#Western Shipping
bee-a-garbage-shipper · 10 months
Civilian Tim AU
Tim: *Deciding to seduce The Red Hood.* I am a native Gothamite. I haven't thought through a single decision I have ever made and I'm damn sure not about to start now.
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verysillycreator · 4 months
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Guess which smg4 movie is my favorite!!
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crossfalconx5 · 3 months
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I have NOT talked about these two enough have I mentioned I love Victor I love robot cowboys SO MUCH and I’ll be normal about these two amnesiacs LITERALLY FOREVER!!!
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this-fine-day · 1 year
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Bro really had a legit "gay panic" moment.
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baifengxis · 1 year
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2.06 ♡ 4.08
I wouldn't quit on us.
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𝙻𝚘𝚊𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙 𝚜𝚖 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙-
(AU inspo: @steam-beasts <3)
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crimsonmonsoon · 2 months
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How do we feel about a tgcf cowboy au….
I think I like Hua Cheng’s design the best but also Earth Master (male form). I enjoy. I will probably make more because I don’t have self control and I can’t stop.
I will… probably make more rendered pieces of these because *cough* I’m hyperfixated. I can’t not. It can’t be contained I gotta let the ideas out somewhere.
I’m interested in knowing what yall think would happen in the story for this. Like royalty probably ain’t there but maybe… maybe… Xie Lian has to be a crown prince somehow after all.
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redwinterroses · 2 months
(part one)
Oakville was, according to Tango, not the closest sign of civilization—which was fantastic, because by Jimmy’s reckoning it would have taken them weeks to cover what the train had in a few hours. Such was the wonder of modern technology.
“We’re only a few hours—maybe five? Maybe five hours out from Eureka.” Tango said, pulling a compass out of his pocket and checking their heading. “Not much of a place, but they’ve got a communicator station and horses. And whiskey.” He sighed. “What I wouldn’t give for a drink right now.”
A drink. Jimmy was suddenly aware of the cottony dryness of his mouth—and they’d barely been walking an hour. The sun was down, the night air was cool, but he was already thirsty.
“We, ah—” he half-tripped over a rock. “It’s really dark. Are we going to stop for the night?”
Tango waggled the compass at him, the silver rim catching the starlight. “Moonrise in less than an hour, it’ll be plenty light.” He slipped the compass back into his vest pocket and shrugged. “Anyway, it won’t stop the Greysides boys. They’ll bring lanterns though, we’ll see ‘em coming.”
Somehow, that wasn’t comforting. In the distance, a wolf howled, and Jimmy shivered.
“Normally,” he said, trying to shape his voice in a conversational tone. “Normally, this would be the point where I’d build a dirt hut and wait out the night.”
Tango flashed him a grin that Jimmy could hardly see. “What, you afraid of a little mob action?”
“Considering I’m being tracked, can’t risk my gun, and don’t have so much as an iron sword?” Jimmy grimaced, thinking wistfully of the two shulkers of gear in his carpetbag. Abandoned on the traincar, loot for pillagers. “Yeah, I’d say I’m not exactly looking forward to running into anything.”
Tango gave a little chuff of a laugh, and there was a rustling sound as he dug into the side pocket of his satchel. Because of course he had his satchel.
“There ya go, greenhorn,” he said, and held out a faintly-glowing diamond sword, hilt-first for Jimmy to take.
“What?” Reflexively, Jimmy reached for the weapon, his fingers closing around the hilt before he could consider it. Tango let go of the blade and shrugged, slinging his satchel back to rest on his hip. 
“Can’t have my traveling buddy unarmed,” he said. “Bad look, for an experienced trail boss like myself.”
There was something in the way he said “experienced,” some note of sarcastic self-mockery, that Jimmy did not care for.
“When you say experienced,” he said, holding the gifted sword low to the ground and letting the gleam of enchantment dimly light his way. “Exactly how many—”
“Hey, will you look at that?” Tango interrupted him. He pointed into the distance, and Jimmy squinted.
“Lights?” he ventured, though if that was torchlight it looked almost indistinguishable from yellow-tinted stars.
“That’ll be Eureka,” Tango said. “We’ll get there well before dawn, if we don’t run into too much trouble on the way.”
