#What are some benefits of Calming dog beds?
amarbeast · 1 year
Get Full Basic Information about calming dog beds in 2023
Get Full Basic Information about calming dog beds in 2023
Hello, guys today we are discussing calming dog beds. Every dog needs a comfortable and good place to lie and sit on it like humans, so calming beds are good products, now see, what are calming dog beds? What are calming dog beds? Calming dog beds are made with your dog’s health in mind. Dogs love to burrow them because it relaxes your dog’s muscles. These beds are made with soft, plushy, and…
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repulsiveliquidation · 3 months
Sun to Me || Leah Williamson
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For the sake of the story, we’re going to pretend that Zach Bryan’s song of the same name came out way earlier than it really did :) no warnings i think, just a little fluff and angst?
Leah lay in bed wide awake at 5:34 am. The sun was just starting to rise and a sliver of light slipped into the room. She could hear Simon, your dog, walking around the room, trying to find himself a comfy spot to go back to bed. You had your leg thrown over hers, wrapped around her knee. Your breath hit her neck steadily, arm around her stomach gripping her shirt just a little.
Leah had had a bad day. It started with missing the first hour of training because her car had a flat tire that she insisted on changing herself when she didn’t really know how. You jumped in and saved the day when you heard her grumble in frustration as you enjoyed your morning coffee on the balcony above her.
Then she hurt her hamstring during training with Arsenal just a day after being announced in the England squad again. She called you sobbing, feeling angry with herself for being reckless and impatient. Again, you swooped in and met her in the training room in record time, pulling your girlfriend into your arms to comfort her.
Hauling her into your car an hour later, you surprised her with sunflowers in the passenger seat for her. She stood at the door and just stared at them, caressing the bright yellow petals with gentle fingers.
“How did you have time to get them? To get me?”
“Funny how fast news travels to me when it concerns you, Lee. You know I’d drop everything for you.”
“Who called?”
“Who didn’t?”
Leah sighed and looked down at you, pushing a couple of loose hairs from your bun out of your sleeping face. The look of pure calm on your face reminded her of the first time she met you. The scrawny kid trying out for the football team back home in Milton Keynes. Eleven year old you had braces and pigtails, an Arsenal jersey 2 sizes too big on, boots that were also too big, and a look of panic that none of the other girls had.
You immediately made it clear that your parents signed you up for an after-school activity that you were not particularly fond of. However, with some tips from your three older brothers and a stern warning from them about keeping up the family name, you made it on the team. Leah was also picked and you two made quick friends.
Your agility and smaller stature gave you the advantage as a striker while Leah’s taller, more athletic build benefitted her as a defender. You two had undeniable chemistry on the field and it showed on game days. Her long balls always found your feet and were almost always converted into goals. She just had to glance up at you to see you already looking at her, waiting for the ball.
By the time you were 17, your feelings for each other could no longer be ignored. For the sake of the team, you both had kept it to yourselves and pined for each other day in and day out but when the reality of Leah getting a position on the Arsenal first team came up, you couldn’t let her leave without a confession.
You pulled her into your room the night before her last game for the home team, shooing your roommate Grace out of the room for the night.
“You ready for tomorrow?” she asked sheepishly, standing awkwardly in the doorway of the hotel room. You sat on your bed and picked at your thumbs, confession right on the tip of your tongue. Leah could sense your nervousness and knew you were hiding something.
“Yeah,” you mumbled, closing your eyes and balling your fists. You took a deep breath, opened your eyes, and screamed, Leah standing in front of you with her face in yours.
“Don’t do that!” you yelled and hit her arm, watching as she flopped back on Grace’s bed laughing.
“Leah?” you call, the tension in the room broken. She chuckles just a little as she remembers the look on your face, sitting up and looking across from you.
“What’s up?” she questions, foot bouncing furiously. You reach over and rest a hand on it, immediately noticing her calm.
“I really like you. I realize that I have for a long time and the idea of you not knowing while you move up in football scared me. I know you probably don’t feel the same way and that this could ruin what we have but I couldn’t go one more game without you knowing how I feel about you.”
You carefully look up and expect anger on her face but are met with a look of love. Before you could say anything her lips were on yours, soft and warm. They molded perfectly in yours, that tingling sensation in both your stomachs. You fall back and she follows, lips never leaving yours.
She pulls away first and smiles, moving off you to lay beside you. You snuggle into her side like you are in the present, hand right over her rapidly beating heart.
“Will you be mine?” she asked after the game the next day on the bus home. You two were tucked away in the back of the bus, hidden from everyone else. Her hand found yours and held it in her lap, thumb gently rubbing the back of your palm as you shared earbuds. Zach Bryan’s raspy voice filled both your ears as you moved to lay your head against her chest.
You fell asleep to his voice and her hand in your hair, gently awoken 2 hours later with Leah’s Arsenal jacket draped around you. She walked you home hand in hand, face falling when she reached your doorstep.
“I leave in the morning with Mum,” she told you quietly, face fixated on the ground. You stood on the steps of your house, bags piled by your feet. A tear falls and hits her sleeves in her hoodie pocket and the dam breaks. She falls to her knees and you catch her, hugging her tight as she wishes you could come with her.
“I’ve got other plans for my future, Lee,” you tell her, tears filling your own eyes. “But all those plans have you in them, I promise.”
You take her face in your hands and her eyes are still watery. You wipe the stray tears away and smile, leaning in to peck her lips.
“I’ve waited a lifetime for you,” you whisper, “now I get the spend it with you.”
Leah glances at the clock and it’s almost when your alarm goes off. Simon jumped onto the bed fifteen minutes earlier and curled up by your feet, now fast asleep like his mum. She slipped out of bed as carefully as she could but Simon woke up when the blanket shifted. You remained in deep sleep, rolling over onto Leah’s much warmer spot on the bed.
She tiptoed out of bed and Simon followed, the little pads of his feet echoed in the living room as she poured his kibble into his bowl. She started the coffee machine and pulled out your favorite to make for breakfast, thankfully it was simple and hard to burn. As the toaster oven heated a couple of frozen waffles, Leah set out to clean the living room just a little to ease your load.
She laid the blanket over the couch and began to clear your notebooks when one of your sticky notes slipped out of it. She randomly stuck it back into your notebook hoping it wasn’t important when your pretty writing and her name caught her eye.
She opened the notebook and gasped, your writing was perfectly cursive and left no wasted space in the margins. You had been researching her ACL injury extensively, working closely in your clinics to find out why female athletes were plagued with this injury.
After Leah left for Arsenal, you pursued a lifelong dream of medicine, specifically as a sports medicine physician. After a career-ending knee injury for your father, he channeled his dream of playing professional football onto his children. Your brothers all became successful athletes, playing for fantastic clubs but you loved treating them when they got hurt. While you were still a great footballer, in the operating room was where your talents shone.
Having performed Leah’s surgery yourself, you drove deep into a rabbit hole of research to find out why this was common in women’s sports, specifically football.
Leah came home one day and felt the world crumble before her. She missed football. She missed being on the pitch. She missed getting teased by the girls for loving you so deeply. All she wanted was to come home and hear you yell at her for not putting her kit bag away or for forgetting to pick up celery like you’d asked. All she wanted was to see you wearing her jersey in the stands next to her family while she raced across the pitch to tackle someone or to watch the girls fawn over you when you brought coffee on Saturdays.
That day, she came home to an empty house. Simon was with you at the office and there was a note on the fridge for her. It told her you had an emergency surgery and to not wait up for you, and that there was dinner in the fridge for her too.
She sat in the living room in silence, the tinnitus in her ears the only constant in the room. Her leg was propped up like it should be and iced all around. The TV remote was too far to reach and her music player too far to set up. Her voices in her head were taking over the buzzing and she was slowly sinking in on herself.
What if she didn’t make it back to the team?
What if they didn’t want her to play for them again?
What if they found someone better than her?
What if they…
Her head whips up and some tears fly off her cheeks with the speed. You’re standing in front of her in your scrubs and a wagging-tailed Simon by your side. He jumps onto the couch and settles beside her, you joining him seconds later. You caress her cheek and wipe her tears away, pressing your lips to hers.
Words aren’t necessary for her to tell you what was wrong. In her haze, she was beating herself up verbally and you had heard every word come out of her mouth. Your heart broke and felt heavy, she’s been struggling and kept it hidden very well.
“I can’t do this anymore,” she weeps, clutching your shirt tightly. You cradle her face like you did all those years ago on your doorstep. She looks up at you with that same watery look and you peck her lips just the same.
“You can and you will, Leah. I’ll be here every step of the way.”
The lyrics to Zach Bryan’s song that was playing from the music player pulled her out of her thoughts and the smell of burning waffles reminded her of why she was still here.
“Find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of you.”
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cherry-romper · 11 days
When You're Injured
+ Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Marco, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Levi, Erwin, Hange, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Porco, Pieck, Zeke
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Eren; • Emotional. Tends to get overwhelmed by worry. Eventually, that stems into anger, and he lashes out at everyone as a projection of his own guilt. He feels guilty for not protecting you. • Will spend more time trying to convince Levi or Erwin to let him avenge you instead of being with you. • If he is with you however, he cries silently to himself (either genuine tears or just on the inside). Of course, he's worried for you and if you'll recover but the reason he's sad is because he doesn't think he's good enough. • Got you flowers though, picked them himself. He also made sure you were getting the best care. • Didn't realise that he was pushing people away from you by not allowing anyone else but the nurses in the room. • Does more harm than good really, but it all comes with good intent so you give him the benefit of the doubt.
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Mikasa; • Protective and worried. • Sleeps by your side and cares more about your health than her own. • She forgets to eat sometimes and is reluctant to leave you alone, just in case. So, she asks for someone, mostly Armin, to wait with you while she washes up and gets some food. • She's worried but not too emotional about it because she knows you'll heal soon enough, so she doesn't act much different. • Works out by your bedside instead of leaving. • Insists on feeding you herself to make sure you actually eat the food.
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Armin; • Bless his little heart, he's worried sick. • Will read to you even when you're asleep and holds your hand the whole time. • Panics if you groan or move, he thinks you'll drop dead any second. • Gets scared when the nurses do examinations. He's always afraid of bad news. • Doesn't stay with you all the time. He leaves during the day to rest and wash. He also using his alone time to cry about being too weak to save you. • Blames himself, for some reason, and insists that if he were as strong as Reiner it wouldn't have happened.
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Marco; • Calm about the whole thing. He's just grateful you're alive. • He knows the next few months are going to be hard but he's willing to care for you every step of the way. • Worried, of course, but is confident in your strength. He knows you'll pull though. • Buys the most expensive flowers and changes the water nearly everyday so that they stay alive for as long as possible. • Sits by your side and talks to you, even when you're asleep, so you don't feel lonely. • Lets the nurses do what they need to do because he knows that you're in good hands. • When you get out the infirmary he buys the nurses flowers to say thank you for keeping you alive.
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Jean; • Doesn't let anyone see that he's worried sick about you and acts like he's fine. He's scared people will tease or bully him for it. • He cried a lot. Doesn't let you see him cry, nor anyone else, but he does it a lot. Marco found him though, crying behind some bushes, and comforted him. • After that he was more open and didn't care what people thought and stayed with you until he was forced to leave. • Holds your hand and rubs his thumb on the back of it. He even traces the lines on you palms. • Draw things for you. For example, he'll draw you a dog he saw in the street or he'll draw something silly like Connie and Sasha as stick figures to make you laugh. • If he has to leave while you're asleep, he'll leave a little note saying he'll be back soon.
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Connie; • He's left in tatters. He goes into auto-pilot and doesn't really act like himself. • He becomes a rollercoaster of emotions. So, somedays he'll be really motivated and trains extra hard so he can protect you next time and other days he'll just sit by your side, staring blankly out the window. • He cracks jokes from time to time, even if you can't hear them and tells you stories of what's happening while you're stuck in bed. • Refuses to let himself cry because "a real man wouldn't cry" but crumbles anyways and cries into you arm. • Asks Sasha what to do while he waits for you to get out. She recommends he spend as much time with you as possible and just be grateful you survived. She makes sure he's okay while you can't be there for him.
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Sasha; • Unsure how to handle the whole situation. She panics a little but once the nurses reassure her that you won't die she settles down and lets them do their job. • Brings you food, even if you can't eat anything solid. If you don't want it that day she eats it for you. • Would bring you flowers that she picked herself from when she was out hunting. • If you're well enough, she'll lay on the bed with you and cuddle you; whether it be platonic or not, she just wants to make sure you're okay. • She doesn't really baby you, but during the recovery period she does everything for you. No matter how tall you are, she doesn't let you reach for anything or go to pick anything up. She does it for you. • She kinda oversteps sometimes and refuses to let you clean, even if Captain Levi ordered it. If he forces you, she'll argue with him. She doesn't care about the repercussions, she just wants you to rest and heal as fast as possible.
