorough research and seek professional financial advice before making any investment decisions.
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