#environmental protection
ecoamerica · 4 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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h0neyfreak · 7 months
helping “The Environment” as an individual is such a nebulous and ever changing concept and seems to be very much in the Discourse™️ at the moment so I just want to take a minute to shout into the void with some reminders I gave my enviro students when they got to the “oh dear god we’re all gonna die” phase of the class:
“Individual choices don’t matter” is like. true(?) for climate change (unless you’re a kardashian or CEO or something) but that just means you can’t reusable tote bag your way out of a private jet society. NOT that you can’t have any impact through community initiatives and activism. Advocate for municipal composting and public transit!! Get involved locally!!!!! Write weekly to your representatives! Do whatever you can to get unstuck and scrape together some modicum of hope.
Also on individual choices. There are some that “matter” but be very wary of outsized benefits promised for seemingly small choices (e.g. the straw debacle). An app is not the thing to save us from a hundred years of industry. Going out and collecting litter DOES have an impact even if that impact is just “this area of the world no longer has trash in it.” It’s not solving the issue of microplastics or whatever but it is helping local birds. And it’s helping YOU feel more connected to your local environment and getting you involved with the world and your community.
Finally, the best thing you can be is well informed, persistent, and kind. Be willing and able to help if you bump into someone who is open to the idea of not letting Shell and SHEIN pour toxic sludge directly into every river. It’s more people than you think. But most people only know how to buy things that are “better.” (Electric cars, reusable bags, expensive neutral clothing made of flax). They want to do SOMETHING but we’re all just kind of vibrating balls of anxiety all the time. Know what sort of things are going on around you and invite them! My go to’s are composting initiatives, textile recycling programs, and pollinator friendly/grass free gardens.
Again, it would be great if we were all willing to drag the Shell and Nestle CEOs out to account for their crimes but being paralyzed by fear is not gonna help. Neither is another ethical clothing brand selling $400 linen underwear (probably). I’ve found time and time again that people who have any amount of tangible connection to the world outside have a much more visceral reaction to billionaire super yachts than defeatist suburbanites who drive EVs and have a kitchen full of dubious organic snacks.
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The owner of one of the 15 properties removed from -- then returned to -- the Greenbelt has launched a constitutional challenge of a law that reversed Premier Doug Ford's plan to open up the protected land for development. Lawyers for Minotar Holdings Inc. filed the application Thursday in Ontario's Divisional Court, arguing that the way the law is written violates "the constitutional principle of the rule of law." The Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act is the legislation fulfilling Ford's promise to restore Greenbelt protections to 15 parcels of land. His government had removed them last year, but scathing auditor general and integrity commissioner reports found the process unfairly favoured certain developers and Ford was forced to reverse course.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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sordidamok · 3 months
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safety-pin-punk · 1 year
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archaeologysucks · 1 month
PSA: if you ever hear this sound, or see one of these birds exhibiting this behavior, you are near a killdeer nest, and should watch your step!
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diogenesz2020portugal · 6 months
Nem fér be a kartondoboz a szelektív hulladéktárolóba? Aggodalomra semmi ok: segít Margit, a környezettudatos konfettigyártó macska! (Mellesleg így kényelmesebb is.)
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othmeralia · 1 year
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Let's play a game!
This board game is Ecology: The Game of Man and Nature.
The object of the game is to lead a population through four ages of Civilization, Hunting, Agricultural, Industrial, and Atomic, to reach an ideal Environmental Age.
Urban Systems, Inc. was a consulting and research firm, whose president, Richard H. Rosen, was an ecologist and environmental engineer. While teaching undergraduate air pollution classes at Harvard, Rosen produced a number of anti-pollution board games for educational purposes.
There are a few more photos on our digital collection site, so please click here to check them out!
Image citation: Science History Institute. Ecology: The Game of Man and Nature. Photograph, 2022. Science History Institute. Philadelphia.
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Ecofascism and Rewilding: A Conversation With Ariel Kroon and Christina De La Rocha
There’s no question that the biosphere is in crisis right now thanks to human-driven global warming, our hostile takeover of most of Earth’s land area, and our pollution and overfishing of the seas. Slowing down—never mind outright stopping—the collapse of the Earth’s ecosystems and the mass extinction currently gaining pace calls for aggressively protecting the environment, or possibly even giving half of the Earth’s land surface back to nature in a process known as rewilding. 