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Levi; • No different to how he normally is. • He's calm and collected. Of course, he was worried at first but knew that the nurses would take good care of you. • Some days he stresses though. If your condition dips or if you're struggling, he'll be a lot harsher on the cadets. • Doesn't cry because he knows his tears are useless, but does sit but your side until he needs to leave on duties. • Brings you tea he made himself and always makes sure you're comfortable before he leaves. • He's fine with other people seeing you but still has security posted at your door. • You're given your own room because he doesn't want you catching anything else while you're in the infirmary.
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Hange; • Panic followed by calm followed by more panic. • Treats your wounds themselves. Its not like they don't trust the nurses, they just wanna make sure you're okay. • Brings you a little titan doll to keep you company when they're not there. Which you found to be a bit ironic. • Keeps the spirits as high as possible and always tells you stories or jokes to make sure you're entertained. • Their duties are still priority, as they knows you'll be okay, but they always makes sure to visit you when they have the time.
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Erwin; • You take over everything. • He's terrified of loosing you. He's lost too many close to him already and even if he is reassured multiple times that you'll be okay, he's not shifting from you side. • Your room becomes his new office for a while. He does his work by your bedside, everyday without fail. • Sometimes you'll wake up and see him asleep in the chair, papers scattered on the floor from where he's dropped them. It warms your heart but also pains you to see that he doesn't care for himself. • When he wakes up, you tell him to take care of himself and refuse to let him anywhere near you until he does. • He was a bit dramatic and wrote you a eulogy. He thought everything was over. He sat and cried into his papers as he wrote it because he genuinely thought he was going to loose you.
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Reiner; • Broken. Completely broken. • Cries everyday until you are better. He only lets you see it though and tries to act okay for the others because he knows they look up to him. • Is incredibly dramatic and tells you his secret. He didn't think and just kind of said it without noticing you were conscious. To be honest, you didn't really take it in when he first said it due to drowsiness so you forgot by the time you fell back to sleep. • Has a crisis. Fights with himself about who he is and who he wants to be. After talking with Bertholdt he came to the conclusion that he just wants to be there for you, no matter what, even if it means taking you with him. • Holds your hand and doesn't let go. He's scared that if he does he'll loose you. • Flowers. Daily. Fresh ones too. • He makes sure you're clean and fed. He even gives you his portion of food.
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Bertholdt; • Worried about you, but fights with himself over it. He has a voice in the back of his head telling him he shouldn't be worried because he shouldn't care about you. So he just cries in the chair next to you, fighting his inner demons. • He isn't with you often and tries to distance himself because of the mission. • During the period where he refuses to visit, he finds himself asking the others how you're doing. After a while, Reiner just tells him that he needs to visit you himself because "you never know what could happen." • This leads to him buying you flowers and apologising for not visiting sooner. You tell him its okay and from then on he never leaves the room. • Falls asleep upright in his chair but ends up with his head on the floor and his feet hanging off the back of the chair.
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Annie; • RIP to anyone who agrees to spar with her that first week. • Visits you once or twice for about an hour a time before leaving and taking her anger out on someone. • Reiner had to convince her not to change into a titan and attack in case you were lost in the carnage. • Not really used to the whole emotions thing. She deals with it her own way. • Brought you flowers but had no idea how to keep them, so they died quickly. She ended up getting annoyed at that too so you had to explain to her that its the thought that counts.
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Porco; • Blames himself for no reason. He wasn't even there when you were hurt and still thinks it was him. • Goes through a million different scenarios wherein he could have saved you from being injured. Pieck had to convince him to stop before he hurts you further. • He's already rude enough as it is, but when it gets 10x worse when you're bed bound. • Sat by your side until you wake up. • Refuses to let anyone other than the nurses in the room with you, even then he doesn't fully trust the nurses. • His emotions get the best of him.
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Pieck; • She's worries internally but has a calm exterior. She knows you're in good hands with the nurses, so there's no reason for her to be afraid. • Sits with you on the bed. If you're well enough she'll curl up at the end of the bed. • Bought you flowers. She went out and picked them herself. She arranged them in the vase so that when you wake up, you see your favourite flower first. • Feeds you herself. • When you first get out of the bed, you're both on crutches and laugh about being as useless at walking as each other. • You sit on the floor together instead of going to meetings.
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Zeke; • He goes through the stages of grief even though you're not dead. • Denies that you're hurt. Refuses to believe you'd let yourself be injured. Convinced himself that you shouldn't have been out there in the first place, and then gets angry that you ever decided to join the army. • Has the WORST anger stage even. Throws an absolute fit. Breaks things, shouts profanities at the top of his lungs, drinks and smokes like doesn't have organs. His office is completely trashed. • He then tries to convince his superiors to take you off the squad; if he had his way it'd be the army altogether. He's certain you're not ready for the outside world, he just wants you protected. • His depression stage is just him sitting beside you. Unable to move, even if he wanted to. He's unsure if his brain won't let him move, or if he physically can't. He cries until tears won't fall anymore. • Finally, he accepts that you never wanted to get hurt, it was just a series of unfortunate events. Realises trying to take you out of the army, against your wishes, was a mistake. He feels horrifically guilty for how he acted and says sorry to everyone it affected, including you're sleeping form.
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Unexpected 32
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Sequel to Unsolicited
Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, car sex, Lloyd being the worst, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Lloyd Hansen is a storm. You can’t stop him, you can only brace yourself for the eventual rain of his presence. For the time being, he is calm and you will let it last as long as you can. But you will keep the windows boarded and the doors shut tight.
His bruises are a pale tint of yellow though he was just as reluctant to leave the bed. You are not more eager to be awake and on your feet but you know you must. You find it harder by the day to stay active but if you slow down, the pain will catch up to you. 
So you follow him, after ten minutes of internal turmoil, strapping on your pregnancy belt over a tee and some leggings. Your usual attire as it’s the only thing that fits or offers a degree of comfort for your growing body. You smell cinnamon as you descend, leaning on the banister heavily as you take careful steps, barely able to see your feet past your stomach.
You follow your nose to the kitchen and find Lloyd in a whirlwind, but not his usual tempest. He flips a pancake in the skillet as he looks over his shoulder, a crooked grin under his mustache. He still hasn’t shaved. Is it a new look or neglect? The stubble is getting pretty long.
He wears an apron over his briefs. Nothing else. Not very safe but you don’t mind if he gets a spatter of hot oil. You almost wish you could throw some on him yourself.
“I made decaf,” he announces proudly, “and I have blueberry syrup for you, baby cakes.”
“Blueberry syrup?” You squint as you near the counter, brushing a hand over the curve of your stomach.
“That was a you thing, wasn’t it?”
“A me thing? What are we talking about?”
He uses the spatula to remove the pancakes from the pan and puts them onto a plate, covering them to keep them warm. He sets down the utensil and moves easily to pull down a mug and fills it from the carafe.
“You had some in the crappy old fridge back at the hellhole,” he shrugs, “hidden behind the ketchup.”
You bite the inside of your lip and tilt your head. How did he know that? Besides, why would he even remember that? An overpriced bottle of organic syrup that had Colin halfway down your throat.
“I guess,” you answer nonchalantly, “I don’t mind it.”
“Hm, sure,” he seems disappointed by your lack of enthusiasm, “icing sugar too, if you like.”
“I’ll just have the pancakes,” you accept the mug as he slides it over to you, “thanks.”
He faces you, watching you as you watch him. Your eyelids slit as you warily sip your coffee. His blue irises sparkle menacingly.
“Stop,” he says, “why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” You utter dully.
“Like I put poison in the decaf.”
You pause and pull the cup away from your lips. You give it a long look. Now that you think of it…
“I didn’t,” he huffs, “I can be nice. I’m being nice. Baby,” he puts his hands on his hips, “you gotta let go of old grudges. Once the kiddo is here, we can’t be fighting like cats and dogs. We’re going to be too tired.”
“We’re?” You scoff and carry your cup past him, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“You. Doing anything for anyone else. That has no benefit to you.”
“I’m making you breakfast–”
“You’re getting on my good side so I don’t try to sleep on the lawn again,” you roll your eyes, “and so I don’t smack you every time you touch my ass.”
“Peaches, you’ll see, I’m taking this serious. I’m gonna dad so hard–”
“Mmhmm,” you wave him off without looking back, “and I’m gonna go water the tulips.”
“Tulips? What about breakfast?” He whines.
“It won’t take too long,” you dismiss him, “it’s nice out and I’ll forget.”
He exhales heavily, “since when do you garden?”
“There’s a lot more to me than the contents of my fridge, Lloyd,” you toss back at him as you approach the back door, “some of us have dimension.”
“What? I have–”
You don’t hear his argument. He’s about as dimensional as those pancakes. Flat. Just a mustache that talks too much. Even if he uses that mustache to your advantage. You know him. He pretends to be complicated but he’s really rather simple. Maybe his complexity is that he’s simple in more ways than one.
You balance your coffee tenuously as you go down the back steps. You near the corner of the house and unwind the long house from around the plastic wheel. Harlen installed it while he was there. You take the head with the trigger and tug it around the east wall with one hand. Your progress is slow as you try not to spill the decaf.
You stand before your little plot of blooming stems and aim the hose, pushing down as you sprinkle water over the dirt. You should do some weeding but it’s getting harder and harder to get down that low. Even before you were this big, your back could make bending, squatting, or kneeling a task.
You turn the hose head back and forth, sending an even shower across the patch. Content, you let go of the trigger and gulp back more coffee. You’re going to miss the peace you found in the garden now Lloyd is back. You were ready to let it go for the baby, but you really weren’t prepared to do so this soon.
Footsteps hit the pavement on the other side of the gate and you peek over. You narrow your eyes. You should get those checked. You recognise the figure on the other side as he stops and waves.
You let the hose hang off the iron rooster ornament sticking out of the soil and waddle to the path. You follow it down to meet Andy at the iron grate. You’re slightly confused but don’t mind wasting time.
“Hey, what’s going on?”
“Just out for a run,” he says, cheeks slightly tinged pink as he catches his breath, “I saw you out here and figured I’d ask.”
“You know, I got some of Lori’s things still, thought maybe you might want some. I’ve been meaning to do something with them but I haven’t made up my mind.”
“Lori? Your wife?” You’re slightly taken aback. You’re not really in the market for a dead woman’s earrings.
“It’s only taking up space. I’d be happy to know they went to a good home.”
“Mm, I don’t know, there’s not much I need…” you shrug but notice the way he stares, expectant, hopeful. It might not be about the stuff, maybe just about the company. You can’t say you aren’t lacking for that as well. “Well, I guess I could have a look through, see if there’s anything I’m missing.”
“Great, I can bring a box over later,” he offers, “tonight or tomorrow, if you’re not busy.”
“I…” you glance back at the house, “we’ll have to see.”
“Yeah, you must be busy,” he wipes his glistening forehead, “getting ready for the baby. Well, you know where I am. You can always come knock on my door.”
“Thanks, Andy, that’s… very nice of you.”
You force a smile. You never really were a neighbourly person. Mostly, you’ve lived next to people even more miserable than yourself. Those who can only afford shitholes don’t typically tend to be optimistic.
“So, you didn’t say if it’s a boy or a girl. Do you know?” He prompts.
“Uh, oh,” you look down at your stomach, “a girl.”
“Wow, I always wanted a girl. Jacob was a good kid but… maybe he wouldn’t have gotten in so much trouble if he had a sibling or two.” His cheek tightens and he turns his head slightly, “Lori couldn’t, you know? She just had him. Her body just couldn’t handle any more than that.”
“I’m sorry, Andy–”
“I told you, don’t be,” he shakes his head, meeting your eyes, “I should be sorry. I try not to talk about them but I can’t help it.”
“You have every right to talk about them. We can’t help who we miss,” you assure him, “hell, sometimes I miss my ex-husband.”
“Ex? Lloyd’s–”
“Number two,” you sigh, “yeah.”
“Hmm, interesting.”
“Is it?”
“Oh, yeah, he’s not really the type to settle for being the second choice.”
You nod. He’s right but he also has no idea about how fucked Lloyd really is.
“It’s complicated,” you say, “anyway,” you look into your nearly empty cup, “I think I should go back before breakfast gets cold.”
“Sure thing, neighbour,” he grins and for a moment, you hesitate. Beneath his thick beard, there’s an odd reminder in the cut of his jaw, you’re reminded of Lloyd’s overgrown stubble, “you need any help with that garden, let me know. I’ve got a bit of a green thumb.”
“Will do,” you say as you raise your mug awkwardly and turn on your heel, “see ya.”
You set off back towards the house. The door is open as your husband stands watching you. Even from a distance, you sense his impatience. It’s in his posture and his steady gaze. You can’t handle an argument over cold pancakes. Not with only decaf to bolster you.