Jimmy opened his mouth to go back to the question about Tango’s trail experience, but stopped himself. No reason to push for the fellow’s backstory—it wasn’t as if he was eager to share his own.
“Right,” he said. “Right, then. What trouble is out here? Creepers? Zombies?”
“Not too many undead,” Tango said. He rested his hand on the hilt of his own sword as they walked. “Husks, mainly, with this heat, unless you go underground, which I don’t advise. But yeah—creepers are a big nuisance in these parts. Them and the endermen—frontier mob griefing is the worst. I keep tellin’ folks we need to lobby to get an anti-griefing patch out here, but—” he shrugged. “You know how frontier people are. Obsessed with keeping things vanilla. You want luxury mods, go back to spawn.”
Jimmy made a noncommittal sound. 
“I’m not talkin’ like, full-on spawn blacklists or anything,” Tango continued, tromping along. “People want that, they can do things the hard way. I’m just sayin’—”
“Look out!” Jimmy saw the creeper just before it rose up out of the scrub, its eyes flashing a warning.
Tango swore and leaped nearly a block in the air, dodging away from the creature. 
It settled back, glaring at them balefully from its nest of brush and grass, and Jimmy eyed it with wary caution.
“It’s smaller than the ones back home,” he said doubtfully.
“Ehhh—” Tango’s voice was tight with concern, and Jimmy looked away from the creeper to find the man staring over his shoulder. “That’s… that’s cuz that one’s a baby.”
Jimmy froze.
“The… there’s a big one behind me, isn’t there.” He swallowed, and a hint of burning gunpowder drifted past his nose.
Tango nodded. 
Something hissed lowly behind him. A warning—the only one he was likely to get. 
He bolted. Behind him, he heard Tango’s startled yelp, and then following feet. 
“Is it chasing us?” Jimmy shouted.
“Keep running!”
Jimmy chanced a look over his shoulder.
It was a bull creeper—easily twice as big as the feral creatures he was used to back spawnward, its pelt dun-colored and mottled with green to camouflage it in the scrubby grasses. It charged after them, its eyes flickering with anger, hissing as it ran.
“Holy—” Jimmy tripped, caught himself, and kept running, eyes back on the ground in front of him.
“Get to that rock pillar!” 
In front of them, one of the strange, spiky landforms jutted up out of the dark landscape. They were at the base of it in a moment, ducking around the back, momentarily out of the creeper’s line of sight.
“Climb!” Tango ordered. 
Scrabbling up the steep side of the rock, they managed to drag themselves onto the top just as the creeper reached the base. It hissed furiously, but they were out of its reach—and blast radius—and it could do nothing but pace below them, its stubby legs not made for climbing. Thank void.
Jimmy flopped on his back on the narrow ledge, feeling his gun digging into his hip and not caring enough to move. His chest heaved as he panted for air, and cold sweat trickled down his ribs.
He closed his eyes against the stars, hating everything in that moment. Hating the stupid night sky, hating the ridiculously huge creeper below—seriously, since when did they get that big?—and most of all: hating that once again he’d managed to pull someone else into his mess.
“Alright,” he managed, swallowing hard. “Alright—look. You gotta get out of here.”
Tango, crouched on the edge of the rock, making faces at the creeper as he caught his breath, waved a dismissive hand. “It’ll lose interest and wander off eventually,” he said.
Jimmy pushed himself up with one arm. “No, seriously,” he said. “I mean it. I’ll keep its attention—you sneak off the back and head for Eureka. I’ll be fine.”
“I’m not leaving you on a rock in the middle of the wasteland, pal,” Tango said, with a baffled laugh. “Like—I mean, no offense. But you’re greener than beans, and I’m at least half the reason you’re not on a train right now anyway.”
The creeper was snuffling around the base of the tower, and Jimmy had the sudden horrible notion that it might figure out how to climb. Or Tango would fall off the edge. Or Jimmy would trip and knock him right into the creeper’s paws.
He glanced down at the sword. “Sharpness?” he asked, squinting at the runes carved into the blade.
“Obviously.” Tango turned away from the creeper and gave him an evaluating look that was far too sharp for Jimmy’s liking. “It’s just a creeper, James, it’s not like it’s gonna—” his foot slipped on a pebble and he flailed his arms for balance.