But how will we manage to share the Earth with the rest of the biosphere when history shows that we’re pretty terrible at sharing it with each other, with some states even going so far as to have used the preservation of wilderness as a tool of genocide and white supremacy? There are still those who would use environmental protection as an excuse to block immigrants, reject refugees, and expel “undesirable” people from the land. What will it take to value human and non-human life and the land all equally, without using one as an excuse to persecute the other?
Getting urgently-needed environmental protection and rewilding right requires facing the evils that have been historically committed in the name of conservation, so that we don’t repeat those grave mistakes, even with the best of intentions. As solarpunks, we need to learn from the past in order to shape futures that are intentionally better than our pasts and presents.
And that’s a wrap for season 2! Season 3 will be coming along in the last week of June for Patreon supporters, and to the public in the first week of July. Until then, keep dreaming, and keep up the good work!
Reframing Narratives with Ecocriticism, with Dr Jenny Kerber 
Against the Ecofascist Creep webzine teaching resource and explainer
Read about the 100-Mile Diet book and phenomenon on Wikipedia
Read about the locavore movement on Wikipedia
A great article on philosophical questions with The Sneetches from the Prindle Institute for Ethics
Some articles on food forests
The Half-Earth Project 
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personname1 · 13 days
I can't help but worry about the future now. This event will do two things for the election. One, it will galvanize Trump supporters and make him more sympathetic to moderates. Two, it will make liberals less likely to vote and moderates harder on liberal candidates.
I hope that we don't see Trump in office again, but I am now afraid in a way I wasn't several hours ago. If Trump gets re-elected the people who will be most hurt are going to be BIPOC, Queer, Immigrant, Religious Minorities, Disabled, and importantly both Ukranians and Palestinians.
If you are part of any of these groups I urge you to find support networks to help you survive, however that might look. If you aren't a US American, please encourage your political bodies to pressure the US government to maintain and improve on human rights and environmental protections, as well as being willing to get targeted groups and people ojt of the US if it becomes necessary.
If you are a US American please vote, and encourage everyone else to vote as well. Push your representatives to become more active in supporting protections for marginalized groups, the environment, and protection for Palestinians and Ukraine.
Importantly, don't lose hope. It is dark, I will not lie or obfuscate on that, but do not let your fear make you inactive. This will be a fight, it will be a fight for years,but it is one we can win and ot is one we must win.
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teachersource · 1 year
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Rachel Carson was born on May 27, 1907. An American marine biologist, writer, and conservationist whose influential book Silent Spring (1962) and other writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement. Although Silent Spring was met with fierce opposition by chemical companies, it spurred a reversal in national pesticide policy, which led to a nationwide ban on DDT and other pesticides. It also inspired a grassroots environmental movement that led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C-bb9PoRLc
@ecoamerica was excited to announce the ACLA24 High School Student winner, Adah Crandall! Early high school graduate Adah is a climate justice organizer who focuses on the intersection of climate and transportation. Watch the student finalists, Aishah-Nyeta Brown, Jerome Foster II, and more in the ACLA24 for High School Students Broadcast Recording!
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troythecatfish · 1 month
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The British Columbia government is moving to protect more old-growth forests and critical habitat with a type of crowd-source funding.
Premier David Eby says the government will work with the independent B.C. Parks Foundation and First Nations to introduce the funding tool that backs efforts to protect valuable ecosystems. Eby says the province will contribute $150 million to a conservation funding mechanism that will be matched by a B.C. Parks Foundation commitment.
The government says the $150 million provided by the province will leverage further donations in a crowd-sourcing approach, encouraging other organizations and people to contribute to ecosystem protection.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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sordidamok · 4 months
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safety-pin-punk · 2 years
Environmentalist patch slogan ideas!!!
Any and everything to do with recycling!! (Bonus points for reusing materials to make patches and pins, but not a necessity)
State park/forests patches & marine life patches
Critters!! (Racoons/possums/bugs/lizards)
Earth/Earth Day Everyday patches
Anything about adventuring and exploring
Anti pollution and anti climate change patches!
Any and all quotes from the book silent spring
“No human is illegal on stolen lands”
“Stop denying the Earth is dying”
“No system except the ecosystem”
“Respect our home”
“There is no planet B” / “Be kind to our planet”
“The Earth is not dying, its being killed and those who are killing it have names and addresses”
“100 companies, 71% of emissions”
“Eco defense is self defense”
“If you aren’t outraged, you aren’t paying attention”
I also recommend checking out Retirement Fund on Etsy for patches if you’re looking. They usually have some good ones
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Once again, images are not mine
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