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sweet-sunshine99 · 2 years
Astro notes 🌻✨🌙
Disclaimer: Nothing said below is fact, these are simply observations I've made over time. You're not guaranteed to resonate with every observation in this post.
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🌛 Aquarius men want whatever they can't have.
Yes this applies to capricorn placements as well you're all so unlucky :(
🌛 Capricorn and aquarius culture is either having to grow up way too fast, never growing up, or both.
These placements are often forced to start acting like adults from a young age so when they finally mature they're prone to acting childish and immature because they're trying to re-live their childhood, they're trying to live out what they could never have.
🌛 Leo placements bring light to situations just like the sun. Wherever you have leo in your chart can tell you in what situation you bring knowledge, love, passion, motivation, or light.
For example:
Leo 1H: you carry this passionate energy with you. You easily lift the mood of those around you just by being.
Leo 2H: you can help others to see their true values with motivating words, sometimes you can even help your enemies by being that person that completely crosses them. Someone may not realize they have an issue with something until you do that thing to them. In the same way, someone may not be aware of their passion for something until you instill it in them.
Leo 3H: you can help others to socialize more, to get out of the house. You may motivate your siblings, cousins, and teachers. You can make them feel rejuvenated and you help to instill faith in others. You bring inspiration, clarity, and passion to people you meet during short distance travels or at school. It may be that you find knowledge and light at these places.
Leo 4H: you make others feel seen. People probably vent and overshare to you, this is because you have a calm and stable energy. You may encourage your mother or your family, maybe you have a motivational childhood story. You might be able to help others realize they're in a toxic household or struggling with their mental health. You might make a good therapist/psychiatrist.
🌛 When a capricorn moon is upset they're always very dramatic and expressive but they refuse to ask for help. The type to stomp around and sigh just to say "i'm fine." They want validation so bad they want you to tell them that their situation is the absolute worst and that no one has it as bad as them. Toxic cap moons also use their anger to justify abusive behavior the most. They're not just going to own up to making a mistake, it has to benefit them in some way for that to even be a consideration.
🌛 Cap moons and never expressing their true feelings because they think it makes them look weak, vulnerable, or easy to manipulate... but what they don't know yet is that they're pushing away those they love because they no longer feel appreciated 🌚
🌛 Adding onto that a really developed capricorn moon can be so honest about their faults and why they are the way they are. When they're committed, they're committed.
🌛 Leo placements are not dramatic, they are passionate. Sometimes their passion can be so intense that others think they're seeking attention, lying, or self-centered but in reality they're just proud of themselves and how far they've come. Leo is a fixed sign, they're the type to spend a lot of time persisting until they get what they truly want. They're not just going to give up because they failed once and they're sure as hell going to be proud of themselves and how hard they had to work after they've finally gotten what they deserve.
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🌛 People with more cancer and lunar influence in a chart seem more likely to be cat people while people with more leo and solar influence are more likely to be dog people strangely enough.
🌛 Fixed signs tend to overestimate their romantic and sexual abilities. They like to think that they're flirty, good in bed but usually they're just average. I've noticed the more they try to rub it in your face, the worse they are.
🌛 This kind of contradicts my last observation but a scorpio man will stare into your soulllll. It's not that they're inherently better at flirting but it's their magnetism. They can be absolutely horrible and flirting, bonding, building a relationship but you'll still find yourself making excuses for them.
I wouldn't be surprised if this applies to scorpio women and nonbinary people as well but idkkk
🌛 Venus personal placements (taurus & libra) as well as 1H venus can be so judgmental for no reason. When a venus placement has a superiority complex they become the most insufferable people NO you're not better than them you're just insecure.
🌛 One stereotype I think is kind of true is that scorpios look emo.
Sometimes it's not even intentional they just look dark. I've noticed that their natural appearance can look like a dark makeup look, they can look like they're wearing eyeliner or eyeshadow on their bare face and sometimes they even have dramatic eyebags or a natural contour.
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🌛 One of my astrology pet peeves is when people attribute their placements to the cause of their behavior.
For example "I'm blunt because I'm an aries" "I am intimidating because I have a scorpio rising" no, you're just blunt and the aries in your chart shows that. You're not intimidating BECAUSE you're a scorpio, your scorpio rising is what shows us that you're an intimidating person.
🌛 Name asteroids in your 6th house can definitely indicate the names of pets you might have throughout life.
🌛 Aquarius placements probably like computer science.
🌛 F*ck scorpio, marry cancer, kill sagittarius.
🌛 Libras suck at keeping long term friendships and when they finally succeed the connection doesn't tend to be very genuine.
🌛 People love to associate indulgence and especially indulgence of substances with pisces which can definitely be a good indicator, but let's not forget about taurus. Where do you think the stereotype of taurus being a foodie came from? Venus rules taurus, they're known for being indulgent and that doesn't stop at food. It can be anything that pleasures them.
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🌛 If venus in a chart can show indulgence, this means libra can also be super indulgent. One thing i've noticed is that taurus tends to be selfish with what they indulge in, they want enough for themselves and they aren't afraid of being seen as stingy if it means they're satisfied. Libra tends to desire pleasure for everyone. Not only do they want enough for themselves, they want enough for everybody else. They know how good the material aspects of life can feel so they wonder why anyone WOULDN'T want to indulge in these things.
🌛 In regard to life path you envy the sun sign ahead of yours.
If you're an aries sun you envy what taurus suns have
If you're a taurus sun you envy what gemini suns have
Gemini envies what cancer has
Cancer envies what leo has
I think you get the point...
🌛 Libra placements and staying in relationships that do not serve them for way too long. Like fine do your thing be with who you want but there's no need to replace life-long friends with someone that doesn't care in the slightest.
Maybe tw?? cw?? I don't sugarcoat so if you're sensitive to dark topics you probably shouldn't read this observation.
🌛 7H ruler in the 8H might crush/fall in love with the wrong people often. Definitely has the wrong type. This placement is the type to date within their family, this placement is the type to marry someone that is plotting to murder them, this placement is the type to develop stockholm syndrome. Maybe this placement secretly likes when people are toxic and sometimes toxic behaviors can make this person feel loved, for example this placement might feel loved when someone expresses jealousy or possessiveness.
🌛 "I don't relate to my birth chart so that means astrology is a scam" you're not supposed to relate to every aspect of your birth chart all the time, your birth chart is a chart of your entire life. During some years some placements in your chart are more active than others. some placements have better indications for life events than they do personality traits. If you really want to check for your personality, in my opinion you should check your solar return rising as well as the sign and house placement of your solar return chart ruler. This gives you a more accurate idea of who you are RIGHT NOW rather than who you'll be your entire lifetime.
🌛 Aquarius placements are very logical. Because of this they may actually act pretty illogically if undeveloped. This is because if they think hard enough on something, they can find a reason for anything. They can understand any logical part of an argument because they make sure to consider all sides, the issue is when they put too much focus on the highly unlikely.
🌛 Personally I've observed that the 4th house tells us much more about our inner, deepest selves and sensitivity more than it does our general home life. I think the 4th house has such a big impact on our inner selves because our home environment growing up can often shape a huge majority of our perceptions in life.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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In the mood for a Fic
1.  For your next 'in the mood for' post, could y'all recommend some fics where Wei Wuxian asks Jiang Cheng's permission for the golden core transfer? I've always thought that would be an interesting premise for a fic, but I haven't been able to find any like that. Thanks so much for all the work you do in this fandom! @prans-micellar-water
Drowning in the Sun by Zelos (T, 8k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Golden Core Transfer, Canon-Typical Violence, Brotherly Love, Sunshot Campaign, Family Dynamics, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, [Podfic] Drowning in the Sun by flamingwell) For 1, Drowning in the Sun is a *wonderful* work, but does not include WWX asking Jiang Cheng's permission. In fact, rather the opposite. The premise of that fic is that Jiang Cheng is aware but paralyzed during the surgery and the fact that he did not consent is a major plot point
To a fault by apathyinreverie (T, 7k, WIP, Yunmeng Siblings, WangXian, Family, Siblings, the Jiang siblings having each other's backs, no matter what, LWJ approves, Romance, Canon Divergence, Fluff)
2. I wanted to express my gratitude for all the hard work you put in for this fandom! I am also in the mood for a novel canon divergence, where eveything is the same (including all the Wangxian scenes) but the confession at guanyin temple doesn't happen and they have to deal with their feelings after everything has calmed down. Bonus for more pining afterwards/them continuing being oblivious idiots.
Operation Barking Dog by RoseThorne (T, 6k, WIP, WangXian, Family, Mutual Pining, WWX Has a Fear of Dogs, Repaying Debt, Regret, Phobias, Trauma, Memories, Tree Climbing, There Was Only One Bed, Travel, JC in Seclusion, Cynophobia, POV Third Person, POV LWJ, Pining, Flowers)
3. Hi mods! Thanks for your amazing work❤️ recently my new obsession is maffia au, can you hit me your best recommendations or a list with them? Every tag is okay, but the main couple please be wangxian 😊 Thank you so much🥰
🧡Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 130k, wangxian, criminal underworld au, dark LWJ, ABO, note all tags) has recently become a favorite I can not recommend it enough!
You & Me Baby, We'll Eclipse The Sun Series by 2501987 (M/E, 130k, WangXian, XiCheng, MIND THE TAGS, Modern AU, Mafia, Murder husbands, Torture, Possessive Behavior, Blood and Violence, Older JC, Younger WWX, Hurt/Comfort, Dark)
Say What's In This Drink? by nana_banana (E, 2k, WangXian, Established Relationship, Gun Violence, Violence, Mild Blood, Dark LWJ, Organized Crime, Murder, Crime Boss LWJ)
Miscalculated Misreckoning by LadyVamp (E, 5k, WangXian, Crimes & Criminals, Organized Crime, Assassins & Hitmen, Attempted Kidnapping, Murder, Murder Husbands, Blood and Violence, Violent Sex, Married WangXian, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX, YL WWX, Modern AU, Hair-pulling, Office Sex, Desk Sex, Dark LWJ, Protective LWJ, Dark WWX, Partners in Crime, Smut, Gun Violence, Gun Kink, Crime Syndicate Qíshān Wēn Sect, Arranged Marriage, Crime Lord LWJ, Crime Lord WWX)
LAOZU (1989) by Machinebender (E, 5k, WIP, WangXian, GonDrey, Fix-It, Post-Canon Fix-It, Modern AU, Organized Crime, Enemies to Lovers, Rivals With Benefits, Canon-Typical Major Character Death, 1980s Shanghai Triads AU) Just wanted you to know that the sudden revival of interest in the lost Martin Scorsese subtext-laden gangster epic “Goncharov” is already inspiring fusion AUs
4. Hello! May I request some warprize fics? Either of them as one is fine :)
Our War Prize Collection is right up your alley
5. Good morning/afternoon/evening dear mods! For the next I'm in the mood for fic do you think you can find any fic where Jiang Yanli is the one to go back in time? She's such an interesting character and I would love to see what she would prioritize with her slightly limited knowledge of the events of canon
💖 Sail Away Sweet Sister by sami (M, 73k, WangXian, MingLi, YZY/Mdm Lan/CS, Time Travel, EXTREME Canon Divergence, Family, Wide Focus Narrative, Some People Live/Not Everyone Dies, Most Named/Canon Characters Lives, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Families of Choice, Parenthood, Fluff, Angst, Underage Sex, PTSD, Unforeseeable consequences, The butterfly effect, Slightly Dark JYL) though it is her ghost that travels back, which witnessed all of post canon so she does not have the limited knowledge
from the top, this time with personality by thunderwear (G, 15k, JYL/JZX, wangxian, time travel, JYL stands up for herself, family feels, WIP)
the taming of wild rivers by colorfullysarah (T, 7k, JYL/JZX, wangxian, time travel fix-it, everyone lives au, BAMF JYL, falling in love, found families, WCZ lives, WIP)
Between the sinners and the saints by Moonlit_dewdrops (T, 16k, wangxian, JC & WWX & JYL, JYL/JZX, time travel fix-it, JYL centric, canon divergence, JYL pov, found family, protective JYL)
Keeping Our Promises Unbroken by ColdBloodedReptile (M, 72k, JYL/JZX, wangxian, JC/WQ, time travel fix-it of sorts, not everyone dies au, angst w/ happy ending, fluff, family feels, JYL pov, sibling bonding, protective siblings, WIP)
Hear The Flute, Alone In Its Melancholy by effugi (M, 18k, JYL/JZX/WQ, wangxian, time travel, angst w/ happy ending, hurt/comfort, PTSD, first time, eventual romance & smut, WIP)
System user Jiang Yanli by Sassylittlebean (M, 1k, WIP, XuanLi, WangXian, Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Plot changing, JYL Lives, JYL badass, Fix-It) freshly posted today (8/21/2022)
Rise of the Peacock by JustAWanderingBabbit (Not Rated, 65k, WIP, JZX & MY, XuanLi, 3Zun, Canon Divergence, Re:Birth/Transmigration, Drabble to Full Story, Attempted Sexual Assault, unwanted sexual touching) Jin Zixuan is sent back in time to his first fight with WWX, and seeks to set things right from there; along the way, he discovers that (SPOILER) so has Jiang Yanli
6. i'm wondering if there are any fics ppl can recommend where wwx is blind? preferably finished works but i'd love to see whatever is out there!