In an instant, Jimmy shot forward and snatched at Tango’s arm, yanking him down toward the middle of the stone platform. Tango fell to one knee, yelping in surprise and pain. 
“Hey!” he exclaimed, yanking his arm out of Jimmy’s grasp. “What was that—”
Before Jimmy could second-guess himself, or even stop for half a heartbeat to consider why he actually cared—why he still cared, after all this time—he rolled off the rock toward the creeper.
He landed with a thud on its sloping back, and the thing gave a startled HISS that buzzed in his bones, the smell of sulfur flooding the air. With a shout, Jimmy gripped the sword in both hands and drove the blade into the back of the creeper’s head, exactly where the spine met the skull. The point of the sword—enchanted as it was—met little resistance, driving straight into the creature’s brain.
The hiss turned to a crackling gurgle, and the monster went limp underneath him.
Jimmy staggered away, catching himself against the base of the stone pillar, letting the sword fall to the ground with a flat clang. 
He heard scrabbling above him, and looked up to see Tango half-climbing, half-falling down the cliff. 
“What kind of damn heroics are you trying to pull?” the other man demanded, his derby knocked askew and a look of baffled fury on his face. “That thing would have detonated in your face! You’re lucky you—”
“Not lucky,” Jimmy cut him off, exhausted. 
“—didn’t hit… what?”
The adrenaline jitter in Jimmy’s arms—what, the third rush of the night? I’m going to sleep for a week—felt like it was going to shake his skin right off his bones. 
“Not lucky,” he repeated, spitting out the word.
He stared past Tango at the dead creeper. Already, it was starting to curl in on itself, desiccating in the wasteland heat. By tomorrow night, it would be nothing but a pile of super-flammable ash. 
Tango paused. “Not… not lucky?” He tilted back his derby and peered down at Jimmy's face, rant kicked off its rails. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Jimmy cursed every unlucky star he’d been born under, and double that for Sausage. For a long moment, he considered not answering. Nothing, nevermind, he could say. Let's just get to town.
In for a penny...
“I can’t die,” he said, meeting Tango’s eye. “And I don’t expect you to believe that, but the fact is: people around me die. Constantly. Never me, though.” 
A bitter laugh crept out of his throat. “If I hadn’t got that creeper…” He shook his head. “I dunno. It would have got you somehow. Or you’d have fallen and broken your neck. Or the pillagers would have appeared before we got down. Any number of things. You’re not safe until you’re away from me.”
Tango took this in. Jimmy could see him weighing the words—and probably dismissing them—but all he said was:
With a shrug, Jimmy pushed himself up, and retrieved the sword from the dirt. He wiped the point on a knob of scrub brush. “You saved my bacon on that train, I think,” he said. “That’s enough to tie us.”
He held out the sword to Tango. “Look—you go ahead. I’ll just… I dunno. Camp here for the night, I guess. You get far enough away, for long enough, the curse seems to… disengage. You’ll be fine.”
Tango didn’t take the sword. He looked at it, then looked at Jimmy.
“You know I don’t believe a word of this, right?” he said.
Jimmy’s heart sank, but he wasn’t surprised. “Yeah,” he said. “I figured.”
“Great.” Tango glanced over his shoulder toward where the lights of Eureka flickered in the distance. “Let’s… let’s just get you to town,” he said. “Get some water in you.”
Get a horse, Jimmy added internally. Hit the road. Put a thousand blocks between me and here.
“Right,” was all he said aloud. “Water.”
Tango kicked the creeper’s shriveling carcass and started toward Eureka, and Jimmy followed behind, still holding the enchanted sword. 
I should have just chanced the train.
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rubia-peregrinart · 2 months
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the scent of the moon, of flowers they no longer dream of ; it drives the old hunters into a frenzy.
inspired by Konstantin Korobov's Agnus.
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fujimiiiya · 5 months
I cackled everytime I see JJK content creators with 'Proship DNI' in their bio and those yapping how yucky and degrading it is for many of allxyuji ships (when they are literally fictional characters that you could tweak however you want) but then seeing them making contents from weakly jjk leaks, supporting leaks, tagging their contents based on leaks publicly when those acts are legitimately illegal and literally threaten and are harmful to the livelihood of many real people behind jjk's production...can't help but think how fucking silly they are like gurl your morals are backwards at best, thinking they are better and thus okay being racist and insulting to Japanese creators who contributed to make allxyuji swept most of the 20 popular jjk ships? They can't even stop and think why Japanese artists are so enraged w/ the act of leaking chapter and the act of supporting leaks in whichever form (including making fanarts, memes, posts, tweets based on leaks), before it is officially released that made those available everywhere due to these dumb content creators who can't even hold back few more days to not publicly support leaks...Bcs it is literally illegal and highly disrespectful to Gege and all those working in JJK and most of all, stealing actual profits that are supposed to go to them.