🧡close your eyes, feel my heartbeat by ThatDesiGirl (T, 11k, WangXian, blind!WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, Rewriting Canon, not a fix-it but a what-if, Golden Core Transfer)
The Warmest Hands by AvoOwO (M, 46k, wangxian, JC & WWX, WWX & LSZ & LWJ, major character injury, hurt WWX, blood & gore, heavy angst w/ happy ending, blindness, PTSD, alcoholism, fights, JC & WWX reconciliation, non-sexual intimacy, tenderness, WIP) is a blind wwx fic. It’s rlly good but rlly intense!
The Darkness Before Dawn by PsycheStellata707 (M, 113k, WIP, WangXian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, BAMF WWX, Time Travel, Attempt at Humor, PTSD, Oblivious WWX, WWX-centric, Blind WWX, Sentient Burial Mounds, Self-Indulgent, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Except Those Who Deserves to Die, Oblivious Pining, Not Canon Compliant)
🧡Bright Enough to Shine by Dreaming_Days (G, 12k, WangXian, Blind WWX)
7. hello any fics that sunshot Champlain donghua wwx meets post canon cql lwj??? i saw a fanart like that and i was intrigued to see if there where anyfics like it ^^
The Young, the Horny, the Jaded and the Jade: Partners in Time by Admiranda (M, 35k, WangXian, WIP, Established couple, Crossover, road trip with your older selves, teasing your younger selves about their obvious crushes, yin iron does yin iron things, mdzs/cql crossover, adult wangxian, Teenage Wangxian) is a stepping through time fic where young CQL wangxian meet older MDZS wangxian. It’s sooo well written and rlly fun. Updates take some time but it’s still active
Once upon in a dream... by Clarissa_23 (G, 1k, WangXian, WYB & XZ, Canon Divergence, Crack, Bratty WYB, Accidental matchmaking)
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8. Hello! I'm in the mood for fics where someone else becomes a sentient fierce corpse! I don't mind if they're not wangxian fics.
Over the Rotted Bridge by vailkagami (T, 314k, wangxian, major character death, temporary character death, angst, hurt/comfort, canon divergence, non-consensual resurrection, YLLZ WWX, hurt LWJ, slow burn, plague, PTSD, survivor’s guilt)
We Are the Afterlife Series by NevillesGran (G/M, 187k, WIP, Yunmeng Siblings, WangXian, JYL & JL, Major Character Undeath, Canon Divergence, Fierce Corpse!JYL, Canon-Typical Needles In Heads, Yúnmèng Jiāng Siblings, JYL-centric, Canon-Typical Fierce Corpse Body Horror, Extended Junior Ensemble (ft. OCs) ) is a sentient fierce corpse!JYL AU
monsters cannot break her stride by Stratisphyre (G, 3k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, JYL Lives, outsider pov)
a bird in your teeth by Eevee (ChaosBitch) (E, 61k, YangLi, WangXian, All of the sex in this fic is consensual, But one of the participants IS a fierce corpse, JYL POV, Minor Character Death, (you probably won't be sad about it), I feel like this fic turned out surprisingly soft, but XY still does some onscreen murders, Implied/Referenced Torture, Mention of JGS's canon behavior, Mentions of XY's canon behavior, Angst, Hopeful Ending)
Of The Sun, by Enigmatree (M, 43k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel, The Wen Sect, Worldbuilding, No Sunshot Campaign, BAMF WWX, BAMF WN, Cinnamon Roll WN, BAMF WQ, Temporary Character Death, BAMF JYL, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending)
There Are More Than One Reason Undead Raise Series by Storyboradinventor (M/T, XuanLi, WangXian, JC & WWX, Undead!WWX, Angst, Canon Divergence, Undead!Yiling Patriarch, Sunshot Campaign, Bittersweet Ending, Some Humor) WWX emerges from the Burial Mounds as a sapient fierce corpse
blue skies forever Series by rikke (M, 11k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, major character death in a necromantic way, necrophilia also in a necromantic way, canon divergence with the bad ending route, lwj is wwx's corpse boyfriend) LWJ dies and WWX brings him back as a fierce corpse. Mind all the tags, and be forewarned that this one turns up frequently in angst and sad ending requests.
Waiting On The Night Hunt by JustAWanderingBabbit (G, 50k, Grudging Respect Friendship, Inappropriate use of lightning storms)
Pieces of Us by JustAWanderingBabbit (Not Rated, 32k, dead characters being dead, Mostly Canon Compliant, Snark, Implied Violence, Happy ending.) these two stories are simultaneous and intertwined) ; post-canon; case fic; JGY and NMJ are running around as sapient fierce corpses, and XY has been possessing a series of undead backup bodies
House on Haunted Hill by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 6k, MY & NMJ, SongXiao, Original Character, Communication is hard when you're dead, We ain't afraid of no ghosts, We've been dead for years, Bad jokes because writer is in a mood, NaNoWriMo Breaktime, ghost hunt, mystery haunting, Undead Investigation Team) takes place in the same universe as Pieces of Us and Waiting on the Night Hunt; post-canon; case fic; sapient fierce corpses SL and NMJ, demi-undead JGY, and ghosts XXC and AQ are a wandering night-hunting team
9. Hello dear mods and thank you. Im itm for fics that are kinda specific. They would consist of wwx’s archery skills and basically ppl being impressed of him. Thank you
nothing is safe. by eeriemedusa (M, 2k, WangXian, Canon-Typical Violence, Sunshot Campaign, Horror, POV Original Character, bad ending (?), depending on who you are, very lightly implied wangxian, that being said: battle couple wangxian, Blood and Violence, Gore, Canon-Typical Fierce Corpses, this is inspired by a clipping. song) if “terrified shitless” counts as “impressed”; Sunshot-Era, from the POV of Wen soldiers being picked off by WWX; a rare portrayal of WWX as a combat archer/sniper.
shot thru the heart by huxiyi (G, 7k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Archery, Getting Together, Feelings Realization, wwx's canonically bad memory)
best to start by testing him by deepestbluesky (T, 1k, WangXian, The Odyssey fusion, Identity Reveal, Archery, Non-Graphic Violence, some light murder, (well okay it's kind of a lot of murder actually), Reunions, brief but inspirational cameo by MXY) Odyssey fusion, with Odysseus’ homecoming enacted by WWX as Odysseus, LWJ as Penelope, LSZ as Telemachus, and the cultivator mob as the suitors
#1a on this wangxianficrecs post may have what you’re looking for
10. I was wondering if anyone knew of any fics where the “XianXian is three!” joke isn’t so much a joke than it is a coping mechanism for Wei Wuxian’s time on the streets? I don’t mean those DD/LL/Caregiver/little or whatever it’s called type of fics (no shame to those type of fics! It’s just not what I am looking for) but a fic that kind of delves into the kind of trauma that a toddler living alone on the streets might develop? I just really want to read a fic that actually has Wei Wuxian confront his past as a little kid on the streets. Thanks!
Three by AmyNChan (G, 913) 10 inspired me to write a fic for them. I hope they enjoy.
11. Hi hi! For the next itmf can i get fics with nhs and wwx being good friends!!
You, Clouds, Rain by PaPaYa_Bites (E, 32k, wangxian, JC & WWX, WWX & LSZ, modern, found family, accidental baby acquisation, adoption but more like kidnapping, past child abuse, implied/referenced drug use, fluff & angst, humor, hurt/comfort, pining, depression, implied/referenced self-harm, guilt, family fluff, eventual smut, WIP)
a grain of millet drifting by RoseThorne (T, 7k, NHS & WWX, Assassination Attempt(s), Introspection, Regret, Travel, Post-Canon, POV Third Person, POV WWX, Ghosts, Reconciliation, Exhaustion, Pining, Pre-WangXian)
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your problem as a mountain. by cupofwater (E, 30k, WangXian, NHS & WWX, Epistolary, Canon Divergence, No Sunshot Campaign, Getting Together, Misunderstandings, Pen Pals, Erotica, Pen Pal Book Club, Sexual Fantasy, sexual self-discovery, Smut, Letters, POV Alternating, Elements from the MDZS Novel)
Story-Shaped by lingering_song (T, 13k, NHS & WWX, WangXian, Post-Canon, Chief Cultivator LWJ, Inventor WWX, Found Family, NHS needs a new hobby, And apparently that's spoiling his Wei-Xiong, Mentioned Character Death, Alcohol, Protective NHS, Not JC Friendly, Not particularly gentry sects friendly overall tbh)
12. hi mods! i hope youre all doing well!! for the next iitmf, i'm hunting for coffee shop aus that actually have a healthy side of angst and/or hurt/comfort! preferably longer fics but i'll take what i can get - can anyone point me in some interesting directions?
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Pan - The Smell of Home by IBurbick (E, 27k, WIP, WangXian, 3Zun, Modern AU, Coffee Shops & Cafés, Everyone Is Gay, Everyone lives, Food Porn, autistic characters, Trans Characters, Disabled Characters, pansexual characters, Asexual Characters, Lesbians, non-binary characters, POV Alternating, POV Multiple, Heterosexual Characters, Threesome, Homophobia (sorry), Slow Burn, Smut, Mentions of violence/beating, Past Child Abuse, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Panic Attacks) LXC’s cafe is a beloved queer community hub, but also a target for homophobes
13. Hey! May I please request some fics where wwx is loaded?
Teacher's Pet by anobtra (animeobsessedtrash) (E, 43k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, dark LWJ, age difference, professor WWX, student LWJ, smut, bottom LWJ, check all the smut tags before reading!, possessive LWJ) this has rich wwx but warning: wangxian has a large age diff and student/teacher stuff...
The Fault in Our Stars by Vamillepudding (T, 17k, WangXian, Modern AU, Getting Together, Romantic Comedy, Comedy of Errors, Mistaken Identity, Misunderstandings)
Come Around and Stay by trippednfell (M, 160k, WangXian, NieLan, Slow Burn, Kid Fic, Found Family, Modern AU, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, PTSD, Blood and Injury, Dissociation, So much trauma, Angst with a Happy Ending, Musicals, POV Alternating, Baking, Yunmeng reconciliation (eventually), Friend Zoning, Literal Sleeping Together, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks) WWX is sort of stealth rich, but it does make for some great plot moments
forget-me-not by mellowflicker (E, 22k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Sugar Daddy WWX, Sugar Baby LWJ, Professor WWX, Student LWJ, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, Secret Relationship, Age Difference, Hurt/Comfort, Chronic Pain, JZX & LWJ Friendship, Family Issues, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs) WIP however author is actively updating
His Priceless Jade by bluegrass (T, 2k, WIP, WangXian, Sugar Baby LWJ, Sugar Daddy WWX, Fluff, Light Angst, Forehead ribbon: No, Silk chokers: Yes, Music Student LWJ) WIP however the chapter reads like a one shot
together, we're just enough by lulu_kitty (E, 134k, WangXian, Bartender LWJ, single dad wwx, Kid fic (sort of), Excessive Fluff, Yearning, barely there plot, neurodivergent wangxian, canonical parental issues, lwj in jewelry, accidental sugar gege wwx, fluff and eventual smut, Bottom LWJ, Service Top WWX, Bisexual WWX, Rich WWX, a-yuan is a wei but still also a wen wwx is a-yuan's biological baba, Older WWX, Younger LWJ, Slow-ish burn, Light Dom/sub)
tangled by cryptenhope (T, 12k, wangxian, post-canon, established relationship, WWX has curly hair, yunmeng siblings, soft LWJ) WWX, since he inhabits MXY’s body, is the sole remaining heir to the Mo family fortune.
Our Small Steps by tokaku (T, 9k, wangxian, post-canon) WWX, since he inhabits MXY’s body, is the sole remaining heir to the Mo family fortune.
14. Hi!!! For your next in the mood for, could you guys rec some fics where any canonically dead character comes back to life post canon?
To be Lost and Found by sanaaf (T, 9k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Post-Canon, Family Dynamics, Canon-Typical Violence, its about the found family but like literally, JYL comes back from the dead and has a lot to say actually, Protective JYL, LWJ is actually another one of JL's uncles, Case Fic, but barely, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, JYL Resurrection)
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I Call For You to Come Back by T98 (M, 18k, WIP, WangXian, CSSR/WCZ, XuanLi, Post-Canon, Resurrection, JC Bashing, Jiāng Family Bashing)
Dream of the Gold Chamber by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 8k, 3Zun, Canon Divergence, Referenced canonical incest canon violence, Crack Treated Seriously, Dream a Little Dream, XY is a turd, He might still be redeemable, JGS is not redeemable.) WWX is reconstituted from within the Stygian Tiger Seal (it’s complicated) and JYL, JZX, and JGY are resurrected in magically-constructed bodies; a lot of canon deaths are also averted
15. hello <3 could i ask for fics where jc can tell somehow that the new core isn't his? or maybe where the core transfer links him to wwx somehow (like idk he can sense his emotions or something)? also, i'd love to read fics where they mention wwx having such a strong (or even immortal level) core. thank you!
Side Effects May Include by vibishan (T, 3k, WIP, JC & WWX, ChengNing, WangXian, Golden Core Reveal, Like Immediately, Telepathic Bond, Canon Divergence, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending)
when the stars don't line (i'll be forever by your side) by estel_willow, mandsangelfox (G, 12k, WIP, JC & WWX, WangXian, Yunmeng brothers, Sibling Bonding, JC finds out about his golden core earlier, Canon Divergence, Canon Typical Violence, Canon deaths, Canon Temporary Character Death)
A single soul (no more) by Lysdance1 (G, 983, JC & WWX, Sunshot Campaign, Canon Divergence, Reconciliation, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts, Character Study)
16. Hello! This is my first ask so sorry if I do anything wrong, this is for the I'm in the mood for post. I was wondering if you know any fics that A. Have a big reveal scene in them, like the golden core transfer, someone being sick, or wangxians relationship being revealed anything like that I just want to see a scene where it's like "and everyone gasped or was shocked" it can be long or short i just really want some drama, and B. Where they're dealing with an argument, like at a conference and everything is just wild, again just want that drama.
Thank you so much for the work you do and I hope you have a good day. @05142003-blog-blog
By Any Other Name by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 31k, Wangxian, Canon Divergence, Crossdressing, Misunderstandings, Identity Porn, Identity reveal, Polski Translation Pod każdym innym imieniem by tehanu, [PODFIC] By Any Other Name by sakizar) has some crazy conference drama and reveals at the end
In the circle around broken glass by Cycliph (E, 7k, WIP, WangXian, Bottom LWJ/TOP WWX, Omega LWJ, Alpha WWX, A/B/O Dynamics, Pregnant LWJ)
Spectacular by Moominmammashandbag (G, 2k, WIP, WangXian, XuanLi, Everyone Lives)
A Little Bit of Helpful Advice by pupeez4eva (T, 2k, JC & WWX, WangXian, Time Travel, Humor, Crack, Yunmeng Bros)
The Nie Sect Discussion Conference That No One, Ever, Will Discuss Again. by mondengel (Not Rated, 1k, WangXian, Humor) you have to be logged into the archive to read this I think?
Wei Wuxian’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good First Meeting With His Future by Enigmatree (T, 3k, WangXian, Time Travel, Cloud Recesses, YL WWX, POV Outsider) not a discussion conference, but a class however I think it fits the drama and big reveal bill!
17. Hi mods! Thanks for all the work you do. So, I came across the I'm in the mood for ask where op had asked for funny jiang cheng centric fics. I went through your list of the angsty fics (they were really good btw) and i was wondering if you had any more fics like "for what, for all but myself" by not_rude_ginger? Basically, jc-centric, angsty, long, hurt comfort. Also, no wwx/jc or jc/lwj or jc/juniors. Thanks!!
14 of this post
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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rawstfish · 1 year
Griggs head-canons
Warnings: Talk about mental health, mentions of a fight
Grew up with his father's grandparents due to his dad being in the military and his mother dying during birth. (His mother’s parents are either dead or just live up north, I can see both of these so…)
Was a fat baby, still has the chubby cheeks to prove it too.
Since his grandparents really raised him, he calls them mom and dad and his dad by his name. (like how kids call people by what they've heard, that's him)
Grandparents spoiled him, especially during Christmas.
His dad ended up being discharged from the military due to his declining mental health. He has horrible PTSD and anxiety, he has a service dog to help with this. (It’s a retired military belgian shepherd)
This happened when Griggs was around 10 or 11
His dad's mental health started declining after his wife died during childbirth, and then being in the military didn’t help with his grieving and mourning process.
His dad is really overprotective and a worry-rat when it comes to Griggs. He comes off as strict and cold, but he’s trying really hard to make sure Griggs is safe. He trusts Griggs, it’s other people he has an issue with. (Griggs loves his dad though and tries to not stress him out)
Grew up Christian but now doesn't care much at all for religion. (he's just kinda like indifferent, but like when near death situations he's saying a little prayer in his head that his Grandparents say) 
From Louisiana because it just makes sense to me. He doesn’t seem like he has a Louisiana accent, but when he starts talking fast you can really hear it. 
Did wrestling and football in middle and high school. As well as JROTC because they gave it to him freshman year and didn’t bother changing his schedule. He had a wide variety of friends and was very popular. (He was the nice popular guy that everyone loved)
He was a very successful wrestler and football player in high school and got offered many scholarships, but he didn’t want a career in professional sports. Instead he joined the military. He liked the benefits, paycheck, and the schedule it offered. (He likes a schedule. Oh he would gets to be around people) 
Obviously his dad had a huge issue with his choice. They got into a huge fight, and some things were said that they both didn’t mean. His Grandparents were on his side and that set his dad off even more. Luckily his dad didn’t do anything drastic and just got into a screaming match with everyone. After everyone calmed down and had some time to think, his dad supported his decision. (The military was glad to have another Griggs in service, his dad was very good at his job so Griggs had big shoes to fill) 
Griggs is also taking college courses while in the military. 
Old soul, he sits/stands exactly like his grandpa and is always in bed by 7 or 8 pm. Also eats like an old person. (I’m talking slow as hell and he has a big plate filled with beans)
Really like Jack black, has seen all his movies 
He likes dogs, like a huge dog person. Cane corso and really all bully breeds are his favorite type. (He doesn’t mind cats…it’s just dogs are wayyyy better in his opinion)
Extrovert, loves being around people (It’s what he used to) 
That being said he does still have a social battery, and when it’s low he is ready to go. (like he won’t wait on you, he has to go now before he gets grumpy)
Not picky on what he watches really, he'll watch anything you put on. But if he thinks it's stupid or dumb he is going to tell you and make you change it. He's also like this with music
Foodie obviously, he watches cooking shows and any cooking video that comes his way. He knows everything about food, okay? Best griller ever as well.
He loves making his family recipes for his friends/partner
Top 2 love languages are acts of service and words of affirmation. He's not big on PDA, he just wants to hold your hand or wrap an arm around your shoulders. In private though, he's hugging and cuddling you 24/7.
He dates anyone who he finds attractive and who he enjoys to be around. (He doesn’t really have a type, he’s dated all kinds of people)
Doesn't get scared from horror movies and shit like that
Can't prank him, he knows when your faking or when something isn't real (also you don't wanna prank him bc when it comes to flight or fight, he always choosing fight) 
Really likes amusement parks, he fucking loves roller coasters or any extreme ride
Probably has a secret fursona he’s had since high school. (It’s an Alexander Archipelago wolf that is covered in scars, OR it’s a Dogue de Bordeaux that owns a gun shop. He would prefer the realistic style but he thinks the classic cartoon furry is cute too.)
I think he’s either 35 or 38 
Has a twitter and actually enjoys how fucked up everyone is on there. He doesn’t get into discourse or debates but he goes through like threads and threads of them. He always forms an opinion and tells Demon Dogs about the whole thing. He also has a reddit and loves r/AITA. He’ll actually talk on his reddit to give people advice. (He has an instagram but he barely goes on there)  
He actually reads and sketches a lot. He reads any book that teaches him about animals, history, the planet, plants, etc. He likes to sketch his favorite pictures in his books or nature scenes.
Since he has a welcoming and charming personality, everyone is comfortable with him almost instantly. But do not mistake him for a people pleaser, he does not care to try to appeal to anyone and everyone. 
I also think he is one of the more mentally stable CoD characters, he has his moments but he knows how to take care of himself and what his limits are. 
Aside from Demons Dogs, he’s really great friends with the members of SAS and Warcom. (His favs are Gaz and Price from SAS, and then Alex and Ronin from Warcom)
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deadcactuswalking · 8 months
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 07/10/2023 (Jung Kook/Jack Harlow, Ed Sheeran's 'Autumn Variations', 163Margs/Digga D)
Content warning: Brief mentions of violence, sex and... corpses (last two only loosely related)
For a fifth week, Doja Cat reigns on top of the UK Singles Chart with “Paint the Town Red”, and it’s a semi-busy week ahead of us so welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS!
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As always, we start the episode with this week’s notable dropouts, songs exiting the UK Top 75 - which is what I cover - after five weeks in the region or a peak in the top 40. For this week’s goodbyes, we bid adieu to “Single Soon” by Selena Gomez, “Rave Out” by Turno, Skepsis and Charlotte Plank and some big hitters like “Barbie World” by Nicki Minaj, Ice Spice and Aqua, “Padam Padam” by Kylie Minogue, “Relax My Eyes” by ANOTR and Abel Balder and finally, “REACT” by Switch Disco featuring Ella Henderson and the late Robert Miles. These are honestly mostly a shame, I like the vast majority of these songs.
As for our returns, we don’t have any, but as for our gains, there is a pretty long list, all over the chart too. This week feels kind of like a rehaul, and redecorating the walls, bear with me, we have “Little Things” by Jorja Smith at #65 off of the album - more on that later - “Escapism.” by RAYE featuring 070 Shake at #59, “On My Love” by Zara Larsson and David Guetta at #57, “Mr. Brightside” at #55 (Jesus Christ), “Would You (go to bed with me?)” by Campbell and Alcemist at #48, “Feel It” by Jazzy at #45, “Calm Down” by Rema at #40, “Back on 74” by Jungle at #36 (yay), “Got Me Started” by Troye Sivan at #34 (ugh), “ecstacy” by SUCIDAL-IDOL at #33 (huh), “Liquor & Cigarettes” by Chase & Status and Hedex featuring ArrDee at #29, “Dog Days are Over” by Florence + the Machine at #28, “Used to be Young” by Miley Cyrus at #26, yes, I’m still going, “What Was I Made For?” by Billie Eilish at #25, “Snooze” by SZA at #20, “Bittersweet Goodbye” by Issey Cross at #19, “DNA (Loving You)” by Billy Gillies featuring Hannah Boleyn at #18, “My Love Mine All Mine” by Mitski at #15(!) and all the way to her first top 10, Tyla at #10 with “Water”.
The top five of this week’s UK Singles Chart starts with a debut from Jung Kook of BTS featuring Jack Harlow at #5 with “3D” - more on that later - and the rest is standard: “Prada” by casso, RAYE and D-Block Europe at #4, “greedy” by Tate McRae at #3, “Strangers” by Kenya Grace at #2 and of course Doja Cat on top. Now it’s time to get through our rag-tag group of songs debuting in the top 75 this week.
#74 - “Mosquito” - PinkPantheress
Produced by Greg Kurstin, PinkPantheress and Mura Masa
We don’t know when that next PinkPantheress full-length is coming, but for now it does make sense to keep pushing out singles and seeing what sticks. She adds Greg Kurstin as a co-writer and producer alongside more expected collaborator Mura Masa in a song about spending problems, jauntily recounting over glading acoustics and a thumping backbeat about spending a fortune out of sheer will, acknowledging how much she’s losing but becoming attached to materialism and possessions instead of finding much human connection. I do appreciate the swell of strings in the chorus and how well the guitars play off of that, alongside her nonchalant flutter in the back, but as with most of her tracks it does feel a bit underdeveloped, and in this case, a bit derivative as the verse treads the exact same lead vocal melody as her collaboration with Skrillex and Trippie Redd from earlier this year, “Way Back”. With that said, it’s still a good foundation and the increasing submerge of the song into the whirlpool of strings is a pretty good way of signifying a lost cause, yet I really feel like a bridge is needed to cement that a bit further. If there’s an album in sight, I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt given that this could work a lot better in that context but as is, it’s just good, needs that little extra to be great.