Still wanna act all high and mighty when you're supporting in real crime? Oh. You think if those ppl working on Weekly Jump magz got fired then it's none of your business bcs you're just a fucking leaks reader? You just happen to make contents abt it before official release bcs everyone else also does it. Could care less abt the fact that it's illegal bcs you dunno those real people working for JJK. But you 'care' more abt your fictional blorbos being shipped with another fictional character in what would be unhealthy according to real life standards?
At least im not a hypocrite and have actual functioning brain and morals that can separate reality and fiction and understand which thing is actually harmful and wrong IRL and which isn't. Get your brain to actually work first before running your mouth and preach about what's wrong and right in fiction.
The idea of proship doesn't even exist in Japan because they are the people who actually know how to mind their own business and not judging people based on preferences for fictional works...and not downright being rude to strangers online...unlike some people from the other side of the world, obviously.
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bee-a-garbage-shipper · 8 months
so i headcanon that there's a gap between dick being fired from robin (the second time) and him becoming nightwing
so in jason's first night as robin tim's out and he hears that batman is patrolling with robin
and he's so excited because dick is so cool
but then he finds the duo and it's very clearly not bruce and dick
and he's a little annoyed
but you know what
bruce is batman and he can make his own choices about who gets to be robin
and tim doesn't want to miss out on pics anyways
so he starts taking pictures and he ends up getting a shot of jason laughing at bruce as he turns midair
he doesn't think much about it just thinking that new robin may not be dick but jason was still pretty cool
but then he develops his pictures and he sees what he caught on film
and it's jason mid leap hair pressed against his face mask bent in such a way that shows that his eyes are crinkling and a wide smile so bright that tim can almost hear jason's breathless laughter again
and oh
tim's hit with a dizzying amount of want
for that laugher and smile and bright ice blue eyes to be directed at him
he's never wanted anything more even his parents attention wouldn't compare to getting jason to look at him even once
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pinkiemme · 1 year
Cowboys and Cowgirls make better lovers
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elegyfortherings · 10 months
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happy outer wilds switch release day!
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violetdisasterzone · 5 months
I think we all know by now that I'm a pretty staunch canon purist, but one fandom thing I really don't understand is the insistence of people who prefer Hua Cheng and Luo Binghe to be bottoms that their preference is subversive, and that those ships' canon dynamics are the more non-subversive, "heteronormative" dynamics. like okay.. definitely more subversive for the god to top his believer and for a teacher to top his student, sure. and while in hualian, Xie Lian in general seems to be the more feminine one (though these same people also hate/dispute that, so maybe this point wouldn't even matter to them), Luo Binghe is the crybaby feminine pretty-boy between bingqiu. Binghe and Hua Cheng also both favor care-taking as a primary expression of their love, with Binghe especially pretty much taking on the role of househusband, doing the cleaning and cooking, etc. regardless of the fact that queer couples can't be heteronormative, how many times am I going to have to say that, their sexual dynamics are ALREADY subversive in lots of ways, just based on their inherent characteristics and each couple's history/past power dynamic with their respective partners.
it's fine to have a preference for a certain dynamic, or for your ships to switch, or whatever you want. but this new thing people have for making sure THEIR preferences and THEIR ships are the most moral and politically correct and subversive as possible is so tired. you don't have to justify everything you like.
I hope I don't need to say this but if you're going to respond to this arguing with me, I don't want to hear it! I'm not here to engage in discourse I'm here to yap from the comfort of my own blog, thanks <3
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the-quackeroos · 5 months
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while Donald and Duck are on break during their shifts, they spend the time for themselves to cuddle. Of course, the break isn't long so they have to be near their engines…
I almost never draw any Duck x Donald stuff >.<
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kxmpfflieger · 1 year
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My art trade part for a mootie
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