#69 - “Stick Season” - Noah Kahan
Produced by Gabe Simon and Noah Kahan
This song from 2022 by folk singer Noah Kahan has been a sleeper hit for a while and perhaps in part due to a recent cover by Olivia Rodrigo, it got one last push that resulted in it finally cracking the top 75 criteria. Kahan is a singer-songwriter in a pretty traditional sense so there’s a lot of lyrical detail here, regarding a breakup of a long-distance relationship, with that, the weather and the ongoing pandemic pushing Kahan inside, isolated from communication aside from his friends coming around for Christmas, over a sprinkling of twangy acoustics and stomp-rock percussion that’s increasingly tedious. Kahan’s jumbling of the meter is charming but dampens the impact of an otherwise pretty effective chorus, and the bridge’s solo is a tad underwhelming, so we have a pretty nonchalant-sounding song fronted by a singer whose voice I’ve never liked and still not gotten used to, and backed by a dated pounding of a drum that gives me a migraine come the final chorus. If what was inside your sandwich was great but the bread slices at the top and bottom had gone off, you sadly end up throwing away the whole sandwich.
#63 - “Babydoll” - Dominic Fike
Produced by Dominic Fike
And now for a particularly more modern singer-songwriter, with another sleeper hit, but this one is even older, appearing on his 2018 demo EP before he blew up to the level he is at now. I can only assume there’s some TikTok virality to this because there really isn’t much to this as a song. We have a simple riff with some cool countering over-dubs, placed beside a typical steady indie drone of percussion and Fike’s lead vocal which would be decent if he had any convincing rasp but alas, he just sounds like a prepubescent Anthony Kiedis, especially when he’s “rapping” in the completely unfitting verse, essentially acting as a bridge - or awkward insertion of a completely different song - with bizarre flows, monotone whining and odd interruptions amidst the continuation of a still tedious rhythm section. I guess this is only a demo but that’s why you don’t release everything you make, kids, because this is just nothing to speak of with a confusing mid-section seemingly grabbed from elsewhere in the drafts. Now for something probably a whole lot more finished…
#50 - “Feelings” - Jorja Smith featuring J Hus
Produced by DAMEDAME*
I have yet to listen to Jorja Smith’s newest album falling or flying but it did debut at #3 and produce a charting track here, probably thanks to a feature from J Hus. The chanting that starts the song is pretty exciting before we have that drizzling of reverb coating everything, from Jorja’s echoed vocals to the surprisingly intricate bassline, which sounds drier when placed against that pattering of Afrobeats drums. Content-wise, it’s a bit of a scuffle where Jorja succumbs to J Hus’ temptation for some Sexy Times, and interestingly enough, not only does the guest rapper stay on topic, he handles the chorus, playing a really effective back-and-forth foil to Ms. Smith, even if he’s not nearly as good or as nuanced a singer and performer. He goes for a kind of Wyclef Jean yelp that makes him sound a bit less convincing and more desperate, which is just interesting considering how well Jorja’s convinced, or at least seems to be from her second verse. As with the rest of the singles, the production details - even if a bit more minimal this time around - are impeccable and very smooth, especially with the swirl of strings after the pre-chorus and distant sound effect-esque loops that decorate J Hus’ incredibly charismatic rap verse. The disharmony between the two is actually a pretty interesting narrative touch, especially since Jorja is just echoing what J Hus is trying to convince her with, almost as if this is being played back in her mind and she might be a bit more regretful about that as implied in the first verse and pre-chorus. I might have to give that album a listen because this level of detail and interpretation, if carried across a full album, would contribute greatly to the already good year of R&B for me. This is brilliant.
#49 - “Magical” - Ed Sheeran
Produced by Aaron Dessner
Ed Sheeran released his newest album on his own label, Autumn Variations, which still went #1 but is largely an acoustic-focused album produced by Aaron Dessner of The National with decidedly very few hits. I have yet to hear it in full, but it still produced two charting songs, with this one very much in Ed Sheeran’s wheelhouse: it’s a cute, kind of staccato love song with his choired-up multi-track vocal he often delivers nowadays. However, it’s not for bittersweet purposes like it often is: it’s a love-struck track with an echoing, kind of distracting drum pattern, a really melodramatic synth and bass swell that doesn’t end up damaging the subtlety of the song mostly because there isn’t all too much to begin with. Sure, it’s a subdued ballad, but it’s one that adds odd tension through trap-influenced drums that are mixed in a muddy, kind of gross way below the very heavy vocal focus, and the lead melodies here get very saccharine and pretty infuriating quite quickly. It’s a shame, because it’s a very genuine and cute track lyically, but it’s also too simple for me to forgive the production misgivings here. Thankfully, he has a second shot later in the chart.
#38 - “Hide and Seek” - 163Margs and Digga D
Produced by SJ Beats
It’s pretty funny to me that there is a solo version that’s actually longer. Even people relying on Mr. D for hits and are otherwise unknown don’t seem like they want to have Digga on their songs too badly. Anyway, this church organ is pretty much the lead melody despite how basic and empty it is, and even then, it’s somehow clipping and the sample chop is painfully obvious and awkward. That sheer incompetence should be all you need to know because whilst 163Margs has some promise in terms of his energy, his flow isn’t new and his content is just a lot of gang violence not delivered particularly interestingly, and then we have Digga D giving so much detail I’m surprised the government hasn’t investigated him a second time. I don’t even have a problem with this kind of content necessarily, but I wish the production or delivery was in any way compelling, because I’ll forget about this very soon.
#27 - “American Town” - Ed Sheeran
Produced by Aaron Dessner
I’m not sure if this counts as a single push exactly, but this is the furthest Ed’s going with this rollout so the song better have some potential and yes, this is more of what I expect from Ed, especially writing wise, with the intricate details that emphasise how real the narrative is whilst also being able to detach it from a lot of pop culture - the pre-chorus has the line “live the life we saw in Friends” which I think is particularly poetic considering Ed’s place in the industry - as well as wordy but charming moments of culture shock that come with being in love with an English girl in an American town. The production is a lot less distracting here too; I wish the shaking percussion was lower in the mix or not just there but the filtered synths, kind of sounding like farty horns, make a bit more sense than I feel like people will give credit. It’s a nostalgic song that muddies the clash between past and present, or Hell, even future in the bridge, and those horns as well as the more subtle synths add a lot of detail in an honest, vintage-sounding way. It’s not perfect-sounding, but that’s much of the appeal. It’s also sadly nothing new from Ed, it’s a pretty expected pop-folk cut that sounds a tad rough around the edges but not enough to threaten its radio play. Overall, it seems pretty solid but it’s not exactly convincing me that the full album is worth checking out.
#5 - “3D” - Jung Kook featuring Jack Harlow
Produced by BloodPop and David Stewart
Well, I figured “Seven” would need its follow-up soon enough and Jack Harlow is definitely a very approachable American rapper for a collaboration, though I’m not sure if the addition of a western guest rapper is doing as much heavy lifting as how effortlessly catchy the songs can be, so I hope he doesn’t end up getting someone on every track he releases. Regardless, this song is about Jung Kook from BTS wanting to have sex with you. If that puts you off immediately, I mean, you won’t like the Jack Harlow verse. Regardless, we do have an arguably more subtler set of lyrics here, with Jung Kook wanting to get straight to the choose over a much more solid, funkier groove, backed by a simple but effective bassline and choppier drums, alongside a weird Latin guitar intrusion that kind of works--oh, this is a Justin Timberlake song. He even sounds like Timberlake a lot of the time, with about as much charisma and weird hip-hop crossover attempts. If anyone is going to produce a Timberlake lite, BloodPop is probably a good choice, and Jung Kook has the playful ad-libs, no-holds-barred commitment to the bit and more chemistry with Mr. Harlow than I really expected, given that Jack actually gives some backing vocals on the chorus and references the BTS star’s sex appeal on his verse… though not his, which is kind of funny. In fact, Jackman is oddly slippery here, and it’s largely for the best as the beat gets much more percussive, with him slipping through flows and flexes, and making good use of a corny counting conceit, as well as saying that you would have thought the girl’s body was a dead body with the way he told all of his friends to come look. I will admit, it’s a pretty corny, hard to take seriously song but I don’t think I’m supposed to, and both guys have enough fun without really overdoing it into ridiculous territory… except for when Jack Harlow ad-libs “Spy Kids” in the background, that… that was stupid. Oh, and PC Music and hyperpop pioneer A.G. Cook made a remix which makes way too much sense yet ends up way worse than you’d think considering his expertise. It’s pretty ugly.
This really was not the best week, though far from the worst, as we have a lot of middling tracks, but the only real great song here is “Feelings” so Best of the Week goes to Jorja Smith and J Hus, with a loose Honourable Mention to “Mosquito” by PinkPantheress, I guess? As for the Worst of the Week, I think there are quite a few snoozefests, but 163Margs and Digga D end up with it for “Hide and Seek”, with a Dishonourable Mention for “Babydoll” by Dominic Fike. Ed Sheeran’s “Magical” was closer than you may expect though, I really don’t like that one. As for what’s next, it’s Drake, Drake, Drake, so thank, thank, thank you for reading and I’ll see you next week!
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perissumaya · 2 months
Arthritis Relief Through Massage for Dogs
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Does your furry friend seem a little less playful lately? Arthritis can be a real pain in the…well, in their joints! But fear not, pet parents! Massage therapy can be a wonderful way to help your achy pup feel like their old self again.
In this guide, we’ll explore the pawsome benefits of massage for arthritic dogs and guide you through some simple techniques you can use at home. So, grab some comfy cushions, put on some calming music, and get ready to turn massage time into a bonding experience for you and your pup!
Why Massage is a Tail-Wagging Good Time for Arthritic Dogs
Arthritis is a common condition in older dogs, causing inflammation and stiffness in their joints. This can make it difficult for them to move around and enjoy their favorite activities. Massage therapy can be a game-changer for these pups. Here’s how:
Boosts Flexibility: Gentle massage helps to loosen tight muscles and improve range of motion in arthritic joints. This can make it easier for your dog to get up and down, go for walks, and play fetch.
Reduces Pain: Massage can help to improve circulation, which can reduce inflammation and pain in arthritic joints. This can make your dog feel more comfortable and relaxed.
Improves Circulation: As mentioned earlier, massage can help to improve circulation throughout the body. This can deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the joints, which can aid in healing and promote overall well-being.
Strengthens the Bond Between You and Your Dog: Taking the time to massage your dog is a wonderful way to show them you care. The physical contact and gentle touch can create a sense of relaxation and security for your pup.
Unleashing the Power of Your Paws: A Step-by-Step Guide to Dog Massage
Now that you know all about the amazing benefits of massage for dogs that has arthritis, let’s get down to business! Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you give your furry friend a relaxing and therapeutic massage:
Create a Calm and Inviting Environment: Find a quiet, comfortable space where your dog can relax. Maybe a cozy spot on the couch or a soft bed on the floor. Put on some calming music or nature sounds to create a peaceful atmosphere.
Start with Some Scritches and Snuggles: Before you dive into the massage, spend a few minutes showering your pup with love and affection. Give them some gentle ear scratches, belly rubs, and words of encouragement. This will help them feel relaxed and receptive to the massage.
Use Gentle Strokes and Light Pressure: Remember, the goal is to relax your dog, not give them a deep tissue massage. Use long, smooth strokes with your fingers or palms, applying gentle pressure. Focus on the major muscle groups in your dog’s legs, back, and neck.
Target Trouble Spots: Pay special attention to any areas where your dog seems to be experiencing pain or stiffness. You can use slightly firmer pressure in these areas, but be sure to avoid any areas that seem overly sensitive.
Keep it Short and Sweet: For most dogs, a 5-10 minute massage session is plenty. You can always do more later if your dog seems to be enjoying it. But it’s important to listen to your dog’s cues and stop if they seem uncomfortable.
End with a Dose of TLC: After the massage, give your dog some extra love and praise. Let them know what a good pup they are!
Pro-Tips for Pawsome Dog Massages
Here are a few additional tips to make your arthritis dog’s massage experience even more enjoyable:
Use a Lubricating Oil: A light coating of coconut oil or olive oil can help your hands glide more smoothly over your dog’s fur. Just avoid using anything with a strong scent, as this could irritate your dog’s nose.
Go with the Flow: Follow your dog’s lead! If they seem to be enjoying a particular area, focus on that spot. If they flinch or pull away, move on to another area.
Be Patient: It may take some time for your dog to get used to massage therapy. Be patient and consistent, and eventually, they’ll start to look forward to their pampering sessions!
When to Seek Professional Help
While massage therapy is generally safe for most dogs, it’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian before starting any new treatment.
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franaltarejos · 5 months
Stress-Reducing Techniques to Restore Balance in Your Life
Stress is an inevitable companion that affects your mind and body. It’s all too familiar—the racing heart, the quickened breath, and the tension that grips your muscles when stress reaches its peak. And when stress becomes overwhelming, it can profoundly impact your overall well-being. That’s why it’s so important to equip yourself with reliable stress-reducing techniques that allow you to find solace and restore balance in your life.
Although managing stress isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, having a variety of stress management techniques is immensely valuable. Think of it as building your personalized stress relief toolkit. By exploring different techniques, you can find what resonates with you and restore calmness in your life. For instance, you can explore boosting your confidence and finding your purpose for better self-understanding.
Why Is Stress Reduction Important?
Did you know that by effectively managing stress, you can protect your well-being and enjoy a healthier life? It’s incredible how reducing stress can help prevent high blood pressure, strengthen your immune system, improve digestion, and alleviate chronic pain. 
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Not only that but taking steps to manage stress also safeguards your mental health. With this, you can enjoy a sense of calm and enjoy better focus, reduced anxiety, and restful sleep. By prioritizing stress reduction, you can cultivate a positive and balanced state of mind, empowering yourself to lead a fulfilling and vibrant life.
Lastly, it’s worth noting that chronic stress can cause long-term health issues, but you can prevent them by reducing stress. Now, let’s explore some of the best stress-reducing techniques you can use to manage your stress effectively.
Stress-Reducing Techniques You Can Practice
1. Engage in physical activities
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Did you know that physical activities can hack your brain into thinking that you’re actually happy? Exercising induces a useful hormone called endorphins and it can alleviate pain, reduce stress levels, and improve your overall mood. 
Engaging in locomotive movements can redirect your attention to your body’s movement, helping you refocus your attention. You can incorporate simple activities such as taking a walk, cleaning your car, and playing with your dog. As long as it gets you moving, you can reap the benefits of an active lifestyle.
2. Practice meditation
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Meditation helps you focus your mind and turn down the volume of jumbled thoughts that may be infiltrating your mind. It provides you with a great sense of calm, relief, and peace to balance your emotional well-being. 
What makes meditation great is that it has different forms. You can try guided meditation, mental visualization, guided imagery, mindfulness, and a whole lot more. Plus, meditation is easy to practice wherever you are—be it on the bus, at the park, or at a doctor’s office, you can take a moment to do it.
3. Get enough sleep
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Getting enough sleep plays a crucial role in stress management. By adopting a regular sleep routine, you can enjoy a sense of calm, better concentration, a stable mood, and sound decision-making. Moreover, prioritizing quality sleep boosts your problem-solving skills and helps you navigate stress with greater confidence.
Besides having seven to nine hours of sleep each night, your sleeping conditions can also affect your mood. To prevent sleep troubles, it’s vital to have a quiet and relaxing bedtime routine. For instance, make sure that your bedroom is dark and quiet and place your gadgets away from the bed.
4. Explore journaling
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As your stress levels go high, writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a great release for pent-up emotions. When journaling, you don’t need to think about what to write—simply let it flow out of your system and write anything that feels natural at the moment.
By putting your thoughts onto paper, you open doors to gain valuable insights, discover coping strategies, and cultivate a more balanced and resilient mindset. It allows for emotional expression, promotes self-awareness, aids in problem-solving, reduces stress levels, and cultivates gratitude and positivity. 
5. Practice positive affirmations
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The way you address yourself matters because it implies how much you love, value, and respect yourself. Harsh self-criticism and self-doubt aren’t good for you because they will only lower your self-esteem and increase your stress levels.
That’s why it’s crucial to practice positive self affirmations and talk to yourself in a more compassionate, loving way. The more you do it, the more you believe it, and the sooner you can have a kinder and less stressful inner dialogue.
6. Reach out to friends and family
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Social contact acts as a potent stress reliever, providing not only distractions but also the vital support and guidance required to navigate life’s ups and downs. So, whether it’s simply taking a coffee break together or reaching out to a relative online, please make a conscious effort to connect with others. 
These meaningful interactions provide solace, a fresh perspective, and a temporary escape from overwhelming thoughts. Importantly, they also serve as a source of strength, helping you endure and overcome the challenges that come your way. 
What’s Your Favorite Stress-Reducing Technique?
Integrating stress-reducing techniques into your daily routine lets you open the door to a multitude of benefits that positively influence every facet of your life. Whether it’s strengthening your physical and mental health, boosting your productivity at work, or fostering meaningful relationships, engaging in self-care practices can truly be transformative.
By actively incorporating stress-management strategies like exercise, meditation, cultivating social connections, and ensuring sufficient sleep, you create a pathway to lower stress levels, improved sleep quality, and an overall enhanced sense of well-being. So, prioritize embracing these practices and discover the equilibrium necessary to navigate life’s hurdles with increased resilience and inner harmony.
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petsdogworld · 6 months
Proper sleep hygiene is a recent fact that has swept the world of human health, from weighted blankets and comforters to smart beds and silk bedding. Given the additional time many people are spending with their pets, now may be an excellent moment to provide them with the same luxury. In this article we will discuss about the Best Washable Dog Beds for Small Dogs. If you are one of the approximately 48 million families in the United States or Canada that already own a dog, you understand how critical it is to maintain their health and safety. And if you're considering adoption, it's a good idea to prepare yourself with comfy options once you bring them home. Your canine companion deserves a cosy bed. After all, it is not just cats who are addicted to perpetual snoozing—dogs are equally adept at sleeping. However, what is comfortable for one dog may not be suitable for another. Consider the variety of sizes available. A bed designed for a tiny chihuahua or toy poodle is unlikely to fit a great Dane or mastiff, let alone be comfortable. Best Washable Dog Beds for Small Dogs Our experts have tested few products and have come up with some of the greatest dog beds available in the market. Petfusion Ultimate Dog Bed Best Friends By Sheri Cozy Cuddler Bedsure Calming Dog Bed 1- Petfusion Ultimate Dog Bed [amalinkspro type="image-link" asin="B017J9KKJ0" new-window="true" apilink="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017J9KKJ0?tag=pdw2021-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1" img-size="500,500" addtocart="false" nofollow="true" alt="PetFusion Ultimate Dog Bed, Orthopedic Memory Foam, Multiple Sizes/Colors, Medium Firmness Pillow, Waterproof Liner, YKK Zippers, Breathable 35% Cotton Cover, 1yr. Warranty" alignment="aligncenter"]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/31ZEX6hGRmL._SL500_.jpg[/amalinkspro] [amalinkspro type="cta-btn-css" ctabtn-id="" asin="" apilink="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017J9KKJ0?tag=pdw2021-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1" addtocart="false" new-window="true" nofollow="true" alignment="aligncenter"]View on Amazon[/amalinkspro] Are you tired of hard, inexpensive dog beds that do not provide your dog with the comfort and attention he or she deserves? Then, in 2023, it's time to invest in a veterinarian-recommended, best-in-class dog bed. The PetFusion Ultimate Bed incorporates a number of these benefits while maintaining an appealing, stylish appearance that mixes in with any environment. The ideal dog bed is resilient and long-lasting, so you know you're getting a decent deal. These beds are simple to assemble and disassemble to accommodate growing puppies or expanding households. The pet-friendly design makes it ideal for those looking for an all-purpose dog treat. This Petfusion dog bed is an excellent choice for dogs of all sizes, even smaller breeds. This is one of the greatest orthopaedic dog beds available, with a medium firm memory foam base that provides complete support for your dog's joints. The soft bolsters on the sides are filled with polyfill, which adds to the warm and snug sensation. The machine-washable cover is also water- and tear-resistant. This dog bed combines warmth and durability, making it an excellent choice for senior dogs. Also Read : How To Wash Dog Bed With Stuffing 2- Best Friends By Sheri Cozy Cuddler [amalinkspro type="image-link" asin="B07BJDQFM4" new-window="true" apilink="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BJDQFM4?tag=pdw2021-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1" img-size="500,500" addtocart="false" nofollow="true" alt="Best Friends by Sheri Cozy Cuddler Ilan Microfiber Hooded Blanket Cat and Dog Bed in Gray 23"x23"" alignment="aligncenter"]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41OIVCQ2kJL._SL500_.jpg[/amalinkspro] [amalinkspro type="cta-btn-css" ctabtn-id="" asin="" apilink="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BJDQFM4?tag=pdw2021-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1" addtocart="false" new-window="true" nofollow="true" alignment="aligncenter"]View on Amazon[/amalinkspro] If your dog suffers from anxiety, this plush dog bed may help them unwind.
This bed features a top layer into which dogs can burrow, providing them with an additional sense of security. The inside is designed in a doughnut shape with high walls for added security. The interior is lined with a plush faux fur, while the exterior is constructed of water- and dirt-resistant nylon and corduroy. It's critical to note that while this bed is not orthopaedic, it does feature a very soft base that will keep your dog warm and comfortable. 'Donut Cuddler' may seem like an odd name for a dog bed at first glance, but it all makes sense once you see the plush shag fur sleeper from Best Friends by Sheri. Among the dog beds in our guide, this one stands out as a luxury space in which your dog (and possibly you as well) will want to curl up and doze. It's not just about appearances. According to the manufacturer, the circular form and elevated rim provide a more comfortable sleep for your pet by providing ample support for the head and neck. Additionally, it is equipped with AirLoft Fibers, which should provide joint and muscle discomfort alleviation. In case you were wondering, the fur is faux. Indeed, it is vegan. Meanwhile, the bottom layer is water and dirt proof, ensuring that any nighttime spills do not damage your carpet. Cleaning-wise, this is another dog bedding that can be machine washed and dried on a soft cycle. It has comfort and style — the only thing missing from this inclusion on our list is a warranty. We searched the manufacturer's website and found no mention of it. Additionally, there is no free trial period for this dog bed. Also Read : How To Get Dog To Stop Chewing Bed 3- Bedsure Calming Dog Bed [amalinkspro type="image-link" asin="B08CXQY47M" new-window="true" apilink="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CXQY47M?tag=pdw2021-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1" img-size="500,500" addtocart="false" nofollow="true" alt="BEDSURE Calming Dog Bed for Small Dogs - Donut Washable Small Pet Bed, 23 inches Anti Anxiety Round Fluffy Plush Faux Fur Large Cat Bed, Fits up to 25 lbs Pets, Camel" alignment="aligncenter"]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41uny6fPVnL._SL500_.jpg[/amalinkspro] [amalinkspro type="cta-btn-css" ctabtn-id="" asin="" apilink="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CXQY47M?tag=pdw2021-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1" addtocart="false" new-window="true" nofollow="true" alignment="aligncenter"]View on Amazon[/amalinkspro] Calming dog beds are ideal for dogs who suffer from anxiety, since they provide a spot for them to curl up and feel secure. They're warm and cuddly, which means they'll quickly become your dog's preferred napping spot. If your dog suffers from anxiety, enjoys burrowing, or simply needs a more comfortable bed, a donut-shaped relaxing bed may be the answer. However, not all doughnut dog beds are created equal, and it's critical to choose the proper one for your canine. Fortunately, we've already done the hard work for you! This is almost certainly the greatest option for your small child. Another donut-shaped bed that will keep your pet toasty on the chilliest evenings. The combination of faux fur and air loft fibres creates an excellent bed. Additionally, it is perfect for any floor due to the anti-slip padding. The fibers do peel off rather easily, so you must exercise caution when washing the bed. Also Read : Washing Dog Bed With Vinegar Conclusion This finishes our review of the finest Best Washable Dog Beds for Small Dogs. These beds are ideal for small canines. Which petite dog bed is your fave for small pooches? Any suggestions that are not included here? Leave your favourite little dog bed recommendations in the comments section! Hope you like our articles , let us know on which topic you want in-depth analysis and we will surely provide you with that. https://petsdogworld.com/best-washable-dog-beds-for-small-dogs/?feed_id=1084&_unique_id=6574d20378676 #washabledogbeds #washabledogbedsforsmalldogs
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dogidentifier · 7 months
What are the benefits of a calming dog bed?
If you're a dog owner, you know that your furry friend deserves the best. One thing that can greatly benefit your pup is a calming dog bed. These beds are designed to reduce anxiety and provide a sense of security for your pet.
One of the main benefits of a calming dog bed is that it can help your dog sleep better. The comfortable and cozy design can help your pup feel safe and relaxed, leading to a better night's sleep for both of you. Additionally, the bed can help reduce anxiety in dogs who experience separation anxiety or fear of loud noises like thunderstorms.
Another benefit of a calming dog bed is that it can help alleviate joint pain and stiffness in older dogs. The bed's supportive design can help relieve pressure on joints, making it easier for your pup to get up and move around.
Overall, investing in a calming dog bed is a great way to show your furry friend some extra love and care. Your dog will appreciate the added comfort and security, and you'll appreciate the peace of mind that comes with knowing your pup is happy and relaxed.
Looking for a way to learn more about your furry friend? Check out Dog Identifier, the best dog breed identification app on the market. With over 170+ breeds to choose from, you'll be able to identify your dog's breed with ease. Download now and start learning more about your pup today!
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activelifestylespot · 10 months
Yoga for digestive health: Poses and practices for a healthy gut
Foods affect digestive system efficiency. Most people don't know what foods make them feel good or bad, even though many want to improve their gut health by promoting a healthy digestive system.
Yoga can reduce bloating, gas, cramping, stress, and anxiety. Some yoga poses to cleanse the body. Many twisting and tourniquet-like asanas help move waste products out of the large intestine and colon.
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Postures in yoga that help your stomach
The benefits of yoga for digestion and some suggested poses to try are outlined below.
Boat Pose
To aid digestion, the boat pose works to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Furthermore, it stimulates the production of digestive enzymes. The full expression of this pose relieves pressure on the stomach and liver by raising the diaphragm.
Seated Forward Bend Poses
The liver and kidneys are activated, and digestion is aided in the seated forward bend pose. In this position, the organs of digestion and reproduction are compressed as the body leans forward. The internal organs are being healed and toned as a result of the pressure. If you want to get a good night's sleep and help your body unwind, strike this pose right before bed.
Camel Pose
Camel pose requires a lot of concentration. You'll feel the positive effects as soon as you release the pose. Camel pose improves digestion by increasing blood flow to the entire body. The elongation of the torso has a reawakening effect on the digestive system. This helps alleviate heartburn symptoms as well.
Wind-relieving Pose
As its name implies, the "wind-relieving pose" helps alleviate symptoms of bloating and flatulence. This position eases pressure on the digestive tract, allowing gas to escape more easily.
Sitting Half Spinal Twist
The sitting half spinal twist efficiently stimulates gut detoxification by releasing toxins in a tourniquet-like fashion. By stimulating blood flow, twists act as a massage for your organs from the inside out. They are great for relieving constipation, bloating, and gas.
Triangle Poses
The benefits of the triangle pose for digestion, appetite, and constipation are well-documented. The kidneys and other abdominal organs are encouraged to function more efficiently through massage and increased blood flow to the area.
Cat and Cow Pose
The cat and cow pose is a popular yoga asana by stimulates digestive motion and relieves gas, bloating, and stress in the abdomen. It aids in stretching the spine in both directions, which helps loosen tight muscles and ease back pain.
Child's Pose
Because of its calming effect, the child's pose is widely regarded as the most vital yoga position. This posture aids digestion by compressing the organs responsible for digestion. Reduced symptoms of IBS and stomach ulcers have been linked to this pose's calming effect on the nervous system.
Upward-facing Dog
The dog's upturned form opens up the abdominal area. When you release tension in your abdominal area, you send a signal to your digestive system. The bowels are calmed, and this pose aids the elimination process because it stimulates the intestines.
Although yoga is beneficial whenever practiced, it is most effective first thing in the morning. The hours just before sunset are the second most fruitful. Finding the best time of day and class format for you may require some experimentation.
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wickedkittens · 1 year
No one’s really on here any more and I feel the need to put this out somewhere… so why not do it here?
It’s been about a year and a half since someone who I thought was my best friend for about 13 years of my life pretty much abandoned me at the lowest point in my life. He left me at my lowest while he was at his highest and and told me it was my doing. I don’t know I if I’ll ever be able to recover, it surely feels like that right now since it’s been so long and I feel like I’m in the exact same place I was when he left. Mentally, it feels like it was so long ago yet like it happened last week.
I closed down my business “temporarily” in 2020 until things calmed down but was never able to fully recover once we reopened. We pretty much split everything up until I used up most of my savings at some point in 2021, that’s when he said it would be alright since this business was supposed to take care of us and our future. He convinced me by constantly telling me that and I stupidly believed him. When he left I told him I didn’t know what I was going to do and he told me that I had put myself in that situation. He started and ran his business out of my home which we did not buy or pay rent for since it was passed down to me by my parents. He loves to tell people he started that business out of a closet in his garage apartment and later on a bedroom in his house but never tells anyone whose it truly was. The business grew enough to the point he felt he needed employees. I would ask him why not just get me to help him before he hired anyone else? To which he said no because he didn’t want to be my boss. He didn’t want to be his long term girlfriend’s boss despite leaving her for his employee. He later on graciously allowed me to help fold shirts and pack orders but didn’t pay me for most of it (he did eventually put me on payroll and started paying me but this wasn’t until a couple of months before he left). I did not feel the need to ask to get paid because again, I believed him when he said the business was for us and our future. I gave him the benefit of the doubt with that and so many things because I trusted him. I trusted him when they went on bike rides together, trips to the refresqueria, the grocery store for office snacks, and I trusted him all of that time he worked alone with her. He’s told everyone there was no overlap but they worked together for a year, started dating within days of him leaving and started living together shortly after that. Can I give him the benefit of the doubt there?
He never laid a hand on me but does have problems with anger and aggression. He’s thrown things across rooms, broken a tv, punched a hole in a door. One of our dogs would hide in a corner or under our bed and shiver whenever he was in one of those moods because of how scary it would get at time and looking back at it, I would kind of feel the same. I stayed away because he would get angry when I asked if everything was ok or if there was anything I could do to help. He wouldn’t say much but would make it known he was upset by the sounds he would make and how he slammed things. When I told him I spent most of my savings when I wasn’t working, he got mad. When I told him I felt unimportant, like I was put on this earth to be a side character and die young, he told me it was unattractive.
One of the last times we spoke was right before 2022 where I confronted him about his relationship with his employee. I told him I did not want to hear from him unless it was something about our dogs or when he finally decided to take accountability for what he’s done. He simply said “ok” and I haven’t heard from him aside from the one or two times he asked if something was accidentally mailed to my house. My home will never feel like my home because this home was supposed to be for us. I’m constantly being reminded of the life we were supposed to have here. I can barely afford to pay bills alone and less to fix what needs to be repaired and even less to change the furniture to make it look different from what it was when he was still here. I was with him for 13 years but I put myself in this position.
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lifewithoutmeds · 1 year
January 21, 2023
hellooooo tumblr.
things are going ok. spent most of the day with lorena, and it was great! last tuesday i got word that there was a dog at the burbank shelter that they thought would benefit from fostering, so after work i went with lorena, and picked up Kiwi, a 5-year old siberian husky, from the burbank animal shelter.
so far she’s been pretty great. she snapped at me once when i got near her food/bed, she lunges at small dogs, and had one pee accident, but other than that, she’s been great. it’s been kinda nice having another presence in the condo, and also nice to think that this is a better environment for her than the shelter, so it’s been good. lorena also is great with kiwi and loves having her around and is doing more than her share of taking her out, and training her.
quick recap of the last week or so.
last weekend: mirna’s baby’s bday BCD tofu house with anjali pho and kimchi pancakes with lana and friends scandinavian exhibit at LACMA and lunch with rhiannon
it was a solid weekend and i was exhausted afterward, and i think i either napped for a few hours or slept that night for like 12 hours, but i recall thinking i must’ve been rather exhausted from the weekend.
it felt nice i guess to change up the scenery and see new/different parts of town and new/different people. 
tuesday - thursday i worked, and wednesday i came home a bit earlier to WFH because i was anxious about kiwi being home alone without supervision (lorena had been watching her/walking her but went to her aunt’s house at 1) and so instead of getting off at 5ish, i got off at 3ish so i could be around/observe her.
since then i’ve gotten a doggy cam and have observed that she mostly just lies around or chews her rawhide/bone when she’s not out and about on her walks with us.
wednesday i also got randomly and suddenly sick, though with what it’s still hard to tell. it felt like a suddenly onset cold, but taking allertec has made most if not all of the symptoms subside, so it could just be a random case of severe allergies (hopefully not to kiwi).
this weekend has been pretty great.
friday i had a doctor’s appointment in the morning, and then i got an oil change, then came home and checked up on lorena and kiwi, then went out again at lunch to ozawa with lana and jenny unni for lana’s promotion celebration. afterward i drove jenny unni back to koreatown and then stopped by pac city bank to sign my new CD account thing, then stopped at the local korean bakery for snacks before heading back. was able to hang out with kiwi and lorena for a bit before she headed out to work.
saturday (today) has been good so far. took kiwi out on a 50 minute hike in the morning while lorena slept, then came back, read a bit, napped, and then we had breakfast together and decided to try kiwi out at the atwater flea market, but upon seeing her overstimulated and lunging at small dogs and realizing that there were too many small dogs at the market for us to reasonably deal with, just took her on a walk around the neighborhood before heading back. i dropped lorena off at the mall so she could buy some work basics from Zara and i came back home and made some coffee, then picked her up and introduced her to King Taco, where we had tacos and sopes. she expressed a few times how much she was enjoying the day and we joked that as her friend, i’d love for her to skip out on work and hang out all day, but that as her financial advisor, i must advise her to keep working. she’s currently taking a nap while kiwi is tearing up her bone, and i feel fairly calm and at peace. it’s been a good day.
it kind of makes me wonder though. i’m not in a relationship, but i wonder if this is all i want. occasional companionship, a person to walk the dog with, a person to go to the flea market with, a person to bring a pastry home to. am i settling? or do i just get comfortable when there’s no chase? i don’t feel as if i’m playing second fiddle, in fact i know i’m not first, and i probably only hung out with her today because i saw via ig stories that reyna is at disneyland with her mom, but that doesn’t make me feel less than, or secondary, if anything, it makes me feel almost ... comforted knowing how little i need. i feel less anxious, less needy, less attached. i’m ok with this, and i’m ok with that. 
today was a good day. i was out with a good friend, had good walks with a good dog, ate some good food, and even had time to read and journal. i could see how some might think this was boring, but it was one of those “nothing days” that i’ve grown to appreciate, because i know that these are days that might be easy to forget, but nice to remember.
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outley-pet · 1 year
Soft plush round calming dog beds
If you have a pet or just love animals, there is nothing better than providing them with the utmost comfort. Whether it's a round calming dog bed or soft plush pillow, these items can make all the difference in your pet's life. But do you know what to look for when choosing the right bed? In this blog post, we will discuss what makes a good soft plush round calming dog bed, as well as some tips on how to choose one that's best for your pup. From size and shape to materials and other features, learn more about how to select the perfect calming dog bed for your pet.
Why You Should Get a Dog Bed
There are a number of reasons why you should get a dog bed for your furry friend. Perhaps the most important reason is that a dog bed provides a sense of security and comfort for your dog. A soft, plush round calming dog bed can help your dog feel relaxed and safe, and it can also help to keep them warm in colder weather.
Another reason to get a dog bed is to protect your furniture from wear and tear. Dogs love to jump on and off furniture, and over time this can damage your sofas and chairs. A dog bed will give your dog their own space to rest and sleep without harming your furniture.
Finally, having a dedicated space for your dog can help to keep your home clean and tidy. Dogs often shed hair and dirt which can end up on your floor or furnishings. Having a place for them to sleep that is easy to clean will help to keep your home looking its best.
The Different Types of Dog Beds
There are a few different types of dog beds available on the market, each with their own benefits. Here is a look at some of the most popular types of dog beds:
1. Memory Foam Dog Beds: Memory foam dog beds provide superior comfort and support for your pet. They contour to your dog's body, providing joint and muscle pain relief. Additionally, memory foam dog beds are great for dogs that suffer from allergies, as they are naturally hypoallergenic.
2. Orthopedic Dog Beds: Orthopedic dog beds are designed to provide support for your pet's joints and muscles. They are often made with memory foam or other supportive materials, and can be great for senior dogs or those suffering from arthritis or other joint issues.
3. Heated Dog Beds: Heated dog beds provide a warm, comfortable place for your pet to relax. They can be especially helpful for senior dogs or those with arthritis, as the heat can help to soothe sore muscles and joints.
4. Cooling Dog Beds: Cooling dog beds are perfect for hot summer days (or homes with no air conditioning). These beds contain gel or other cooling materials that help keep your pet cool and comfortable in warm weather.
5. raised Dog Beds: Raised dog beds offer a variety of benefits for both you and your pet. They can keep your pet cooler in warm weather by allowing air to circulate underneath,
How to Choose the Right Dog Bed for Your Dog
The most important factor to consider when choosing a dog bed is your dogs comfort. If your dog is comfortable, they will be able to sleep soundly and peacefully through the night. Consider your dogs sleeping habits and choose a bed that will allow them to stretch out and move around freely. Another important factor to consider is the size of the bed. Make sure to choose a bed that is big enough for your dog to lay down comfortably, but not so big that they feel lost in it. Lastly, take into account the materials of the bed. Some dogs prefer soft, plush beds while others prefer firmer beds. Choose a material that will make your dog comfortable and happy.
Soft plush round calming dog beds supplier - Suzhou Outley
Suzhou Outley Pet products Ltd is a professional Pet Products company. The company is a well-known pet products manufacturer in China our main products are Pet Harness, Collar & Leash, Pet Toys, Pet Clothes, Pet Beds and Pet Accessories. As a pet products factory, we can custom different designs based on your demand. In the new year, we will develop many new products to expand our market.
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